equipment/software technology in fitness matt fleekop

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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Matt Fleekop


I am coming to you with a few pieces of technology that I believe will really benefit your company. You will be able to use all of this equipment on athletes, rehab patients, and your daily everyday clients. These pieces of equipment can asses a countless number of risks, signs and symptoms, and overall wellness in different populations.

By incorporating these technologies you will not only broaden your clientele, but also your net income.

Upper Body Ergometer

What is it? -An exercise bike that you pedal using your arms.

How is it used? -To measure submaximal upper body aerobic capacity. You can also estimate V02 max. - Can help us design/evaluate programs as well as screen for cardiovascular disease.

Upper Body Ergometer

Cost: Ranging $1,000-$7,000

Benefits: Not only for athletes, but also for people with lower body disabilities/rehab

patients. - Physical therapy, athletic training, performance

training, cardiovascular conditioning.


What is it? –An apparatus for measuring volume of air expired by the lungs.

How is it used? –Take deep breath, then exhale hard and fast into apparatus (spirometer) until no more air comes out. -Will help us determine certain pulmonary implications/diseases that will limit exercise/performance.


Cost: Ranging from $8-$160.

Benefits: Major benefit for patients after heart surgery. This will help patients remove excess fluid/mucous in the lungs which will

lead to a faster recovery.


What kind of testing? -Metabolic stress test, the effect of exercise on the heart and lungs.

How is test performed? –Walk/jog on treadmill; take recordings of: lungs, heart, blood pressure, and oxygen.

What can we determine? –Causes of chest pain, heart/lung capacity during exercise, level of starting fitness program. –Used for athletes and rehab patients.


Costs: Ranging from $100-$2,000.

Benefits: Can be used by almost anyone from athletes to rehab patients; relatively safe.

Numerous different tests can be performed. Not limited to a certain workload.

Pulse Oximeter

What is it? –A sensor placed on a person’s fingertip. What is it used for? –Measuring the saturation of

oxygen in a person’s blood and heart rate. –Used by athletes or rehab patients.

Pulse Oximeter

Costs: Ranging from $20-$200

Benefits: Easy to use, pain-free, quick/immediate results, reliable, non-

invasive. Can be used during strenuous exercise or at rest.

ECG Monitor

What is it? –Electrode patches that connect to chest, arms, and legs.

What is it used for? –Electrocardiogram testing. -Records electrical heart activity, heart rhythm, signs of heart disease, and blood flow to heart muscle.

EKG Monitor

Costs: About $50/electrode

Benefits: Can detect numerous amounts of heart complications, pain-free, easy to use, very important for cardiac rehab patients.


All of these pieces of technology/software can be implemented into your athlete’s/rehab patient’s training or recovery process.

The equipment is relatively cheap and the tests that can be performed are virtually limitless. Each piece of equipment can be combined with other pieces as well.

By adding these resources to your facility, you will absolutely see an increase in revenue, and more importantly an increase in wellness within your patients.

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