ethnic-democracy of israeli curricula in … journal...

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Journal on Leadership and Policy Vol. 3 (No.1) : 97-112 (2018)


Sabreen AwawdaDepartment of International Studies,Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia


Most of the previous studies did not link education system in East Islamicjerusalem with the democracy principle; which usually vocalize by Israel as one contradictory subject. However, many previous studies discusses both topics separately; such as (Education in a global society) The book of the three authors, Mazurka, Winzer & Majorek, which mentioned about the democratic system, integration of minorities, multiplicity of cultures and emphasis on Social liberalism in Israel. On the other hand, there are many studies about Israeli practices against the Arab Curricula in Islamicjerusalem, such as Abu Saad, Alashab, Almidani and others. It is worth mentioning that Nurit Bild was among the studies that compared between what is rumor about Israeli democracy and its practices toward the Arab curricula. The aim of this study is to analysis of the imposed status quo on Arab curricula in the Eastern part of occupied Islamicjerusalem city, followed by comparison between it and Israeli curricula in the western part of the city to find out to what extent liberal democratic system exist in education as the occupation state claim. Through answering the following question: Does Israeli policy in dealing with the education curricula in Eastern Islamicjerusalem consistent with democracy principles and human rights? The methodology in this study is the analytical comparison between different viewpoints toward the claimed democracy of Israel and its practices toward the curricula ₤in Islamicjerusalem through previous studies review. This study found there are various evidences from the previous studies; some of it statistically proves the racisms and ethnic practices of the occupation toward Islamicjerusalem curricula. The last part is the conclusion where the majority of the previous studies prove that Israel is pursuing ethnocratic racism policy toward Arab by the imposed curricula, which serve the Zionist vision (Ministry of Education and Higher Education, 1999).

Keywords: Social liberalism, Ethnic-democracy


Journal on Leadership and Policy Vol. 3 (No.1) : 97-112 (2018)



Education is one of the sectors that have been exposed to Judaization in various ways such as the educational curricula. Since the first days of the occupation, Israeli government cancelled the law, it was the Jordanian Education Act No. 16 of 1964. Primary schools had placed under the control of Israeli Ministry of Education, while the secondary schools under the dominion of the occupation municipality in East Islamicjerusalem. Different kind of violation continued in that part of the city such as the arresting of the educational director in the city. As well as, the students who were martyrs, wounded, arrested. In addition, to house detention arrest, delays on the checkpoints, the denial of access to schools through the fence wall, closing the barriers gates, and the volatile barriers (Info Management, 2010, p. 8).

Occupation government has pursued many planned strategies for long-term impact on Education in East Islamicjerusalem e.g. the subversive strategy, which impair educational role of reviving social and cultural activities in the city. There is also the strategy of the deliberated destruction of educational institutions where occupation authorities issue laws and legislations, the discrimination in allocating the budgets between the eastern part of the city compared with western Islamicjerusalem. The imposition of the occupation given curricula, under these policies framework Israel tried to control private schools in the east of the city. Through issuing law allowing it to supervise these schools. This law «schools supervision law» (No. 564 of 1968) aims to status all private schools under the supervision of occupation›s ministry of education to relate Arab schools administratively and organizationally with occupation educational system. In addition, to join secondary education to «Al-Maaref administration» in the municipality of Islamicjerusalem, in parallel with the infliction of basic education to «Al Mareef» administration. Occupation government tries to strive through these measures against the Palestinian education in the Arabic schools. To continue to apply the curriculum of the occupation, especially in purely humanitarian science like history, geography and society (Education Ministry of Palestine, 1999, p.38).

The previous strategies, aims to evacuate educators souls and the new Palestinian generation from the original basic concepts and believes by replacing it of falsified one extracted from the philosophy and the myths of the Israeli curriculum. Thus, aims to wipe out the historical and cultural image of Islamicjerusalem in their consciousness and memory, to weaken the relationship between them and their city with its history. The Perfect clarification for the Israeli policies toward the educational curricula in Islamicjerusalem, is in the theory of Paulo Ferier “Education as a political action”, where he believes that “educational exploitation” through planned

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thoughts could adapt the student to accept the imposed reality of repression and oppression in the world without thinking of how to change it. It is not merely a social and economic infrastructure, but also culturally “culture of oppression” as named by some people. While Freire called it “culture of silence” or” expatriate culture” Alienated Culture”. The learner in the previous theory, have to accept the imposed status quo with illusionary optimism and compulsive pessimism, where they are striving hard toward changing the intractable future. The Philosophy of Freier focus on awareness in the teaching and learning process more than the focusing on transferring knowledge and information in a way that the learner can solve the problems that he might face. As Freire averred that schooling is never neutral; instead, it always serves some interests and impedes others. Freire’s magnetism lies in his insistence that schooling can be used for “liberation, just as it has been used for oppression” (Freire, 1980). Israel on the other hand, trying in various ways to develop a culture of silence through the imposition of their curricula on the Arabic schools as a step among many steps to draw appropriate facts for their ethnic policy toward Arabs and Palestinians. Thus, the aim of this paper is to analyze the imposed status quo on the Arabic curricula in the occupied city of eastern Islamicjerusalem. To compare between Israeli curricula in the western and the eastern part of the city according to previous studies. To identify the validity of the liberal democratic system in education as the occupational state claiming. Through answering the following question: Is the Israeli occupation policy in the educational curricula in eastern Islamicjerusalem consistent with the principles of democracy and human rights?


Although most of the previous studies did not link education system in East Islamicjerusalem with the democracy principle in direct manner, which created difficulties in reaching the demanded information. However, the analytical comparison between different viewpoints toward the claimed democracy of Israel and its practices toward the curricula ₤in Islamicjerusalem through previous studies review was the typical method used to reach the suitable data in this article.


Ethnic-democracy or democracy

It is very confusing to start reading in the Israeli books or in some of the International books, such as (Balancing Change and Tradition in Global


Journal on Leadership and Policy Vol. 3 (No.1) : 97-112 (2018)


Education Reform) or (Education in a Global Society) and other books. It is found that, the writer discussing the democratic system, the integration of minorities, multiculturalism and Social liberalism (Social Justice). Israeli state (Jewish) seeks to achieve side by side with the Israeli vision; “which is known as the pursuit of progress and achieving the different intellectual successes, which represent Israeli target since it was established” as the writers mentioned (Mazurek; Winzer & Major, 1999, p. 292). Thus, I start wondering to what extent this claim is true and how, that is if the researcher go back to the history of Israeli occupation state, the researcher will find that it was created through expulsion of more than 750 thousand Palestinians, who are living now as a refugees. Moreover, its history full of looting practices. Not to mention, the tens massacres and atrocities against the Palestinians. In addition to, the demolishing of more than 500 villages and the destruction of the main Palestinian cities, followed by transferring it into Jewish cities. The expulsion of most of the Bedouin tribes living in Al-Nakab. Umm Al-Hieran was one of the recent villages’ in the occupied Al-Nakab desert, when the Supreme Court (the highest judicial authority in Israel) issued an Act in May 2015 to demolish it and looted it from its people, who had estimated to be 1,000; to establish a Jewish town on its ruins called “Hiran”. Thus, it is only can be described as a raciest and apartheid acts against the indigenous people.

In addition, to the continued attempts to erase the Palestinian identity by changing the geographical literacy accompanied with changing the Canaanite and the Arabic names, followed by replacing it by Hebrew one. It is the continued attempts to create European landscape through destroying the Arabic identity in the country gradually (Zureiq, 1948, p.5). Although the politicians chose 15 May 1948 as the date of the Palestinian Nakba. However, the humanitarian tragedy started long before that, when the terrorist Zionist gangs attacked the Palestinian villages, towns and cities for extermination or bear panic among the inhabitants of the neighboring areas in order to facilitate the displacement of the population later (Zureiq, 1948, p.6). On the other hand, increasing the number of the kibbuts to receive Jews who are coming to Palestine to prepare for the establishment of the Jewish state, which clarify how the Jewish minority became the majority compared with the indigenous Palestinian Arab minority. Education, particularly, in the case of the occupation state clearly claims it is pursuing a liberal educational system and follow the democratic system in its policy within schools, which facilitate access to various opportunities internal and external the borders of the state to expand the knowledge of the student. The writer says in the book “Education in a global society” that the orientations of the different systems within schools are consistent with the spirit of the people. In fact, I think these systems applied to certain categories in a racist manner accompanied with marginalize Palestinian in all the possible ways, which, will be clarified in this research paper.

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The imposed status quo on the Arabic Curricula in East Islamicjerusalem

Israeli education system is transmitting the idea that Israel is a democratic state as stated by Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister in 2016 in number of TV channels, when he said” we are the only democratic state in a Middle East, fraught with terrorism and the lack of democracy”. In contrast, all textbooks in Israel, define the “State”, as the state of the Jews wherever they go, it is not the state of citizens who live in the region. Thus, led many researcher to define it as the ethnocratic or ethno-democratic entity because ethnic not citizenship is the chairman of the working group, which is used to determine the distribution of the rights, authority and resources in Israel. Where researcher find Jews of other states and the Jewish settlers living outside the borders of the State have the full rights of citizenship; while the Arab citizens who live within the boundaries of the state, lack these rights, as mentioned in (Palestine in Israeli text book( book for Nourit Bild (Bild, 2011,p.25).

Ethnocracy states such as Israel, Sri Lanka and other countries as defined by Abu Saad Jabareen, grant the indigenous minority partial equality only. Where, the minority members not involved in sufficient way in the political, economic, social and the media life; which are controlled by the majority. It is in order to guarantee the preservation of the majority hegemony accompanied with marginalization for the indigenous minority. Israel defines itself as a “Jewish State” or “the state of the Jewish people”, in which the national identity of any Israeli identity (does not include all citizens) of the State, especially the indigenous people of the Arab Palestinian people. However, its limited to members of one ethnic group, which is the majority of the Jewish immigrants, unlike the other settlements, such as the United States and Australia, which enhanced the indigenous peoples to integrate in the life and the culture of the state, Israel did not attempt to integrate Arab citizens in the life of the state; vice versa, they excluded them from the public life (treated them as a second or third-class citizen) (Abu Saad,2005,p.238; Jabareen,2005,p.111). It sees that the Ethnocracy system involving some democratic features, such as the periodic elections, freedom of religion and the partial freedom in the field of Media and communications. Not only that, but also those systems also provide partial measure of human and civil rights for minorities. The ethnocracy structure established on the dominant of ethnic group by controlling the land, settlements and the army, the financial resources, the constitution and the general culture. Which is in Bild opinion the approach that Israel follow to facilitate the extension of the non-democratic dominant of the ethnic Jewish expansion in the Palestinian territories inside and outside the borders of the State. It is what the Israeli books claim that its venue with the vision of Zionism and Israel’s need for land and security.


Journal on Leadership and Policy Vol. 3 (No.1) : 97-112 (2018)


Samoha from his side defines Israel as an ethnic democracy, a democracy driven by ideology or movement of ethnic nationalism, which declares that a certain category of the population represents a group of people share common assets, language and culture. It also claims its ownership of a specific territory as representing the exclusive homeland, which nobody dispute. This entity represents incomplete democracy because it depends upon the ethnic nation not citizenship as the main base of the state, where Jews control Palestine and exploit it as a tool to enhance their national security, demographic characteristics, culture and interests. Bild commented on this definition in her book “Palestine in textbooks in Israel”, by saying that some of these important features like the common language, culture and history, was barely not available for modern Israeli Jewish people, as a result it was a must for Israeli to make these features through education, literature and media to create common harmonized memory and identity for Israeli-Jews. Accordingly, one of the important functions assigned to the Israeli textbooks was always means to produce a narration that can link the Jewish students with their “descents” in what they call the land of Israel. Thus, the books in Israeli schools always concentrate on presenting the Israeli Jewish as they are the “indigenous” people who have returned to their homeland those “factious citizens” seen by Israeli discourse as modernity and wester who are knowledgeable, presenting the direct descendants of Hebrew and the biblical “sons of Israel” (Bild,2011,p.26).

As far as the Palestinians side is concerned, Al-Balawi pointed that the occupation authorities have worked as essential first step on changing and falsifying the fact among the Palestinian generations through re-printing the textbooks after deleting all the subjects that intend to detect Zionism ambitions and imposing the curricula on the 30 Islamicjerusalem schools it was seized in 1948 (Al-Balawi, 2009, p. 292). Al-Maaref ministry has issued a decision to teach the “state independency (Israel) document” in the Arabic schools in Islamicjerusalem. Al-Ashab explaining in further detail that interfering exceeds this limit, where the author says that a number of the schools headmasters in Islamicjerusalem pointed out that Al-Maaref strategic administration in Israel Municipality of Islamicjerusalem decided to provide Arab schools with the books; which means the dispensing of the Palestinian curriculum, to be replaced by Israeli-made one, that serve the purpose of the “Jewish state” such a project aimed to Judaize the city. Thus, in addition to target the Arab language; where Al-Mareef Ministry try deliberately to deteriorate the Arabic language through containment the curricula by the linguistic errors and the replacement of the formal Arabic language by the accent language. In examining survey study prepared by the “Association of Arab culture,” stated that among the 400 children’s story there were only 80 of them suitable for children and consistent with the educational standards of the language, contents and the general common features (Al-Ashab, 2012,

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p.6). Which contradicts with Geneva Convention act where it ensures the occupation state should be responsible for operating the institutions that provide care and protection for children in the occupied country. Thus, educational institution among the basic and fundamental institutions for children. In fact, it is the nucleus where the awareness of the child be created.

Regarding the Israeli universities that Arab students study, it was noted by Al-Balawi that the language of teaching is Hebrew and the sanitation topics are marginalized in the curricula. It lacks the admiration of the Arabic language that endeared the language to recipients, especially children, in a clear attempt to replace it by the Hebrew language. In addition, it deteriorates the national and humanitarian identity for the Arabic Jerusalemites students. The municipality of the occupation and the government allowed the Israeli companies to have a good relation with Al-Maaref Ministry of Education; which give them the permission to open many schools in different parts of eastern Islamicjerusalem which teach the Israeli curriculum. Moreover, the prevention of teaching the National Education subject and replacing it with a falsified content of the geographic, demographic and historical facts as a blatant challenge of article 4 of Genève Convention of the children Rights, which stipulates the adoption of legislative and the administrative procedures to protect the economic, social and cultural rights of children. It is inconsistent with article 30 of the Convention itself which ensure that the child and his family should enjoy their own culture freely. Not only this but it worked to delete and write off all what is located in the scope of the “anti-Semitism”, and deleting the Muslim celebration with of “Isra and Meraj” in Islamicjerusalem. It deletes the poems, which contain pride expressions of the Arab nation or the history of Palestine and most of the interpretation of the prophetic Hadiths and Quran verses.

In addition to all the geographic maps that shows the West Bank as part of the Jordanian border (Al-Balawi, 2009, pp.90-292). Moreover, the delay of the books delivery for the Arab schools for more than two months at the beginning of each year. The Palestinian curricula applied under certain restrictions in the schools of the municipality. Accordingly, the Palestinian curricula certified in Al-Waqf and UNRWA schools only. Thus, against the act of the General Assembly which issued in 13 September 2007, that “The indigenous peoples have the right to establish their own system and their own educational institution with controlling over it, including providing education in their own language and with what consistent with their culture and their way of teaching and learning” (article 1). On the other hand, Israeli government supporting the teaching of the Israeli curriculum through:

• Financial assistants, for some private schools in order to make them adopt Israeli policies in education.


Journal on Leadership and Policy Vol. 3 (No.1) : 97-112 (2018)


• Preventing the construction of the new schools or the restoration of the old one or even maintaining the existing buildings. In addition to the complex procedures for granting licenses for opening school which require long years and amounts of money up to $20,000. Thus, force the people to send their children to the schools of the Zionist entity.

• More than 50% of the schools follow the occupation municipality, this number is growing by resolution 564, which enhance Al-Maaref Ministry to dominance over the schools in Islamicjerusalem.

• The distortion of facts contained in the curriculum adopted, the abuse of our tolerant religion passengers, and our Arabic and Islamic civilization. Thus, in addition to falsify the historical facts. Teaching Islam is “just a spiritual education”, and that the history of Islam is the history of the riots and disasters. Moreover, Israeli curriculum tried to persuade the Arab students of the Israeli ideas, and worked on removing the verses taking about Israeli and their corruption.

• Removing many other verses and hadith, to replace it with the Bible subject and “the Jewish myths.”

• In the Arabic subject they absences all parts of the poetry literature, that talking about the Arab championships and Palestine history, to be replaced by a special materials, includes the so-called Israeli literature tales, stories about the Holocaust and others.

• In the history subject, the curriculum has been divided into parts the first one for the Palestinian history from the viewpoint of the Israeli historians. The other part was allocated to the Hebrew and Jewish history.

Table 1

The numbers of students in Islamicjerusalem Schools during the period of the implementation of the Israeli curriculum

Level Elementary Prep Secondary Total






















67\68 77 2420 34 936 37 902 148 4258

70\71 134 4623 65 2050 65 1917 264 8590

75\76 164 5963 80 2560 92 2604 336 11127

The agenda1: increase the numbers of students in private schools from 1967 to 1976

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The Jerusalemites rejection of Israel’s control over the educational process of their children represented by withdraw large numbers of their children from the government schools to send them instead to private schools, Which still applying the Jordanian curriculum. Thus, has led to an increase in the numbers of students in the private schools. The data in the following table illustrates this increase:

It is interesting that the previous numbers presenting a proof of transferring many student from the government schools after the implementation of the Israeli curriculum. Thus, Al Rashidiya Secondary School, which is one of the oldest schools in Palestine, the number of its students before the aggression of the year 67 about 780 students, while the number in the years of the implementation of the Israeli curriculum decreased to 210 students in the academic year 69/70, down to 168 students in the academic year 70/71, until reaching 70 students in the Academic Year 71/72.

There were many voices, which pointed to the tragic situation in the schools of east Islamicjerusalem, including the principal of the parents’ union committees of the students in Islamicjerusalem schools. Abdul Karim, who illustrate that the educational situation is tragic in the municipality schools in Islamicjerusalem within the academic year 2014 – 2015 in the physical and the administrative aspects of the educational curricula. As exemplified by Lafy, «Israel has distorting the Palestinian curricula at the beginning of the academic year 2011 – 2012. Adding, the deletion of all the patriotic aspects belonging to «Palestinian history – the flag - the border - the patriotic samples - Palestinian Leaders - population” and other aspects then imposed this distorted curricula in All the municipality schools. (Elian,2012,p.15-22) by the academic year 2013 – 2014 Israeli government imposed , “Bigroot» on a specific number of the classes in five of the municipality schools (Elian,2012,p.9).

Moreover, by the year 2014 - 2015 this approach has been expanded to a larger number of schools with exhortation and intimidation methods. In addition, the temptation to facilitate opening new schools and institutes for businessmen to teach the Israeli curricula. That is the reason why a large number of parents preferred to send their children to private schools to avoid the Israeli curriculum as an attempt to defend their right of choosing their children education. It is approved by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, which seems to be away from the Israeli policy of imposing their curricula to the students which is not fit with their ideas, habits and


Journal on Leadership and Policy Vol. 3 (No.1) : 97-112 (2018)


culture. Thus, assets simply to impose a new culture to oblige the students to accept the imposed status quo, as illustrated by the researcher in Jerusalem statistical book in the following table (table 2) that the highest percentage in terms of both the number or the student, return to private schools despite of the exorbitant installments, to escape from the Judaization of the curricula. Table 2

Distribution of schools to authorities supervising education in East Jerusalem in 2014

The supervising body

The number of schools

The average number of students per teacher

The rate of students for each


Government schools

32 8. 227 22. 5

Private schools 55 19. 610 25. 3

UNRWA 7 2. 011 25. 5

The total 94 18. 4 24. 5(Jerusalem statistical book, 2014, p.75)

The occupation government pursue its systematic practices against the curriculum in Islamicjerusalem. Thus, a Palestinian study issued recently showed, the persistent effort for the occupation municipality in Islamicjerusalem to Judaize the Palestinian curriculums in the city. The municipality sent letters on 19 February 2015, to the private and formal schools informing them that it’s not allowed for them to purchase books from any external source, to ensure the adhere to the books provided by the municipality, with the accountability of any violation to the municipality instruction. A study prepared by Yahya Hijazi, entitled «Education reality in the city of Islamicjerusalem, the vision and scenarios», shows that the occupation municipality sent another letter to the parents of the students informing them to register for grade seven and eight using the “Bigroot system” Israeli examination system, between the dates 21 February to 26 of the same month. During a meeting held in the cultural center in the occupied territories of Islamicjerusalem, in which the Civil Coalition defending the Palestinians› rights in Jerusalem “which is an independent local party”. The Coalition pointed that the occupation municipality attempt to adopt the Israeli curriculum in five schools by the beginning of the academic year 2013/2014 in Islamicjerusalem, accompanied by the cancellation of the Palestinian curriculum. However, the scheme did not adopt in all these schools (Sameer Jebreel, 2012, p.104).

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Table 3

The five schools that imposed to use the Israeli curriculum in 2014

School Total No. of students

Grades to use the Israeli curriculum

No. of class rooms each

No. of students in these classrooms

Ibn Rush Secondary for boys

875 Seventh 2 50

Eighth 2 50

Ninth 2 47

Sur Baher Elem for Boys

726 First 1 18

Sur Baher Elem for Girls

897 First 1 No one registered

Ibn Khaldun Secondary for Boys

1230 Seventh 1 No one registered

Abdullah Bin Hussain for Boys

706 Seventh 1 17

Seventh 1 28

Total 4434 210(Jebreel, 2012, p.104)

Here it seems clear that there are a continued attempt to compel the students to study the Israeli legends through the Jewish History, which is Islamicjerusalem as a unified capital for (Israel). In addition to, define the “discriminating wall” as security wall “and the independency war of 48 instead of Al-Nakba. We note from the above table that the number of students who supported the curriculum is about 210 students out of 4434 students, a very small number. However, that refers to the absence of the awareness policy among students, which facilitate the formation of the students culture with what commensurate with the schemes of the occupation. The aim of Israeli institutions by this step is to occupy the Palestinian mind, thought and blurring the national identity, where the coalition ensure, that this procedure from Al-Mareef Municipality gives it the right to intervene in the curricula taught in the Palestinian schools in Islamicjerusalem. It gives the municipality the right to write-off or cancelling what they deem inappropriate, especially in what is related to the strengthening of the Palestinian national identity, history and geography. There are other attempts as the coalition says that targeted high school students through the promotion of institutes and centers. Which follow the “Bigroot or Bishometry” system in the city of Islamicjerusalem and promote for it as an easy exam with future benefits for the universities and


Journal on Leadership and Policy Vol. 3 (No.1) : 97-112 (2018)


colleges admit and the employment opportunities. According to researches students follow the Bigroot system in the secondary level, because that the examination don’t depend on memorization and it don’t have three stages over three years, start from grade 10 to grade 12, where there is a percentage of the exam result is calculated for the students GPA. Studying Hebrew also help them in the future to promote their opportunities in the different fields as a students, graduate and employer.

Comparison between the curriculums imposed in the Arabic schools in East Islamicjerusalem and the Israeli curricula in the West part

The gap between the curricula in the Palestinian schools in the eastern part of Islamicjerusalem and the western part is huge. Thus, the education in the eastern part of the city under the supervision of four different administrations, the Palestinian Authority, the occupation municipality, Al-Awkaf, Al-Mareef ministry and the private schools as well as UNRWA. Not to mention, that the curriculum applied in the Arabic schools in East Islamicjerusalem is not a national or international curricula. However, the Arabic schools follow the Jordanian curriculum, since 1967. The followed curricula is very compressed and does not give the instructor freedom to move easily between the content of the article, which negatively affect the instructor. The teacher start to seek the completion of the article using the principle “chalk and talk” for the teacher and “pencil and paper” for the student, where no time for fruitful discussion, the lack of the group work as well as the practical experience. Moreover, the insufficient budget for the use of technology in education. As a result, all the previous create a victim from the student by using long curricula displayed in traditional boring method, drain the student mind, and eliminate his creativity.

In contrast, the “Israeli” curriculum in western Islamicjerusalem receives all kind of facilities and support from all parties, whether from the government, the Education Ministry or by the Israeli Municipality, where the curriculum designed to meet the needs of students and the Israeli society which depends the participation principle in the classroom teaching, the scientific research and the classroom experiments. In addition, the use of the group work and technology in education, which stimulate the student’s creativity (Mazurek; Winzer & Major, 1999, p. 287). The appalling discriminating between the east and the west of Islamicjerusalem clearly shown in the insufficient budget allocated for the east part of the city as well as the lack of self-management in the field of education. Thus, at the time the residents of East Islamicjerusalem 33% out of the total population of the city, the municipal budget invested in the east of Islamicjerusalem ranging between 8.7% to10.87% this means that Islamicjerusalem municipality invest 4.661 shekels

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on every Jewish citizen whereas it invests 1.043 shekels for every Arabic citizen yearly in general. The following table shows the proportion of the budget allocated for the education in eastern Islamicjerusalem from the total budget, which constitute about the quarter compared to the western part of the city , which constitute the largest percentage of the budget.

Table 4

Public budget in Islamicjerusalem compared to the allocated budget for education in Eastern part of the city in 2000

Department Public Budget East Islamicjerusalem Share


Education 559.804.000 90.140.000 16.4

According to Haaretz newspaper that published in January 2016 it became clear that Israeli education ministry will invest an additional special budgets in schools that only teach the Israeli curriculum. The curriculum in the Israeli schools designed to meet the students and the Israeli society needs. While the curriculum ignoring the Palestinian or define them by the “Minorities” as the best expression which is mentioned in the book (Palestine in Israeli schools books). Ignoring lots of international resolutions and laws for the rights of the indigenous minority; In addition to, view counterfeit facts within books such as what is offered in some Books of History, Geography, religious, education and languages, which expose “Israel” as a civilized nation with a bright future. Unlike, Palestine which is shown in the books, lagging behind with a dark future (Bild, 2011, p.48-28). Bild assumes that the main task of the Israeli books confined to build collective memory to interpret the national identity and consolidate it with all citizens or to those who constitute the dominant party (Bild, 2011, p.10). Thus, represent the occupation, where the Arabic and Jewish students don’t learn the Arabic history or even the Arabic language, while they both learn the collective Zionist narrative. Studies indicate that books circulating in the Islamicjerusalem schools designed to instill the Israeli collective memory that have been created by Zionism. These books constitute as a whole, new Israeli collective memory as such, all textbooks taught in Islamicjerusalem. Enact in the fields of history, geography, literature and even civil studies in the fields of science and rules, in one way or another to teach the Zionist narrative. Which composed, as Rozifel assumes from two part, the first one: the story of the assets from the “Golden Age” where their antecessors lived to the exile, till reaching the summation peak with the (holocaust).Whereas, the second narrative is the progress which initiated with the Zionists return to the «land of Israel» as an act led to national salvation. Thus, the narrative deny 2000 years of


Journal on Leadership and Policy Vol. 3 (No.1) : 97-112 (2018)


the Jewish life in the exile as well as the denial of any meaningful life in Palestine during the same period. The Zionist narrative inculcated in the minds of the school’s students in Israel the ongoing conflict in the struggle waged by the Jews against the invaders from non-Jews, who tortured and oppressed the Israelis in Severe way; in addition to, steal their land, not the contrary» (Bild,2011,p.32).

In another study of the Arabic culture foundation for the year 2011 a report started form third Grade until the ninth in the Arabic schools in Islamicjerusalem it monitoring 16,255 linguistic errors at least in the Arabic curricula there. The report was based on studying and examining the textbooks in all subjects by committee headed by Elias Atallah. The executive director of Atallh Nursery, who commented that by saying “the results were not surprising because it’s similar to the results of a previous study published in November 2009”. Which reported that there are more than 4 thousands errors in linguistics sentences of the language in the textbooks for grade 2 in the Arabic school. Another researcher reported that the culture and the Arabic nationalism not mentioned. For example, while the Israeli textbooks mention that Jews and non-Jews lived in Galilee. However, it do not mention Arabs words at all. Gorge Mansor says based on his study of the Israeli historical books, that they are ignoring the Palestinian existent in Israel. On the other hand, emphasize the Jewish narration of «The Promised Land for Jewish people». Thus, there is an intensive process against Palestinians literacy and instilling the spirit of the Zionist narrative accompanied by reducing the Arabic culture in a report from Dan bar Tal in Tel Aviv University. He studied more than 124 books used in the Hebrew schools; he concluded that the emerging generation from the Jewish students in schools studying a negative image about Arabs. Presenting Arabs as a primitives and illegal-immigrants compared with Jews. Usually presenting Arabs in the books as not trustworthy person, traitor, extremist or aggressive; while the history books in the primary stage does not mention Arabs. Moreover, history textbooks in secondary school showing Palestinian in a negative attitude and the fanatic party in the conflict.


After examining the different previous studies about Israeli-Arabic curricula in Islamicjerusalem, most of the studies concludes that Israel pursuing an ethnic-democracy ₤as racist policy toward Arabs in the curriculum imposed on the Arabic schools. The policy serve the Zionist vision, in return, the Israeli curricula adopted in Israeli schools filled with racist words and incitement against Arabs. Not to mention, that the ethnic group is the entity

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that controls the laws, authority and human rights. Previous studies found that democracy implemented among the Jews group without others by giving them all rights and democratic practices; while its practice racism against the Palestinian, which create clear violation for the international agreements and accords. The Israeli curriculum seeks to demolish the Palestinian identity and the absence of its historical heritage. Through the different discrimination policies in the curricula, which pushed many of the writers to describe the occupying entity as ethnocratic racist entity with impartial democracy only toward the Jewish group without the other groups, with marginalization for the minority of the indigenous people.


1. To ensure working more efforts among the local and Arabic levels to face the discrimination in the curriculum imposed on the Arabic schools in Islamicjerusalem and the corresponding ₤incitement in the Israeli curricula.

2. To apply to the international organizations for human rights by the competent authorities to reveal the hidden realities of the discrimination practiced by Israel, in addition to the Judaization of the curricula in the Islamicjerusalem.

3. To invite the specialists parties to modify curricula that had distorted by the occupation government in eastern Islamicjerusalem with the Arabic, Islamic and international assistance and support, as it create a mental dangerous aims to obliterate the Palestinian identity and heritage.


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