essential questions what are the key issues of jefferson’s administration? why the exceptions to...

Post on 15-Dec-2015






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Essential Questions

What are the key issues of Jefferson’s administration?

Why the exceptions to “limited and negative” government?

What’s the significance of Marbury v Madison?

What are the factors that led to the War of 1812?

What is the significance of the war? What are examples of states rights?

Characteristics of the Period

Social leveling – egalitarian ideas – but not for slaves Petitions for emancipation Haiti & L’Ouverture – American fears Gabriel Prosser’s Rebellion- new codes

increased control Economics

Carrying trade & early textiles –NE Agriculture – S and W

Expansion west – opportunity Indians – more clashes; choices – move,

assimilate, fight for land

Increased regionalism

Jefferson’s Goals – “negative and limited government”

Limited government – cut size of bureaucracy

Frugal government – cut spending & deficits; decrease size of army & navy

Strict construction


President and party leader – co-opts the Federalist and increases DR

Development of one party – National Republicans – problems with factions

Accomplished most goals Problem = neutral rights

Election of 1808

Exceptions to “negative and Limited” government –WHY?

BUS – Gallatin Federally funded internal improvements

(FFII) – National Road Barbary Pirates – undeclared war; goes

around Congress (argh!)Louisiana Purchase 1803 Trade Embargo 1807

National Road

Barbary Pirates

Decatur & the Barbary Pirates

Louisiana Purchase 1803

Mississippi River & New Orleans critical to western expansion

French threat - US options purchase NO or treaty w/BR

Napoleon offers for $15 million – purchase – but issue = constitutionality

Federalist concerns TJ justification Lewis and Clark – scientific, cultural

and CIA mission LA Gov’t Act – exception to


Louisiana Purchase 1803

War on the Judiciary

Judiciary Act of 1801 Expands # of judges – appoints Federalists “midnight judges” – keep control of J Marshall = chief

Impeachment – Chase & Pickering Failure sg for independent judiciary

John Marshall 1801-1835

Marshall’s goals

Increase the power of the judiciary – check and balance

Increase/maintain the power of the federal government

Create climate for economic stability and growth (market economy; Hamiltonian ideas)

Marbury v Madison 1803

Issue – commissions not given Writ of Mandamus Marshall court rules this part of

Judiciary Act 1789 unconstitutional Established the principle of judicial

review of Supreme Court over acts of Congress

Protects the power of the court

Internal Divisions

Tertium Quids – faction with in National Republican – old values Yazoo Land Claims Fletcher v Peck 1810

Slave trade issues Who gets confiscated slaves Outlawed 1808 ----but

States Rights and Separation - Burr

Essex Junto 1804Northern

Confederacy –NE/NY

Hamilton foilsThe Duel

Western Conspiracy 1807

Empire in west, take out of union and conquer Mexico

Treason trial –overt actions

The Duel

Foreign Policy: Western Expansion Goal

Increased pressure on Ohio – white and Indian –competition Harrison –Jeffersonian policies Tecumseh, The Prophet (Tenskwatawa) --

choicesEnvironmental/ecological impactBr roleFrontier culture – Second Great


Second Great Awakening

Tecumseh & the Prophet

Foreign Policy Goal: National Security and Neutral Rights

Issue – BOP Europe -Napoleonic WarsBR -------USA--------FR US caught between conflicting policies

–no respect of neutral rights - impressment

Orders in Council v Continental System Essex decision-----Milan/Berlin


Napoleonic Wars and Neutral Rights

Q1806 1806 Berlin Decrees-“Continental Berlin Decrees-“Continental System”System”

Q1806 1806 Britain issued the “Order in Britain issued the “Order in Council.”Council.”

Q1807 1807 Milan Decrees Milan Decrees

Q1808-1811 1808-1811 Britain impressed over Britain impressed over 6,000 American sailors. 6,000 American sailors.

Chesapeake and Leopard

June 21, 1807.June 21, 1807. Br. Captain fired on the USS Br. Captain fired on the USS

Chesapeake.Chesapeake. 3 dead, 18 wounded.3 dead, 18 wounded. Br. Foreign Office said it was a Br. Foreign Office said it was a

mistake.mistake. Jefferson’s Response:Jefferson’s Response:

Forbade Br. ships to dock in American Forbade Br. ships to dock in American ports.ports.

Ordered state governors to call up as Ordered state governors to call up as much as 100,000 militiamen.much as 100,000 militiamen.

Chesapeake and Leopard

Jefferson’s Response: Exception to limited government--WHY

Embargo Act 1807 –”peaceful coercion” ALL TRADE prevented Impact –huge economic losses

Non-Intercourse Act 1809 – lasts to 1812 all but BR and FR NE pushed toward manufacturing and self

sufficiencyMacon’s Bill #2 1810

Open ---but plays off rivals War declaration – June 1812 ---why

Political Cartoon

War of 1812: Causes

Neutral Rights – free trade/free seasIndians – Tecumseh and the Prophet Pan

Indian Confederacy War hawks –

Canada – lust for land/opportunity

Brock & Tecumseh

War Hawks

Clay Calhoun

James & Dolly Madison

Two Wars: Indians ---BritishIndians – western

expansion – OPP.Tippecanoe 1809 Thames 1813 Horseshoe Bend

1814Harrison &


British – neutral rights and respect

1812-13 – Offense Lake Erie Can’t take Canada

1814 – Defense Washington/


Key Battles

War 1813

Battle of the Thames

Washington 1814

Dolly Madison and the Burning

Fort McHenry

Patriot’s View

Jackson’s Campaigns

Jackson at Horseshoe Bend

Battle of New Orleans

Battle of New Orleans

Opposition: New England

Most hurt by embargo – didn’t obey Mr. Madison’s War – trade w/ enemyHartford Convention – Dec 1814

(states rights) Demands One term pres –not from same state 2/3 vote for embargo, war, new states End 3/5 rule No naturalized citizen in high office

Treaty of Ghent: Dec 1814

“status quo ante bellum” Napoleon loose –changes concernsEnds demands of Hartford

ConventionJanuary 1815 – Battle of New Orleans

Signing of the Treaty of Ghent

Anglo-American Relations

Significance of the War of 1812

Maintains independence Creates war heroes –

Harrison/Jackson Stimulates patriotism and

nationalism Stimulates domestic manufacturing Indian confederacy is shattered –

western expansion Leads to American System – support

for more active national government - increased role

Anglo- American Relations stable

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