etn - equestrian trade news - november 2012

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The voice of the equestrian industry for over 30 years. November issue articles include Dogs at Work, Fibre Power, Better Retailing, Saddlery Matter, 2013 BETA Business Awards, Herbal Treats, CCJs and much more


T h e Vo i c e o f t h e E q u e s t r i a n I n d u s t r y








Take controlof your

sales space




201317-19 February 2013NEC, Birmingham, UK

ETN is the officialmedia partner ofBETA International

November 2012Volume 36, No 11 Monthly

People in the news

Adjustable saddles

Herbs and treats


... the magazine for the industry, about the industry, by the industry


CommentA NEW global study into shopping habits reveals a new type ofconsumer. These savvy shoppers shun quality and brand loyaltyin favour of using technology to research the cheapest pricesand best deals.Researchers define this new breed as Strategic Savers. Within

the group, they identify Penny Pinchers, including the genuinelyhard-up, and Opportunistic Adventurers who get a thrill frombargain hunting.Encouragingly, 28% of the population aren’t concerned

about saving - or even about price at all. The study points outQuality Seekers - individuals who buy on quality alone, HabitualSprinters who always default to a handful of tried and trustedbrands and Passionate Explorers who simply love to shopregardless of price.The research by shopping agency Arc surveyed 13,000

consumers, 2,000 of them in the UK, so we can only assumeit’s reasonably robust. Equestrianism has its Strategic Savers, ofcourse – but judging business being done at Horse of the YearShow last month, Quality Seekers make up a very healthyproportion of our customers.

ETN goes out of its way not to patronise you, dear readers.However, you might be interested to hear some crackingquotes from Kelly Newbold, owner of Gosport based retailerThe Natural Pet Pantry. She was asked by Pet Trade Xtra toreveal the secrets of her success after winning Retailer of theYear at the Pet Industry Awards.For any retailer, knowing your products inside out and what

will suit each customer is a pretty standard requirement. ButKelly takes it a step further: “We treat every single customer likethey are our only customer.”She goes on to explain: “We have built respect and

friendship purely by being honest with our customers....I putthe health and well-being of any [of their] animals that comeinto the shop before profit and selling.”Another gem from Kelly with which all retailers will identify:

“We don’t get greedy and we work very hard and very longhours.”And finally (and I won’t say I told you so!): “I'm a great

believer in the fact that you never stop learning.”

THERE was a time when the equestrian trade was considered abit fuddy-duddy, old fashioned and cliquey in so far as itappeared to be run by an old boys’ network.If you still believe that to be the case, take ten minutes to

read about Victoria Highfield in our Retailer Profile in this issue.At just 23, she’s got ideas and energy in abundance. Victoria’sjust joined BETA too, and if ever there was a chairman of ourtrade association in the making, it is she...

Liz Benwell

NEWS .........................................................................4

LETTERS .................................................................10

PRODUCT NEWS .....................................................12

SPONSORS & SHOWS .............................................16

HERBS & TREATSHow herbs are making a comeback............................17Products and major players.......................................18

NEWS FEATURENational MinimumWage: are you paying your dues? .....21

RETAILER PROFILEPenny Richardson meets Victoria Highfield ...............22

2013 BETA BUSINESS AWARDSNominate your favourites for equestrianindustry accolades.....................................................24

BOOTS, SOCKS & GLOVESProducts to beat the chill, plus retail tips ..................26

DOGS AT WORKMeet the trade’s hard working canines ......................31

PEOPLECelebrating weddings, births and new jobs ................32

FIBRE POWERForage: when isn’t it enough? ....................................34Latest launches and hay replacers.............................37

BETTER RETAILINGDon’t let big brands dominate your store ...................43

SADDLERY MATTERSKen Lyndon-Dykes considers adjustable saddles .......44

COUNTY COURT JUDGMENTS................................46

FRONT COVER: From Tayberry’s new AW12 collection, the Laurelsweatshirt comes in soft brushed cotton with a funnel neck. It’savailable in plum and magenta, sizes S-XXL, RRP £39.99. The suedeupper Snow Boots have washable, detachable liners; available inchocolate, sizes 3-8, RRP £49.99. For more information





Equestrian Trade NewsStockeld Park,Wetherby,West Yorkshire LS22 4AWTel: 01937 582111Fax: 01937 582778 – SalesEmail: sales @equestriantradenews.comWebsite:

Publisher:Equestrian Management Consultants Ltd

Editor:Liz BenwellEmail: editor@equestriantradenews.comTel: 0845 6185007

Advertising Sales:Nicki LewisEmail: sales@equestriantradenews.comTel: 01937 582111Fax: 01937 582778

Advertising Copy:Nicki LewisEmail: sales@equestriantradenews.comTel: 01937 582111

SubscriptionsDistributed on a controlled-circulation basis to theretail trade. Paid-for annual subscriptions are£39.95 (UK), £73.00 (Europe), £86.00 (rest of theworld).

The magazine is independent of all groups.Editorial views expressed in ETN are notnecessarily the official view of any organisation orgroup.

Copyright:All material is copyright Equestrian ManagementConsultants Ltd.

Design & Print:G.H. Smith & Son,Market Place, Easingwold,North YorkshireYO61 3ABTel: 01347 821329Fax: 01347 822576Email: etn@ghsmith.comWeb:

ISSN 1462-9526

Academy of Master Saddlers ........................................33Allen & Page ...............................................................36Animal Health Company ..............................................15Animalife ......................................................................3Baileys Horse Feeds...................................................OBCBETA International .......................................................27British Horse Feeds ......................................................35British Horse Society ....................................................12Buffera Ltd ..................................................................28Classified ....................................................................45Equestrian Vision...........................................................6Exo2 ............................................................................23Finest Brands International ..........................................IFCGWF Nutrition ...............................................................7Hilton Herbs ................................................................19HorseHage ..................................................................39B Jenkinson & Son .......................................................11Life Data Labs Inc ..........................................................6Likit.............................................................................18Net-Tex .......................................................................13Northern Crop Driers....................................................40Pelgar .........................................................................41Polyequestrian...............................................................9Saracen Horse Feeds....................................................14Sherwood Forest Ltd ....................................................29Snowhill Trade Saddlery..............................................IBCSouth Essex Insurance Brokers........................................5Trident ........................................................................38Web Directory


Hunting still fills tillsAS THE new hunting seasongets underway, retailershave been reporting steadysales of related clothing andequipment.Autumn hunting got off to

a late start, thanks to thedelayed harvest. But thesport –albeit in post-banformat - continues toprovide a useful revenuestream for the trade.Tower Farm Saddlers

near Rugby, Warwickshire,has a strong huntingcustomer base. In fact, saysJess Hewson of the store,it’s attracting newcustomers.“Last year we got a lot of

people in who hadn’t beenhunting before and many ofthem tend to be middle-aged. They want the traditional wool hunt coats, but they are nowmore safety conscious and are looking for proper safety hats.”Indeed, while the annual excitement of the opening meet remains

unabated, top hats and bowlers are more likely to be found on the topof the wardrobe than hunt followers’ heads.Some of the country’s smartest hunts are to be found in Cheshire,

but that doesn’t mean to say participants splash out unnecessarily.“We have a big hunting client base, but they wouldn’t be the biggest

spenders,” said Sasha Aldersey at Edgmere near Malpas. “They buyvelvet covers to put over crash hats and machine washable breeches,Gorringe are popular.”When it comes to tack hunting is definitely a ‘no bling zone’. Added

Sasha: “They want saddle shaped, plain numnahs either sheepskin orPolyPads. Bridles are quite plain too.”At S. Milner & Son near Melton Mowbray, in prime Leicestershire

hunting country,the giving ofadvice is asimportant asselling of clothingand equipment.“People come

in, say they’ve justgot a new horse,want to gohunting - and canwe kit them out,”said Katie Baileywho works in theshop. “Often,these customersare from Londonand keep theirhorses at fulllivery inLeicestershirejust for thehunting.”Katie says it’s

satisfying to helpa client choosethe correcthunting gear –from coat to whip,boots to breeches– and explainingwhat they need to meet what remains a strict dress code.“The etiquette of hunting is still upheld, and that’s good because it

means the standard of turnout is kept very high,” added Katie.At this time of year, popular items for the hunting crowd to buy at

Milners include hunt shirts, hunting whips – which rather suggestsnewcomers as die-hards own a whip for life – and breeches in softshell with fleecy linings, Pikeur and Tally Ho being popular brands.• To celebrate the start of a new hunting season, ETN is pleased to

publish two stunning images by the joint winners of an amateurphotographic competition run by the Countryside Alliance.

‘Wynnstay Hound and Child’ by TracyBroadbent from North Wales

‘A February morning with the Axe Vale’ by LewisGillingham (17) from Honiton, Devon.

GIFTS wholesaler Your Gift Horse has launcheda drop ship programme with Christmas inmind.The scheme allows retailers to take orders

online or in-store and have the goods shippeddirectly to the customer.The first products to be included in the

scheme are the cold cast bronze sculptures(pictured), similar to those Your Gift Horsesupplies to Horse of the Year Show (HOYS) astrophies.“With 17 sculptures in the range, including

the new dog designs, it’s almost impossible fora shop to display them all. Now there’s noneed to miss out on sales,” said ChristinaJones of Your Gift Horse.“Retailers can simply place an order through

our website and we will deliver the goods totheir customers on the next working day.”

ADVERTISEMENTS for horse wormers are tobe banned from consumer magazines fromOctober 2013.The blanket ban on magazine and internet

advertising to the equestrian public refers toall veterinary medicines, including wormers,that require a prescription from a vet or SQP(suitably qualified person).Changes to the rules on advertising

veterinary medicinal products have beenimposed by the European Commission andwill be implemented by government agencythe Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD).The updated regulations also mean that

antibiotic products can no longer beadvertised to farmers or ‘professionalkeepers of animals.’The amended directive appears to be

adopting a policy similar to that applied tohuman medicine legislation, wheremedicines may only be advertised tohealthcare professionals and not to patients.It comes at a time of increasing pressure

on prescribing habits and growing concernsabout resistance to drugs, includingwormers. Both factors are thought to haveinfluenced the prohibition of the advertisingof prescription only veterinary medicines tothe general public.

“It’s fair to say that wormers have becomemore freely available and that the internet isquite hard to regulate” said a spokesman forthe Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD).Earlier this year VMD introduced an

accreditation and monitoring scheme for e-commerce sites supplying wormers.The ban on advertising to owners/keepers

of horses (consumers) includes any medicinesfrom the POM-V or POM-VPS categories.A POM-V may only be prescribed by a vet

following a clinical assessment of an animal.POM-VPS may be prescribed by anyRegistered Qualified Person (a vet, apharmacist or SQP); clinical assessment ofthe animal is not required but sufficientinformation about the animal and the way it iskept must be known to the prescriber.ETN can continue carrying wormer ads.The blanket ban on wormer advertising

affects all media in the equestrian marketexcept those with readers qualified toprescribe veterinary medicines ie. vets andSQPs. As such, VMD has confirmed that ETN isexempt and will continue to carryadvertisements for wormers.ETN runs trade AMTRA accredited CPD

feature three times a year which enable SQPsto maintain their qualification to prescribewormers.

Wormer advertising to be banned

More free tradefair coach travelBETA International’s free coaches areback for 2013 with an extendedservice to the show.There will be coaches leaving

Norwich,Ipswich,Peterboroughand Londonjoining thosetravelling fromExeter andCarlisle.The luxury,

25-seater vehicles from The Anderson Travel Groupand CoachMarque will leave early on Sundaymorning with pick-up points en route to the NEC,Birmingham.An extra coach will travel from Exeter on Monday,

providing an additional opportunity for a day visit tothe show, as well as collecting retailers who havebeen passengers on the previous day.“Putting on a free coach service shows how much

we value our visitors and, by introducing additionalcollection points from different parts of the country,we are responding to increasing demand,” saidClaire Thomas, commercial manager of BETAInternational organiser EMC.Early booking is advised. Visit,

go to Visit in the menu bar and select Free CoachService, before clicking on the link indicated to makea booking. A timetable helps visitors find theirnearest collection point.Passengers will receive free goody bag from main

sponsor Virbac Animal Health. For more details,contact Lynn Pattison, tel 01937 582111 or

201317-19 February 2013NEC, Birmingham, UK

Gift firm to dropship for Christmas


BAILEYS HorseFeeds is joiningforces with Alltechto become officialUK feed partner forthe 2014 WorldEquestrian Games(WEG) inNormandy, France.The move will

give the company apresence at worldchampionships forsix horse sports.“In signing up,

we join like-minded feed producers from around the world, all ofwhom work with Alltech, utilising its products and scientificknowledge in order to remain at the cutting edge of equine nutrition,”said Jane Buchan (pictured seated), marketing manager at Baileys.Alltech supplies feed ingredients such as Yea-Sacc yeast culture, as

well as Bioplex minerals and Sel-Plex organic selenium which Baileyshas included in its formulations for some years.Baileys is hoping to have a physical presence in Normandy for WEG.

“We’re making great progress in the French market, in racing andbloodstock, in particular, where we have a hands-on involvement withhorses in training and at stud just like we do in the UK,” said Jane.

“Why we’re backing WEG”

“Successful year” for Societyof Master SaddlersAN INCREASE inmembership, amanufacturers’showcase,seminars andeducational dayswere reported atan upbeatSociety ofMaster Saddlers(SMS) AGM.Held at The

Institute ofCreative LeatherTechnologies,Northampton University, the meeting was followed by a tour of theinstitute’s tannery and research facilities.The membership was up on last year’s, chief executive Hazel

Morley told the meeting. “[It’s] made up of retailers, manufacturers,allied trade and affiliates, as well as individual members andoverseas members, with UK and overseas qualified saddle fittersregistered with the SMS.“They are very promising numbers and a pleasing retention rate in

these difficult times, hopefully demonstrating that members reallyappreciate the support of their professional body.”In response to members’ views and suggestions, the society held

an educational seminar with lectures on social media forbusinesses, an update on the work the saddlery team carries out forWorld Horse Welfare in developing countries, an insight into theFarriers’ Registration Council and a demonstration by the KingsTroop RHA gun team.During the year, the society has held two Manufacturers’

Showcase events, its annual competitions, the BETA Internationalsaddlery competition, saddle fitting courses, a refresher day and aside saddle education day.“The executive committee’s major task this year has been to carry

out a strategic review of the society which has been undertaken anda number of new initiatives already put in place including increasedsocial media and marketing activity,” said Hazel.Laurence Pearman and Helen Dart were elected SMS president

and vice president. See ‘People’ in this issue.

AN EAST Yorkshire feed manufacturer has unveiled a 500kW biogasplant enabling it to operate on renewable energy.The anaerobic digestion plant at Northern Crop Driers generates

electricity from maize and grass silage grown on the company’sMelbourne site. It’s also fed with slurry from sister company MelrosePigs.“Drying horse bedding and grass to produce feed is pretty energy

intensive, so we’ll be using some of the electricity for that, while thesurplus will go into the [national] grid,” said Pam Dear, a director atNorthern Crop Driers.“Our Graze-On

product range andMegazorb beddingare now producedusing our own 100%renewableelectricity.”Pictured are

Northern Crop Driersdirectors Pam Dearand EdwardRowbottom in front ofthe new plant.

Grass just goteven ‘greener’

R & R Country to opennew storeR & R COUNTRY is seeking a site on which to open a third store.The retailer already has two shops; its original one near Selby,

North Yorkshire and a second in Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire,which opened in March 2011.“We’re looking around 100 miles further south down the A1,”

managing director Sue Moxon confirmed to ETN, “somewhere in theHertfordshire area.”Sue added that the third store was a long-term project. “It took us

two years to find this one [the Melton Mowbray site] so I can’t see usopening a new one next year. We keep looking though; we want to bejust north of London.”She added that business had been “extremely busy” this autumn

at both R & R Country stores.

OVERSEAS exhibitors at BETA International no longer need topay VAT on the cost of their stands.The breakthrough, confirmed by HM Customs and Revenue

last month, represents significant savings for exhibitors fromoutside the UK. More than 50 overseas companies exhibited atthe trade fair this year.Claire Thomas, commercial manager of BETA International

organiser EMC, explained the new VAT free status for overseasexhibitors.“Where stand space is provided with accompanying services

as a package, this package will no longer be seen as a supply ofland with land-related services, but will be taxed under thegeneral place of supply rule (customer location) when suppliedto business customers,” she explained.“We have confirmation from HMRC that BETA International

2013 fulfils the criteria required not to charge VAT to overseasexhibitors.”BETA International takes place at the NEC, Birmingham, on

17-19 February. Visit for details.

VAT victory forBETA International


HORSE of the YearShow (HOYS) was awelcome tonic fortraders after a seriesof rained-off eventson this summer’sshow circuit.Many retailers

reported better salesfigures than they haddared hope for duringlast month’s show atthe NEC, Birmingham.Throughout the

show, the tradestands were packed with people eager to buy aswell as browse. “HOYS is second to none due to the volume andvariety of visitors. It’s been really good for us,” said AnnikaSederholm of Sederholm Selected.Annika admits that this has been a tricky year for her business.

“The cancellation of events such as Badminton was a real blow. It’sbeen hard and we’ve struggled a bit, so being so busy here hasboosted my confidence enormously.”Annika’s target market is the more professional rider, owner or

groom, so she will give Your Horse Live and the newHorseWorldLive a miss and exhibit next at Olympia.Kevin Galbraith of Ayr Equestrian is another retailer whose

HOYS stand was attracting plenty of custom. “We’ve been very busyand sales are on a par with previous years,” he told ETN.Ayr Equestrian’s top seller was riding boots. “We specialise in

Italian brands that aren’t too easy to find elsewhere and they’vecertainly been popular here,” added Kevin who’s been hit hard byshow cancellations.“We lost 17 shows this year and if we hadn’t had other areas of

the business such as our equestrian centre and buying and selling,I’m not sure we could have carried on.”Ayr Equestrian has just launched a new website and is hoping to

promote more online sales. The retailer will also exhibit at bothYour Horse Live and HorseWorldLive this month.“I’m not sure if it’s a good decision to do both, but time will tell,”

said Kevin.He has, however, noticed extra interest in riding following

London 2012.“We’ve had more customers at our riding school and although

this won’t help our retail side at the start, if these people carry onand become horse owners, it will benefit the trade enormously.”Former Olympic eventer Robert LeMieux was busy throughout

HOYS on his Horse Heath stand. “And that’s as it should be. It’s soexpensive to exhibit here, that I’d be really disappointed if we didn’tdo well,” he explained.Robert believes that the variety of goods he produces helps at

HOYS.“People come here from every discipline – showing, jumping,

dressage, eventing and even racing – and we have something tosuit them all.”Although he missed Badminton and Gatcombe, Horse Health had

a good year. “We went to Hickstead, Dublin, Burghley and Blenheimand did well at every venue,” said Robert. “Because we’re alsomanufacturers, we’ve launched lots of new products and thesehave gone well too.”Robert will stick with his tried and tested routine at Your Horse

Live.“It’s the venue for our annual sale,” he explains. “The people

who go there love a bargain and we use the event to sell our oldstock before the new season.”It wasn’t just tack and clothing that went well at HOYS this year.

Oakley Horseboxes showed its complete range and took some firmorders during the show.“Of course many visitors are just inquisitive and want to have a

look round a lorry costing £125,000,” says the company’s salesmanager Justin Bennett. “But we have taken orders and had plentyof enquiries. Our two-horse lorry is proving very popular and we’vebeen pleasantly surprised by the show visitors’ response.”

HOYS is a tonic for traders

HOYS tradestands were packed with peopleeager to buy. Photo by Kathryn Pearn.


•BUDGET supermarket Aldi has been advertising ladies’ winterjodhpurs at £12.99 per pair, reversible hi-viz gilets for £14.99 andladies riding thermal underwear (top and leggings) at £8.99 for theset.

•REDPIN Publishing is to produce The Pony Club Annual 2012 in anew digital format. The first edition will be available from 1December and sent to all members. The Pony Club is represented in27 countries with a worldwidemembership of more than 110,000.

•PLUS-SIZE equestrian clothing label Fuller Fillies has launched adirect-to-the-consumer website. The company says it will alsocontinue to supply trade customers wishing to stock the brand.

•GOMMES of Chinnor won 20 freetubs of Gastro-Kalm from EquusHealth plus £200 cash for sellingthemost tubs of the supplement.Chris Potts of Gommes is pictured.Joint winners in the small retailercategory were Country Equestrianof Bicester and The Saddlery Shop,Devon who each received £100 and10 free tubs.

•HMREVENUE& Customs (HMRC) is writing to over 1.4millionemployers reminding them to prepare for the newway of reportingPAYE data starting in April 2013. PAYE itself will not change – just theway, and how often, employers send this data to HMRC.

•WORLDHORSEWelfare is the chosen charity ofBETA International 2013. Each year the trade fair,to take place at the NEC, Birmingham, on February17-19, selects an equestrian related charity tosupport. World HorseWelfare will have a freestand at the exhibition and the chance to networkwith leading players in the equestrian industry.

•OUTDOOR clothing brand Barbour saw its profits increase by 51%during 2011 compared with the previous year. J. Barbour & Sonsreturned a pre-tax profit of £17m, according to accounts file atCompanies House. DameMargaret Barbour has been companychairman since 1972. As sole shareholders, the Barbour family tookan equity dividend of £10m in 2011.

•STUBBEN hasmanufactured a new bridle for the Townend leatherrange. With comfort headpiece and choice of nosebands, it retails at£11.99. The collection is available directly to consumers exclusivelyfrom the Townend Online website. “I am very excited about this newrelationship with Stubben,” said Oliver Townend, the eventer behindthe brand.

•THE HEALTH and Safety Executive’s (HSE) new cost recoveryscheme, known as Fee for Intervention, came into effect on 1October. Firms breaking health and safety laws are now liable forrecovery of HSE’s related costs, including inspection, investigationand taking enforcement action.

•STUDENTS from the Prescott &Mackay School of Fashion andAccessory Design struck it lucky when they visited Abbey England’sWalsall foundry. David Broome, productionmanager, gave a guidedtour. “It was great tomeet with designers who are as passionateabout buckles, locks and accessories as we are,” saidmanagingdirector Richard Brown.

201317-19 February 2013NEC, Birmingham, UK

New sponsor for fashion showHORSEWARE IRELAND is to sponsor the fashion show at BETAInternational 2013.It’s the first time the Irish company, a long-time exhibitor at the trade

fair, has lent its name to the catwalk show.“Horseware Ireland is a big supporter of BETA International so

extending that support to the fashion show was a natural progression,”said Laura Cackett of Horseware Ireland.“It will help give us greater exposure at the show and provide a stage

to showcase our clothing ranges which have now become an integralpart of our business alongside the world famous Rambo, Rhino andAmigo brands of rugs and accessories.”


ETN welcomes letters to the editor. Please write toThe Editor, ETN, Stockeld Park, Wetherby, LS22 4AW or Correspondents are asked to supplytheir name and business name; requests to publish letters with namewithheld will be considered individually. Please note that letters maybe edited for reasons of space and clarity.

Everyone’swelcome to takeup the reinsDear ETN,

Ken Lyndon-Dykes, in his Saddlery Matters column (ETN,

October), expressed his misgivings about past initiatives set up to

promote horse riding. Although he approved of the concept, he

questioned the implementation, criticising its coverage in the

equestrian media, claiming that this “smacked of preaching to the


How timely are Ken’s missives, as I am delighted to inform him –

and any other members of the equestrian industry who are

unaware – that BETA is currently taking a frontline role in

organising Take up the Reins, a national campaign to encourage

people of all ages and from all walks of life to sample life in the


With funding from Sport England and working in partnership with

the British Equestrian Federation (BEF), BETA has been travelling

the length and breadth of the country, attending events, the

majority of which have been non-equestrian, with three mechanical

horses to offer a great introduction to horse riding.

We have been channelling our PR and marketing through the

general consumer media – particularly evening newspapers which

run stories about their regions, and radio stations whose roving

reporters all seem keen to be interviewed on “horseback”. We

have also procured significant consumer engagement through

social media.

This strategic planning has avoided the situation to which Ken

refers and there is no doubt that we have succeeded in reaching

an audience outside the horse world. However, I think it slightly

obtuse to say that news of an initiative such as this should not also

be featured in the equestrian press.

It is vitally important that a niche market remains open and in

touch with the world outside. Members of the equestrian

community need to know what is being done to develop and

encourage a new and returning set of riders, and the trade needs

to hear how it can become involved and benefit, and to see the

work that is being done by BETA on its behalf.

Take up the Reins has a clear remit and targets a general audience

for maximum impact, but it also seeks to share good news with

both horsy folk and the equestrian industry. If that means the odd

article, news item or feature in any one of our sector’s publications,

I would regard that as a welcome bonus.

Yours etc

Claire Williams, executive director, British Equestrian Trade

Association (BETA), Wetherby, West Yorkshire.

Wish you were here...Postcards from BETA’s nationwideTake up the Reins tour

At BlenheimHorse TrialsinOxfordshire,MichaelHedley-Whyte (72)‘took up thereins’ toshow thatriding can begreat fun,whateveryour age.

BETA took itscampaign topromoteriding to theultimateurbanlocation - theLondon LiveSite next tothe OlympicPark.

Take up the Reinsappeared in the RoyalNorfolk Show’s have-a-go-at-sports ActiveNorfolk area.

On Teesside, childrenattending the SchoolGames in Middlesbroughhad the chance to sampleriding on a mechanicalhorse. The Mayor ofStockton paid a visit too.

Two police officers whowere on duty for theOlympic torch relay inNorthumberland look verypleased with their rosettes,earned for riding BETA’sQueenie during a Take upthe Reins day in Alnwick.


Dressage dramaon TVSYBIL H. MAIR’S newshort film TheEquestrian premiereson Horse & Country TVthis month (14November) at 9pm.The ‘dark’ drama

stars young British actorLayke Anderson asdressage rider FreddieForester and JamesWilby as his father. CarlHester makes a cameoappearance.Horse & Country TV

is on Sky Channel 280.

From box to BurghleyTREDSTEP Ireland’s new Raphael tall bootsare marketed as needing virtually nobreaking in.Olympic rider Caroline Powell

proved the point when she was fittedfor a new pair at Burghley, and rodeher dressage test in them the nextday."I totally credit Tredstep’s new

Raphael boots for my dressage markat Burghley,” said Caroline who issponsored by the company. “As soonas I put them on, they fitted like aglove.“I left the stand with my new boots

under my arm and went to ride Bostonin them to see what they felt like. Theywere fabulous, so flexible and smartlooking. Their first competitive outingwas the next day, cantering up thecentre line at Burghley!” addedCaroline who is pictured leaving theBurghley arena.t Tredstep Ireland 00 353 1 2950598

Re-live the JubileeYOUR customers can celebratethe Queen’s Diamond Jubileeall over again on DVD fromEquestrian Vision.In May 2012, more than 500

horses and 1,200 performersjoined with royalty, celebritiesand musicians at WindsorCastle to celebrate HerMajesty’s 60 years tirelessservice.The Diamond Jubilee

Pageant featured Aboriginies,Native Americans and ZuluWarriors alongside nationalfavourites such as The KingsTroop Royal Horse Artillery,Dame Helen Mirren and SusanBoyle.At the heart of this two-hour

highlights programme is TheQueen’s love for horses. TheRRP is £17.99.t Equestrian Vision 01403 864173

Wholesaler offers colourful collectionJENKINSONS EquestrianWholesalers is now distributingthe complete Harold Moorestable and yard collection.The scoops and stable tools,

available in a fabulous array ofbright colours, are made inSheffield by Harold Moore, acompany well known in thehygiene sector for its precisionmade, injection mouldedplastics.Popular products for the feed

room include a Jug Scoop,Universal Stirrer, Pouring Jugand Hand Scoops in various sizes.Tools range from a Shavings Shifter – to clear

large areas quickly and doubling as a snowshovel, to a Harold Moore Unifork. The lattercomes in high grade polypropylene andhas tapered tines for excellentmaterial holding while the blade iscurved overall allowing largeamounts to be lifted.Jenkinsons offers the entire

Harold Moore stable and yard rangein magenta, purple, baby blue andlime green.t Jenkinsons Equestrian Wholesalers01924 454681

A great deal for ChristmasTHE natural organic aloevera feed supplementAloeride is offeringretailers a great incentivefor December.For a limited period

only (1st December 2012–1st January 2013) theequine supplement isoffering new stockists theopportunity to save 40%on their first order of 36cartons or over.Aloeride - organic aloe vera in one-a-day sachets – comes in space

saving, eye-catching packaging and has wide-ranging health benefits.Point of sale literature and posters are available.

t Aloeride 01858 464550

Winter inspirationHORSE&HOUND’S latest spin-offpublication Ask The Trainer aimsto keep readers inspiredthroughout the winter.“Tapping into the expertise of

over 30 of Horse&Hound andHorse magazine’s favouritetrainers —many of them freshfrom the successes of this year’sOlympics — we share theirtraining secrets,” said H&Hdeputy editor Jaki Bell.“Imagine having Carl Hester to

teach you how to handle a hothorse or Katie Jerram to help youprepare for the next big show!”Ask The Trainer also features

Mark Smith on how to identifywhat might be holding you backfrom winning - and help your getover it. Plus there isshowjumping advice fromMichael Whitaker and exercisesto keep riders progressingthrough the coming months fromMary King, Guy Williams andmany more.The publication is on sale,

price £3.95, from newsagentsand supermarkets.t To order Ask The Trainer(50p p&p) 01733 385170

Bringing back the bib!STUBBEN hasre-introduceda traditionalbib martingaleattachment.Once a

popularaccessory withhunting folk,mainlybecause it’sless likely toget caught ongates, a ‘bib’has solidleatherbetween thetwo ‘running’arms.With a trade price of £30, Stubben’s new

version comes in black, ebony, Havana andtobacco leather.Also new from Stubben, the 2300 Letrim

bridle (pictured) has a softly padded headpiecewith padded, raised browband and nosebandplus attractive silver coloured buckles.In black, ebony, Havana or tobacco, the trade

price is about £80 depending on the nosebandand rein styles selected; a choice of web or finerubber reins is available.t Stubben UK 01536 741569

Bits are top titanium product

Bioflow signs new distributor

MAGNETIC products specialist Bioflow – known for its dog collars andwrist bands - has entered the equestrian market.Its magnetic horse boots and sports wristbands for riders are newly

distributed by wholesaler Walk Trot Canter (WTC). Bioflow is alsosponsoring top eventer Harry Meade.“I’m well aware of the benefits of magnotherapy to both horse and

rider,” said the rider who wears a Bioflow wristband.“The magnetic brushing boots are ideal for injury prevention and

rehabilitation. They can be used as work or turn-out boots and can alsobe worn in the stable or whilst travelling.“Blood flow is obviously vital to tissue regeneration and the Bioflow

magnetic brushing boots are a great piece of kit,” added Harry.tWalk Trot Canter 07590 714539

A TITANIUM bit collection fromItalian manufacturer Lorenzinihas won an internationalaccolade for its use of theelement.The range of bits and stirrups

is distributed in the UK by IVHorse.The annual Titanium

Applications Development Awardis presented annually by theInternational TitaniumAssociation to recogniseinnovative and expanding use oftitanium.Lorenzini bits beat off

competition from other titaniumproducts such as medicalequipment, gas-turbine enginecoatings and military weapons.Lorenzini bits use medical

grade titanium which is strongand non-magnetic. It doesn’tcorrode and is said to be moreresistant than like-for-like steel,yet 40% lighter.Biocompatibility is another

important feature, titaniumbeing well accepted andtolerated by living organismsand tissues.t IV Horse 01888 544261


• Equestrian Life magazine, theglossy regional consumer title witha circulation area from Cornwall tothe Scottish Borders, is to sponsorthe exhibitor goody bags at BETAInternational 2013.

“We came along as an exhibitorlast year and were blown away bythe show’s overwhelming sense ofenthusiasm,” said Equestrian Lifeowner and publisher ZoeMolesworth. “It was great to have astand alongside companiesregarded as household names byour readers.

“In 2013, we want to be moreinvolved and lending our support toone of BETA International’s features seems to be the perfect way.”

Goody bags are given to all trade fair exhibitors. Made fromheavyweight jute, the branded bags are packed with essentialinformation, a show catalogue and the obligatory packet of Polomints.

“We are extremely pleased to welcome Equestrian Life to ourloyal band of supporters,” said Claire Thomas, commercialmanager of Equestrian Management Consultants (EMC), organiserof BETA International. “The magazine is highly regarded in theequestrian industry and we are looking forward to working withZoe and her dedicated team.”

Equestrian Life joins fellow sponsors Caldene, Redpin Publishing,SsangYong, Toggi, TopSpec and main sponsor Virbac AnimalHealth.

BETA International takes place at the NEC, Birmingham, from17 to 19 February. For further information or to book a stand,contact James Palmer, telephone 01937 582111 or

• Irish feed company Connolly’s Red Mills supported a BritishEventing Under 21 series this season. Winning rider David Doel(19) scooped clinics with Olympic silver medallist Tina Cook andtop show jumper Billy Twomey, plus a year’s feed supply from RedMills. “It’s great to be involved with these up and coming riders,and to be able to give them the chance to train with Olympic levelstars,” said Joe Connolly of the feed firm.

• Native Pony Magazine was a sponsor at the BSPS (BritishShow Pony Society) Heritage Championship Show at Arena UK lastmonth. The magazine also launched a competition with asponsorship package worth more than £1,000 to be won. “We’relooking for entrants who can demonstrate the versatility of ournative breeds,” said Sara Haines, editor.

• Mary King, seen herewith Nicky Fletcher ofEquisafety at Burghley,is sponsored by the high-visibility specialist. “Marywas chatting about howmuch she liked ourPOLITE range,” saidNicky. Equisafety gave agilet, which Mary dulysigned, as a prize for asponsored charity coursewalk during the event.

• Online equestrian retailerEquestrianClearance.comis the new sponsor of theBritish Riding Clubs (BRC)Winter Championships, to beheld at Hartpury College inMarch. “Many of ourcustomers are riding clubmembers, so this is our wayof putting something backinto the sport,” saidmanaging director LorraineMeadowcroft. Pictured, fromleft, are marketing manager Katie Farmer, Maggie Smith andSarah Phillips of BRC and, in front, Lorriane Meadowcroft.

• Durham-basedJulia Paterson hassecuredsponsorship fromHorseHage. Theamateurowner/rider wonsupport from thedust-free baggedforage brand in anationalcompetition.

201317-19 February 2013NEC, Birmingham, UK

• Arden WoodShavings is sponsoringpara-dressage riderAshleigh Jones (16). Acerebral palsy sufferersince birth, she’s trainedby Maria Eilberg.Ashleigh is the youngestmember on the BritishEquestrian Federation’sExcel Talent Programmewhich supports riderswith international potential. She also has a scholarship from theGovernment funded Talented Athletes Scheme (TASS) which helpswith coaching fees. Competition successes so far include the RDANational Championships.

Arden is providing Safemix Equestrian bedding for Ashleigh’seight year old Dutch warmblood mare, Aranka (Polly). Saidmanaging director, Chris Stanford (pictured with Ashleigh andPolly): “Ashleigh is a true inspiration. Her determination is to beadmired and we look forward to being part of her on-goingsuccess story.”

• Feed company Simple System supported the Endurance GBYoung Rider Squad with feed and rugs during the EuropeanChampionships in Mont le Soie, Belgium in September. The team’sbronze was the first medal for the British endurance team formore than 17 years.

How to get your event or sponsorship listedETN welcomes submissions to Sponsors & Shows from allorganisations, commercial companies, events, training courses andconferences. Please include your dates, venues, contact details andwhy your fixture/event/training is of interest to the trade.


Human civilisation owesherbal medicine a greatdeal. For thousands ofyears, plant derived

medication based on folkremedies was all that wasavailable. Even today, manyconventional medicines owetheir origins to herbs and otherplants.

Until the earlier part of thetwentieth century, plant-basedremedies were the mainstays ofequine veterinary medicine.With the rapid development ofscience and technology, theywent into sharp decline untilinterest began to undergoresurgence in the latter quarterof the twentieth century.

Today, the demands made onman and horse are greater thanever before. Stress, allergies,intolerances, respiratoryproblems and any number ofvague ‘symptoms’ are

increasingly commonplace.Desire for a more ‘natural’lifestyle – to return to a timeperceived as less stressful – isvery much back on the agenda.

Natural remedies, naturalmaterials and natural ways ofrelaxing are popular lifestylechoices; humankind’s way ofattempting to redress thebalance. And where humanmedicine goes, animalmedications and treatmentsgenerally follow.

A phrase coined byHippocrates is especially apt forboth species: “Let food be thymedicine and medicine be thyfood.”

Some years back, researchwas undertaken into thepalatability of herbs to horses.The results were interesting inthat it became apparent thathorses have individual likes anddislikes.

What goes around,comes around

Herbs for horses and humansARNICA: Native to Europe and cultivated in some countries,including India, arnica is used in the treatment of bruises andwounds, although its use on broken skin is not advised.Available as a cream and a tincture to be added to water(5ml to 2 litres of water), it’s effective as a wash-down fortired limbs and muscles.CHAMOMILE: Grows prolifically in most parts of Europe.Chamomile tea and infusions are popular with people whodon’t sleep well. It’s used for bathing sore equine eyes andhas analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.DANDELION: The young leaves, which have a diuretic effect,are delicious when added to salads. Most horses enjoydandelion leaves although they often avoid older, strongly-flavoured plants. Dandelion is rich in potassium, calcium,magnesium and vitamins A, B, C and D.GARLIC: Easy to grow, with many different varieties – somemilder than others, garlic is renowned as a blood cleanserand for respiratory disorders in humans and equines. Enjoyedby most horses, garlic remains the most used herb forequines. Wild garlic is delicious sprinkled over omelets oradded to soups and sauces.YARROW: Grows commonly in pastureland, its Latin name isAchillea millefolium. It’s said that Achilles used the herb totreat his soldiers’ wounds on the battlefield.• Photos: courtesy of Suttons Seeds.

Herbal products are making acomeback for horses andhumans, says Pat Crawford.

While one horse woulddevour a particular herb downto its roots, another wouldavoid it completely. Anotherpoint: many herbalists believethat horses ‘self-help’ andchoose to eat herbs that helpthem to maintain their health.Because the majority of horsesspend the greater part of theirtime in a stable environment,they don’t have opportunity for‘self-helping’ but native poniesare thought to benefit from self-medicating.

Equine nutritionists and feedmanufacturers now producefeeds featuring garlic, mint,chamomile, and alike – a movewhich is being embraced by

owners on their horses’ behalf.During the 1930s, Harley

Street based Dr Edward Bach, aconventional consultant as wellas a homoeopath andbacteriologist, formulated BachFlower Remedies.

Designed to restore harmonyto the person or animal’s stateof mind and thus encourage thebody to heal itself, remarkableresults have been reported. All38 Bach Flower Remedies (plusthe recently added RescueRemedy) can be found on theinternet.

Interestingly, people with noformer interest in herbalmedicine positively swear byRescue Remedy following anaccident, shock or tragedy.

Early herbalists didn’t haveaccess to the scientific andtechnological analyses availableto today’s practitioners who areable to define the constituentsof herbs very exactly. This makesthe early herbalists’ ability toisolate the various properties ofherbs all the more amazing andthe results they produced areadmired today.

Let food be thymedicine andmedicine be thyfood.


Naturallyrewarding...ETN looks at the latest herbal products, plus equine treats.

Voted‘best value’THESE tasty, crunchytreats can be used inconjunction with the LikitSnak-A-Ball to alleviatestable boredom, or fedfrom the hand as areward or training aid.Awarded 'Best Value

2012' by Horse&Ridermagazine, Likit Snaks areavailable in mint and eucalyptus flavour or new apple and cinnamon.With a non-heating formulation suitable for all horses and ponies,

Likit Snaks are available to the trade in counter display cases of 20 x100g or in 500g re-sealable packs.t Likit 01655 750523

Handy and healthyVERM-X pellets, which provide natural intestinal hygiene control, canbe fed straight from the hand as a treat.Each 250g box contains five individual sachets, to be used daily for

five days each month. The convenient presentation eliminates theneed to measure the pellets which also boost everyday health. TheRRP is around £11.95.t Verm-X 0870 850 2313


Know your herbsMORE health-conscious owners are seeking to enhance their horses’nutrition, either generally or to tackle a specific condition, withnatural products, writes Heather Giles of Hilton Herbs.Herbal medicines are usually given as feed supplements and will

support the whole body, with herbs being selected for their individualactions.It normally takes several days for herbs to be fully absorbed by the

animal’s system so herbal products need to be fed daily for a givenperiod for best effect. Supplements are generally available as driedherbs or herbal (liquid) tinctures with little difference between thetwo, other than speed of absorption.A herb familiar to many mare owners is vitex agnus castus

(pictured). Also known as monks pepper and chaste tree berry, it’sbeen widely used across the centuries in human herbal medicine forfemale problems. However, as its common name suggests, monkspepper can also be used to reduce male libido. Historically it wasused by the Greeks and Romans to promote chastity, and inmonasteries to suppress libido, and as such it can be used verysuccessfully on geldings or competition stallions, as well as mares.Another perhaps less well-known herb is bilberry, which has been

used in herbal medicine since the Middle Ages. Bilberry jam was givento RAF pilots during WWII to improve their night-sight. Today its uses,established by clinical trials, are in peripheral vascular disorders suchas varicose veins, decreased capillary resistance, such as nosebleeds,and some vision disorders. Bilberry is also used are in the protectionand repair of damaged capillaries and to combat the effect of diabeteson eyesight.There are literally hundreds of herbs available for medicinal use,

which creates its own minefield for the horse owner. So it’s alwaysworth stocking supplements manufactured by a company that has aproven track record in the industry. You may also wish to deal with a

supplier offering high-quality, tried-and-tested products andexperienced customer support.Although there is much debate over the so-called lack of ‘scientific

proof’ behind herbalism, it’s worth bearing in mind that herbs werethe original drugs, and many drugs currently available still haveplants as their base.There is a wealth of anecdotal evidence to prove that natural

supplements work with animals - but no responsible herbalist shouldput herbal products forward as a replacement for veterinarytreatment.However there are many cases where they can be very effective,

particularly where conventional medication has failed. Two of theadvantages of herbal remedies are that long-term side effects andadverse reactions are rare, providing treatment dosage is respected,and herbal supplements can generally be used in conjunction withconventional medicines.


Irresistibly healthyHERBALLS have been one ofHilton Herbs’ core productsvirtually since the companycame into being.Literally tons of the natural

treats are sold to horseowners all over the world.They are also popular with

goats, sheep, donkeys, alpacas and even dogs.The Herballs recipe is a closely guarded secret. They are free from

molasses, artificial sugar, flavourings, and GM products – whilealfalfa, linseed and wheat flour are included, mixed with appetisingherbs such as mint, oregano and rosemary.With recyclable packaging revamped to stand out on the shelf - the

re-sealable bags have see-through windows. Herballs come in sizesfrom a 400g bag (RRP £2, good for coat pockets) up to 10kg. 12 x 400gcountertop display boxes are available.t Hilton Herbs 01460 270701

Tincture combinesboswellia and gingerNEW NATUREBUTE Solution from PegasusHealth is a more concentrated and readilyavailable version of the boswellia serratabased powder NatureBute.Like NatureBute, NatureBute Solution –

which also includes ginger - offers a gentlebut effective natural solution for hard-working equine joints and muscles.It’s recommended that NatureBute

Solution is used first, for more instantresults, followed longer term by NatureButefor on-going support. The Solution, atincture, allows NatureBute to be fed withcompound feed, without worrying about lossof powder.Boswellia serrata is an extract made from the resin of boswellia

trees, containing the active ingredient boswellic acids. Ginger is awarming spice.Pegasus Health supplements are available to the trade from

Battles.t Battles 01522 529206

FIREWORKS Night is upon us – so do youhave calmers in stock to offer customerswho are concerned their horses might bespooked by the bangs?Several brands produce handy oral syringe

preparations which are useful for one-off anxious situationssuch as clipping, going to shows or dentist and farrier visits –as well as Guy Fawkes.


Backed byveterinary adviceFOR 15 years, Global Herbshas been a leading supplier ofherbal supplements - andgiver of sound advice.Its products are developed

and tested by StephenAshdown (pictured), a vet whois also the managing directorof Global Herbs.When customers have

queries that requireStephen's veterinary expertise, he’s happy to help you or yourcustomers. With a highly trained team of staff, Global Herbs offers apersonal and professional service to support its comprehensiveproduct range.A chicken care range was launched recently with a pet range due

next year.t Global Herbs freephone advice line 0800 169 4709

More than skin deepIT’S not strictly herbal, but it’sdefinitely pure and natural.And when caring for horses’skin becomes a priority foryour customers, more of themare reaching for Aloeride.Alongside daily grooming

and good hygiene practices,this aloe vera supplement canhelp maintain healthy skin anda shiny coat from the insideout. Highly palatable andcertified organic, Aloeride can also help hoof condition and supportthe immune system during the challenging winter months.Each box contains 30 sachets (30 days’ worth) equaling over 12

litres of aloe vera juice. The RRP is £55.20.t Aloeride 01858 464550

Guilt-free treats

HEAVENLY HORSE has launched a sugar free treat.The company had been researching treats suitable for overweight

equines, the laminitis prone and those with insulin issues, to find theonly products available were in the USA. So Heavenly Horse set abouthaving some manufactured in the UK.Sugar free treats are available at £36 to the trade for a counter

display containing 25 packs. Ideal for Christmas, they’re beautifullypackaged – and smell and taste delicious too.t Heavenly Horse 07766 664441

Treat them wellWITH five differenttypes to choose from,there’s a Spillers treatto suit everycustomer’s equine.The chunky pellets

are easy to pop into apocket with nocrumbling and mess.Meadow Herb treats

have added biotin to support healthy hoof growth or glucosamine tosupport healthy joints. There’s also [plain] Meadow Herbs, Spearmintand Apple, each supplied in 1kg bags.t Spillers 01908 226626


The Low PayCommission’s 2012report found that 9% ofall retailing (204,000)

jobs are minimum wage.Love it or hate it, the

National Minimum Wage(NMW) is a fact of life for allemployers that carries somepotentially expensiveconsequences. It’s enforced byHMRC that has teamsoperating throughout the UKidentifying non-compliance. In2010/11, they identifiedalmost £4 million in arrears,benefitting around 23,000workers.

The NMW teams operateunder the Police and CriminalEvidence Act 1984, and canvisit at any time, withoutgiving a reason, to inspectwage records, and have arange of criminal powers toensure compliance.Obstructing them is a criminaloffence which carries a fine ofup to £5,000 and can get youa criminal record - even ifyou’ve actually paid NMW. Ifyou’ve deliberately underpaid,or tried to disguiseunderpayments, that’s acriminal offence too, againcarrying a £5,000 fine.

For underpaid NMW, you’llhave to make good the lostwages, as well as paying apenalty – half theunderpayment, capped at£5,000, or a quarter if yousettle everything within 14days of the notice. You canappeal against anunderpayment notice, butignoring it will lead toprosecution.

HMRC has compiled a list ofthe most common mistakes

that employers make overNMW:

1. Failure to recordworking time properly

Are workers required to arriveearly or leave late? Do theycarry out other work relatedactivities outside normalworking hours? If so, theymust be paid the NMW forthis additional time, as well asfor their normal workinghours. While this can besomething as simple asexpecting staff to sweep upand tidy away after their‘official’ hours have ended,larger employers have beencaught too.

2. ApprenticesSince 1st October 2010apprentices on a formalapprenticeship scheme orcontract have been entitled toa NMW apprentice rate,currently £2.60. After a yearand on reaching the age of19, they should get at leastthe rate appropriate to theirage. From April 2012, there’sa ‘new’ type of apprenticeship,which is a ‘contract forservices’ rather than a‘contract of apprenticeship’ –if you are considering it, bearin mind that whatever theirage, employees on one ofthese contracts will qualify forthe normal age related NMW,not the lower apprentice rate.

3. BirthdaysDo you have an official recordof when your employees’birthdays are? Is it linked in toyour payroll system? NMWrates are based on the age ofthe employee, so if you miss

someone’s 18th, 19th or 21stbirthday it could mean you’repaying them the wrong wage.

4. Deductions from payIn most cases, the NMW isonly worked out after anydeductions an employer hasmade to cover things likeuniform, tools, transport orpurchases of goods andservices. In other words, ifyou’re charging for theseextras, you’ll still need toensure the remainder of theworker’s pay, after thedeductions, meets the NMWfor the hours they haveworked. The only exceptionsto this are if the deduction hasabsolutely nothing to do withthe actual employment.Consider this example: HMRCinvestigated an employer usingworkers from central andEastern Europe. Foreignworkers can find it difficult toopen bank accounts andobtain accommodationwithout references. In this casethe employer deducted £50from each of the workers’ payfor a letter confirming thatthey worked for the employer.These deductions reduced theamount of pay that counts forNMW purposes. The totalarrears identified by HMRCwas just over £3,000.

5. Piece ratesYou may pay your workers bytheir productivity. However ifthe worker is required to workfixed hours, and paid for whatthey make or do in that time,then they must receive at leastthe NMW for those fixedhours. That doesn’t mean youhave to support workers whoare unusually slow provided

your ‘piece rate’ allows anaverage worker to make 1.2times NMW in an hour.

6. AccommodationIf you charge workers foraccommodation, do bear inmind that these charges arelinked to the payment ofNMW, even if theaccommodation is not directlyconnected to the employment.You can offset some of theaccommodation costs againstthe NMW amount, but only£4.73 per day. Anything thatyou charge over that will betreated as a deduction,reducing the wages countingtowards NMW.

7. Paying the wrongNMW rates

Simply failing to update payrates for the new levels issurprisingly common. From 1October 2012, the rates ofNMW are:• Workers aged 21+ £6.19• Workers aged 18-20 £4.98• Workers below 18 andbeyond compulsory schoolattendance £3.68

• Apprentice rate* £2.65*For apprentices under 19 or19 or over and in the first yearof their apprenticeship

Payingyour duesNew National Minimum Wage(NMW) rates affect retailers morethan most, says Jason Piper.

FURTHER and Work RightsHelpline – Tel. 0800 9172368• Jason Piper is a technicalofficer at the Association ofChartered CertifiedAccountants

As an employer, it’s all too easy to get caught out by the National Minimum Wage.

Get up and go?She’s already galloping...Victoria Highfield is a born entrepreneur, says Penny Richardson.In fact, the Stafford based retailer wasn’t born that long ago...

It takes guts to start a newbusiness when you’re inyour early 20s and have ayoung baby. But that’s

exactly what Victoria Highfielddid when she opened heronline shop in November lastyear.

Since then, the business hasgone from strength tostrength. Victoria — Vicki toher friends — has added retailpremises, with adjoining officespace, and there are morechanges in the pipeline. Aninvestor has been found andthe business is about tobecome a limited company.

Victoria didn’t leave schoolwith ambitions to become aretailer. A Staffordshire girlborn and bred, she wanted tobe a vet, but after completing

a year’s foundation course inveterinary medicine andscience at NottinghamUniversity, swapped toWolverhampton and took anequine sports science degreeinstead.

“When I left uni, I startedwork in IT sales, but after threemonths I decided it wasn’t forme,” she says. “My partner hasan online furniture businessand I did some research intowhether I could startsomething similar and becomemy own boss. I realised thatthe equestrian retail sidehadn’t been affected toogreatly by the recession, so Idecided to go for it.”

Thus, Online for Equine wasborn. From the start this was awebsite with a difference.

Each product is accompaniedby a full explanation of what itis, how it works, when andwhere it’s suitable for use andhow it impacts on the horse.

“I wanted to give customersinformation that enabled themto make informed choices,”explains Victoria. “It’s hard tokeep up with scientific

knowledge about the newproducts appearing on theequestrian market all the timeand many horse owners askour advice on what theyshould buy. It’s so easy to offera ‘quick fix’ without thinkingabout whether it’s the bestthing for them and theirhorse.”

Victoria is passionate aboutmaking her website aneducational resource as well assomewhere to buy from.

“It’s very easy to beconfused by the technology,particularly with products suchas supplements or gadgets.I’m just trying to breakeverything down and make iteasy to understand. In an idealworld, every owner wouldmake the best choice for their

“A lot of people myage don’t want towork hard and thinkthe world owes thema living.”

www.equestriantradenews.com22 NOVEMBER 2012 EQUESTRIAN TRADE NEWS

Victoria Highfield (right) serves a customer

horse, so we’re trying to helpthem do that,” she says.

One of Victoria’s greatestinterests is equine welfare andher business promotesequitation science, a trainingmethod carried out by one ofher former university lecturers.

“It’s also known as ‘ethicalequitation’ and encouragesriders to train horses in a safe,effective and ethical manner,”she explains. “Although Iwouldn’t dream of patronisingcustomers, some ask to buy agadget when correct trainingwould do the job instead. If Ifeel what they want isn’t bestfor their horse, I’ll try toexplain this and although thisdoesn’t go down well withsome people, many more dorespect my advice.”

After the online businessgrew at a great rate,expansion into a retail shopseemed a natural progression.

“We had to havesomewhere to keep all thestock, so why not show it tocustomers through a nice shopand allow them to buy fromthere as well?” says Victoria,who had to find the right staffto carry out her educationalvision.

“I advertised for people whowere looking for workplacements in the equestrianindustry and I made sure that Itook on staff members whowere willing to work and werepassionate about thebusiness,” she says. “I realiseI’ve been very lucky and it isdifficult to find the right staff.I’m only 23 myself and I knowan awful lot of people my agewho don’t want to work hardand think the world owesthem a living.”

Among the staff members isRachael Simmons, an equinebusiness graduate who joinedthe company in May and hasadded writing an educationalblog on the website to herother tasks.

“Rachael is absolutelyfantastic and I don’t knowwhat I’d do without her. Shehas a racing and showingbackground and is veryknowledgeable indeed,” saysVictoria.

Although the onlinebusiness is still the core part ofVictoria’s growing empire, herretail shop, HighfieldEquestrian, is becomingly

increasingly busy. “It’s a goodshowcase. We find that peopleoften browse the website andthen visit the shop to see theproducts before buying,” shesays.

This isn’t a high-pressuredsales environment. On arrival,potential customers areoffered tea or coffee and arethen given all the time theyneed to browse or buy.

“I consider customerretention and confidence farmore important than making aone-off sale,” says Victoria,who has now added canineproducts to her equestrianrange. “We haven’t been openthat long and we’re alreadygetting lots of return visitors,so we must be doingsomething right.”

Victoria is also anenthusiastic member of BETA,which she joined in May thisyear.

“I’m so glad I decided to gofor it. The cost of membershipisn’t excessive and the benefitsfar outweigh that anyway,”she says. “As well as all thetraining courses on offer, I’vehad referrals from the BETAwebsite, so it looks as thoughsome customers do theirresearch through that route.”

As well as working “six orseven days a week”, Victoriahas her own horse and her 18-month-old daughter to lookafter.

“My mare’s out of workwith health problems, so Ican’t ride her at the moment,although I do borrow afriend’s horse if I want to blowthe cobwebs away,” she says.“And although work seems tobe taking up most of my timeat the moment, I could neverimagine a life that comprisedtaking the kids to school andcooking and cleaning thehouse. I think I’d go mad withboredom if I didn’t have myjob!”

“The cost of BETAmembership isn’texcessive and thebenefits far outweighthat.”


IInndduussttrryy OOssccaarrss!!Nominations are now open for the 2013 BETABusiness Awards, due to be presented at the BritishEquestrian Trade Association’s annual Gala Dinnernext February. Here, ETN features a full list of theawards and explains how to nominate those youthink worthy of winning.

Individuals, companies, riders and events are all celebratedin the 2013 BETA Business Awards – highly regardedaccolades designed to recognise those that makeoutstanding contributions to the equestrian industry.

Winners will be presented with their awards during BETA’sglittering Gala Dinner, at the National Motorcycle Museum,near Birmingham, on Sunday 17 February. The awardcategories are…

Export AwardCOMPANIES of all sizes that have generated substantial andsustained increases in export activity over a three-year period canbe entered for this award.Nominations: Information should include details about the levelof export and growth in relation to the size and turnover of thecompany, planning and strategy, and the degree to which theproducts or services have been adapted to an export market.Applications will be judged by UKTI.

Entry deadline: 11 January

SEIB Retailer of the YearTHIS award is for tack shops and feedmerchants – they do not need to be BETAmembers – who are nominated by their

customers. It includes categories for large and small retailers, andmail-order and Internet retailers.Nominations: Customers can nominate their favourite retailer online by logging on to as analternative to the mailing option. Once nominated, retailers willreceive a questionnaire from BETA that must be completed andreturned by 31 December 2012 to be considered for the nextstage of judging. Shortlisted companies are then put forward for avote by the trade members of BETA. This award also involvesmystery shoppers and incognito telephone calls organised by BETA

Entry deadline: 7 December

Joules Equestrian Event of the Year THIS award acknowledges theevent – an indoor or outdoorconsumer show - that worksbest with its tradestandexhibitors, taking their needsand requirements intoconsideration. Visitor experience will also be considered this year,with the award being opened up to a consumer nomination andvote for the first time. Nominations: Tradestand holders – individuals or companies –that have exhibited at such events from January 2012 onwards areinvited to nominate an event, explaining why they think it caterswell for the trade. Consumers, too, will be asked to nominate theirfavourite event, giving reasons for its success. An independentjudging panel will make the final decision.

Entry deadline: 11 January

Trade Supplier of the YearTHIS award will go to the manufacturer, wholesaler or distributorjudged to offer the best in delivery, customer service, productknowledge and awareness of retailers’ requirements.Nominations: Retailers can nominate the supplier they feel offersthem the best service and works to help them build sales andprofitability. Suppliers are also able to nominate themselves bysubmitting a formal application on why they think they deserve towin. Shortlisted companies will be judged, followed by a furtherretail members’ vote. The final judging stages will be overseen byan independent panel.

Entry deadline: 11 January

Harry Hall Retail Employee of the Year NOMINATIONS are being sought forthe employee showing initiative,excellence in customer service, productknowledge and commitment toprofessional retailing. The winner willalso be given a cash prize of £200 andhis or her employer will receive BETAtraining vouchers.Nominations: The award is intended for shop-floor employeesonly, not managers, and nominations are invited from employersor sales representatives. An independent judging panel will drawup a shortlist, followed by interviews to determine the winner.

Entry deadline: 11 January



TSM Rider Award NOW in its 10th year, thisaward recognises sponsoredriders who have made thegreatest contribution to thetrade. It is presented to thosewho have participated fully inbuilding a relationship withtheir sponsors, generating good results for both.Nominations: Sponsoring companies can nominate riders withsupporting information such as competition results, details ofpersonal appearances and involvement with productdevelopment.

Entry deadline: 11 January

HOW TO NOMINATE IF YOU would like to nominate an individual orcompany, please provide the name, award category,reason for nomination and your name and address,then post to BETA, Stockeld Park, Wetherby, WestYorkshire LS22 4AW, fax 01937 582728 or Feel free to provide supportinginformation. Entries must be received by the datesstated.

Equine Careers Sales Representativeof the Year THIS award is open to both employed and self-employed sales representatives and agents, andwill be awarded to the individual judgedoutstanding in his or her approach to customerservice.Nominations: Retailers and suppliers cannominate, giving the reason they think thenominee deserves to win. The final decision willbe made by a BETA members’ vote

Entry deadline: 11 January

BETA Lifetime Achievement AwardTHIS is to honour those who have made asignificant contribution to the equestrianindustry over a long period of time.Nominations: Biographical details of thenominee are invited from all sectors.

Entry deadline: 18 January

Haygain Nutritional Helpline of the Year THIS accolade goes to thecompany that offers exemplaryservice in nutritional advice tocustomers, both trade and retail.Nominations: Customers cansend their nominations by post or log on to the Haygain website,, to download a form. A shortlist will be drawnup for final judging, which will include incognito calls.

Entry deadline: 11 January

THE BETA Gala Dinner is a glamorous, glitteringoccasion and the high point of the equestrian trade’ssocial calendar. Guests gather in formal attire for astylish champagne reception, before enjoying a deliciousthree-course meal and coffee.

Winners of the 2013 BETA Business Awards are thenannounced, followed by dancing and entertainment.Guests are invited to support the evening’s charity rafflefor RDA, for which BETA fundraises throughout the year.

Tickets cost £55 per person, £500 for a table of 10and £600 for a table of 12 – all plus VAT. Ensure youdon’t miss out on this special evening by booking yourplace now. Contact BETA, telephone 01937 587062 oremail

Time to party…


Keeping out the coldWith winter on its way, toasty toes and warm fingers are must-havesfor everyone outdoors.

Colourful, comfy and cosyYOUR customers can jazz up their sockdrawers with bright and beautifulKnee High Stripe Socks from Carrots.With a reinforced, padded sole,

they’re made from cotton with nylonand elastane for stretch. Available inpink/grey, purple/navy and multi-coloured stripes, in kids’ sizes 12 – 3or adult sizes 4 – 7, the price tag isjust £6.Carrots’ Warm Lined Competition

Gloves feature a soft knitted lining.Stretchy, durable and smart, featuresinclude leather reinforcement at thefingers and thumb for grip on thereins. The four-way stretch fabricensures a perfect fit while, despitetheir warm linings, the gloves have abulk-free feel.Available in adults’ or kids’ sizes in

black or brown; priced at £17 and £15respectively.Check out Carrots’ Grey Tartan

Snaffle Bit Country Gloves too. Thesestriking gloves are practical,lightweight and stretchy. Made fromslimline fabric that traps warmth, they have leather reinforcements onthe fingers and thumbs for grip whatever the weather. Available in onesize only, at £20.t Carrots 01245 445362

A seriously warm wellieYOU can’t beat wellies for keepingfeet dry. But, my goodness, they canbe cold when standing around on aconcrete stable yard or frozen fieldin winter.Well, the Grub’s brand

distributed by Worklite offers theideal solution in terms of warm anddry footwear - seriously goodwellies for everyone who venturesoutdoors...The digit in the Grub’s Treeline

8.5 refers to 8.5mm of insulation inthis boot. There’s also a 6mminsulated footbed, reinforced toeand EVA midsole, while Vibram’s multi-sport sole gives superior gripon all surfaces.And something to appeal to men, and shooting men in particular,

the leg is covered in protective rib-stop pattern mossy oak new break-up camouflage.The Treeline 8.5 comes in sizes 4 to 13. Its superior warmth is

thanks to the use of Grub’s unique Insu-Foam Ultra technology –otherwise known as ‘deep cold technology’. By acting as a neutralmedium between the wearer and the outside, its construction meansthe boot is waterproof and insulating.Moisture wicking polyester fleece lining is combined with a Highloft

liner that allows air to circulate while trapping heat to help keep feetat a comfortable temperature.ETN asked shooting addict and countryman Sven Moody to test the

Grub’s Treeline 8.5 from Worklite. Here’s his verdict:“Having been weaned on French, zip-up wellies, these new

offerings are a welcome arrival to the boot and tack room - especiallyat nearly a quarter of the price!These boots are incredibly comfortable - think squidgy carpet

slippers - and unbelievably warm. Generously sized (thick socksrequired if customers go for their normal size), these wellies look andfeel like they’ll last for years.And the camoflauge effect uppers? Well, they’re not to everyone’s

taste admittedly, but when the shotgun takes the place of the bridle,they just might fool the odd bunny into thinking you’re a tree! Highlyrecommended.”tWorklite 01279 418052

Visionary footwearWESTGATE EFI has added anumber of new styles to the MarkTodd footwear range includingthese good looking boots.The Mark Todd Vision Tall Boot

is manufactured in a combinationof soft leather and nubuck with awaterproof Viltex membrane,making them suitable for allcountryside activities.Features include a sturdy grip

sole and adjustable side buckleon the calf. Available in brown, insizes 37 to 42.tWestgate EFI 01303 872277

Elegant extrasSERIOUS riders need warmwithout bulk - and Equetechhas come up with the goods thisseason.Equetech Extreme Gloves

(RRP £16.25) are the ultimate inlightweight, three-ply,breathable riding gloves whichnevertheless keep the wind and rain at bay.Featuring a reinforced suede panel to fore fingerand inner fingers to prevent rubbing, there’s alsoa durable rubber wave grip and adjustableEquetech embroidered Velcro back with elasticpanel to the wrist.Equetech Snaffle Gloves (RRP £20.25 and

pictured) are a classy part -leather riding glove withengraved snaffle buckle detail. Durable soft leatherpalms with reinforced suede finger panels avoidchaffing when riding. These gloves have a stretchcotton face with elasticated wrist and petite Velcropanel to back of wrist.With space at a premium inside a riding boot,

extremely thin Equetech Piaffe Socks (RRP £7.95)wick away moisture to keep feet dry. They sport thesignature of top dressage ride Amy Stovold.t Equetech 01296 688966


Sock it to ‘emEVERY horsey person needssocks – and so do their friends. ETNasked Mary Hart from Carrots UK how tomaximise sock sales…• Socks can be for fun,fashion, performance orcomfort. So think laterallywhen deciding which stylesto stock.

• Socks fill several gaps inthe sales portfolio sodon’t undervaluethem. Everyone buysthem all year round.

• Socks make the perfect gift item because they are small,low in cost and easy to post. Stocking socks gives youaccess to the fashion, function and gift markets.

• Socks are an excellent add-on sale especially forcustomers buying new boots. A pair of fashionable,bright socks can look great with casual footwear, somesnuggly thermal socks are a must-have with wellingtonboots and a pair of slimline knee-high socks is essentialfor wearing under long riding boots. It’s a relativelyminimal investment compared with the cost of newboots, so make the most of a boot sale by adding onsocks.

• Socks can ‘make’ an outfit, so use mannequins topromote your range and merchandise them together toshow the variety of designs on offer. The brighter andmore fun the better!

• Anything costing under £10 is an impulse buy; makingsocks perfect for bumping up a sale. Catch yourcustomers’ eyes with creative positioning.

• Stock a wide selection of socks. Equestrian retailers arecompeting with discount high street outlets so thereneeds to be a point of difference. For instance, productswith features such as padded soles and reinforced heelswill make the extra pennies seem worth it.

• Ensure you offer a range of socks for differentrequirements; socks that fit wider calves, slimline sockswith minimal bulk to fit under tall boots, calf lengthsocks to wear with short boots and brightly colouredfashionable socks for making a statement.

Winter warmersTHE Toggi footwear collectionfeatures stylish country boots tofunky wellingtons. The labelalso has warm socks and cosyyet functional gloves.Wanderer Classic wellingtons,

made from vulcanised naturalrubber, are ergonomicallydesigned for improved comfortand fit. In dark green, navy blue or pink, they feature a rubbersole, double steel shank for reinforcement and an EVAcushioned insole. The RRP is from £63.90.Toggi suede Dursley gloves offer stylish performance and

warmth on cold days. With snug 3M Thinsulate lining andreinforcement panels for extra durability, the Dursley has anadjustable wrist strap to keep draughts at bay. In black orbuff, sizes are extra small to extra large. The RRP is from£29.50.For an ‘in’ look that offers outstanding warmth and comfort

for hard working legs and feet, Toggi Dillingham longerlength cable knit ladies’ socks will appeal. In bloom, mochaor winter white, and one size, they retail from £15.t Finest Brands International 0113 270 7000

Priced to sell, designed to workTWO new boots from Kanyon Outdoors combinegreat performance with keen prices. They lookvery nice too!Gorse is a dual-purpose riding/country boot

that’s already attracting “fabulous pre-orders”according to Mark Burman of Kanyon Outdoors.“We have developed the outsole especially for

this market – to allow people to ride safely in acountry boot. With no open cleat at its edge,there’s nothing to get stuck in the stirrup. Theboot also has a 90 degree, sharp heel.”The Gorse has a carbon fibre stiffener inside

for support and a waterproof membrane. The‘crazy horse’ patterned leather gives it avintage look.Interestingly, the YKK rust-proof, heavyweight

metal zip is positioned at the side of the boot,rather than at the back as is usually the casewith riding boots. “It makes sense to avoidputting the zip where it’s going to come intocontact with sweat and muck from the horse,”said Mark.While the Gorse has a snug, secure fit across

foot, the front of the ankle piece has extra roomto allow the ankle joint to flex while a rider’s feetare in the stirrups. There’s an elasticated panelwith a Velcro strap running through a loop toenable it to be pulled tight at the top of the boot.The Gorse is available now in brown only, at an RRP £139.95 for adult sizes 3

to 8. The trade price is £58. Children’s sizes 12 to 2.5 have an RRP of £89.95.Kanyon’s new Buckthorn yard boot is built on the same riding-friendly sole

and is described by Mark as “a general good value boot.” At £19 to the trade, ithas an RRP of £45.Kanyon’s parent company Tripal specialises in military and safety footwear –

every year it supplies Sainsburys supermarkets with 40,000 pairs of slipresistant shoes for its employees.Many of the footwear attributes from this highly technical sector are

incorporated into Kanyon’s equestrian and country styles. “We create boots fromscratch; they are boots to do a job, not fashion items,” said Mark.Kanyon Outdoor has new point of sale material available for stockists of the

new Gorse and Buckthorn styles.“We try to be easy for retailers to deal with,” added Mark. “We don’t ask for

£10,000 minimum orders, and retailers are welcome to buy mixed sizes andstyles.”t Kanyon Outdoor 08707 706600



If the boot fits,sell itKNOWLEDGE is powerwhen it comes to sellingfootwear, says MichelleGirling (pictured) of Tuffa.Know your product range,

memorising each boot’sunique selling point. Thenresearch fitting options soyou know you can findsomething that fits eachcustomer’s requirementsand size. Our country boots(Suffolks) with warm woollinings feature a calf fittingsystem that allowsadjustment.If a customer comes into

your shop to buy competitionboots and she’s wearingthick socks and jeans, lendher some thinner socks andbreeches. Equally, if someone islooking to buy chaps or gaiters,invite the customer to try them on with jodhpurboots for a realistic feel and gauge of length.If in doubt about a product, speak to the

manufacturer who should be more than happy to assist.t Tuffa 01953 880914


Fit for the frostNEW Dublin Eskimo Fleece River Boots are madefrom waterproof redskin leather.Lined with synthetic fleece for a fashionable edge,

features include a sweat control lining, breathableinsole, enhanced cushion layer and arch support.The attractive, lace top boots can be worn on the

yard and out and about too. In dark brown and sizes4 to 8, the RRP is £139.99.tWeatherbeeta 01295 226900

Odds onfavouriteNEW GLOVES 4Gallops from Tuffaare designed forracing, but arefinding favour withriders from othersports too.Made from

tackified leatherwith a slightlysticky feel, theygive exceptionalgrip. The stretch backs offer great fit, whilst elastic/hook and loop fastenings keepthe gloves in place.Gloves 4 Gallops come in four sizes, in black/stone and with an RRP of £17.99.

t Tuffa 01953 880914

Keeping customers on their feet

RIDING, walking on varied terrain, mucking out...equestrian footweargets put through the mill. That’s why a good outsole is essential, saysPhil Duff of Ariat.The majority of Ariat’s footwear range – even the country lifestyle

collection - features ‘riding safe’ outsoles. This provides customerswith versatile footwear that supports them in a multitude of outdoorpursuits.Creating a balance that allows for both walking and riding is more

technical than it looks. Providing grip on oily, wet and slipperysurfaces requires the correct compound and a carefully constructedtread pattern to provide stability; yet ensuring safe, quick retractionfrom a stirrup needs a more particular consideration.Ariat Paddock Boots and the Endurance collection are both classic

examples of how this balance can be achieved. The tread on bothboots is deceptively smooth to the hand; however when pressure isapplied by the ball of the foot from the inside of the boot, the treadopens up to provide the required grip.Even when creating boots with an innovative appearance, such as

the Volant collection, a sole that is safe in the saddle, sure on the floorand incredibly comfortable, forms the basis of all Ariat footwear.Phil’s top tips for choosing a good sole…• For boots to be comfortable and supportive when walking andriding, the sole needs to be flexible and have a sturdy shank forstability.

• Look for products that are oil and slip-resistant to help preventnasty accidents.

• Not all rubber is the same. Ariat has developed an exclusiveDuratread outer – a compound containing rubber and carbon –that’s longer lasting than traditional rubber.

• Bear in mind the destructive action that manure and urine canhave on outer materials. Look for products that are made fromwaterproofed leathers; these are much more resistant to thesesubstances when mucking out.

t Ariat 0845 600 3209

ATS endurance outsoleVolant outsoleCobalt Quantum outsole


Chill beaters...WANTING affordableaccessories for horseypeople in winter?You’ll find a greatchoice to offer yourcustomers at SnowhillTrade Saddlery.Take these

Harlequin ChenilleMagic Gloves availablein brown, navy orblack. Sized for adultsand made from warm, stretch-to-fitmaterial, the trade price is a cosy£1.25 per pair.Or how about Harlequin Chenille

Gloves With Cuff, in one size, stretch-to-fit with fetching faux fur cuff detail.In brown, navy and black, to matchevery outfit, they’re a handy £1.50 per pair to the trade.When it comes to seasonal elegance combined with top

performance features, the renowned footwear brand Sebago –available exclusively to the equestrian trade through Snowhill –has it all.The Dorset High Country Boot (pictured) is hand crafted from

premium, full grain leather. The boots are fully waterproof, while thesoft, fleece inner lining adds extra warmth for chilly weather.The patented S.E.A System foot-bed and exclusive Sebago Energy

Return Heel Pad give incredible comfort over extended periods.Other robust features, including corrosive-resistant eyelets, leatherlaces and a non-marking slip resistant sole, are complimented bybeautiful design.Sebago Dorset boots are available in chocolate, toffee plaid and

chestnut for ladies, and brown/pebbled tan in the men’s design. Ahighly desirable item for the Christmas season, this model is pricedto the trade at £90.90 per pair.And since every stable yard has a resident canine who’s out in all

weathers, how about adding Rhinegold Dog Coats to your chill-beating stock?With Velcro chest fastening and a belly strap for security, the

fleece dog coat comes in navy or red, while the waterproof versionuses the same wet weather protection as Rhinegold’s horse rugs andis also fleece lined for extra warmth. It’s available in grey, navy andbright yellow.Available sizes for both ranges are 14", 18" and 22". Trade price for

the Fleece Dog Coat is £6.45, with the waterproof version at just £6.90to the trade.t Snowhill Trade Saddlery 01243 672323

Sell more bootsIF YOU want to turn browsers into buyers,it’s essential to get boots onto customers’feet. So do everything in your power to make thishappen.Have a couple of chairs, a foot-stool, a shoe horn and a boot pull

handy; plus pop socks and thick socks to lend to customers. A full-length mirror for customers to admire their potential purchase isa must.If your store isn’t carpeted and you’re worried about the boots

being marked during trying-on sessions, install a carpeted‘runway’. It will quickly pay for itself many times over. Comfort andfit are everything with footwear.


Bullish bootsWATCH out for new leather boots from Taurus Footwear when you visitBETA International 2013 (17-19 February).The family-run company that’s based in Fakenham, Norfolk will be

making its 13th appearance at the trade fair.“It’s our little shop front, a place where we can bring all our range

and show it to our customers,” says owner Jonathan Groome whoruns TaurusFootwear with hiswife, Sally.“Quality, value

and a general first-class service are ourstrengths. We deliverimmediatelyfrom stockand there areno minimumorders,” headded.t TaurusFootwear01328 851432


LITTLE AND LARGE: Wally isthe hard working Haygain haysteamers office dog. Thehandsome Labrador ispictured with his officecolleague Badger, a Patterdalecross Westie. Wally’s favouritetrick is sitting patiently atsomeone’s desk with an appledelicately held in his softmouth, says Jakki Briscall ofthe Berkshire based company.

FRISBEE FROLICKS:Tilly, Equi-Ads’ residentcanine, is an 18 monthold Jack Russell crossowned by themagazine’s businessdevelopment managerLiz Fincher.“Tilly is always very

enthusiastic to come towork. She likes nothingbetter than sleepingbeside the radiator andplaying with her frisbee on her lunch break,” said Liz. “Shewelcomes literally anyone who enters the Equi-Ads office –making her probably the worst guard dog you could ever have -but we love her anyway!”

HE’S THE MOST TIP-TOP,TOPCAT: It had tohappen... Meet Billy, theTopSpec office cat. Thefour-year-old felinebelongs to sponsorshipand marketing directorKaty Mickle.Billy is often to be

spotted prowling roundthe yard at TopSpec,looking for mice in thenearby fields and stables.“He climbs into the officethrough open windowsand knocks pens andpaper off the desk untilyou feed him,” said Katy.“He then quite likes to perch himself on the desk in front of thecomputer for some fuss.” But she forgives Billy his antics: “He islovely to have around and very affectionate.”

Do you have a dog at work?Tell ETN about the dog or cat in your shop, office, warehouseor work vehicle. Email editor@equestriantradenews.comWe love to see photos too!

MEAT AND GREET: Woodythe Jack Russell has well andtruly landed on his paws –and into a top job. The tenmonth old terrier wasrecently adopted by DawnLowerson, manager at MillbryHill, Whitehaven, Cumbria.“We had a customer who

didn’t want him anymore, so Itook him in,” said Dawn.“Woody now comes to workat Millbry Hill and lovesmeeting the customers andchecking out our displays.”

SUPREME SPROCKER: Six-year-old Max goes to workevery day with Sarah Turnbull,managing director ofSupreme Products. The livelySprocker – Springer/Cockerspaniel cross - definitelykeeps the team on their toes.Each morning, Max has his

own little adventure aroundthe Supreme Productswarehouse before returningto the offices for a nap in hisfavourite chair while keepingone eye open for visitors.Then there’s the lunchtime walk to look forward to..."Max loves coming to work. He’s a great dog and a lot of fun,”

said Sarah.

WELL READ: Picklethe Patterdale isamong ETN’s mostloyal readers. Herehe is in the G-GeePR & Marketingoffice havingborrowed a copyfrom his boss,Lauren Barber.

or cator cat

Dogs (and cat) at workThey harass the postman, polish off the packed lunch, snooze under the deskand endlessly entertain us. How would we manage without our canineworkmates? Meet some of the equestrian trade’s hardworking hounds...and a creative cat.

• Keith Chandler is the newpresident of the British EquineVeterinary Association (BEVA). Hepreviously served on BEVACouncil between 2001 and 2006.Keith qualified from the Universityof Glasgow Veterinary School in1993 and has worked in bothmixed and specialist equinepractice in the UK and overseas.After a spell as a lecturer at theUniversity of Edinburgh, hefounded the UK's most northerlyequine practice, Kessock EquineVeterinary Clinic in Inverness.Keith is married to fellow vetRachel and they have two youngchildren, Eilidh and Hamish. PaulJepson is president elect of BEVA.

• Former top jockey Kevin Darley has joinedBlacks Solicitors as a sport consultant. TheYorkshire law firm, for which ETN’s legalcolumnist James Teagle works, is fast becoming aleading niche sports practice. Other consultantsinclude ex-international footballer Robbie Savage.

“Kevin’s knowledge of horse racing will providereal industry knowledge to our racing clients andsupplement and support the expertise andindustry knowledge we already have within oursports team,” said Blacks managing partner ChrisAllen.

• Melissa Green, the new marketing assistant forretailer Derby House, is the first point of contact formarketing and advertising enquiries. Her previousroles include equine business advisor for Carr & Day& Martin. Melissa has a Higher Diploma in equinescience from Hartpury College.

• Samuel Horrell has joined theboard of Dodson & Horrell asmarketing director. It’s the firsttime the feed firm’s marketingfunction has been represented atboard level.

Joint managing directors JohnHorrell and Richard Horrell said theappointment reflected Samuel’sachievements as marketingmanager. “Samuel has beeninstrumental in developing Dodson& Horrell’s brands in the dog foodand small animal markets, andoverseeing the development of newpoultry feed products with AdamHenson, farmer and rural TVpresenter,”

• Aimee Cayless, whopreviously worked forWeatherbeeta and WestgateEFI designing and fitting theBates/Wintec and Mark Toddsaddle brands for therespective s uppliers, has setup her own enterprise.Warwickshire basedSoutham Saddles retails andfits saddles and has had a“successful few months”.

Aimee, a Society ofMaster Saddlers QualifiedSaddle Fitter, was promptedto go into business afterhaving her son Max, now 14 months. “I no longer wanted to travel allover the UK and Ireland,” she said. “Southam Saddles offers a widerange of saddle brands, but most importantly, I give an honest andthorough assessment of each horse and rider.”

• Minty Knowles, of Baileys Horse Feeds, married Aaron Titmus on8 September. The happy couple and guests enjoyed glorious weather,a bucking bronco and Argentine asado [barbecue].

• Mike and Angie Claridge of Pear Sales & Marketing are the new salesagents for Landown’s equestrian country clothing collection. They areworking with Simon Parry of Parry Agencies, who covers the north ofEngland, and Sail Clothing which looks after Scotland and Cumbria.

www.equestriantradenews.com32 NOVEMBER 2012 EQUESTRIAN TRADE NEWS


• Lindsay McCallumis feed company Allen& Page’s new areasales manager for theWest Midlands. Witha BSc and MSc fromHartpury College, shelectured there beforemoving to RodbastonCollege.

Lindsay has twohorses and competesat British Dressage andBritish Eventing. “I likeworking with peopleand being hands-onwith horses, helpingowners to overcometheir horse’sproblems,” she said. “Ireally enjoy visitingyards and talking withpeople directly.”

• Shaving bedding supplierBedmax has appointed CatherineMaher to the new role of areasales manager for the WestMidlands and Wales. She joins ateam of five sales managersacross the UK.

With a Level 2 Diploma in horsecare and a National Diploma inbedding and horse care,Catherine joins Bedmax fromGloucester based SummerhouseEquestrian & Training Centrewhere she worked for two yearsas sales coordinator. Her interestsinclude breeding and showingCharolais cattle

• LaurencePearman, theproprietor ofGloucestershireretailer CirencesterSaddlers, becamethe new presidentof The Society ofMaster Saddlers(SMS) at thesociety’s AGM inSeptember. AMaster Saddlerand SMSRegisteredQualified SaddlerFitter, Laurence iskeen to promoteSMS regionalgroups and bring in more, younger members.

“It’s a great honour to be asked to be president of the society, evenmore so as it’s the second time around for me. I feel that as members ofthe SMS, we should represent all types of British quality manufacturedsaddlery and work more closely to help our manufacturers, as well askeeping up with new developments and technology.”

On regional groups, he added: “We’ve always had a vibrant south-west region and another has recently been formed in the eastern area.Regional groups encourage members to not only join in socially, but alsoto talk about mutual thoughts, ideas, problems and put forward anyissues for discussion at the Executive meetings.”Helen Dart, owner of Bookham Saddlery in Surrey, was appointed

SMS vice president.

• Congratulationsto TopSpec seniornutritionist KatyMickle (nee Tyler)and her husbandMartyn on thebirth of theirdaughter ElizabethHazel. Born on 21September,Elizabeth weighed8lbs 5oz - and hasalready been outand about withthe team from theaward winningfeed company.


Forage: whenisn’t it enough?

Dr Teresa Hollands, seniornutritionist at Dodson &Horrell, warns howhorses can be overfedbut undernourished.

Those who started yourcareer around the sametime as me willremember 2* and 5*

petrol.Working on the Isle of Man at

Conrhenny Equestrian Centre,my mode of transport was theequivalent of a laid back cob - aone gear yellow moped. Often Iwas overtaken by a‘performance horse’ in theshape of a sports cars ormotorbikes practising for the TT.I didn’t waste money on 5*

petrol for my moped and therewas absolutely no way the TTboys would have used 2*petrol. Likewise, we shouldn’tadvise feeding performancehorses in the same way asleisure horses.When more than 50% of your

customers own leisure horses, itmakes commercial sense to startwith this group. These horsesshould be receiving the majorityof their calories (energy) fromfibre; but don’t let customersassume that a forage - becausegenerally that is what they think

provides fibre - provides abalanced diet.The Dodson & Horrell

laboratory has a massivedatabase of over 20 years’grass, hay and haylage analyseswhich provides us with a verygood understanding of exactlywhat nutrition forage and fibreprovide for all groups of horses.Leisure horse in light workThe main concern of the

leisure horse owner is to feedfibre, fibre and fibre and tokeep their horses as naturally aspossible. It’s a good aim butnot without its complications.Owners tend to forget that

the ‘natural horse’ had accessto sparse grazing and travelledaround 10miles/day to procureits food. Thus owners need torealise that their horses can eatexcess calories from all foragesand yet the ‘work’ they do isprobably less than the wildponies considered not to be inwork!In fact, the biggest problem

with these horses, in the

summer and winter, is that theytend to be ‘overfed butundernourished’ which isincreasing their risk of EquineMetabolic Syndrome (EMS)

Fibre from grassMost horses in light work

receive excess calories fromgrazing but are likely to bedeficient in some minerals.Research we undertook thatwas published at BEVA and inHannover1, 2 showed that evenwell managed pastures did notprovide enough minerals forgrazing horses. Maybe evenmore alarming is that a studywe carried out at World HorseWelfare showed that somehorses eat 5% of theirbodyweight as grass dry matter3and were putting on 0.7%bodyweight every day (anincrease of 4.9% weekly). Thiswasn’t visually noticeable butwas picked up by the D&Hweightape.In human nutrition, there is

increasing evidence that a lackof micronutrients when

combined with excess caloriesincreases the risks of diseaseassociated with beingoverweight.4As retailers, you have a

responsibility to make sure yourcustomers understand theoverfed but undernourishedparadox. Actually, most ownersare relieved to find out that theycan feed their leisure horses andponies; although it is vital theycontrol calories.

Solutions• Your customers need tocontrol their horses’ grass(forage) intake as this isproviding nearly 100% (+) oftheir calories. Sell them amuzzle and electric fencing,encourage them to use a lawnmower that collects grass; ifthey cut the grass, the horsescannot eat it!• No animal (ourselvesincluded) will lose weightstaying in bed (ie. a stable) allday.• Make sure customers arenourishing their horses.

Equibites, a vitamin and mineraltablet fed by hand, fly off theshelf whenever we do yardweigh-ins.• When grazing is really poor(not just sparse), discuss aconcentrated vitamin, mineraland protein feed e.g. UltimateBalancer/Blue Chip.• Customers need to controlthe fibre calories fed, but theyshouldn’t compromise bulk.Filler fibre (see ETN Sept, page24) provides occupationaltherapy, stimulating saliva andkeeping the gut working. If fillerfibre is reduced too much,horses are at increased risk ofgastric ulcers, colic, dentalproblems and stereotypybehaviour.• If owners are unable tomanage their horses’ fibreintake from grass and the horseis getting fat, then he has tocome off it, so alternative fibreneeds to be provided. Advisesoaked hay, and a long forageproduct such Safe & Sound.Fibre from hay and haylageOur research shows that if

hay or haylage is the soleingredient in the diet, thenhorses will lack topline, havepoor feet and coat condition -because hay contains poor

quality protein and is deficientin vitamins and minerals.If a customer’s horse is

lethargic, it’s probably becausehe’s undernourished. Maintaina high fibre diet by advising lowcalorie feeds with balancedvitamins and minerals. Half ascoop/day (0.75kg) D&H HighFibre Nuts provides a 250kgpony with all the nutrients heneeds.

Forage and theperformance horse

This is a balance between thehealth of the horse’s digestivesystem and the need forperformance.Many of the beliefs on

feeding the performance horseare based on the currentinterest in insulin resistance andglycaemic response linked tothe metabolically compromised,low exercised, comfortablycuddly leisure horse. But theperformance horse is acompletely ‘different animal’.Working with Team GBR

[Dodson & Horrell is officialnutrition supplier] in the buildup to the Olympics hammeredhome the huge differences inthe way our elite horses are fed,trained and managed.The performance horse has a

The equine equivalents of a yellow moped and the lean, mean TT bike aretwo completely different animals.

different forage fibrerequirement from the leisurehorse, or performance will becompromised. Research 5

shows that performance horsesfed more than 50% of theircalories (energy) as forage hadsignificant increases in maximalheart rate, took significantlylonger to recover and had atrend towards a higher rectaltemperature. When fed morethan 60% forage fibre theydrank more water and weresignificantly heavier; a fact wellrecognised by the racehorsetrainer.Too much fibre (whether

from forage or other sources)compromises muscle glycogenrecovery in the performancehorse 6,7. This makes sense;research shows that whilst thehorse has higher glycogenstores than us to start with,they are much slower toreplenish glycogen so they needdietary help.Racehorses use up glycogen

really quickly, but because racesare short, their muscle glycogenlevels are reduced by only 20-

40%. Endurance horses use upmuscle glycogen slowly but,boy, do they use it up. After an80mile race, they will have only33% of their stores left!Imagine you’ve just done a

marathon or a sprint race, whatdo you do? Eat carbohydrate orlettuce? The performance horseneeds carbohydrate to keepperforming; research showsthat muscle glycogenreplenishment is fastest 3-12hrsafter exercise in our horses andmost effective when fed highcarbohydrates. How many firstplaces have been missedbecause of a tired horse withone pole down? They can’tperform on low muscleglycogen.

Solutions• Help customers understandthey can feed fibre that isn’tfrom forage. Look for high fibreperformance feeds not leisurefeeds. Leisure feeds do nothave enough protein,electrolytes or starch forcompetition horses.• Some horses do compete onleisure or economy feeds, but

long term this reduces theirability to muscle up anddevelop topline with increasedrisk of tying up, fatigue andimmune challenge.• Performance horses needfeeds that are easily digested inthe small intestine, to get theglucose into the bloodstreamand stored in the muscles andto the brain as efficiently aspossible.• High carbohydrate diets canbe fed very safely in smallcarbohydrate meals maximisingperformance, gut health andwelfare. Recommend feeding <1.5kg/ meal (1g starch/kgBW).• If excess weight gain is anissue, remind customers thatforage supplies calories(energy). Alfalfa has an DE of10 (same as oats), hay 6-9 andsome haylages can be as highas oats. But supply is slowreleasing and not available fastenough for glycogen recovery.Sometimes the only solution forthe easy doer is more work.• Fibre should still contribute50% of the horse’s diet but therest should come from properly

1 Jones, L. Lax,J and Hollands, T (2005) Analysis of themineral content of spring summer grazing used forthoroughbred breeding stock in the UK Proceedingsof 44th BEVA Congress2 Jones, L., Lax, J. and Hollands, T. (2005) The mineralcontent of spring and summer pasture grazed byyoung growing thoroughbreds in the UK Shortcommunication ENUCO, Hanover 63 D. G. Smith, D. Cuddeford, R. Mayes T. Hollands(2007) The dry matter intake of grazing horses,Proceedings of 46th BEVA Congress, p2954 Nutr Rev. 2009 Oct;67(10):559-72. Impact ofmicronutrient deficiencies on obesity. García OP, LongKZ, Rosado JL.5 Ellis.JM; Hollands,T; Allen,D. (2002) Effect of forageintake on bodyweight and performance. 34,66-70;Equine vet.J., Suppl. 6 Equine Exercise Physiology6 Lacombe, V; Hinchcliff, K.W; Kohn, C; Devor, S;Taylor, L.E (2004) Effects of feeding meals with varioussoluble carbohydrate content on muscle glycogensynthesis after exercise in horses AJVR, Vol 65, No. 7,7 Snow and Harris 1991. Topliffe et al, 1983; 1985

formulated competition feeds.And finally...

When customers are guilty ofoverfeeding leisure horses, oftenthose calories are from fibre. “Mypony gets fat on fresh air, I don’tfeed him anything,” they’ll say.Probe a little harder and you’llfind those same ponies eat 10 ½heaped scoops of freshgrass/hour.....hum!Whether you’re talking to an

owner of a much loved pony or aperformance horse, please try tohelp them understand the‘overfed but undernourished’paradox.


Something to chew on...The grass is gone. Some hay and haylage is of dubious qualityafter a wet summer, so customers need alternative foragesources for their horses. ETN finds out what’s available.

Something to rely on...POLLEN, dust and mould – all of which canbe found in poor quality forage – can triggerrecurrent airway obstruction (RAO) in horses.Like human asthma, the severity can range

from the odd cough to reduced exercisetolerance and, in severe cases, an inability towork. For many owners the prevention andcure of RAO lies with feeding dust-free,bagged forage such as HorseHage.HorseHage comes in four varieties –

Ryegrass, High Fibre, Timothy and Alfalfa,offering a choice to suit all equines includinglaminitics. It contains no chemical additivesor mould inhibitors, and comes with a 100%quality guarantee.It’s said to be the only forage on the market

to have NOPS FEMAS certification whichmeans that the ingredients are traceable andit has been manufactured under the highestindustry standards.Horses suffering from RAO should be fed

HorseHage from the floor to allow freedrainage of the respiratory tract.t HorseHage 01803 527257

Fibre for allSPILLERS has a range offibre products from lowenergy to conditioningoptions.There’s Spillers Happy

Hoof for the laminitisprone, while Spillers CoolFibre is ideal for gooddoers and those with lowenergy requirements. Itcontains garlic plusvitamins and mineralsincluding magnesium,known for its calmingproperties.Spillers Conditioning

Fibre (pictured) isformulated to help buildcondition withoutexcitability. It contains goodquality protein to supportmuscle tone and toplinewith soya oil for non-heating calories and excellent coat shine. It’senriched with vitamins and minerals too.Spillers Senior Fibre contains short chopped

alfalfa and straw, plus mint, garlic and soya oil withglucosamine for joint support, live yeast to supportfibre digestion and maintain gut health and vitamin Eand selenium to help support the immune system.Quality protein helps to maintain topline and muscletone. Vitamins and minerals are added too.t Spillers 01908 222888

Pure and simpleTOPSPEC TopChop Lite and TopChopAlfalfa fibre products were developedto offer horse owners a molasses-free,user-friendly chop that can be fed withother TopSpec products.TopChop Lite is made from alfalfa

and oat straw, with a light dressing ofsoya oil and real mint. Of similarnutritional value to average quality haybut with less sugar, it’s ideal for gooddoers.TopChop Alfalfa - pure alfalfa with

soya oil and real mint – is great forworking horses, broodmares andyoungstock. Low in starch and sugar, itcontains high levels of bio-availablecalcium.t 01845 565030

Keeping condition and staying hydratedTHE horse has evolved to function most efficiently on a high-fibre dietand, when turned out, will spend at least 16 hours a day grazing.Fibre plays an extremely important role in the horse’s wellbeing,

promoting normal, healthy gut function, providing an effective energysource and supplying useful nutrients such as B vitamins.As winter approaches, many customers will be concerned about

their horses losing condition as the nutritional value of grass declinesand looking for a feeding regime to avoid weight loss.Some owners, however, will be unaware that horses tend to drink

less in cold weather – a decrease of between six and 14 per cent -which can lead to a risk of impactions and dehydration-relatedperformance issues.When combined with a change from pasture, which has about 80%

water, to hay, containing around 20%, a considerable decrease inwater intake can occur. Using soaked fibre feeds, such as Dengie’sAlfa-Beet, will help to increase moisture intake, as well as providehighly digestible fibre.Alfa-Beet is the ideal choice for older horses that struggle to chew.

It’s approved by the Laminitis Trust and made from a combination ofalfalfa and sugar beet, which must be soaked before feeding.Low in starch and molasses-free, Alfa-Beet has a sugar level of less

than 5% – barely half of what you would expect to find in hay. Astraight feed, Alfa-Beet should be fed with a vitamin and mineralsupplement from the Dengie Natural Vitality Vits & Mins range – or a

compound feed – to ensure a balanced diet.As with all products in the Dengie portfolio, Alfa-Beet contains

home-grown alfalfa, a leafy, green plant that is member of the legumefamily. It is rich in naturally occurring vitamins, minerals andantioxidants, as well as quality protein and bio-available calcium forbone integrity and muscle function.Alfa-Beet is available in 20kg bags, with an RRP of £10.69 to £11.99.

t Dengie Feedline 0845 345 5115

Hay shortage?No problem!CONCERN for horses’ ageingteeth or a lack of goodquality forage make versatilehigh fibre products anessential line to stock thiswinter.

Allen & Page Fast Fibrecan be fed as a complete orpartial hay replacement.With a fibre content of 28%,it’s low in starch and solublesugars and balanced withvitamins and minerals.

Fast Fibre soaks in under aminute to form a soft,palatable mash.

If more energy is required,Fast Fibre can be used as abase feed, topped up withanother product from Allen &Page’s Barley & MolassesFree Range. The next step upin terms of energy is Cool &Collected; the highest energyfeed is Power & Performancewhich provides staminathrough slow release energyfrom fibre and oil.t Allen & Page01362 822902

IF YOUR customers are finding it tricky deciding whatto feed this winter, GWF Nutrition has some useful‘equine package deals’ on its website.

Designed to ensure horses and ponies get exactlywhat they need, the packages are also careful to avoidover feeding - and your customers over paying.

The feed balancer Equilibra 500 + Omega 3 fromGWF Nutrition is designed to provide optimum vitaminand mineral content, while complementing the feedingof forages and chaffs, as well as hard feeds, oils andfats.

With a non-GM, soya free formulation, it’s non-heating and slow to digest. A 20kg bag has an RRP of£23.99. In winter, when the goodness has gone fromthe grass, it’s recommended Equilibra is fed withanother high fibre, low sugar and starch forage feed.

Fibregest by GWF Nutrition complements Equilibraperfectly. A non-soak, conditioning feed ideal forsustaining horses in maintenance or light work, a 20kgbag of Fibregest has an RRP of £11.20. The dailyfeeding cost is 22 pence, based on 375gms per day.

Because GWF Nutrition mills its feed on site, thecompany claims it can save costs – although quality isnever compromised.

For horses needing a bit more energy, Tiger Oatscan be added to the mix. Tiger Oats is a high-energy(14 Mj), non-heating feed for all working andcompetition horses. It is made using whole oat grains– which are low in starch - meaning no unnecessaryfizz.

A 20kg bag of Tiger Oats has an RRP of £12.20which, based on feeding 250gms a day, has a dailyfeeding cost of 15p per day.t GWF Nutrition 01225 708482

Perfect partners

Super fibre that suits all sortsBRITISH Horse Feeds describes its Fibre-Beet as a super fibreconditioning feed.

The secret lies in the combination of original Speedi-Beet withadded alfalfa to provide good quality protein for muscle tone andfunction.

A wide variety of horses benefit from Fibre-Beet, but the productreally excels when fed to veterans, fussy eaters, poor doers andhorses with sensitive digestion. One such was Costa, a 13-year-oldIrish Draft x Connemara.

“Fibre- Beet is brilliant at keeping Costa’s digestive systemsettled,” said his owner Sarah Barnes. “He is sensitive to haylage andit has greatly reduced his upsets.”

Fibre-Beet has added biotin for hoof quality and is approved by TheLaminitis Trust. It’s highly palatable, and can be used to replace up to40% of the daily forage allowance. The product is soaked and ready tofeed in 45 minutes in cold water, or 15 minutes in hot water.

SSoo wwhhiicchh ccuussttoommeerrss sshhoouulldd bbee uussiinngg SSppeeeeddii--BBeeeett,, aanndd wwhhiicchh sshhoouullddcchhoooossee FFiibbrree--BBeeeett??

Speedi-Beet provides a high energy feed without depending oncereals. It’s a versatile product that can be used partially to replaceforage and concentrates, reducing the non-fibre carbohydrate load ofthe ration.

Fibre-Beet, on the other hand, is regarded as a long termconditioner and is best applied in a simpler system. It was originallyderived from the point that grass – no matter how good or bad – canvary tremendously, in terms of yield, nutrient content, physical qualityand potential contaminants, depending on season, weather andfertilising. Additionally, many owners are dependent on preservedforage that comes from an early or late cut, and this can polarise theproduct across extremes.

While an almost perfect match for grass (in terms of fermentationpatterns), and superior in its availability of soluble fibres, Speedi-Beetis too nutritionally dense to substitute for large amounts of forage.Typically for a 500kg horse eating 10kg dry matter a day, we arelooking at feeding 500g to 1.5kg Speedi-Beet per day, and so itsimpact on forage intake would be low.

Fibre-Beet, however, can substitute large amounts of forage, up to40%. By doing so it can reduce the variation in the changing fibreprofile of grass and so improve its fermentative capability.

If your customers still can’t decide which to choose, British HorseFeeds is always happy to help.t British Horse Feeds 01765 680300


NEW! Fibre range fromBaileysBAILEYS Horse Feeds launches threenew fibre products at the end of thismonth (November).

Alfalfa Plus Oil, Light Chaff and UltraGrass are British-grown, molassesfree and developed to complementBaileys’ compound feeds. Attractivelypackaged and competitively priced,they are backed by nationaladvertising.

Alfalfa Plus Oil is pure hightemperature-dried alfalfa withadditional soya oil to give it an 11.5%oil content and a digestible energy (DE)level of 12.5MJ/kg, all slow release,and equivalent to that of someconditioning or competition feeds. Itrepresents a valuable source ofdigestible fibre and quality protein andis ideal for horses with higher calorierequirements, poor eaters oftraditional forages (hay or haylage) orwhen the nutritional value of these isquestionable.

Baileys Light Chaff is a low calorie,high fibre option to feed alongside Lo-Cal balancer to good-doers and thoseprone to laminitis. A low starch blendof alfalfa and oat straw, it has a lightcoating of soya oil, for coat shine, plusa dusting of mint. It’s ideal to helpmaintain the fibre intake of horses withlimited access to grazing and forage.

Ultra Grass is dried grass with asplash of oil. With a medium DE levelof 10.5MJ/kg, it’s a useful source ofadditional calories and, like all Baileysfibre products, can be fed with thehorse’s concentrate ration or in aseparate bucket as an alternative oradditional forage source, giving thestabled horse variety and encouragingnatural foraging behaviour.

The new Baileys fibre products jointhe existing Baileys Alfalfa Blend,containing alfalfa, green oat straw andclover, and Golden Chaff, a traditionalmolassed straw chaff, which has beenrepackaged. t Baileys Horse Feeds 01371 850247

Grass all year roundIT’S A great way of topping up iffy hay, it’s apure, natural feed – and horses love it. It’sgrass of course!

Graze-On, a high temperature driedgrass chop, has been around for sometime. But it’s the label’s grass pellets thatare becoming the height of fashionablefeeding, says Pam Dear, director ofmanufacturer Northern Crop Driers.

“Historically, we sold the pellets in bulkto go into rations. But now they arebecoming really popular in [20kg] bags,”she said. “People are trying to simplifytheir [horses’] diets, be economical withwhat they’re feeding and make everythingcount.”

Well informed consumers are keen to takecontrol of what they are feeding, she added.“It’s almost like going back to an era whenstraights [oats, barley, bran etc] were fed butwith different, more horse friendly feeds.And there is no better feed for horses thangrass.”

Graze-On is produced by Northern CropDriers from a home grown crop. Leys includea mixture of grass types such as rye grasses,tall fescue and timothy. “More people arebeginning to ask us what’s in Graze-On,” saidPam, “which shows they are more aware.Tall fescue is a good, traditional, all roundgrass.”

The grass is harvested and flash dried – at600 degrees C – within 24 hours. “Hay loses nutrition while it’s in thefield drying and wilting,” explained Pam, “but flash drying literallyremoves the moisture while locking in valuable nutrients.”

The result is that Graze-On retains some essential amino acids andantioxidants not present in hay.

As well as being ‘sterilised’ by this high temperature treatment,Graze-On is ‘de-dusted’. No coating is added, it’s just pure grass. And,of course, the product provides an excellent source of digestible fibreto keep horses chewing, occupied and their digestive systems happy.

Graze-On is available as a short chop in 15kg bales or pellets in20kg bags. With both having an RRP of around £9, it’s easy to see whythe pellets are considered great value. While the chop offers the bestchewing therapy, the pellets can be soaked – although they don’t haveto be – for horses, such as veterans with dodgy teeth, preferring asloppy feed.

Graze-On is now available throughout the UK, distributed by all themain wholesalers. Northern Crop Driers, also home to a pig farm, hasrecently installed an anaerobic digester which turns slurry intoelectricity enabling it to use ‘green’ energy to manufacture Graze-On.t Northern Crop Driers 01759 318396

Making meals lastlonger FIBRE feeding ensures a horseeats as it should; little and often.And that’s something the Elim-a-Net achieves with ease.

The BETA International 2009Innovation Award-winningproduct also regulates intake forfatties too – the originalmotivation for its inventor EllieParkin (right).

“I saw a gap in the market afteryears of battling with my greedy,laminitic-prone show hunterpony,” she said. “The vets alwaysrecommended double netting, butI was sure there must be aneasier, more scientific approach.”

And so Elim-A-Net’s uniqueInner Net Design was born. “Icame up with the solution ofincorporating an Inner Net withinthe haynet to save the hassle offiddling with two haynets, and toensure the size of the holes werealways kept consistent,” saidEllie who sympathises with owners of overweight horses.

“There’s a lot of understanding now that equines require aconstant passage of food to maintain a healthy gut; but for manyowners maintaining this forage intake can be difficult to fitalongside yard routines. The thought prompted Ellie to developElim-A-Net in three distinct sizes, pony, cob and horse withproportional hole sizes.

But isn’t Elim-a-Net actually just another haynet?“Unlike other small holed haynets, Elim-a-Net creates a

physical barrier to prevent rapid forage consumption and overeating. This slow eating routine helps increase chewing timewithout having to increase the quantity of hay or haylage fed,” saidEllie.

Elim-a-Net has proved its versatility in trials too. “We carried out a study that determined it takes two to three

times longer for a horse to eat its hay or haylage from an Elim-a-Net, compared with an ordinary haylage net,” said Ellie.

“We also conducted a wastage study, which identified that byusing an Elim-a-Net, owners can reduce wastage by up to 65%. Italso helps alleviate stable vices in bored horses!”

Elim-a-Net is the original and only haynet of its type to beoffered in three sizes. Enquiries from overseas are encouragingEllie to move into international distribution too.t Parell Products 07715 172 470

Fibre feeds tend to be bulkier than concentrate rations, so requiredifferent feeding utensils. So while encouraging your customers tobuy fibre based products, it’s helpful if you stock suitablecontainers too. ETN talks to two companies who have come up withgreat ideas to make fibre feeding work the way it should.

Served with style THE ideal equine dinner service – including some generous, fibresized bowls - doesn’t come safer and more convenient thanTubtrugs.

The original flexible tubs are made from human food-gradeplastic to satisfy the most hygiene conscious horse owners. Whilethe array of bright colours makes it easy to identify whose feed iswhose on a busy yard.

These inimitable utensils can fulfil numerous other roles aroundthe stable yard, house and garden too. Supplier Faulks & Cox offersa series of attractive Profit Pack point of sale stands.t Faulks & Cox 01455 848184

Fibre feedingutensils


Do you smell a rat?This year’s weather conditions have been particularly favourable for rats andmice to breed – and the little blighters will be heading for your feed storeright now. ETN asked the experts at Pelgar how to stay rodent free.

During the summermonths, ratsespecially live happilyoutdoors in the fields

and hedgerows where there isa plentiful supply of food.Come autumn time when thefruits and berries are depleted,rats and mice begin migratingin search of food. This time of year coincides

with horses being brought infor the winter which for theretailer means a well stockedshop - and easy picking for ratsand mice.Given the choice, rats and

mice are picky and only takewhat they see as the best.However rodents should not be

accepted as the norm; thereare various steps that can betaken to keep them out and tofacilitate a clear and simplecontrol programme whenproblems do occur.Tidy up: Apart from the

obvious of keeping stores cleanand tidy inside, clear upoutside too as this is where ratswill live and from where they’llenter your premises. Clear awayold pallets and stored goodsleaning against the side ofbuildings; cut back bramblesand the like to limit protectedareas and give access whenbaiting is required.Clear up spills: Taking time

to clear up spilt feed and

reseal spilt sacks helps limit theamount of available food andrestricts infestations to specificareas.Repair the fabric of the

building: Simple measuressuch as fixing holes, coveringair-bricks and gaps with wiremesh and fitting metal stripsto the bottom of gnawedwooden doors helps to keeprats and mice out. Evenkeeping feed store doorsclosed during the day willdeter migrating rodents.Store carefully: Rats and

mice thrive on accessible foodsources; the harder it is forthem to get to, the harder it isfor them to find and then eatthe food. Store feed on palletsso it’s raised off the floor,double stacking pallets keeps itfurther off the ground. Leave agap between the feed and thestore walls to allow forinspection and access forbaiting. A gap restricts placeswhere rats and mice hide andstore food too.Act quickly: Keep an eye

out for early signs ofencroaching rodents. Apartfrom actual sightings, look outfor footprints in damp eartharound the outside of your

store and any fresh burrows.Check for chewed sacks,gnawed doorways and listenfor scurrying and squeaks asrats and mice jostle forterritory. Once an infestationhas been identified, placerodenticide baits in protectedlocations around the area.Keep bait topped up until nomore is taken.Learn more: To find out

more about baiting,rodenticides and rodentcontrol tips, order a free copyof PelGar’s ‘Six Steps toSuccessful Rodent Control’along with its staff trainingguide. t Pelgar 01420 80744

If an infestation isidentified, rodenticidebaits should beplaced in protected locations.

Feed should be stored on pallets orracked so it’s raised off the floor.

Rats and micethrive onaccessible foodsources; theharder it is forthem to get to,the harder it isfor them to findand then eat thefood.


Time to take controlDon’t let big brands dominate your merchandising, says Ian Wright.

By changing the wayproducts are presentedin-store, retailers gaincontrol over sales

space. Retailers, especially

independents, need topromote their own or smallerbrands over the well-knownproducts on sale – to prioritisethe customer shoppingexperience above the demandsof suppliers. With some in-store display

investment, retailers can shapethe shopping experience basedon customers’ needs whileensuring they promote theproducts with the biggestmargins.

Take a standWhile display units funded

by brands may bring short-term financial gain, it meansthat manufacturers are able todictate product presentation

and in-store positioning.Independent stores that havetheir own freestanding displayunits gain control over wherethey can display high-marginproducts, what they display,how they display it and thequality of the point-of-saledisplay. This choice is pricelessin today’s retail sector. By moving away from

branded category stands,independent stores candevelop their own genericpoint of sale for each productcategory. This makes findingproducts easier for customers,and allows smaller stores tobuild their own identity as aretailer, without beingovershadowed by thecollateral offered by brands. Bystopping and considering theway products are presented,

retailers can gain greaterpresence as a brand in theirown right, promotingcustomer loyalty as a result.

It’s all in the mixProduct variety is a major

factor in driving sales.Regularly introducing excitingnew products and a largervariety of accessories willentice customers to spendmore; it’s often this choicethat encourages consumers tovisit one store over another.Signing away space to brandsoffering retail display contractslimits variety and theopportunity to introducecustomers to new brands. Typically, smaller brands

don’t have the budget to helpthem stand out against thebigger, more establishedbrands in high footfalllocations. However, by taking

control of in-store displays,retailers can help smallerbrands come to the fore. Andwhen you consider thatsmaller or new brands areoften open to offering bettermargins, broadening theproduct mix and in-storelocation could benefit thebottom line in more ways thanone.

Knowledge is criticalTo sell to your customers,

you need to think and act likethey do. As well asunderstanding customershopping habits, retailers needto identify the methods theyuse to find products. Simplywatch how customers interactin-store and place promotionalitems at different locations,monitoring closely any uplift insales.

ABOUT THEAUTHORIan Wright is the managingdirector of SDI. Thecompany creates, makesand installs point-of-purchase, point-of-sale andretail displays for some ofthe best-known retailers inthe UK including Tesco,Marks & Spencer and Petsat Home. For furtherinformation,

A great deal betterFinally, stores that invest in

point-of-sale displays havegreater leverage with brands.If a supplier saves money onpoint of sale, they can oftenoffer better margins and pricepromotions to attract andretain customers, drivingprofits for that particular store. Although taking control of

point of sale may incur initialcosts, over time this cost isnegated. By taking control ofretail space, retailers canimprove profits by presentingproducts with the bestmargins in high footfalllocations and stake their claimfor a bigger slice of themarket.

Smaller or new brands are often open to offering better margins.

Ican’t be the only saddlefitter – or equestrianretailer – who’s persistentlyasked for advice about

adjustable trees. Describinghorse owners as 'confused'really underestimates theproblem. Some designs have been in

existence a long time. Somecan be what I simplisticallyterm 'cold adjusted'', othersare what I term 'heat adjusted'.Some allow the horse ownerto undertake the adjustment;others involve a jig or tool.

Adjusting a tree to complywith a horse's changed shapedemands knowledge - and Ihave no doubt in my mindthat it should only beundertaken by a qualifiedsaddle fitter or other suitablyqualified persons. Into thelatter category I would placevery, very few with aBHSAI/BHSI (British HorseSociety AssistantInstructor/Instructor)qualification. In myexperience, BHS Fellows aremuch too respectful andcanny to allow themselves tobe caught up in anything asproblematical andcontroversial as adjustingsaddle gullets and/or trees! Horse owners are generally

very willing to hand over thejob of adjusting a gullet ortree to an expert; it’s theinterpretation of 'expert' thatoften goes wrong! For a start, it is only a saddle

fitter who is likely tounderstand the potential andlimitations relating to theadjustments. One of the big –often unrecognised –limitations of widening ornarrowing the gullet is thatthe adjustment can seriouslyunbalance the saddle andresult in pressure points in

other parts of the horse's back. I’ve experienced several

situations where I’ve beencalled out as 'a consultant' toadvise about a saddle thatonce fitted 'beautifully' , wasdeemed (by the rider) torequire adjustment, was'adjusted' 'by an expert' - sincewhen it has resulted in anumber of 'sore' or 'sensitive'places, more often than notunder the back of the saddle.At BETA International 2012,

Barnsby's iTree won aninnovation award for saddleryand tack. This system wasdeveloped for Barnsby by anengineer – Simon Hurdley -and involves an integratedheating system which enablesthe saddle fitter to mould the

Thanks to moderntechnology, it’s possibleto adjust saddles likenever before. But who should do theadjusting, asks Ken Lyndon-Dykes.

About the authorKen Lyndon-Dykes is a saddle designer, Society of Master Saddlers'Qualified Saddle Fitter and former international three-day event rider.

Our flexible friends...

Widening or narrowing the gullet canseriously unbalance the saddle andresult in pressure points in other partsof the horse's back.

Isabell Werth ridingin a Wintec saddle,a brand noted forits adjustable trees.

tree –made from athermoplastic carbon fibre - tocorrespond to the horse's backprofile. The adjustment takes15 or so minutes to complete. We are used to having elite

riders work with saddle-makers to develop ideas thatcould encourage optimumhorse/rider performance. It’sinteresting, however, thatmany of the saddlery industry'smost innovative inventionshave been contributed by anindividual or firm thatpreviously had nothing at allto do with horses! MrHurdley's very limited equineexperience apparently began -and virtually ended – when, asa small boy, he regularlypatted the local milkman'shorse! For me, one of the obvious

pluses of the iTree is that theadjustments can only beundertaken by a saddler orsaddle fitter who has investedin the equipment – cradle,control box, etc - needed tocarry out the task. The cost is in the region of a

thousand pounds andcurrently the iTree is exclusiveto Barnsby-made saddles. Iassume this means Barnsbyautomatically excludes retailerswho aren't appointed stockistsfrom purchasing the box oftricks. Thus it would be fair toassume that adjustments can

only be undertaken byqualified saddle fitters.Continental and British

manufacturers have beenworking on designing anddeveloping adjustable trees formany years, some withnotable success; names suchas Kieffer, Wintec, Fairfax,Albion and Prestige spring tomind. Nowadays there are ranges

of saddles that incorporateadjustable gullets, adjustablestirrup bars, variable panels,adjustable knee rolls, air filledpanels etc. Many continue tomake important contributionsto equestrianism. But all haveone limiting factor; thesuccessful application isdependent on expertise – andhere we return to'interpretation' of 'expertise'. Adjustable stirrup bars have

been a feature of manydressage saddles for so longit’s difficult to remember whenthis innovation first made itsappearance. Adjusting the position of the

stirrup is something of whichvirtually every rider believeshim or herself capable, buthow often do we find that thestirrup position in use resultsin the rider's balance beingimpaired? The incorrectpositioning goes unrecognisedand the imbalance is extendedto the saddle – andtransmitted to the horse. 'Adjustable' is good – but

only when used in conjunctionwith 'knowledge'...



























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