english teaching guide quarter 3 poetry

Post on 24-May-2015






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DepEd K12



English 1

Quarter 3: POETRY

Module 2: Basic Elements of a Poem, Style and Literary Devices/


At this phase, your background knowledge, readiness and competency on the prerequisite skills to the tasks at hand will be checked and evaluated. It is expected that at the end of the lesson you will be able to interpret a poem through a collage which will be assessed based on the following criteria: organization, thematic accuracy, drawings/visuals, color and harmony, balance and use of space and craftsmanship. Let’s move on!

Activity 1

Rearrange the letters to form words related to poetry. After forming the right words,

tell something about them.

1. sunod diceves = ________________________________________________

2. sbymlomis= ____________________________________________________

3. lnagguae= ______________________________________________________

4. tnoe= __________________________________________________________

5. vicoe or seapekr= ________________________________________________

6. mehet= ________________________________________________________

7. snseory iagems= ________________________________________________

8. from= _________________________________________________________

Activity 2

Below is a poem. Read it and complete the table that follows.

EXPLORE Your Understanding



by Antonio Samson

There is some sadness

In hearing conversation stop

Or finding out a loss of friends

The feeling hallows out

Your soul

And leaves you by yourself

Staring at details

Like frog and snails

And what to do

The sadness grows and grows

Like a tree without leaves.

Figurative Language Rhyming Words

Sensory Images

Theme Simile Metaphor Personification


Activity 3

Look at the puzzle pieces with words/phrases. Rearrange them to discover what the

essential question is. Then answer it based on you background knowledge and past


and the author’s style,

How do the elements

of a poem to its over-all effect?


of language / words contribute









Activity 4

Explain the following quotations. “A poem is like a rare and special orchid to be admired but not to be touched.” ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Reading and writing a poem are effective and meaningful ways of letting others know what is important to you, why and how you feel about it.”

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________


Activity 5 (Query Chart)

Complete the table with the questions about the elements of poetry, styles and literary devices/techniques.



and LiteraryTechniques/Devices

Questions That I

Can Answer

Questions That I

Cannot Answer

Questions That I

Want to Ask

Are you done? Very good! Let us now advance to the next phase.


At this phase, you will discover the elements of poetry, styles and literary techniques and devices. Here, you will crystallize/illustrate your knowledge and use basal adjectives in varied activities. You will also reflect, revise and rethink your understanding. After this you may go back to Activity 4 (Query Chart) in the Explore Phase and see if you can answer the questions you could not answer before and if those which you wanted to ask have been answered already.

Lesson 1: Elements of Poetry

Poems have several elements and they are as follows:

� Figurative Language consists of words with meanings beyond their usual dictionary meanings. The three common types of figurative language are simile, metaphor, and extended metaphor.

Simile is a comparison between two essentially unlike objects that uses like or as to make this comparison. Examples: Your tongue is as sharp as a knife. Liza’s hands are soft like cotton. Metaphor is like a simile, but it does not use the word like or as. Examples: Jose Carlo is a lion when he is angry. The road is a ribbon under the moonlight.

FIRM UP Your Understanding

Poetry is one of the oldest forms of literature. Before literature was written down, people told stories. They used rhythm and rhyme to help them remember the stories better. Ballads were actually stories in poetic form that were sung. Many narrative poems still use rhythm and rhyme to tell stories.

Poetry consists of a language with a strong musical quality in which words are highly-charged with meaning. Poetry is written in lines and these lines are grouped into stanzas.


Extended Metaphor is carried through from the beginning to the end of the poem. Other Types of Figurative Language Personification is giving human attributes to inanimate or non-living things. They are made to think, speak and act the way human beings do. Examples: The tree lifts its branches to pray. The wind whispers my love. Hyperbole is an obvious and unrealistic exaggeration. Examples: I’m so hungry, I could eat you alive. I’ll die a thousand deaths for you. Onomatopoeia is the use of word which sounds like it means. Examples: The buzzing of the bees disturbed me. The children were startled by the boom of the thunder. Oxymoron is a phrase which contains opposite elements or words with opposite meaning, yet which expresses one idea when taken as a whole. Examples: The sound of silence is deafening. I’ll speak in a monstrous little voice.

� Sensory Images is the use of vivid language to create word pictures. Usually these word pictures appeal to the senses and arouse strong feelings.

� Sound Devices create the music of poetry. The four common sound devices are rhythm, rhyme, alliteration, and onomatopoeia.

Rhythm is the pattern of stressed and unstressed lines in a poem. Rhyme is the matching of sounds at the ends of the words. Alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sounds. Onomatopoeia is the creation of words to imitate sounds.

� Theme is the general truth or insight to life suggested by a poem. � Symbolism is the use of any person, place, or thing that has a meaning in

itself and that also stands for something else. A symbol can be another living thing, an object, a situation, or an action. Usually symbols stand for ideas or qualities and they enable the writer to express a complicated idea or a deep feeling in few words, sometimes in a single image.

� Tone in poetry is the poet’s or speaker’s attitude toward the subject, toward the reader, or toward himself or herself. It can often be described by such words as serious, amused, sad, cheerful, angry, playful, comic, proud or mocking.

� Voice refers to the speaking persona in poetry where specific characters are not indicated as “the speaker”.

� Form refers to the number of lines, rhyme, rhythm, number of stanzas and rules of grammar.


Activity 6

Tell the figure of speech each line shows.

Choices: Simile, Metaphor, Hyperbole, Personification, Oxymoron, onomatopoeia _________ 1. You’re like a star in the sky. _________ 2. The cozy home becomes a prison wall. _________ 3. The tick-tack of the clock awakened Melody. _________ 4. I’ll get the stars and the moon and offer them at your feet. _________ 5. The stars guide lost travelers. _________ 6. The waves reached out to the weary lad. _________ 7. We are alone together. _________ 8. The sick man is like living dead. _________ 9. The kite tugged and pulled at the string, longing for the freedom of the skies. _________10. His gaping jaw could hold a flock of the King’s fattest sheep.

Activity 7

Read and understand the meaning of the poem below.

Song By N.V.M. Gonzales

Behold the bountiful land, the young hills and the corn; I the green river’s womb children are born; Honey’s in the forest, blue fish in the sea; the ash-gray of the clearings grows grain for me.


A. Underline the words in the poem that create sensory images. Tell what image

each word suggests and describe the feeling you infer from each of them. Copy the table below and fill it out with appropriate entries.

SENSORY IMAGES Title of the Poem: __________________________________

Words from the Poem Image Suggested Feeling Inferred

B. Write the rhyming words found in the poem.

___________________ - ________________________ ___________________ - ________________________ ___________________ - ________________________

C. Write the words that show alliteration.


D. Tell who the speaker in the poem is. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

E. Tell the tone or the speaker’s attitude toward the subject. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

F. Express in your own words the theme of the poem. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


Activity 8

Read the poem below, and answer the questions after it.

1. Which part of the Philippine flag is described in the first stanza? _____________________________________________________________

2. Who is the speaker in the poem? _____________________________________________________________

3. What is the mood of the speaker in the poem?

The Philippine Flag by Amparo Reyes

They plucked the sun from heaven They plucked three shining stars, Set these in a spotless triangle

Beside two parallel bars.

One bar was crimson sunset, The other was azure sky,

They bowed by the sun and the shining stars For freedom they’d live and die.

White were the souls they offered,

Red was the blood they shed, Blue was the great undying flame That haloed each martyr’s head.

Behold the flag in its glory,

Rising up to the sky; Vow by the sun and the shining stars

For freedom, live and die.


_____________________________________________________________ 4. What do the colors and figures/shapes in our flag symbolize?

a. Blue______________________________________________________ b. Red ______________________________________________________ c. White______________________________________________________ d. Stars ______________________________________________________ e. Sun________________________________________________________

5. What do the following positions indicate? a. The red part of the flag is up.

___________________________________________________________ b. The flag is on half mast.


6. What lesson have you learned from the poem? ______________________________________________________________

7. How do you show respect to our own flag? ______________________________________________________________

Lesson 2: Style Used by the Author

In addition to using rhythm and rhyme, poets use language in other special ways to

appeal to a reader’s senses and emotions. Because many poems are short, poets choose

each word and phrase with care to create vivid images, or pictures, in the reader’s mind.

PHRASE MODIFIER A phrase modifier is composed of two or more words and is used either as an adjective or as an adverb. There are different kinds of phrase modifiers and they are as follows:

� Prepositional Phrase is formed by putting together a preposition and its


PREPOSITIONS Single-Word Prepositions

about above at regarding around between after beneath by except from despite to on before under in into onto throughout for across along since during near beside among besides beyond behind through of with without as up down inside outside


Compound Prepositions in the middle of owing to prior to on top of in spite of according to out of at the back of in front of in the midst of instead of because of Examples:The poem “The Ballad of A Mother’s Heart” has made me cry.

P OP (“Of a mother’s heart” is a prepositional phrase that is used to modify, describe or limit the meaning of the noun ballad. It functions as an adjective. It answers the question “Which ballad has made you cry?”

He pleaded as he knelt before her feet in tears. P OP (“Before her feet” is a prepositional phrase that is used to modify the verb knelt. It is used as an adverb. It also answers the question “Where did he kneel?”

� Participial Phrase is composed of a participle (present participle or past

participle) and its object. It is always used as an adjective. Examples: Groaning with pain, the youth thought of his mother. (“Groaning with pain” modifies the noun youth.)

Holding his mother’s heart, he ran to see his maiden fair. (“Holding his mother’s heart” modifies the pronoun he.) Proven true, the news came to us as a shock. (“Proven true” modifies the noun news.)

� Infinitive is formed by following the pattern “to+base form of verb”. It may

be used as a noun, an adjective or an adverb. An infinitive phrase is made up of an infinitive and its modifiers and complements.

Infinitive Phrases as Adjectives Maria has a story to tell the audience. (The infinitive phrase to tell the audience is used as an adjective modifying the noun story.)


Do you have ideas to share with your classmates? (The infinitive phrase to share with your classmates is used as an adjective modifying the noun ideas.)

Activity 9 Copy the sentences below in your activity notebook. Tell whether each underlined modifier

is used as prepositional, participial or infinitive phrase. __________ 1. The house on the hill is haunted. __________ 2. Sheila has lessons to review for the test tomorrow. __________ 3. Seeing my manuscript, the editor considered my application. __________ 4. Mr. Lucio Santos has a movie to produce for the Filipino audience. __________ 5. Carlo and Yvonne wear pants with six pockets. __________ 6. Wild flowers in the meadows paint the landscape yellow and red. __________ 7. Sleeping soundly, the family is not aware of the presence of the burglars. __________ 8. Shaking with fear, Desiree hid behind the door. __________10. Peanuts and raisins are good snacks to take on a field trip. Activity 10

Copy the sentences below in your activity notebook. Underline the prepositional phrase in each sentence and tell how it is used. Write ADJ or ADV on the space provided before each number. __________ 1. Behind the door hides the man. __________ 2. We saw the car near the gasoline station. __________ 3. The precious ring with solitaire diamond is an heirloom. __________ 4. Christine did not read the story of creation. __________ 5. Those fresh flowers with pink ribbon are mine. __________ 6. Thelma and her sister cried because of pain. __________ 7. Luisa lives at 222 Sampaguita St., San Carlos, Binangonan, Rizal. __________ 8. My parents left in November. __________ 9. The class president presides the meeting with confidence. __________10. Sit beside me, Jessica. Activity 11

Read the sentences below and copy the table as shown below. Fill it out with appropriate details.

1. Screaming wildly, fans ran after their favorite soccer players.


2. Arriving after the others, Gelyn waited until intermission to be seated. 3. The clown, balancing precariously on the wire, performed tricks. 4. The tower radioed the plane coming in for a landing. 5. I had to repair the tire punctured by a nail. 6. The old gown hanging in the closet is my grandmother’s prom dress. 7. Exhausted after our exercises, we craved for a tall, cool glass of water. 8. Reading a book, I sat on the bench. 9. Those girls singing “Faithfully” are Melissa’s best friends. 10. Jogging down the sidewalk, Trisha met an old acquaintance.


1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Activity 12

Copy the following sentences in your activity notebook then encircle the infinitive phrase in each sentence. __________ 1. Everyone has the right to choose a religion. __________ 2. They have the duty to protect civilians from danger. __________ 3. The principal gave me permission to leave the school. __________ 4. We have a book to read tonight. __________ 5. One solution may be to offer them money. __________ 6. My plan to go to Boracay will never materialize. __________ 7. The recruits did not know which steps to start with. __________ 8. After doing my best to teach her for two weeks, I quit. __________ 9. Cartherine has a plan to go travel abroad after college. __________10. The best time to visit Baguio City is March through May. Lesson 3: Sentence Structure Poets use sentences to communicate ideas and emotions. For communication to be meaningful, a poet must choose appropriate words and put them in an order that the reader or listener can follow. No matter how short or long sentences in a poem are, they always have subject (implied or explicitly stated) and predicate.


Sentence is a word or group of words that expresses a complete thought or idea. It always starts with a capital letter. It may end with period, question mark or exclamation point. The subject is a noun, pronoun, or group of words acting as a noun, plus any modifiers, that tells who or what the sentence is about. The predicate is the verb or verb phrase, plus any modifiers and complements that tells what the subject of the sentence does or what it is all about. As the examples show, subjects and predicates vary in length.

Subject Predicate Children are born. Tears filmed her eyes. His breath was like a wounded bird.

The lingering twilight wanes. Sentences may be in the normal or inverted order (for emphasis). Inverted sentences have the verb or predicate first. They usually begin with prepositional phrases/adverbs. Prepositional Phrase V S Examples:Beneath the pillows smoldered the cigarette. Adv. V S Here comes the school bus . Sentences in the normal order have the subject followed by the verb or predicate. S V Examples: The cigarette smoldered beneath the pillows. S V The school bus comes here. Activity 13

Copy the following sentences in your activity notebook. Underline the complete subject once and the complete predicate twice.

1. My mother teaches forty-five students. 2. Valentina and Herminia go to Cebu for their vacation. 3. Everyone is delighted to see Maria. 4. The necklace is made of beads and leather. 5. The ladies are wearing baro’t saya. 6. Her mother is a college graduate. 7. A group of tourists went to Quezon province. 8. I am proud to be a Filipino.


9. Some items were not sold. 10. Through the livelihood project, the government is helping them lead productive

lives. Activity 14 Read the sentences and copy them in your activity notebook. Tell the order each follows. Write NORMAL or INVERTED.

1. Here comes the bride, all dressed in white. 2. Beyond the mountain of sacrifice lies the glory of paradise. 3. The pain ceased after the tooth was extracted. 4. Tim paid her debts willingly. 5. Alice sang in her shrill voice to annoy me. 6. The general wore a medal around his neck. 7. On the wall hung a portrait of my wife. 8. In the car sat a police officer. 9. Mr. Allen praised his class for an excellent performance. 10. The group enjoyed watching the presentation.

Have you finished accomplishing the activities/tasks? Have you gone back to Activity 4 (Explore Phase) and answered the questions which you could not answer before? Have the questions you asked been answered?

Very Good!

Let’s proceed to the next phase.

At this phase you are to reflect, revisit, rethink and revise your earlier assumptions about the elements of poetry, styles and literary techniques and devices through thought-provoking questions and meaningful/challenging activities. Here you will also be engaged in meaningful self-evaluation.

DEEPEN Your Understanding


Activity 15

Find out from the selection a mother’s interpretation of what the sea seems to express. Would you have thought of the same answers?

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j{ç wÉxá à{x áxt Ätâz{? `Éà{xÜ Tá |à zÄ|Çàá uxÇxtà{ à{x áâÇR

\à |á à{|Ç~|Çz Éy à{x }Éçá? Åç v{|Äw g{tà |à ã|á{xá xäxÜçÉÇxA

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\à ãÉâÄw z|äx ÉâÜ {xtÜà? wxtÜxáà v{|Äw g{x vÉÅyÉÜà Éy à{x wxxÑA

1. What makes the child think that the sea laughs? Sobs? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


2. Why does he/she believe that the sea is so peaceful? ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 3. If you were the Mother, would you have interpreted the sea’s different

conditions/situations the way she did? Why? Why not? ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 4. Interpret the lines

“It would give our heart, dearest child The comfort of the deep.” __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity 16 Complete the graphic organizer below.

What the sea seems to do/be What it means




What other things does the sea make you feel? Explain your answer.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Activity 17

Draw your own picture of “The Sea”. Then compose a line or two to describe it.

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Activity 18

Read the poem below and recognize the elements present in it.

Sonnet I Jose Garcia Villa

First, a poem must be magical, Then musical, as the sea gull. It must be a brightness moving

And hold a secret bird’s flowering. It must be slender as a bell. And must hold fire as well.

It must have the wisdom of the bows And it must kneel like a rose.

It must be able to hear The luminance of dove and deer.

It must be able to hide What it seeks like a bride.

And over all I would like to hover God, smiling from the poem’s cover.

Answer the following questions. 1. What kinds of figurative language are used in the poem? Prove your answer by

writing the lines that illustrate them. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

2. Did the poet use rhythm, rhyme or alliteration? Write the words that show rhyme or alliteration. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

3. Choose and write the words that create images in the readers’ mind. To what senses do they appeal? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________


4. What is the poet’s tone in the poem? What made you say so? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

5. What does fire symbolize? Give reasons for your answer. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

6. Who, do you think, is the speaker in the poem? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

7. What general truth or insights about life are highlighted in the poem? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Are you done?

Very Good!

Now that you have understood and internalized that the basic components of a poem, as well as the words used by the poet give intense impact of the poem to you as a learner, you will transfer that understanding to real world task.

At this phase, you will make independent applications of your understanding of the basic elements of a poem, style and literary devices/ techniques elements as well as the sentence structure and phrase modifiers. You will find out the connection between the tasks and the world.

Activity 19

Collage is an art work done by putting together different elements. It includes visual (photos), artificial (imitation of things found in nature, e.g. plastic flowers, paper leaves) and natural (things found in the environment, e.g. twigs, leaves, flowers, stones) textures.

TRANSFER Your Understanding


Collage Samples

Source: http://www.jefflindsay.com/acne.shtml

Source: http://bluebirdcollage.blogspot.com/

How to Make a Collage Materials Needed: 1. Cartolina (any color) 2. Glue


3. Pencil, Marker and Crayons 4. Things of different textures a. Visual (e.g. pictures or drawings of things)


b. Artificial (e.g. plastic/paper flowers, leaves and butterflies)

c. Natural (e.g. real stones, leaves, flowers, twigs)


Procedure: Draw borders on your cartolina. Then arrange and glue the different materials you have gathered according to the theme. Make sure that your collage will have emphasis, balance, harmony, and proportion. Isn’t it easy to make a masterpiece? What are you waiting for? Read on and let your creativity show.

Think of yourself as a visual artist who is a member of a group that will have an

exhibit and you are tasked to produce a collage as an interpretation of the poem “The

Philippine Flag” Make sure that it shows and expresses Filipino values and ideals. Famous

artists, students, teachers and people from all walks of life are going to attend its grand

opening. Your collage should show organization, thematic accuracy, drawings/ visuals,

color and harmony, balance and proper use of space, and craftsmanship.

Are you done?

Congratulations! You have just finished topic 2!

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