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E n v i r o n m e n t a l S o l u t i o n s

12-3/2014 Page 1

Industrial Environmental Services (IES) has established itself as one of Australia’s leading environmental and demolition services contractors. The Group has developed a nationwide reputation for delivering quality services over a broad range of environmental and demolition projects for the last 35 years. IES is a specialist division, committed to providing solutions on contaminated sites and restoring them to clean environments and places safe for people.While many demolition projects encompass environmental works as part of the scope, IES identified value in providing a specialist service dedicated to solving environmental issues.The Group has a highly experienced team who have worked in a range of environments and projects with a large variety of clients.IES is able to offer site specific, safe environmental solutions within its broad range of services. IES is equipped with a fleet of specialist equipment and access to specialist professional services to add value to each project.

The Industrial Group has the skills to quickly determine the elements of the project scope - particularly within a challenging work environment, the experience to develop an effective project specific management plan for critical elements, the knowledge to determine the most effective method and the commitment to deliver sustainable environmental outcomes.

Industrial Environmental Services

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The foundations to our success

The way IES conducts business is underpinned by a number of foundations.As an integral part of IES’ OHS management system, hazard identification and risk analyses are project initiation priorities.The IES team of professionals can deliver projects safely, successfully, on time and on budget.The company has an ongoing commitment to investing in new technology and equipment to enhance both safety and productivity in all aspects of remediation and environmental work places.IES embraces innovative and progressive approaches to environmentally sustainable goals, always looking for ways to continually improve its methods and outcomes.With a commitment to recycling, IES maximises each opportunity to identify and dispose of recyclable materials to appropriate licensed facilities. Recyclable materials include concrete, asphalt, bricks and metals. Often these comprise more than 98% of the project materials volume.In each and every project, the Industrial group believes in providing added value to its clients.

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IES has a team of professional remediation technologists, remediation management and a diverse network of equipment and trade services. This group is experienced in the delivery of contaminant stabilisation methods, as well as destruction and waste reduction techniques designed to reduce the cost of remediation.

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Environmental Services

IES is a specialist discipline with experience in proven and practical remediation technologies. One of the key company objectives is to optimise the reuse of remediated construction products on-site, diverting materials from landfills.

Experienced soil treatment professionals.IES has a team of professional remediation technologists, remediation management and a diverse network of equipment and trade services. This group is experienced in the delivery of contaminant stabilisation methods, as well as destruction and waste reduction techniques designed to reduce the cost of remediation.IES is able to provide cost saving recommendations to clients and consultants during a project.IES is fully versed in the current regulatory environment, including Worksafe and EPA codes for remediation projects.

Site Remediation and Clean Up.IES owns and operates a large range of equipment, available for fast deployment to solve unforeseen challenges during remediation projects.The company has the ability to provide remediation recommendations for soil and groundwater problems, actively assisting engineering and environmental consultants.IES maintains a professional approach to remediation with specific attention to detail during implementation of remediation action plans.IES commonly undertakes full-service demolition and remediation projects. Project functions include preliminary planning and documentation development, work process design, permit applications, licenses and regulatory approvals, compliance with legislative guidelines and the management of project programs and budgets.IES utilise the services of specialist subcontractors and consultants if and when required.Historically, IES is able to add real value to remediation projects because of its experience on site, providing technical strategies as well as managing programming and budget details.

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Environmental Solutions.

IES offer a range of onsite remediation services. These include:• Decommissioning, removal and validation of above and

underground storage tanks. (UPSS)• Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) accredited company

and trained employees• Sediment and erosion control works• Onsite capping and containment• Contaminant immobilisation / Stabilisation (Including

Chemical immobilisation & Chemical fixation and solidification)

• Batch stabilisation, continuous stabilisation and in-situ stabilisation.

• Stabilisation / immobilisation additives• Technical expertise for additive selection• Catalytic Chemical Oxidation & reduction (e.g. Chemical

treatment)• In-situ chemical oxidation systems• Bioremediation, Phytoremediation and Biopiling/Bioreactors

(Includes Bio-Venting)• Permeable reactive barriers (PRB’s)• Identification and clean up of asbestos in soil• Landfarming and Composting (Includes Bio-venting)• Soil sieving /screening• Reinstatement of remediated sites• Remediation works design and validation• IES are committed to providing site specific service tailored

to providing environmental solutions for each project.• Environmental Drilling Services

Asbestos abatements• Part 6 hazard audits• Phase 1&2 site investigations• Soil remediation• Soil reclassification• Offsite disposal of reclassified soil or reuse on site• Import of EPA clean fill

Underground Petroleum Storage SystemsAIP approved OHS system removal and disposal of underground fuel tanks and above ground fuel tanks.

AccreditationsIES is a member of the Petroleum Industry Contractors Association (PICA) and is accredited with AIP and National WorkCover. IES Personnel have AIP system accreditation and continually upgrade the required certificates and compliance with UPSS regulations. Member - Demolition Contractors Association of Vic. (DCAV), MBAV and the Australian Land & Groundwater Association. (ALGA).

Project ManagementIES have the capabilities and resources to participate in the whole project, from initial investigation through to final clearance, working as part of a project team providing strategies in conjunction with consultants, authorities and waste facilities.

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Asbestos in Soils Asbestos is recognized as a contaminant that has the potential for significant impacts upon Human Health.IES have developed a number of processes for Asbestos in soils abatement, allowing for the soils to be managed appropriately and expediently. IES can segregate, separate, classify and remove soils containing Asbestos.

IES have a number of key relationships with Hazardous Materials consultants and can provide a cost effective solution to the problems associated with Asbestos in soil problems.

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Soil Treatment The costs for disposal of contaminated soil to landfill is continuously on the rise. IES understand the significant costs and uncertainty for the management of contaminated soils onsite and have developed a number of treatment techniques for contaminated soils, to both reduce the costs for disposal or to allow for the reuse of these soils onsite.

Our onsite contaminated soil treatment options include:• Soil Vapour Extraction for removing

short chain volatile hydrocarbons• Bioremediation for the reduction in

organic contaminant concentrations• Stabilisation of soils through addition

of products such as Portland cement for reducing the leachable fraction of the contaminants for possible soil reuse or for significantly reducing offsite soil disposal costs

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Site Capping Solutions to managing contaminated soil and former landfill sites can involve capping of the site with clean fill or specific designed liner systems. IES have significant experience in the capping and construction of liner systems at contaminated sites.

Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRBs)Where groundwater contamination is present on a site at a relatively shallow depth, a technology that has gained acceptance is the installation of a

permeable reactive barrier. Permeable Reactive Barriers are designed to treat contaminated groundwater as it flows through the barrier. IES have installed bentonite cement walls with funnels of zero valent iron for groundwater treatment. IES are able to install PRBs comprising zero valent iron, activated carbon, compost or other reactive substrates as specified.

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Detailed Remedial Excavation

Attention to detail is often overlooked in the urgency surrounding getting the project completed.IES have completed numerous projects that have required excavation around underground services and structures, where care has been required to complete the project.Other projects have involved removing contaminated soils abutting footings and foundations on adjacent sites where excavation has proceeded through excavating pits up to the foundations then immediately

backfilling prior to moving to the next test-pit. Such projects are typically controlled by a structural engineer.IES have successfully completed numerous projects where vegetation, building facades or underground services need to be protected during the works.

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Underground Petroleum Storage Systems (UPSS) Decommissioning

IES are available to install or to decommission and remove Underground Petroleum Storage Systems (UPSS).IES personnel have 25 years plus experience in the installation and removal of UPSS and are regularly trained in all aspects of available equipment and on procedures and OH&S requirements.IES are available to install UPSS at new sites, add to existing systems or to upgrade sites.With regards to UPSS decommissioning IES can:• Decommission entire sites• Remove specific components of an

existing UPSS• Safely abandon underground storage

tanks insitu utilizing stabilized sand or foam fillers

• Remove liquids for treatment or recycling

• Remove surface concrete, footings and anchors for offsite recycling

All our work is undertaken in accordance with Australian Standards, authority regulations and guidelines and/or client specific requirements.

SustainabilityIES operate in an industry where the use of large machinery is unavoidable.IES strive to make sustainability considerations and important aspect of all purchasing decisions and project planning.In completing projects IES will always look to reuse materials where possible, recycle building products, minimize the generation of wastes and prevent spills of fuel.

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Approved tank disposal and recycling facility

Industrial Environmental Services (IES) undertakes many projects involving the remediation of sites and removal of Underground Petroleum Storage tanks for clients such as Mobil, Caltex, Independent Petroleum companies, 7-Eleven and other industrial demolition sites.Today IES can now offer a complete closed loop service for the disposal, destruction and recycling of these vessels.IES and Maddingly Brown Coal (MBC) have established a tank disposal capability as part a new business partnership at a dedicated facility at Bacchus Marsh Victoria, which further expands the services provided by both organizations.The new business partnership was established to securely decommission and recycle redundant tanks for Mobil Australia. This Mobil approved disposal facility offers a state wide service for any organisation requiring secure disposal and an environmentally positive solution for redundant petroleum and oil tanks undertaken by two specialist organizations, expert in demolition and recycling initiatives.

Disused tanks are removed and transported to the secure facility for processing and recycling into scrap metal. Importantly, IES is highly skilled in removing tanks and hazardous waste from demolition sites and in providing remedial services so that the land can be successfully returned for future development and use.This complementary partnership offers a number of benefits including highly experienced tank removal teams, transportation, disposal, treatment of hazardous waste materials, metals processing and recycling.

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Environmental Drilling Services

Industrial Environmental Services has established itself as one of Australia’s leading Environmental contractors. The company has developed a nationwide reputation for delivering quality services over a broad range of projects over recent years.Industrial Environmental Services is committed to investing in new technology, equipment and highly qualified personnel to achieve the most expert professional capabilities to suit client’s needs. This includes providing, not only the core project services but also the ancillary services which invariably accompany most project requirements. Industrial Environmental Services now has a dedicated Environmental Drilling Services capability which operates as a stand-alone service or as part of a project team.These added capabilities are vital with much of the work that the Group undertakes in the environmental and remediation fields.

Environmental Drilling ExperienceThis specialist service is headed up by one of Victoria’s leading experts in this field – Lee Strutton who has over 25 years experience in environmental drilling services. Lee has completed a broad range of industrial, commercial and landfill projects ranging from Shell refineries, Mobil, Caltex BP service stations, BHP, Orica, Huntsman Chemical Company of Australia, POMC, CSIRO, Docklands, power stations, wind farms and numerous landfill sites.

Specialist Equipment.Industrial Drilling Services has acquired the latest Geoprobe Model 7822DT drilling rig which offers:• High capacity direct push• Solid auger• Hollow auger• Rotary down hole hammerThis versatile machine equipped with a narrow platform to access limited spaces, is designed to perform a range of drilling tasks including the installation of groundwater wells, soil vapour extraction wells and soil bores.

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”It is simply unacceptable for any person to be injured as a result of our activities.” Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) has always been a core value and is given the highest priority in any activity, from the initial planning through to the execution phases.

The fundamental principle of the Company’s OHS system is that no person will ever be placed in a situation in which hazards have not been adequately identified and appropriate controls put in place.The Company has also been instrumental in helping to determine Best Practice safety standards within the industry, through its involvement with the demolition industry and regulatory bodies.

The dynamic nature of environmental projects demands a detailed and systematic approach to the identification and control of hazards. In a typical environmental project, most of the major hazards are present at the outset of the project, including critical elements such as energy sources, hazardous materials and environments, heights and production restraints.Environmental projects, by their very nature, include hazards, which were never envisaged during the construction phase. As an example, these include the affects of corrosion, structural degradation caused by the inherent process or hazards associated with the specific process such as chemical, heat, by-products and waste.These factors make it imperative that the systems of safe work used during environmental projects be purpose developed for such activities and not just generic.

Through its involvement with organizations like the Master Builders Association (MBAV) and the Demolition Contractors Association of Victoria (DCAV), the Industrial Group helped establish many of the safety standards that are every-day requirements in the industry today.Industrial’s OHS Management System is currently being developed and implemented to establish and document the framework of legal requirements, company policies, standards guidelines and management practices to establish a consistent approach and continuous improvement process in health and safety performance. The structure of the system will be consistent with the requirements of AS/NZS 4801:2001 and will permit the Industrial Group the opportunity to gain system accreditation to the standard. By using a common and systematic approach, Industrial is setting a foundation on which to build an enduring and proactive safety culture for the Company and all of its employees, contractors and stakeholders. It is anticipated that through the implementation of the system, all persons who work for the Industrial Group will have access to common and consistent OHS information no matter which site they are operating on.This common systems approach includes an OHS Policy, standards, procedures, protocols and forms that together provide a consistent method of measurement. To successfully achieve the health and safety objectives, The Industrial Group will effectively implement the OHS system to ensure that safe systems of work are provided and maintained in the workplace.

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McDonald’s Ringwood site.The former Patterson Cheney car dealership site in Ringwood has now been transformed by IDES into a new development site for McDonald’s Australia. Part of the 16,380 square metre site near the Maroondah exit of Eastlink, will be the site of a new 24 hour restaurant. McDonald’s will subdivide the remainder of the site for other commercial interests. Industrial Environmental Services undertook a broad scope of works including the removal of hazardous materials in the existing buildings prior to their complete demolition, the removal of underground tanks and soil abatement and the remediation of the site.

Project News - Environmental Services

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Project News

Thales – former Acid Plant Facility – Mulwala N.S.W.Industrial Environmental Services recently completed an exacting project for Thales in Mulwala, New South Wales. Thales Australia is part of a global business with 67,000 employees in 56 countries. In Australia, Thales employs 3,300 people at 35 different locations.Thales Australia provides a range of high technology products and services. These include command and control systems, communications and mission management systems, electronic warfare, sonar and underwater systems, training simulators, avionics, air traffic management, soldier systems, munitions and protected mobility vehicles.The two business units worked together to demolish elements of a former acid plant, which involved the dismantling, removal and recycling of building and tank structures along with works associated with the remediation of the area for future uses.The works required detailed excavation throughout the site to remove any hazardous materials and the placement of new base materials.

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Project News

M80 ProjectThe Western Ringroad is one of the most important arterial roads in Greater Melbourne – carrying over 900,000 vehicles per week of which more than 150,000 are trucks. In its present form, the freeway exceeds its capacity particularly during peak periods along its entire length, which is attributed to the unprecedented expansion of Melbourne’s growth corridors over the past ten years and the emergence of new industrial and business precincts as well as the growth of transportation itself.The ongoing works which have been undertaken to minimise disruption as much as possible, will see the emergence of a freeway system that is easier to use and capable of even greater traffic capacities as well as the latest innovations in traffic management. These will include more lanes, to make at least three in each direction and up to six lanes between some interchanges.Major Australian contractor Thiess Services engaged Industrial Environmental Services to assist with the remedial works. The IES teams recently completed a section of the upgrading works just south of the Hume Highway unearthing the site of a former landfill site on the current freeway boundary. Sites like this are not uncommon – as the land was once part of the outskirts of Melbourne a few years ago.

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Project News

The Hawthorn Aquatic & Leisure Centre.The iconic Hawthorn Pool, which was constructed for the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games, is undergoing a complete re-development that will soon accommodate the general health opportunities of residents in the municipality.Industrial Demolition Services completed the main building deconstruction and the demolition of the original pool and Industrial Environmental Services completed the project for ADCO Constructions, remediating the site for future use.The project highlights the advantages of Industrial’s multi-disciplinary service provision. The demolition works included removing the 50 metre pool, basketball stadium, squash courts, amenities, gymnasium, and child care centre. These works involved excavation of the two new pools–a new 50 metre pool and the new indoor children’s pool as well as fill materials originally bought to the site when the aquatic facility was built 57 years ago.The new facility is expected to be open for business next summer.

7-Eleven Sites upgrading works.Industrial Environmental Services has recently undertaken a variety of projects for the 7-Eleven chain at various sites around Melbourne.7-Eleven is one of the most recognisable retailing brand names in Australia today and it is hard to believe that the first franchise opened in Melbourne thirty-five years ago in Oakleigh. Today there are 650 7-Eleven stores operating in Australia. 7-Eleven Pty. Ltd. is an Australian Company owned by the Withers family.7-Eleven has achieved many milestones in its 85-year history including more than 34,000 stores in 16 countries. In Australia, the company has been recognised as Franchiser of the Year by the Franchise Council of Australia in 2008 and 2009 and also as the acquirer of the Mobil Retail Fuels Business in 2010. Currently there are 644 7-Eleven/Mobil branded stores in Australia.Today 7-Eleven continues to expand and to upgrade its facilities. Industrial has recently undertaken several infrastructure projects, which has included the removal of obsolete tank installations and remediation works associated with some if the company’s sites in greater Melbourne.12-3/2014 Page 20

Goodyear/SPT – Somerton.IES undertook a project for Goodyear and Dunlop Tyres in Somerton in Melbourne’s north region. The project involved the treatment, remediation and reclassifying of 1000 tonnes of Category A prescribed waste soil down to Category C prescribed waste soil. In addition, 300 tonnes of Urbanine impacted soil and rock was processed and remediated. IES worked in collaboration with the environmental consultant to identify and provide solutions to different prescribed waste problems, which are inherent in many manufacturing sites and are able to be very satisfactorily rectified by an experienced environmental services contractor like IES.

Urban Inc’s Oxley Project - Collingwood.Urban Inc, the developers of several landmark living addresses, has recently transformed the old People’s Market site into a highly desirable new living address in Stanley Street Collingwood. The development was so popular, that it was sold out off the plan ahead of construction- a testament to Urban Melbourne’s visionary design.IES remediated the site in conjunction with the demolition contractor. While the actual demolition works were underway, IES was remediating and stabilising the soil on the site. IES is proud to have been part of this exciting new development.

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Chifley Drive Preston Redevelopment SiteIDES completed this major project in Chifley Drive Preston for Verve Project Management in 2011. IES demolished and removed a batching plant and associated infrastructure at the site including nine underground storage tanks which had to be removed and backfilled under strict geo-technical supervision. 5000 tonnes of concrete was also processed and transported for recycling. The underground storage systems (UPSS) ranged in size from 12,000 litres to 70,000 litres in capacity and were all successfully removed and recycled. Office and workshop buildings were also demolished. 90% of the soil and mounded fill material on the site was relocated and replaced under level 1 supervision and then compacted to form the base for new development works. This project highlights the efficiencies of having an organization like IDES undertake the works. The company was able to effect the parallel environmental and demolition services required in a seamless project delivery.

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Williams LandingIES recently undertook various works on the site of the former RAAF Base at Williams Landing. This landmark 273-hectare site, which is just 20 minutes from the CBD, is now becoming an exciting new address –comprising of 2000 homes and a 50-hectare town centre.Demolition works on the old base included various structures and infrastructure items including the landmark radar tower. IES removed old tanks and miscellaneous waste discarded over the long history of the site to ensure that ground conditions were brought up to the required standards for a development of this type.

Department of Education - Dallas Victoria.IES recently showed what it can do when the pressure is really on. They had a major project to complete with an immovable deadline - it had to be fully completed during the school holidays. 30,000 tonnes of material had to be processed, cleaned up and reclassified in just 8 days. IES put together an expert team to deliver the project, 10 machines, A class license holders and worked long hours to ensure handover to the Education Department by the deadline. Solid inert materials like bricks and concrete was screened and then recycled, reducing the need for off-site disposal and unnecessary transportation costs for the client.

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The Industrial Group Corporate Environmental Policy

The Industrial Group recognises that a healthy natural and built environment is essential for sustainable development and for the health of our personnel and the end users of the sites on which we operate.We are committed to the protection and enhancement of the environment when carrying out our services and when we leave a site. We set out with every project to minimise any environmental effect and task each of our project teams to address every concern prior to the commencement of works. If there is potential for any environmental risk, the problem is addressed and resolved before works proceed.We accept and comply with all relevant environmental legislation and industry guidelines. If we can develop a way to do a task with an enhanced regard for environmental standards and outcomes, we adopt it.As a company, we often form part of a larger team. We seek every opportunity to promote environmental care through our influence and dealings with others.

As a long- term recycler, The Industrial Group is committed to the internationally recognised waste management practice of source reduction, reuse, recycling, resource recovery and environmentally safe residue disposal. The Company is committed to continual improvement of its environmental performance through implementation, monitoring and review of its policies, programmes and services.The Industrial Group deals with environmental issues on a daily basis. Many of these issues are inherent in the projects we undertake and must be dealt with individually. Every project we undertake is underpinned by the principle that the protection of the environment ranks equally with every other business activity. With regard to our own tasks, we believe that prevention is better than cure - it is always preferable to prevent an environmental problem emerging than trying to rectify it afterwards.The Company also embraces resource efficiencies to ensure that our work is conducted in ways, which results in the most efficient use of natural resources.

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Department of EducationDepartment of DefenceCedar WoodsMcDonald’s AustraliaBeck Property GroupVicUrbanParks VictoriaMobil OilAustralia PostDepartment of Sustainability and EnvironmentHuntsman Chemical Company of AustraliaPort of Melbourne CorporationCSR

Australian SugarOneSteelSibelcoVicRoadsCaltex7-ElevenShellBoeingMunicipal Councils (Vic)Regional Rail LinkNAB


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Industrial Environmental Services P.O. Box 346 Yarraville, Victoria 3013 (03) 9687 3877 (03) 9687 4084 www.industrialgroup.com.au ABN 42 139 722 59912-3/2014 Page 26

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