ethics hypnosis neo-freudians and personality

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Neo-Freudians and Personality

Intelligence Testing

Social Development
































Ethics Hypnosis Neo-Freudians and Personality Intelligence


Social Development


Who is responsible for the major code of ethics we have examined?

American Psychological Association

If I “trick” someone into being in my study, what principle have I violated?

Informed consent

True or False: The APA has only created ethical guidelines for humans

False; There are also guidelines for using animals in research

Researchers cannot release data about individual participants according to this guideline

The right to confidentiality

What is debriefing?

Participants must receive full explanations of the research when their involvement is done (especially impt when using deception!)

What is hypnosis?

A social interaction in which one person makes suggestions about perceptions, thoughts, or behaviors and another person follows those suggestions

What is a posthypnotic suggestion?

A suggestion, made during a hypnosis session, that the subject will carry out when no longer hypnotized

What are the most effective uses of hypnosis?

Pain control, can help control weight/smoking habits; Can help alleviate headaches/asthma

What is the divided consciousness theory of hypnosis?

One’s consciousness splits (dissociation) so that one aspect of consciousness is not aware of the role the other part is playing

What is the social influence theory of hypnosis?

Hypnosis is caused by powerful social forces; Like actors who get caught up in their roles

What criticisms did the neo-Freudians have of Freud’s personality theory?

Too much emphasis on the unconscious; Doubted that sex and aggression were all consuming motivations

Developed the idea of the inferiority complex

Alfred Adler

What did Karen Horney believe?

Freud overemphasized sex; Fought against some of Freud’s sexist beliefs; Focused on how culture contributed to women’s feeling of inferiority

Creator of archetypes

Carl Jung

What is the collective unconscious?

Memories and behavior patterns that are inherited from past generations and shared by all humans

Created the first intelligence tests for the French government

Alfred Binet

Formula for the original IQ

(Mental Age/Chronological age) x 100

Adaptation of Binet’s original test; Used IQ; Still used today; Created by Terman

Standford-Binet Intelligence Scale

Test that provides and overall intelligence score as well as subscores in 11 areas

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

What is content validity?

Extent to which a test samples the behavior that is of interest

What is temperament?

A person’s pattern of mood, activity, and emotional responsiveness that emerges within the first few montsh o flife

What is secure attachment?

Children are able to separate from parent, meet return of parent with positive emotions; Studied by Mary Ainsworth

Parenting style where parents submit to their children’s desires; Make few demands and give little punishment; Very warm


Describe the initiative v. Guilt stage of Erickson’s psychosocial stages

Preschoolers need to learn to take initiative in tasks and carry out their own plans; If they don’t, they will feel guilty about their efforts to be independent and feel inferior

What psychosocial stage do people go through in middle adulthood?

Generativity v. Stagnation: Need to discover a sense of contribution to the world or they may feel that they lack purpose

What is attribution?

How we explain others’ behavior

Overestimating the influence of personality and underestimating the power of the situation

Fundamental attribution error

Attributing our successes to internal qualities

Self-serving bias

Who proposed attribution theory?

Fritz Heider

Is the fundamental attribution error universal?

We have some evidence to indicate that it is opposite in Eastern cultures

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