english 6 dlp 42 using the active and passive voice of verbs

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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6666 Module 42

A DepEd-BEAM Distance Learning Program supported by the Australian Agency for International Development



Good day. How did you find your lesson on the present perfect form of the verb? Did you enjoy doing the activities? Today we will be learning more about verbs. Be ready Learner! This module will help you learn about the active and passive voice of verbs.

Answer √ if the subject is the doer of the action and X if it is not.

Look at the example. X 1. Benjamin Almeda Sr. is regarded as a pioneer inventor.

__________ 2. He persistently pursued his career. ___________ 3. He devised some household chores.___________ 4. These gadgets can be easily moved. ___________ 5. They are called portable. __________ 6. A gigantic tasks of producing a million pairs of shoes was accomplished by Almeda. ___________ 7. Today, his inventions can be seen almost anywhere. ___________ 8. His striforator won a diploma of merit. __________ 9. It was exhibited in the first Inventors’ Week.___________ 10. Our government offers awards for inventors.

Are your answers like these? ( 2. √ 3.√ 4. X 5. X 6. X 7. X 8. √ 9. X 10. √ )

To the Learner

Let’s Try This

Let’s Learn This


Don’t worry if you were not able to get the correct answers. This

module will help you learn if the subject does the action or not. We will learn about active and passive voice of verbs. Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.

1. What is a musical?

2. Who are chosen to sing the lead parts?

3. Why are many people needed before an important show can go on?

4. What good traits do you think do you people doing the show possess?

Read the sentences taken from the paragraph and take note of

the subject of each sentence?


1. It takes a great deal of time and work to present a musical. 2. A chorus practices often for group singing. 3. An orchestra plays background music. 4. The stage crew makes necessary scenery changes.

Let’s Study This

A musical is a form of dramatic art that is enjoyed by many people. It takes a great deal of time and work to present a musical. Many people are needed to help in many ways before an important show can go on. Star performers are chosen to sing the lead parts. A chorus practices often for group singing. An orchestra plays background music. The stage crew makes necessary scenery changes.



1. A musical is a form of dramatic art. 2. Many people are needed to help. 3. Star performers are chosen to sing the lead parts. 4. A musical is enjoyed by many people.

- Which sentences have subjects which are the doers of the action? - Which sentences have subjects which are the receivers of the


• Sentences in Set A have subjects which are the doers of the action.

• Sentences in Set B have subjects which are the receivers of the action.

• A verb is in the active voice when the subject performs the action. Look at this example: Who invented the striforator? What is the subject?

• The verb is in the passive voice when the subject receives the action. The verb in the passive voice is made up of the verb be and the past participle.

Voice is that quality of a verb which shows whether the

subject is the doer or is the receiver of the action.

Benjamin G. Almeda, Sr. invented the striforator. subject-doer


Study the example:

What was invented by Benjamin F. Almeda Sr.?

What is the subject?

• Regular verbs form their past and past participle in the same way-

by adding –d or –ed to the present form.

Present Past Past Participle

look looked looked invent invented invented

ask asked asked

• Irregular verbs form their past and past participle in different ways.

1. These irregular verbs have the same form for the present, the

past and the past participle.

Present Past Past Participle

burst burst (have) burst put put (have) put let let (have) let

2. These irregular verbs have the same form for the past and past participle.

Present Past Past Participle

bring brought (have) brought make made (have) made say said (have) said

The striforator was invented by Benjamin G. Almeda, Sr. subject-receiver


3. These irregular verbs form the past participle by adding –n to the past.

Present Past Past Participle

break broke (have) broken choose chose (have) chosen steal stole (have) stolen

5. These irregular verbs form the past participle by adding –n to the


Present Past Past Participle

blow blew (have) blown draw drew (have) drawn give gave (have) given

6. These irregular verbs form the past and past participle by

changing a vowel.

Present Past Past Participle

begin began (have) begun drink drank (have) drunk ring rang (have) rung

7. These irregular verbs form the past and past participle in other


Present Past Past Participle

come came come do did done eat ate eaten run ran run

wear wore worn


Here are other examples. Active Voice

Doer Verb Receiver 1. Engineers build roads and bridges. 2. Policemen maintain peace and order in our Community. Passive Voice

Receiver Passive Verb Doer 1. Roads and bridges are built by engineers. 2. Peace and order in our community are maintained by policemen.

A. Read each sentence. Underline the verb and write if it is in the active voice or passive voice. Do this on a piece of paper. Look at the example. passive 1. The delicious bibingka was cooked by Mother.

Let’s Do This


Start here. __________ 1. That man is called the Good Samaritan.

__________ 2. The pupils answered the questions immediately.

__________ 3. Ninoy Aquino makes us proud to be Filipinos.

__________ 4. The song was written by Nina.

__________ 5. Masdan ang Kapaligiran was composed by Asin.

B. Identify the sentences which are in the active voice and passive voice. Write them in the proper columns.

1. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

2. My mother designed my graduation dress.

3. Lani sang the National Anthem with pride.

4. The bakya is made in Liliw, Laguna.

5. The campaign was started by nature lovers.

Active Voice Passive Voice

Finished? Check your answers against the Answer Key. How much did you get? If you got 8-10, good job! You may go to the next module. If you got 7 and below, do the next activity.


A. On your paper, rewrite the sentences into their passive voice.

1. Someone invented a gas-saving device.

2. In Lake Cebu, the T’bolis weave T’nalak.

3. The government awarded the inventor.

4. Joey built a tree house.

5. Mother cooks my favorite food.

B. Change the sentences into active voice.

Passive Voice Active Voice

1. Our field trip was sponsored

by the club. 2. Many survivors were rescued

by the fishermen.

3. The new building was built by volunteers.

4. The museum was visited by

the pupils.

5. The winner was announced by the Master of Ceremonies.

Let’s Do More


When can sentences be in the active or passive voice? Sentences are in the active voice if the subject is the doer of the action. They follow the pattern: doer-active verb- receiver of the action. These sentences give emphasis on the doer of the action.

Doer Active Verb Receiver Father gathers firewood.

Sentences are in the passive voice if the subject is the receiver of the action. They follow the pattern: receiver-passive verb-doer (by phrase). A verb in the passive voice is made up of is/are, was/were, + the past participle. Receiver Passive Verb Doer The firewood was gathered by Father.

Are you done?

Look at the Answer Key again and check your answers.

What’ your score?

If your score is 8-10, go to the next module.

If it’s 7 and below, do Let’s Test Ourselves.

Let’s Remember This


A. Write the correct helping verb that will make the sentence in the passive voice correct. Select from the verbs inside the box.

1. Rice __________ eaten by Filipinos.

2. Grade I-III pupils __________ given one kilo

of rice per day for three months.

3. Fire __________ put out by the firemen.

4. In the early days, money __________ buried under the ground in jars.

5. Wounded soldiers __________ taken to the


B. Tell whether the sentences are in the active or passive voice. Write them in the correct blanks.

1. Jezy reads a book before going to bed.

2. The gold medal was won by Ramon.

3. A hunter discovered a cave while hunting.

4. The kid ate the chocolates.

5. The famous adventure novels were written by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Let’s Test Ourselves

is, are

is, are

was, were

was, were

was, were


Active Voice

Passive Voice


Check your answers. Look at the Answer Key.

What’s your score?

Did you get 8-10? If yes, go to the next module.

If you got 7 and below, answer Let’s Enrich Ourselves.


Read the paragraph. Group the sentences into active or passive. Write them in proper boxes. Mother went to the market. She wanted to buy fruits and vegetables. She asked the vendor about the price. Mangoes were sold at P40.00 per kilo. Kangkong and malunggay were priced at P5.00 per bundle. Mother bought two kilos of mangoes and three bundles of malunggay. The vendor was paid P95.00 for the mangoes and malunggay. ACTIVE PASSIVE


Check your work against the Answer Key.

If you got 5-7, you’re good!

If you got 4 and below, review the exercises in this module.

Let’s Enrich Ourselves


Let’s Do This A. passive 1. That man is called the Good Samaritan. active 2. The pupils answered the questions

immediately. active 3. Ninoy Aquino makes us proud to be Filipinos. passive 4. The song was written by Nina. passive 5. Masdan ang Kapaligiran was composed by

Asin. B.

Active Voice Passive Voice

1. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

2. My mother designed my

graduation dress.

3. Lani sang the National Anthem with pride.

4. The bakya is made in Liliw,

Laguna. 5. The campaign was started by

nature lovers.

Let’s Do More A.

Answer Key

1. A gas-saving device was invented by someone.

2. In Lake Cebu, the T’nalak was woven by T’bolis.



1. The club sponsored our field trip. 2. The fishermen rescued many survivors. 3. Volunteers built the new building. 4. The pupils visited the museum. 5. The Master of Ceremonies announced the winner.

Let’s Test Ourselves A.

1. is 2. are 3. was 4. was 5. were

B. Active Voice

1. Jezy reads a book before going to bed. 3.A hunter discovered a cave while hunting. 4. The kid ate the chocolates.

Passive Voice 2. The gold medal was won by Ramon. 5. The famous adventure novels were written by Robert Louis


3. The inventor was awarded by the government.

5. My favorite food was cooked by Mother.

4. A tree house was built by Joey.


Let’s Enrich Ourselves

Mother went to the market.

She wanted to buy fruits and vegetables.

She asked the vendor about the price.

Mangoes were sold at P40.00 per kilo.

The vendor was paid P95.00 for the mangoes and malunggay.

Kangkong and malunggay were priced at P5.00 per bundle.

Mother bought two kilos of mangoes and three bundles of malunggay.

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