equality, excellence and respect · takvİm 09 haziran pazartesi - kraliçenin doğum günü * okul...

Post on 31-Aug-2019






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ألسباب آمنة يرجى أبدا عدم إستخدام موقف سيارات المدرسين داخل المدرسة في أي وقت ممكن و شكرا لكم.VI LY DO AN TOAN, PHU HUYNH KHÔNG ĐƯƠC DUNG SÂN ĐÂU XE CUA NHÂN VIÊN TRƯƠNG TRONG BÂT CƯ GIƠ NAO

Okul otoparkı okul personeli içindir, velilerin ve öğrencilerin otoparktan geçmeleri / kullanmaları yasaktır.


Meadow Heights Primary School

5th JUNE, 2014 www.meadowheightsps.vic.edu.au

Phone: 9305 2033 Fax: 9305 2712


The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and this school, do not endorse the products or services of any

private advertiser or notice contained in this Newsletter. No responsibility is accepted by the Department of Education and Early

Childhood Development or this school for the accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.

At Meadow Heights Primary School our relationships and behaviours are guided by the values of

Equality, Excellence and Respect

يرجى من األهالي عدم إستخدام موقف سيارات المدرسين داخل المدرسة في أي وقت ممكن و شكرا لكم. لسالمة أوالدكم VI LY DO AN TOAN, PHU HUYNH KHÔNG ĐƯƠC DUNG SÂN ĐÂU XE CUA NHÂN VIÊN TRƯƠNG TRONG BÂT CƯ GIƠ NAO

Okul otoparkı okul personeli içindir, velilerin ve öğrencilerin otoparktan geçmeleri / kullanmaları yasaktır.

***** DIARY DATES 2014*****


Monday 9 Queens Birthday Holiday NO SCHOOL

Friday 13 Yr 5 Excursion Sovereign Hill 8:30 depart

Wednesday 18 Tarcoola House (blue) Activity Day

Monday 23 School Assembly 2:45pm

Thursday 26 Parent Teacher Meeting– NO SCHOOL

Friday 27 End of term 2 - Finish time 2:20pm


Monday 14 Start of term 3


Wed 19th - Fri 21st Nov Grade 4/5 Camp 2014

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

You can now complete an absent form (blue note) for

your child online! All you need to do is go to the

school’s website www.meadowheightsps.vic.edu.au

and click on ‘Absentee Form’ on the home page. Fill in

the form and submit! This form will go directly to the

school office and the system will be updated with the

explained absence. We ask that you use this online form

when possible to make it easier for you and the office

staff to keep up with absence forms. While you’re on the

school website, why not subscribe to the newsletter? It’s

easy… just click on the ‘Newsletter’ icon on the home

page and then click on ‘Subscribe to Newsletter’.

Don’t forget, most of the school website is translatable into any

language! All you do is select the language you want to read the content

in on the right side of the page in the ‘Translator’ box.

Hope you get a chance to have a look at our website and use the

absentee form and all the other great things on it!


Mrs Silvia Menelaou - ICT Manager


Order forms are enclosed within the newsletter for

your child.. These order forms along with money

must be returned to the classroom teachers no later

than next Thursday 12th June, 2013.

No late orders will be accepted.




FLU SEASON IS UPON US - AUTUMN/WINTER This is just a reminder that the wonderful flu season is upon us - we must ensure you protect yourself and your family. Wash and dry your hands regularly. Remember when blowing your nose, you wash your hands afterwards! Stay germ free and healthy.

TAKVİM 09 Haziran Pazartesi - Kraliçenin Doğum Günü * OKUL YOKTUR* 13 Haziran Cuma - 5. Sınıf Sovereign Hill gezi *saat 8.30 yola çıkılıcak 18 Haziran Çarşamba - Tarcoola grup eğlence günü (mavı renk) 23 Haziran Pazartesi - Tüm okul toplantısı 2.45 26 Haziran Perşembe - Öğretmen / Veli Görüşme Günü – OKUL YOKTUR 27 Haziran Cuma - 2. Dönemin son günü – okul saat 2.20 de bitecektir 14 Temmuz Pazartesi - 3. Dönemin İlk günü – okul saat 09.00 başlıyor 19-21 Kasım - 4 ve 5 sınıf kamp gezisi CEMİYET MERKEZİ Buyrun eğlencelere katılın

9:00 – 12:30 Sali günü * Broadmeadows Kangan Eğitim okulundan İngilizce programı 10:00 – 12:00 Çarşamba günleri * Türk Oyun Grubu 9:00 – 11:00 Perşembe günleri * İngilizce ders 11:30 – 1:30 Perşembe günleri * Türk Oyun Grubu 9.00 – 10.00 Cuma günleri * Dianella grup ile Kahve ve sohbet– 9:00-12:00 Çarşamba günleri * Bilgisayar Ders 10.00 – 12.00 Cuma günleri * Çocuk Oyun Grubu Ödev Kulubu 5 ve 6 sınıflar için - Salı günleri * 3.20 – 4.45 (kayıt evrakları ofisden alabilirsiniz)

Daha fazla bilgi istiyorsanız, Salwa Salem ile görüşebilirsiniz. 9305 2033 Salı veyata Cuma 8.30 – 4.30 12:45 – 3:00 *17 Haziran Salı günü * Positive Partnership Spectrum* Otizm Bilgi

OTIZM NEDIR Otizm hakkında bilgi kurs verilicektir. Ebeveynler için otizm üzerinde çocukları nasıl etkilediğini ve hangi stratejileri kullanılabilir diye konuşulucaktır. Yer – Meadow Heights İlköğretim Okul – HUB Tarih – 17 Haziran Salı günü Saat – 12.45 – 3.00 arası Yer ayarlakmak için lütfen 11 Haziran kadar arayınız. Salwa veyata Jan 9305 2033 KÜTÜPHANE KÖŞESİ Tüm çocuklar için 300 tane yeni kitap eklendi kütüphaneye. Meadow Heigts ilköğretim Okul Yeni Websitesini göz atın. www.meadowheightsps.vic.edu.au Mobil dostu bir web sitesidir, cep telefonu, ipad veya tablet üzerinde görebilirsiniz. Web sitesindeki tüm sayfaları herhangi bir dile çevrilebilir. Okul bülten abone olmayı tavsiye ederiz. Okul haberleri ve bilgileri ile birlikte renkli haftalık bülten alabilirsiniz. Websitesinden hastalık, devamsızlık vs. notları doğrudan göndermek mümkün olacak. 10 HAZİRAN PAZARTESİ GÜNÜ OKUL YOKTUR * Kraliçenin Doğum Günü KIŞ GELDİ, GRİP SEZONU BAŞLADI Lütfen çocuklarınızı hatıratınız, ellerini düzenli ve devamlı yıkamaya unutmasınlar MEADOW HEİGHTS İLKÖĞRETİM OKUL ÇEVRE GÜNÜ KUTLUYOR SERBES KIYAFET GÜNÜ 12 Haziran Perşembe günü, öğrenciler serbes kiyafet okulda giyebilirler. Bu güne katılmak için 1 veya 2 dolar bağış öğretmene verilmesi lazım, toplanan para 3üncü dönemde okulun bahçesine daha fazla ağaçlar dikmek için kulanılıcaktır. SHOWBAGS

Pazartesi 6 Ağustos da sipariş form ları eve gönderilicektır.

Sipariş form ve parayi en geç 12 Haziran Persembe gunu sınıf öğretmenleri verilmesi gerekiyor. Bu tarih den sonra sipariş kabul edilmicektır.

We felt very proud to say farewell and thank you to two of our

teachers for all their great work at Meadow Heights Primary School.

Mrs Crawford and Mrs Karas (Petrenko) retired last week and we had a

special morning tea to honour their great contribution to the

education of children in Victoria over the last several decades. We wish

them both a long and happy retirement.

الشهر السادس عيد ميالد الملكة اليزابيث )عطلة مدرسية( 9االثنين صباحا. 0318سفرة علمية خارج المدرسة لطالب الصف الخامس الساعة 31الجمعة يوم الفعاليات لمجموعة تاركوال )اللون االزرق( 30االربعاء مساء 33:2اصطفاف المدرسة الساعة 31االثنين لن يكون هناك دوام مدرسي -اجتماع االهالي مع معلمين المدرسة 32الخميس مساء 3338نهاية الفصل الدراسي الثاني وقت المغادرة الساعة 32الجمعة

الشهر السابع بداية الفصل الدراسي الثالث :3االثنين

الشهر الحادي عشر. :383لسنة :383رحلة المخيمات للصف الرابع والخامس 33الجمعة – 39االربعاء

المكتبة المدرسية3 لقد قمنا باضافة اكثر من 188 كتاب لمجموعة الكتب المدرسية لحد االن للعام الدراسي الحالي .نتمنى لكم قراءة ممتعة.

Queen’s birthday

عيد ميالد الملكة ايليزابيث :ان يوم االثنين المصادف 4902 -90-90 سيصادف عيد ميالد الملكة اليزابيث حيث ستعطل المدرسة بهذه المناسبة

مركز الهب 3نتشرف بحضورك واالنضمام الينا والمشاركة ببرامجنا الترفيهية والتي هيصباحا 38388الى 9388الدردشة مع فنجان من القهوة 3في ايام الجمعة من الساعة

مساء 33388الى 38388مجموعةالنشاطات باللغة التركية 3ايام االربعاء مساء 3388صباحا الى 33388مجموعة النشاطات باللغة التركية 3ايام الخميس

3غذاء صحي. 81-82-:383مساء وكذلك في التاريخ التالي 1388مساء الى الساعة 3388من الساعة 32-82-:383يوم الثالثاء مساء 33388-صباحا 38388مجموعة النشاطات باللغة العربية 3ايام االثنين الساعة

مساء 3:2:-31338 ايام الثالثاء الساعة 2&2نادي الواجبات المزلية للصفوف صباحا 33388الى 9388صفوف تعلم اللغة االنكليزية 3ايام الخميس

ظهرا33388 –صباحا 9388دروس تعليم الكومبيوتر 3 كل ايام االربعاء الساعة مساء 33388-صباحا 38388مجموعة اللعب لالطفال النشيطون 3كل ايام الجمعة الساعة

مساء 33318- 9388دورة الحصول على شهادة تعلم اللغة االنكليزية كلغة ثانية من المستوى الثالث3ايام الثالثاء الساعة ايام الثالثاء وايام الجمعة. 91823811وللمزيد من المعلومات الرجاء االتصال بالمسؤولة عن المركز )سلوى سالم( على الرقم

محاضرات مجانية لالهالي الذين لديهم اطفال مصابين بمرض التوحد 3 لديك الفرصة االن للحضور واالستفادة من هذه المحاضرات ومناقشة كافة حاالت التوحد التي يعاني منها االطفال والتي توثر عليهم وعلى تعلمهم بالمدرسة وفي البيت ايضا زيد عن هذا الموضوع الرجاء الحضور في المكان التالي 3 المومن هذه المواضيع التي سيتم مناقشتها في المحاضرات والتي ستقدم لك الكثير من االستراتيجيات هي ماهو مرض التوحد ؟ اذا رغبت بمعرفة

The Hub, Meadow Heights primary School, Paringa Boulevard, Meadow Heights 38-82-:383الزمان3الثالثاء مساء 1388صباحا الى الساعة 2:.33الوقت 3 الساعة

32-82-:383واخر ايام االتصال هو يوم الثالثاء المصادف 91823811للحجز الرجاء االتصال ب سلوى او جان على الرقم موسم الزكام واالنفلونزا 3 هذا تذكير فقط للكل بان فصل الخريف والشتاء على االبواب لذلك يجب علينا حماية انفسنا جيدا وكذلك عائلتنا .الرجاء غسل االيادي وتنشيفها باستمرار والرجاء ان تغسل يديك بعد العطس. نتمني لكم الصحة الدائمة.

الى كافة االهالي والمسولين عن االطفال 3 بامكانكم االن تسجيل غيابات الطالب عن طريق االنترنيت كل ماعليكم القيام به هو زيارة الموقع االلكتروني للمدرسة والنقر على زر استمارة الغياب الموجودة في الصفحة الرئيسية ثم قم بملئ االستمارة مدرسة بتسجيل الغيابات وبامكانكم االشتراك ايضا للحصول على جريدة المدرسة حيث كل ماعليكم ال وارسلها وستتسلم استعالمات المدرسة المعلومات ثم سيقوم البرنامج بالتحديث مع شرح سبب الغياب . ان هذا سيسهل عليكم وعلى استعالمات

لمترجم من الجهة اليمنى للصفحة .نتمنى ان تزوروا موقعنا والذي هو3ق افعله هو النقر على زر ايقونة الجريدة المدرسية ويمكنكم الحصول عليها مترجمة ماعليكم اال اختيار اللغة التي تفضلون بالنقر على صندو www.meadowheightsps.vic.gov.au

مسوولة التكنلوجيا المدرسية –مع تحيات المعلمة سيلفيا مينوال

اكياس االلعاب: ستجد استمارة طلب حقائب العرض ملحقة بهذا العدد من جريدة

حيث لن تقبل الطلبات المتاخرة . 04-10-4102المدرسة .فاذا رغبت بالشراء الرجاء ملئ االستمارة مع دفع المبلغ وتسليمه لمعلمة الصف قبل يوم الخميس المصادف

Hume City Council Teenage Holiday Program

July 1st - 10th 2014. Ice Skating, indoor rock climbing,

paintball and much more! For ages 12-17 years.

Bookings essential by June 6th. Contact Hume City Council

Youth Services Ph: 9205 2556 www.hume.vic.gov.au/youthservices

ألسباب آمنة يرجى أبدا عدم إستخدام موقف سيارات المدرسين داخل المدرسة في أي وقت ممكن و شكرا لكم.VI LY DO AN TOAN, PHU HUYNH KHÔNG ĐƯƠC DUNG SÂN ĐÂU XE CUA NHÂN VIÊN TRƯƠNG TRONG BÂT CƯ GIƠ NAO

Okul otoparkı okul personeli içindir, velilerin ve öğrencilerin otoparktan geçmeleri / kullanmaları yasaktır.

يرجى من األهالي عدم إستخدام موقف سيارات المدرسين داخل المدرسة في أي وقت ممكن و شكرا لكم. لسالمة أوالدكم VI LY DO AN TOAN, PHU HUYNH KHÔNG ĐƯƠC DUNG SÂN ĐÂU XE CUA NHÂN VIÊN TRƯƠNG TRONG BÂT CƯ GIƠ NAO

Okul otoparkı okul personeli içindir, velilerin ve öğrencilerin otoparktan geçmeleri / kullanmaları yasaktır.

Everyone at Meadow Heights Primary School wish the following children a very Happy Birthday for the period 1st June to 7th June, 2014. Busra Mailmail 2A Yusuf Apaydin 3C Nourhan Lababidi 4D Kerem Yilmaz 3C Alexi Gouros PD Tayla Karabatak PB Marodin Nissan 1D BurakKocyigit 2C Samar Kadhum 3B Rafik Hayek 4B Erkan Turkmen 5A Lukah Falani 5D

LIBRARY corner Just over 300 NEW books have been added to

our Library shelves so far this year! Something

for everyone.

Happy Reading

Community Hub- Come along and join in the fun: Term 2 schedule of events Monday 10:00–12:00 noon: Arabic Play Group Tuesday 9:00 - 12:30pm: English Program run by Kangan Institue - Broadmeadows Tuesday 3:20 - 4:45pm: Home work club Year 5 & 6 Tuesday 27th May & Healthy Lunch Box 3rd June 1:00pm-3:00pm: Healthy Lunch Box Wednesday 9:00 - 12:00pm Computer Classes Wednesday 10:00 - 12:00 noon: Turkish Play Group Thursday 9:00 - 11:00am: English Classes Thursday 11:30 - 1:30pm: Turkish Play Group Friday 9:00 - 10:00am: Coffee and Chat with Dianella Community Health Friday 10:00 - 12:00 noon: Active Kids Playgroup Tuesday 17th June 12:45 - 3:00Positive Partnership Spectrum If you would like more information please contact Salwa SALEM the Community Hub Worker on 9305 2033 - Tuesdays and Fridays.

IGA - MEADOW HEIGHTS - Sale Wednesday 4th June

until Tuesday 10th June, 2014 - WHILE STOCKS LAST Nestle MILO $5.49

Oreo Cookie $1.99

Golden Circle Drink 6 x 250ml $2.49

Sorbent Facial Tissues 70’s $1.79

Mighty Soft Bread x 2 $5.00

IXL jam 600g $2.99

Pink Lady Apple 1k $2.99

Lipton Tea 100g $2.99

Palmolive Foaming Hand Wash $2.49

Colgate Toothpaste 120g $1.99

Remember when you believed in anything and everything?

Researchers from the University of Western Australia are investigating chil-

dren’s ability to detect and avoid potentially harmful social interactions,

such as being easily fooled or tricked into doing something. We are looking

to see how this develops in children, and when children outgrow this vulner-

ability. We are looking for parents of Kindergarten – Year 6 children

across Australia to complete an online survey (15 – 20 minutes).

Participants will go into a draw to win one of 10 $50 gift certificates to

Coles/Myers. To participate go to:

http://tinyurl.com/childsvq Or for more information please contact

Rebecca Seward at (08) 6488 4652 .

Please note: This is an ongoing study so if you have previously completed

the questionnaires we kindly ask that you do not complete them again.

On Thursday June 12th Meadow Heights PS is celebrating

World Environment Day.

(Casual Clothes Day) (Gold Coin donation)

The JSC students would like to encourage all students to be involved.

There will be a Casual Clothes Day on Thursday next week. Come

dressed in Green and Blue to represent planet Earth or anything

colourful! Donate a Gold Coin to help raise funds for our Tree

Planting next term to help green our school grounds.

Colour in an Environment picture and enter the Colouring Competition

– there are over 20 prizes to give away. Get a picture

from your teacher to enter. The JSC will

be judging and awarding prizes to the

winners. (Make sure your name and grade

are on your picture.)

The Certificate of Education Support: Integration Aide/Teacher Aide is very practical, informative and acts as a pathway to gaining employment in the education field. The course is nationally recognised, and accredited by Monash University as 6 credit points (one unit) towards further study at undergraduate level. Certificate of Education Support: Integration Aide/Teacher Aide Broadmeadows Community Hub (8 Saturdays, 9am - 3.30pm) July 26, August 9, 16, 23, 30 September 6, 13, 20 Further information can be found on our website at: http://monash.edu/education/future-students/courses/short-courses/education-support/certificate-of-education-support-integration-aide-teacher-aide/. Or please contact Juliette or Karen on 9905 2700.

FREE workshop sessions for PARENTS/CARERS of children on the autism spectrum

The workshop sessions will be a safe environment where parents can talk about autism and other diverse learning needs that may be affect-

ing their child at home or school. There will be opportunities to talk about these issues and learn new strategies to support your child.

Some discussions at the workshop may be around: SUPPORTING YOUR CHILD, LOOKING AFTER YOURSELF

and MAKING A PLAN If you would like to know more, please come along to the workshop sessions and explore ways of supporting your child. All family mem-bers or support person/s are welcome. Interpreters in Turkish, Arabic and Assyrian will be available. Where: The Hub, Meadow Heights Primary School, Paringa Boulevard, Meadow Heights When: Tuesday 17th June Time: 12.45 pm – 3.00 pm (Refreshments on arrival)

To book a spot contact: call Salwa, Jan or Errin on 93052033

RSVP by Wednesday 11th June

***** Nhưng ngay lich cân nhơ năm 2014 ***** THANG 06 Thư Hai 09 Ngay nghi lê Queens Birthday - HOC SINH ĐƯƠC NGHI HOC Thư Sau 13 Hoc sinh câp lơp 5 đi tham quan Sovereign Hill khơi hanh luc 8 giơ 30 sang Thư Tư 18 Ngay tham gia hoat đông cua đôi Tarcoola House (mau xanh da trơi) Thư Hai 23 Ngay Hôi hop toan trương - School Assembly 2:45 chiêu Thư Năm 26 Ngay hôi hop giưa Giao viên va phu huynh - HOC SINH ĐƯƠC NGHI HOC Thư Sau 27 Ngay hoc cuôi cua hoc ky 2 – GIƠ TAN HOC LA 2 GIƠ 20 CHIÊU THANG 07 Thư Hai 14 Ngay tưu trương cua hoc ky 3 THANG 11 Thư Tư 19 đên Thư Sau 21 Hoc sinh câp lơp 4/5 đi căm trai năm 2014 NGAY NGHI LÊ QUEENS BIRTHDAY - THƯ HAI 09/06/2014 – HOC SINH ĐƯƠC NGHI HOC SHOWBAGS Đơn đăt mua se đươc gơi vê cung vơi ban tin tưc hăng tuân cua trương. Xin vui long gơi đơn va tiên lai cho nha trương han chot la ngay Thư Năm 12/06/2014. Se không nhân đơn trê han. Mua Cam Cum – Mua Thu / Mua Đông Đây chỉ la môt lơi nhăc nhơ răng chung ta đang ơ vao mua cum tuyệt vơi - chung ta phai tư bao vệ cho mình va gia đình cua minh. Hay rửa tay va lau khô tay cua ban thương xuyên. Hay nhơ khi hỉ mũi, ban nên rửa tay ngay sau đo! Hay tranh xa vi trung va sông khỏe manh. Phu Huynh va Ngươi Chăm Soc thân mên, Bây giơ ban co thê điên đơn nghi hoc cho con em ban trên trang web cua trương(tơ ghi chu mau xanh). Ban chi cân vao trang Web: www.meadowheightsps.vic.edu.au va bâm vao ‘Absentee Form’. Hay điên đơn va bâm vao “Submit”. Đơn nây se tư đông gơi đên văn phong va hê thông hô sơ se đươc câp nhât vơi lơi giai thich ly do văng măt. Điêu nây se dê dang cho ban va nhân viên văn phong khi nôp đơn nghi hoc cho hoc sinh. Qua trang website nây, ban cung co thê đăng ky nhân tơ tin tưc hăng tuân cua trương băng email, ban chi cân bâm vao hinh “Newsletter” va bâm vao “Subscribe to Newsletter”. Hâu hêt cac trang website cua trương đêu co thê dich sang ngôn ngư cua ban. Ban chi cân lưa loai ngôn ngư cua ban ơ phia bên phai cua trang Web, trong phân “Translator”. Hy vong ban co cơ hôi xem trang Website cua Trương va kham pha nhiêu điêu thu vi khac. Chao thân ai – Cô Silvia Menelaou – ICT Manager Thư Năm12/06/2014 Trương Tiêu Hoc Meadow Heights se tô chưc kỷ niệm ngay World Environment Day Ngay măc đô thương - Casual Clothes Day – (Quyên tăng đông tiên vang) The JSC khuyên khích tât ca cac hoc sinh tham gia vao ngay Thư Năm tuân tơi. Hay đên trương va măc quân ao mau Xanh la hoăc mau Xanh blue đê đai diện cho hanh tinh Trai đât hoăc bât cư điêu gì đây mau săc! Quyên tăng đông tiên vang đê giup gây quỹ cho việc trông cây cua trương chung ta vao hoc ky tơi va đê giup lam xanh sân trương cua chung ta. Hay tô mau vao bưc tranh môi trương va tham dư cuôc thi tô mau - co hơn 20 giai thương. Hay lây hình anh từ giao viên lơp cua ban. The JSC se đanh gia va trao giai thương cho ngươi thăng giai. (Hay nhơ ghi tên va lơp cua ban trên hình anh cua ban.) Possitive Partnerships Cac Buôi hội thao miên phí cho PHỤ HUYNH / NGƯƠI CHĂM SÓC co con em bệnh tự kỷ - Autism Spectrum Cac buổi hôi thao se la môt môi trương an toan nơi cha mẹ co thê noi chuyện vê chưng tư kỷ va cac nhu câu hoc tập đa dang khac co thê anh hương đên con em cua ho ơ nha hay tai trương hoc. Se co cơ hôi đê noi vê nhưng vân đê nay va tìm hiêu cac phương phap, chiên lươc mơi đê hỗ trơ cho con cua ban. Môt số thao luận tai hôi thao co thê xung quanh vê: Giup Đơ Con Em Ban, Chăm Soc Ban Thân Ban va Lam Kê Hoach Nêu ban muốn biêt nhiêu hơn, hay đên cung vơi cac phiên hôi thao va tìm hiêu nhưng cach hỗ trơ cho con em. Hoan nghênh tât ca cac thanh viên trong gia đình hoăc ngươi hỗ trơ tham gia. Se co Thông dich viên tiêng Turkish, Arabic va Assyrian. ĐIA ĐIÊM: The Hub, Trương Tiêu hoc Meadow Heights, Paringa Boulevard, Meadow Heights KHI NAO: Thư Ba 17/06/2014 THƠI GIAN: Từ 12:45pm -15:00 pm (Co giai khat tai nơi tổ chưc ) Xin goi cho Salwa, Jan hoăc Errin số 93052033 đê giư chỗ. Han chot ghi danh Thư Tư ngay 11/06/2014 Đia Điêm: The Hub, Trương Tiêu hoc Meadow Heights, Paringa Boulevard, Meadow Heights Khi: Thư Ba ngay 17/6/2014 Thơi gian: 12:45-15:00 chiêu (Giai khat khi đên). Xin goi cho Salwa, Jan hoăc Errin số 93052033 đê giư chỗ. Han chot ghi danh Thư Tư ngay 11/06/2014 Trung Tâm Cộng Đông - Hay cung đên va tham gia vui ve: Thay đôi lich trinh mơi vao hoc ky 2 Thư Hai 10:00 sang – 12:00 trưa: Arabic Play Group Thư Ba 9:00 sang – 12:30 chiêu: Chương Trình Tiêng Anh do Kangan Institude hương dân - Broadmeadows Thư Ba 3:20 chiêu – 4:45 chiêu: Home Work Club Year 5 va 6 Thư Ba 27/05 va 03/06 1:00 – 3:00pm: Hôp ăn trưa lanh manh Thư Tư 09:00 sang – 12:00 trưa: Cac lơp hoc Computers Thư Tư 10:00 sang – 12:00 trưa: Turkish Play Group Thư Năm 9:00 sang -11:00 sang: Cac lơp hoc tiêng Anh Thư Năm 11:30 sang - 1:30 chiêu: Turkish Play Group Thư Sau 9:00 sang – 10:00 sang: Uống ca phê va tro chuyện vơi Dianella Community Health Thư Sau 10:00 sang – 12:00 trưa: Active Kids Playgroup Thư Ba 17/06 từ 12:45 trưa – 3:00 chiêu: Positive Partnership Spectrum Nêu ban muốn biêt thêm chi tiêt xin vui long liên lac Cô Salwa SALEM số 9305 2033, vao ngay Thư Ba va Thư Sau Goc Thư Viện Co hơn 300 cuốn sach mơi đa thêm vao kệ Thư viện cua trương trong năm nay! Hay cung nhau vui ve đoc sach.





Special Price:- $10 per head

(includes entry, hire and safety equipment - normally $19 - spectators free)

Please contact Casey Butler, General Manager, to make your booking for

the next school holidays now!

9439-6566 / casey@skaterz.com.au

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