equal times

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Gilroy AAUW Newsletter for November, 2010


E q u a l T i m e s

November, 2010

Tech Trek STILL Needs Your Help! President’s Council

Susan Murphey Patereau 981-2799

Recording Secretary

Jeri Allen


Treasurer Penny Lockhart 842-4732

Membership Chairs

Arti O’Connor 847-0451 Suzanne Barrett 683-2400



Carol Smith


Public Policy Chair

Lyn Hackett


Publicity Chair

Connie Rogers 842-8494



Susan Murphey






Lyn Hackett




Terry Newman 499-5860

Tech Trek


Margie Enger


Sandy Gaffney



Make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation to

Gilroy AAUW’s Tech Trek fund

and make your treat count!

Gilroy AAUW would appreciate it if you

would treat a 7th Grade Girl to a week-long

Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM)

Summer Camp.

The tuition for one camper is $800! Every dollar

counts so please donate whatever you can.

Make your check payable to: AAUW CA SPF

Send to: Gilroy AAUW, P O Box 1962, Gilroy CA 95020-1962

Sara Houts was the speaker at the

Fall Membership Lunch.

Fall Membership Lunch Report A small group gathered on

Saturday, October 16th, at the

Westside Grill to network, talk

about AAUW, and hear Sara

Houts talk about her life. The

occasion was the Fall Mem-

bership Lunch.

Sara, originally from Gilroy,

has a B.S. Degree in Aeronau-

tical Engineering and is in a

graduate program at Stanford,

working with the Monterey

Bay Aquarium Research Insti-

tute to advance AUV

(Autonomous Underwater

Vehicle) technology in Inertial

Navigation. In her spare time

she volunteers with the Stan-

ford Young Astronauts pro-

gram, and plays volleyball.

She was an inspiring speaker,

and everyone present enjoyed

the time to get to know her.

Thanks, Sara!

Page 2 E q u a l T i m e s Gi l roy AAUW

Public Policy


Holiday Family Shopping 2010

Every two years AAUW

California conducts a

Member Survey that

gives each member an

opportunity to vote on

the AAUW CA’s Public

Policy Priorities. This

year's survey will

guide decisions about

public policy in AAUW

CA for the 2011-2013


For the first time, you

can submit your sur-

vey online. Go to


and click on the Public

Policy section under


You can also find

the mail-in form in the

Fall issue of California


The Christmas Season brings a

new family to provide gifts to

for Gilroy AAUW. Carol Smith

has contacted Community So-

lutions, as she has for the past

several years, and they are de-

lighted and thankful to hear

from us again this year.

The family we will be buying

gifts for this year includes one

adult woman and her two

teen-age daughters.

In past years the families that

we have provided gifts for

have been very grateful, and

Community Solutions has

expressed continuing grati-

tude for our participation in

this program.

Carol will be collecting mem-

ber donations at the Holiday

Party on Sunday, December

5th, but if you are not able to

attend, you can contact Carol

and make arrangements to get

your donation to her. Carol

can be contacted at 842-2475,

or email her at


Gifts for the family have to be

delivered to Community Solu-

tions early, so don’t put off

calling Carol!

Community Solutions was

founded as a teen drop-in

center in 1972. Since that

time, we have grown in

both depth and breadth of

services as a response to

the growing and changing

needs of our community.

We provide a comprehen-

sive spectrum of preven-

tion, intervention, treat-

ment, and residential ser-

vices to the communities

of South Santa Clara Coun-

ty, South San Jose and San

Benito County. We are

governed by a voluntary

Board of Directors who

live in and represent these

communities. We receive

support from a diverse

funding base including

local, state and federal

government; private foun-

dations; and contributions.

Page 3 E q u a l T i m e s Gi l roy AAUW

Equal Times will be pub-

lished approximately

monthly in 2006-2007.

The sole purpose of this

publication is to convey

the association’s business

to its membership. Only

articles and announce-

ments related to branch

business will be consid-

ered for inclusion.

Submissions, articles and

notices are due by the

15th of each month and

should be e-mailed, post-

ed or hand delivered to

Susan Murphey Patereau,

7470 Crawford Dr., Gilroy

95020, 981-2799,


Equal Times encourages

members to advertise by

purchasing a business

card size ad, available by

contacting Communica-

tions Director, Susan Mur-

phey Patereau.

The Rules

Fall Membership Lunch Report, cont.

Marianne Peoples, Bonnie Colbert

and Carol Smith enjoy the pre-lunch

networking time.

Sara Houts, speaker, with her fan

club—faculty from her alma mater,

Monte Vista High School, Wat-


The 2010 Tech Trek girls, who

attended the camp in July, were host-

ed by the branch for lunch and to

hear Sara.

Suzanne Barrett & Arti O’Connor

arranged the speaker and took care

of the details for the lunch.

Jeri Allen, Lyn Hackett and Susan

Valenta take time out to smile for

the camera.

Page 4 E q u a l T i m e s Gi l roy AAUW

BITS Game for


November Calendar of Events

California Budget Study

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 VOTE 3 4 5 6 5:00-7:00 Wine

& Whine


Target Shopping Center

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CHANGE YOUR CLOCKS


7:30 Books Group

7:00 Board Meeting

Intero, 790 1st St

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 THANKSGIVING


28 29 30 Notes:

San Jose Branch Leads Study Sessions

The State of California finally

has a budget for fiscal year

2010-2011. Portions of this

budget include drastic cuts in

areas important to AAUW

members. These cuts and the

state‘s ongoing budget prob-

lems affect AAUW‘s public

policy priorities. We encour-

age our members to examine

how our organization can in-

fluence solutions to Califor-

nia‘s ongoing budget crisis.

We can start to make our

voice heard now. San Jose

AAUW is participating in a

CA AAUW statewide Study

of Solutions to the California

Budget Imbalance. Our partic-

ipation will start with three

workshops to be held in No-

vember. The workshops will

focus on education and health

care provisions of the budget,

subjects that are emphasized

in AAUW‘s mission.

At a time when social service

agencies like Second Harvest

Food Bank face a 44% in-

crease in referrals and the state

has declining revenue we need

to influence the budget pro-

cess. All workshops are at

Headquarters from 1pm to


Tuesday November 9 CA

State Budget Process

Tuesday November 16 CA

State Budget Spending

Tuesday November 30 CA

State Budget Revenues

You do not have to attend

every workshop but input

from members is important to

the success of San Jose‘s par-

ticipation in this Study. Re-

sults from our workshop will

be part of a report issued by

CA AAUW. Gloria Leonard


and Geri Madden


head the planning for these

meetings. Please contact one

of them if you have questions

or want to participate.

How will anyone know

we support

opportunities for

women in athletics if we

are not there at the

games where we can be

seen and counted? We

need to Be In The Seats

(that‘s BITS). Please

join us in at-tending

Stanford Soccer v.

Oregon on Sunday,

November 7th at 1pm at

Stan-ford‘s Cagan Field.

Wear your AAUW T-shirt

for visibility. We are

joining the Bay Area

Women‘s Sports

Initiative (BAWSI) in

selecting a game each

month featuring the

young women athletes

who work with BAWSI

after-school sports

programs for under-

served girls. We can be

models for these girls

too by getting our Butts

In The Seats (that‘s

also BITS)! Contact

Jean Reed, if you want

to carpool to the game.

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