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© European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation EUROCONTROL 2007

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EEC Technical/Scientific Report No. 2010-004

Project BADA

Public Issued: April 2010



Reference EEC Technical/ ScientificReport No. 2010/004

Security Classification Unclassified

Originator: CND/VIF/ACP

Originator (Corporate Author) Name/Location: EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre Centre de Bois des Bordes B.P.15 F - 91222 Brétigny-sur-Orge CEDEX FRANCE Telephone: +33 (0)1 69 88 75 00 Internet :


Sponsor (Contract Authority) Name/Location EUROCONTROL Agency Rue de la Fusée, 96 B -1130 BRUXELLES Telephone: +32 (0)2 729 9011 Internet :


Author V. Mouillet


04/10 Pages

viii + 37 Figures

0 Tables

1 Annexes

1 References




Task no. sponsor



03/09 to 04/10

Distribution Statement: (a) Controlled by: Head of section

(b) Distribution : Public Restricted Confidential

(c) Copy to NTIS: YES / NO

Descriptors (keywords) :

Aircraft model, total-energy model, BADA, revision summary.

Abstract :

This Revision Summary Document (RSD) describes all changes made to BADA files in Revision 3.8 since the previous release, Revision 3.7.

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Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8 EUROCONTROL

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This Revision Summary Document (RSD) describes all changes made to BADA files in Revision 3.8 since the previous release, Revision 3.7.

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Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8 EUROCONTROL

Project BADA – EEC Technical/Scientific Report No. 2010/004 vii


SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... V

LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................. VII

1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................1

1.1. IDENTIFICATION AND SCOPE..................................................................................... 1

1.2. ORGANISATION............................................................................................................ 1

1.3. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS....................................................................................... 1

1.4. GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS........................................................................................ 2

2. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES .....................................................................................3

APPENDIX A – RELEASE SUMMARY FILE....................................................................30


Table 2-1: Summary of changes for BADA 3.8................................................................................ 3

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Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8 EUROCONTROL

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This document summarises the changes made to the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8 since the previous release, Revision 3.7.

A general description of BADA Revision 3.8 is provided in the BADA 3.8 User Manual [RD1].


This document is presented in two sections including Section 1, the Introduction. This first section includes a list of referenced documents and a glossary of acronyms.

Section 2, Description of changes, presents a list of all changes to the BADA files between Revisions 3.7 and 3.8. A description for each change is also included in this section.

In addition, Appendix A presents the content of the ReleaseSummary file, which provides, for each BADA release file, information about the BADA release where this file was last modified.


RD1 User Manual for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8; EEC Technical

Report No. 2010-003, April 2010.

RD2 Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Aircraft Performance Modelling Manual; EEC

Technical Report No. 2009-009, March 2009.

RD3 Synonym Aircraft Report for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8; EEC

Technical Report No. 2010-007, April 2010.

RD4 Revision of Atmosphere Model in BADA Aircraft Performance Model; EEC

Technical Report No. 2010-001, February 2010.

EUROCONTROL Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8

2 Project BADA – EEC Technical/Scientific Report No. 2010/004


APF Airline Procedure File

BADA Base of Aircraft Data

BSA BADA Support Application

CAS Calibrated Airspeed

CM Configuration Management

EEC EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation

OPF Operation Performance File

PTD Performance Table Data

PTF Performance Table File

ROD Rate of Descent

RSD Revision Summary Document

Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8 EUROCONTROL

Project BADA – EEC Technical/Scientific Report No. 2010/004 3


Table 2-1 below provides a summary of the BADA changes that were implemented between BADA Revisions 3.7 and 3.8, including the associated request identifiers in the BADA Support Application.

Table 2-1: Summary of changes for BADA 3.8

Change Identifier BSA request identifier


BADA-3.8-Change-01 BSA-071 A3ST aircraft model added

BADA-3.8-Change-02 BSA-056 A318 aircraft model added

BADA-3.8-Change-03 BSA-057 A345 aircraft model added

BADA-3.8-Change-04 BSA-066 B739 aircraft model added

BADA-3.8-Change-05 BSA-067 B77L aircraft model added

BADA-3.8-Change-06 BSA-068 B77W aircraft model added

BADA-3.8-Change-07 BSA-069 FA7X aircraft model added

BADA-3.8-Change-08 BSA-070 F2TH aircraft model added

BADA-3.8-Change-09 BSA-078 B763 remodelling

BADA-3.8-Change-10 BSA-072 FA50 remodelling

BADA-3.8-Change-11 BSA-073 F900 remodelling

BADA-3.8-Change-12 BSA-074 RJ85 remodelling

BADA-3.8-Change-13 BSA-019 TRIN remodelling

BADA-3.8-Change-14 BSA-015, BSA-043 Incorrect buffet coefficients and gradients in some models

BADA-3.8-Change-15 BSA-076 Incorrect stall speeds in some models

BADA-3.8-Change-16 BSA-031, BSA-050, BSA-051

Incorrect maximum payload value in some models

BADA-3.8-Change-17 BSA-080 Incorrect cruise Mach in BE58 airline procedure file

BADA-3.8-Change-18 BSA-011, BSA-012, BSA-037

Miscellaneous errors in SYNONYM.LST

BADA-3.8-Change-19 BSA-009, BSA-010,BSA-036, BSA-065

Revision of synonym aircraft types

BADA-3.8-Change-20 BSA-044 Fuel flow in approach and landing configuration

BADA-3.8-Change-21 BSA-033 Erroneous values for approach/landing thrust in some PTF/PTD files

BADA-3.8-Change-22 BSA-034 Slight change of descent transition altitude and approach-landing thresholds in some PTF/PTD files

BADA-3.8-Change-23 BSA-077 Missing indicator of the BADA version

BADA-3.8-Change-24 BSA-083 Unexpected "creation date" information in some files

BADA-3.8-Change-25 BSA-004, BSA-018, BSA-023, BSA-044, BSA-055, BSA-075

Documentation updates

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The details of each change are presented in the subsequent pages. For each change, a description of the change, a motivation for the change and a specification of the affected files is provided. If either the OPF or APF file has been changed then the PTF and PTD files are re-created with the updated files. For an explanation of symbols referring to BADA coefficients, refer to [RD1].

Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8 EUROCONTROL

Project BADA – EEC Technical/Scientific Report No. 2010/004 5


A3ST aircraft model added

Description of Modification:

A new BADA model for the Airbus A300B4-600ST “Beluga” aircraft type has been added.

Reason for Modification:

Following the availability of aircraft performance reference data, the decision has been taken to model this aircraft type.

Files Affected:

A3ST__.APF added

A3ST__.OPF added

A3ST__.PTF added

A3ST__.PTD added

SYNONYM.NEW modified

SYNONYM.LST modified


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A318 aircraft model added

Description of Modification:

A new BADA model for the Airbus A318 aircraft type has been added.

Reason for Modification:

Following the availability of aircraft performance reference data, the decision has been taken to model this aircraft type.

Files Affected:

A318__.APF added

A318__.OPF added

A318__.PTF added

A318__.PTD added

SYNONYM.NEW modified

SYNONYM.LST modified


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A345 aircraft model added

Description of Modification:

A new BADA model for the Airbus A340-500 aircraft type has been added.

Reason for Modification:

Following the availability of aircraft performance reference data, the decision has been taken to model this aircraft type.

Files Affected:

A345__.APF added

A345__.OPF added

A345__.PTF added

A345__.PTD added

SYNONYM.NEW modified

SYNONYM.LST modified


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B739 aircraft model added

Description of Modification:

A new BADA model for the Boeing 737-900 aircraft type has been added.

Reason for Modification:

Following the availability of aircraft performance reference data, the decision has been taken to model this aircraft type.

Files Affected:

B739__.APF added

B739__.OPF added

B739__.PTF added

B739__.PTD added

SYNONYM.NEW modified

SYNONYM.LST modified


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B77L aircraft model added

Description of Modification:

A new BADA model for the Boeing 777-200 LR aircraft type has been added.

Reason for Modification:

Following the availability of aircraft performance reference data, the decision has been taken to model this aircraft type.

Files Affected:

B77L__.APF added

B77L__.OPF added

B77L__.PTF added

B77L__.PTD added

SYNONYM.NEW modified

SYNONYM.LST modified


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B77W aircraft model added

Description of Modification:

A new BADA model for the Boeing 777-300 ER aircraft type has been added.

Reason for Modification:

Following the availability of aircraft performance reference data, the decision has been taken to model this aircraft type.

Files Affected:

B77W__.APF added

B77W__.OPF added

B77W__.PTF added

B77W__.PTD added

SYNONYM.NEW modified

SYNONYM.LST modified


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FA7X aircraft model added

Description of Modification:

A new BADA model for the Dassault Falcon 7X aircraft type has been added.

Reason for Modification:

Following the availability of aircraft performance reference data, the decision has been taken to model this aircraft type.

Files Affected:

FA7X__.APF added

FA7X__.OPF added

FA7X__.PTF added

FA7X__.PTD added

SYNONYM.NEW modified

SYNONYM.LST modified


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F2TH aircraft model added

Description of Modification:

A new BADA model for the Dassault Falcon 2000EX aircraft type has been added.

Reason for Modification:

Following the availability of aircraft performance reference data, the decision has been taken to model this aircraft type.

Files Affected:

F2TH__.APF added

F2TH__.OPF added

F2TH__.PTF added

F2TH__.PTD added

SYNONYM.NEW modified

SYNONYM.LST modified


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B763 remodelling

Description of Modification:

The BADA model for the Boeing 767-300 ER aircraft type has been redeveloped.

Reason for Modification:

Following the availability of better quality aircraft performance reference data, the decision has been taken to remodel this aircraft type.

Files Affected:

B763__.APF modified

B763__.OPF modified

B763__.PTF modified

B763__.PTD modified

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FA50 remodelling

Description of Modification:

The BADA model for the Falcon 50 aircraft type has been redeveloped. The new model is based on the Falcon 50EX, whereas the old one was based on the Falcon 50.

Reason for Modification:

Following the availability of better quality aircraft performance reference data, the decision has been taken to remodel this aircraft type.

Files Affected:

FA50__.APF modified

FA50__.OPF modified

FA50__.PTF modified

FA50__.PTD modified

Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8 EUROCONTROL

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F900 remodelling

Description of Modification:

The BADA model for the Falcon 900EX aircraft type has been redeveloped.

Reason for Modification:

Following the availability of better quality aircraft performance reference data, the decision has been taken to remodel this aircraft type.

Files Affected:

F900__.APF modified

F900__.OPF modified

F900__.PTF modified

F900__.PTD modified

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RJ85 remodelling

Description of Modification:

The BADA model for the Avro RJ85 aircraft type has been redeveloped.

Reason for Modification:

Based on comparisons of computed profiles against radar data, important deviations in rate of climb have been identified for the RJ85. The analysis showed that time data is rounded to the minute in the reference trajectory data used to create the model, which is not appropriate for accurate modelling. To improve the quality of the model, time data have been resampled for all trajectories and the RJ85 model has been completely redeveloped using these new data.

Files Affected:

RJ85__.APF modified

RJ85__.OPF modified

RJ85__.PTF modified

RJ85__.PTD modified

Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8 EUROCONTROL

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TRIN remodelling

Description of Modification:

The BADA model for the SOCATA Trinidad aircraft type has been redeveloped. This new model is based on the SOCATA TB21 Trinidad aircraft, whereas the old one was based on the SOCATA TB20 Trinidad (both aircraft share the same ICAO designator TRIN). The main differences between TB20/TB21 characteristics are: engine (IO-540-C4D5D/TIO-540-AB1AD, the latter being turbocharged), maximum altitude (20000ft/25000ft), empty weight (800kg/844kg).

Reason for Modification:

Following several problem reports concerning the TRIN model (ex: erroneous rates of descent for low mass values, unexpected order of magnitude for one drag coefficient, operational reports of TRIN a/c flying higher than FL200), a new model has been developed.

Files Affected:

TRIN__.APF modified

TRIN__.OPF modified

TRIN__.PTF modified

TRIN__.PTD modified

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Incorrect buffet coefficients and gradients in some models

Description of Modification:

The following models have been partly remodelled: A320, C550, C560, F900.

Reason for Modification:

- The buffet parameters (Clbo and k) had incorrect values in the A320, C550, C560 and F900 models.

- The temperature and mass gradients for C560 had a wrong order of magnitude.

- Another minor error was found in the input data for C560 (one point in one trajectory).

Files Affected:

A320__.OPF modified

A320__.PTF modified

C550__.OPF modified

C550__.PTF modified

C560__.OPF modified

C560__.PTF modified

C560__.PTD modified

F900__.OPF modified

F900__.PTF modified

Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8 EUROCONTROL

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Incorrect stall speeds in some models

Description of Modification:

The stall speeds have been corrected in the following models: A346, A388.

Reason for Modification:

The stall speeds provided for the aircraft models A346 and A388 were not correct: the values in the OPF files were in fact minimum speeds, and should be divided by 1.3 to get the correct stall speeds. This affects all configurations provided for those 2 models.

Files Affected:

A346__.OPF modified

A346__.PTF modified

A346__.PTD modified

A388__.OPF modified

A388__.PTF modified

A388__.PTD modified

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Incorrect maximum payload value in some models

Description of Modification:

The maximum payload value has been corrected in the following models: B763, PA34, T134.

Reason for Modification:

- In BADA 3.7, the max payload value for the B763 model had unexpectedly reverted to the value used in BADA 3.1.

- In BADA 3.7, the max payload value for the T134 model had unexpectedly changed from 8000 kg to 800 kg.

- The max payload value for the PA34 model (573 kg) was higher than the difference between minimum (1600 kg) and maximum (2072 kg) mass.

Files Affected:

B763__.OPF modified

B763__.PTF modified

PA34__.OPF modified

PA34__.PTF modified

T134__.OPF modified

T134__.PTF modified

Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8 EUROCONTROL

Project BADA – EEC Technical/Scientific Report No. 2010/004 21


Incorrect cruise Mach in BE58 airline procedure file

Description of Modification:

The cruise Mach has been changed from 0.25 to 0.32 in the BE58 airline procedure file.

Reason for Modification:

The Mach number proposed in the BE58 cruise speed schedule was too low: when associated to the proposed CAS value of 164 kt, it would lead to a crossover altitude around 1000 ft, which was not realistic.

Files Affected:

BE58__.APF modified

BE58__.PTF modified

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Miscellaneous errors in SYNONYM.LST

Description of Modification:

Two errors have been fixed in the SYNONYM.LST file:

- "H25B__" has been replaced by "H25A__".

- IL76 has been removed from the synonyms of model A30B and replaced by IL62.

Reason for Modification:

- There was an error in the linking: aircraft code H25B was referring to file H25A which no longer exists.

- IL62 was missing and IL76 occured twice instead throughout the file.

Files Affected:

SYNONYM.LST modified

Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8 EUROCONTROL

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Revision of synonym aircraft types

Description of Modification:

All synonym aircraft have been re-evaluated and some added or reassigned.

The added synonyms are: B748, B74R, BE9T, C25A, C25B, C404, C680, CL30, COL4, E121, E50P, E55P, G150, GL5T, GLST, LJ40, P46T, PA30, PRM1, RFAL, SR22, T160, TBM8.

No synonyms were removed in the making of this release.

More details about the choice of synonyms that was made are provided in [RD3].

Reason for Modification:

This revision is two fold: it allows for the addition of new synonym aircraft since BADA 3.7, and also a general reevaluation of all previously assigned aircraft with the aid of a tool (BADA Synonym Search Tool) to account for the addition of the new BADA models in the new release.

Files Affected:

SYNONYM.NEW modified

SYNONYM.LST modified


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Fuel flow in approach and landing configuration

Description of Modification:

All PTF and PTD files have been regenerated to be in line with the reference BADA implementation.

Reason for Modification:

The reference BADA implementation that is used to generate the PTF/PTD files has been slightly modified to fully comply with the clarified formula for fuel flow computation in the approach and landing phases, described in section 3.9.1 of [RD1].

Files Affected:

All PTF and PTD files were modified

Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8 EUROCONTROL

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Erroneous values for approach/landing thrust in some PTF/PTD files

Description of Modification:

The PTF and PTD files have been modified for several aircraft models to fix incorrect values in the approach and landing phases.

Reason for Modification:

For some aircraft, descent thrust values were not correctly calculated for approach and landing phases during the PTF/PTD files generation. This implies that some other values depending on the thrust, such as the rate of descent, were not correctly calculated either.

Files Affected:

B703__.PTF+PTD modified

BA11__.PTF+PTD modified

BE20__.PTF+PTD modified

BE99__.PTF+PTD modified

C421__.PTF+PTD modified

CRJ1__.PTF+PTD modified

D228__.PTF+PTD modified

DC10__.PTF+PTD modified

DC87__.PTF+PTD modified

DC94__.PTF+PTD modified

EA50__.PTF+PTD modified

F28___.PTF+PTD modified

FA10__.PTF+PTD modified

L101__.PTF+PTD modified

MU2___.PTF+PTD modified

PA27__.PTF+PTD modified

PA31__.PTF+PTD modified

PAY2__.PTF+PTD modified

PAY3__.PTF+PTD modified

SW4___.PTF+PTD modified

T134__.PTF+PTD modified

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Slight change of descent transition altitude and approach-landing thresholds in some PTF/PTD files

Description of Modification:

The PTF and PTD files have been modified for several aircraft models to account for a fix in the BADA implementation used to generate the PTF and PTD files.

Reason for Modification:

Two small rounding problems have been fixed in the BADA implementation used to generate the PTF and PTD files:

- A descent transition altitude case was included in the descent low thrust computation case.

- A boundary CAS case between the approach and landing phases was included in the approach phase.

Files Affected:

BA11__.PTF modified

BA11__.PTD modified

MU2__.PTF modified

MU2__.PTD modified

PA27__.PTF modified

PA27__.PTD modified

P28A__.PTF modified

P28A__.PTD modified

E120__.PTF modified

E120__.PTD modified

Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8 EUROCONTROL

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Missing indicator of the BADA version

Description of Modification:

The ReleaseSummary file has been reintroduced, in a simplified form: for each BADA file, only the last BADA release where a change occurred to this file is now indicated.

Reason for Modification:

Some users requested a mean to identify the BADA version that is currently present in their system once it has been extracted from the archive file available in BSA, and proposed that the ReleaseSummary file that was discarded in BADA 3.7 be reintroduced.

Regarding the potential use of such a file for automated version checking in software, or similar purposes, we would like to emphasize however that this release summary is a static file which only describes the untouched BADA release it came bundled with: if some of the aircraft model files have been modified in the user’s local environment, the ReleaseSummary file will no longer be valid, and information based on it may not reflect the real state of the BADA files currently present in this environment.

Files Affected:

ReleaseSummary added

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Unexpected “creation date” information in some files

Description of Modification:

The creation date has been fixed in the header of several files.

Reason for Modification:

- The creation date for the A343 OPF file was "qwe", instead of "Apr 30 2002".

- Several other files have their creation day displayed on 1 character instead of 2: this was not really an error, since those are comment lines and thus not subject to a format specification, but it has been fixed anyway for consistency.

Files Affected:

A343__.OPF modified

E120__.APF modified

E120__.OPF modified

MD11__.APF modified

MD11__.OPF modified

Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8 EUROCONTROL

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Documentation updates

Description of Modification:

The following changes have been made to the aircraft performance model algorithms described in the User Manual [RD1]:

- Introduction of a new revised atmosphere model with corresponding updates throughout the document

- Harmonisation of acronyms for physical constants with the “Revision of Atmosphere Model in BADA Aircraft Performance Model” document [RD4]

- Addition of the speed schedule in cruise for piston aircraft (section 4.2)

- Further clarification of the computation of fuel flow for jet and turboprop aircraft in approach and landing configurations (section 3.9.1)

- Additional information on whether some BADA model coefficients may or may not be negative

- Additional explanatory note on data presented in the PTF file

- Correction in the solution for buffeting limit algorithm.

Those changes are susceptible to require modifications in BADA software implementations to ensure their conformance to the aircraft performance model of BADA Revision 3.8.

Reason for Modification:

Those changes were prompted by several user requests for clarifications.

Files Affected:

BADA User Manual modified.

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Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8 EUROCONTROL

Project BADA – EEC Technical/Scientific Report No. 2010/004 31

BADA Release Summary File Summary Date: Apr 12 2010 BADA Release: 3.8 ========================== File Name ReleaseID ========================== A306__.APF 3.7 A306__.OPF 3.7 A306__.PTD 3.8 A306__.PTF 3.8 A30B__.APF 3.7 A30B__.OPF 3.7 A30B__.PTD 3.8 A30B__.PTF 3.8 A310__.APF 3.7 A310__.OPF 3.7 A310__.PTD 3.8 A310__.PTF 3.8 A318__.APF 3.8 A318__.OPF 3.8 A318__.PTD 3.8 A318__.PTF 3.8 A319__.APF 3.7 A319__.OPF 3.7 A319__.PTD 3.8 A319__.PTF 3.8 A320__.APF 3.7 A320__.OPF 3.7.2 A320__.PTD 3.8 A320__.PTF 3.8 A321__.APF 3.7 A321__.OPF 3.7 A321__.PTD 3.8 A321__.PTF 3.8 A332__.APF 3.7 A332__.OPF 3.7 A332__.PTD 3.8 A332__.PTF 3.8 A333__.APF 3.7 A333__.OPF 3.7 A333__.PTD 3.8 A333__.PTF 3.8 A343__.APF 3.7 A343__.OPF 3.8 A343__.PTD 3.8 A343__.PTF 3.8 A345__.APF 3.8 A345__.OPF 3.8 A345__.PTD 3.8 A345__.PTF 3.8 A346__.APF 3.7 A346__.OPF 3.8 A346__.PTD 3.8 A346__.PTF 3.8 A388__.APF 3.7 A388__.OPF 3.8 A388__.PTD 3.8 A388__.PTF 3.8 A3ST__.APF 3.8 A3ST__.OPF 3.8 A3ST__.PTD 3.8 A3ST__.PTF 3.8 AT43__.APF 3.7 AT43__.OPF 3.7 AT43__.PTD 3.8 AT43__.PTF 3.8

EUROCONTROL Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8

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AT45__.APF 3.7 AT45__.OPF 3.7 AT45__.PTD 3.8 AT45__.PTF 3.8 AT72__.APF 3.7 AT72__.OPF 3.7 AT72__.PTD 3.8 AT72__.PTF 3.8 ATP___.APF 3.7 ATP___.OPF 3.7 ATP___.PTD 3.8 ATP___.PTF 3.8 B462__.APF 3.7 B462__.OPF 3.7 B462__.PTD 3.8 B462__.PTF 3.8 B703__.APF 3.7 B703__.OPF 3.7 B703__.PTD 3.8 B703__.PTF 3.8 B712__.APF 3.7 B712__.OPF 3.7 B712__.PTD 3.8 B712__.PTF 3.8 B722__.APF 3.7 B722__.OPF 3.7 B722__.PTD 3.8 B722__.PTF 3.8 B732__.APF 3.7 B732__.OPF 3.7 B732__.PTD 3.8 B732__.PTF 3.8 B733__.APF 3.7 B733__.OPF 3.7 B733__.PTD 3.8 B733__.PTF 3.8 B734__.APF 3.7 B734__.OPF 3.7 B734__.PTD 3.8 B734__.PTF 3.8 B735__.APF 3.7 B735__.OPF 3.7 B735__.PTD 3.8 B735__.PTF 3.8 B736__.APF 3.7 B736__.OPF 3.7 B736__.PTD 3.8 B736__.PTF 3.8 B737__.APF 3.7 B737__.OPF 3.7 B737__.PTD 3.8 B737__.PTF 3.8 B738__.APF 3.7 B738__.OPF 3.7 B738__.PTD 3.8 B738__.PTF 3.8 B739__.APF 3.8 B739__.OPF 3.8 B739__.PTD 3.8 B739__.PTF 3.8 B742__.APF 3.7 B742__.OPF 3.7 B742__.PTD 3.8 B742__.PTF 3.8 B743__.APF 3.7 B743__.OPF 3.7 B743__.PTD 3.8 B743__.PTF 3.8

Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8 EUROCONTROL

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B744__.APF 3.7 B744__.OPF 3.7 B744__.PTD 3.8 B744__.PTF 3.8 B752__.APF 3.7 B752__.OPF 3.7 B752__.PTD 3.8 B752__.PTF 3.8 B753__.APF 3.7 B753__.OPF 3.7 B753__.PTD 3.8 B753__.PTF 3.8 B762__.APF 3.7 B762__.OPF 3.7 B762__.PTD 3.8 B762__.PTF 3.8 B763__.APF 3.8 B763__.OPF 3.8 B763__.PTD 3.8 B763__.PTF 3.8 B764__.APF 3.7 B764__.OPF 3.7 B764__.PTD 3.8 B764__.PTF 3.8 B772__.APF 3.7 B772__.OPF 3.7 B772__.PTD 3.8 B772__.PTF 3.8 B773__.APF 3.7 B773__.OPF 3.7 B773__.PTD 3.8 B773__.PTF 3.8 B77L__.APF 3.8 B77L__.OPF 3.8 B77L__.PTD 3.8 B77L__.PTF 3.8 B77W__.APF 3.8 B77W__.OPF 3.8 B77W__.PTD 3.8 B77W__.PTF 3.8 BA11__.APF 3.7 BA11__.OPF 3.7 BA11__.PTD 3.8 BA11__.PTF 3.8 BADA.GPF 3.7 BE20__.APF 3.7 BE20__.OPF 3.7 BE20__.PTD 3.8 BE20__.PTF 3.8 BE58__.APF 3.8 BE58__.OPF 3.7 BE58__.PTD 3.8 BE58__.PTF 3.8 BE99__.APF 3.7 BE99__.OPF 3.7 BE99__.PTD 3.8 BE99__.PTF 3.8 BE9L__.APF 3.7 BE9L__.OPF 3.7 BE9L__.PTD 3.8 BE9L__.PTF 3.8 C130__.APF 3.7 C130__.OPF 3.7 C130__.PTD 3.8 C130__.PTF 3.8 C160__.APF 3.7 C160__.OPF 3.7 C160__.PTD 3.8 C160__.PTF 3.8

EUROCONTROL Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8

34 Project BADA – EEC Technical/Scientific Report No. 2010/004

C421__.APF 3.7 C421__.OPF 3.7 C421__.PTD 3.8 C421__.PTF 3.8 C510__.APF 3.7 C510__.OPF 3.7 C510__.PTD 3.8 C510__.PTF 3.8 C550__.APF 3.7 C550__.OPF 3.7.1 C550__.PTD 3.8 C550__.PTF 3.8 C560__.APF 3.7 C560__.OPF 3.7.1 C560__.PTD 3.8 C560__.PTF 3.8 C750__.APF 3.7 C750__.OPF 3.7 C750__.PTD 3.8 C750__.PTF 3.8 CL60__.APF 3.7 CL60__.OPF 3.7 CL60__.PTD 3.8 CL60__.PTF 3.8 CRJ1__.APF 3.7 CRJ1__.OPF 3.7 CRJ1__.PTD 3.8 CRJ1__.PTF 3.8 CRJ2__.APF 3.7 CRJ2__.OPF 3.7 CRJ2__.PTD 3.8 CRJ2__.PTF 3.8 CRJ9__.APF 3.7 CRJ9__.OPF 3.7 CRJ9__.PTD 3.8 CRJ9__.PTF 3.8 D228__.APF 3.7 D228__.OPF 3.7 D228__.PTD 3.8 D228__.PTF 3.8 D328__.APF 3.7 D328__.OPF 3.7 D328__.PTD 3.8 D328__.PTF 3.8 DA42__.APF 3.7 DA42__.OPF 3.7 DA42__.PTD 3.8 DA42__.PTF 3.8 DC10__.APF 3.7 DC10__.OPF 3.7 DC10__.PTD 3.8 DC10__.PTF 3.8 DC87__.APF 3.7 DC87__.OPF 3.7 DC87__.PTD 3.8 DC87__.PTF 3.8 DC94__.APF 3.7 DC94__.OPF 3.7 DC94__.PTD 3.8 DC94__.PTF 3.8 DH8A__.APF 3.7 DH8A__.OPF 3.7 DH8A__.PTD 3.8 DH8A__.PTF 3.8 DH8C__.APF 3.7 DH8C__.OPF 3.7 DH8C__.PTD 3.8 DH8C__.PTF 3.8

Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8 EUROCONTROL

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DH8D__.APF 3.7 DH8D__.OPF 3.7 DH8D__.PTD 3.8 DH8D__.PTF 3.8 E120__.APF 3.8 E120__.OPF 3.8 E120__.PTD 3.8 E120__.PTF 3.8 E135__.APF 3.7 E135__.OPF 3.7 E135__.PTD 3.8 E135__.PTF 3.8 E145__.APF 3.7 E145__.OPF 3.7 E145__.PTD 3.8 E145__.PTF 3.8 E170__.APF 3.7 E170__.OPF 3.7 E170__.PTD 3.8 E170__.PTF 3.8 E190__.APF 3.7 E190__.OPF 3.7 E190__.PTD 3.8 E190__.PTF 3.8 EA50__.APF 3.7 EA50__.OPF 3.7 EA50__.PTD 3.8 EA50__.PTF 3.8 F100__.APF 3.7 F100__.OPF 3.7 F100__.PTD 3.8 F100__.PTF 3.8 F27___.APF 3.7 F27___.OPF 3.7 F27___.PTD 3.8 F27___.PTF 3.8 F28___.APF 3.7 F28___.OPF 3.7 F28___.PTD 3.8 F28___.PTF 3.8 F2TH__.APF 3.8 F2TH__.OPF 3.8 F2TH__.PTD 3.8 F2TH__.PTF 3.8 F50___.APF 3.7 F50___.OPF 3.7 F50___.PTD 3.8 F50___.PTF 3.8 F70___.APF 3.7 F70___.OPF 3.7 F70___.PTD 3.8 F70___.PTF 3.8 F900__.APF 3.8 F900__.OPF 3.8 F900__.PTD 3.8 F900__.PTF 3.8 FA10__.APF 3.7 FA10__.OPF 3.7 FA10__.PTD 3.8 FA10__.PTF 3.8 FA20__.APF 3.7 FA20__.OPF 3.7 FA20__.PTD 3.8 FA20__.PTF 3.8 FA50__.APF 3.8 FA50__.OPF 3.8 FA50__.PTD 3.8 FA50__.PTF 3.8 FA7X__.APF 3.8

EUROCONTROL Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8

36 Project BADA – EEC Technical/Scientific Report No. 2010/004

FA7X__.OPF 3.8 FA7X__.PTD 3.8 FA7X__.PTF 3.8 FGTH__.APF 3.7 FGTH__.OPF 3.7 FGTH__.PTD 3.8 FGTH__.PTF 3.8 FGTL__.APF 3.7 FGTL__.OPF 3.7 FGTL__.PTD 3.8 FGTL__.PTF 3.8 FGTN__.APF 3.7 FGTN__.OPF 3.7 FGTN__.PTD 3.8 FGTN__.PTF 3.8 H25A__.APF 3.7 H25A__.OPF 3.7 H25A__.PTD 3.8 H25A__.PTF 3.8 JS32__.APF 3.7 JS32__.OPF 3.7 JS32__.PTD 3.8 JS32__.PTF 3.8 JS41__.APF 3.7 JS41__.OPF 3.7 JS41__.PTD 3.8 JS41__.PTF 3.8 L101__.APF 3.7 L101__.OPF 3.7 L101__.PTD 3.8 L101__.PTF 3.8 LJ35__.APF 3.7 LJ35__.OPF 3.7 LJ35__.PTD 3.8 LJ35__.PTF 3.8 LJ45__.APF 3.7 LJ45__.OPF 3.7 LJ45__.PTD 3.8 LJ45__.PTF 3.8 MD11__.APF 3.8 MD11__.OPF 3.8 MD11__.PTD 3.8 MD11__.PTF 3.8 MD82__.APF 3.7 MD82__.OPF 3.7 MD82__.PTD 3.8 MD82__.PTF 3.8 MD83__.APF 3.7 MD83__.OPF 3.7 MD83__.PTD 3.8 MD83__.PTF 3.8 MU2___.APF 3.7 MU2___.OPF 3.7 MU2___.PTD 3.8 MU2___.PTF 3.8 P28A__.APF 3.7 P28A__.OPF 3.7 P28A__.PTD 3.8 P28A__.PTF 3.8 PA27__.APF 3.7 PA27__.OPF 3.7 PA27__.PTD 3.8 PA27__.PTF 3.8 PA31__.APF 3.7 PA31__.OPF 3.7 PA31__.PTD 3.8 PA31__.PTF 3.8 PA34__.APF 3.7

Revision Summary Document for the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) Revision 3.8 EUROCONTROL

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PA34__.OPF 3.7.2 PA34__.PTD 3.8 PA34__.PTF 3.8 PAY2__.APF 3.7 PAY2__.OPF 3.7 PAY2__.PTD 3.8 PAY2__.PTF 3.8 PAY3__.APF 3.7 PAY3__.OPF 3.7 PAY3__.PTD 3.8 PAY3__.PTF 3.8 RJ85__.APF 3.8 RJ85__.OPF 3.8 RJ85__.PTD 3.8 RJ85__.PTF 3.8 SB20__.APF 3.7 SB20__.OPF 3.7 SB20__.PTD 3.8 SB20__.PTF 3.8 SF34__.APF 3.7 SF34__.OPF 3.7 SF34__.PTD 3.8 SF34__.PTF 3.8 SH36__.APF 3.7 SH36__.OPF 3.7 SH36__.PTD 3.8 SH36__.PTF 3.8 SW4___.APF 3.7 SW4___.OPF 3.7 SW4___.PTD 3.8 SW4___.PTF 3.8 SYNONYM.LST 3.8 SYNONYM.NEW 3.8 SYNONYM_ALL.LST 3.8 T134__.APF 3.7 T134__.OPF 3.7.2 T134__.PTD 3.8 T134__.PTF 3.8 T154__.APF 3.7 T154__.OPF 3.7 T154__.PTD 3.8 T154__.PTF 3.8 TRIN__.APF 3.7.2 TRIN__.OPF 3.7.2 TRIN__.PTD 3.8 TRIN__.PTF 3.8

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