english daily drops maths daily drops year 2 home learning ... · reading: 15 minutes with a book...

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Year 2 Home Learningw/c 13th July

English Daily Drops Maths Daily Drops

Monday 13th: English: Superhero AliciaReading: 15 minutes with a book of choice or Reading Eggs

Friday 17th :Small Town SuperheroesReading: 15 minutes with a book of choice or Reading Eggs

Thursday 16th :Sound wordsReading: 15 minutes with a book of choice or Reading Eggs

Wednesday 15th:SupertatoReading: 15 minutes with a book of choice or Reading Eggs

Tuesday 14thCompound NounsReading: 15 minutes with a book of choice or Reading Eggs

Monday 13th :Superhero MathsTRS / 1 15 minutes work on one of these

Tuesday 14th : Subtractions within 20

/ 15 minutes work on one of these

Wednesday 15th : ShapeRS / 15 minutes work on one of these

Thursday 16th: Problem solvingTRS / 15 minutes work on one of these

Friday 17th:Missing numbersTRS / 15 minutes work on one of these

Year 2 Home Learning w/c 13th July

Daily Drop 3 Learning for mind & body

Monday 13th:PSHE: Heroes in our community

Friday 17th:PSHE: Animal Heroes

Thursday 16th:History: Mary Seacole

Wednesday 15th:History: Florence Nightingale

Tuesday 14th

Science: Cola super fountain:

Monday 13th:Mindfulness and wellbeing: Superhero Yoga

Tuesday 14th: Mindfulness and wellbeing: Up in the Air

Wednesday 15th :Mindfulness and wellbeing: Superhero Flying

Thursday 16th : Mindfulness and wellbeing: What makes me a superhero?

Friday 17th:Mindfulness and wellbeing: Superhero dance

Our learning this week is based on Superheros.


Monday -English



Subtraction Heroes


Division with Mighty RedLet Liverpool mascot Mighty Red get you on your feet! He has a song and movement routine about division.


Monday – PSHELook at the pictures below. These are real life people who are real life heroes. Sometime they save lives and are often in very dangerous situations. Think about why these people are heroes- they may not have super powers but can still be called heroes.

Think about a real life hero.

It maybe someone you know or a type of job someone does.

Design a poster, perhaps like this one to show that hero and describe why they are a real life super hero.

Monday- Wellbeing and mindfulness

Superhero Yoga

Here’s an idea to get you moving, Superhero Yoga! Have lots of fun joining in with the super moves and build up your strength, coordination and calmness at the same time


Tuesday - English Compound Nouns

Match the nouns below to create compound nouns. Write a list of the compound nouns.

Add another noun to the words below to create a compound noun.

Can you find the mistakes in the sentence below?

I am travelling to the air port at the week end.

Rewrite the sentence correctly.

Have a look at the BBC Bitesize page to find out about compound words. There is also a quiz on there too!https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zcgv39q/articles/z38t6fr



The experiment can be found on the next page- have fun!!



Tuesday- Wellbeing and mindfulness

Join in with Andy on this workout


Andy meets creatures that spend most of their lives up in the air. He meets spectacular birds like the fantail and hummingbird but also the unusual atlas moth.

Up in the Air

Wednesday - English


Listen to the story of Supertato.

Can you find the adjectives, nouns and verbs in the sentences below:

adjective – a describing wordnoun – the name of a place, person or objectverb – an action word

The Evil Pea bounced towards the frightened melons. They were shaking and weeping. He began spying on the stinking sprouts. Suddenly he sprung and captured them in a large net. The petrified sprouts began to peel in fear. He lugged them away in a battered trolley. Supertato was nowhere to be seen. The frantic veggies sent out a search party to try and find the poor sprouts.

Can you make your own vegetable superhero?

Here are a few ideas that some other children have made.

Send me you’re a photo of your vegetable heroes!

Can you find the 6 differences between the 2 Supertatopictues?


Have a look at the shapes to remind you of their names and properties.

Look at the super hero pictures on the following pages. What shapes can you spot?

How many triangles in each picture?

Wednesday -History


Watch this BBC clip about Florence Nightingale. There is also a quiz for you to do.

Put these events of Florence Nightingale’s life into a timeline.

If you don’t have access to BBC bitesize this is what the video tells us. Ask and adult to help you read this.

Florence Nightingale

Wednesday- wellness and mindfulness


Listen to this you tube clip. It is to help you relax.

Superhero Flying


Have a go at reading these sound effect words.

Make your own set of superhero flashcards. Write out some other superhero sound words in the flashcards below.

Choose you favourite Superhero sound word and design a poster like these to show the word.

Thursday- Maths

Have a go at these superhero problems- if you are finding one tricky, don’t worry some are more of a challenge than others-just do what you can.


Watch this BBC clip about Florence Nightingale. There is also a quiz for you to do.



Play the Mary Seacole Board Game on the next page.Can you be the first person to get from Jamaica to the hospital in Crimea.

If you don’t have access to BBC bitesize this is what the video tells us. Ask and adult to help you read this.

Thursday- Wellbeing and mindfulnessWrite about

what you are good at and how you help people.These are your superpowers!

Friday- English


Have a go at this BBC bitesize Small Town Superheroes Game. There are 18 mini activities to do.




Animals have often been used to help humans. Research an animal that has become a hero and design a poster about that animal.

You may want to find out about how dogs have been used in war or in space.


Watch this clip for some more ideas.

Friday- Wellbeing and mindfulness


Watch this dance clip and see if you can create your own superhero dance using some of the moves in the pictures below.

Send me a video of your exercise.

Year 2 Home Learningw/c 13th July

English Daily Drops Maths Daily Drops

Monday 13th :Superhero Maths/ 15 minutes work on one of these

Tuesday 14th : Subtraction within 20

15 minutes work on one of these

Wednesday 15th :Shape

15 minutes work on one of these

Thursday 16th: Problem Solving

15 minutes work on one of these

Friday 17th

Missing numbers15 minutes work on one of these

Monday 13th: English: Superhero AliciaReading: 15 minutes with a book of choice or Reading Eggs

Tuesday 14thCompound NounsReading: 15 minutes with a book of choice or Reading Eggs

Wednesday 15th:SupertatoReading: 15 minutes with a book of choice or Reading Eggs

Thursday 16th :Sound wordsReading: 15 minutes with a book of choice or Reading Eggs

Friday 17th :Small Town SuperheroesReading: 15 minutes with a book of choice or Reading Eggs

Year 2 Home Learning w/c 13th July

Daily Drop 3 Learning for mind & body

Monday 13th:PSHE: Heroes in our community

Tuesday 14th :Mindfulness and wellbeing: Up in the Air

Tuesday 14th :Science: Cola Super Fountain

Wednesday 15th

History: Florence Nightingale

Thursday 16th:History: Mary Seacole

Friday 26th:PSHE: Animal Heroes

Monday 13th:Mindfulness and wellbeing: Superhero Yoga

Wednesday 15th:Mindfulness and wellbeing: Superhero Flyers

Thursday 16th : Mindfulness and wellbeing: What makes me a superhero?

Friday 17th:Mindfulness and wellbeing: Superhero Dance

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