ethics in mathematics: a brief history of mathematical proofs

Post on 06-Jul-2018






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  • 8/17/2019 Ethics in Mathematics: a Brief History of Mathematical Proofs



    1.0 Introduction

    Our Public Affairs Mission at Missouri State University emphasizes three important

    traits: cultural competence, community engagement, and ethical leadership. onsidering my

    intentions to obtain a doctorate in mathematics and to teach college mathematics, ! must e"hibit

    ethical leadership in my position. omposing this documented research report on ethics in

    mathematics has shed much light on invaluable information that #ill undoubtedly inform my

    future employment. ertainly, it #ould surprise no one to assert the value of an ethical system of

    communicating mathematical results$ in fact, e"amining ethics in mathematics underscores the

    necessity of viable mathematical results in sciences other than mathematics itself, such as

     physics, chemistry, architecture, and more. Overall, ! claim t#o things above all else: that proofs

    in mathematics have undergone consistent changes over the course of the last t#o millennia and

    that proofs in mathematics are by nature ob%ective truths. &"amining the history of mathematical

     proofs, ! #ill give pertinent historical information and anecdotes$ ! #ill supply relevant

    definitions and terminology$ and ! #ill detail a brief introduction to mathematical logic. On the

    #hole, therefore, ! intend #ith this documented research report to present my findings on the

    ethical nature of mathematical proofs by e"amining the history of proof techni'ues.

    2.0 Dicuion

    2.1 Greece and Other Ancient Societies

    2.1.1. From Babylon to Euclid’s &lements

    &ven today, one of the most remar(able mathematical achievements in history is the

    )abylonian discovery of more than a dozen Pythagorean triples *&ves ++. -ecall that the


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    Pythagorean heorem states that the sum of the s'uares of the legs of a right triangle x and y 

    e'uals the s'uare of the hypotenuse z  / or x0 1 y0 2 z 0. Using this, a Pythagorean triple is three

     positive integers a, b, and c such that a0 1 b0 2 c0. On first glance, it is incredible that the

    )abylonians #ere able to solve an e'uation in three variables through such elementary means,

     but a deeper loo( reveals the most spectacular aspect of the )abylonian3s discoveries: they did

    this before the Pythagorean heorem #as ever even con%ectured, let alone proven *++.

    -ather, it #as not until one thousand years later that Pythagoras and his follo#ers / the

    Pythagoreans / established and proved their theorem on right triangles. )efore the time of

    Pythagoras, mathematics #as conducted intuitively: if the result of a claim seemed to hold in

    general, the claim #as thought to be true *4rantz 56. One of the first radical thin(ers in

    mathematics, Pythagoras rebu(ed this norm, believing instead that the mathematical sciences

    need be founded in strong, ob%ective reasoning, and, further, asserting that many geometrical

    results of the time could be deduced from a small list of postulates that #ere ta(en #ithout

    'uestion to be true *56. !n this #ay, &uclid #ould dra# the necessary inspiration to generate the

    mathematical #orld3s first attempt at a complete a"iomatization of all geometry.

    &uclid the 7eometer emerged from the melting pot of ideas of his predecessor Pythagoras

    t#o hundred years later, and he #ould go on to release #ith his  Elements #hat remains one of

    the most essential #or(s in mathematics. &uclid3s most notable efforts sought a connection

     bet#een mathematics and logic in a rigorous manner, asserting that proofs follo# from

    definitions and a"ioms that are ta(en as fact #ithout further 'uestion *58. 4rantz points out that

    &uclid began #ith a fe# undefined terms that #ere commonly accepted #ithout %ustification and

    used these to formulate his self9evident a"ioms, #ith #hich he introduced his logical e"position

    in a very sophisticated and almost modern manner *5+. Of course, &uclid3s famed fifth postulate


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     / #hich states that there is a uni'ue line parallel to any given line / has for the last t#o thousand

    years caused debates concerning the soundness and independence of his a"iom and, in this #ay,

    has e"posed the #ea(nesses in the logic of the ancients.

    2.1.2. Closing the Logical Gaps

    &uclid3s Elements remains among the most astounding mathematical #or(s to resonate

    through the halls of time, but even this master#or( of ancient 7reece has been sho#n / by our

    contemporary standards / to contain several fla#s in logic. ommenting on this and other

    mathematical follies, ieudonn; contests that the ma%ority of insufficient or erroneous proofs

    throughout history have resulted from a lac( of focus on the underlying mechanics of proof

    *ieudonn; 06+. )efore #e e"amine this claim, let us recall the structure of a deductive proof.

    Proofs in mathematics are logical se'uences of con%ectures made from an initial

    assumption / or several assumptions / and ending #ith a conclusion *06+. &ach step in a proof

    should follo# directly from either our initial assumption or some (no#n a"iom or theorem.

    Previous results have been sometimes invalidated by more recent commentators, ieudonn;

    says, due to some confusion regarding the initial premise and a similar premise from #hich a

    conclusion is dra#n #hen in fact it is the conclusion analogous to the similar premise that

    follo#s *06+. Other instances sho# that, as ieudonn; observes, some proofs have employed

    inferences and reasonable assumptions that had not yet been proven, resulting in falsity *06+.

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    or a conclusion dra#n from previous steps. ?e define rigor as soundness and ob%ectivity of an

    argument, guaranteed by strict implementation of and obedience to a"ioms and definitions.

    4itcher argues that although some mathematical (no#ledge seems self9evident, it

    remains necessary to prove these apparent truths in a rigorous #ay so as to ma(e our

    understanding more taut and ob%ective *+@6. 4itcher asserts that as the study of mathematics

     progresses, our notion of rigor li(e#ise progresses, so eventually, things that #e consider to be

    rigorous at present #ill come to be considered unrigorous *+@6.

    Overall, #e demand rigor #hen an argument cannot be fleshed out using elementary

    steps from (no#n and factual premises and, similarly, #hen establishing a universal

    mathematical language. ?e #ill no# consider the e"ample of e#ton and

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    Big. 5. A Cery !nformal Proof 

    Source: Sidney Darris Ehttp:FF###.sciencecartoonsplus.comFinde".phpG

    2.2 The Birth of Analysis and a Need for Rigor 

    2.2.1. e!ton" Leibniz" and Calculus

    alculus has a very curious, inspiring, and rich history, but #e #ill simply begin in the

    middle of the seventeenth century.

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     e#ton and

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    auchy, )olzano, and ?eierstrass #ere among the pioneers of the ne#ly9invented branch of

    mathematics called analysis *oel 58+. auchy and the li(e realized the misleading nature of

    geometry and gre# #ary of its grasp on several fields in mathematics, according to oel, and as

    such, they sought to a"iomatize calculus using a more algebraic argument *588, 58+. Similarly,

    Saul attests the crucial role of simple arithmetic / as opposed to the early geometric and intuitive

    methods / in auchy and )olzano3s development of mathematical rigor *Saul ii. onvincingly,

    Saul argues that ine'ualities #ere the fundamental tools by #hich the nineteenth century analysts

    achieved their goal of precision, noting that until the time ine'ualities #ere studied and

    developed in9depth by auchy, rigorous proofs of calculus #ere not often supplied *0+, 0J.

    learly, auchy played an invaluable part in the development of mathematical proofs and

    in the establishment of a ne# standard of rigor in mathematics. auchy is credited #ith

    converting many of his contemporaries to forego the usual and mechanical computations and

    casual intuition on #hich mathematics #as founded at the time in favor of a universal

    mathematical language based on the ob%ectivity of a"ioms and definitions *&ves +>. &ves

     portrays auchy3s body of #or( as prolific, as #ell as detailed and formal *+. ontemporaries

    of auchy, on the other hand, did not all praise him #ith such esteem as &ves does$ in fact,

    Schubring establishes a more realistic vie# of auchy, lending authenticity to the

    mathematician3s body of #or( by establishing important criticisms that demonstrate #hy auchy

    has become so important and highly regarded today *Schubring +80, +88.

    &ven though auchy and his contemporaries had successfully established the discrepancy

     bet#een geometry and algebra / developing a highly sophisticated and formal system of

    a"iomatic proofs using arithmetic / there #as still much #or( to be done as history moved

    to#ard the middle of the nineteenth century. Particularly, our notion of real numbers #ould begin


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    to cause problems, and a formal definition of infinity and classification of certain sets of numbers

    #ould be needed to continue to progress the state of mathematics and rigor.

    2.3 God Created the Integers: Cantor ers!s "ronec#er 

    2.$.1. %erplexing %aradoxes o& 'n&inity

    &ven today, one of the many indelible philosophical battles in history remains that

     bet#een the 7erman mathematicians 7eorg antor and

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    Other curious geometric parado"es reveal themselves a bit more easily than Neno3s.

    Picture any straight line that e"tends itself indefinitely in both directions. ?e #ill stipulate that

    our line does not inherently possess any breadth and, further, that this line in particular does not

    inherently pass through any points. Picture also a semicircle of finite length laid do#n ne"t to

    this line. ?e re'uire that our circle / li(e our line / must not inherently pass through any points.

    )ut no#, if #e dra# three line segments of finite length originating from the center of the

    semicircle, passing through the semicircle at #hat #e #ill designate as three points of

    intersection, and ending on the line at #hat #e #ill li(e#ise designate as three points, #e could

    sho# that a semicircle of finite length possesses the same number of points as a line of infinite

    length *56. On his #eb page, Schechter provides a similar parado" that compares t#o line

    segments of different lengths that someho# / contrarily / possess the same number of points.

    Big. 0. A )i%ection )et#een a

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    Under the long9standing misinterpretation of the properties of infinity, even the

    characteristics of certain infinite collections of numbers remained shrouded in doubt and

    misunderstanding. Predating antor by nearly 866 years, the !talian physicist and astronomer

    7alileo 7alilei first observed the similarities bet#een the cardinality / or size / of the set of

    natural numbers and the set of s'uares of natural numbers. ?e define the natural numbers to be

     positive, #hole numbers. )rilliantly, 7alilei observed that you can pair off a natural number and

    its s'uare / for instance, *5, 5, *0, +, *8, >, and so on / such that it appears as though there are

    the same number of ob%ects that are s'uares of natural numbers as there are natural numbers *.

    ?e refer to this pairing as a bi%ection because every natural number refers to a uni'ue s'uare /

    and so no t#o natural numbers refer to the same s'uare / and every s'uare is uni'uely

    determined by a natural number, hence no s'uare is absent from our list. antor #ould later

     prove that the set of natural numbers and the set of s'uares of natural numbers possess the same

    cardinality$ that is, parado"ically, there are %ust as many s'uares of natural numbers as there are

    natural numbers, even though the s'uares are more spread out.

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    2.$.2. Cantor (isco)ers *et +heory

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    same cardinality as the set in #hich it is contained is the e"act property that distinguishes infinite

    sets from finite sets, as ede(ind theorized in 5@ *J=. Using this characterization, it is clear

    that the set of natural numbers is infinite since at least one of its proper subsets / namely, the set

    of s'uares of natural numbers / possesses the same size. antor demonstrated that the cardinality

    of the natural numbers is the smallest infinite cardinality. &ven the set of rational numbers

     possesses the same cardinality as the set of natural numbers. ?ith this astonishing brea(through,

    he deemed this cardinality the first transfinite number Q6 , #hich is the Debre# numeral Kaleph

    nullL *J=.

    Ultimately, ho#ever, antor3s development of set theory proved itself to be parado"ical,

    revealing the problematic nature of intuition and even further underscoring the misunderstanding

    of the enigma of infinity. antor3s eponymous parado" characterizes many other ostensibly

    contradictory results from the li(es of esare )urali9Borti and )ertrand -ussell *=5. onsider

    the collection of all cardinal numbers / namely, the set of all infinite cardinalities. )ecause there

    is no largest cardinal number, this collection is itself infinite, and in fact, the cardinality of this

    collection is even larger than any of the cardinalities contained.

    2.$.$. -ronecer’s Criticism

    onsidering the breadth of abstraction and intricate nature of his arguments, antor3s

    convoluted discoveries #ould come under heavy criticism from finitists the li(es of 4ronec(er.

    &ven as early as 5@@, 4ronec(er attempted to bloc( several of antor3s publications in Crelle’s

     /ournal  / a famed 7erman mathematical periodical / due to a fundamental difference in

    ideology: among many other of his be#ildering opinions, 4ronec(er believed neither in the

    e"istence of infinity nor in the e"istence of irrational and transcendental numbers *O3onnor 8.


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    -elations bet#een antor and 4ronec(er never bettered, and #hen 4ronec(er passed in 5>5,

    the mathematicians remained at odds, never to settle their dispute. antor, ho#ever, continued to

    e"tend #arm regards and #holehearted respect to his colleague until his untimely passing *+.

    &thics in mathematics may not be better demonstrated else#here than in 4ronec(er and

    antor3s infamous bic(ering. antor3s formalism / or a"iomatic mathematics based on abstract

    manipulation of inherently meaningless symbols / represents a po#erful tool that

    mathematicians use to overcome and understand the counterintuitive and e"tremely subtle nature

    of certain mathematics, and it aids the discovery of important results such as set theory. On the

    other hand, 4ronec(er3s intuitionism / or sub%ective mathematics that re%ects the notion and

    importance of a"iomatic systems / e"emplifies a more practical aspect, restricting the

    mathematician3s #or(9space to the tangible and constructible.

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    thoroughly enough by auchy and his contemporaries *-ec( +. )y relating the studies of

    calculus and arithmetic even more closely than his predecessors, 7erman mathematician -ichard

    ede(ind too( it upon himself to rid analysis of its intuitive foundations entirely *+.

    Oddly enough, ede(ind began his arithmetization of calculus by establishing his theory

    of ede(ind cuts, #hich directly related the real number system #ith a geometric line *-ec( +.

    ?ith his eponymous Kcuts,L ede(ind observed the similarities bet#een the set of rational

    numbers / or the set of fractions / and a tangible, straight line$ ho#ever, it became apparent after 

    some consideration that rational numbers cannot be e"pressed on a continuous, gap9free line,

    since there are numbers on a continuous line that cannot be e"pressed as fractions / the s'uare

    root of t#o, for e"ample *+. &"panding this idea further, ede(ind succeeded in e"pressing the

    real number system in a completely original manner, finally relating rational and irrational

    numbers and demonstrating that / using his system / proofs could then be obtained about the

    real numbers that had not been possible before *J. &ssentially, ede(ind had discovered the

    missing lin( bet#een geometry, algebra, and calculus, effectively freeing mathematics from its

    intuitive upstart and advancing the systematization and rigorization of analysis.

    2.0.2. #ilbert and the b3ecti)ity o& 4athematics

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     before passing on to the ne"tL *&ves =8J. One of Dilbert3s various accomplishments included

    his #or( to#ard the a"iomatization and systematization of all of mathematics / on #hich he

    #or(ed alongside )ernays / called proof theory$ in 5>85, ho#ever, 7del demonstrated that

    Dilbert3s efforts #ere in vain #hen he proved in KunimpeachableL style that Dilbert3s proof

    theory could not hold in every field of mathematics *&ves =8+98J.

    Oga#a nevertheless emphasizes Dilbert3s development of deductive rigor and his belief

    in the freedom of concept9formation as a means to systematize mathematics and to establish the

     preeminence of mathematics as universal and ob%ective truth that does not rely on any

    epistemological assumptions *Oga#a 0, 56. One immediate conse'uence of Dilbert3s ubi'uity is

    his a"iomatization of geometry, ta(ing nearly t#o9thousand9year9old notions of &uclid and

    reinvigorating them #ith more sophisticated, modern foundations. !mportantly, this

    establishment preceded some of the most groundbrea(ing results in physics, such as &instein3s

    theory of relativity *&ves =8J. Overall, Dilbert3s grand efforts / more than anyone in history /

     propelled mathematics to#ard the ultimate goal of rigor and consistency, and as such, he remains

    one of the most rightfully celebrated mathematicians of all time.

    2.) G*del+s Inco,(leteness Theore,s

    2.5.1. +he 'mpossibility o& #ilbert’s %rogram

    &ven more than his revolutionary and deeply impactful successes, oddly enough,

    Dilbert3s ultimate failure to establish a set of a"ioms that could provide a foundation for all of

    mathematics remains one of the most important shortcomings in scientific history, simply

     because it resulted in the invaluable and indelible !ncompleteness heorems: t#o elegant results

    that #ould forever change the face of mathematics. 4urt 7del / the then t#enty9five9year9old


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    7erman logician / demonstrated in 5>85 #ith his Birst !ncompleteness heorem that there e"ist

    arithmetic statements that are neither provable nor refutable in the a"iomatic system of Peano

    arithmetic. ?ith his Second !ncompleteness heorem, 7del demonstrated that there are indeed

    mathematical truths that cannot be harvested using the classical a"iomatic methods that had been

    in development since the time of &uclid. ombining both of these conclusions, Dilbert3s program

     / #hich in essence aimed to establish the provability of every statement that could be

    constructed in Peano arithmetic / #as rendered unrealizable *agel et al. =.

    reative and elo'uent in his arguments, 7del challenged the ostensibly limitless

     potential of the a"iomatic methods in a manner that no mathematician or logician had before.

    Using conventional notation and meta9mathematics, 7del #as able to manipulate the calculus

    of logic / or the formalized logical system consisting only of inherently meaningless mar(s and

    strings of mar(s called formulas / in such a #ay as to derive a )erry parado" in the synta" of

    meta9mathematics *0. Put simply, 7del #as able to ingeniously combine empty mathematical

    symbols and #ords into a meta9mathematical statement that, #hen interpreted, inherently

    contradicted itself. One e"ample of a simple )erry parado" follo#s.

    6Behold the smallest positi)e integer not expressible in &e!er than thirteen !ords78

    learly, the sentence contains fe#er than thirteen #ords / namely, it contains t#elve #ords / but

    even more, these t#elve #ords characterize the very nature of the ob%ect that the statement

    claims cannot be e"pressed$ in fact, the statement itself is the e"act definition of the integer that

    it claims it cannot itself define. Dence, the statement lies in self9contradiction.


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    Perhaps it is unsurprising to consider the amount of cunning and imagination involved in

    the aforementioned argument$ ho#ever, all too fre'uently, mathematics is misunderstood as

     blind, formal manipulation that lac(s e"pression. losely e"amined, 7del3s proof reveals the

    often9overloo(ed artistic and linguistic aspects of mathematical proofs and, as such,

    demonstrates the intrinsic limitations of philosophical arguments devoid of intuition.

    2.5.2. +he 'nherent 9eanesses o& the :xiomatic 4ethod 

    Of course, 7del3s argument #as far more convoluted and comple" than demonstrated

    above: as mentioned before, there is a noticeable air of narrative license and artistic liberty in the

    !ncompleteness heorems. Upon publication, in fact, 7del3s results remained so enigmatic and

    complicated that they #ere incomprehensible even to many mathematicians *8. ontrarily,

    7del3s arguments #ere astonishingly rooted in simple arithmetic involving the prime

    factorization property of the integers and simple sentential variables / or letters that stand in

     pro"y for logical statements / in the calculus of logic, concatenated #ith the logical connectives

    such as Knot,L Kor,L and Kif V thenL as #ell as useful punctuation mar(s.

    onstituting the cru" of 7del3s proof are his eponymous 7del numbers. ?e assign the

    first ten 7del numbers / 5, 0, 8, V, >, and 56 / to the elementary signs of our calculus %ust as

     agel and e#man do *@6. learly, the 7del number of any sign, formula, or proof is uni'uely

    determined, but to ma(e this characteristic more obvious, #e #ill offer an e"ample similar to

     agel3s *=>, @0. ?e may assign a fe# of our first ten 7del numbers such that

    W*∃ 2 +, W*2 2 J, W* s 2 @, W*T 2 , WT 2 >, W* x 2 55, and W* y 2 58, #here W* p refers to the

    7del number of the sign, variable, or statement p. Using the property that every integer n 

     possesses a uni'ue prime factorization n 2 p5a

    5 p0a

    0V p a , 7del constructed each distinct 7del


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    number in the same manner as #e construct the 7del number of the statement, Khere e"ists an

    integer x such that x is the immediate successor of yL / or mathematically, K*∃ x* x 2 sy,L #here

    ∃ is the e"istential 'uantifier, x and y are integer variables, and sy denotes the immediate

    successor of y. Observe that the se'uence of 7del numbers of the aforementioned statement is

    , +, 55, >, , 55, J, @, 58, >$ therefore, #e have the corresponding 7del number 

    WK*∃ x* x 2 syLT 2 08+J55@>5558555@J5>@08580>>.

    &ven better, it is possible to derive a sign, variable, or statement from a given integer / that is,

    given a positive #hole number, #e can decide #hether it is a 7del number or not by chec(ing

    its prime factorization *@J. Once again, #e rely on an e"ample similar to agel3s. Observe that

    0+8666666 2 *=+*0+8*5J=0J 2 0=8JJ=.

    Dence, the se'uence of 7del numbers in the associated statement is =, J, =, and so, it turns

    out that the statement defined by this 7del number is, K6 2 6L *@=. )y applying these t#o

    simple results to the set of all statements generated using the elementary signs #ithin the

    calculus, 7del demonstrated that every statement about the calculus can be e"pressed as a

    7del number #ithin the calculus and, therefore, that a )erry parado" is obtainable *@@.

    areful and intentional in his reasoning, 7del e"posed the inherent #ea(nesses in the

    a"iomatic method / many of #hich stem from the mechanical and distant manipulation of

    symbolic logic. uriously, 4ennedy notes the cynicism that resulted from 7del3s proof, 'uoting

    von eumann: Khere is no reason to re%ect intuitionism V becauseT there is no rigorous


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     %ustification for classical mathematicsL *4ennedy . )ut despite the pessimism e"pressed by a

    select fe#, the 'uest for truth in mathematics presses on in modern times / an age in #hich our

     proof techni'ues have become highly sophisticated and sometimes torturously comple".

    2.- /a,(les of 0roofs and thics in odern athe,atics

    2.;.1. Computers in Contemporary 4athematics

    onsidering the fact that contemporary mathematical proofs can be hundreds of pages

    and may sometimes contain more than a thousand cases, computers have become an undeniable

    necessity in the modern mathematician3s toolbo" *homas 0. Often, research in mathematics

    can be greatly e"pedited through the use of such computational mathematical soft#are as

    Mathematica, MA?+he error o& our approximation is ? str>errorA ?J.?A


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    Using the language of the soft#are and a bit of ingenuity, Python becomes an e"tremely valuable

    artifact in the mathematician3s arsenal.

    Of course, the above e"ample disregards the efficiency of the program / in terms of its

    use of random access memory *-AM, its time9comple"ity, and so on / #hich becomes an

    absolutely vital consideration #hen a program must loop itself hundreds of thousands of times,

    as is the case #ith the

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    heorem employs another important mathematical symbol: the factorial operator. ?e define the

     positive integer Ka factorialL to be the product of the positive integer a and every integer that is

    smaller than a and greater than or e'ual to one / #ritten symbolically as

    aZ 2 a*a / 5*a / 0V*0*5. learly, for instance, JZ 2 *J*+*8*0*5 2 506.

    )roadly, ?ilson3s heorem states that a positive integer p is prime if and only if 

    * p / 5Z Y *95 *mod p. Using the follo#ing code / #hich is a strict implementation of ?ilson3s

    heorem / in Python #ill generate primes in any desired domain.

    import math

    beg?%lease enter the positi)e integer greater than or eKual to 2 at !hich

     you !ould lie to beginning your prime search@ ?A


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    this is not the case *)a"ter 5. Put e"plicitly, the

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    nonetheless provided valuable results in graph theory, an acceptable proof of 7uthrie3s

    observation eluded the mathematical community for more than 506 years / until the advent of

    computers *5. One of the most controversial mathematical discoveries of the t#entieth century,

    the largely computer9supplied proof of the Bour olor heorem / as the result of the #or( of the

    University of !llinois3s 4enneth Appel and ?olfgang Da(en / poses an interesting and

     perple"ing philosophical challenge to mathematics: if a mathematical proof cannot possibly be

    chec(ed in its entirety by a human, are its results truly constituted as mathematical truth[

    &ven though Appel and Da(en3s proof of the Bour olor heorem is not carried out

    entirely by a machine, homas notes importantly that the parts that are computer9verified / some

    5+@= graphs / cannot possibly be chec(ed by hand, and even further, the arguments that are

    seemingly capable of hand9verification re'uire vastly comple" and meticulous computations, so

    much so that no one has ever run the calculations *0.

    uriously, homas and his team from the 7eorgia !nstitute of echnology argue / in spite

    of their harsh criticisms of the Appel and Da(en formulation of the proof of the Bour olor

    heorem / that the chances of a computer9generated proof resulting in error are even smaller

    than the possibility of an erroneous human9constructed proof. On the other hand, ho#ever,

    homas admits that it ta(es much more man9po#er to verify the correctness of a computer9

    generated proof than it does to verify a proof provided by a human *J.

    ertainly, the Bour olor heorem has revealed a perple"ing and controversial aspect of

    mathematical proofs in the modern era. Bollo#ing homas, ! remain confident in the ability of

    the computer systems that #e have built to produce reliable, testable, uniform results.


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    2. hy Is Rigor I,(ortant4

    Of any development in history, the tireless efforts of mathematicians as far bac( as 866

    ) to establish a threshold of mathematical rigor mar( easily one of the greatest / and most

    essential / human con'uests ever endeavored.

    Undoubtedly, #e need rigor to create a foundation of certainty and ob%ectivity in the

     physical sciences. -igor in mathematics ensures that our intuitive reasoning is ob%ectively

    founded. -igor enables us to say #ith certainty / barring human error / that our hypothesized,

    testable results #ill hold universally / and every time / if an e"periment is conducted under the

    same parameters. -igor rules out the possibility of #ild variation and chaos.

    -igor is our only defense against the inevitable entropy of the Universe.

    !.0 Conc"uion

    Overall, based on my research, ! find it apparent that our current system of mathematical

    rigor is pristine, according to current standards. onsidering every aspect of this documented

    research report, ! believe firmly that our current logical foundations allo# for the most efficient

    and ob%ectively true reasoning in mathematics and science.

    ommenting on the Brench mathematician Pierre uhem, Ioseph Iesseph observes and

    empathizes #ith uhem3s assertion that the history of mathematics has been a long, additive

     process in #hich past results are built upon but not challenged *Iesseph ++>. ontrary to

    uhem3s philosophy, ho#ever, Iesseph admits a fla# in uhem3s conception that mathematical

    rigor has been unchanging since the time of the 7ree(s and )abylonians. -ather, Iesseph asserts

    that the la#s of logic have been 'uestioned time and again by more recent commentators and that


  • 8/17/2019 Ethics in Mathematics: a Brief History of Mathematical Proofs


    the arguments such critics have made have been metaphysical in nature *+J6. &ven more,

    Iesseph states very clearly that he believes that no measure of mathematical rigor e"isted up to

    and including the time of the mid9eighteenth century, and he further suggests that the

    mathematical community give up on the idea of an immutable, unchanging standard of

    mathematical rigor in favor of a more fluid foundation *+J0, +J8.

    ?hile ! support Iesseph3s interpretation and understanding of mathematical rigor and

    confirm his observations on the history of mathematical rigor, ! must disagree #ith his

     pessimistic vie# of the potential of mathematical proofs. Unrelentingly, ! remain most optimistic

    in hope that the future #ill continue to unravel further the mysteries of current mathematical

    conundrums and, thus, #ill gro# upon the present strength of the system.


  • 8/17/2019 Ethics in Mathematics: a Brief History of Mathematical Proofs


    #or$ Cit%d

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    4itcher, Philip. \Mathematical -igor99?ho eeds !t[\ o^s 5J.+ *5>5: +=>9>8. ISO-

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    4rantz, Steven 7. \he Distory and oncept of Mathematical Proof.\ American !nstitute ofMathematics *066@. ?ashington University at St. J. Print.

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    issertation, e# Hor( University. Ann Arbor: Pro`uestFUM!, 5>@.

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