english - week 3...english - week 3 activity 1: jungle log - analyse example activity 2: jungle log...

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English - Week 3

Activity 1: Jungle Log - Analyse Example

Activity 2: Jungle Log - Plan

Activity 3: Jungle Log - Write

Activity 4: Jungle Log - Edit, Revise and Publish

Activity 5: Reading Comprehension

Spelling Practise

Watch the clip.

Think about the suspense of entering a new world.

How would you feel?

Activity 1 - Analysing a Jungle Log

A log is like a diary entry.

Read the example.

The jungle explorer has written about his day.

Underline any unfamiliar words from the text.

Can you work out their meaning from the sentence their in?

Do you need to look them up in a dictionary?

Which words did you underline? Add them to the table below and write their definitions.

Feature Finding

Use the key on the right

Look back through the example log and highlight/underline the features you have found.

TOP TIP: Choose a colour for each square then highlight them in the same colour.

Activity 2 - Planning

Now for the exciting part!

You are going to imagine YOU are the explorer and YOUR

wardrobe is going to take you on a…


Imagine you are staring at the jungle you have arrived at.

Draw what you can see:

Now create a mind map of words and phrases to describe your jungle:

Give your jungle a name!


Use this planner to organise your ideas.

This will help you to think about what you are including in each paragraph.

Remember, paragraphs are groups of sentences which are about the same/similar idea or topic.

2 events

3 events

4 events

Activity 3 - Writing

Use your picture, mind map and plan to write your Jungle Log.

Remember to include:

● A variety of sentence openers/fronted adverbials

● Accurate punctuation● Paragraphs

Use the checklist to include all the log features!

Activity 4 - Edit, Revise and Publish

Well done!

You have written your very own Jungle Log - I hope you had fun using your imagination.

Now it’s time to check through your work.

EDIT: Check for spelling and punctuation errors.

REVISE: Improve vocabulary and sentence structure to impress the reader.


Once you’re happy with your final draft, why not copy it up in best?

Follow the instructions to make your own log.

You can decorate the front cover with an image of your jungle!

Fred kept poling. the branch was giving him new, shilling-sized blisters on the pads of his

hands, but he didn’t slow down. There was a twist, he found, that he could give the pole that

made them speed faster. It blew Max’s snot in a high ribbon up his face. The sun was hot and

sharp out here. The air tasted brand new.

‘Faster!’ shouted Max. He rocked backwards and forwards on his haunches.

They hadn’t gone far before there was another fork; one looked choked with weeds, so Fred

chose the other. ‘Left!’ called Lila.

‘Left,’ Con echoed and nodded.

The left bend took them into a narrower river, winding slowly among close-set trees. Fred pulled

up his pole and they drifted, staring down into the water. A shoal of fish swam helter-skelter

under the raft. Max leant dangerously over the edge, dangling his fingers in the water.

Suddenly Con jumped. The hairs on her arms rose up in a blonde wave.

‘What’s that?’

‘What’s what?’ ‘Something down there. Silver. Down there! A piranha!’ Con’s voice came out

thin and high. ‘Max, get your hands out of the water!’

3. What do you think the author means when they used the word ‘choked’?They hadn’t gone far before there was another fork; one looked choked with weeds.



2. Which mode of transport do you think the characters are using? Why do you think this?



4. Find and copy two phrases to show that Con was worried about what was in the water. (Don’t include speech)

● _________________________________


● _________________________________


1. Find and copy a phrase which shows each of the following:

a) The river is windy


b) The river is dangerous


c) The water is cold


Sensational SensesFind a phrase in the extract for each of the senses:

Sound: tch

Visit Purple Mash for an activity on these sounds.

Visit Purple Mash for an activity on these sounds.

Year 4 Statutory Spellings

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