ethics class lecture

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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  • 8/3/2019 Ethics Class Lecture




    San Francisco State University

    School of Engineering

    Fall 2007

    Case Study: Ford PintoAugust 10, 1978 Design:

    compete with foreign import models that hadbetter gas mileage

    rushed to have it available to the public faster

    Problem: Ford knew that the gas tank would explode if hit

    at >20mph from rear

    Problem avoided if a rubber bladder to cushion impact was

    installed that cost $5.08

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    Rationale Cost analysis: the cost of installing the part was

    be higher than the damage resulting fromfatalities

    Resolution Ford eventually did recall the Pinto voluntarily to

    save their reputation

  • 8/3/2019 Ethics Class Lecture



    Case Study:The Space Shuttle Challenger

    January 28, 1986

    An O-ring on one of thesolid-propellant boostersfailed

    The Challenger and herseven member crew were

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    blown up 73 seconds after


    The Space Shuttle ChallengerEngineering Ethical Issue

    The Challenger was launched in extremelyco wea er

    An O-ring failed because of the cold

    Engineers recommended that the launchbe delayed

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    Ethical issue or accident?

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    The Space Shuttle ChallengerEngineering Ethical Issue

    NASAs budget was determined by Congress

    ongress was ecom ng ncreas ng y un appy wdelays and performance in the shuttle project

    NASA billed the shuttle as reliable andinexpensive

    NASA was under pressure by competitor,

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    Previous mission had been delayed numeroustimes by both weather and mechanical failures

    The Space Shuttle ChallengerEngineering Ethical Issue

    The O-ring temperature was predicted to be 29.

    No data or experience existed below 53 degrees Engineers knew that cold weather would increase

    problems with sealing of O-rings.

    Engineers recommended not to launch

    With the available data, there seemed to be no

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    corre a on e ween empera ure an corros on Manager to Engineer:

    Take off your engineering hat and put on yourmanagement hat.

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    The Space Shuttle ChallengerEngineering Ethical Issue

    Should a launch have been allowed when there

    Knowing that it is impossible to test for all possibleoperating conditions?

    Should a product be released when it hasntbeen tested over all expected operationalconditions?

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    When the data is inconclusive, which way should

    the decision go?

    What is Engineering Ethics?

    The study of moral decisions that must bema e y eng neers n e course oengineering practice

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    Why study engineering ethics?

    Engineering is a profession, not just a job

    (BEFORE you have to confront them)

    Goal is to train you to analyze complexproblems

    May require analysis using ethical theories

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    be obvious

    May involve conflicting ethical principles

    Ethics and the Law

    Engineering and business

    overne y n erna ona , e era , s a e, an ocalaws

    Many laws are based on ethical principles andothers on practical issues

    Engineers are minimally safe following laws

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    ng neer ng e cs see s o go eyon edictates of the law

    Our interest is in solving conflict with ethicswhere there is no legal guidance

  • 8/3/2019 Ethics Class Lecture



    One Source of Ethical Issue:

    Lack of Knowledge Engineering design is about creating new

    When something is new, many questions needto be answered How well does it work?

    How will it affect people?

    What changes will this lead to in society?

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    How well will this work under all conditions?

    Is it safe?

    If safety concerns exist, how bad are they?

    What are the effects of doing nothing?

    Professionalism andCodes of Ethics

    Codes of Ethics

    Resources that are available to an engineerto help find a solution

    Provides a framework for ethical judgment

    Codes serve as a starting point for ethicaldecision makin

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    Principles and standards accepted by theengineering practice

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    Professionalism and

    Codes of Ethics Codes of Ethics are found in individual societies

    (IEEE) Relatively short code

    Deals with generalities

    National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Longer and more detailed

    More explicit and covers more ground

    Engineering Ethics 13

    Leaves less to the imagination

    More useful for specific cases

    Organizations and corporations have codes ofethics

    Understanding Ethical Problems

    Ethical problems are like design problems

    A device must be designed that meets criteriafor performance, aesthetics, and price

    Apply a large body of knowledge to thesolution of a problem

    Involves use of analytical skills

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    There are many correct solutions

    Some solutions are better than others

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    Understanding Ethical Problems Ethical and moral theories

    Utilitarianism -

    Produce the most utility balance between good and badconsequences

    Duty Ethics Duties should be performed regardless of whether these acts lead

    to the most good

    Rights Ethics Emphasizes that we all have moral rights and any action that

    Engineering Ethics 15

    v o a es ese r g s s e ca y unaccep a e

    The ultimate overall good of the actions is not taken into account

    Virtue Ethics Regards actions as right that manifest good character traits

    Regards actions as bad that display bad character traits

    Focuses on the type of person we should strive to be

    Utilitarianism Emphasis on well-being of society as a whole, not of the


    Ignores needs of individuals

    Cost-Benefit analysis often used Projects with the highest ratio of benefits to costs will be


    Can create problems, such as a nuclear disposal site Benefits society with improved health care and plentiful

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    Could have adverse health effects to local population

    Implementation depends greatly on knowing what willlead to the most good.

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    Duty Ethics

    Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) Formulated dut ethics Moral duties are fundamental Right and wrong can be determined by reason

    Actions that can be written down as a list ofduties Be honest Dont cause suffering to other people

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    Be fair to others, etc.

    Once duties are recognized, the ethically correctmoral actions are obvious People have duties, one of which is to protect

    the rights of others

    Rights Ethics

    Formulated by John Locke (1632-1704)

    Actions are good that respect the rightsof the individual

    Humans have the right to life, liberty, andproperty

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    people have a duty to respect

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    Virtue Ethics

    Interested in determining what kind ofpeop e we s ou e

    Defined as moral distinction and goodness

    Actions are considered right if theysupport good character traits

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    support bad character traits Closely tied to personal character

    Examining a Given Problem

    Which Ethical Theory to Use?

    You dont have to choose

    Use all theories to analyze a problem fromdifferent angles

    Allows for different perspectives and tosee the result each theory gives

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    ,even though the theories are different

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    Ethical Problem Solving TechniquesSolving by Understanding Issues

    Factual issues (ex. Bribe vs. gift) Can often be resolved throu h research to establish

    the truth

    Conceptual issues Are resolved by agreeing on the meaning of terms

    and concepts

    Moral issues Are resolved by agreement as to which moral

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    pr nc p es are per nen how they should be applied

    Ethical Problem Solving TechniquesMoral Conflict Problems

    Problem exists with two conflicting moral

    Solution can be obvious when one is moresignificant than the other

    When solution is not obvious, use thecreativemiddle way

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    Middle ground that is acceptable to everyone Use judgment for the best choice possible

    with the information available at the time

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    Ethical Problem Solving TechniquesGifts vs Bribes

    Definition of bribery oney or avor o ere or g ven o someone

    Intended to influence or persuade

    Consequences Illegal, subject to laws

    Anti-competitive and corrupts our free-market

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    econom c system

    Gifts are usually of nominal value and arejust a form of advertising

    Ethical Problem Solving TechniquesAvoiding Bribery Problems

    Look for company policy

    All large corporations and small companieshave very clear rules about what is acceptable

    Any deviation from this rule requires approval

    Other companies encourage social interactionand allow employees more discretion

    Engineering Ethics


    New York Times Test

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    Engineers and Safety

    Design must comply with applicable laws

    n accep a e es gn mus mee e s an ar oaccepted engineering practice

    Alternative design that are potentially safer mustbe explored

    The engineer must attempt to foresee potential

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    m suses o t e pro uct

    Both prototypes and finished devices must berigorously tested

    Professional SuccessImpediments to Ethical Behavior

    Many of the ethical situations that


    The ethically correct course of action isknown

    Rationale used in unethical behavior

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    Its not my problem If I dont do it, someone else will

    I cant foresee everything that will happen

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