eu projects compendium of berufsförderungsinstitute · local communities co-age erdf b.xviii.1...

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EU Projects Compendium



2019 (Part XVIII)

Edited by: BFI Österreich

Kaunitzgasse 2 1060 Vienna

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EU Projects Compendium BFI

Table of Projects

Organisation Publics Project Title Programme Page

BFI Burgenland older people, local communities


trainers European Develop-ment of Distillation Technology Learning (EUDistyl)

Erasmus+ B.XVIII.2

public authorities, enterprises, education institutions


young people Innovation 3-D-Druck LEADER


BFI Kärnten workers Digitalisierung

Erasmus+ K.XVIII.1

BFI Oberösterreich trainers Fit for 4.0: Training Trainers and Teachers for the 4.0 Paradigm

Erasmus+ O.XVIII.1

disadvantaged persons

OLC – Ganzheitliches Bildungs- und Lernbe-gleitungskonzept zur Höherqualifizierung

European Social Fund


policy-makers SOLIDAR Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2019

Erasmus+ O.XVIII.3

BFI Salzburg young people Entwicklung und Durchführung von vorbereitenden und unterstützenden Bildungsangeboten im Rahmen der Berufs-reifeprüfung, Lehre mit Matura und Studienberech-tigungsprüfung

European Social Fund


EU Projects Compendium BFI

BFI Steiermark unemployed persons NIEBE – Niederschwellige Beschäftigung in den steirischen Regionen

European Social Fund


young people Produktionsschule Murtal/Murau

European Social Fund


people with a low level of qualification

Sicher im Alltag, fit für Ausbildung und Beruf

European Social Fund


BFI Tirol disadvantaged persons

OLC – Ganzheitliches Bildungs- und Lernbe-gleitungskonzept zur Höherqualifizierung

European Social Fund


BFI Vorarlberg immigrants Standortbestimmung von jungen Flüchtlin-gen sowie in weiterer Folge Basisqualifizie-rung dieser Ziel-gruppe für die Heran-führung an eine Lehr-ausbildung und/oder Erreichung des Pflichtschulab-schlusses

European Social Fund


EU Projects Compendium BFI

Contact Persons for EU Projects

BFI Burgenland René Höfer Grazer Straße 86 7400 Oberwart Tel.: +43 3352 389 80 2127 Fax: +43 3352 389 80 2128 E-mail:

BFI Kärnten (Carinthia) Simone Ogris Bahnhofstraße 44 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee Tel.: +43 699 178 78 144 Fax: +43 5 78 78 2099 E-mail:

BFI Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) Christian Lackinger Lise-Meitner-Straße 1 2700 Wiener Neustadt Tel.: +43 2622 835 00 225 Fax: +43 2622 835 00 395 E-mail:

BFI Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) Josef Stockinger Muldenstraße 5 4020 Linz Tel.: +43 732 69 22 5670 Fax: +43 732 69 22 5721 E-mail:

BFI Österreich (Austria) Michaela Schneider Kaunitzgasse 2 1060 Vienna Tel.: +43 1 586 37 03 14 Fax: +43 1 586 37 03 10 E-mail:

BFI Salzburg Stefanie Slamanig Schillerstraße 30 5020 Salzburg Tel.: +43 662 88 30 81 351 Fax: +43 662 88 32 32 E-mail:

BFI Steiermark (Styria) Harald Senkl Keplerstraße 109 8020 Graz Tel.: +43 5 72 70 1010 Fax: +43 5 72 70 1099 E-mail:

BFI Tirol (Tyrol) Margit Kerschbaumer Ing.-Etzel-Straße 7 6020 Innsbruck Tel.: +43 512 596 60 233 Fax: +43 512 596 60 27 E-mail:

BFI Vorarlberg Verena Rothart Widnau 2-4 6800 Feldkirch Tel.: +43 5522 702 00 4101 E-mail: verena.rothart@

BFI Wien (Vienna) Ulla Sever Davidgasse 92-94 1100 Vienna Tel.: +43 1 601 78 50262 Fax: +43 1 601 78 50299 E-mail:

EU Projects Compendium BFI

Funding Logos and Funding Notes for EU Projects (Part XVIII)


B.XVIII.2, K.XVIII.1, O.XVIII.1, O.XVIII.3: Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union


B.XVIII.1: This project is financially supported by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Programme Interreg V-A

Austria – Hungary 2014-2020.

B.XVIII.3: This project is financially supported by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Programme Interreg V-A

Slovakia – Austria 2014-2020.

European Social Fund

O.XVIII.2, S.XVIII.1, T.XVIII.1: These projects are financially supported by the European Social Fund and

the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

EU Projects Compendium BFI

St.XVIII.1: This project is financially supported by the European Social Fund, the province of Styria and the City of Graz.

St.XVIII.2: This project is financially supported by the European Social Fund.

St.XVIII.3: This project is financially supported by the European Social Fund, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and

the province of Styria.

EU Projects Compendium BFI

V.XVIII.1: This project is financially supported by the European Social Fund, the province of Vorarlberg and the Arbeitsmarktservice Vorarlberg.


B.XVIII.4: This project is financially supported by the European Union (LEADER),

the Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism and the province of Burgenland.

EU Projects Compendium BFI B.XVIII.1

Transnational partners: Soproni Evangélikus Egyházközség Hungary Szombathelyi Evangélikus Egyházközség Hungary Other national partner: Chance B Holding GmbH

Publics: older people, local communities

Co-AGE Institutionelle Zusammenarbeit für die Förderung von altersfreundlichen und fürsorgenden Gemeinschaften

Programme: ERDF Project number: ATHU 123 Project period: Nov. 2019‒Oct. 2022 Contractor: Diözese Graz-Seckau


Older people shall be able to live independently in their homes as long as possible. The goal of this project, therefore, is to support an improved, closer cross-border co-operation of public institu-tions and civil society organisations in the border region between Austria and Hungary, by means of volunteer-based caring communities.

Contact at the BFI: René Bischof BFI Burgenland Grazer Straße 86 7400 Oberwart Tel.: +43 3352 389 80 2119 E-mail:

EU Projects Compendium BFI B.XVIII.2

Other transnational partners: Siófoki Szakképzési Centrum Hungary Dvojezična srednja šola Lendava/Kétnyelvű Középiskola, Lendva Slovenia

Publics: trainers

European Development of Distillation Technology Learning (EUDistyl)

Programme: Erasmus+ Project number: 2019-1-HU01-KA202-060952 Project period: Nov. 2019‒Oct. 2021 Contractor: Vox Vallis Development

Association Hungary

This project is aimed at developing new, compre-hensive curricula for the distillation of alcohol and essential oils. Based on these detailed curricula, a variety of distillation procedures are taught in the context of vocational adult education.

Contact at the BFI: Christian Pelzmann BFI Burgenland Fabriksgasse 3a 7503 Großpetersdorf Tel.: +43 3362 78 17 5112 E-mail:

EU Projects Compendium BFI B.XVIII.3

Other transnational partner: Stredná odborná škola automobilová a podnikania Senec Slovakia National partner: Höhere Technische Bundeslehr- und Versuchsanstalt Mödling

Publics: public authorities, enterprises, education institutions

IFit 4.0 Fit für die Industrie 4.0

Programme: ERDF Project number: 17055237 Project period: Sept. 2019‒Aug. 2022 Contractor: Súkromná stredná odborná

škola DSA Trebišov Slovakia

In this project, current challenges in the labour markets of the programme region are studied, followed by developing and testing syllabuses in co-operation with labour market policy makers, re-gional administrators and regional employers. Based on the data collected, a joint strategy will be devised in order to create new, innovative vo-cational education and training programmes and training capacities in future key areas of the manufacturing industry (industry 4.0, robotics, mechatronics, entrepreneurial thinking).

Contact at the BFI: Renate Wolf-Houszka BFI Burgenland Schubertstraße 53 7210 Mattersburg Tel.: +43 2626 642 74 3410 E-mail:

EU Projects Compendium BFI B.XVIII.4

Publics: young people

Innovation 3-D-Druck

Programme: LEADER Project number: A4/LA.LE4-10396-2-2019 Project period: Sept. 2019‒Dec. 2020 Contractor: BFI Burgenland

This project focuses on young people, aiming to awaken their interest in technological training and to create new job opportunities for young people in the region. For this purpose, new and in-novative (further) training schemes (additional or higher qualifications) will be developed and tested. Moreover, environmental awareness and efficient use of resources will be encouraged.

Contact: René Bischof BFI Burgenland Grazer Straße 86 7400 Oberwart Tel.: +43 3352 389 80 2119 E-mail:

EU Projects Compendium BFI K.XVIII.1

Publics: workers

Digitalisierung Digital Innovation Driver

Programme: Erasmus+ Project number: 2019-1-AT01-KA104-051152 Project period: Jun. 2019‒May 2020 Contractor: Kärntner Berufsförderungs-

institut GmbH

This mobility project facilitates further training for adult education staff. Three staff members of BFI Kärnten took part in the 28th ICDE World Con-ference on Online Learning held in Dublin from 3 to 7 November 2019. The ICDE conference is among the largest and most renowned confer-ences in the region, with over 800 participants from 80 different countries.

Contact: Simone Ogris BFI Kärnten Bahnhofstraße 44 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee Tel.: +43 699 178 78 144 E-mail:

EU Projects Compendium BFI O.XVIII.1

Other transnational partners: Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen Belgium European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Belgium Zealand Business College Denmark JAMK – Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu Finland Politecnico di Milano Italy EDUGEP Portugal Göteborgs Tekniska College AB Sweden North West Regional College UK

Publics: trainers

Fit for 4.0: Training Trainers and Teachers for the 4.0 Paradigm

Programme: Erasmus+ Project number: 2019-1-IT01-KA202-007766 Project period: Sept. 2019‒Aug. 2022 Contractor: IFOA – Istituto Formazione

Operatori Aziendali Italy

Industry 4.0, the digital revolution, smart factories, global networks: to meet these challenges, the “Fit for 4.0” project is developing vocational quali-fications for trainers. In close co-operation with enterprises a series of training modules is being created and tested. Among the most important results and products envisaged are the following: • implementation of the train-the-trainer pro-

gramme in the areas of mechanics, mecha-tronics and in the automotive industry;

• enhanced, ongoing co-operation between edu-cational institutions, trainers and enterprises;

• improved qualification of trainers; • availability of sustainable instruments that can

be transferred to other economic sectors or other European countries.

Contact at the BFI: Gabriele Winkler BFI Oberösterreich Muldenstraße 5 4020 Linz Tel.: +43 732 69 22 6221 E-mail:

EU Projects Compendium BFI O.XVIII.2

Other national partners: Caritas der Diözese Graz-Seckau Diakonie Flüchtlingsdienst gem. GmbH

Publics: disadvantaged persons

OLC – Ganzheitliches Bildungs- und Lernbegleitungskonzept zur Höherqualifizierung

Programme: European Social Fund Project number: EB-2.3-855 Project period: Jan. 2019‒Dec. 2021 Contractor: BFI Tirol Bildungs GmbH


OLC is an all-embracing project for upgrading qualifications of educationally disadvantaged per-sons by providing specially designed education and learning support. Supplying personalised learning and educational plans, a well-equipped study room and customised, needs-based tutor-ials and workshops aimed at building independent learning skills, this holistic, low-threshold educa-tion project is set on reducing structural inequal-ities in education, ensuring access to higher quali-fications and counteracting drop-out risks.

Contact: Katrin Kreismayr BFI Oberösterreich Bulgariplatz 13-14 4020 Linz Tel.: +43 732 69 22 6054 E-mail:

EU Projects Compendium BFI O.XVIII.3

Publics: policy-makers

SOLIDAR Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2019

Programme: Erasmus+ Project number: n. a. Project period: Oct. 2019‒Oct. 2019 Contractor: SOLIDAR Foundation


This project provides information on and ex-amples of Austria’s approach to digitalisation in the following areas (selection): • conditions for digitalisation, • fostering digital skills, • cyberbullying, • intercultural dialogue.

Contact at the BFI: Leonhard Niederwimmer BFI Oberösterreich Bulgariplatz 12 4020 Linz Tel.: +43 732 69 22 5859 E-mail:

EU Projects Compendium BFI S.XVIII.1

Publics: young people

Entwicklung und Durchführung von vorbereitenden und unterstützenden Bildungsangeboten im Rahmen der Berufsreifeprüfung, Lehre mit Matura und Studienberechtigungsprüfung

Programme: European Social Fund Project number: EB-2.3-896 Project period: Jan. 2019‒Dec. 2021 Contractor: BFI Salzburg BildungsGmbH

Young people for whom access to secondary education is difficult for a variety of reasons are offered higher qualification options, even after they have completed compulsory schooling and their school careers. This project specifically ad-dresses young people from educationally disad-vantaged groups, with or without an immigrant background; it is aimed at enabling them to ac-quire the prerequisites for obtaining upper sec-ondary school leaving certificates and university entrance qualifications, by means of a preparatory educational package for qualification in the areas of language skills, mathematics, learning strat-egies and personal development. In order to as-sure their success in the subsequent courses, the project also provides free support measures. The objective is to both expand the outreach to the target group and to offer continuous support and assistance to ensure that the participants com-plete the programme. This helps to increase per-meability in the education system and makes it easier to achieve higher qualifications.

Contact: Stefanie Slamanig BFI Salzburg Schillerstraße 30 5020 Salzburg Tel.: +43 662 88 30 81 351 E-mail:

EU Projects Compendium BFI St.XVIII.1

Publics: unemployed persons

NIEBE – Niederschwellige Beschäftigung in den steirischen Regionen

Programme: European Social Fund Project number: 936-LRGSTM Project period: May 2019‒Dec. 2020 Contractor: BFI Steiermark

The NIEBE project (low-threshold employment in the Styrian regions) is aimed at supporting long-term unemployed people and recipients of means-tested minimum income with multi-dimen-sional problems. By creating a graduated system of low-threshold jobs for them, they can, step by step, be reintegrated into the labour market.

Contact: Claudio Muhr BFI Steiermark Paula-Wallisch-Straße 8 8055 Graz Tel.: +43 5 72 70 2361 E-mail:

EU Projects Compendium BFI St.XVIII.2

Publics: young people

Produktionsschule Murtal/Murau

Programme: European Social Fund

Project number: 32455906800384 Project period: Jan. 2019‒Dec. 2019 Contractor: BFI Steiermark

This project addresses young people who need to catch up on basic, social and personal skills. It aims to help them acquire, in an individualised way, the skills they lack so as to make the transi-tion from school to working life easier for them. The project is implemented at two BFI training venues in the province of Styria, Spielberg / Aich-feld (Murtal) and Murau. It consists of three mod-ules: getting started, orientation and training, and specialisation, and rests on four pillars: practical training (with a focus on woodwork at Spielberg / Aichfeld and Murau, and on administration and of-fice work at Spielberg / Aichfeld), coaching, skills workshops (for acquiring basic, IT and life skills), and sport.

Contact: Livia Gardner-McTaggart BFI Steiermark Bahnhofviertel 1 8850 Murau Tel.: +43 5 72 70 6310 E-mail:

EU Projects Compendium BFI St.XVIII.3

Publics: people with a low level of qualification

Sicher im Alltag, fit für Ausbildung und Beruf

Programme: European Social Fund

Project number: EB-1.4-649-Stmk. Project period: Jan. 2019‒Dec. 2019 Contractor: BFI Steiermark

This basic skills training course at Köflach and Rottenmann (in the province of Styria) aims to build on existing competences of persons in need of basic skills training in a way that makes them feel more confident in coping with everyday life and, after the course, seize other educational op-portunities (above all courses to catch up on com-pulsory schooling), or enter the labour market. Following an orientation phase, the participants hone their learning competences, in order to ac-quire, as autonomously as possible, basic skills in reading, writing, maths and ICT. Practice-oriented consolidation modules, together with intensive educational counselling and career guidance, help the participants choose the training or career path that is right for them.

Contact: Nina Sprajc BFI Steiermark Keplerstraße 109 8020 Graz Tel.: +43 5 72 70 2155 E-mail:

EU Projects Compendium BFI T.XVIII.1

National partners: BFI Oberösterreich Caritas der Diözese Graz-Seckau Diakonie Flüchtlingsdienst gem. GmbH

Publics: disadvantaged persons

OLC – Ganzheitliches Bildungs- und Lernbegleitungskonzept zur Höherqualifizierung

Programme: European Social Fund Project number: EB-2.3-847 Project period: Jan. 2019‒Dec. 2021 Contractor: BFI Tirol Bildungs GmbH

The OLC project for upgrading qualifications of educationally disadvantaged people relies on spe-cially designed holistic education and learning support. Providing personalised learning and edu-cational plans, a well-equipped study room and customised, needs-based tutorials and workshops aimed at building independent learning skills, this low-threshold education project is set on reducing structural inequalities in education, ensuring ac-cess to higher qualifications and countering drop-out risks.

Contact: Margit Kerschbaumer BFI Tirol Ing.-Etzel-Straße 7 6020 Innsbruck Tel.: +43 512 596 60 233 E-mail:

EU Projects Compendium BFI V.XVIII.1

Publics: immigrants

Standortbestimmung von jungen Flüchtlingen sowie in weiterer Folge Basisqualifizierung dieser Zielgruppe für die Heranführung an eine Lehrausbildung und/oder Erreichung des Pflichtschulabschlusses

Programme: European Social Fund Project number: 2018-0013-LRGVBG Project period: May 2019‒Aug. 2022 Contractor: BFI der AK Vorarlberg GmbH

This project is geared to young refugees aged be-tween 15 and 25 who are neither in education and training nor in employment. They are to obtain their compulsory school leaving qualification so that after this programme they can start voca-tional education and training. Being referred to the programme by the Public Employment Service, participants go through a three-month introductory phase. It is then decided whether they are ready to join the 60-week training programme or whether they need to attend a preparatory course first. In the modular training programme the par-ticipants cover the examination subjects that are required for completing compulsory schooling and a German language course (levels A2 to B1). They also receive extra tutoring and one-to-one coaching. Besides, a recruiter is involved in the project and organises work placements in enter-prises. Altogether four cycles of the training pro-gramme are offered.

Contact: Verena Rothart BFI Vorarlberg Widnau 2-4 6800 Feldkirch Tel.: +43 5522 702 00 4101 E-mail:

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