enhanced writing instruction using technology. a historical view paper and pen/pencil typewriter ...

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Enhanced Writing Instruction Using Technology

A Historical View

Paper and pen/pencil Typewriter Computer – printed Computer – saved Computer – shared (single-user) Computer – shared (co-authoring)

A Personal Experience

High School – penmanship College – a step back

Ekers vs Gushers Typewriter Computer lab on campus Computer at home

Today Computer in my pocket

Student Attitudes Toward Writing

One shot – good enough Fostered by teacher only having time to

grade it once. Physical layout limitations of paper. “good enough” vs “my best”

“Good is the enemy of great.” –Voltaire

Teachable moments aren’t always between the bells.

Hurdles in the Way of Best Product

Limitations of written product space to insert clarifying details time to rewrite Perception of lost/wasted time

Classroom Instruction that Works - Marzano

Research Based Strategies:

Chapter 4: Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition

Chapter 5: Homework and Practice

Chapter 6: Nonlinguistic Representations.

Chapter 7: Cooperative Learning

Chapter 8: Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback

Chapter 9: Generating and Testing Hypotheses

Chapter 10: Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers

Feedback in the Past

Limited to drafts – same for each student Students were in a holding pattern until

feedback from teacher Not all students in the same stage of writing

at the same time

Modern Feedback to Writers

24-7 access Possibility of multiple rounds of

feedback and refinement Flexible timeline

A Healthy Balance

In the learning process, optimal flexibility

In the real world, often a need to get it right the first time.

Experience in revising and clarifying helps students recognize their common weaknesses and move these corrections to earlier stages in their writing process.

Students will learn to make these corrections themselves, resulting in better expressions of what they are thinking.

The Tools

Anything that allows 24/7 shared access and disaster protection Office365 Google Docs Dropbox ….

Example – Word Online Co-authoring

Example – Word Online Comments

Example – Word Track Changes

Achieving the Desired Outcome

Student Learning

Teacher Facilitated Student Growth

Paul Anderson


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