english ppt chernobyl

Post on 14-Dec-2014






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By: Group SevenStudy of Nuclear Engineering, Department of Physics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Gadjah Mada UniversityGo.!

The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident

Abstract Introduction Cronology Impacts & Consequences Lessons

By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University

No. Name Id Position

1 Samsiatun Mudzkhiyah 37915 Moderator

2 Awang Febri Ciptani 38935 Presentator 1 The Chronology

3 Rismah Taufik Adhihutomo 37837 Presentator 2

The effects and consequenses4 Finny Pratama Putra 38946 Presentator 2

5 Arief Fauzi 38468 Presentator 2

6 Azhim Kurniawan 38632 Presentator 3 Lesson learn

The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident


By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University

Chernobyl accident was the worst nuclear accident in the world. It happened because the procedural error. It was affect badly to the environment, people’s healthy and also social economic. Inspite of its bad impact there was many lessons learn have to taken to enhance the nuclear itself for our better future.

Introduction Cronology Lessons Impacts & Consequences

The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident


By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University

Abstract Cronology Lessons Impacts & Consequences

The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

Located 11 miles north of the city of Chernobyl Developed since 1954, and operated 1973-1975 Consist of 4 RMBK reactors Produced 10% Ukraine’s electricity Due to the error of procedural, accident occured

On 26 April 1986 and released radioactive materials

The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident


By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University

Abstract Introduction Lessons Impacts & Consequences

•On midnight 25 April 1986 trial is started. Reactor power was reduced to 1600 MWT. •At 0:28 am April 26 to power down again and operator made a mistake ACS setting, so that the reactor power drops drastically to only 30 MWT•At 1:00 o'clock the operator managed to raise reactor power to be 200 MWT by lifting number of control rods from the reactor.


The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident


By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University

Abstract Introduction Lessons Impacts & Consequences

• At 01:19 the operator tries raise the pressure and water level using a pump feeder.

• At 01.19,30 a water level required in the steam drum is reached, but operators continue to add water feeder.

• At 01.22,30 operators see parameters on the reactor system monitor. The data show that the operator must shutdown reactor in a situation automatic shutdown mechanism is not such work. But what happens operators continue to experiment.


The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident


By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University

Abstract Introduction Lessons Impacts & Consequences

• At trial 01.23,04 begins again with the 200 MWT, and main steam flow valve to the turbine number 8 is turned off.

• After a while then the reactor power raises fast but it so late to shutdown reactors because alarm was sounded.

• Emergency system is not able to cope with these conditions, Less than a second after the first explosion a second explosion followed immediately caused by entry of air into the terrace which causes the fuel and some elements react with oxygen and burn awesome.


The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident

By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University


Abstract Introduction Cronology Lessons

Social, economy Environment Positive

Impacts & Consequences

The initial explosion resulted in the death of two workers.

Twenty-eight of the firemen and emergency clean-up workers died in the first three months


The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident

By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University


Abstract Introduction Cronology Lessons

Social, economy Environment Positive

Impacts & Consequences

• In total some 200,0000 people are believed to have been relocated as a result of the accident.


The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident

By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University


Abstract Introduction Cronology Lessons

Social, economy Environment Positive

Impacts & Consequences

Three categories of populations who are exposed radiation caused by the Chernobyl accident are:

1. Emergency workers and liquidators (recovery operation workers) who worked in the Chernobyl reactor and are in the exclusion zone after the accident

2. Residents who were evacuated from the area contaminated

3. Residents who live in the area contaminated but not evacuated.


The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident

By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University


Abstract Introduction Cronology Lessons

Social, economy Environment Positive

Impacts & Consequences

Iodine, strontium and caesium. Strontium-90 and Caesium-137 Strontium ,iodin, caesium

Radioactive elements which were emitted into the environment :


An area spanning 30 kilometres Some 150,000 square kilometres in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine other region

The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident

By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University


Abstract Introduction Cronology Lessons

Social, economy Environment Positive

Impacts & Consequences

Area was affected by the radioactive fallout:

The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident

By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University


Abstract Introduction Cronology Lessons

Social Economy Environment Positive

Impacts & Consequences

Thyroid CancerOne of the principal radionuclides released by

the Chernobyl accident was iodine-131, which

was significant for the first months.

The thyroid gland accumulates iodine from

the blood stream as part of its normal


The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident

By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University


Abstract Introduction Cronology Lessons

Social Economy Environment Positive

Impacts & Consequences

LeukemiaAn increased risk of leukemia associated with radiation

exposure from Chernobyl was, therefore, expected among

the populations exposed.

The most recent studies suggest a two-fold increase in the

incidence of non-CLL leukemia between 1986 and 1996 in

Russian emergency and recovery operation workers

exposed to more than 150 mGy (external dose).next

The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident

By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University


Abstract Introduction Cronology Lessons

Social Economy Environment Positive

Impacts & Consequences

Solid Cancer

The data of solid cancer caused by Chernobyl accident

placed in UNSCEAR 200. And its not have any kind of

change until now.

Solid cancer different from Thyroid Cancer and Leukimia.

Its because their different in sensitivity to radiation in

terms of the minimal latency period, the time

dependency of risk and the dose-response relationship.


The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident

By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University


Abstract Introduction Cronology Lessons

Social Economy Environment Positive

Impacts & Consequences


Cardiovascular diseases

Cryptogenic biomarkers and their significance

Immunological system effects

Heritable effects, birth defects and children’s health

Mental, Psychological and central nervous system effects

Estimation of mortality attribute to the Chernobyl accident.

Medical programmers and medical monitoring (screening).

Non-Cancer and Non-Thyroid health effects

The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident

By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University

Social, Economy

Abstract Introduction Cronology Lessons

Health Environment Positive

Impacts & Consequences

The disaster has placed a huge burden on national budget, the expenditure related to:

• Actions to seal off the reactor• Resettlement of people and construction• Social protection and health care • Research on environment, health and production of clean food• Radiation monitoring • Radioecological improvement • losses relating to the opportunity cost

The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident

By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University


Abstract Introduction Cronology Lessons

Health Social, Economy Positive

Impacts & Consequences

Radioactive material contaminated the aquatic systems and absorbed to the soil. Its affect the creature in that aquatic system.

In agriculture site, the level of radioactivity of agricultural plants and plant-consuming animals was dominated by surface deposits of radio nuclides

The town becomes a ghost town, no one live there. They move to save place

The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident

By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University


Abstract Introduction Cronology Lessons

Health Social, Economy Environment

Impacts & Consequences

Chernobyl accident became a reference point for the construction of nuclear powerplants

In the progress of next-generation NPP such as PWR, BWR, CANDU, AGR, ABWR, System 80 + and FBR, the principle of safety is to prevent the possibility of accidents and to minimize the impact if an accident occurs

Nuclear power plants is designed to be able to withstand extreme incident

Chernobyl accident does not make the trauma and stop all nuclear activities but rather spur them to further improve safety culture and reactor design safety.

Positive impacts of the accident:

The Concequenses and Impacts of Chernobyl Accident


By : Group Seven, Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University

Abstract Introduction Cronology Impacts & Consequences

Review from the case above, nuclear accident in Chernobyl, has implicit senses:

DO Professionally Be Careful Prepare solution of any Possibility Determining minimum distance from the reactor to public place.

Thank you

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