enjoying water - the redwoods group€¦ · aquatic safety guidelines | page 1 about these...

Post on 27-May-2018






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YMCA of the USA’s Aquatic Safety Guidelines and supporting materials were developed

through a commitment to aquatic safety excellence of member Ys by the contributions

of the following individuals:

Kimberly Armitage

Executive Director

Aurora Family YMCA

Aurora, CO

Jan Bretana

Association Director of Aquatics

YMCA of Greater Seattle

Seattle, WA

Todd Sevenz-Coleman

Vice President of Program Operations

YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee

Milwaukee, WI

Joan Dove, CPCU

Area Executive Vice President

Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management


Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Insurance Brokers

of California, Inc

San Francisco, CA

Laura Ferguson

Association Director of Program Experience

YMCA of Greater Charlotte

Charlotte, NC

Meredith Griffin

Director of Competitive Aquatics

YMCA of Delaware – Brandywine Branch

Wilmington, DE

Lisa Hoover

Aquatics Director

Wallingford Family YMCA

Wallingford, CT

Elissa James

Metropolitan Aquatics Director

YMCA of Central Ohio

Columbus, OH

Lucinda Kettner

Senior Aquatic Director

Brandywine YMCA

Wilmington, DE

Christopher Mogridge

Partner & Senior Consultant

Safe-Wise Consulting LLC

Norwalk, CT

Glenda Pae

Volunteer Project Manager for

Competitive Swimming & Diving

Dauphin, PA

Kristi Selker

Risk Management Specialist

The Redwoods Group

Morrisville, NC

Carolyn Tinsley

Aquatics Director

YMCA of Pikes Peak Region

Colorado Springs, CO

Christopher Wallick

Aquatic Director

Magdalenea Ecke – YMCA of San Diego

Encinitas, CA


Guidance and review were provided by members of the YMCA of the USA Aquatic

Safety and Risk Advisory Group:

Dewey Case

Aquatics Director

YMCA of Southeast Mississippi

Hattiesburg, MS

Julie Gilchrist, MD

Medical Epidemiologist

Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention

National Center for Injury Prevention &


Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Atlanta, GA

Linda Griffith

VP - Risk Management & Legal Affairs

YMCA of San Francisco

San Francisco, CA

Jennifer L. Pewitt

Association and Southern Sector Aquatics

Associate Vice President

YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas

Dallas, TX

Judith Sperling

Assistant Director Risk Management,

Training and Development

UCLA Recreation

Department of Cultural and Recreational


Los Angeles, CA

Scott Washburn

President & CEO

YMCA of Snohomish County

Everett, WA

Additional guidance, support, and review were provided by the following YMCA of the

USA staff:

Mike Espino

Aquatics Safety and Risk Specialist

Membership Support and Program Services

Steve Hambright

Senior Resource Executive

Association Resources

Jim Kauffman

National Director for Health and Well-being

Membership Support and Program Services

Brigid Murphy

Publications Manager

Marketing Communications

Kay Smiley

Aquatics Program Specialist

Membership Support and Program Services

Roger Truesdell

Administrative Assistant

Membership Support and Program Services

Al Tursi

Property Development Specialist

YMCA Property Development

Jim Wheaton

National Director of MSPS Events

Membership Support and Program Services



About These Guidelines ............................................................................... 1

How to Use This Document .............................................................................. 1

Section 1 – Administration .......................................................................... 2

AL AQUATIC LEADERSHIP ............................................................................. 2

HP HIRING PRACTICES FOR LIFEGUARDS ....................................................... 2

DR DOCUMENT RETENTION ........................................................................... 4

CR CODES AND REGULATIONS ...................................................................... 4

AO AQUATIC OPERATIONS ............................................................................ 5

Section 2 – Training .................................................................................... 7

LT LEADERSHIP TRAINING ........................................................................... 7

LS LIFEGUARD STAFF ................................................................................... 8

NL NONLIFEGUARD AQUATIC STAFF .............................................................. 9

DS DESIGNATED NONAQUATIC SUPPORT STAFF ............................................ 11

Section 3 – Supervision ............................................................................. 12

MS MINIMUM SUPERVISION ........................................................................ 12

SS SUPERVISION STRATEGIES .................................................................... 14

DPS DROWNING PREVENTION STRATEGIES .................................................. 15

Section 4 – Facilities and Equipment ......................................................... 16

CM COMPLIANCE ........................................................................................ 16

DE DESIGN AND EQUIPMENT ....................................................................... 17

PM PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ................................................. 18

NCR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATIONS ............................................. 19

Section 5 – Minimizing Risk ...................................................................... 20

Section 6 – Specific Environments and Activities ...................................... 22

CSD COMPETITIVE SWIMMING AND DIVING ................................................. 22

SP SPAS AND WHIRLPOOLS ........................................................................ 23

WF WATERFRONT FACILITIES ...................................................................... 24

PS WATER SLIDES AND PLAY STRUCTURES .................................................. 25

Works Cited ................................................................................................ 1

Definitions .................................................................................................. 2



The guidelines in this document are intended to be a foundation for aquatic

safety for member YMCAs. Designed for Y staff and volunteers to use in

developing operating protocols that conform to industry standards and best

practices, these guidelines are not to be considered a uniform standard for all

Ys. YMCA of the USA encourages individual Ys to create and adopt operating

standards based on, or inspired by, this document. These guidelines are subject

to current local, state, and federal laws and ordinances. In the event of a

conflict between such laws and ordinances and these guidelines, follow the more

stringent of the two.


This document is intended to be descriptive and user-friendly. Please note the following as you

review these guidelines:


Topics in this document are categorized into six sections:




Facilities and Equipment

Minimizing Risks

Specific Environments and Activities.

At the beginning of each section is a philosophical statement that guides that particular section.

The first five sections contain aquatic safety information universal to operating an aquatic facility.

The sixth section contains aquatic safety information that may be unique and may not

necessarily apply to all Ys.


Rationales provide further explanation, clarification, or source material for certain complex topic

areas. Rationales are not provided for each topic.


Definitions are provided at the end of this document for terms that may be unique to these

guidelines and for concepts that lack a universal name and description across the aquatics

industry. Defined terms are identified in bold the first time they appear.


Hyperlinks are found throughout this document and provide the user access to sample forms and

visual descriptions of specific topics and concepts. All hyperlinks link to the appropriate content

located on www.ymcaexchange.org.



Administration is essential to operating a safe and efficient aquatic environment.

It provides guidelines, policies, and procedures as well as accountability for

safety implementation strategies.


AL-1 Ensure that aquatic leadership positions require the following minimum

credentials. In some cases, these credentials may be acquired after hiring. (See


YMCA Lifeguard or equivalent

Professional rescuer CPR (CPR Pro)

Automated external defibrillation (AED)

Emergency oxygen administration

First aid

Pool Operator On Location (POOL) certification or equivalent

Rationale: These are basic certifications for an aquatic leadership position.

Candidates lacking these certifications may not be fully prepared to

perform appropriately during emergency situations.

AL-2 Hire candidates for aquatic leadership positions who have the following instructor

certifications at time of hire:

YMCA Lifeguard Instructor or equivalent

Instructor in a nationally recognized professional rescuer CPR program

Instructor in a nationally recognized first-aid program

Trainer certifications for each of the above (recommended)

Rationale: Instructor- and trainer-level certifications are necessary for properly

maintaining high-quality lifeguarding and safety. Not requiring these

credentials directly impacts the quality of staffing and safety at Ys.

AL-3 Ensure that aquatic leadership staff have demonstrated experience operating and

managing aquatic facilities.

AL-4 Develop an aquatic leadership hierarchy that allows an employee with direct

aquatic supervisory responsibility to be on duty at all times the pool is in use.


HP-1 Administer a thorough interview to all candidates applying for lifeguarding positions

prior to employment. This interview process includes


a written exam including scenario and rescue information,

physical testing including swimming and treading water, and

a water-rescue scenario that includes removal from water and CPR skills

Rationale: A testing process is a crucial step in determining the knowledge and

ability of new lifeguard hires. This is particularly vital if candidates

were not trained by a lifeguard instructor on staff at the facility.

HP-2 Include in the interview process job verification(s) and at least two personal


Rationale: Because employers typically will confirm only a candidate’s date of

hire, job title, and eligibility for rehiring, obtain references about the

candidate’s character from others. These personal references (or

character references) are a way to ask an independent party for

information about the person that employers will not provide. Have

young job applicants provide the names of nonrelatives (e.g.,

teachers, religious leaders, coaches, Scoutmasters, or neighbors) for

whom they have worked.

HP-3 Have the employee sign all employment paperwork and the job description.

HP-4 Include in the job description that the new employee is able to:

Hear noises and distress signals in the aquatic environment, including in

the water and anywhere around the zone of responsibility. Candidates

must understand that significant background noise exists in all indoor and

outdoor aquatic environments. In addition, lifeguard candidates should

have a minimum hearing threshold of no more than an average of a

25-decibel loss in both ears over a range of frequencies (500Hz, 1000Hz,

2000Hz, 788 and 3000Hz). Candidates who use hearing aids or other

corrective devices for hearing should be able to perform all rescue skills

and emergency procedures without interruptions to adjust, retrieve, or

install or attach a hearing aid or corrective device.

Remain alert with no lapses of consciousness.

Meet strength and lifting requirements.

Observe all sections of an assigned zone or area of responsibility.

Candidates who use corrective eyewear should be able to perform all

rescue skills and emergency procedures without interruptions to adjust,

clear, or retrieve corrective eyewear.

Rationale: Data support the importance of vision and hearing to lifeguarding. In

a review of research conducted by the United States Lifeguard

Standards Coalition, it is recommended that aquatic facilities

establish minimum vision and hearing standards.



DR-1 Keep on file copies of all current staff certifications and trainings required for

lifeguarding, including the following:

Professional rescuer CPR certification—This certification training, which is

renewed annually, requires two-person CPR, the use of a bag-valve mask,

and child/infant CPR

Standard first aid certification

Current YMCA Lifeguard or equivalent lifeguard training certification

Automated external defibrillation (AED) certification—renewed annually

Emergency oxygen administration certification—renewed annually

YMCA POOL certification or equivalent pool operator certification as

necessary for aquatic leadership staff and staff performing maintenance at

the aquatic facility

Proof of training that satisfies OSHA requirements for blood-borne

pathogens and employee right-to-know program training requirements

Rationale: Retaining copies of staff trainings and certification is a best practice

among aquatic facilities.

DR-2 Establish a comprehensive and practical record-keeping system and have all

information readily available and reviewed annually by the aquatic leader or

higher management positions to ensure proper safety and risk management

compliance. See Risk Management section RM-12 for more information. Keep

documents including, but not limited to, the following:

Staff orientation and training information

In-service training records

Accident/incident reports and applicable rescue reports

Assessment records

Equipment maintenance and inspection forms

Chemical logs and related testing forms

Structural and electrical inspections

Local health department inspections and reports


CR-1 Comply with all laws and codes as required by local, state, and federal

governments. Keep copies of these codes and permits. Examples include, but are

not limited to, the following:

Licensing requirements

State and/or local health department regulations for swimming pools

Operating permits

Bacteriological reporting

Virginia Graeme Baker Act requirements

The Americans with Disabilities Act


Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations

Local electric, building, and fire codes

CR-2 If local or state regulatory codes for swimming pools do not exist, adopt the

regulatory codes of another state or recognized standards such as those from the

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or the Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC).

Rationale: Swimming pool codes provide a framework for maintaining the

health, safety, and general well-being of patrons, and Ys are

encouraged to maintain the highest standards. Localities and states

that lack or have minimal codes may not necessarily be current with

what is considered industry standards. In addition, best practices

require that a document or set of codes be in use to ensure the

safety and well-being of patrons. Ys in states with a minimal

regulation are encouraged to actively research and identify an

appropriate pool code to follow.


AO-1 Develop an aquatic staff handbook and make it available to each employee.

Rationale: An employee handbook helps employees understand their roles and

responsibilities and is considered a business standard across multiple

industries and business types.

AO-2 Develop a facility manual and keep it on site. Have in place specific policies to

address safety concerns. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

Drowning or submersion events

Program-specific emergency procedures, if applicable

Child abuse prevention and reporting procedures

Missing person

Hypoxic training and breath-holding

Natural disasters and severe weather

Facility evacuation

Power failure

Properly securing and storing equipment after hours or end of season

Securing of facility at end of season or end of daily operation

Rental agreements and contracts for rental groups

Equipment maintenance and operation

AO-4 Establish daily, ongoing safety inspections to include

rescue and safety equipment,

deck and facility equipment,

noise and ambient air temperature levels, and

applicable emergency alarm systems.


AO-5 Evaluate each lifeguard zone seasonally for size and effectiveness.

Rationale: Ensure each zone gives the lifeguard a clear view of the bottom,

middle, and top of the pool. This helps ensure patron safety. Many

factors (e.g., the sun, number of swimmers, program needs) can

change depending on the season of the year.

AO-6 At a minimum, have an annual independent assessment of the aquatic facility


Rationale: Independent assessments provide an unbiased, objective review of

the aquatic safety operations and identify areas for improvement,

especially for lifeguard operations. Additionally, such assessments

help keep facilities accountable to recommendations and regulations.

It provides aquatic leaders the opportunity to learn how staff is

performing and identify safety and response issues with the facility.

It also allows aquatic leaders to ask a professional for help, ideas, or

guidance. Refer to Y–USA’s Aquatic Assessment Services fact sheet,

found on www.ymcaexchange.org, for further information.

AO-7 Include aquatic safety performance criteria in all YMCA positions (e.g., child care,

afterschool), especially those that come in contact with or are exposed to the

aquatic facility. Suggested Model Aquatic Safety Performance Criteria for

Non-Aquatic Staff can be found on www.ymcaexchange.org.



The Y is committed to the safety of everyone who uses our aquatic facilities. It

is critical that we diligently train Y staff to prevent, recognize, and respond to all

aquatic incidents.


LT-1 Upon hiring aquatic leadership staff, provide an orientation in the following areas

by someone with demonstrable knowledge. At a minimum, include the following in

the orientation:

Pool/facility orientation and operation

Pump room orientation and operation

Emergency action plan (EAP) review

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) workplace safety

Child abuse prevention

LT-2 Have in place a 30/60/90-day training plan for aquatics leadership staff to

address any immediate gaps in certifications and knowledge.

Rationale: Due to various factors, including the lack of a centralized training

program or similar post-high-school-degree track, candidates for

full-time aquatic positions may not necessarily possess advanced

skills or knowledge in aquatics. In some cases, many of the required

minimum credentials are acquired post hire. Establishing a

30/60/90-day training plan is a proactive approach to developing

new leadership staff to help them close gaps in necessary skills and


LT-3 Have a professional development training plan for aquatics leadership that takes

into account the need for advanced certifications, aquatic management training,

technical training, continuing education, conferences, and networking


Rationale: Obtaining certifications, while critical to professional development, is

only the beginning of acquiring knowledge in the aquatics field.

Exposure to other aquatic professionals and aquatic-based

presentations enhances the knowledge and confidence of the

aquatics director. In addition, this exposure creates a valuable

network of individuals who can provide resources and support to the

Y aquatics director.

LT-4 During transitions in aquatic leadership, ensure that all aquatic standards are

maintained and the aquatic facility is adequately supervised during the transition.

Rationale: During transitions in aquatic leadership, a gap in coverage and

supervision often occurs. In order to continue providing for the


safety of patrons, Y leadership appoint an individual to ensure that

lifeguard and facility operations are effectively and safely



LS-1 Ensure that lifeguard staff have appropriate training prior to service, with renewal

training at appropriate intervals. Appropriate training includes the following:

Professional rescuer CPR certification—This certification training, which is

renewed annually, requires two-person CPR, the use of a bag-valve mask,

and child/infant CPR

Standard first aid certification—renewed every two years

Current YMCA Lifeguard or equivalent lifeguard training certification—

renewed every two years

AED certification—renewed annually

Emergency oxygen administration certification—renewed annually

YMCA POOL certification or equivalent pool operator certification as

necessary for staff performing maintenance at the aquatic facility

Proof of training that satisfies OSHA requirements for blood-borne

pathogens and employee right-to-know

Rationale: The practice of annually re-training staff in CPR/AED is based on the


Research conducted by the American National Red Cross

(ACFASF n.d.) indicated the lack of supporting evidence for a

two-year CPR certification.

OSHA’s ―Best Practices Guide: Fundamentals of a Workplace First

Aid Program‖ (2006) encourages a CPR-skills practice session

every six months and recommends annual recertification in

CPR/AED skills.

A study published in the journal Resuscitation (Andresen 2008)

noted a correlation between reduced skill retention and lack of

six-month skill reviews.

LS-2 Develop and implement a standardized response protocol for various

emergencies. Ensure that the facility’s emergency action plan supports this


Rationale: Y-owned or -operated aquatic facilities might employ lifeguards

trained by different nationally recognized agencies. For consistency

and quality, having in place a single training protocol equips staff

to deliver a high-quality, collaborative rescue response. For each

facility, establish emergency action plans that clarify a unified and

consistent response system.


LS-3 Prior to their first shift, thoroughly orient new lifeguards to the environment in

which they will be guarding. Include oral, written, and physical components with

proper documentation. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

Zones and rotations

Emergency policies and procedures, including emergency action plans

Location and use of rescue and resuscitation equipment

Location and use of personal protective equipment

Facility rules and injury prevention policies

Child supervision and abuse prevention policy

OSHA workplace safety practices

Aquatics department policies and procedures

LS-4 Have new lifeguards shadow other lifeguards, under the supervision of an

experienced staff member, for a minimum of two shifts prior to assigning the new

lifeguard a zone of responsibility.

Rationale: A job-shadow period allows experienced lifeguards to help new hires

become acclimated to their surroundings. It also provides a support

structure as the new lifeguard refines scanning and patron


LS-5 Conduct a minimum of four hours of in-service training per month for all lifeguard

staff. Include these in-service training topics (among others):

CPR/AED skills

First-aid skills

Scanning and patron surveillance

Emergency response, including emergency action plan drills

Spinal injury management

Water rescue skills

Rationale: Unused skills deteriorate without practice. Regular in-service training

has long been considered an industry standard.

LS-6 Have lifeguard staff follow a physical conditioning program appropriate to the

aquatic facility.

LS-7 Conduct a minimum of one emergency action plan drill per year in partnership

with your local emergency medical services (EMS).


NL-1 Train nonlifeguard aquatic staff to support lifeguards during an emergency.

Include in the emergency action plan the scope of their roles and responsibilities


during an emergency. Following are the recommended certification trainings for

all nonlifeguard aquatic staff:

Professional rescuer CPR


Emergency oxygen administration

First aid

Applicable technical specialty and safety certifications

YMCA Aquatic Safety Assistant (YASA) or equivalent

Rationale: It requires a coordinated team effort to ensure that an aquatic

environment is rescue-ready. Train all staff working in these

environments to support one another according to the facility’s

emergency action plan. Applicable specialty and safety certifications

refer to the safety certification requirement for various programs.

Depending on the program, it may be unnecessary to require both

the applicable specialty and safety certification and YASA or

equivalent. Evaluate the standard practices for the programs offered

at each facility when determining safety training requirements for

nonlifeguard aquatic staff.

NL-2 Thoroughly orient new aquatic staff to the environment where they will be

working. Document these orientations, which can be both oral and written.

Include the following:

A plan to close training gaps (see NL-1)

Department/aquatic facility orientation

Uniform requirements

Meeting/training requirements

Emergency policies and procedures, including emergency action plans

Deck orientation

Program supervision and safety policies

OSHA workplace safety practices

Child abuse recognition and prevention

NL-3 Practice emergency action plan response readiness a minimum of quarterly

through in-service skill practice.



DS-1 Have designated nonaquatic support staff trained to support lifeguards in an

emergency. Reflect the scope of their emergency roles and responsibilities in the

emergency action plan. Following are the recommended certification trainings for

designated nonaquatic support staff:

Professional rescuer CPR


Emergency oxygen administration

First aid

YMCA Aquatic Safety Assistant (YASA) or equivalent

Rationale: Designating dedicated nonaquatic support staff, such as a manager

on duty, is necessary to ensure that an adequate response is

available at all times to manage an emergency. This can often be a

challenge during nonpeak hours when staff volume is reduced. When

identifying and selecting individuals as designated nonaquatic

support staff, consider the swimming ability of the staff member. Do

not designate staff members who are unable to complete the basic

swimming skills found in the YMCA Aquatic Safety Assistant or

equivalent program. This is a good practice also because it allows for

the cross-training in specific safety techniques and skills for

positions, such as camp staff, who will have regular access to the

aquatic facility.

DS-2 Thoroughly orient designated nonaquatic support staff to the aquatic facility.

Document these orientations, which can be both oral and written. Include the


Department/aquatic facility orientation

Meeting/training requirements

Emergency policies and procedures, including emergency action plans

Deck orientation

Safety policies

OSHA workplace safety practices

Child abuse recognition and prevention

DS-3 Practice response readiness to the emergency action plan at least quarterly

through in-service skill practice. Increase this frequency as necessary depending

on the requirements of the position and involvement with the aquatic department.



Lifeguards and aquatic leaders are essential to the safety of our aquatic facilities

and help ensure that our patrons enjoy a safe, fun aquatic experience. Proper

and effective lifeguard supervision, aquatic leadership, and supervision from

branch management provides our patrons, community, and the Y a safer

aquatic environment.


MS-1 Establish an aquatic leadership position for each branch that meets the training

requirements found in section 2, AL-1.

MS-2 Ensure that lifeguards employed by your Y provide active supervision during all

times the pool is in use. When multiple pools are on site, provide a lifeguard for

each pool in use.

MS-3 Make it a priority to assign at least two lifeguards to a pool at all times the pool is

in use.

Rationale: The skills and training provided to lifeguards through nationally

recognized training agencies emphasize a team approach to care.

Staffing a minimum of two lifeguards at all times allows them to

apply their rescue skills as they were trained to do. Staffing two

lifeguards at all times also allows for patron interactions without

compromising patron surveillance. If such staffing is not financially

feasible, evaluate the bather load, level of risk, and available support

structure when determining when a single lifeguard on duty is used.

MS-4 Ensure that aquatic leadership or a designated nonaquatic support staff member

is present at all times to support lifeguards in an emergency. See Administration

Section AL and Training Sections LT and DS for more information.

MS-5 Adjust lifeguard-to-patron ratios by assessing:

Compliance with applicable state and local codes (make sure these codes

are met or exceeded)

Size and shape of the pool

Available equipment

Number and ages of patrons in the pool

Skill level of patrons

Skill level of lifeguards

Type of program

Environmental factors such as sun glare, rain, wind, and shadows from

buildings or trees that make viewing areas of the water or bottom difficult

Availability and qualifications of other support staff


Rationale: There is no scientific or other demonstrated evidence that a

particular ratio of lifeguards to patrons positively affects aquatic

safety. In some cases, the ―more is better‖ approach to lifeguard

staffing may produce a false sense of security at best, and at worst

result in lifeguards being unsure of the extent of their zones. The

recommended approach is to consider a number of factors when

determining lifeguard-to-patron ratios. These factors take into

account environment, length of active supervision, and visual and

audible stimuli.

MS-6 Ensure that lifeguards are rescue ready with the following equipment and

systems available and accessible at all times:

A uniform that readily identifies them as a member of the lifeguard staff,

consistent with current Y-USA branding guidelines, with the word

―lifeguard‖ clearly visible on the uniform

One rescue tube per lifeguard, worn at all times

One summoning device per lifeguard, worn at all times

A rescue pack—one per lifeguard—containing personal protective

equipment (PPE), worn at all times

Emergency call system to notify 911 or other YMCA staff

Backboard with a minimum of three body straps and a head restraint


Automated external defibrillator (AED)

Emergency oxygen delivery system

Manual suction device

First-aid kit stocked to handle various major and minor emergencies for a

minimum of 10 people

MS-7 Have the following equipment available in quantities appropriate for the facility:

Shepherd’s crook

Ring buoy





Filled water bottles

Weather radio

Lightning detector

MS-8 When positioning a lifeguard station, consider the following:

Lifeguards require the ability to reach all points in an assigned zone within

10 seconds.

Overlap all zones with other zones.


Require lifeguards to scan no more than 180 degrees to cover their zone.

Ensure sight lines are clear so the lifeguard can appropriately scan the

assigned zone.

Ensure proximity to the water’s edge to prevent blind spots directly in

front of the stand.

Account for the changing effects of glare, shadows, and lighting.

Be prepared for different weather conditions.

Ensure appropriate chair height to water depth.

MS-9 Have in place a zone validation plan to ensure that all zones are appropriate for

the facility and allow for appropriate response times.


SS-1 Rotate lifeguards every 20 to 30 minutes. Provide lifeguards a minimum of one

10-minute break from lifeguarding every hour. As the temperature and humidity

rise, increase the frequency of lifeguard rotations and breaks regardless of

whether or not the aquatic facility is indoor or outdoor.

Rationale: In ―Lifeguard Vigilance Bibliographic Study,‖ a report published in

2001 by the Applied Anthropology Institute in France, several studies

are referenced with implications for lifeguarding. One study

referenced the Mackworth Clock Test, commissioned in 1950 by the

British Royal Navy, which found that optimal vigilance cannot be

maintained for more than 30 minutes. A subsequent study published

in 1970 (Mackworth) showed that breaks for as little as 10 minutes

can return vigilance to the same level as at the start of the task.

Another study, referenced by Pigeau (1995), examined vigilance

among air traffic controllers and found that vigilance over time is

negatively affected during periods of low activity. The study’s author

concluded that short activity cycles with frequent breaks should be

used by lifeguards during periods of low activity.

SS-2 Lifeguards performing active surveillance require rescue readiness as described


Rescue tube across lap or in hand

Strap over shoulder and diagonally across chest

Excess strap secured in hand

Posture erect and forward

Scanning from the bottom, middle, and top of the water throughout the

assigned zone and including the deck and water features in the assigned


SS-3 Have management staff conduct lifeguard quick checks a minimum of once



SS-4 Provide a minimum of one lifeguard chair for each lifeguard on active supervision.

The minimum height of the seat of the chair from the surface of the pool deck is

five feet.

Rationale: Positioning the lifeguard at a height any lower than five feet above

the deck increases the risk that a victim would be obscured from the

lifeguard by swimmers, the pool edge, or other features. This

recommendation does not preclude the use of standing, roving, or

in-water lifeguard positions, or the use of scanning techniques that

require a periodic change in body position.


DPS-1 Require a swim test of all youth and adults who give a lifeguard concern before

allowing the patrons to enter water that is deeper than their armpits. Use a

system to identify or mark patrons according to their swimming ability, including

nonswimmers. Include appropriate restrictions on pool use.

Rationale: Swim testing identifies individuals who have poor swimming skills so

that Ys can implement strategies, such as pool-usage restrictions,

that provide additional safety measures in drowning prevention.

Currently, there is no consensus on the definition of a

―nonswimmer.‖ YMCAs are encouraged to define what constitutes

poor or underdeveloped swimming ability until a standard description

is available.

DPS-2 Have all participants in a special or outside group, regardless of their membership

status, participate in an orientation that includes an explanation of rules, pool depths,

restricted areas, buddy checks, swim tests, and how swimmers will be marked.

DPS-3 Require reach supervision for younger children classified as nonswimmers by a

swim test.

DPS-4 Require nonswimmers to wear a U.S. Coast Guard–approved type II personal

flotation device in addition to requiring reach supervision.

DPS-5 As much as possible, identify and incorporate aquatic safety technology, such as

surveillance systems or alarms, as part of your aquatic safety implementation

strategies and as a supplement to the supervision provided by lifeguard staff.

Rationale: Although these technology systems DO NOT replace the need for

continuous lifeguard surveillance, they can assist a lifeguard in

surveillance duties. Appropriate protocols, combined with aquatic

safety technology, may save valuable time during an emergency.

Refer to Y–USA’s Aquatic Safety Technology fact sheet, found on

www.ymcaexchange.org, for further information.



Aquatic facilities that are properly operated and maintained, follow recognized

industry standards, and comply with all local, state, and federal regulations help

ensure the health and safety of our patrons at the highest level possible.


CM-1 Assess material safety data sheets (MSDS) for possible updates each time

chemicals are delivered. Post MSDS in the room where chemicals are stored and

used, and compile the MSDS in a clearly labeled binder readily available to


CM-2 Clearly identify and properly store chemicals. Post a warning sign on the outside of

the door where chemicals are stored that says, ―Chemical Storage – Authorized

Personnel Only,‖ with an appropriately marked Occupational Safety and Health

Administration (OSHA) compliant placard visibly placed.

CM-3 Follow chemical handling, storage, and disposal procedures as required by the

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Occupational Safety and

Health Administration (OSHA).

CM-4 For all employees required to handle chemicals, provide them with personal

protective equipment (PPE) (e.g., gloves, eye protection, face protection,

inhalation protection, and apron to protect clothes) and train them in the use of

PPE according to OSHA standards.

CM-5 Establish a fecal contamination policy that identifies response procedures,

documentation, and prevention procedures. At a minimum, follow the Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations for preventing

contamination incidents and recreational water illness (RWI). If state or local

codes exceed these requirements, follow the more stringent standard.

CM-6 Have on staff a pool operator certified in YMCA Pool Operator on Location

(POOL) or equivalent to monitor and maintain the disinfection, filtration, and

mechanical operation of each aquatic facility and to ensure that local and state

health department standards are being met. Keep the proof of this certification on

site and readily available.

CM-7 Have available a copy of the YMCA Pool Operator on Location manual or

equivalent for use as a reference tool.

CM-8 Have on file and readily available for reference all manufacturer data sheets for

mechanical pool and spa equipment.


CM-9 Establish and follow association- or branch-specific standards for pool operation,

in compliance with existing federal, state, or local codes.


DE-1 For all outdoor aquatic facilities, have perimeter fencing at least six feet high

(eight feet recommended). Ensure that fencing is in good condition and inspected

regularly for protrusions, sharp edges, or openings.

DE-2 Whenever facility equipment such as piers, diving boards, ladders, or rafts are

present, ensure that they are in proper repair and safe working condition. Include

these items in the facility safety check and the preventive maintenance schedule.

DE-3 Cover decks and docks with non-slip coating. Ensure that at least one side of the

deck or dock is wide enough to allow access for extricating a victim. For new

construction, build decks and docks with adequate width for extraction on all


DE-4 During recreational or open swim times, place a floating safety rope to signify

depth changes from shallow play areas, from shallow to deep water, or any

sudden changes in water depth. Provide a safety line that is sturdy enough to

support an adult with his or her head out of the water.

Rationale: A visual marker provides nonswimmers a visible boundary they

should not cross. It may be necessary for Ys to place multiple

boundary lines, especially in zero-depth pools to indicate the

transition from 2.5-feet to deeper water.

DE-5 Ensure that floor drains and suction outlets are compliant with the Virginia

Graeme Baker Act of 2007 and can be seen from the surface at all times. Drains

require a visual inspection at each shift change, which includes inspecting for

broken grates, missing hardware, and other defects. Implement protocols to

ensure any potential issues are reported to aquatic leadership.

DE-6 For seasonal aquatic facilities, when the facility has been closed for the season,

post a sign stating the facility is closed and no lifeguards are on duty.

DE-7 Permanently mount rules, regulations, warning signs, and procedures for use of

the aquatic facility, locker rooms, slides, spray features, whirlpools, and diving

areas in the pool, whirlpool, and locker room areas.

DE-8 Write rules in clear and (as much as possible) positive language; have lifeguards

review the rules with patrons and enforce the rules consistently.

DE-9 Regularly clean and sanitize decks and other wet areas with a disinfecting solution

that is designed for this purpose and does not interfere with water chemistry.

DE-10 Clean and sanitize slides and play elements with a chlorine solution only.


DE-11 Keep ventilation systems in operation 24 hours per day. Maintain a slightly

negative pressure in natatoriums, spa and whirlpool areas, and locker rooms.

Monitor cubic feet per minute (CFM) to ensure adequate circulation according to

the design of the ventilation system.

DE-12 Illuminate pools so there is a minimum 30-foot candles at the water’s surface

when underwater lighting is on. Without underwater lighting, a minimum

illumination of 50-foot candles is recommended.

DE-13 Illuminate outdoor pools by underwater lightning providing a minimum of 60-foot

candles of illumination measured at the surface.

DE-14 Equip pools and spas with an emergency alarm system to summon help to the pool

or spa area. Multiple alarm activation sites or handheld wireless panic buttons can

provide for immediate access to the alarm and faster response time.

DE-15 Conduct and document tests of the emergency alarm systems twice weekly.


PM-1 Regularly inspect all aquatics facilities and equipment for safety by the director of

the program (or a designee) and judge suitability for use. Determine the

frequency of inspections based on

manufacturers’ recommendations,

frequency of use, and

level of inherent risk involved.

PM-2 Develop a written preventive maintenance and inspection schedule according to

manufacturers’ recommendations, keeping inspections and maintenance records

on file.

PM-3 Routinely maintain aquatic facility mechanical systems in accordance with the

manufacturers’ equipment manuals. Keep a record of maintenance on file.

PM-4 Conduct an electrical inspection every three to five years to identify potential

shock hazards to employees and patrons.

PM-5 Have an emergency lighting system in the pool and whirlpool areas, which is

tested weekly by facility staff.

PM-6 Maintain the emergency lighting system; the regular pool lighting; and the

mechanical, ventilating, and plumbing systems according to the manufacturers’

specifications, keep them in good working condition at all times, and conduct a

documented inspection of them at regular intervals.

PM-7 Have all roof and ceiling components inspected by a licensed structural engineer

at least once every five years.


PM-8 Have all suspended ceilings and related components inspected annually by a

licensed structural engineer. Keep on file a schedule of inspections and written


Rationale: Suspended ceilings are at a higher risk of failure due to corrosion. If

your Y has suspended ceilings, develop a strategy to remove them.

PM-9 Drain and fill pools annually. During this time, secure the physical pool structure

from unauthorized and unsupervised entry and conduct appropriate inspections.

Rationale: Annual draining and filling allows for a detailed inspection of the pool

surfaces for physical defects. This practice also helps address certain

concerns with water quality. Ys using pool chemicals that increase

total dissolved solids (TDS) or chlorine-stabilizing compounds may

experience problems with water quality that can affect the safety of

pool users. If your Y uses these compounds, schedule an annual

draining to reduce or eliminate potentially harmful effects.


NCR-1 Perform construction of new facilities and renovations of existing facilities in

accordance with these guidelines and all local, state, and federal codes regarding

swimming pool construction.

NCR-2 Have all plans for construction or renovation of aquatic facilities reviewed by

aquatics professional(s) experienced in the design and planning of aquatic

facilities, programming, and safety. Y-USA resources and staff are available to

assist in this process, including specialists in property development, aquatics

safety and risk, and aquatic programs.

Rationale: The construction and renovation of commercial aquatic facilities

requires experience and knowledge that may not be held by many

pool builders and designers. In addition, architects who are

inexperienced in commercial aquatic facilities often emphasize

aesthetic beauty, which is frequently at odds with aquatic safety and

programming. Working with an aquatics professional experienced in

the design and planning of aquatic facilities allows the facility to

properly incorporate safety elements while maintaining aesthetics.

This also provides another point of view to ensure that the

mechanical, ventilation, and lighting systems are appropriate for the




Strong risk management and safety practices help protect our patrons and

community, prevent injuries, and reduce the frequency and severity of


RM-1 Have a comprehensive safety and policy overview conducted annually by Y

aquatic management. Conduct the overview in conjunction with the executive

director, associate executive director, or a corporate management representative

well versed in aquatic safety to identify, analyze, and minimize risk that can result

from the aquatic facility, its usage, and operations. Perform this overview

for Y programs and activities;

by outside organizations using Y pools; and

for offsite aquatic facilities used for Y programs and activities.

RM-2 Anticipate and evaluate loss exposures, hazards, and threats on a regular basis by

Y aquatics and association management to determine the likelihood of occurrence

and assess the procedures in place to mitigate a loss.

RM-3 Conduct periodic risk assessments by aquatic management to ensure compliance

and effectiveness during the year, including

Y-USA’s Aquatic Safety Guidelines;


training; and

facilities and equipment.

RM-4 Monitor, evaluate, and modify procedures by Y aquatics management on an

ongoing basis to ensure safety and loss prevention.

RM-5 Ensure that adult and child swimmers sign a waiver of liability as part of their

membership agreement, including guest-pass and day-pass users. Ensure that

minors have the signature of a legal guardian.

RM-6 Have outside groups renting the YMCA pool

sign the YMCA’s facility-use agreement, which also should be signed by

YMCA management; and

provide a certificate of insurance and name the YMCA as additionally

insured on the group’s insurance with the proper endorsement attached.

RM-7 Use a facility use agreement, which requires a signature, for small events.

RM-8 When managing non-YMCA-owned facilities,

ensure the association CEO/CFO is involved in the contract process.


put in place a written agreement outlining the parties’ responsibilities and

protections for the Y. Have this reviewed by the Y’s legal counsel.

review insurance requirements and obligations with the Y’s management

and insurance representatives.

ensure offsite aquatic facilities used by your YMCA for programming—such

as swim lessons, water aerobics, or any other type of instruction—comply

with all of your Y’s safety standards and procedures.

do not ―rent‖ or dispatch lifeguards to private homeowners for parties or

any lifeguarding-related responsibilities. Limit all offsite lifeguarding

activities to YMCA programs only.

RM-9 When using contractors and pool chemical suppliers or vendors

have signed agreements in place that indemnify, defend, and hold

harmless the YMCA.

ensure the YMCA is named as ―additionally insured‖ by endorsement on

the contractor’s, supplier’s, or vendor’s insurance.

obtain a proper certificate of insurance and ―additionally insured‖

endorsement from the contractor, supplier, or vendor.

RM-10 Have in place a written risk-management plan incorporating all recommendations

found in the Y-USA Aquatic Safety Guidelines.

RM-11 Ensure that aquatic leadership review aquatic facility maintenance, inspection,

and repair logs on a regular basis to verify accuracy and that the records are

maintained for retrieval when needed.

RM-12 Have accident/incident reports reviewed weekly by aquatics leadership to

determine if corrective action is needed;

identify training and supervision issues;

ensure accurate reporting and documentation of incidents and outcomes;

evaluate effectiveness of emergency procedures; and

discuss with association management on a monthly/quarterly basis as part

of your Y’s overall risk management strategies.

RM-13 Retain all YMCA aquatic legal documents and forms. The length of retention for

each document varies. Each association drafts a policy to ensure the correct

documents are not being destroyed. See the guidelines and recommendations on

this matter available from Y-USA at www.ymcaexchange.org. Have your Y’s

records retention policy reviewed by your Y’s local attorney.



Some environments and activities pose unique challenges that require a specific

approach to aquatic safety. This section includes additional guidelines for special

environments commonly found in a YMCA and is intended to be used in

conjunction with Sections 1 through 5.


CSD-1 In the interest of maintaining the highest level of safety, have all coaches who

work with competitive swimmers hold current certifications in the following areas:


First aid

American Red Cross’s Safety Training for Swim Coaches or current YMCA

Lifeguard (or equivalent lifeguard training certification) with proof of

successful completion of the online Safety Training for Swim Coaches

written test available on USA Swimming’s website, www.usaswimming.org

Principles of YMCA Competitive Swimming and Diving

Child abuse prevention

CSD-2 Ensure that all competitive swimming and/or diving practices and competitions

are actively supervised at all times by a lifeguard whose sole responsibility is to

fulfill lifeguard duties. Do not have a coach serve simultaneously as a coach and


Rationale: The duties of coach and lifeguard are task specific and require

dedicated focus to perform effectively and safely.

CSD-3 Allow diving instruction from the side of the pool, such as long shallow dives or

standing dives, only in water that is at least nine feet deep. Competitive

swimmers proficient in such dives can then perform racing starts during swim

practice or competition only in water that is at least five feet deep at the starting

end of the pool. If the water is less than five feet deep, have swimmers in the

water at the start of the race, performing a push start from the side of the pool.

Rationale: As of 2010, all major instructional agencies (Y-USA, the American

Red Cross, USA Swimming, and USA Diving) require basic diving

instruction to occur in a minimum of nine feet of water.

CSD-4 Use starting blocks only under the supervision of the coaching or instructional

staff. When not in use, always cover or restrict starting blocks to prevent

unauthorized and untrained access.

Rationale: In Diving Injuries: Research Findings and Recommendations for

Reducing Catastrophic Injuries (Gabrielson 2001), the editors


reviewed 32 cases of spinal injuries associated with starting blocks.

Of these incidents, all 32 cases were in water depths of four feet or

less. Of these cases, 28 involved members of a swim team, with four

cases involving recreational swimmers ―trying out the starting blocks

because they had seen others do it.‖ The authors conclude that

starting blocks should be placed in water depths of at least five feet.

CSD-5 If your Y has competitive swimming and diving programs, follow all additional safety

guidelines as indicated by the YMCA Swimming and Diving Advisory Committee.


SP-1 Ensure that all spas and whirlpools are located where they are under supervision

by lifeguard staff.

SP-2 Post signage at all spas and whirlpools informing users of the potential risks of

use, including the following restrictions on using the spa or whirlpool:

Minimum age

Time limit

Individuals with certain medical conditions

SP-3 Ensure that all spas and whirlpools are equipped with timer switches that restrict

jet action to 10 minutes. Position these switches where users must exit the water

to reactivate the jet action.

Rationale: Using spas and whirlpools increases the risk of heat-related

emergencies and complications to existing medical conditions due to

heat exposure. Limiting the time users are in the spa or whirlpool

reduces the risk of such emergencies. Review the Y-USA Medical

Advisory Committee statement on saunas, steam rooms, and


SP-4 Ensure that spa and whirlpool temperatures do not exceed 102˚F.

Rationale: Using spas and whirlpools increases the risk of heat-related

emergencies and complications to existing medical conditions due to

exposure to high temperatures. Review the Y-USA Medical Advisory

Committee statement on saunas, steam rooms, and whirlpools for

more information.

SP-5 Equip all spas and whirlpools with the following:

Emergency cut-off switch located in the spa area

Emergency vacuum release system

Two main drains that are compliant with the Virginia Graeme Baker Act

SP-6 Drain and refill all spas and whirlpools weekly.



WF-1 Comply with local, state, and federal health and safety codes and ordinances in

the operation of waterfront facilities at all times.

WF-2 Ensure that all waterfront beaches have the following environment-specific

equipment readily available in a quantity appropriate to the geographic size of the

facility and its attendance. (This is in addition to the required equipment outlined in

Section 3 – Supervision.) Conduct documented inspections daily of all equipment,

including the following:

Rescue board (paddleboard)

Mask, fins, and snorkel

Communication equipment

Legible and adequately secured rules and warning signs

Buoys and safety floats that are properly secured, have no sharp edges,

and have legible markings to indicate the swim area

Tag board with at least one tag per swimmer

WF-3 If permitted by the local or state regulatory ordinances, waterfronts are advised

to have a motorized safety boat available.

WF-4 Whenever equipment such as docks, diving boards, ladders, rafts, and similar

structures are provided, ensure they are in proper repair and safe working


WF-6 Conduct and document daily inspections of waterfront beaches for any unusual

hazards, and mitigate any hazards prior to use.

WF-7 Each day, perform and document inspections of water and bottom conditions.

Include accuracy of depth markers; debris on the bottom; holes and sandbars;

currents; tides; wave size, direction, and type; thermocline; and weather


WF-8 Have lifeguards who have additional training in waterfront-specific skills by a

nationally recognized agency.

WF-9 For all Y-managed waterfronts with Y-employed lifeguards, provide additional in-

service training specific to the waterfront environment for those lifeguards.

WF-10 Control access to all waterfront-related structures and equipment, which includes

securing such structures and equipment after hours.

WF-11 Clearly divide waterfronts into separate areas for different activities, such as

boating and swimming.

WF-12 Require personal floatation devices during all boating-related activities.


WF-13 Implement the use of buddy boards/tag boards to help lifeguards and safety

assistants quickly account for all participants in swimming and boating activities.

WF-14 Ys owning or managing waterfronts are encouraged to follow the American Camp

Association’s (ACA) guidelines (Visit ACA’s website, www.acacamps.org, for

information on how to obtain a copy of their guidelines). In the event of a conflict

between these guidelines, follow the more stringent guideline.

WF-15 Ys owning or managing open water and surf environments are encouraged to

follow all guidelines and standards as indicated by the United States Lifesaving

Association (USLA).


PS-1 Position a slide attendant/dispatcher at the entry of the slide. Position a lifeguard

at or in the catch pool or run-out of the slide.

PS-2 Enforce the manufacturers’ height requirements for users of slides and develop

minimum swimming criteria for their use.

PS-3 Follow all manufacturers’ recommendations for all play equipment installed at the

aquatic facility, including but not limited to,

removable inflatable play structures,

permanently fixed play structures, and

temporary or removable play structures.

PS-4 Evaluate hazards associated with existing and new play structures, and staff the

pools accordingly. Develop policies regarding the use of personal floatation devices

and minimum swimming ability requirements per play structure.


CS-1 In order to assist lifeguards in an emergency involving camp participants,

establish camp counselors as designated nonaquatic support staff and train them

as found in Section 2 – Training, DS-1 to DS-3.

CS-2 Ensure that camp counselors receive additional training for the following:

Specific supervision responsibilities for the aquatic facility

Camp counselor roles in swim testing procedures

Implementation and enforcement of the buddy system

Supervision of children who are not actively swimming

Camp-specific aquatic safety policies

Aquatic safety policies and procedures for non-Y-owned aquatic facilities

CS-3 For camp field trips, when using an aquatic facility that is not owner by your Y,

establish minimum criteria for its use and tour the facility prior to use for

evaluation against the criteria.


CS-4 When using a non-YMCA-owned aquatic facility for camp field trips, ensure that Y

counselors receive training prior to arrival at the venue in the following:

Additional supervision responsibilities specific to the venue

Emergency procedures in the event of an injury or a submersion incident

Procedures in the event of a missing camper



American Red Cross Advisory Council on First Aid, Aquatics, Safety, and Preparedness (ACFASP).

2009. ―ACFASP Scientific Review CPR Skill Retention.‖ Retrieved from


Andresen, D., H. R. Arntz, W. Gräfling, S. Hoffmann, D. Hofmann, R. Kraemer, B. Krause-

Dietering, S. Osche, K. Wegscheider. 2008. ―Public access resuscitation program including

defibrillator training for laypersons: a randomized trial to evaluate the impact of training course

duration.‖ Resuscitation. 76(3): 419–24.

Applied Anthropology Institute. 2001. ―Lifeguard Vigilance Bibliographic Study.‖ Paris, France.

Retrieved from www.poseidon-tech.com/us/vigilanceStudy.pdf

Gabrielson, M. A., J. McElhaney, and R. O’Brien (ed.). 2001. Diving Injuries: Research Findings

and Recommendations for Reducing Catastrophic Injuries. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press LLC.

Mackworth, J. F. 1970. Vigilance and attention. Baltimore: Penguin.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). 2006. Best Practices Guide:

Fundamentals of a Workplace First-Aid Program. OSHA Publication 3317-06N.


Pigeau, R.A., R.G. Angas, P. O’Neill, and I. Mack. 1995. “Vigilance latencies to aircraft detection

among NORAD surveillance operators.‖ Human Factors, 37(3): 622–634.

YMCA of the USA. 2011. On the Guard: The YMCA Lifeguard Manual, 5th ed. Chicago: YMCA of

the USA.


DEFINITIONS 30/60/90-day training plan – A plan that outlines the continued development of a staff

member along a predetermined period of time, such as 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days.

active supervision – Lifeguards’ state when they are fully involved and engaged, scanning,

alert, and ready to respond. They are in full control and constantly aware of swimmers’ presence

and activity on and below the water’s surface, on the pool bottom, and on the pool deck in the

assigned area of responsibility.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) – A wide-ranging civil-rights law enacted by the U.S.

Congress in 1990 and amended in January 2009. The ADA prohibits, under certain

circumstances, discrimination based on disability and prescribes certain requirements for


aquatic leadership – An individual(s), employed by a Y, with aquatic supervisory responsibilities as

a primary job function.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – The CDC is a U.S. federal agency under

the Department of Health and Human Services based in Atlanta, Georgia. It works to protect

public health and safety by providing information to enhance health-related decisions and

promoting health through partnerships with state health departments and other organizations.

The CDC focuses national attention on developing and applying disease prevention and control

(especially infectious diseases), environmental health, occupational safety and health, health

promotion, injury prevention, and education activities designed to improve the health of the

people of the United States.

emergency action plan (EAP) – Action steps required to be performed by staff in the event of

an emergency. Communication protocols and cross-departmental procedures are defined in the


employee right-to-know program – A Hazard Communication Education Program required by

the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for all facilities using hazardous

chemicals. This program is designed to inform employees of the hazards of the chemicals they

work with and how to take appropriate precautions. Failure to have a written HAZCOM program

is the workplace violation most often cited by OSHA. Training is required prior to the first day of

work for an employee; annual refresher training is also required.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – A U.S. federal agency charged with protecting

human health and the environment, by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed

by Congress. The agency conducts environmental assessment, research, and education. It has

the primary responsibility for setting and enforcing national standards under a variety of

environmental laws, in consultation with state, tribal, and local governments.

foot candles – Illumination measurement determined by a light meter.

in-service training – Training focused on the review and improvement of skills and knowledge

as well as introducing new concepts. An in-service training can also be tailored toward facility-

specific skill development.


lifeguard duties – Any responsibilities and actions involving patron surveillance; emergency

response; or the use of water-rescue, CPR, or first-aid skills.

lifeguard quick checks – Quick assessments and observation of lifeguards by nonlifeguard

staff, nonaquatic staff, and patrons to ensure that lifeguards are rescue ready and the aquatic

environment is safe.

manufacturer equipment manuals – Original documentation, including updates, supplied by

the equipment manufacturer that includes installation and operation instructions, routine and

preventive maintenance instructions, and parts lists for repairs.

material safety data sheets (MSDS) – Forms that provide data on the properties of a

particular substance or chemical. Important components of product stewardship and workplace

safety, MSDS provide workers and emergency personnel with procedures for handling or working

with a substance in a safe manner. These sheets include information such as physical data (e.g.,

melting point, boiling point, flash point), toxicity, health effects, reactivity, storage, disposal,

protective equipment, spill-handling procedures, and appropriate first-aid measures. MSDS

formats can vary from source to source within a country depending on national requirements.

Model Aquatic Safety Performance Criteria – A set of criteria, developed by Y-USA, which

can be added to job descriptions of nonaquatic staff employed by a YMCA.

nonaquatic support staff – Staff, such as front desk or program staff, who are tasked in a

facility’s emergency action plan (EAP) to support aquatic staff in the event of an emergency.

orientation – A detailed communication of all procedures, policies, and practices designed to

prepare the recipient for duty.

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) – The U.S. federal agency

dedicated to preventing work-related injuries, illnesses, and occupational fatalities by issuing and

enforcing standards for workplace safety and health.

personal protective equipment (PPE) – Devices and clothing designed to be worn or used for

the protection or safety of an individual while in potentially hazardous areas or performing

potentially hazardous operations.

pool operator – An appropriately trained staff member who understands the proper

management of water and facility operation and who is responsible for water quality control;

system component maintenance; and compliance with statutes, administrative codes,

regulations, and commonly accepted practices.

reach supervision – Type of oversight where a parent or legal guardian is within arm’s reach of

a child whenever using an aquatic facility.

records retention policy – Internal policy that prescribes the length of time a record must be

kept on file. It should also include a document retention policy so that no documents are

destroyed in the event of litigation.


recreational water illnesses (RWI) – Diseases caused by pathogens spread by swallowing,

breathing in mists or aerosols of, or having contact with contaminated water in swimming pools,

hot tubs, waterparks, water play areas, interactive fountains, lakes, rivers, or oceans. An RWI

can involve a wide variety of infections, including gastrointestinal, skin, ear, respiratory, eye,

neurologic, and wound infections.

rescue ready – The state of a lifeguard who is stationed in a lifeguard chair or on the deck;

carries a rescue tube or buoy, personal protective equipment (PPE), and a summoning device; is

readily identifiable as a lifeguard; and is properly positioned for swimmer supervision, rescues,

and other emergency care.

rescue reports – Documentation of rescues or incidents that involve a lifeguard assisting a

patron in the water.

response readiness – Indicates a level of physical, mental, and environment readiness to

respond to an emergency.

rotation – The movement of a lifeguard from one lifeguard station to another during a set time


scanning – A system of visual observation in which lifeguards perform systematic visual sweeps

of the facility, its patrons, and their activity.

special or outside group – A group of individuals using a Y for a special event, recreational

swimming, instructional programming, or other contracted service. This may include YMCA

programs, such as preschool, camp, and afterschool care.

summoning device – A device used to summon secondary response. Commonly a whistle, this

device may also be a wall alarm that can be activated by pressing a button or a personal wireless

device worn by lifeguards that is activated when they enter the water.

swim test – A swimming ability test that determines an individual’s swimming proficiency.

thermocline – A thin but distinct layer in a large body of fluid (such as an ocean or lake) or air

(such as an atmosphere), in which temperature changes more rapidly with depth than it does in

the layers above or below.

Virginia Graeme Baker Act – A U.S. law named for a child who died in June 2002 when the

suction from a spa drain entrapped her under the water. This federal requirement for public pools

preempts state or local law. It reads, in part: ―All pool/spa drain covers manufactured, distributed, or

entered into commerce on or after Dec. 19, 2008, must meet ASME/ANSI A112.19.8– 2007. All

public pools and spas must be retrofitted with covers that meet the ASME/ANSI A112.19.8– 2007

standard. All public pools and spas that have a single drain other than an unblockable drain must

employ one or more additional options.‖ (Sec. 1404: Top Priority for Public Pool and Spa


zone – Assigned area of coverage in which a lifeguard is responsible for scanning and



zone validation plan – A process that determines lifeguard positions based on number of

swimmers (i.e., bather load), type of activity, water depth, blind spots, glares, and any other

factors that may affect lifeguard placement.

top related