english lesson good english spelling use of words ! 9 63%

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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English Lesson

Good English Spelling

Use of Words !

共 63% 同學用錯了字詞。

Correct Use of words in

composition of Class 6A




One Word or Two Words? All Right Alright? Already All Ready? Altogether All Together? Anyone Any One? Everyone OR Every One? Into In To? Maybe May Be? On To Onto? Sometime Some Time?

All right or Alright?

正確的寫法是 all right 。 Alright 是新與的寫法。

Already or All Ready?

Already 是副詞,表示已經做了某事, 或指某時候,例如: They have already gone. They continued working, though it was already midnight.

All ready 是一個詞組,表示所有已準備了,例如: Are you all ready now? Let’s go!

Altogether or All Together?

Altogether 表示全部、總數,包括所有。 I’m not altogether happy with your performance. Altogether, our achievements are very great. There are 10 people here altogether.

All together 意指一道、同時。 I‘ll put these books all together on the shell.

All together 中間可插入其他詞語,但altogether 不可以。 I’ll put all these books together on the shelf.

Anyone or Any One?

Anyone 指任何人。 Is there anyone in the room? If you have any problem, just ask anyone for help.

Any one 指一群人中的一個,或一堆東西裡的一個 You can take any one of these. Look at all the presents on the table and choose any one of them.

Everyone or Every One?

Everyone 指每一個人,或所有人。 Everyone thinks it is easy. Everyone in this street owns a car.

Everyone 可被 everybody 替代。 Everybody thinks it is easy.

Every one 指個別,可以指人,可以指物件 。 I examined all the cups, and found that every one had a flaw in it.

Into or In To? Into 是一個介詞,意指進入。

I put some books into the drawer.

或指撞向一些東西。 The car ran into a lamp-post.

或指變成某種狀態。 Water turns into vapour.

In to 包括副詞 in 和介詞 to 。 He walked into the room. He came in to tell us what happened outside. He escorted her in to dinner.

Maybe or May Be?

Maybe 意指或許,接近 perhaps 的意思。 Maybe she’ll talk to us this


Maybe 包括動詞 may和動詞 be 。 He may be sick today.

On To or Onto?

On to 是介詞,但現在一般寫作 onto 。 The purse fell on to (onto) the ground.

On to 如 in to 一樣,包括副詞和介詞,一定要分開來寫 。 He went on to tell us about his experience in the jungle.

Sometime or Some Time?

Sometime 指某一時候。 New students will come to our school

sometime next week.

Some time 是指一些時間。 Give me some time, I have to think carefu



Make sure you know the meaning of the words and do not mix them up in the future!!!


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