enlarged prostate

Post on 27-May-2015



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What you need to know about enlarged prostate . Symptoms , Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention for enlarged Prostate



Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.SCalcutta University, India

M.S Calcutta University, India

F.R.C.SRoyal College of Surgery, Edinburg

Diploma in Urology, University College London

Email :- info@kidneyprostate.com



Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London

What is a prostate gland?The prostate gland is mostly tissue rather than a gland.

What is the size of a prostate gland?It's the size of a walnut. Until puberty, the size of the prostate gland remains of the same size and at puberty it grows rapidly and doubles in size In some cases, certain medical issues crop up, where in, the gland may grow significantly by the time a man ages 60.

Where is it located?Prostate is located in the pelvic region. It lies just beneath the outlet of the bladder and in front of the rectum.

What is the function of a prostate gland?For its function, it requires testosterone that helps in regulating: a) bladder control and b) normal sexual functioning.

Read more : http://www.buzzle.com/articles/function-of-prostate-gland.html


Early Symptoms Of Enlarged Prostate and one should take care.

1. For most men, these nightly bathroom runs may be the first sign of an enlarged prostate.

2. Other symptoms may include, trouble starting a stream of urine, leaking, or dribbling.

3. Like gray hair, an enlarged prostate is a natural by-product of getting older, it’s part of wear and tear as you grow old.

For further reading: http://www.urologyhealth.org/content/moreinfo/enlargedprostate.pdf

Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London


What are the age group and percentage of enlarged prostate found in men.

Age Factor: The main factor of enlarged prostate.

It is estimated that an enlarged prostate occurs in different age groups at the following rates:

Ages 30-54: 2.2 %

Ages 55-74: 19.6 %

Ages 75 and up: 36.3 %

For Further Reading:


Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London


Enlarged Prostate Have Different Names.

They have several names

A. Enlarged prostate.

B. Benign Prostate Hyperplasia.

C. Simply BPH.

For Further Reading : http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000381.htm

Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London

Lifestyle Management Required To Control Enlarge Prostate.

1. Men with enlarged prostate should decrease fluid intake before bedtime.

2. Moderate the consumption of alcohol and caffeine-containing products.

3. Stay active.

4. Try to urinate at least once every 3 hours.

For Further Reading : http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/enlarged-prostate/lifestyle-changes.html


Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London


Genuine symptoms of enlarged prostate can include the following Factors.

1. A weak or slow urinary stream.

2. A feeling of incomplete bladder emptying.

3. Difficulty starting urination.

4. Frequent urination.

5. Urgency to urinate.

6. Getting up frequently at night to urinate.

7. A urinary stream that starts and stops.

8. Straining to urinate.

9. Continued dribbling of urine.

10. Returning to urinate again minutes after finishing.

For Further Reading : http://www.querycat.com/question/7d6719f5e080bfc239b3fe99f4117511

Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London


What To Do About Your Enlarged Prostate?

Be Proactive.

• There are many treatments for enlarge prostate(BPH).

• But there maybe side effects and possible complications.

• Therefore one should see a doctor when there is discomfort or any changes noticed .

• It may not be serious but it can also be the initial stages of bladder cancer, kidney stones or prostate cancer.

• Timely diagnosis and treatment is necessary .

• BPH is often a diagnosis of exclusion.

For Further Reading : http://www.windsorurology.co.uk/Clinical_Information/PSA.aspx

Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London


Prostate growth varies causing problems to men’s health. .

1. The growth of Prostate varies greatly from person to person.

2. Some people have more prostate growth than others. Some people with very large prostates don't have trouble with voiding.

3. It's a very individual thing.

For Further Reading :


Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London


Best Treatment for Enlarged Prostate.

According to the American Urological Association, surgery often does the

best job of relieving symptoms, but it also has more risks than other treatments.

For Further Reading :


Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London


Enlarged prostate treatment decisions.

Factors that men should consider after 50 Years.

1. BPH Index .

2. How high the symptom score

3. By seeing the score when to start treatment

4. What will be the driving force in treatment

For Further Reading : http://www.emedicinehealth.com/enlarged_prostate/article_em.htm

Factors that should be taken into consideration:

Whether a blockage is causing serious


1. Inability to urinate.

2. Blood in the urine.

3. Bladder stones.

4. Kidney failure.

5. Other bladder problems.

Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London

Deciding on Treatment for an Enlarged Prostate.

A range of treatments can relieve enlarge prostate symptoms.

1. Medications.

2. Minimally-invasive office procedures.

3. Surgery.

The therapy for you depends on your symptoms, how severe they are, and whether you have other medical conditions.

For Further Reading : http://www.auanet.org/content/homepage/homepage.cfm


Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London


A few questions to ask yourself about your own enlarged prostate?

1. How severe are your symptoms of enlarged prostate?

2. Do symptoms prevent you from doing things you enjoy?

3. Do they seriously affect your quality of life?

4. Are they getting worse ,look out for the symptoms?

5. Are you ready to accept some small risks to get rid of your symptoms?

6. Do you know the risks associated with each treatment?

7. Is it time to do something?

For Further Reading : http://www.auanet.org/content/homepage/homepage.cfm

Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London


Some Common and contemporary Therapy For Enlarged Prostate.

Minimally Invasive Treatments for an Enlarged Prostate.

A. TUMT (Transurethral microwave thermotherapy).

B. TUNA (Transurethral radio frequency needle ablation).

C. Prostatic Stents.

For Further Reading:


Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London

Minimally Invasive Procedure

TUMT Prostatic Stent

Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London


INITIAL EVALUATION• Medical History• Physical Examination + DRE• U/A• Creatinine• PSA

• Acute urinary retention• Recurrent UTI• Haematuria• Bladder Stone• Renal insufficiency


MILD<= 7



Surgery :TURP/ Open Prostatectomy

Minimally Invasive Therapy• TUNA• TUMT• ILC

Explain TreatmentOption

OPTIONAL TEST• Urodynamic• Uroflowmetry• Cystoscopy


Medical Therapy• Alpha Blockade• Finasteride• Phytotherapy

Surgical Therapy• TUIP• TURP• Open Prostatectomy

Watchful waitingAnnual eval, withDRE + PSA

Enlarged Prostate Treatment Hierarchy


Surgery for an Enlarged Prostate.

For most men with very enlarged prostates, surgery can relieve symptoms -- but there are both risks and benefits with each type of operation.

TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate).

TUIP (transurethral incision of the prostate).

Laser Surgery: These procedures include.

Transurethral holmium laser ablation of the prostate (HoLAP).

Transurethral holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP).

Holmium laser resection of the prostate (HoLRP).

Photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP).

Open Prostate Surgery (Prostatectomy).

For Further Reading: http://www.auanet.org/content/homepage/homepage.cfm

Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London


Why Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Test is required to measure Enlarged Prostate.

A. PSA is a protein produced by cells in the prostate gland.

B. BPH can cause the PSA level in your blood to rise. However, other factors, such as age, infection and prostate cancer may also affect your PSA level.

C. High PSA levels (>4.0ng) raises a flag for possible diagnosis of prostate cancer if enlarge prostate is not taken care of.

Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London


Read more :


Medicines : Apart from Lifestyle changes, medicines are required after consulting doctors, if suffering from enlarged prostate.

If lifestyle changes are not enough to improve your quality of life, medicines can help to control your symptoms.

The main types of medicine are:

A. Alpha-blockers.B. 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors.C. Combination treatment.

For Further Reading:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17295601

Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London

If you neglect enlarged prostate symptoms what can happen.


Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London

A. This can lead to cancerous cells and to cancer.

B. Consult the doctor Immediately .

C. The doctor may advice biopsy, which maybe done at the urologist’s office. To do this procedure, a probe is inserted into the rectum. The probe “checks out” the prostate using sound waves (ultrasound). The ultrasound tells your urologist if the prostate gland has any area (s) that “look different” from surrounding glandular tissue. Each biopsy takes very little time, and is painless .

For Further Reading : http://www.annistononcology.com/pcancer.htm



Dr. Amit Ghose

M..B.B.S (Calcutta University, India)M.S (Calcutta University, India)F.R.C.S (Royal College of Surgery, Edinburg)Diploma in Urology, University College London


Know More

1. http://intranet.tdmu.edu.ua/data/kafedra/internal/endoscop_fpo/lectures_stud/%D0%A3%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%96%D1%8F/4%20%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%80%D1%81/English/BPH%20and%20C-r%20prostate.htm

2. http://men.webmd.com/prostate-enlargement-bph/features/enlarged-prostate-bph-complex-problem

3. http://www.prostatehelper.com/foodlist.html

4. http://www.understandbph.com/What_is_Enlarged_Prostate/BPH_Treatment_Medication_Alpha-Blockers.aspx

5. http://men.webmd.com/guide/enlarged-prostate-time-prostate-surgery

6. http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/enlarged-prostate/overview.html

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