etichal business and global ecological catastrophe

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Ethical business,sustainable development

andglobal ecological catastrophe

Warning aside lectures and conferencesAppeal for redirection of energy into the sensible activities

(to avoid the third part of this title)

Milan Malej

Table of contentsBusiness and ethicsEconomy and the natureEconomy and limitationsThe examples of different evaluationThe value of cooperationThe value of healthSustainable development UN Agenda 2030 – The goals of sustainable developmentThe impossibility of realization Agenda 2030 Known picture of energy fluxes between Earth’s surface and atmosphereIncreasing of global average temperatures in last centuryIncreasing quantity of water in the atmosphere Increasing quantity of CO2 and methane in the atmosphereMethane – natural and human sourcesGreenhouse potential of methane Escaping methane on the landFrom a satellite measured increased methane concentrations on the North Earth’s hemisphere

Photos of releasing methane from the sea bottomTemperature anomalies of Arctic ocean surface waters 2014Temperature anomalies of Arctic ocean surface waters 2016Temperature anomalies of the planetForeseeing of releasing methane The consequences of raising temperature in the quantity of water in atmosphere The consequences of raising temperature for lifePreparation to exploit gas hydratesConfirmation of foreseeing – SWERUS C3 SWERUS C3 (2)  Big differences and incompatibilities in measurements The ice hinders the methane emissions into the atmosphereLast measurements in Laptev sea in October 2016  Urgent interventions  That prayer is not only for joke That prayer could save the Earth Where to get more information?

Business and ethics

• The business in economic sense tends always to the acquisition of a benefit, profit.• In more or less narrow group the partners can agree in different ways that different

benefits will be equally distributed among all.

• Equatable operation of an (ethical) group of businessmen means that they will try to pull their (equally distributed) profits from other places, from their surroundings.

• If we expand this group, the surroundings from which we take expands too.• Whatever and however we want to have more (ethical or non ethical), it means less for

someone else.

• “Ethical” business and agreements to the prejudice and exploitation of surroundings mean only strenghtening of economic power of a group and increasing safety of particular subjects inside the group.

• In this sense, the ethical business has the similar goals as agreements in cartels or accepting of trade and military agreements - strenghtening power of some group

Economy and the nature

• First of all, our economy doesn’t know any mechanism, which would stop the uncontrolled growth of any element in it. Any time only the economic growth must exist.

• When we cannot take anymore from anyone else, we take from the nature.• Also if we take only from someone other for our own profit, this other will take from

the third and the tenth will take from the nature.

• The uncontrolled growth is being braked only by the collapse of business subjects, when they cannot take anything else from anyone, and the other hinder them to take from the nature, too.

• But in most cases taking from the nature is not the urge. From the nature take the most those, who create from this robbing also big profits. The raw materials cost nothing…

Economy and limitations

• The limitations to the global economy are set by the outside factors – the size of the planet,quantities of natural raw materials, available surfaces of fields.

• The limitations to the national economies are set by other countries, over the international organizations, too. And limitations to the business subjects set their own countries, other business subjects and capabilities of markets to absorb their products.

• Without technical, biological and ecological knowledge, with support of politics and armed forces, the economy knows only to exploit its available resources and exhaust them to the end, to the last liter, kilogram, tree, man…

• The economy doesn’t know to preserve its sources in the condition to be useful and to live with them still in the future.

• Mostly the environmental limitations and burdens, large exhaustion of natural and human sources set the economy in the position, when it will urgently have to change its meaning of business and introduce still other values from profit, pricelessness and different ways of evaluation and connection of these new valuablenesses, not only in the monetary way.

The examples of different evaluation• Waste processing. Larger quantity of collected waste has today larger economical value.

A company can collect more, sort, recycle and sells materials for new production. But if we look the value of waste from ecological viewpoint, and still more from the viewpoint of the nature, this value is the highest, when the waste even doesn’t exist.

• Therefore, a company or activity, which produces the waste today, will have higher ecological value, when it will not produce the waste, regardless if the economical value will be smaller, for it won’t be able to sell the recycled materials.

• In a human a feeling of care for other creatures exists, a readiness to help them, when they hit difficult situations. Through the entire life different situations model this feeling.

• The value of a product or work is measured with the time, used for it. Therefore also 1 hour time of 10 times better paid director has the same value as 1 hour of digging a ditch. Where do the differences hide?

• The readiness to work without payment. It appears as improved social situation of the person we help her, regardless if the help results only as financial saving. Therefore such a work has an equal social value, especially when not done work would mean some economical or social harm, and the urge would in the economical sense raise the economical price of the work.

• Enforcement of doing worse paid work. In social value of such work the difficult social situation of worker is transferred. If such situation continues, the quantity of social value of done work increases.

• At preserving the value of the work or products, higher earnings mean higher economical value, and lower earnings mean higher social value.

The value of cooperation• The quality of products is assured mostly with competition on the market today. With

every type of the product different producers compete. • Some producers are also not able to succeed with their versions of the product, They

maybe failed at some minorities, which consumers do not like. But what is much worse – maybe they did not succeed with enough aggressive presentation. 

• If we sum the development work of all producers to get relatively similar products, and if we add to this also large amount of money spent for aggressive advertising, it is clear that a lot of energy is consumed entirely without any effect..  

• In any case the same effect would be possible only with the same investment of those, who succeeded on the market. If we add the work of the competitors that didn't succeed the final effect could be much larger. 

• The companies, which will interest for the production of similar products, will achieve much more with cooperation and considering demands on quality, with which the products will operate during the entire planned time. Because the design will not be conditioned with time pressure, it will be done much more appeased and with far less undiscovered and even intentionally overlooked failures. 

• The value of cooperation will not be only in savings of companies, but it will appear through long and well functioning of the products in smaller quantity of waste and in less recycling – therefore in increased ecological value of products and cooperating companies 

• With cooperation also senseless products, existing only because of the profit, could be eliminated.

The value of health• The industrial harvesting and processing food destroys a lot of natural substances and

add a lot of artificial, even very poisoning chemicals. It accelerates appearance of many diseases. It destroys big natural areas, too. 

• Destruction of the health is in most cases caused by the system, with bad education and conditions on working places, too. But preserving health is entirely left to the individual. At additional personal investment in own health, a person from paying taxes for health insurance gets absolutely nothing. The solidarity doesn't mean two fold paying of some and hundred fold consumption of others.

 • We have declared human right on life and promise of the Constitution that we live in

clean and healthy environment. Therefore we have also right to health, to healthy nutrition, healthy relations in personal and society life and to the healthy environment and surrounding nature, which all together do not destroy our health and endanger our lives.

 • The heath of individuals results in general health of population, in healthy thinking of the

nation, in higher effectiveness at work, in care to live long-term from own work and sources, without burdening and taking from other. The health of human consequently preserves the health of the nature. 

• Considering of the real value of people's health would have to cause the revaluation of the industrial food production, which destroys first of all our physical health, and of unnecessary and harmful products, which destroy our mental health. The value of nature health demands the same revaluation. Consideration of the health value must reduce the value of things, which destroy the health of human and nature.

Sustainable development • Development itself is the advancement toward better, easier, comfortabler. It means the

(competition for) achievement of benefits, comparing with those, who do not develop.• The sustainable development sets in foreground the diminishing sources of our material

production and agriculture. It demands lower exploitation, searching alternatives and inside reserves that the sources will be available for future generations, too.

• The development and sustainability are in their essence the opposite terms. Development means changing and competition. The sustainability should assure the security and that we can find only in cooperation and not in the competition.

• The idea is still based on profit, on rich life in green environment. At lower exploitation of own resources it means still larger taking from the surroundings.

• The use of term "sustainable" is wrong. In original sense it means the development, which the nature will sustain. UN has changed this meaning and stolen the idea.

 • The 30 years old definition of this term, praised still today, is a development, which will

satisfy our current needs and will not endanger the satisfaction of future generation needs. Following the existing and future human needs is the basic failure of this definition. In their name it is allowed still further robbing of the nature, only in more hidden and artful ways. 

• UN Agenda 2030 includes in 17 goals for15 year period a hundred and more intentions, without a single solution, explanation of reasons, way of execution and foreseeing the consequences. The intentions are many times in opposition with others in the document. In background they mostly support the routine ways of exploitation people and nature.

UN Agenda 2030 – The goals of sustainable development• Politics for stimulation investments for extinguishing poverty automatically allow the

profits of capital on account of partial improving the worst people's living conditions, caused by the same capital.

• Duplicate productiveness of agriculture, enable adaptation to climate changes and extraordinary weather events are the solutions of today’s genetic bio technology. 

• The entire Goal no. 3 - take care for healthy life… includes only the intentions, correspondent to the profits of pharmaceutical industry and supporting WHO. No word about connectedness with healthy nutrition, healthy environment and natural ways of keeping and restoration of health. 

• Assuring the access to price-acceptable energy to all, at only undefined "considerable" increasing of renewable energy, means still much larger exploitation of fossil energy. No word about nature-acceptable energy. What is "duplication of energetic effectiveness"? Bio fuels, gas hydrates?

• The fight against the climate changes is essentially only the adaptation to them. The climate changes are the answer of the nature. Against the nature we cannot fight, we can only cooperate with her. We can fight against ourselves that the nature won't need to answer in such ways… 

• Inequalities between countries need to be decreased in accordance with agreements of WTO, which is today, with demands on opening markets and consequent access of multinationals to the natural sources, the largest acceleration of inequality. 

• Who can calculate the average, where the incomes of 40 percent of the poorest population are above the national average? That was only some absurdities from Agenda.

The impossibility of realization Agenda 2030

• The goals and intentions are not formulated to predict and prevent their negative influences to other fields (of Agenda), which they try to manage. The intentions are only clusters of surface expressed wishes, seemingly in good of humanity, nature and planet. But actually they will, at every single point particularly and separated from others, trigger the endless quarrels and negotiations, how to realize them in benefit of those having the largest economical power. And with this goal the Agenda was prepared.

• Agenda doesn't define and mention any mechanism, how to change the robbing behaviour of humanity, to at least near to this list of wishes. Because it doesn't want it.

• Agenda 2030 enables only the continuation of enrichment with delay of 15 year long "preparation to fairer management with this world".

• No goal and intention can be realized, if previously we do not agree on the principles of human life on the Earth and do not assure their unconditional respect.

• No goal can be realized, if we do not admit the real debt of the developed world to the poor in the form of natural raw materials, robbed out from their land.

• No goal could be realized in the foreseen time without connected and uncompromising devotion of humanity to currently the only big threat, hanging above the entire planet –

 The global ecological catastrophe• Not with the fight against the climate changes, but only with omission of all human

causes for them as soon as possibly… And with a prayer for the Earth indulgence…

Known picture of energy fluxes between Earth’s surface and atmosphere

• According to the data of last years, it considers the fluxes with increased greenhouse effect.• The greenhouse radiation is today the same as average solar radiation outside the atmosphere.

Increasing of global average temperatures in last century

Increasing quantity of water in the atmosphere

• Water is in atmosphere because of its quantity the strongest greenhouse gas.

• The diagram represents the curve of relative 100 % humidity, according to the air temperature. At 20 deg.C on the ground, 1 kg of air (0, 75 m3) can absorb maximum of 16 g water. Larger quantities stay in form of visible larger drops, crystals, steam, clouds…

• From this curve we can calculate, how much the quantity of humidity will be changed on a defined height, respectively at the defined temperature and its change because of increased greenhouse effect (for 1 deg.C).

• Already measured increased quantity of water in atmosphere for 6 to 7 %. 

• Exactly this increasing of entire water quantity in the atmosphere can be caused by the enlargement of absorption capability for 0,3 g/kg, at increasing temperature for 1 degree, in the range between 0 and –10 deg.C, in few lower kilometres of atmosphere.

Increasing quantity of CO2 and methane in the atmosphere

• The diagram confirms own calculations, based on known increasing concentrations from 270 to 400 ppm and on the research about equal distribution of gas in the air.

• Increasing CO2 mass is 36 percent.

• Some sources namely mix CO2 with quantity of pure carbon and list far less (750 to 900 Gton of) CO2 in atmosphere.

 • From concentrations of

methane from 0,7 to 1,8 ppm, we calculate its common mass in the atmosphere of 5 Gton.

• Increasing of methane is 160 percent.

Methane – natural and human sources

• Human sources: leaking oil gas, accumulation lakes, landfills, burning waste, burning forests for agriculture, stock breeding, rice fields.

 • Natural sources: marshes, flooded areas, wild animals, termites, anaerobe

bacteria, natural forest fires, volcanic eruptions, leaking at earthquakes. • Natural sources, stimulated by human activities: more as a decade many clear

evidences and warnings appear that the biggest natural source of methane began to threat, as consequence of human activities – warming all three global masses, atmosphere, land and oceans. In northern areas the temperatures rise much faster as averagely on other places of the Earth.

• The frozen surface of the land and sea bottom is melting, some 10 meters deep, too. Countless lakes appear and from them visibly evaporate bubbles of the methane. The most of it is still caught under frozen cover of permafrost. On the land appear big eruptions, craters up to hundred meters in diameter and many 10 meters deep. Permafrost suddenly collapses under big pressures inside and through eruption escapes an unknown quantity of gas. In the sea bottom methane hydrates are melting, the frozen water with methane bubbles caught in.

Greenhouse potential of methane • Most sources list 20 times larger capability of methane for absorption of warmth from CO2 (Global

Warming Potential). But this is for the period of 100 years, because methane in atmosphere slowly degrades – oxidises into CO2 and water.

• This was true, if new quantities of methane would not be added into atmosphere. But because the influx is much larger as the degradation, we have in every moment new (measured) concentrations, which already include the degraded methane. Therefore the methane acts in every moment with its entire capability of accepting energy.

• The ecological changes happen so fast that there is no time to wait to the methane effect after 100 years. Therefore we can shorten the period of methane activity toward zero, toward the instant effect. For less than 5 years we get 100 times larger absorption capability from CO2

The reason is in the volume arrangement of atoms in methane molecule, comparing with the straight line of CO2 molecule. Every direction of oscillation of warmth waves from methane absorption spectrum can stimulate one of bonds to larger vibration and leave its energy in the molecule. At every CO2 molecule, this can do only one direction of stronger oscillation.

Escaping methane on the land

From a satellite measured increased methane concentrations on the North Earth’s hemisphere

From a satellite measured increased methane concentrations on the North Earth’s hemisphere

• In years 2011 to 2013, Russian scientists (N. Shakhina, I. Semiletov) have reviewed with sonar recording and depth sampling two 6.400 and 2.500 km2 large areas, western from New Siberian Islands. The first 6.400 km2 are actually the particular segments in 33.000 km2 big square, approximately 200 km away from delta of river Lena. 

• In recorded plums of raising methane bubbles from sea bottom they measured three different average intensities of methane flow toward sea surface: 31, 88 and 176 grams per m2 in one day. 

• In the entire reviewed area, the minimal common quantity of escaped methane was 1,94*104 tonn per day.

• This gives the average minimal flux of 3,03 tonn/km2, respectively 3 g/m2 in one day.

Photos of releasing methane from the sea bottom

Temperature anomalies of Arctic ocean

surface waters 2014

Temperature anomalies of Arctic ocean

surface waters 2016

Temperature anomalies of the planet

In February 2016, the increase of average Earth’s temperature already reached the margin of the Paris conference 2 deg.C

• The published entire quantity of released methane in test area of Russian scientists is said to be minimal. Minimal is therefore also the average quantity on this area 3 tonn/km2. The real values can be only higher. How much is maximal possible? Two times higher, therefore 6 tonn/km2? Let's take this value. And the middle value, with which we will calculate forward, is then 4,5 tonn/km2 per day. 

• The waters of coastal area of East Siberian Sea are warmer for 2 to 4 deg.C above the historical equilibrium. But the water in the tested area itself was warmer only for 1 to 1,5 degree, because of near outflow of river Lena into the sea. Releasing methane in the entire coastal region can be therefore also two times larger as escaping in test area – with he middle value of 9 tonn/km2 in one day.

• The coastal warmed area of East Siberian Sea is approximately of the same size as similar warmed sea above the central and western Siberia and European part of Russia. And we have one more similar region above northern coast of Alaska and Canada. Therefore we can calculate with commonly dangerous surface for such methane emissions of 3 x 600.000 km2, or approximately 2 million km2. 

• The common methane emission on so large surface would be annually:9 tonn/km2 * 2*106 km2 * 365 = 6570*106 tonn = 6,57 Gtonn CH4 That is in one year more than the current official quantity of methane in the atmosphere.And multiplied with its greenhouse effect for 20 years, this represents the equivalent of 473 Gtonn of CO2.

The time, when the greenhouse effects of the CO2 and methane will be equal: 3000 + N*42 = 5*72 + N*(473 + 49); N = 2640 / 522 = 5,06 years.

Foreseeing of releasing methane

The consequences of raising temperature in the quantity of water in atmosphere

• Therefore, if this case happens, both greenhouse gases will absorb so much warmth that instead today's 340 W/m2, the greenhouse back radiation will be approximately 600 W/m2. If today's increase of greenhouse radiation from equilibrium of 230 W/m2 (110 W/m2 difference) has caused the rise of average Earth's temperature for 1,5 deg.C, and still much more at poles, the additional difference 260 W/m2 will cause additional rise of average Earth's temperature for approximately 3,5 degrees C.

• Warming of lower troposphere for 1 degree caused already the measured increase of moisture in the air for 6 %. Additional rise will mean the common surplus of 4,5 degrees and possibility of additional moisture absorption of 1,35 gram per 1 kg of air. We can calculate the additional absorption for the entire air mass up to 5 km height. In volume it means 3.472 km3 of additional water. According to the entire water quantity in atmosphere of 12.900 km3, this means for 27 % increased capacity of air for absorption of water.

The consequences of raising temperature for life• Increasing evaporation of water from oceans and saturation of atmosphere with vapour

and clouds. This additional "capability" of the atmosphere will be easily filled from the oceans. The atmosphere will allow less and less direct solar radiation to the Earth's surface.

• The cloud layer will keep more warmth on the Earth's surface. The temperature will rise. • More methane will be released and it will keep more warmth. The temperature will rise. • And we come again to larger absorption, evaporation, clouds, darkness…

• The life without direct solar light, with very reduced photosynthesis will die.• The production of oxygen will decrease steeply.• Actually the production of oxygen has decreased today already for approximately 1/3,

because of destruction of the forests and of the ocean green plankton. But we still don't feel it. According to the consumption, the atmosphere contains very big stocks of oxygen.

• CO2 and methane will additionally release from dieing nature and Arctic depths. • Higher temperatures will activate other chemical reactions, which will from natural

materials and human waste synthesise new, today unknown greenhouse or poisoning gases.• The atmosphere will become impermeable for thermal radiation. The growing

temperature will increase the quantity of water in atmosphere. The vicious cycle (positive feedback loop) will close with the full power and it will not be possible to break it and repair the consequences.

• How this will influence the weather, storms, floods, droughts, drinking water, food production?? It will be interesting for humanity only a limited number of years…

Preparation to exploit gas hydrates• Already a decade the methane and gas hydrates are objects of research for exploitation.• The East Siberian shelf contains 1.000 Gtonns hydrates. The estimated global stocks are 3.000 Gtonns.• Gas hydrates are located along the geological faults of all continental and oceanic tectonic plates,

deeper than 500 meters, under submarine sediments, in warm waters, too.• Gas hydrates are stable because of high pressures of water holding gases under the sediments.• The Asian countries, dependent on imported energy, develop the technologies for searching, sampling

and exploitation of gas hydrates.• Searching methods are acoustic. Groups of airguns create strong and dangerous sound strokes.• With this they kill a lot of marine life, especially higher developed animals. They cause injuries and

destruction of hearing and balance organs, disturbances in communication and reproduction, beaching of whales and dolphins.

• Large dangers exist to cause earthquakes, sediment slips, tsunamis, gas destabilization, eruptions. The gaining mechanisms are resonance, liquefaction, expanding pressures…

• For exploitation drilling and construction of technologically demanding wells is necessary. An intervention into hydrate must cause its destruction and releasing gas.

• The injection of hot water for melting hydrate demands too much energy. Pressure reduction trough the well enables release of the gas, but gasification demands the energy from surrounding, what cools and stabilizes the hydrate again. This proves that the temperatures have influences also to these hydrates and its "natural" increase could release the gas.

• More promising for advocates of fossil fuels seems the injection of warmed CO2. High pressure pushes the gas from hydrates and released energy helps to destabilize them. CO2 binds then still stronger into hydrate. This method could be useful for storing CO2, too… One more new geoengineering stupidity of the human, obsessed with the energy…

The human really doesn't know to stop, when it is still time.

Confirmation of foreseeing – SWERUS C3

• In the Summer 2014 a three months Arctic expedition has been performed. One of goals with participation of the Russian team too, were the measurements of releasing methane in East Siberian Sea. The characteristic of expedition was the lack of accessible information. Later published articles revealed (only) the measurements of methane concentrations in water and consequently low results. The direct fluxes of bubbles into the atmosphere have been quantitatively entirely ignored.

 • But it is possible to see 200 on the way discovered fields with large methane emissions, and from

pictures also their sizes. On the 7.000 km long way in the East Siberian Sea they were able to check with a sonar the surface of approximately 70.000 km2 (5 km to each side of the ship). The common surface of all these dense fields (with average diameter of 1 km) represents 0,23 % of the checked surface. The expansion of this percent to the entire sea and necessary consideration of previously measured average fluxes in similar eruptions (100 g/m2 daily) gives us the annually quantity of methane from this source 175 Mtonn.

 • From the picture of equally distributed release we can see approximately 10 % coverage with

the seeps. One more such picture from the side gives us 1 % of the entire surface, included in the common cross-section of all seeps (for example 1 hectare in 1 km2). Big eruptions appeared averagely at every 35 km, and therefore most of the space between is occupied by equal releasing. The similar expansion to the entire sea gives the common surface of equal releasing 21.000 km2. At the same flux, 770 Mtonn of methane escape annually into the atmosphere. Commonly that is 945 Mtonn, or 56 times more as some years ago estimated 17 Mtonn.


Considering estimations of significant increasing of the methane emissions, comparing with former observations, the mean flux in the seeps and eruptions could be moved higher, let's say to 200 g/m2.

With this value in still other two big parts of the Arctic ocean, we come with the common annual release of 5,7 Gtonn very near to our first foreseeing…

Big differences and incompatibilities in measurements• The SWERUS measurements are 3 times higher

as the possible solubility of methane in water. They confirm capture of bubbles and questionableness of measurements.

• The Russians measured approximately 35.000 times lower quantities of resolved methane in water and 1.000 times higher methane fluxes through the water. The measurements of concentrations and fluxes are independent.

• Russian measurements are transparent. The methane plumes have been categorized and recorded and the densities of bubbles evaluated.

• The SWERUS report includes calculated fluxes. Big concentrations lead to holding methane in water and to lower fluxes into the atmosphere.

Russians stress that the quantity of dissolved methane can be neglected against the entire flux. The bubbles represent the main mechanism of gas transport from hydrates to atmosphere.

We must understand the background. The Russian waters, land and energy sources are affected. They are certainly interested for the real situation. But the developed countries want to continue with robbing the planet. All ecological facts, which oppose, have to be held hidden as much as possible long.

The ice hinders the methane emissions into the atmosphere

• A few months from observation of ice coverage. In years 2015 and 2016 the average coverage of Kara and Barents Sea was 6,6 and Laptev and East Siberian Sea 20 %.

• The regions of ice coverage change weekly. Methane cannot accumulate under the ice more than one month, maximally two. The quantity of emitted methane from sea bottom in one month (0,58 Mtonn) in upper 20 meters of water reaches one tenth of those, what the water would be able to absorb.

• Because of the ice coverage, the maximum 20 % of the entire annual methane emission could be dissolved in the water.

• We have neglected bubbles caught in the ice and bubbles carried in the regions without ice. We assumed that under ice stopped methane entirely dissolves in the water.

The frozen sea surface holds back the methane emissions from water. When the ice is being built, the permeability diminishes and numerous bubbles are caught in the ice, similar as in hydrates. Melting of the ice releases them into the air later. But the long term presence of bubbles in the water under the ice increases dissolving. Marine currents can carry high methane concentrations, including bubbles to other places and increase the possibilities for further dissolving. Simultaneously they enable emissions of bubbles in the regions without ice.

The minimal time of reaching twofold today’s greenhouse effect is then 20 % longer, from 5 to 6 years. We get the most beneficial upper limit of 18 years, if instead increased estimation of methane emissions in warmer seas we expand 3 times smaller, in Laptev Sea measured methane flux to all dangerous regions.

Last measurements in Laptev sea in October 2016 • At the end of September and in October 2016, the team of Dr. Igor Semiletov on the

research vessel of Tomsk Polytechnical University repeated the observation and measurements from years 2011 to 2013 and partially from the expedition SWERUS, too.

• Already after few working days they reported: the distribution area of methane releases has significantly increased compared to the data collected in 2011 to 2014… More information till today (21st November 2016), when the Arctic Forum of researchers started in Tomsk, haven't leaked out…

• Therefore, what have we predicted from the published 4 years old measurements of this same team, is today really already happening on the entire region of East Siberian Sea. If this is the consequence of general warming, also those first (found) areas with high leaking have warmed more, and those old fluxes could be only intensified. 

• Do we really have to wait that happens, what was the content of the entire prediction – the expansion of releasing methane to all dangerous regions with (at least) measured intensity?? 

• We can still hope that the forum will answer with real and useful data. We can still hope that they will not be so frightful and that we will still have the chance to act before the prediction realizes entirely.

Consideration of these measurements will be really a fateful point in the human and the Earth's history. Disillusion of the humanity in its entire behaviour and first of all in acting

and deciding of governmental and exploitation structures.

Urgent interventions • First of all and already in this moment WE MUST SEE that it is necessary to make similar

measurements IMMEDIATELY on many more points and areas of the entire warmed part of Arctic ocean. The results could be then more reliable expanded to the entire region.

• IT IS URGENT TO FORESEE THE CONSEQUENCES of this started happening, even today they seem a little exaggerated. But this (if they seem exaggerated) we don't know very well. And we don't know very well also the opposite. Therefore maybe the consequences do not seem exaggerated at all, but they are even very UNDERESTIMATED. Depends, who observes and with what aim…

• Limitation and taxation of fossil fuel consumption, according to the damage in the nature, caused by their production and consumption. Urgent and intentional redirection of all ecological taxes into building of global solar energetic system. Necessary consent on the global level.

• Ban on searching and exploitation of gas hydrates.• Ban and preventing of unchecked, doubtful and proved harmful human technical methods for

mitigation consequences of climate change escape, as for example geoengineering interventions of spraying atmosphere for increasing Earth's reflectivity, ocean fertilization for plankton growth and storing CO2, because it is absolutely not the most critical exhaust.

• Consistent consideration of the importance of preserving nature and planet before every profitable activity of the human, at all economical and political decisions. Building of principles, rules and mechanisms to assure that in all national and international legislations agreements and institutions.

• Informing of governmental levels, demanding fast and transparent international acting and decisions, and in the opposite the recalls of our representatives and demanding their criminal responsibility.

That prayer is not only for joke• Some facts, as the base for cognition and consciousness that the organic life had been

brought to the Earth from outside and it is not the consequence of Darwin’s evolution:

• The genetic record is mathematically and linguistically too much complicated that it could be matter of accidental combinations of some elements in turbulent and hot seas and atmosphere, one billion years after formation of the Earth. Every bond between DNA chains is a basic element of coding and it can appear in only 4 ways. Three consequent bonds represent the code for one “character”. The gene includes approx. 1.000 characters.

• The genes represent together only 2 % of total DNA length in chromosomes. They are only patterns for protein production. The western genetics considers all intermediate DNA as useless junk. But this much larger space is equally coded with characters and linguistic information, which the most probably means the instructions, how the particular genes (proteins) should be used in particular tissues and how the organism should develop. This DNA structure is being researched by a new science – the wave genetics. It becomes still less possible that a linguistic record of our life and of entire nature could be developed with accidental mixing of molecules.

• DNA transmits and receives a special information waving, which can repair the corrupted bonds between DNA chains and heal the genetically conditioned diseases.

• Simultaneously and harmonized with formation of the genetic record, many complicated and connected bio-chemical processes appeared, using the genetic information at cell division and protein production. Without harmonization or with coincidence in appearing these processes, the “accidentally formed” genetic record would still not be able to create the life. DNA can exist only in chemical environment of cell nucleus and a cell cannot exist without DNA.

That prayer could save the Earth• The first organisms with equitable genetic record (and with the second important

capability for the life – photosynthesis) appeared in relative “short” time, less than one billion years after formation of the Earth. And then a stagnation happened in development of the life for almost 3 billion years. If the creation of life would be matter of coincidence, its development would go on, and probably on different parts of the planet differently and with different “genetic concepts”, too.

• Thousands of testimonies exist from hypnotic regressions into the memories of our soul past lives. Many of them reveal the spiritual structure of the Creation and the role of advancing souls in the formation of organic life, including the genetic record itself. The Creator or God is not a single man with beard. In their advancing toward the wisdom of law of love, a large number of souls and other spiritual beings decide for “specialization” of creating material environment, in which the souls can learn (by their own mistakes), what otherwise in the spiritual world is not possible.

• These facts represent simultaneously the demands, that we must not destroy the Earth and nature because of constant returning of our souls (us ourselves) to this planet. With concession of ecological catastrophe and creating conditions for destruction of organic life we cut that connection with Creation, which could transmit our prayer for help to there. In case of our efforts and helplessness, the Creation with its geo-physical “engineers” cold turn the flow of the (from the side of humanity started) natural self-destruction of the Earth.

Where to get more information?

Contact and orders

• What after Democracy? Searching of basic principles of human life on the Earth / e-book / English translation of Slovene original

• The Right for Sun / research, working material for the book • The Gift for Gaja / juvenile novel, e-version.

• For natural persons with transparent personal data and with respecting authorship rights, the listed works in electronic form are available free.

• Milan Malej• E-mail:

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