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Volume II - Annex

Project EVP/WP3

Version: 2.3

Issued: July 2006


Reference: Flight deck URD – Volume II - Annex

Security Classification: Unclassified

Originator: EEC - SSP (Sector Safety and Productivity)

Originator (Corporate Author) Name/Location: EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre Centre de Bois des Bordes B.P.15 F - 91222 Brétigny-sur-Orge CEDEX FRANCE Telephone: +33 (0)1 69 88 75 00


Sponsor (Contract Authority) Name/Location: EUROCONTROL Agency 96, Rue de la Fusée B - 1130 Brussels BELGIUM Telephone: +32 2 729 90 11



Authors Eric Hoffman,

Nayen Pène (Steria), Karim Zeghal

Date 07/2006

Pages viii + 93

Figures 39

Tables 12

Annexes 1

(present document)

References 9


Eric Hoffman, SSP scientific & technical manager +33 (0)1 69 88 76 39

Karim Zeghal, project leader +33 (0)1 69 88 73 08

Descriptors (keywords): ADS-B, airborne spacing, ASAS, flight deck systems, Airbus cockpit, user requirements, real-time experiment, sequencing applications.

Abstract: This document is the annex to the volume I describing the set of user requirements to implement an Airborne Separation Assurance System (ASAS) interface for sequencing and merging applications within a flight deck. It covers example design choices, recording requirements and interface requirements in the case of an implementation within a flight deck simulator.

Release Date of the

release Description of the release Modifications

(sections affected & relevant information)

1.0 18/07/05 - Update of the annex documents from “MCS ASAS Spacing URD version 2.0”.

- Based on the defined requirements in volume I, highlight the functional and design choices made for the implementation on Airbus simulators.

- Update of the use cases integrating logic diagrams

- Integrate new application “follow route then merge” in use cases

- Update of the system recordings


1.1 26/07/05 - Minor editorial update All 2.0 22/12/05 - Target symbol in level flight

- Display of ASAS reference line 2.1.2 2.1.2, Figures 1, 5, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17 & 18

2.1 12/01/06 - Internal version – no changes N/A

2.2 10/05/2006 Minor editorial updates, plus: - Figure 6 deleted - Boxed display of the “ASAS DISENGAGED”

message on the ND - Update and revision of use cases and

MCDU, ND information display (including wake turbulence category, target’s range and bearing, end spacing menus, ..)

- Bearing information, as displayed during the identification phase, shall be “magnetic bearing” (relative to Magnetic North) instead of relative bearing. - Recording of target’s WTC and magnetic

bearing - Updated recording of actions following use

case changes above - Availability of target’s wake turbulence

information in DIS PDUs

2.4.6, 2.5.1, 2.5.4 2.4 Use cases: 2.4.1 incl. Figures 2, 3 2.4.2 incl. Figures 4-5 2.4.3 incl. Fig 6-7-8-9 2.4.4 incl. Fig 10-11-12-13 2.4.5 incl. Fig 14-15-16 2.4.6 incl. Figure 17 2.4.1 5.3 5.3 6.2.8, 6.2.9

2.3 17/07/06 - Clarification: messages display requirements - Clarification: advisory and alert messages,

and ND/MCDU information display in Use Cases

- Correction: removal of remaining references to ASAS reference line when under spacing

- Correction: in the Use Cases, the end of “data entry” sections was actually concerning “check feasibility” phase

- Correction: suggested speed display symbol in ASAS Selected speed mode on the PFD.

2.5.3, 2.5.4, new 2.5.5 2.4.4, 2.4.5 2.4.6, 2.5.2 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4, 2.4.5 2.1.5

Page intentionally left blank


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LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................................VII

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................VII


ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .............................................................................VIII

1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 1 1.1. SCOPE OF THE DOCUMENT ..................................................................................... 1 1.2. OVERVIEW OF THE DOCUMENT............................................................................... 1 1.3. TERMINOLOGY........................................................................................................... 1

2. ANNEX1 - IMPLEMENTATION ON AIRBUS COCKPIT SIMULATOR........................ 2 2.1. HMI DESIGN ................................................................................................................ 2

2.1.1. Input device .................................................................................................... 2 2.1.2. Target symbol ................................................................................................. 2 2.1.3. Predictive spacing position symbol.................................................................. 4 2.1.4. Spacing scale ................................................................................................. 4 2.1.5. Suggested speed............................................................................................ 5

2.2. SPEED GUIDANCE...................................................................................................... 8 2.2.1. Engagement and disengagement of the managed speed mode...................... 8 2.2.2. Engagement and disengagement of the selected speed mode ....................... 9 2.2.3. Speed command for the Auto-thrust................................................................ 9 2.2.4. SPD/MACH window of the FCU.................................................................... 10

2.3. LATERAL GUIDANCE................................................................................................ 10 2.3.1. Engagement and disengagement of the automatic “resume” turn ................. 10 2.3.2. Engagement and disengagement of the manual “resume” turn..................... 11

2.4. FUNCTIONAL USE CASES ....................................................................................... 11 2.4.1. Display of traffic and target identification....................................................... 11 2.4.2. Remain behind.............................................................................................. 15 2.4.3. Merge behind................................................................................................ 18 2.4.4. Heading then merge behind.......................................................................... 24 2.4.5. Follow route then merge behind.................................................................... 29 2.4.6. Termination of the spacing instruction........................................................... 34

2.5. ADVISORIES AND ALERTS ...................................................................................... 37 2.5.1. General advisories and alerts........................................................................ 37 2.5.2. Speed guidance advisories and alerts........................................................... 37 2.5.3. Time to resume advisories and alerts............................................................ 38 2.5.4. Display of advisory and alert messages ........................................................ 39 2.5.5. Summary list of advisory and alert messages ............................................... 40

2.6. SPECIFIC CALCULATIONS....................................................................................... 42 2.6.1. Spacing value ............................................................................................... 42 2.6.2. Suggested speed.......................................................................................... 42 2.6.3. Data reset ..................................................................................................... 43

2.7. USER PARAMETERS................................................................................................ 44 2.7.1. Spacing parameters...................................................................................... 44 2.7.2. Display parameters ....................................................................................... 45


vi Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3– 17/07/06

2.7.3. Calculation parameters ................................................................................. 47 2.7.4. Data recording parameters ........................................................................... 51


4. ANNEX3 – TCAS IMPLEMENTATION....................................................................... 52 4.1. GENERAL INFORMATION ON TCAS........................................................................ 53

4.1.1. ACAS status of surrounding traffic ................................................................ 53 4.1.2. TCAS symbol................................................................................................ 53 4.1.3. TCAS data tag .............................................................................................. 54 4.1.4. Rules of TCAS display .................................................................................. 54

4.2. IMPLEMENTATION OF A SIMPLIFIED DISPLAY OF TRAFFIC ................................ 56 4.2.1. Parameters for the simplified display............................................................. 56 4.2.2. Simplified Display rules ................................................................................. 56

4.3. IMPLEMENTATION OF A FULL TCAS DISPLAY....................................................... 57 4.3.1. Link with the ACAS server ............................................................................ 57 4.3.2. Display parameters for full TCAS display ...................................................... 58 4.3.3. Management of ACAS / ASAS display .......................................................... 58

5. ANNEX4 – SYSTEM RECORDINGS.......................................................................... 59 5.1. NAMING OF THE DATA LOG FILES ......................................................................... 59 5.2. “INITLOG” DATA FILES ............................................................................................. 60 5.3. “STATELOG” DATA FILE ........................................................................................... 61 5.4. “ACTIONLOG” FILE.................................................................................................... 64

6. ANNEX5 – MCS INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................... 73 6.1. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................... 74

6.1.1. ESCAPE ....................................................................................................... 74 6.1.2. AudioLAN...................................................................................................... 74 6.1.3. System overview........................................................................................... 74 6.1.4. DIS background ............................................................................................ 75 6.1.5. DIS definition ................................................................................................ 76 6.1.6. DIS Protocol Data Unit (PDU) subset used for MCS ..................................... 76

6.2. FLIGHT SIMULATION MESSAGES (MCS PDUS) ..................................................... 78 6.2.1. PDU Header ................................................................................................. 78 6.2.2. Aircraft information – Entity State PDU ......................................................... 79 6.2.3. Simulation Management - Create Entity PDU ............................................... 82 6.2.4. Simulation Management - Remove Entity PDU............................................. 83 6.2.5. Simulation Management - Start/Resume PDU .............................................. 84 6.2.6. Simulation Management - Stop/Freeze PDU................................................. 85 6.2.7. Simulation Management - Acknowledge PDU............................................... 86 6.2.8. Simulation Management - Data Query PDU.................................................. 87 6.2.9. Simulation Management - Data PDU ............................................................ 89 6.2.10. Simulation Management - Event Report PDU ............................................... 91 6.2.11. Radio communication – Transmitter PDU ..................................................... 92 6.2.12. Radio communication – Signal PDU ............................................................. 95


Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06 vii

LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 – Sample ND in merge behind with SUG IAS.................................................................... 8 Figure 2 – Target selection, SSR code entry................................................................................. 13 Figure 3 – Target identification and confirmation........................................................................... 14 Figure 4 – Remain behind: Data entry .......................................................................................... 16 Figure 5 – Remain behind: Activation of the spacing instruction ................................................... 17 Figure 6 – Choice between Merge, Heading then merge and Follow route then merge ................ 19 Figure 7 – Merge behind: data entry with merge point first............................................................ 20 Figure 8 – Merge behind: data entry with required spacing first .................................................... 21 Figure 9 – Merge behind: Activation of the spacing instruction...................................................... 22 Figure 10 - Heading then merge: Data entry, merge point first...................................................... 25 Figure 11 – Heading then merge: Data entry, desired spacing first ............................................... 26 Figure 12 – Heading then merge: Automatic resume turn ............................................................. 28 Figure 13 – Heading then merge: Manual resume turn ................................................................. 29 Figure 14 – Follow route then merge behind: Data entry............................................................... 31 Figure 15 – Follow route then merge: Automatic resume turn....................................................... 33 Figure 16 – Follow route then merge: Manual resume turn ........................................................... 34 Figure 17 – Termination of the spacing instruction........................................................................ 36 Figure 18 : DIS Local connection .................................................................................................. 75 Figure 19 : DIS remote connection ............................................................................................... 75 Figure 20 : Raw PDU format......................................................................................................... 78 Figure 21 : Structure of Entity State PDU...................................................................................... 81 Figure 22 : Example of Entity State PDU ...................................................................................... 82 Figure 23 : Entity creation ............................................................................................................. 82 Figure 24 : Structure of Create Entity PDU ................................................................................... 83 Figure 25 : Entity removal ............................................................................................................. 83 Figure 26 : Structure of Remove Entity PDU................................................................................. 84 Figure 27 : Entity Start .................................................................................................................. 84 Figure 28 : Structure of Start/Resume PDU .................................................................................. 85 Figure 29 : Entity Stop .................................................................................................................. 86 Figure 30 : Structure of Stop/Freeze PDU..................................................................................... 86 Figure 31 : Structure of Acknowledge PDU................................................................................... 87 Figure 32 : Data Request.............................................................................................................. 88 Figure 33 : Structure of Data Query PDU...................................................................................... 89 Figure 34 : Structure of Data PDU ................................................................................................ 90 Figure 35 : Example of Data PDU................................................................................................. 91 Figure 36 : Structure of Event Report PDU ................................................................................... 92 Figure 37 : Structure of Transmitter PDU...................................................................................... 94 Figure 38 : Example of Transmitter PDU ...................................................................................... 95 Figure 39 : Signal broadcast ......................................................................................................... 96

LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1, Summary of Alert and Messages ................................................................................. 41 Table 5-1: List of variables recorded in StateLog file..................................................................... 62 Table 5-2 : StateLog data description. .......................................................................................... 64 Table 5-3: List of variables recorded in ActionLog file. .................................................................. 64 Table 5-4 : ActionLog data description - FCU element. ................................................................. 67 Table 5-5 : ActionLog data description - Frequency selection. ...................................................... 67 Table 5-6 : ActionLog data description - MCDU element (the table is the same for FO messages).

................................................................................................................................... 70 Table 5-7 : ActionLog data description - Speed brakes element. .................................................. 70


viii Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3– 17/07/06

Table 5-8 : ActionLog data description - throttle element. ............................................................. 70 Table 5-9 : ActionLog data description - Flaps elements............................................................... 71 Table 5-10 : ActionLog data description – Overhead pannel. ........................................................ 71 Table 5-11 : ActionLog data description - Landing gear and autobrakes element. ........................ 71 Table 5-12 : ActionLog data description - ASAS states. ................................................................ 72


[1] E. Hoffmann, N. Pène, K. Zeghal, “ASAS Spacing User Requirement Document”, EEC document version 2.0, 28/04/2005.

[2] I. Grimaud, E. Hoffman, L. Rognin, K. Zeghal, “EACAC 2000 Real-Time experiments : Pilots perspectives”, EEC Report version 3.0, 16/01/2002

[3] C. Shaw, K. Zeghal, “CDTI Evaluation System : User Requirement Document”, EEC document version 1.4, 19/10/1998

[4] Honeywell, “A320 Flight Management System Pilot’s Guide”, Rev.1, Jan. 1993

[5] WP-6.1 ACAS brochure (ACAS programme)

[6] RTCA SC-147 DO-185A – Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) Airborne Equipment (1997)

[7] D. Antoine, R. Sanhueza, C. Shaw, “D422 Autonomous aircraft simulator interface specifications, Release 3”, Mediterranean Free Flight, Edition 1.2, 24 July 2003.

[8] E. Hoffmann, H. Parvais, “DIS enumerations and Bit-encoded values for Civil Air Traffic Management simulation: A perspective from the Eurocontrol Experimental Centre”, EEC document, March 1995.

[9] IST, “Standard for Distributed Interactive Simulation – Application protocols”, Version 2.0, 4th draft, 16th March 1994, IST-CR-94-50

ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS See volume I of this report.


Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06 1



This document is the annex to the volume I describing the set of user requirements to implement an Airborne Separation Assurance System (ASAS) interface for sequencing and merging applications [1][2][3] within a flight deck. This annex document should cover:

• The design choices made for the implementation on Airbus simulator to comply with the requirements defined in volume I.

• The design choices made for the implementation on pseudo-pilot positions.

• The specifications of the TCAS implementation performed on the EEC simulator to increase flight crew situation awareness.

• The specifications of the system recordings used during real time experiments.

• The specifications of the DIS interface of the cockpit simulator (with simulated ATC and other traffic).


The document is organised as follows:

• Section 2 presents the description of the implementation on Airbus simulator.

• Section 3 will present the detailed specifications of the pseudo-pilot position but this section is not covered yet.

• Section 4 presents the TCAS implementation performed on the MCS at EEC.

• Section 5 presents the system recordings.

• Section 6 presents the DIS interface of the cockpit simulator.


In order to ensure clarity and readability, the following notations are applied to this document:

• “shall” is used whenever a mandatory requirement is expressed.

• “should” is used to express a recommendation.

• “may” is used to express an option.

• “will” is used to express a future expectation.


2 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06



The ASAS interface should be consistent with Airbus design philosophy as much as possible. Concerning the Airbus A320 cockpit simulator at EEC, the data input for ASAS is performed on the MCDU and the design should be consistent with the use of the FMS [4].

The ND is used as a CDTI to display traffic information and ASAS monitoring elements such as the target aircraft symbol [2.1.2], the ASAS reference link [2.1.2], the predictive spacing position [2.1.3] and the spacing scale [2.1.4]. Guidance elements such as the suggested speed [2.1.5] may be displayed on the PFD or ND. No graphical elements shall overlap beyond the selected ND range.

2.1.1. Input device

The MCDU is used by the crew to input the parameters of target selection and ASAS applications, such as the SSR code, the required spacing value (for Remain and Merge behind applications) and the merge point (for Merge behind applications).

The following general display rules apply to the data:

• The data field labels are in white, with a small font.

• Modifiable data is displayed in Cyan (besides a corresponding LSK).

• Non-modifiable data is displayed in Green.

• An active constraint is displayed in Magenta (e.g. Required spacing)

• A missed constraint is displayed in Amber (e.g. required spacing in “Unable spacing” situation).

• Large font is used when the data is entered by the pilot and small font is used when the data is generated by the system.

• Amber box prompts are used to indicate that a specific data entry is necessary for the ASAS application.

Pilot entered data: As long as no value is entered, the field is composed of amber boxes if the information is compulsory and of bracket prompts “[ ]” if it is not compulsory. The data is entered by the pilot in the scratchpad and is entered in the field by pressing the corresponding LSK. Once entered by the pilot, the data appears in large font and is in Cyan if modifiable and in Green if not.

System generated data: If the system lacks information or if the data cannot be computed, dashes appear in the data field (e.g. “ - - - “ for “GS” of an undefined target). Once the data can be computed, it appears in small font.

The CLR key on the MCDU shall be used to clear ASAS messages on both MCDU and ND.

2.1.2. Target symbol

The display of the selected target aircraft and the ASAS link are performed on the ND and shall be consistent with the ND range and mode selected. If within range on the ND, the selected target


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shall be displayed with information of altitude and vertical trend. The target symbol shall be distinct from the TCAS symbols and may be represented as a triangle:

• the position of which is determined by the geographical position of the target,

• the direction of which is determined by the heading of the target.

A data tag should be displayed above or below the target aircraft depending on whether the relative altitude of the target is positive or not. It comprises:

• the relative altitude in hundreds of feet, displayed with two digits (e.g. -03, +14, 00),

• a vertical arrow pointing up/down for a target climbing/descending with a vertical speed greater than 500 fpm.

The target and data tag should be displayed:

• in Red in case of Warning,

• in Amber in case of Caution,

• or White in other cases.

The reference line or ASAS link between own aircraft and the target shall be displayed with double dashed lines. It highlights both the selected aircraft and the current spacing situation:

The shape of the link depends on the ASAS application:

• It runs direct from own aircraft to target when no application is selected ;

• In case of “Remain behind”, it runs alongside the trajectory ;

• In case of “Merge behind” or “Heading then Merge behind”, it runs from own aircraft to the merge point taking into account the turn towards the merge point and from the merge point to the target alongside the trajectory. In “Heading then merge behind”, the resume turn towards the merge point should start at the predictive spacing position (see 2.1.3 below);

• In case of “Follow route then Merge behind”, it runs from own aircraft to the merge point and from the merge point to the target. Between own aircraft and the merge point, the link is alongside flight plan trajectory until the resume point and takes into account the turn towards the merge point at the predictive spacing position;

The link shall be displayed in Cyan:

• During the Target identification phase ;

• During the Check feasibility phase ;

• And shall not be displayed during other phases, once the spacing instruction has been activated.


4 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

2.1.3. Predictive spacing position symbol

The predictive spacing position symbol (broken arrow with an arc) indicates the position on the trajectory where the spacing will be acquired:

• It shall be displayed during the “check feasibility” and “acquire spacing” phases.

• It is displayed in white alongside the trajectory , except in the cases described below.

• If the position at which the spacing would be acquired is:

Beyond the (Time to merge point + x minutes (e.g. 5min.)) for “merge” and “heading then merge” instructions, or

Beyond the (Time constraint to acquire spacing + x minutes) for “remain” instructions,

Beyond the Final Approach Fix of the arrival airport,

The predictive spacing symbol should then be displayed in Amber at that point.

• The movement of the predicted spacing should be smoothed out as much as possible.

2.1.4. Spacing scale

It shall be possible to configure the initialisation file (e.g. fmgs.ini) in order to display or not the spacing scale. This will enable to run experiments with or without this display. It could be performed for example as follow:

• The spacing scale is displayed if SCALE_DISPLAY = 1.

• The spacing scale is not displayed if SCALE_DISPLAY = 0.

• The default value for this parameter should be 1 if it is omitted in the initialisation file.

The spacing scale is positioned on the left of the ND and indicates: current and required spacing, spacing trend and closure rate, and tolerance margins. The size of the displayed scale shall be independent of the range of the ND. It shall include the following features:

• It is centred on the current spacing value (yellow line) with lower spacing values at the top of the scale and higher spacing values at the bottom.

• The range of the scale is expressed in the same unit as the spacing value and should be a user parameter (e.g. defined in the fmgs.ini file). The default value for the range of the scale should be the tolerance margin, in which case the scale represents spacing values of current spacing +/- tolerance (e.g. +/-0.5 NM for distance based spacing and +/-5 seconds for time based spacing).

• Note: the range of the scale should be limited to values between half of the caution tolerance and the caution tolerance.

• The current spacing is indicated in white at the left of the scale (e.g. 8.1 NM or 98s).


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• The required spacing is materialised by a magenta symbol (triangle) when within scale range, and by the textual value (displayed either at the top or the bottom of the scale depending whether it is smaller or larger than current spacing) when outside range.

• The spacing trend (green arrow) graphically represents projected spacing in x seconds (e.g. 30s). It graphically represents the closure rate of own aircraft upon the target. The trend is pointing downwards if own ship goes slower than the target and upwards if it is goes faster. Increasing the speed will make the trend vector point further upwards. The trend should be filtered for low values and its movement should be smoothed out to avoid flickering.

• Caution tolerance margins are represented by amber rectangles. When the current spacing gets out the tolerance (i.e. required spacing symbol out of the spacing scale), caution situation will be detected.

• Warning tolerance margins are represented by red filled rectangles. When the current spacing gets inside the red zone, warning situation will be detected.

• The spacing scale shall not be displayed during the “check feasibility” phase; the scale materialises the active ASAS mode.

2.1.5. Suggested speed

The suggested speed is preferably displayed on the PFD. Thus, it shall be possible to display the suggested speed on the PFD whatever the ASAS speed mode. However, if tests need to be performed with the suggested speed on the ND in ASAS Selected speed mode, a user parameter should be defined in the initialisation file:

• PFD_Display_Requested_Speed = 0 to display the suggested speed on the ND

• PFD_Display_Requested_Speed = 1 to display the suggested speed on the PFD

• The default value for this parameter should be “1” if it is omitted in the initialisation file.

Note that if the PFD_Display_Requested_Speed parameter is set at “0”, the ASAS_Default_Mode parameter should be set at “selected”.

Display on the PFD in ASAS Managed speed mode

If the ASAS suggested speed is within the nominal speed range or is acceptable (see [2.6.2]), it shall be displayed on the PFD:

• with a magenta triangle across the corresponding speed if its value is inside the speed tape,

• with its explicit value in magenta at the top/bottom right of the speed tape if the value is outside the speed tape.

If the ASAS suggested speed is unacceptable (see [2.6.2]), it shall be displayed on the PFD:

• with a magenta triangle across the speed value corresponding to the limit of acceptable speed values if this value is inside the speed tape,

• with the value corresponding to the limit of acceptable speed values displayed explicitly in magenta at the top/bottom right of the speed tape if this value is outside the speed tape.


6 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

Normal Acceptable Acceptable Unacceptable

(e.g. 292kt) (e.g. 250kt) (e.g. 250kt) (e.g. >MMO)

Display on the PFD in ASAS Selected speed mode

If PFD_Display_Requested_Speed = 1, in the ASAS selected speed mode, the ASAS suggested speed is displayed on the PFD.

If the ASAS suggested speed is within the nominal speed range or is acceptable (see [2.6.2]), it shall be displayed on the PFD:

• with a magenta symbol, which should not overlap the selected speed indication (cyan triangle), across the corresponding speed if the suggested speed value is inside the speed tape,

• with its explicit value in magenta at the top/bottom left of the speed tape (so that it can not overlap the selected speed indication displayed on the top/bottom right) if the value is outside the speed tape.

If the ASAS suggested speed is unacceptable (see [2.6.2]), it shall be displayed on the PFD:

• with a magenta symbol across the speed value corresponding to the limit of acceptable speed values if this value is inside the speed tape,

• with the value corresponding to the limit of acceptable speed values displayed explicitly in magenta at the top/bottom right of the speed tape if this value is outside the speed tape.


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Sug. IAS= 300kt Sug. IAS= 260kt Sug. IAS= 230kt Selected= 300kt Selected= 285kt Selected= 230kt

Display on the ND in ASAS Selected speed mode

If PFD_Display_Requested_Speed = 0, in the ASAS selected speed mode, the ASAS suggested speed is displayed on the ND. It shall be displayed on the ND in the centre, at the bottom, under own aircraft symbol and above the line used for messages.

The field label “SUG IAS” is in white and is followed by the suggested speed value:

• If within the normal speed range, the suggested speed value is displayed in green.

• If within the acceptable speed range, the suggested speed value is displayed in amber.

• If the suggested speed is unacceptable, the speed value corresponding to the limit of acceptable speed values is displayed in amber.


8 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

Figure 1 – Sample ND in merge behind with SUG IAS


Two ASAS modes are available for speed guidance in remain and merge behind:

• ASAS Managed speed mode, in which the speed is automatically managed by the system to comply with the spacing instruction.

• ASAS Selected speed mode, in which the flight crew needs to manually adjust the selected speed on the FCU to comply with the spacing instruction (based on the displayed suggested speed).

In both modes, the system will use improved suggested speed calculations, including filtering and anticipation of large speed reductions, as described in paragraph 7.4.3 and 7.4.4 of volume I of the user requirements.

The flight crew may switch from one mode to the other using the speed knob button on the FCU as described below. When the spacing instruction is activated, the system shall automatically engage:

• the ASAS Managed speed mode if it has been defined as default mode in the user parameters configuration file (e.g. ASAS_Default_Mode = managed)

• the ASAS Selected speed mode if it has been defined as default mode in the user parameters configuration file (e.g. ASAS_Default_Mode = selected)

• ASAS_Default_Mode is set by default at “managed” if omitted in the initialisation file.

2.2.1. Engagement and disengagement of the managed speed mode


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Engagement conditions

The system shall switch to the ASAS Managed speed mode whenever AP or FD is engaged and one of the following occurs:

• the pilot engages the “Active ASAS mode” (by pressing the “Insert” LSK)

• the pilot pushes in the SPD/MACH selector knob while the “Active ASAS mode” is engaged

Disengagement conditions

The system shall disengage from the ASAS Managed speed mode and switch to ASAS Selected speed mode when:

• the pilot pulls out the SPD/MACH selector knob (and selects a speed on the FCU) while the “Active ASAS mode” is engaged

• AP and FD are disengaged in the “Active ASAS mode”.

The system shall disengage from the ASAS Managed speed mode and switch to the “selected Speed/Mach target” mode when the spacing application is ended (see 2.4.6). The selected speed value should be the current airspeed and should be displayed in the SPD/MACH window of the FCU.

2.2.2. Engagement and disengagement of the selected speed mode

Engagement conditions

The system shall switch to the ASAS Selected speed mode under the following conditions:

• the pilot pulls out the SPD/Mach selector knob while the “Active ASAS mode” is engaged

• both AP/FDs are OFF while the “Active ASAS mode” is engaged

Disengagement conditions

The system shall disengage from the ASAS Selected speed mode and switch to ASAS Managed speed mode when:

• the pilot pushes the SPD/Mach selector knob while the “Active ASAS mode” is engaged

The system shall disengage from the ASAS Selected speed mode and switch to the “selected Speed/Mach target” mode when the spacing application is ended (see 2.4.6). The selected speed value should remain the same during the switch.

2.2.3. Speed command for the Auto-thrust

In the ASAS Managed speed mode, the speed command for the Auto-thrust shall be:

• the suggested speed if it is within the nominal speed range (see 2.6.2).

• the limit of the nominal speed range (e.g. Green Dot speed or VMO-5kt for Flaps 0) if the suggested speed value is acceptable or unacceptable (see 2.6.2).


10 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

In the ASAS Selected speed mode, the speed command for the Auto-thrust shall be managed by the system as in the “selected Speed/Mach target” mode, based on the selected FCU value.

2.2.4. SPD/MACH window of the FCU

The display in the SPD/MACH window of the FCU keeps the same logic as in the existing system:

• In the ASAS Managed speed mode, the SPD/MACH window of the Flight Control Unit (FCU) shall display dashes (“- - -“) as for any managed speed mode.

• In the ASAS Selected speed mode, the SPD/MACH window of the Flight Control Unit (FCU) shall display the selected speed value, as in the “selected Speed/Mach target” mode.


In heading then merge and follow route then merge applications the desired spacing is acquired by flying respectively the instructed heading or the route. A resume turn towards the merge point needs to be performed when the required spacing value is reached. It is a lateral guidance action and is performed either:

• Automatically in which case the system performs the “resume turn” direct towards the merge point and switches to merge behind when the required spacing value is reached.

• Manually in which case the flight crew needs to perform the “resume turn” manually (e.g. with a DIR TO). In that case, the system displays advisory messages in preparation to the action and when the required spacing value is reached.

In the initialisation file (see 2.7.1) the Automatic_Resume_Turn user parameter defines whether the automatic resume turn is enabled or not. It is set at “1” if the automatic resume turn is enabled and at “0” if the automatic resume turn is disabled.

When the automatic “resume” turn is enabled, the crew needs to be able to take control over lateral guidance at any time. This can be done using the HDG selector knob and the rules to disengage and/or re-engage the automatic resume function are described below.

The “resume” turn in heading then merge corresponds to a lateral guidance mode. Therefore, the rules of engagement and disengagement are independent of whether the system is in ASAS Managed speed mode or in ASAS Selected speed mode.

2.3.1. Engagement and disengagement of the automatic “resume” turn

Engagement conditions

The automatic resume mode is engaged if the automatic resume turn is enabled (Automatic_Resume_Turn = 1) and when:

• the pilot engages the “Active ASAS mode” (by pressing “Insert”) in “heading then merge”.

• the pilot pushes in the HDG selector knob on the FCU while the manual resume mode is engaged in the “Active ASAS mode” phase of “heading then merge”.


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Disengagement conditions

The automatic resume mode is disengaged when:

• the pilot pulls out the HDG selector knob on the FCU as this will activate the manual resume mode.

• The system switches to the “merge” application.

• The system exits the active “heading then merge” application (“End spacing”, …)

2.3.2. Engagement and disengagement of the manual “resume” turn

Engagement conditions

The manual resume mode is engaged when:

• the pilot engages the “Active ASAS mode” (by pressing “Insert”) in “heading then merge” and the automatic resume turn is disabled (Automatic_Resume_Turn = 0).

• the pilot pulls out the HDG selector knob on the FCU while the automatic resume mode is engaged in the “Active ASAS mode” phase of “heading then merge”.

Disengagement conditions

The manual resume mode is disengaged when:

• The pilot pushes the HDG selector knob on the FCU and the automatic resume turn is enabled (Automatic_Resume_Turn = 1) as this will activate the automatic resume mode.

• The system switches to the “merge” application.

• The system exits the active “heading then merge” application (“End spacing, …)


The following use cases explicit the implementation of the spacing requirements on the Airbus cockpit simulator at EEC and TUB. Logic diagrams are used to illustrate the use cases including sample figures based on the display of the suggested speed on the ND.

Both pilot MCDU may be used as input device for spacing (see 2.1.1). The ASAS page(s) can be accessed from a direct access key (TUB) on the MCDU or from a LSK in the MCDU MENU (EEC) as described below in the use cases.

2.4.1. Display of traffic and target identification

For all surrounding traffic for which both identification data and state data messages have been received, the system records the last identification data and state data message. If the last state data message is more recent than the defined stale time, the corresponding traffic:

• Is eligible to become a target aircraft for spacing instructions.


12 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

• May be displayed as other or proximate traffic as defined in chapter 4.2 if the full TCAS functionality is not implemented on the simulator.

• May be displayed as TCAS traffic as defined in chapter 4.3 if the full TCAS functionality is implemented on the simulator.

Target selection

The flight crew can select only one target at a given time. The flight crew enters the designated SSR code (target identifier) in the ASAS TARGET page.

• If no target aircraft is currently selected, the flight crew will access directly to the ASAS TARGET 1/2 page when selecting the ASAS page.

• If a target aircraft is selected, the flight crew needs to deselect the previous target aircraft in order to access the ASAS TARGET page.

As described in the figure below (Figure 2), the flight crew enters the designated SSR code on the MCDU keypad and presses LSK1L:

• The entry format is valid if it is composed of 3 or 4 digits. Otherwise, an advisory message “ASAS FORMAT ERROR” appears in the scratchpad.

• The SSR code is valid if it corresponds to an eligible aircraft within the traffic situated within the defined ADSB_RANGE (see 2.7.3). Otherwise, an advisory message “ASAS INVALID SSR CODE” appears in the scratchpad.


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SSR formatvalid?


SSR codevalid?

Yes Yes


1234/M 345°/ 10.6NM

Figure 2 – Target selection, SSR code entry

Target identification and confirmation

Once a valid SSR code has been selected, both pilots may clearly identify the target aircraft on their ND with the following information displayed (see Figure 2) enabling to position the target:

• Target SSR code and wake turbulence category under own aircraft symbol;

• Relative distance (exact value under own aircraft symbol and possible estimate with the range rings);

• Magnetic bearing of the target (value in degrees, rounded to the closest larger multiple of 5 degrees, displayed under the own aircraft symbol).

• Target aircraft symbol (see 2.1.2) including relative altitude.

Information on the selected target aircraft is also available on the MCDU ASAS TARGET 2/2 page: SSR code, callsign, Ground Speed, relative distance, magnetic bearing, relative altitude and vertical trend, as well as wake turbulence category (i.e. ‘-H’, ‘-M’ or ‘-L’, immediately following the call sign).

As described below in Figure 3, the flight crew may:

• Modify the target selection with LSK1L;


14 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

• Confirm target selection with INSERT LSK;

• Interrupt the target selection with RETURN LSK.

SSR formatvalid?


SSR codevalid?

Yes Yes


1234/M 345°/ 10.6NM

Figure 3 – Target identification and confirmation

Once the selected target aircraft has been confirmed by the crew, the positioning information displayed under own aircraft on the ND disappears (see Figure 3) and the flight crew may:

• Select the sequencing and merging applications using in ASAS MENU 1/2 page:

REMAIN (LSK1R) for remain behind (2.4.2) or remain behind on a selected track.

MERGE (LSK2R) for merge behind (2.4.3),

HDG/RTE THEN MERGE (LSK3R) for heading then merge behind (2.4.4) and follow route then merge behind (2.4.5).

PASS (LSK4R) for pass behind (Not defined yet)

• Deselect the target aircraft with LSK5L.


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2.4.2. Remain behind

The flight crew will access the REMAIN 1/2 page by pressing the REMAIN LSK from ASAS MENU 1/2 page in managed lateral navigation (NAV mode). The spacing value is computed along track either in distance or time depending on the type of spacing (SPACING_TYPE user parameter, see 2.7.1). It is displayed both on the ND and on the MCDU (see Figure 4 below).

Data entry

The fact that the entry of the desired spacing value is compulsory is highlighted by the amber boxes (three in distance-based spacing and four in time-based spacing). The flight crew enters the desired spacing value on the MCDU keypad and presses LSK5L.

The entry format is valid if it is a number between 0 and 99 NM in distance-based spacing or a number between 0 and 300 s in time-based spacing. A “+” sign may be added in front of the desired spacing value entry, meaning that it is required to maintain “at least” and not “exactly” the desired spacing. Otherwise, an advisory message “FORMAT ERROR” appears in the scratchpad.

Check feasibility

Once a valid spacing parameter has been entered, the system switches to the “check feasibility” phase and both pilots have information on their ND on (see Figure 4):

• Computed spacing value in relation with desired spacing value;

• Computed suggested speed.

If the computed suggested speed is not nominal, the spacing instruction is not feasible. An advisory message “ASAS UNABLE SPACING” appears in the scratchpad, the unacceptable suggested speed is displayed in red on the ND, the required spacing is displayed in amber on the ND and on the MCDU, and as described below in Figure 4, the flight crew may:

• Modify the desired spacing value with LSK5L;

• Abort the spacing instruction with RETURN LSK and get back to ASAS MENU 1/2 page.

If the computed suggested speed is nominal, the spacing instruction is feasible. Information on the selected target aircraft is still available on the MCDU REMAIN 2/2 page, and the current and desired spacing value, the suggested speed are displayed on the ND. As described below in Figure 4, the flight crew may:

• Activate the spacing instruction with INSERT LSK;

• Modify the desired spacing value with LSK5L;

• Abort the spacing instruction with RETURN LSK and get back to ASAS MENU 1/2 page.


16 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

Valid entryformat?



Yes Yes


109s SUG IAS - - -

90s /109s SUG IAS 31990s /110s SUG IAS 321

Figure 4 – Remain behind: Data entry

Activation of the remain behind application

Once the “remain behind” spacing instruction has been activated, the system switches to the acquisition phase or directly to the maintain phase if the conditions are met. In addition, the ASAS link (dotted lines relating own and target aircraft on the ND) is removed.

The system computes the speed guidance and, depending on the ASAS speed mode (see 2.2):

• Speed is automatically managed by the system in the ASAS managed speed mode;

• Speed needs to be adjusted manually by the flight crew on the FCU (to follow the changes of the suggested value) in the ASAS selected speed mode.

The speed guidance information is displayed to the flight crew on the PFD for the ASAS managed and selected speed modes; for the ASAS selected speed mode, it may be possible to display it on the ND instead, depending on a configuration parameter (see 2.1.5).


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Additional information on the target aircraft and the spacing instruction is displayed on ACTIVE ASAS MODE 1/1 page of the MCDU as displayed on Figure 5:

• The active spacing instruction and the desired spacing value appear explicitly;

• Target SSR code, call sign and wake turbulence category;

• Relative distance (exact value) and Magnetic bearing of the target (value in degrees, rounded to the closest larger multiple of 5 degrees);

• Ground Speed of the target, relative altitude and altitude trend of the target aircraft.

The flight crew may access a page allowing ending the spacing instruction, and/or entering a new spacing instruction, by pressing the ASAS MENU LSK (see 2.4.6). The flight crew may also switch to “remain behind on a selected track” (see below) by pulling the HDG selector knob on the FCU.

Assess feasibility phase Maintain phaseAcquisition phase

Desired spacingacquired?No Yes

90s /109s SUG IAS 319

Figure 5 – Remain behind: Activation of the spacing instruction

The ASAS phase can be identified by the flight crew as the required spacing will enter the scale when the system switches from the acquisition phase to the maintain phase. The conditions to pass from the acquisition phase to the maintain phase are:

• After the defined time constraint (TIME_CONSTRAINT_ACQUIRE, see 2.7.3) has been reached, the spacing error is lower than the “caution tolerance” with the instability margin (user parameter, see 2.7.3).


• the spacing error is lower than the “caution tolerance” with the instability margin; AND


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• the closure rate is below a defined threshold value (CR_ThresholdForMaintain, user parameter defined in 2.7.3).

Note – speed guidance advisories and alerts once the spacing instruction is activated:

• If speed guidance is not followed properly, according to tolerance and caution margin criteria as described in 2.5.2 below, an “ASAS ACCELERATE” or “ASAS SLOW DOWN” advisory (or caution) message is displayed.

• If the spacing situation leads to an infringement of the warning tolerance margin as described in 2.5.2 below, an “ASAS UNABLE SPACING” warning message is displayed. The flight crew, after reporting to the controller, may then end the spacing task, as described above, by pressing the ASAS MENU LSK and accessing the ASAS MENU 1/2 page (see 2.4.6).

Remain behind on a selected track

The controller might give a heading instruction (e.g. maintain heading) to the flight crew either before giving a “remain behind” spacing instruction or during that instruction. In that case, the flight crew is expected to remain behind on the selected track (it is assumed that the target aircraft is also on the same selected track).

The “remain behind on a selected track” spacing instruction is identical to the “remain behind” spacing instruction in all points except two:

• The spacing value is computed along the selected heading and not along the flight plan trajectory.

• The ASAS link runs direct from own aircraft to the target aircraft.

For example, the flight crew will access the REMAIN 1/2 page by pressing the REMAIN LSK from ASAS MENU 1/2 page in heading lateral mode (HDG). The spacing value is computed along the selected heading either in distance or time depending on the type of spacing (SPACING_TYPE user parameter, see 2.7.1). It is displayed on the ND (as on Figure 4 above).

The flight crew may switch to “remain behind” by pushing the HDG selector knob.

2.4.3. Merge behind

The flight crew will access the MERGE 1/2 page by pressing the MERGE LSK from ASAS MENU 1/2 page. As described in Figure 6 below, the flight crew may:

• Access the Merge behind entry page with MERGE (LSK2R);

• Access the Follow route then merge entry page with HDG/RTE THEN MERGE (LSK4R);

• Abort the entry with RETURN (LSK6L) and get back to ASAS MENU 1/2 page.

• Cancel the spacing by pressing CANCEL SPACING LSK (LSK5L).


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Lateral Mode? HDG

Switch toNAV Mode

Switch toHDG Mode


Figure 6 – Choice between Merge, Heading then merge and Follow route then merge

Note: in Figure 6 above, the initial MCDU page is titled “ACTIVE ASAS MENU 1/2"; this is only an example representative of the case when a spacing task was already in progress and the “ASAS MENU” was pressed by the pilot. If no spacing task was active, this page would have been titled “ASAS MENU 1/2" (as in Figure 4).

The flight crew will access the MERGE 1/2 page by pressing the MERGE LSK from ASAS MENU 1/2 page. This page is designed to enter the spacing parameters relative to merge behind, either in distance or time depending on the type of spacing (SPACING_TYPE user parameter, see 2.7.1).

Data entry

As the flight crew is supposed to be direct towards the merge point, the next waypoint in the flight plan (e.g. OKRIX) is displayed in amber in the “WAYPOINT” field (Figure 7). The amber colour highlights the fact that the merge point should be validated by the crew. In case the next waypoint changes (generally after a DIR TO or when passing a waypoint), the new one should be displayed.

The fact that the entry of the desired spacing value is compulsory is highlighted by the amber boxes (three in distance-based spacing and four in time-based spacing).

The flight crew may first confirm the merge point and then enter the desired spacing value (see Figure 7) or first enter the desired spacing value and then confirm the merge point (see Figure 8):


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• The merge point is confirmed by pressing LSK4L. The spacing value is computed once and only once the merge point has been confirmed. At the same time, the shape of the ASAS link will change to highlight the merge situation (see 2.1.2).

• The desired spacing value is entered on the MCDU keypad and input on LSK5L.

The entry format is valid in distance-based spacing if it is between 0 and 99 NM.

The entry format is valid in time-based spacing if it is between 0 and 300 s.

A “+” sign may be added in front of the desired spacing value entry, meaning that it is required to maintain “at least” and not “exactly” the desired spacing.

If the entry format is not valid, an advisory message “FORMAT ERROR” appears in the scratchpad.

Valid entryformat?



Yes Yes


OKRIX 90s /103s SUG IAS 305OKRIX 10s /103s SUG IAS 336

105s SUG IAS - - -

Figure 7 – Merge behind: data entry with merge point first


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Valid entryformat?



Yes Yes


OKRIX 90s /103s SUG IAS 305OKRIX 10s /103s SUG IAS 336

Figure 8 – Merge behind: data entry with required spacing first

Check feasibility

Once both a valid spacing parameter and merge point have been entered, the system switches to the “check feasibility” phase and both pilots have information on their ND on (see Figure 7):

• Name of merge point and computed spacing value in relation with desired spacing value;

• Computed suggested speed.

If the computed suggested speed is not nominal, the spacing instruction is not feasible. An advisory message “ASAS UNABLE SPACING” appears in the scratchpad, the unacceptable suggested speed is displayed in red on the ND, the merge point and required spacing are displayed in amber on the ND and on the MCDU, and as described in Figure 7, the flight crew may:

• Modify the desired spacing value with LSK5L;

• Abort the spacing instruction with RETURN LSK and get back to ASAS MENU 1/2 page.


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If the computed suggested speed is nominal, the spacing instruction is feasible. Information on the selected target aircraft is still available on the MCDU MERGE 2/2 page and the current and desired spacing value, the suggested speed are displayed on the ND. As described in Figure 7, the flight crew may:

• Activate the spacing instruction with INSERT LSK;

• Modify the desired spacing value with LSK5L;

• Abort the spacing instruction with RETURN LSK and get back to ASAS MENU 1/2 page.

Activation of the merge behind application

Once the “merge behind” spacing instruction has been activated, the system switches to the acquisition phase or directly to the maintain phase if the conditions are met. In addition, the ASAS link (dotted lines relating own and target aircraft on the ND) is removed.

Assess feasibility phase Maintain phaseAcquisition phase

Desired spacingacquired?No Yes

OKRIX 90s /103s SUG IAS 305

Figure 9 – Merge behind: Activation of the spacing instruction

The system computes the speed guidance and, depending on the ASAS speed mode (see 2.2):

• Speed is automatically managed by the system in the ASAS managed speed mode;


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• Speed needs to be adjusted manually by the flight crew on the FCU (to follow the changes of the suggested value) in the ASAS selected speed mode.

The speed guidance information is displayed to the flight crew on the PFD for the ASAS managed and selected speed modes; for the ASAS selected speed mode, it may be possible to display it on the ND instead, depending on a configuration parameter (see 2.1.5)

Additional information on the target aircraft and the spacing instruction is displayed on ACTIVE ASAS MODE 1/1 page of the MCDU:

• The active spacing instruction and the desired spacing value appear explicitly;

• Target SSR code, callsign and wake turbulence category.;

• Relative distance (exact value) and Magnetic bearing of the target (value in degrees, rounded to the closest larger multiple of 5 degrees);

• Ground Speed of the target, relative altitude and altitude trend of the target aircraft.

The flight crew may access a page allowing ending the spacing instruction, and/or entering a new spacing instruction, by pressing the ASAS MENU LSK (see 2.4.6).

The system switches from “merge behind” to “remain behind”:

• When the target aircraft is passing the merge point and has rejoined own aircraft trajectory for distance-based spacing;

• With a time delay equivalent to the desired spacing value after the moment when the target aircraft has rejoined own aircraft trajectory (at merge point) for time-based spacing.

The ASAS phase can be identified by the flight crew as the required spacing will enter the scale when the system switches from the acquisition phase to the maintain phase (see Figure 9). The conditions to pass from the acquisition phase to the maintain phase are:

• When the system switches to “remain behind”, the spacing error is lower than the “caution tolerance” with the instability margin (user parameter, see 2.7.3).


• the spacing error is lower than the “caution tolerance” with the instability margin; AND

• the closure rate is below a defined threshold value (CR_ThresholdForMaintain, user parameter defined in 2.7.3).

Note – speed guidance advisories and alerts once the spacing instruction is activated:

• If speed guidance is not followed properly, according to tolerance and caution margin criteria as described in 2.5.2 below, an “ASAS ACCELERATE” or “ASAS SLOW DOWN” advisory (or caution) message is displayed.

• If the spacing situation leads to an infringement of the warning tolerance margin as described in 2.5.2 below, an “ASAS UNABLE SPACING” warning message is displayed. The flight crew, after reporting to the controller, may then end the spacing task, as


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described above, by pressing the ASAS MENU LSK and accessing the ASAS MENU 1/2 page (see 2.4.6).

2.4.4. Heading then merge behind

The flight crew will access the HDG THEN MERGE 1/2 page by pressing the HDG/RTE THEN MERGE LSK from ASAS MENU 1/2 page in heading lateral mode (HDG) as described in Figure 6. This page is designed to enter the spacing parameters relative to heading then merge behind, either in distance or time depending on the type of spacing (SPACING_TYPE user parameter, see 2.7.1).

Data entry

The entry of the merge point is compulsory and is highlighted by the seven amber boxes in the “WAYPOINT” field. As the merge point is necessarily part of the flight plan, direct access to the four next waypoints in the flight plan is proposed on the right side of the MCDU.

The fact that the entry of the desired spacing value is compulsory is highlighted by the amber boxes (three in distance-based spacing and four in time-based spacing).

The flight crew may enter first the merge point and then the desired spacing value (see Figure 10) or first the desired spacing value and then the merge point (see Figure 11):

• The merge point is entered in one of the two ways described below. The spacing value is computed once and only once the merge point has been confirmed. At the same time, the shape of the ASAS link will change to highlight the heading then merge situation.

The flight crew may enter the waypoint on the MCDU keypad and press LSK4L, or

The flight crew may input directly one of the four next waypoints by pressing the corresponding LSK.

• The desired spacing value is entered on the MCDU keypad and input on LSK5L.

As for merge, the entry format is valid in distance-based spacing if it is between 0 and 99 NM and in time-based spacing if it is between 0 and 300 s. A “+” sign may be added in front of the desired spacing value entry, meaning that it is required to maintain “at least” and not “exactly” the desired spacing.

If the entry format is not valid, an advisory message “FORMAT ERROR” appears in the scratchpad.


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Valid entryformat?



Yes Yes


Valid entryformat?


TAMAK 90s / 25s SUG IAS ---

22s SUG IAS ---

Figure 10 - Heading then merge: Data entry, merge point first


26 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

Valid entryformat?



Yes Yes


Valid entryformat?


TAMAK 90s / 25s SUG IAS ---

Valid entryformat?



Yes Yes


Valid entryformat?


TAMAK 90s / 25s SUG IAS ---

Figure 11 – Heading then merge: Data entry, desired spacing first

Check feasibility

Once a valid spacing parameter and merge point have been entered, the system switches to the “check feasibility” phase and both pilots have information on their ND on (see Figure 10):

• Name of merge point and computed spacing value in relation with desired spacing value;

• Predictive position of where spacing will be reached.

The estimated time to acquire the desired spacing is computed.

If it is predicted, according to this computation, that the spacing will not be acquired before the target aircraft reaches the merge point, the spacing instruction is not feasible. An advisory message “ASAS UNABLE SPACING” appears in the scratchpad, the required spacing and merge point are displayed in amber on the ND and on the MCDU, and as described in Figure 10 and Figure 11, the flight crew may:

• Modify the merge point with LSK4L;

• Modify the desired spacing value with LSK5L;


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• Abort the spacing instruction with RETURN LSK and get back to ASAS MENU 1/2 page.

If it is predicted that the spacing will be acquired before – or when – the target aircraft reaches the merge point, the spacing instruction is feasible. Information on the selected target aircraft is still available on the MCDU HDG THEN MERGE 2/2 page together with the merge point, and desired spacing value. The merge point, current spacing, and required spacing values are displayed on the ND. As described in Figure 10 and Figure 11, the flight crew may:

• Activate the spacing instruction with INSERT LSK;

• Modify the merge point with LSK4L;

• Modify the desired spacing value with LSK5L;

• Abort the spacing instruction with RETURN LSK and get back to ASAS MENU 1/2 page.

During the check feasibility phase, an “ASAS DIRECT TO XXXXX” advisory (or caution) message can be displayed by the system as described in 2.5.3 below.

Activation of the heading then merge behind application

Once the “heading then merge behind” spacing instruction has been activated, the system switches to the acquisition phase or directly to the maintain phase if the conditions are met. In addition, the ASAS link (dotted lines relating own and target aircraft on the ND) is removed.

The system computes the estimated time before the “resume” turn and, depending on the ASAS resume mode (see 2.3):

• When the automatic resume turn mode is armed (Figure 12), the HDG lateral mode is engaged and the NAV mode is armed during the heading phase of “heading then merge”. When the spacing is reached, the system automatically performs a resume turn towards the merge point and switches to “merge”. An advisory message “ASAS MERGING XXXX” reminds the crew to report that the resume turn towards the merge point is being automatically performed.

• When the manual resume turn mode is armed (Figure 13), the crew flies in HDG mode and monitors the spacing value. An advisory message “ASAS PREPARE DIR TO” is displayed 15 seconds prior to the estimated resume turn to prepare the crew for the resume action. When the spacing is reached, an advisory message “ASAS DIRECT TO XXXXX” informs the crew that a resume turn towards the merge point XXXXX is necessary. The DIR TO action needs to be performed manually by the crew and the system will automatically switch to “merge”. If the action is not performed by the crew, and the spacing becomes greater than the desired spacing value in excess of over the caution tolerance, an “ASAS DIRECT TO XXXXX” caution message (XXXXX being the merge point) is displayed.


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Additional information on the target aircraft and the spacing instruction is displayed on ACTIVE ASAS MODE 1/1 page of the MCDU:

• The active spacing instruction and the desired spacing value appear explicitly;

• Target SSR code, callsign and wake turbulence category;

• Relative distance (exact value) and Magnetic bearing of the target (value in degrees, rounded to the closest larger multiple of 5 degrees);

• Ground Speed of the target, relative altitude and altitude trend of the target aircraft.

Maintain phaseAcquisition phase

Desired spacingacquired?No Yes

Assess feasibility phase


TAMAK 90s / 25s SUG IAS ---

Figure 12 – Heading then merge: Automatic resume turn


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Maintain phaseAcquisition phase

Desired spacingacquired?No Yes

Advisory message (t-15s)

Figure 13 – Heading then merge: Manual resume turn

The flight crew may access to a page allowing ending the spacing instruction, and/or entering a new instruction, by pressing the ASAS MENU LSK (see 2.4.6).

The system switches from “heading then merge behind” to “merge behind” when the “resume” turn towards the merge point has been engaged either:

• By the system in automatic resume mode; or

• By the flight crew in manual resume mode.

The ASAS phase can be clearly identified by the flight crew as the maintain phase is identified by the automatic resume turn (see Figure 12) or an advisory message (see Figure 13).

2.4.5. Follow route then merge behind

As described in 2.4.3, the flight crew will access the RTE THEN MERGE 1/2 page by pressing the HDG/RTE THEN MERGE LSK from ASAS MENU 1/2 page in managed lateral navigation (NAV mode). The flight crew may (see Figure 6):


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• Access the Merge behind entry page with MERGE (LSK3L);

• Access the Follow route then merge entry page with ROUTE THEN MERGE (LSK4L) or heading then merge entry page depending on lateral mode (see Figure 6);

• Abort the entry with RETURN (LSK6L) and get back to ASAS MENU 1/2 page.

The flight crew will access the RTE THEN MERGE 1/2 page by pressing the corresponding LSK (4L) from ASAS MENU 1/2 page. This page is designed to enter the spacing parameters relative to follow route then merge behind, either in distance or time depending on the type of spacing (SPACING_TYPE user parameter, see 2.7.1).

Data entry

The entry of the merge point is compulsory and is highlighted by the seven amber boxes in the “WAYPOINT” field. As the merge point is necessarily part of the flight plan, direct access to the four next waypoints in the flight plan is proposed on the right side of the MCDU.

The fact that the entry of the desired spacing value is compulsory is highlighted by the amber boxes (three in distance-based spacing and four in time-based spacing).

The flight crew may enter first the merge point and then the desired spacing value (see Figure 14) or first the desired spacing value and then the merge point:

• The merge point is entered in one of the two ways described below. The spacing value is computed once and only once the merge point has been confirmed. At the same time, the shape of the ASAS link will change to highlight the heading then merge situation.

The flight crew may enter the waypoint on the MCDU keypad and press LSK4L, or

The flight crew may input directly one of the four next waypoints by pressing the corresponding LSK.

• The desired spacing value is entered on the MCDU keypad and input on LSK5L.

As for merge, the entry format is valid in distance-based spacing if it is between 0 and 99 NM and in time-based spacing if it is between 0 and 300 s. A “+” sign may be added in front of the desired spacing value entry, meaning that it is required to maintain “at least” and not “exactly” the desired spacing.

If the entry format is not valid, an advisory message “FORMAT ERROR” appears in the scratchpad.


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Valid entryformat?



Yes Yes


Valid entryformat?


TAMAK 90s / 25s SUG IAS ---

21s SUG IAS ---

Figure 14 – Follow route then merge behind: Data entry, merge point first.

Check feasibility

Once a valid spacing parameter and merge point have been entered, the system switches to the “check feasibility” phase and both pilots have information on their ND on (see Figure 14):

• Name of merge point and computed spacing value in relation with desired spacing value;

• Predictive position of where spacing will be reached.

The estimated time to acquire the desired spacing is computed.

If it is predicted, according to this computation, that the spacing will not be acquired before the target aircraft reaches the merge point, the spacing instruction is not feasible. In that case, an advisory message “ASAS UNABLE SPACING” appears in the scratchpad, the required spacing and merge point are displayed in amber on the ND and on the MCDU, and as described in Figure 14, the flight crew may:

• Modify the merge point with LSK4L;


32 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

• Modify the desired spacing value with LSK5L;

• Abort the spacing instruction with RETURN LSK and get back to ASAS MENU 1/2 page.

If it is predicted that the spacing will be acquired before – or when – the target aircraft reaches the merge point, the spacing instruction is feasible. In that case, information on the selected target aircraft is still available on the MCDU RTE THEN MERGE 2/2 page, together with the merge point, and desired spacing value. The merge point, current spacing, and required spacing values are displayed on the ND.

As described in Figure 14, the flight crew may:

• Activate the spacing instruction with INSERT LSK;

• Modify the merge point with LSK4L;

• Modify the desired spacing value with LSK5L;

• Abort the spacing instruction with RETURN LSK and get back to ASAS MENU 1/2 page.

During the check feasibility phase, an “ASAS DIRECT TO XXXXX” advisory (or caution) message can be displayed by the system as described in 2.5.3 below.

Activation of the follow route then merge behind application

Once the “follow route then merge behind” spacing instruction has been activated, the system switches to the acquisition phase or directly to the maintain phase if the conditions are met. In addition, the ASAS link (dotted lines relating own and target aircraft on the ND) is removed.

The system computes the estimated time before the “resume” turn and, depending on the ASAS resume mode (see 2.3):

• When the automatic resume turn mode is armed (Figure 15), the system is in lateral navigation mode follows the flight plan route until the resume point. When the spacing is reached, the system automatically performs a resume turn towards the merge point and switches to “merge”. An advisory message “ASAS MERGING XXXX” reminds the crew to report that the resume turn towards the merge point is being automatically performed. The flight crew needs to be able to command a heading without automatic turn to take control over the trajectory if needed. If the Heading selector knob on the FCU is pulled, the system will switch to heading lateral mode and the spacing instruction will switch to a heading then merge application with manual resume turn (see 2.4.4). The system will revert to follow route then merge with automatic resume if the heading selector knob is pushed back in and the aircraft is back on the flight plan trajectory.

• When the manual resume turn mode is armed (Figure 16), the crew flies in NAV mode on the regular flight plan route and monitors the spacing value. An advisory message “ASAS PREPARE DIR TO” is displayed 15 seconds prior to the estimated resume turn to prepare the crew for the resume action. When the spacing is reached, an advisory message “ASAS DIRECT TO XXXXX” informs the crew that a resume turn towards the merge point XXXXX is necessary. The DIR TO action needs to be performed manually by the crew and the system will automatically switch to “merge”. If the action is not


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performed by the crew, and the spacing becomes greater than the desired spacing value in excess of over the caution tolerance, an “ASAS DIRECT TO XXXXX” caution message (XXXXX being the merge point) is displayed. If the Heading selector knob on the FCU is pulled, the system will switch to heading lateral mode and the spacing instruction will switch to a heading then merge application with manual resume turn (see 2.4.4). The system will revert to follow route then merge with manual resume turn if the heading selector knob is pushed back in and the aircraft is back on the flight plan trajectory.

Additional information on the target aircraft and the spacing instruction is displayed on ACTIVE ASAS MODE 1/1 page of the MCDU:

• The active spacing instruction and the desired spacing value appear explicitly.

• Target SSR code, callsign and wake turbulence category;

• Relative distance (exact value) and Magnetic bearing of the target (value in degrees, rounded to the closest larger multiple of 5 degrees;

• Ground Speed of the target, relative altitude and altitude trend of the target aircraft.

• Current heading).

No Yes

Assess feasibility phase Maintain phaseAcquisition phase

Desired spacingacquired?

TAMAK 90s / 23s SUG IAS ---

Figure 15 – Follow route then merge: Automatic resume turn


34 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

Maintain phaseAcquisition phase

Desired spacingacquired?No Yes

Advisory message (t-15s)

Figure 16 – Follow route then merge: Manual resume turn

The flight crew may end the spacing instruction by pressing the END SPACING LSK (see 2.4.6).

The system switches from “follow route then merge behind” to “merge behind” when the “resume” turn towards the merge point has been engaged either:

• By the system in automatic resume mode; or

• By the flight crew in manual resume mode.

The ASAS phase can be clearly identified by the flight crew as the maintain phase is identified by the automatic resume turn (see Figure 15) or an advisory message (see Figure 16).

2.4.6. Termination of the spacing instruction

The spacing instruction is generally ended by the flight crew following an ATC instruction (cancel spacing) but it can be implicitly cancel if a new instruction of spacing is issued by the ATC (new spacing instruction with the same target) and may in some cases be initiated by the system.


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Termination by the flight crew

The flight crew may end an active spacing instruction at any time from the ACTIVE ASAS MCDU page first by pressing the ASAS MENU LSK6R (see Figure 17 below) and then by pressing CANCEL SPACING (LSK5L) in ACTIVE ASAS MENU 1/2 page. The spacing instruction is still active on the ND and the MCDU switches to ASAS MENU 2/2 page. The flight crew have then three possibilities:

• Either confirm the end of spacing task (and the de-selection of the target aircraft) with the amber “*CONFIRM CANCEL” LSK 4L. This will be done following a “cancel spacing” instruction from the controller. The header is displayed in amber to highlight the fact that this confirmation action is not reversible. As a result, the target aircraft is deselected and the MCDU MENU page is displayed (see Figure 17);

• Or, end the spacing task but retain the target aircraft with “*RETAIN TARGET” LSK 5L. This will be done following a “cancel spacing, retain target” instruction from the controller. The header is displayed in amber to highlight the fact that this confirmation action is not reversible. As a result, the target aircraft is still selected and the ASAS MENU 1/2 page is displayed allowing a de-selection of the target aircraft or a new instruction of spacing with this target (see Figure 17)

• Or, return to the spacing application previously selected by pressing the “RETURN” LSK 6L. This is typically used in cases when the flight crew has pressed the first “ASAS MENU” LSK by error.

The flight crew may also select a new spacing task with the same target and implicit termination of the current spacing task. All sequencing and merging applications may be selected as after an initial target selection (see 2.4.1). This will be used if the controller has instructed to retain the target and to perform a new spacing instruction. To do so, the flight crew may:

• access the ACTIVE ASAS MENU 1/2 page by pressing ASAS MENU in ACTIVE ASAS MODE 1/1 page and then

• Select appropriate LSK according to new spacing instruction. This results in implicitly cancelling the current spacing instruction and accessing the appropriate page for data entry (see Figure 6).


36 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

Still in Active « remain » instruction Still in Active « remain » instruction

Spacing ended and target retained

Spacing ended and target deselected

New instruction with same target, implicitly cancels previous one.

Figure 17 – Termination of the spacing instruction

Automatic disengagement of the spacing instruction

The system shall automatically end the spacing application, deselect the target and advise the crew:

• If no information is received from the target for more than a given “stale time” (user parameter). The message “Target 1234 lost” (1234 being the SSR code of the target) is displayed on the ND and the MCDU;

• If the altitude above airport level (AAL) is below the defined automatic disengagement altitude (user parameter, e.g. 2000ft). The message “ASAS disengaged” shall be displayed on the ND and the MCDU. This would typically correspond to a procedural limit of the spacing instruction.

Note that other types of procedural limits for the spacing instruction might be developed in the future. For example, a procedural limit might be set at a designated waypoint.

In the case of an automatic disengagement, the display is modified as follow:

• If an ASAS page is open on the MCDU, it is replaced by the main MCDU MENU page.

• On the ND, all ASAS information disappears (target symbol, spacing scale …). If the target aircraft is within TCAS range, it is represented by the appropriate TCAS symbol.


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Impact on speed

As described in 2.2.2, if the ASAS managed speed mode is active when the spacing is ended (either by the flight crew or automatically, the system switches to the “selected Speed/Mach target” mode. The selected speed value should be the current airspeed and should be displayed in the SPD/MACH window of the FCU.


2.5.1. General advisories and alerts

An advisory message “FORMAT ERROR” is displayed during the data entry if the format is incorrect or the entry is out of range (see 2.4).

An advisory message “ASAS INVALID SSR CODE” is displayed during the target selection if no traffic information is received corresponding to the SSR code entered by the flight crew (see 2.4.1).

If no information is received from the target for more than a given “stale time” (see 2.4.6):

• The caution message “TARGET 1234 LOST” (1234 = target SSR code) is displayed.

• If a spacing instruction is active, it shall be ended.

• The target is automatically deselected and all ASAS information relative to it disappears.

In the case where the procedural limit of an active spacing instruction is reached (e.g. the altitude above airport level is below the defined automatic disengagement altitude, see 2.4.6):

• The advisory message “ASAS DISENGAGED” is displayed.

• The spacing instruction is automatically cancelled.

• The target is automatically deselected and all ASAS information relative to it disappears.

2.5.2. Speed guidance advisories and alerts

During the check feasibility phase, an “ASAS UNABLE SPACING” advisory message is displayed if the spacing instruction is not feasible (see 2.4.2 and 2.4.3).

Once the spacing instruction is activated, an advisory message is displayed if speed guidance is not followed properly and the spacing situation might drift and lead to exceed the tolerance margin. It may be accompanied by a single dong if Sound_Alert is set to 1. It is based on the difference in speed between the current speed and the suggested IAS:

• “ASAS ACCELERATE” advisory message is displayed if: current speed < suggested speed – Second_Threshold_Advisory

• “ASAS SLOW DOWN” advisory message is displayed if: current speed > suggested speed + Second_Threshold_Advisory


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When the suggested speed is displayed on the ND, it is more difficult for the crew to compare the selected and current airspeed with the suggested one. Therefore, a first threshold of advisory is used to trigger the blinking of the suggested IAS header as advisory. The rate of blinking should be of approximately half a second on and half a second off (one second for a full blinking cycle). The rate of the blinking can be fine tuned using the parameter named Time_Blink (see 2.7.2).

If the caution tolerance margin is infringed:

• an “ASAS ACCELERATE” caution message is displayed if: Current spacing > Desired spacing + Caution tolerance

• an “ASAS SLOW DOWN” caution message is displayed if: Current spacing < Desired spacing - Caution tolerance

• The colour of the target symbol is modified on the ND (see 2.1.2).

• An explicit audio alert is performed if Sound_Alert is set to 1.

If the warning tolerance margin is infringed:

• an “ASAS UNABLE SPACING” warning message is displayed

• The colour of the target symbol is modified on the ND (see 2.1.2).

• An explicit audio alert is performed if Sound_Alert is set to 1.

2.5.3. Time to resume advisories and alerts

During the check feasibility phase, an “ASAS UNABLE SPACING” advisory message is displayed if the spacing instruction is not feasible (see 2.4.4 and 2.4.5).

Once the spacing instruction is activated, an “ASAS PREPARE DIR TO” advisory message is displayed 15 seconds prior to the estimated time to resume when the manual resume turn mode is engaged.

During the check feasibility phase (for manual or automatic resume turn) or once the spacing instruction is engaged (for manual resume turn), an “ASAS DIRECT TO XXXXX” advisory message (XXXXX being the merge point) is displayed when the desired spacing value is reached (that is when Spacing error – AccelerationFactor + TurnCorrection > 0). It may be accompanied by a single dong if Sound_Alert is set to 1.

During the check feasibility phase (for manual or automatic resume turn) or once the spacing instruction is engaged (for manual resume turn), an “ASAS DIRECT TO XXXXX” caution message (XXXXX being the merge point) is displayed when the spacing becomes greater than the desired spacing value in excess of over the caution tolerance (that is when Spacing error – AccelerationFactor + TurnCorrection > Caution tolerance). It should be accompanied by an explicit audio message if Sound_Alert is set to 1.

Once the spacing instruction is engaged (for automatic resume turn), an “ASAS MERGING XXXXX” message is displayed when the spacing value is reached and the system automatically performs a turn towards the merging point, switching to “merge”.


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2.5.4. Display of advisory and alert messages

Messages shall be displayed:

• on the MCDU in relation with data entry checks or with the check feasibility phase,

• or both on the ND and the MCDU for all other advisory and alert messages;

• on the scratchpad of the MCDU, and – when applicable - at the bottom centre of the ND.

In addition:

• Advisory messages should be in white, Note: the “ASAS DISENGAGED” advisory message (and only this one) should be boxed on the ND.

• Caution messages should be in amber,

• Warning messages should be in amber and should be boxed on the ND.

If the conditions to display a given message are not met any more (e.g. a corrective action has been taken), the message shall be automatically cleared by the system.

The flight crew may clear the messages, using the CLR key of the MCDU. Once a message has been cleared manually by the flight crew, the same message should not be displayed again during a lapse of time equivalent to CLEARED_MESSAGE_INHIBITION (see 2.7.3).

If more than one message is active, they are ordered:

• First by level of importance; warning displayed in front of caution and caution in front of advisory.

• Second by age; the most recent should be in front of the older ones.


40 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

2.5.5. Summary list of advisory and alert messages

The following table provides a summary list of advisory and alert messages for the Airbus cockpit simulator.

Context Message Type

Message Text (*) URD Reference (s) Display Colour Sound (**) Other impact on ND Comments

General Advisory FORMAT ERROR VOL 1: §5.1.2, §5.2.6, §6.1.1

VOL 2: §2.4.1 / Figures 2&3 ; §2.4.2 / Figure 4 ; §2.4.3 / Figures 7, 8 ; §2.4.4 / Figures 10, 11 ; §2.4.5 / Figure 14; §2.5.1

MCDU scratchpad only (Cf. VOL1, §6.2)

White NO NO Displayed in case data entry format checks fail.


VOL 1: §5.1.2, §6.1.1

VOL 2: §2.4.1 / Figures 2&3; §2.5.1

MCDU scratchpad only (Cf. VOL1, §6.2)

White NO NO Displayed in case data entry checks fail for SSR code format (target selection)

General Caution TARGET 1234 LOST

VOL 1: §5.1.2, §5.3

VOL 2: §2.4.6, §2.5.1

MCDU scratchpad + ND (Cf. VOL1, §6.2)

White YES (single chime)

(Target-related information disappears)

Displayed when a target is selected and no ADS-B information received for a parameterised amount of time

General Advisory ASAS DISENGAGED

VOL 1: §5.3

VOL 2: §2.4.6, §2.5.1, §2.5.4

MCDU scratchpad + ND (Cf. VOL1, §6.2)

White (boxed on ND)


(Target-related information disappears)

Displayed when a spacing task is automatically ended upon reaching a pre-defined procedural limit.

Speed Guidance, or Time to resume


VOL 1: §5.2.6, §6.2

VOL 2: §2.4.2 / Figure 4 ; §2.4.3 / Figures 7, 8 ; §2.4.4 / Figures 10, 11 ; §2.4.5 / Figure 14 ; §2.5.2, §2.5.3

MCDU scratchpad only

White NO Spacing parameters are displayed in amber; value of Suggested IAS turns Red

This message is an advisory in the check feasibility phase only.

Speed Guidance


VOL 1: §5.2.6

VOL 2: §2.5.2

MCDU scratchpad + ND

White NO If Suggested IAS is displayed on ND, the IAS header (“SUG IAS” in white) blinks (half second on/off)

Only once under spacing

Speed Guidance


VOL 1: §5.2.6

VOL 2: §2.5.2

MCDU scratchpad + ND

Amber YES (single chime)

Target Symbol turns Amber. Only once under spacing, “one step beyond” the above advisory (see vol2, §2.5.2)

Speed Advisory ASAS SLOW VOL 1: §5.2.6 MCDU scratchpad White NO NO Only once under spacing


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Context Message Type

Message Text (*) URD Reference (s) Display Colour Sound (**) Other impact on ND Comments

Guidance DOWN VOL 2: §2.5.2 + ND

Speed Guidance


VOL 1: §5.2.6

VOL 2: §2.5.2

MCDU scratchpad + ND

Amber YES (single chime)

Target Symbol turns Amber. Only once under spacing, “one step beyond” the above (see vol2, §2.5.2)

Speed Guidance


VOL 1: §5.2.6

VOL 2: §2.5.2

MCDU scratchpad + ND

Amber (boxed on ND)

YES (triple chime)

Target Symbol turns Red. If Suggested IAS is displayed on ND, its value should be displayed in Red.

This is a warning if it occurs during the spacing task (i.e. acquisition or maintain phase)

Time to resume


VOL 1: §5.2.6, §6.1.4

VOL 2: §2.4.4 / Figure 13; §2.4.5 / Figure 16; §2.5.3

MCDU scratchpad + ND

White NO NO Displayed for Manual resume only once under spacing

Time to resume


VOL 1: §5.2.6, §6.1.4

VOL 2: §2.4.4 / Figure 13; §2.4.5 / Figure 16; §2.5.3

MCDU scratchpad + ND

White NO NO Displayed for Manual resume (possibly in all phases), OR for Automatic resume (only in check feasibility phase)

Time to resume


VOL 1: §5.2.6

VOL 2: §2.5.3

MCDU scratchpad + ND

Amber YES (single chime)

Target Symbol turns Amber Displayed for Manual resume (possibly in all phases), OR for Automatic resume (only in check feasibility phase)

“One step beyond” the above advisory (see vol2, §2.5.3)

Note: in case the DCT is still not performed, an “ASAS UNABLE SPACING” Warning may eventually be displayed

Time to resume


VOL 1: §5.2.6

VOL 2: §2.4.4 / Figures 12; §2.4.5 / Figure 15

MCDU scratchpad + ND

White NO NO In case of automatic resume to merging point.

Table 2-1, Summary of advisory and alert messages

(*) Messages are displayed on one single line on the ND and/or on the MCDU scratchpad (**) Audio alerts are performed if the parameter Sound_Alert is set to 1


42 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06


The calculation algorithms used for spacing calculations are described in chapter “7 – Proposed algorithms” of the main document. However, some hypotheses are made and/or precautions are taken during the calculations. They are described below for calculations concerning spacing and the suggested speed.

2.6.1. Spacing value

The hypothesis is made for calculations performed on the EUROCONTROL A320 cockpit simulator (known as MCS) that own aircraft follows perfectly the flight plan trajectory. This enables to work with the current position of own aircraft rather than projecting own aircraft’s position on an ideal flight plan trajectory.

However, the hypothesis is made that the target aircraft may be slightly outside the flight plan trajectory and its position is therefore projected on own aircraft’s flight plan trajectory in order to ensure a continuity in the spacing calculations (when passing waypoints or during turns).

In order to compute the spacing value along track in remain behind, it is important to know exactly where the target aircraft and own aircraft are positioned relatively to the waypoints on the trajectory.

• For own aircraft, the positioning work needs to be performed relatively to the next waypoint. The estimated geometry of the turn at the next waypoint is function of the aircraft ground speed. This geometry is frozen once own aircraft is situated at less than 2NM from the estimated start of turn. With regards to this estimated turn:

The start of turn should be monitored to check whether own aircraft is before the turn or inside the turn,

During the whole duration of the turn, the spacing calculation should be based on stable turn geometry even though the next waypoint changes at mid-turn in the flight plan page.

During the turn, the end of turn should be monitored. NOTE: In some cases (typically when no turn occurs at a flight plan waypoint), the next waypoint will switch from one to the other without having identified entering a turn. The spacing calculations should identify this switch.

• For the target aircraft, the work may be iterative as more than one waypoint may separate the target aircraft from own aircraft.

The position of the target aircraft relatively to the start of turn of Wpt(n) is checked.

If it has passed the start of turn of Wpt(n), then it is checked whether it has passed the end of turn of Wpt(n).

If it has also passed the end of turn at Wpt(n); then the work is performed for Wpt(N+1); else, the target aircraft is inside the turn at Wpt(n).

2.6.2. Suggested speed


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The computation of the suggested speed with regards to the spacing situation is described in chapter “7 – Proposed algorithms” of the main document. However, the retained suggested speed value and the commanded speed value (see 2.2.3) will depend on the flight envelope of the aircraft and whether the speed is considered nominal, acceptable or unacceptable.

Three ranges of speed are defined for the suggested speed. The ASAS speed guidance may suggest speeds within the nominal or acceptable range but should only command speeds within the nominal speed range.

Nominal speed range

The ASAS guidance should suggest airspeeds below VMAX with a margin of Xkt (e.g. 5kt) and should also suggest airspeeds at or above the manoeuvring speed of the current slats/flaps setting. The nominal speed range is as follow:

• between Green Dot and VMO/MMO-Xkt for Flaps 0

• between S speed and VMAX-Xkt for Flaps 1

• between F speed and VMAX-Xkt for Flaps 2

• between VAPP and VMAX-Xkt for Flaps 3 or Full

Acceptable speed outside the nominal range

In some cases, the ASAS guidance suggested airspeed could be outside of the nominal range but could still be acceptable provided the slats/flaps setting configuration is changed. To be more explicit, the speed would still be acceptable:

• for Flaps 0, between VAPP and Green Dot

• for Flaps 1, between VAPP and S speed and between VMAX-Xkt and VMO/MMO-Xkt

• for Flaps 2, between VAPP and F speed and between VMAX-Xkt and VMO/MMO-Xkt

• for Flaps 3 and Full, between VMAX-Xkt and VMO/MMO-Xkt

Unacceptable speed

The ASAS guidance suggested speed is definitely unacceptable if it is:

• below VAPP or

• above VMO/MMO – Xkt

2.6.3. Data reset

All data concerning a selected aircraft shall be cleared when:

• The RETURN key is pressed in ASAS TARGET 2/2 page (see 2.4.1).

• The DESELECT key is pressed in ASAS MENU 1/2 page (see 2.4.1) or in ACTIVE ASAS MENU 2/2 page (see 2.4.6).


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Therefore, no reference of a previously selected target aircraft should interfere with a new target aircraft is selected.

All data concerning a spacing instruction (desired spacing value, merge point when relevant, information on next waypoint and geometry of turns …):

• Shall be cleared if the RETURN key is pressed before the activation of the spacing instruction (see 2.4).

• Shall be stored if CONFIRM CANCEL LSK is pressed in an ACTIVE ASAS MENU 2/2 page so that the exact same spacing and suggested speed values may be computed if the RETURN key is pressed in ACTIVE ASAS MODE 2/2 page.

• Shall be cleared if the DESELECT key is pressed or a new spacing instruction is selected in ACTIVE ASAS MENU 1/2 page (reached after pressing ASAS MENU in an active ASAS page).

For time-based spacing, the target history table:

• Should start building-up when the target selection is confirmed (INSERT key in ASAS TARGET 2/2 page) for “remain behind” applications.

• Should be cleared when the MERGE key is pressed in ASAS MENU 1/2 page.

• Should start building-up when the spacing instruction is activated (INSERT key in MERGE 2/2, HDG THEN MERGE 2/2 or RTE THEN MERGE 2/2 page) .

NOTE: For merge behind applications, it is important that the target aircraft be flying direct towards the merge point. It is not necessarily the case in the target’s history prior to the start of the spacing instruction.


User parameters are defined in the “fmgs.ini” file for the EEC A320 cockpit simulator. Depending on the simulation objectives, the resulting experimental plan and the eventual technical limitations of the platform, these user parameters enable the user to define:

• the type of spacing and the tolerance margin,

• some HMI settings,

• some fine-tuning elements of the calculations,

• data recording parameters.

2.7.1. Spacing parameters

The spacing parameters that can be defined by the user in the “fmgs.ini” file are the following:

• SPACING_TYPE defines the type of spacing used during the exercises and its value is:

“0” if no spacing instructions are used,


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“1” if the run is performed in distance-based spacing,

“2” if the run is performed in time-based spacing,

The entry of this parameter is compulsory. No default value should be set and an advisory message should be displayed if no value or an erroneous value has been defined in the fmgs.ini file.

• CAUTION_TOLERANCE defines the spacing tolerance margin, in NM for distance-based spacing and in seconds for time-based spacing. A default value should be set at 0.5 NM for distance-based spacing and 5 seconds for time-based spacing if no value has been entered. An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been entered.

• WARNING_TOLERANCE defines the spacing tolerance margin, in NM for distance-based spacing and in seconds for time-based spacing. A default value should be set at 1 NM for distance-based spacing and 10 seconds for time-based spacing if no value has been entered. An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been entered. If WARNING_TOLERANCE < CAUTION_TOLERANCE, it should be set at twice the value of CAUTION_TOLERANCE and an advisory message should be displayed.

• ASAS_Default_Mode defines which ASAS guidance mode is activated when the spacing instruction is started. Its value is either:

“managed” and the system automatically activates the managed speed mode,

“selected” and the system automatically activates the selected speed mode

A default value should be set at “managed” if omitted in the initialisation file. An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been entered.

• Automatic_Resume_Turn defines whether the possibility for the system to perform the resume turn (heading then merge and follow route then merge applications) automatically is enabled or not. Its value is either:

“0” and the resume turn needs to be performed manually,

“1” and the automatic resume mode should be enabled. In that case, the automatic resume mode is also engaged when the spacing instruction starts.

A default value should be set at “1” if omitted in the initialisation file. An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been entered.

• Automatic_Disengagement_Altitude defines a procedural altitude limitation under which the spacing instruction shall be ended. It is expressed in feet AAL (above airport level).

A default value should be set at “2000” if it is omitted in the initialisation file.

When the value is set at “0”, the automatic disengagement function based on altitude is disabled.

2.7.2. Display parameters

The display parameters that can be defined by the user in the “fmgs.ini” file are the following:


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• SCALE_DISPLAY defines whether the spacing scale should be displayed or not on the ND. Its value is either:

“0” in which case the spacing scale is not displayed,

“1” in which case the spacing scale is displayed.

A default value should be set at “1” if omitted in the initialisation file. An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been entered.

• SCALE_RANGE defines the range of the visible part of the spacing scale. It is expressed in NM for distance-based spacing and in seconds for time-based spacing.

The default value should be set equal to the CAUTION_TOLERANCE if the value has been omitted in the initialisation file. An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been entered.

The value of SCALE_RANGE should be limited to values between half of CAUTION_TOLERANCE and CAUTION_TOLERANCE. If it is not the case, it should be set at the value of CAUTION_TOLERANCE together with an advisory message.

• Time_TrendSpacing is expressed in seconds. It defines the spacing trend as the spacing trend represents the predicted projection of the spacing value in a time equal to Time_TrendSpacing.

The default value should be set at 30 seconds if it has been omitted in the initialisation file. An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been entered.

The value of Time_TrendSpacing should be limited to values between 10s and 120s. If it is not the case, it should be set at 30s together with an advisory message.

• PFD_Display_Requested_Speed defines where and how the suggested speed should be displayed. Its value is either:

“0” in which case the suggested speed is displayed on the ND,

“1” in which case the suggested speed is displayed on the PFD.

A default value should be set at “1” if omitted in the initialisation file. An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been entered.

If ASAS_Default_Mode is set at “managed”, PFD_Display_Requested _Speed should be set at “1” and an advisory message should be displayed.

• TIME_BLINK is a tuning parameter without dimension used to adjust the blinking rate (function of the hardware configuration) of the suggested speed header. The blinking of the header is used as a first level of advisory when the suggested speed is displayed on the ND (see above).

If the value has been omitted and PFD_Display_Requested_Speed = 0, TIME_BLINK should be set by default at 25.

• SOUND_ALERT defines whether the caution and warning messages should be accompanied by an aural alert or not. Its value is either:

“0” in which case aural alerts are not activated,

“1” in which case aural alerts are activated.


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A default value should be set at “1” if omitted in the initialisation file. An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been entered.

• INCREASE_CLOCK is defined in minutes and enables to increase the value of the displayed clock time by the defined amount.

If the value has been omitted, it should be set by default at 0. In that case, the time displayed on the clock will represent the simulation time if the MCS is connected with the platform and will otherwise start at 00:00:00 and represent the elapsed run time if a traffic replay is used.

• ELAPSED_TIME is defined in minutes as an integer and represents the starting value of the displayed elapsed time (normally used to represent the flight time since take-off).

If the value has been omitted, it should be set by default at 0.

The following parameters may be defined in the “fmgs.ini” file for simplified TCAS display:

• NbDisplayTcas is the number of intruders to be displayed. Default value is 8.

• Distance_threshold_Other is the range inside which “Other traffic” is displayed (which represents a theoretical range of surveillance). This value should be set by default at 40 NM and should be limited at a maximum value equal to ADSB_RANGE.

• Level_threshold_Other represents the relative altitude range (above and below) for which “Other traffic” is displayed. It is expressed in ft and the default value should be set at 2700 as a range of +/- 2700 ft corresponds to the Normal display. Level_threshold_Other should be limited at a maximum value of 9999 (+/- 9000 ft being sufficient to cover Normal/Below/Above display).

• Distance_threshold_PA is the range inside which “Proximate traffic” is displayed and is expressed in NM. The default value should be set at 6NM.

• Level_threshold_PA represents the relative altitude range for which “Proximate traffic” is displayed and is expressed in feet. The default value should be set at 1200 (+/-1200 ft).

• The SSR mode selected can take the following values: A or SQWK or C and TA or RA. On the 3D version of the MCS, it is manually selected on the pedestal. For the 2D version of the MCS, it may not be selected and therefore needs to be parameterised in the fmgs.ini file : ModeSSR can take the following values : 0=A ; 1=SQWK ; 2=C ; 3=TA ; 4=RA

2.7.3. Calculation parameters

The calculation parameters that can be defined by the user in the “fmgs.ini” file are the following:

• ADSB_RANGE is expressed in NM and defines the theoretical maximum range for which an aircraft from surrounding traffic can be selected as a target aircraft during simulation. A default value should be set at 120 NM if no value has been entered. The ADSB_RANGE should be limited to values between 30NM and 200NM and an advisory message should be displayed if an invalid or erroneous value has been entered.


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• STALE_TIME is expressed in seconds and defines the time limit after which the positioning of the target aircraft can not be continued if no new state data information has been received from the target aircraft. A default value should be set at 30 seconds if no value has been entered. The STALE_TIME should be limited to values between 3s and 120s and an advisory message should be displayed if an invalid or erroneous value has been entered.

• InstabilityMargin is defined to cater for small spacing variations, function of the quality of the traffic replay, and prevent false alerts during the transition from acquisition to maintain. A default value should be set at 0.1 NM for distance-based spacing and 1 second for time-based spacing if no value has been entered. An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been entered.

• CR_ThresholdForMaintain is expressed in kt and defines the closure rate threshold used to trigger the maintain phase. This threshold enables to ensure that the closure rate is stabilised at the start of the maintain phase. Its value should not be too low as it could partly inhibit the passage to maintain. A default value should be set at 10 kt if no value has been entered. The CR_ThresholdForMaintain should be limited to values between 0 and 30 kt and an advisory message should be displayed if an invalid or erroneous value has been entered. When CR_ThresholdForMaintain is set at “0”, the condition on closure rate to trigger the maintain phase is inhibited (considered as valid whatever the closure rate).

• DELAY_BEFORE_ALERT is expressed in seconds and defines the time delay during which the advisories and alerts concerning spacing and speed guidance should be inhibited at the start of the spacing instruction. This leaves time to the crew and the aircraft to acquire the initial suggested speed in case the initial situation is a drifting one. Note that advisories and alerts concerning the resume turn are not inhibited. A default value should be set at 45 seconds if no value has been entered. The Delay_Before_Alert should be limited to values between 0s and 120s and an advisory message should be displayed if an invalid or erroneous value has been entered.

• FIRST_THRESHOLD_ADVISORY is expressed in knots and defines the first speed threshold between suggested speed and current IAS. This threshold triggers the blinking of the suggested speed header when the suggested speed is displayed on the ND.

If the value has been omitted and PFD_Display_Requested_Speed = 0, FIRST_THRESHOLD ADVISORY should be set by default at 7.

If First_Threshold_Advisory is greater than Second_Threshold_Advisory, its value should be set at that of Second_Threshold_Advisory with an advisory message.

First_Threshold_Advisory should be limited to values between 0 and 30kt. If it is set at 0, the corresponding advisory shall not be activated. An advisory message should be displayed if an invalid or erroneous value has been defined in the fmgs.ini file.

• SECOND_THRESHOLD_ADVISORY is expressed in knots and defines the second speed threshold between suggested speed and current IAS. This threshold triggers the display of advisory messages to increase or reduce speed.

If the value is omitted, Second_Threshold_Advisory should be set by default at 15.


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Second_Threshold_Advisory should be limited to values between 0 and 30kt. If it is set at 0, the corresponding advisory shall not be activated. An advisory message should be displayed if an invalid or erroneous value has been defined.

• CLEARED_MESSAGE_INHIBITION is expressed in seconds and defines the time delay during which the display of an advisory or alert message is inhibited after a manual “clear” action from the flight crew.

If the value is omitted, Cleared_Message_Inhibition should be set by default at 15.

Cleared_Message_Inhibition should be limited to values between 0 and 30s. An advisory message should be displayed if an invalid value has been defined.

The following user parameters concern the suggested speed calculation:

• Suggested_Speed_Calculation defines what type of suggested speed calculation is performed. Its value is either:

“basic” in which case basic computations are performed,

“filtered” in which case the suggested speed is filtered and rounded to propose discrete changes,

“improved” in which case the suggested speed calculation is improved to anticipate large speed changes. This type of calculation is only possible if SPACING_TYPE = 2 (time-based).

If omitted in the initialisation file, the default value should be set at “filtered” for distance-based spacing and “improved” for time-based spacing. An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been entered.

• TIME_CONSTRAINT_ACQUIRE is expressed in minutes and defines the initial time constraint used for suggested speed calculations in remain behind.

If the value has been omitted, it should be set by default at 5.

If Time_Constraint_Acquire is greater than Time_Constraint_Maintain, its value should be set at that of Time_Constraint_Maintain with an advisory message.

Time_Constraint_Acquire should be limited to values between 1 and 20 minutes. An advisory message should be displayed if an invalid or erroneous value has been defined in the fmgs.ini file.

• TIME_CONSTRAINT_MAINTAIN is expressed in minutes and defines the initial time constraint used for suggested speed calculations in remain behind.

If the value has been omitted, it should be set by default at 2.

Time_Constraint_Maintain should be limited to values between 0.5 and 5 minutes. An advisory message should be displayed if an invalid or erroneous value has been defined in the fmgs.ini file.

• MERGE_ANTICIPATION is expressed in seconds and defines the anticipation parameter used in merge behind to aim at achieving spacing slightly before the merge point in order to stabilize both the spacing value and the closure rate at the merge point.

If the value has been omitted, it should be set by default at 60 seconds.


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Merge_Anticipation should be limited to values between 0s and 200s. An advisory message should be displayed if an invalid value has been defined in the fmgs.ini file.

• PILOT_REACTION_ANTICIPATION is expressed in seconds and may be used with time-based spacing. It enables to compensate for the time delay due to filtering, the pilot reaction time, and the delay between the pilot action and the initiation by the aircraft.

If the value has been omitted in the initialisation file and the run is performed in time-based spacing, it should be set by default at 10 seconds.

Pilot_Reaction_Anticipation should be limited to values between 0s and 30s.

In any case during calculations, Pilot_Reaction_Anticipation should be lower than the required spacing value (time-based spacing).

An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been entered.

• FILTER_THRESHOLD is used for “filtered” and “improved” suggested speed calculations and defines the value of a quantiser used to reduce the number of suggested speed variations. It is expressed in kIAS.

The default value should be set at 3 kt if it has been omitted in the initialisation file. An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been entered.

The value of the filter threshold should be limited to values lower than or equal to rounding threshold.

• ROUNDING_THRESHOLD is used for “filtered” and “improved” suggested speed calculations and defines the value of the rounding applied to the suggested speed before display to the crew. It is expressed in kIAS.

The default value should be set at 5 kt if it has been omitted in the initialisation file. An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been entered.

The value of the rounding threshold should be limited to values lower than 10 kt. If it is not the case, it should be set at 5 kt together with an advisory message.

• ENVELOPE_SPEED_MARGIN is expressed in kt and defines the speed margin below VMAX and above manoeuvring speed for nominal, acceptable and unacceptable speeds.

The default value should be set at 5 kt if it has been omitted in the initialisation file. An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been entered.

The value of the speed margin should be limited to values lower than 10 kt. If it is not the case, it should be set at 5 kt together with an advisory message.

• TARGET_HISTORY_TIME is used for “improved” suggested speed calculations and defines the time value during which the target estimated IAS should be recorded. It is expressed in seconds and may be defined by the user.

Target_History_Time should be set by default at its maximum possible value, which is (Required_spacing_value - Pilot_Reaction_Anticipation). If a value has been entered by the user, the retained value during calculations should be the minimum between the two values.

• Constant_Search_Interval is used for “improved” suggested speed calculations and defines the constant search interval at which the recorded target IAS history shall be


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retrieved. It is expressed in seconds and may be defined by the user but Target_History_Time should be a multiple value of Constant_Search_Interval.

Constant_Search_Interval should be set by default at one fourth of Target_History_Time.

• IAS_Derivative_Threshold is used for “improved” suggested speed calculations and is a threshold parameter which allows detecting when a change occurs in the estimated lead IAS. It is expressed in kIAS/s.

IAS_Derivative_Threshold should be set by default at 0.2 kIAS per second.

• IAS_Threshold is used for “improved” suggested speed calculations and is a threshold parameter which allows detecting when a change ends in the estimated lead IAS. It is expressed in kIAS.

IAS_Threshold should be set by default at 2.

• Freeze_Time is used for “improved” suggested speed calculations and defines a maximum period of time during which the change detection is frozen. It is expressed in seconds.

Freeze_Time should be set by default at 30s. However, during calculations, Freeze_Time should not exceed the change_estimated_duration.

2.7.4. Data recording parameters

The data recording parameters which are defined by the user in the “fmgs.ini” file are the following:

• DIRLOG is the name of the directory in which the data logging files should be recorded (e.g. DirLog=C:\Fmgs3D_v4\Log\)

• DATALOG defines whether state log data should be recorded and its value is:

“0” if the recording is not performed,

“1” if the recording of state log data is performed,

If the entry is omitted, the default value should be set at 1. An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been defined in the fmgs.ini file.

• DATALOGFILE defines the name of the suffix that the recording file of the state log data should have.

If the entry is omitted, the default value should be set at datalog. The naming of the file would then be for example

• ACTIONLOG defines whether pilot actions should be recorded and its value is:

“0” if the recording is not performed,

“1” if the recording of pilot actions is performed,

If the entry is omitted, the default value should be set at 1. An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been defined in the fmgs.ini file.


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• DATAACTIONLOG defines whether data concerning spacing should be recorded and its value is:

“0” if the recording is not performed,

“1” if the recording of actions concerning spacing is performed,

If the entry is omitted, the default value should be set at 1. An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been defined in the fmgs.ini file.

• DataActionFile defines the name of the suffix that the recording file for the action log data should have.

If the entry is omitted, the default value should be set at actionlog. The naming of the file would then be for example

• EXTENSIONDATA defines the name of the extension of the data recordings.

If the entry is omitted, the default value should be set at data. The data recordings will end with “.data”.

• EYE_TRACKER defines whether additional data concerning visible surrounding traffic should be recorded (for eye tracking analysis purposes) and its value is:

“0” if the recording is not performed,

“1” if the recording of additional traffic data is performed,

If the entry is omitted, the default value should be set at 0. An advisory message should be displayed if an erroneous value has been defined in the fmgs.ini file.

• EYETRACKERFILE defines the name of the suffix that the recording file of the additional eye tracker data should have.

If the entry is omitted, the default value should be set at eyetracker. The naming of the file being for example


The specifications concerning the implementation of ASAS sequencing and merging applications for the pseudo-pilot positions are described in the EUROCONTROL document “PWP HMI guideline” version 0.1, 25/06/2002.


TCAS (Traffic alert and collision Avoidance System) was developed to reduce the risk of airborne collisions. Today, implementation tends toward a world-wide mandatory carriage of systems complying with ACAS II (Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems).

As TCAS is an industry standard, part of the normal pilot working environment, it was decided to implement it on the EEC Airbus A320 cockpit simulator. The implementation is done in two phases:

• firstly with a simplified display without alerts;


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• secondly with a TCAS display for all ACAS status according to the ACAS logic.


4.1.1. ACAS status of surrounding traffic

ACAS is designed to work both autonomously and independently of the aircraft navigation equipment and ground systems used for the provision of air traffic services.

The system interrogates compliant transponders and receives information of distance, altitude and bearing from surrounding traffic within a given range (approx. 40 NM). From several successive replies, ACAS calculates a time to reach the CPA (Closest Point of Approach) with the intruder, by dividing the range by the closure rate. The time value is the main parameter for issuing alerts.

ACAS can issue two types of alerts:

• Traffic Advisories (TA), which aim at helping the pilot in the visual search for the intruder aircraft, and by alerting him to be ready for a potential resolution advisory ;

• Resolution Advisories (RA), which are avoidance manoeuvres recommended to the pilot. When the intruder aircraft is also fitted with an ACAS system, both ACAS’ co-ordinate their RA through the Mode S data link, in order to select complementary resolution senses.

For better situation awareness, the system also displays:

• Proximate traffic within a certain range,

• And other non threat traffic within the range of the system.

In modern glass cockpits, TCAS traffic is displayed on the ND and it is displayed on a dedicated screen for older aircraft. To avoid the clutter of the screen, the system is often limited in the number of aircraft displayed (e.g. 8 for the A320).

4.1.2. TCAS symbol

TCAS will display different traffic symbols based on the ACAS status. The symbols change shape and colour to represent increasing levels of urgency.

• The symbol for Other Traffic is a white or cyan open diamond (outline only).

• The symbol for Proximate Traffic is a white or cyan filled diamond. It corresponds to an intruder which is within +/- 1,200 ft. of own altitude and 6 NM range.

• The symbol for a TA (Traffic Advisory) is an amber or yellow filled circle.

• The symbol for a RA (Resolution Advisory) is a red filled square.

White is the preferred colour for proximate and other traffic as long as it is different from the colour used for own aircraft symbol.


54 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

Non Threat Traffic




4.1.3. TCAS data tag

A data tag shall indicate, if available:

• The relative altitude of the intruder aircraft with two digits indicating the altitude difference in hundreds of feet. For an intruder above own aircraft, the tag shall be placed above the traffic symbol and preceded by a “+” sign, for one below own aircraft, the tag shall be placed below the traffic symbol and preceded by a “-” sign. The tag for co-altitude aircraft shall be displayed as the digits 00. The 00 characters should be placed above the symbol if the intruder aircraft closed from above and below the symbol if the intruder aircraft closed from below.

• A vertical speed as a vertical arrow pointing up for climbing traffic and down for descending traffic when the vertical speed of the intruder is greater than 500 fpm.

The colour of the data tag is the same as the traffic symbol.

If the intruder is Non-Altitude Reporting (NAR), the traffic symbols appear without a data tag.

4.1.4. Rules of TCAS display

Here is an example of Navigation Display with the following TCAS traffic displayed:

• Other Traffic 1800 ft above own aircraft and at steady altitude or with vertical speed lower than 500fpm;

• Proximate Traffic 1000 ft below and descending with more than 500 ft/min;

• Traffic advisory (TA) 600 ft above and descending with more than 500 ft/min;

• Resolution Advisory (RA) 200 ft below and climbing with more than 500 ft/min.


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• Traffic is displayed as “Other Traffic” if:

within the TCAS range,

within the altitudes limits of the mode selected. A toggle button allows choosing between the following modes: ABOVE ( -2700ft/+9000ft in climb), NORMAL ( -2700ft/+2700ft en-route) and BELOW ( -9000ft/+2700ft in descent).

• And if the traffic is within 6NM and +/-1200ft from own aircraft, it will be displayed as “Proximate Traffic”.

• Depending on current altitude, if the traffic is within 20-45 seconds of CPA and within +/-850ft or +/-1200ft, it will be considered and displayed as “Traffic Advisory”

• Depending on current altitude, if the traffic is within 15-35 seconds of CPA and within +/-600ft or +/-800ft, it will be considered and displayed as “Resolution Advisory”

Here is an example of the different ACAS status for an A320 equipped with a TCAS II version 7.0 at an altitude greater than 30000ft and with a “NORMAL” altitude display selected.

RA will be given if the traffic is within +/- 800ft with a CPA reached in less than 35 seconds.

TA will be given if the traffic is within +/- 1200ft with a CPA reached in less than 45 seconds.

Alt. difference

Separation > 2700ft [1200ft; 2700ft] [800ft;1200ft] < 800ft

> TCAS range - - - - > 6 NM and > 45s - Other Traffic Other Traffic Other Traffic < 6NM and > 45s - Other Traffic Proximate Proximate

]35s; 45s] - Other Traffic TA TA < 35s - Other Traffic TA RA


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In terms of realism of the display for pilots, it was decided to implement a simplified version. Nevertheless, it must be clear that the purpose is to provide a simplified display of surrounding TCAS traffic and not to try and implement the TCAS logic.

It takes into account the following ACAS status :

• Other Traffic

• Proximate Traffic

A given number of intruders (e.g. 8) are displayed based on criteria of proximity (in terms of direct distance).

4.2.1. Parameters for the simplified display

The following parameters may be defined in the “fmgs.ini” file:

• the number of intruders to be displayed (e.g. NbDisplayTcas = 8), which should normally be set at 8.

• the range inside which “Other traffic” is displayed (e.g. Distance_threshold_Other = 30) which represents a theoretical range of surveillance. It could typically be set at 30 or 40 NM but ETCAS would have ranges up to 100 NM.

• the altitude range for which “Other traffic” is displayed (e.g. Level_threshold_Other = 2700). +/- 2700 ft would correspond to the Normal display and +/- 9000 ft would cover Normal/Below/Above.

• the range inside which “Proximate traffic” is displayed (e.g. Distance_threshold_PA = 6) which should normally be set at 6NM.

• the altitude range for which “Proximate traffic” is displayed (e.g. Level_threshold_PA = 1200) which should normally be set at +/-1200 ft.

• The SSR mode selected can take the following values : A or SQWK or C and TA or RA. On the 3D version of the MCS, it is manually selected on the pedestal. For the 2D version of the MCS, it may not be selected and therefore needs to be parameterised in the fmgs.ini file :

• ModeSSR can take the following values : 0=A ; 1=SQWK ; 2=C ; 3=TA ; 4=RA

Note: As we do not know the status of the selected values for the SSR mode yet, the variable “ModeSSR” is also used for the 3D version of the MCS.

4.2.2. Simplified Display rules

The following rules apply:

• TCAS surrounding traffic will be displayed if ModeSSR = 3 or 4.


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• An aircraft will be displayed as “Proximate” (filled diamond) if it closer than Distance_threshold_PA and within an altitude of Level_threshold_PA.

• If it is not a “Proximate”, it will be displayed as “Other traffic” (open diamond) if it closer than Distance_threshold_Other (e.g. 6 NM) and within an altitude of Level_threshold_Other.

• If there is a number of “Proximate” and “Other traffic” greater than NbDisplayTCAS, it should then be limited to the NbDisplayTCAS closest aircraft.

The shape, colour and data tag of the traffic are defined above in 4.1.2 TCAS symbol and 4.1.3 TCAS data tag.


In order to implement a realistic TCAS logic, an ACAS server was developed by the Eurocontrol ACAS program and will be used in the following manner:

• All aircraft, including the MCS send a “control panel message” relative to the ACAS settings.

• The ACAS server also receives the broadcast DIS messages providing information on geographical co-ordinates, speed, altitude, vertical speed and heading as well as the SSR code.

• The ACAS server computes the ACAS logic and sends to each aircraft the information relative to its designated intruders and the ACAS status of those intruders.

• The designated intruders should be displayed on the MCS according to their ACAS status and using the appropriate ACAS symbols (see 4.1.2 TCAS symbol and 4.1.3 TCAS data tag).

4.3.1. Link with the ACAS server

• A control panel message is sent from the MCS to the ACAS server. It provides information on the TCAS settings among which the SSR code and the “Manual sensitivity level” (set to 0 for Automatic (TA/RA), to 1 for Stand-by and to 2 for TA only).

• An ACAS message is sent from the ACAS server to the MCS. It is structured in two parts:

one relative to the ACAS status of own aircraft (No alert; TA or RA) as well as the information to display the Resolution Advisory and to provide the appropriate aural alert if necessary.

One relative to the list of intruders with, for each intruder, the elements necessary to display it on the ND, that is : SSR code, Status (Non intruding; PA; TA or RA), Range (in NM), bearing, relative altitude and vertical attitude (Cruising, Climbing, Descending or Non-Altitude-Reporting).

The full description of the exchanges between the ACAS server and the MCS is described in the document referenced “ACAS server – MCS / Message Format Definition”.


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4.3.2. Display parameters for full TCAS display

The following parameters should be defined (either through the interface or in the fmgs.ini file):

• ModeSSR can take the following values : 0=A ; 1=SQWK ; 2=C ; 3=TA ; 4=RA

• The number of intruders to be displayed (e.g. NbDisplayTcas = 8), which should normally be set at 8.

• Display mode can be :

THRT : “Other traffic” and “Proximate” are displayed only if a TA or RA occurs

ALL : Normal display where all traffic between +/-2700 ft is displayed

ABOVE : Traffic is displayed between -2700 ft and + 9000 ft

BELOW : Traffic is displayed between -9000 ft and + 2700 ft

• Complementing this display mode, we could define in the fmgs.ini file :

Level_Threshold_Normal (e.g. 2700)

Level_Threshold_AboveBelow (e.g. 9000) The ModeSSR parameter will be transferred to the ACAS server through the control panel message. Therefore, the message received from the ACAS server will take into account this parameter.

If the selected mode is THRT, intruders in the normal altitude range will be displayed only if the own ACAS status as received from the ACAS server is TA or RA. Otherwise, intruders within the defined altitude range will be selected for display.

If there are more intruders to be displayed than NbDisplayTcas, the list of intruders should be sorted following first the ACAS status criteria (RA first then TA, Proximate and finally Other) and second following the distance criteria (closest aircraft first). Only the NbDisplayTcas first aircraft in the list should be displayed.

ACAS traffic is displayed for all selected ranges on the ND in the ARC or ROSE modes. In case the PLAN mode is selected on the ND, the TCAS traffic is not displayed on the ND, but:

• If a TA occurs, the aural alert is performed normally and an amber “TCAS : CHANGE MODE” message is displayed in the middle of the ND (blinking for 9 seconds and then steady).

• If a RA occurs, the aural alert and the vertical speed advisory (on the PFD) is performed normally and a red “TCAS : CHANGE MODE” message is displayed in the middle of the ND (blinking for 9 seconds and then steady).

4.3.3. Management of ACAS / ASAS display

In case an aircraft is equipped with both an ASAS and ACAS equipment, rules of priority for display should be set. Those rules could be defined as parameters in the following table:

Status Non ASAS (no ADS-B) ASAS (ATSAW) ASAS (Selected target)


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Not in ACAS surveillance 0 0 or 2 0 or 2 NI – Non intruding 0 or 1 0, 1, 2 or 3 0, 1, 2 or 3 PA – Proximate 0 or 1 0, 1, 2 or 3 0, 1, 2 or 3 TA – Traffic Advisory 0 or 1 0, 1, 2 or 3 0, 1, 2 or 3 RA – Resolution Advisory 0 or 1 0, 1, 2 or 3 0, 1, 2 or 3 0 = No display 1 = ACAS display only 2 = ASAS display only 3 = ACAS and ASAS display

NOTE: In case an aircraft should be displayed both as ACAS and ASAS (e.g. a selected target with a TA status), an appropriate symbology should be defined which complies with both requirements for ACAS and ASAS.


The data logs are structured into three main classes: initialisation, periodic and discrete data.

• The recorded data shall be split into three different data log files as follow:

Initialisation variables, recorded once during the exercise, shall be recorded in the InitLog file. They include all the simulation parameters that can be changed by the user at the beginning of an exercise.

Periodic variables, recorded every second, shall be recorded in the StateLog file. These variables are related to the state of the aircraft, its target and the spacing situation.

Discrete variables, recorded on pilot action, shall be recorded in the ActionLog file.

• The StateLog and ActionLog files shall only contain the variables values separated by a “;”. Each line of data will refer to one time step; variables values are given in a predefined order and format (see Table 5-2 to Table 5-12).

• The files shall include a “column description header”. A list of variables labels for all column variables recorded in the files shall be added at the beginning of the ActionLog and StateLog files.


Using the parameters set in the fmgs.ini configuration file, data log files are named as follow:

• Name of the Initialisation data file (InitLog file): DD-MM-YYYY-HH-MM_<SpacingType>_<Arrival>_<hostname> _InitLog.<ExtensionData>

• Name of the discrete data file (ActionLog file): DD-MM-YYYY-HH-MM_<SpacingType>_<Arrival>_<hostname> _ActionLog.<ExtensionData>

• Name of the periodic data file: DD-MM-YYYY-HH-MM_<SpacingType>_<Arrival>_<hostname> _StateLog.<ExtensionData>


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• DD- MM-YYYY-HH-MM is the time and date of the run (day-month-year-hour-minutes).

• SPACING_TYPE designates the type of spacing used during the run:

NO for no spacing,

D for distance spacing,

T for time spacing.

• ARRIVAL designates the arrival airport of the flight.

Here are examples of data files concerning runs performed on cockpit1 the 15th of May 2003 at 08h10, in distance-based spacing and with LFPO as arrival airport:

- - -


The initialisation parameters concerning the recorded data files shall be recorded in the “InitLog” data file. The “InitLog” data file shall be created if either the actionlog or the statelog data is recorded. It shall include the following common information:

- Host name - List of way points of the flight plan - Arrival - ELAPSED_TIME=0 - INCREASED_CLOCK=720 - TIME_CONSTRAINT_ACQUIRE = time in minutes (default = 5) - TIME_CONSTRAINT_MAINTAIN = time in minutes (default = 2) - MERGE_ANTICIPATION = time in seconds (default = 60)

[ Time constraint in Merge = target time to reach merge point - Merge_anticipation ] - DELAY_BEFORE_ALERT = time of inhibition of alerts in seconds (e.g. 45) - SOUND_ALERT = 1 to activate sounds, and 0 to de-activate sounds - SPACING_TYPE = 0 for WITHOUT SPACING


- CAUTION_TOLERANCE: - in NM for distance_based (default = 1 NM) - in seconds for Time_based (default = 5 s)

- WARNING_TOLERANCE: - in NM for distance_based (default = 2 NM) - in seconds for Time_based (default = 10 s)

- SCALE_RANGE = Height of the spacing scale (in NM or seconds) - TIME_TrendSpacing = The trend predicts the spacing value in X (in seconds; e.g. 30s) - FIRST_THRESHOLD_ADVISORY = speed threshold in kt for blinking Sug_IAS (e.g. 7) - SECOND_THRESHOLD_ADVISORY = speed threshold in kt to trigger advisories (e.g. 15) - TIME_BLINK = to adjust the blinking frequency of sug ias - FILTER_THRESHOLD (kt) for computation of suggested airspeed (e.g. 4)


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- ROUNDING_THRESHOLD (kt) for computation and display of suggested airspeed (e.g. 5) - PILOT_REACTION_ANTICIPATION (s) to compensate mean pilot reaction time (e.g. 10)

Example of InitLog data fille:



This file contains all periodic data related to the own aircraft and its target. The data are recorded every second; they are described in the following tables.

Real Time

Simu Time

SSR Code

Callsign Latitude Longitude Altitude Radio Alittude

Baro Altitude

Heading …

15:34:14 00:00:00 304 AFR2105 2786.66996 400.55033 340000 33993 340000 315.0 … 15:34:15 00:07:10 304 AFR2105 2786.66996 400.55033 340000 33993 340000 315.0 …

… Track Drift Bank Alpha FPA FlightTime Speed Mach VertSpeed GS TAS … … 315.0 0.0 -22.596 2.228 0.000 4768 277.04 0.8011 0 463.9 463.9 … … 315.0 0.0 -22.596 2.228 0.000 4768 277.04 0.8011 0 463.9 463.9 …

… Trend Turn

Radius Turn Rate

NextWP DistWP Dist Destination

FuelOn Board

Thrust FreqCOM …

… -0.06 6.72 1.098 INKAK 157.2 225.0 6377 0.5751 118.85 … … -0.06 6.72 1.098 INKAK 157.2 225.0 6377 0.5751 118.85 …

… Current

Separation Current Spacing

Required Spacing

Spacing Displayed

Delta Spacing

Closure Rate


Computed IAS

Filtered IAS


… 0.000 0.000 -1 0.0 -1.000 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 … … 0.000 0.000 -1 0.0 -1.000 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 …


62 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

… Target

Latitude Target Longitude

Target Altitude

Target Heading

TargetGS TargetVertSpeed …

… 0.00000 0.00000 0 0.0 0.0 0 … … 0.00000 0.00000 0 0.0 0.0 0 …

Table 5-1: List of variables recorded in StateLog file.

Label Priority Definition and unit. Format RealTime High Real time of the simulation. hh:mm:ss SimuTime Blocking Simulation time. hh:mm:ss SSRCode Low SSR code of the own aircraft. Up to 4 digit. CallSign High Callsign of the own aircraft. Up to 7 characters. Latitude High Latitude of the own aircraft, in degrees. XX.xxxxx, 5 decimal

places. Longitude High Longitude of the own aircraft, in degrees. XX.xxxxx, 5 decimal

places. Altitude High Altitude of the own aircraft from the sea

level, in feet. XXXXX, 0 decimal place.

RadioAltitude Low Altitude of the own aircraft from the ground level, in feet.

XXXXX, 0 decimal place.

BaroAltitude Blocking Barometric altitude of the own aircraft, in feet.

XXXXX, 0 decimal place.

Heading High True heading of the own aircraft, in degrees.

XXX.x, 1 decimal place.

Track Low True track of the own aircraft, in degrees. XXX.x, 1 decimal place.

Drift Low Drift angle of the own aircraft, in degrees (Track=Heading+Drift).

XXX.x, 1 decimal place.

Bank Low Bank angle of the own aircraft, in degrees. ±, 3 decimal places.

Alpha Low Angle of attack of the own aircraft, in degrees., 3 decimal places.

FPA Low Flight Path Angle of the own aircraft, in degrees., 3 decimal places.

FlightTime Low Elapsed time from the own lift-off, in seconds.


Speed Blocking Speed of the own aircraft, in knots. XXX.xx, 2 decimal places.

Mach Medium Speed of the own aircraft, in MACH. X.xxxx, 4 decimal places.

VertSpeed Medium Vertical speed of the own aircraft, in feet/minutes.

XX, 0 decimal place.

GS High Ground speed of the own aircraft, in knots. XXX.x, 1 decimal place.

TAS Medium True Air Speed of the own aircraft, in knots.

XXX.x, 1 decimal place.

Trend Low Trend of the TAS of the own aircraft, (in tenth of knots per second).

±X.xx, 2 decimal places.

TurnRadius Low Current turn radius of the own aircraft, in NM.

X.xx, 2 decimal places.

TurnRate Low Angular speed capacity of the change in heading of the own aircraft, in degrees/second., 3 decimal places.

NextWPT High Next Way Point of the own aircraft. Up to 7 characters. DistWPT High Distance of the own aircraft to the next

waypoint, in NM. XX.x, 1 decimal place.


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Label Priority Definition and unit. Format DistDestination Low Distance of the own aircraft to the

destination airport, following the F-PLN, in NM.

XXX.x, 1 decimal place.

FuelOnBoard Medium Fuel on board, in kg. XXXX Thrust Low Thrust of the own aircraft. X.xxxx, 4 decimal

places. FreqCOM High Communication frequency used in the

flight deck. XXX.xx.

CAPT radio PTT Medium Push To Talk Captain position ON/OFF F/O radio PTT Medium Push To Talk First Officer position ON/OFF Inst Radio PTT Low Push To Talk Instructor position ON/OFF CurrentSeparation Medium Direct distance between the own aircraft

and the target, in NM (= 0.000 when no target is selected)., 3 decimal places.

CurrentSpacing Blocking Current spacing between the own aircraft and the target, in NM (or seconds for time spacing, = 0.000 when no target is selected). (or XX.xx), 3 (or 2 for time) decimal places.

RequiredSpacing Blocking Required spacing between the own aircraft and the target, in NM (or seconds for time spacing, = -1 when no value is entered). (or XX.xx), 3 (or 2 for time) decimal places.

SpacingDisplayed Low Spacing valued displayed on the own ND, in NM (or seconds for time spacing, = 0.000 when no target is selected). (or XX.xx), 3 (or 2 for time) decimal places.

DeltaSpacing Low Difference between CurrentSpacing and RequiredSpacing, in NM (or seconds for time spacing, = -1.000 when no target is entered).

± (or ±XX.xx), 3 (or 2 for time) decimal places.

ClosureRate High Closure rate of the own aircraft and its target (ClosureRate=GS-TargetGS), in knots (= 0.0 when no target is selected).

X.x, 1 decimal place.

SpacingTrend Low Displayed value for the spacing trend on the spacing scale, in NM/seconds for distance/time based spacing. (or XX.xx), 3 (or 2 for time) decimal places.

SUGIAS Blocking Suggested IAS, displayed on the ND, in knots (=0.0 when no target is selected).

XXX.x, 1 decimal place.

ComputedSugGS High Computed suggested GS (initial calculation value), in knots (=0.0 when no target is selected).

XXX.x, 1 decimal place.

ComputedSUGIAS Medium Computed IAS, initial calculated suggested IAS, in knots (=0.0 when no target is selected).

XXX.x, 1 decimal place.

FilteredSUGIAS Low Filtered IAS, application of the filter on the computed IAS, in knots (=0.0 when no target is selected).

XXX.x, 1 decimal place.

Selected IAS Blocking Value of the Speed/Mach selected in the FCU window.

XXX.xx, 2 decimal places

TargetLatitude High Latitude of the target aircraft, in degrees (=0.00000 when no target is selected).

XX.xxxxx, 5 decimal places.

TargetLongitude High Longitude of the target aircraft, in degrees (=0.00000 when no target is selected).

XX.xxxxx, 5 decimal places.

TargetAltitude Blocking Altitude of the target aircraft from the sea level, in feet.

XXXXX, 0 decimal place.

TargetTrack Medium True track angle of the target aircraft, in degrees.

XX.x, 1 decimal place.

TargetGS Blocking Target aircraft Ground Speed, in knots. X.x, 1 decimal place. TargetVertSpeed Low Target aircraft Vertical Speed, in X, 0 decimal place.


64 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

Label Priority Definition and unit. Format feet/minutes.

TargetWTC Medium Target aircraft wake turbulence category 1 character (‘H’, ‘M’ or ‘L’)

TargetBRG Medium Magnetic bearing to target aircraft, in degrees

XXX, three digits

Table 5-2 : StateLog data description.


This file contains all discrete data. These data are recorded on pilots’ actions. They concern every cockpit element, for which in turn the following data are recorded.

For each of the “action” recorded data, it shall be possible to know at what “simulation time” the recorded action has been performed. (e.g. specific line of recording or change of value in a table with periodic data).

The ActionLog data file shall include the following fields as illustrated in the example below:

• Simulation time

• Name of the Component affected by the action

• Exact description of the object affected by the action

• Type of action performed on the object

• Commanded value resulting from the action

Simu. Time Component ButtonObject Action Value 00:00:01 FCU Heading Turn 3 degres 00:00:05 Engines Engine main Position ON 00:00:05 Landing gear Landing gear Position OFF 00:00:06 FCU button Auto Pilot 1 Push OFF 00:00:07 FCU button Auto THRust Push OFF 00:00:07 Frequency COM 1 Select 118.00 ... ... ... ... ...

Table 5-3: List of variables recorded in ActionLog file.

The list of the pilot actions that may be recorded is provided below for each of the following components of the aircraft:

- FCU element - Frequency selection - MCDU - Speedbrakes / ground spoilers - Throttle selection - Flaps selection


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- Overhead panel - Landing gear and autobrakes - ASAS states - FMA

For each of the recorded actions, a priority is set. The level of priority may vary depending on the simulation objectives.

• FCU element:

Priority Component ButtonObject Action Value Low FCU UKN Pressure Pull CAPT = 1013

F/O = 1013 Medium FCU CAPT Pressure Pull 1013 Medium FCU CAPT Pressure Turn 1014

Low FCU CAPT Pressure Push 1023 Low FCU CAPT Unit Baro Select 1 Low FCU CAPT Unit Baro Select 0

Medium FCU CAPT button ILS Push OFF Medium FCU CAPT button ILS Push ON

Low FCU CAPT button Flight Director Push ON Low FCU CAPT button Flight Director Push OFF Low FCU CAPT Canal Radio 1 Select ADF Low FCU CAPT Canal Radio 1 Select OFF Low FCU CAPT Canal Radio 1 Select VOR Low FCU CAPT Canal Radio 2 Select ADF Low FCU CAPT Canal Radio 2 Select OFF Low FCU CAPT Canal Radio 2 Select VOR

Medium FCU CAPT Mode ND Select PLAN Medium FCU CAPT Mode ND Select ARC Medium FCU CAPT Mode ND Select NAV Medium FCU CAPT Mode ND Select VOR Medium FCU CAPT Mode ND Select ILS

Low FCU CAPT ND contents Select CSTR Low FCU CAPT ND contents Select WPT Low FCU CAPT ND contents Select VORD Low FCU CAPT ND contents Select NDB Low FCU CAPT ND contents Select ARPT Low FCU CAPT ND contents Select OFF

Medium FCU CAPT Range ND Select 10 Medium FCU CAPT Range ND Select 20 Medium FCU CAPT Range ND Select 40 Medium FCU CAPT Range ND Select 80 Medium FCU CAPT Range ND Select 160 Medium FCU CAPT Range ND Select 320 Medium FCU Speed Pull 254 knots Medium FCU Speed Push 257 knots Medium FCU Speed Turn 257 knots Medium FCU Heading Pull 351 degrees Medium FCU Heading Push 351 degrees Medium FCU Heading Turn 351 degrees


66 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

Priority Component ButtonObject Action Value High FCU button LOCalizer Push OFF High FCU button LOCalizer Push ON

Medium FCU button Auto Pilot 1 Push OFF Medium FCU button Auto Pilot 1 Push ON Medium FCU button Auto THRust Push OFF Medium FCU button Auto THRust Push ON Medium FCU button Auto Pilot 2 Push OFF Medium FCU button Auto Pilot 2 Push ON

High FCU Altitude Pull 28000 feet High FCU Altitude Push 30000 feet High FCU Altitude Turn 30000 feet Low FCU Incr Alt Select 100 Low FCU Incr Alt Select 1000 Low FCU button EXPEDite Push OFF Low FCU button EXPEDite Push ON High FCU button APPRoach Push OFF High FCU button APPRoach Push ON

Medium FCU Vertical Speed Pull 900 feet/minutes Medium FCU Vertical Speed Push 0 feet/minutes Medium FCU Vertical Speed Turn 0 feet/minutes Medium FCU FPA Pull 4 degrees Medium FCU FPA Push 0 degrees Medium FCU FPA Turn 0 degrees

Low FCU F/O Canal Radio 1 Select ADF Low FCU F/O Canal Radio 1 Select OFF Low FCU F/O Canal Radio 1 Select VOR Low FCU F/O Canal Radio 2 Select ADF Low FCU F/O Canal Radio 2 Select OFF Low FCU F/O Canal Radio 2 Select VOR

Medium FCU F/O Range ND Select 10 Medium FCU F/O Range ND Select 20 Medium FCU F/O Range ND Select 40 Medium FCU F/O Range ND Select 80 Medium FCU F/O Range ND Select 160 Medium FCU F/O Range ND Select 320

Low FCU F/O ND contents Select ARPT Low FCU F/O ND contents Select VORD Low FCU F/O ND contents Select NDB Low FCU F/O ND contents Select WPT Low FCU F/O ND contents Select CSTR Low FCU F/O ND contents Select OFF

Medium FCU F/O Mode ND Select NAV Medium FCU F/O Mode ND Select VOR Medium FCU F/O Mode ND Select ILS Medium FCU F/O Mode ND Select ARC Medium FCU F/O Mode ND Select PLAN Medium FCU F/O Pressure Pull 1013 Medium FCU F/O Pressure Turn 1015

Low FCU F/O Pressure Push 1015 Medium FCU F/O button ILS Push ON Medium FCU F/O button ILS Push OFF

Low FCU F/O Unit Baro Select 1


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Priority Component ButtonObject Action Value Low FCU F/O Unit Baro Select 0 Low FCU F/O button Flight Director Push OFF Low FCU F/O button Flight Director Push ON

Table 5-4 : ActionLog data description - FCU element.

• Frequency selection: Priority Component ButtonObject Action Value

Low Frequency COM Selector Select COM1 Low Frequency COM 2 Select 120.00 Low Frequency COM 1 Select 118.00

Table 5-5 : ActionLog data description - Frequency selection.

• MCDU Priority Component ButtonObject Action Value

High MCDU Action CAPT Press ASAS In MCDU MENU page High MCDU Action CAPT Select Target 2037 (SSR code value, as entered)

Medium MCDU Action CAPT Press RETURN In ASAS TARGET 1/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Press RETURN In ASAS TARGET 2/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Press RETURN In REMAIN 1/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Press RETURN In REMAIN 2/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Press RETURN In MERGE 1/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Press RETURN In MERGE 2/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Press RETURN In HDG THEN MERGE 1/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Press RETURN In HDG THEN MERGE 2/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Press RETURN In RTE THEN MERGE 1/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Press RETURN In RTE THEN MERGE 2/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Press RETURN In ASAS MENU 2/2


Medium MCDU Action CAPT Press REMAIN In ASAS MENU 1/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Press REMAIN In ASAS MENU 1/2

High MCDU Action CAPT Press MERGE In ASAS MENU 1/2 High MCDU Action CAPT Press HDG/RTE







End follow route then Merge in ACTIVE ASAS MENU and Target 2037retained


End Remain in ACTIVE ASAS MENU and Target 2037 retained


68 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

Priority Component ButtonObject Action Value High MCDU Action CAPT Press

RETAIN TARGET End Merge in ACTIVE ASAS MENU and Target 2037 retained


End Heading then Merge in ACTIVE ASAS MENU and Target 2037 retained

Medium MCDU Action CAPT Select Spacing 90 s (or NM) in REMAIN 1/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Select Spacing 90 s (or NM) in REMAIN 2/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Select Spacing At least 90 s (or NM) in REMAIN 1/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Select Spacing At least 90 s (or NM) in REMAIN 2/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Select Spacing 90 s (or NM) in MERGE 1/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Select Spacing 90 s (or NM) in MERGE 2/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Select Spacing At least 90 s (or NM) in MERGE 1/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Select Spacing At least 90 s (or NM) in MERGE 2/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Select Spacing 90 s (or NM) in HDG THEN MERGE

1/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Select Spacing 90 s (or NM) in HDG THEN MERGE

2/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Select Spacing 90 s (or NM) in RTE THEN MERGE

1/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Select Spacing 90 s (or NM) in RTE THEN MERGE

2/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Validate Waypoint OKRIX in MERGE 1/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Press Waypoint OKRIX in HDG THEN MERGE 1/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Insert Waypoint OKRIX in HDG THEN MERGE 1/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Insert Waypoint OKRIX in HDG THEN MERGE 2/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Press Waypoint OKRIX in RTE THEN MERGE 1/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Insert Waypoint OKRIX in RTE THEN MERGE 1/2 Medium MCDU Action CAPT Insert Waypoint OKRIX in RTE THEN MERGE 2/2


In ACTIVE ASAS MODE for Target 2037


In ACTIVE ASAS MENU 1/2 for Target 2037


End follow route then Merge in ACTIVE ASAS MENU for Target 2037


End Remain in ACTIVE ASAS MENU for Target 2037


End Merge in ACTIVE ASAS MENU for Target 2037


End Heading then Merge in ACTIVE ASAS MENU for Target 2037


End follow route then Merge in ACTIVE ASAS MENU for Target 2037

Medium MCDU Action CAPT Quit ASAS page Quit page ASAS for MCDU MENU High MCDU Action CAPT Quit ASAS page Quit page ASAS for DIR TO

Medium MCDU Action CAPT Quit ASAS page Quit page ASAS for PROG Medium MCDU Action CAPT Quit ASAS page Quit page ASAS for PERF Medium MCDU Action CAPT Quit ASAS page Quit page ASAS for DATA Medium MCDU Action CAPT Quit ASAS page Quit page ASAS for FLIGHT PLAN Medium MCDU Action CAPT Quit ASAS page Quit page ASAS for RADIO NAV Medium MCDU Action CAPT Quit ASAS page Quit page ASAS for FUEL

PREDICTION Medium MCDU Action CAPT Quit ASAS page Quit page ASAS for SEC INDEX Medium MCDU Action CAPT Quit ASAS page Quit page ASAS for AIRPORT Medium MCDU Action CAPT Quit non ASAS page Quit non ASAS page for MCDU MENU

High MCDU Action CAPT Quit non ASAS page Quit non ASAS page for DIR TO


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Priority Component ButtonObject Action Value Medium MCDU Action CAPT Quit non ASAS page Quit non ASAS page for PROG Medium MCDU Action CAPT Quit non ASAS page Quit non ASAS page for PERF Medium MCDU Action CAPT Quit non ASAS page Quit non ASAS page for DATA Medium MCDU Action CAPT Quit non ASAS page Quit non ASAS page for FLIGHT PLANMedium MCDU Action CAPT Quit non ASAS page Quit non ASAS page for RADIO NAV Medium MCDU Action CAPT Quit non ASAS page Quit non ASAS page for FUEL

PREDICTION Medium MCDU Action CAPT Quit non ASAS page Quit non ASAS page for SEC INDEX Medium MCDU Action CAPT Quit non ASAS page Quit non ASAS page for AIRPORT Medium MCDU Action CAPT Press CLR key

High MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU ASAS TARGET 1/2 High MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU ASAS TARGET 2/2 for Target 2037 High MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU ASAS MENU 1/2 for Target 2037

Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU ASAS MENU 2/2 for Target 2037 Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU REMAIN 1/2 for Target 1234 Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU REMAIN 1/2 for Target 1234 UNABLE

SPACING to be 90 s (or NM) behind Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU REMAIN 2/2, Req speed 315 to be 90

s behind Target 1234, AF001BL, 24006 ft, 425 kt.

Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU Remain Behind Active to be 90 s (or NM) for Target 1234

High MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU REMAIN 1/2 for Target 1234 UNABLE SPACING to be at least 90 s (or NM) behind

High MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU REMAIN 2/2, Req speed 315 to be at least 90 s behind Target 1234, AF001BL, 24006 ft, 425 kt.

Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU Remain Behind Active to be at least 90 s (or NM) for Target 1234

Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU MERGE 1/2 for Target 2037 Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU MERGE 1/2 at OKRIX for Target 2037

(when waypoint has been validated) Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU MERGE 1/2 to be 90 s (or NM) behind

for Target 2037 High MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU MERGE 1/2 for Target 2037 UNABLE

SPACING to be 90 s behind at OKRIX High MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU MERGE 2/2, Req speed 305 to be 90 s

behind at OKRIX for Target 2037, AO645DP, 28004 ft, 452 kt

High MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU Merge Behind Active to be 90 s behind at OKRIX for Target 2037

Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU MERGE 1/2 to be at least 90 s (or NM) behind for Target 2037

Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU MERGE 1/2 for Target 2037 UNABLE SPACING to be at least 90 s behind at OKRIX

Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU MERGE 2/2, Req speed 305 to be at least 90 s behind at OKRIX for Target 2037, AO645DP, 28004 ft, 452 kt

Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU Merge Behind Active to be at least 90 s behind at OKRIX for Target 2037

Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU HDG THEN MERGE 1/2 for Target 2037

Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU HDG THEN MERGE 1/2 at OKRIX for


70 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

Priority Component ButtonObject Action Value Target 2037

Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU HDG THEN MERGE 1/2 to be 90 s (or NM) behind for Target 2037

High MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU HDG THEN MERGE 1/2 for Target 2037 UNABLE SPACING to be 90 s behind at OKRIX

High MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU HDG THEN MERGE 2/2, Resume in 01:35 to be 90 s behind at OKRIX for Target 2037, AO645DP, 28004 ft, 452 kt

High MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU HDG THEN Merge Behind Active to be 90 s behind at OKRIX for Target 2037

Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU RTE THEN MERGE 1/2 for Target 2037

Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU RTE THEN MERGE 1/2 at OKRIX for Target 2037

Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU RTE THEN MERGE 1/2 to be 90 s (or NM) behind for Target 2037

High MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU RTE THEN MERGE 1/2 for Target 2037 UNABLE SPACING to be 90 s behind at OKRIX

High MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU RTE THEN MERGE 2/2, Resume in 01:35 to be 90 s behind at OKRIX for Target 2037, AO645DP, 28004 ft, 452 kt

High MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU RTE THEN THEN Merge Behind Active to be 90 s behind at OKRIX for Target 2037

Medium MCDU Display CAPT Page MCDU CANCEL ACTIVE ASAS MENU 2/2 page for MCDU MENU page

Table 5-6 : ActionLog data description - MCDU element (the table is the same for FO messages).

• Speed brakes / ground spoilers action: Priority Component ButtonObject Action Value Blocking SpeedBrakes Speed Brakes Move to RET 0 Blocking SpeedBrakes Speed Brakes Move to 1/4 1 Blocking SpeedBrakes Speed Brakes Move to 1/2 2 Blocking SpeedBrakes Speed Brakes Move to 3/4 3 Blocking SpeedBrakes Speed Brakes Move to FULL 4

High SpeedBrakes Ground spoilers Arm ground spoilers 9

Table 5-7 : ActionLog data description - Speed brakes element.

• Throttle selection: Priority Component ButtonObject Action Value Medium Throttle Throttle Move to IDLE 0 Medium Throttle Throttle Move to CLIMB 1 Medium Throttle Throttle Move to FLEX MCT 2 Medium Throttle Throttle Move to TO GA 3

Table 5-8 : ActionLog data description - throttle element.


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• Flaps selection: Priority Component ButtonObject Action Value

High Flaps Slats Flaps Move 0 High Flaps Slats Flaps Move 1 High Flaps Slats Flaps Move 2 High Flaps Slats Flaps Move 3 High Flaps Slats Flaps Move 4

Table 5-9 : ActionLog data description - Flaps elements.

• Overhead panel: Priority Component ButtonObject Action Value

Low Engines Engine main Position OFF Low Engines Engine main Position ON High EXT Lights Landing lights Position ON High EXT Lights Landing lights Position OFF High EXT Lights Landing lights Position RETRACT High Signs Seat belts sign Position ON High Signs Seat belts sign Position OFF High Signs Seat belts sign Position AUTO

Medium Anti Ice ENG ANTI ICE Position ON Medium Anti Ice ENG ANTI ICE Position OFF Medium Anti Ice ENG ANTI ICE Position FAULT Medium Anti Ice WING ANTI ICE Position ON Medium Anti Ice WING ANTI ICE Position OFF Medium Anti Ice WING ANTI ICE Position FAULT

Table 5-10 : ActionLog data description – Overhead pannel.

• Landing gear and auto brake state: Priority Component ButtonObject Action Value

High Landing gear Landing gear lever Position UP High Landing gear Landing gear lever Position DOWN

Medium Landing gear Landing gear lights Lights ON Medium Landing gear Landing gear lights Lights OFF

High Auto brake Auto brakes LO Position ON High Auto brake Auto brakes LO Position OFF High Auto brake Auto brakes LO Position DECEL High Auto brake Auto brakes MED Position ON High Auto brake Auto brakes MED Position OFF High Auto brake Auto brakes MED Position DECEL High Auto brake Auto brakes MAX Position ON High Auto brake Auto brakes MAX Position OFF High Auto brake Auto brakes MAX Position DECEL

Table 5-11 : ActionLog data description - Landing gear and autobrakes element.

• ASAS states:


72 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

Priority Component ButtonObject Action Value High ASAS None State Nothing High ASAS None State Identify target High ASAS None State Select mode High ASAS None State Check feasibility

Blocking ASAS None State Acquire spacing High ASAS None State Stabilise spacing High ASAS None State Maintain spacing

Blocking ASAS None State Caution Blocking ASAS None State Warning Blocking ASAS None Mode REMAIN


Blocking ASAS None State End spacing

Table 5-12 : ActionLog data description - ASAS states.

• FMA: Priority Component ButtonObject Action Value

High FMA Autothrust mode 1st col. Engaged mode 1st line MAN TOGA High FMA Autothrust mode 1st col. Engaged mode 1st line MAN FLX 50 High FMA Autothrust mode 1st col. Engaged mode 1st line MAN MCT High FMA Autothrust mode 1st col. Engaged mode 1st line MAN THR High FMA Autothrust mode 1st col. Engaged mode 1st line THR MCT High FMA Autothrust mode 1st col. Engaged mode 1st line THR CLB High FMA Autothrust mode 1st col. Engaged mode 1st line THR IDLE High FMA Autothrust mode 1st col. Engaged mode 1st line THR LVR High FMA Autothrust mode 1st col. Engaged mode 1st line SPEED / MACH High FMA Autothrust mode 1st col. Engaged mode 1st line A. FLOOR High FMA Autothrust mode 1st col. Engaged mode 1st line TOGA.LK

Medium FMA Autothrust mode 1st col. Message 3rd line LVR CLB Medium FMA Autothrust mode 1st col. Message 3rd line LVR MCT Medium FMA Autothrust mode 1st col. Message 3rd line LVR ASYM Medium FMA Autothrust mode 1st col. Message 3rd line LVR THR LK

High FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Engaged mode 1st line SRS High FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Engaged mode 1st line ALT (ou ALT CST) High FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Engaged mode 1st line ALT* (ou ALT CST*) High FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Engaged mode 1st line CLB High FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Engaged mode 1st line OP CLB High FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Engaged mode 1st line DES High FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Engaged mode 1st line OP DES High FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Engaged mode 1st line EXP CLB High FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Engaged mode 1st line EXP DES High FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Engaged mode 1st line G/S High FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Engaged mode 1st line G/S* High FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Engaged mode 1st line V/S +/- XXXX High FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Engaged mode 1st line FPA + XX

Medium FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Armed mode 2nd line CLB blue High FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Armed mode 2nd line ALT blue (or

magenta) Medium FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Armed mode 2nd line DES blue

High FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Armed mode 2nd line G/S blue


Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06 73

Priority Component ButtonObject Action Value Medium FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Armed mode 2nd line FINAL blue Medium FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Armed mode 2nd line ALT blue G/S blue Medium FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Armed mode 2nd line ALT magenta G/S

blue Medium FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Armed mode 2nd line ALT blue FINAL blueMedium FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Armed mode 2nd line ALT magenta FINAL

blue Medium FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Armed mode 2nd line DES blue G/S blue Medium FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Armed mode 2nd line DES blue FINAL blueMedium FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Message 3rd line SPEED SEL: XXX Medium FMA Vertical mode 2nd col. Message 3rd line MACH SEL: .XX

High FMA Lateral mode 3rd col. Engaged mode 1st line RWY High FMA Lateral mode 3rd col. Engaged mode 1st line RWY TRK High FMA Lateral mode 3rd col. Engaged mode 1st line HDG High FMA Lateral mode 3rd col. Engaged mode 1st line TRACK High FMA Lateral mode 3rd col. Engaged mode 1st line NAV High FMA Lateral mode 3rd col. Engaged mode 1st line LOC STAR High FMA Lateral mode 3rd col. Engaged mode 1st line LOC High FMA Lateral mode 3rd col. Engaged mode 1st line APP NAV High FMA Lateral mode 3rd col. Engaged mode 1st line GA TRK High FMA Lateral mode 3rd col. Armed mode 2nd line LOC

Medium FMA Lateral mode 3rd col. Armed mode 2nd line APP NAV Medium FMA Lateral mode 3rd col. Armed mode 2nd line NAV Medium FMA Lateral and vertical modes Engaged mode 1st line ROLL OUT Medium FMA Lateral and vertical modes Engaged mode 1st line FLARE Medium FMA Lateral and vertical modes Engaged mode 1st line LAND Medium FMA Lateral and vertical modes Engaged mode 1st line FINAL APP Medium FMA Approach mode 4th line Category 1st line CAT1 Medium FMA Approach mode 4th line Category 1st line CAT2 Medium FMA Approach mode 4th line Category 1st line CAT3 Medium FMA Approach mode 4th line Mode 2nd line SINGLE Medium FMA Approach mode 4th line Mode 2nd line DUAL

High FMA Approach mode 4th line Decision 3rd line MDA High FMA Approach mode 4th line Decision 3rd line XXXX High FMA Approach mode 4th line Decision 3rd line DH XXX

Medium FMA Approach mode 4th line Decision 3rd line NO DH High FMA Guidance autopilot 5th col Engaged mode 1st line AP1 +2 High FMA Guidance autopilot 5th col Engaged mode 1st line AP1 High FMA Guidance autopilot 5th col Engaged mode 1st line AP2

Medium FMA Guidance autopilot 5th col Armed mode 2nd line XFDY Medium FMA Guidance autopilot 5th col Message 3rd line A/THR white Medium FMA Guidance autopilot 5th col Message 3rd line A/THR blue


This annex is a description of the existing connection between Eurocontrol’s MCS autonomous aircraft simulator and ESCAPE (Eurocontrol’s Simulation Capability and Platform for Experimentation).


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The communication protocol described is based on the IEEE standard 1278 (DIS 2.0.4) Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) currently implemented by the Eurocontrol MCS (Multi-aircraft Cockpit Simulator) for distributed interaction with external traffic simulators.


6.1.1. ESCAPE

The ESCAPE platform consists of 5 separate components, the Ground subsystem which performs the Flight Plan Data Processing, the MASS (Multi Aircraft Simplified Simulator) subsystem which simulates the traffic, the AudioLAN system which deals with Radio and Telecommunications. The controller working positions are part of the EONS (Eurocontrol Open and geNeric ATC graphics System) subsystem and the whole architecture is built on the Common Platform which uses a CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) middleware to provide inter-client communication. MCS is not part of the CORBA platform so a DIS interface allows aircraft states from MASS to be sent to the MCS and for the state of the MCS to be received by ESCAPE and processed in a similar manner to aircraft states originating from the MASS subsystem.

6.1.2. AudioLAN

AudioLAN is a radio-telephone Voice Communication System based on low-cost effective computer and Internet Telephony technologies. Using voice transport over IP protocol, each AudioLAN position provides clear, high-quality audio conversations with two radio-telephone full duplex channels and a complete set of functionalities. AudioLAN has been developed by the EEC and was originally designed for simulation environment. It is used in the context of ATC simulation and training, and is actually envisaged in the operational world.

6.1.3. System overview

Figure 18 shows the MCS in the context of the DIS connection to other simulators. The MCS and DIS interface code is based on C running on a Windows NT/PC platform. The DIS interface code translates data and event messages travelling in both directions between the MCS and an external TCP/IP twisted pair Ethernet 10 Mb/s (10BaseT) link. Outgoing messages from the MCS are transmitted in unicast mode, also used for incoming messages. The external TCP/IP Ethernet link is connected to a P-server running on a Sun/Unix platform which receives DIS unicast messages and distributes them via several unicast links so that other connected simulators including AudioLAN and ESCAPE can communicate.

The AudioLAN system has a DIS interface marked as RadioIF in Figure 18. This DIS/AudioLAN gateway takes radio information issued from the MCS (frequency changes, push-to-talk state) and sends it to AudioLAN host via a specific communication protocol.


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AudioLAN network







Figure 18 : DIS Local connection

Figure 19 shows the configuration used to link EEC to Technical University of Berlin. In order to keep this diagram simple, P-servers are represented as DIS sub-networks. In this configuration, AudioLAN does not transport voice on a digital line but instead, a remote headset is connected via an analog line.







Flight Simrouter router



TCP/IP TCP/IPISDN 128k line(digital)

phonePhone line(analog)

Brétigny Berlin

Figure 19 : DIS remote connection

6.1.4. DIS background

The Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) concept is an initiative of the US Department of Defence (DoD), in order to support simulations of warfare. The main need was to enable large-scale simulations, by interconnecting several simulators. Dedicated links were assessed as not cost-efficient if developed on individual basis. Therefore, DIS aimed at providing connection software for linking various simulators, without conditions on the place or on the platform they were running on.

The standard was originally based on the experience of a DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) project, named SIMNET (SIMulation NETwork), which proved the feasibility of


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the concept in the 1980’s. DIS became an international and civil standard in the 1990’s and was approved as the IEEE Standard 1278 in 1993. Many COTS (Common Off The Shelf) products may be nowadays found implementing the DIS definitions on most software platforms. The success of DIS is due to the fact that the standard addresses most aspects of simulation: an interface definition, a modelling of moving bodies, a modelling of environment data, some communication services, some simulation management facilities, real system integration capabilities, and performance measurements.

6.1.5. DIS definition

In DIS, the world is modelled as a set of “entities” (in this case aircraft) that interact with each other by means of “events” that they cause. These events may be perceived by other entities and may have effects on them, which in turn may cause other events that affect other entities.

At the heart of DIS, there is a set of protocols that convey messages about entities and events, via a network, among various simulation nodes that are responsible for maintaining the status of the entities in the virtual world. The characteristics of the network are not important, as long as it can convey these messages to the interested simulation nodes with reasonably low latency (100 to 300 milliseconds) and low latency variance. Within these constraints, the systems that generate entities that appear to be adjacent in the virtual world could be separated by thousands of miles in the real world.

The DIS definition includes:

• A data model, associated with a common representation of them

• The assembling of these data into messages, called Protocol Data Units (PDU)

• The circumstances under which these PDUs are transmitted

• The processing that must be done on receipt of PDUs

• Key algorithms (e.g. dead reckoning) to be implemented by each actor of the simulation

6.1.6. DIS Protocol Data Unit (PDU) subset used for MCS

The subset of DIS Protocol Data Units used by the MCS are indicated in the list below. Their detailed specification is dealt with in the following chapter (see 6.2).

• Entity Information/Interaction

Entity State PDU – used by MCS

Collision PDU

• Warfare

Fire PDU

Detonation PDU

• Logistics

Service Request PDU


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Resupply Offer PDU

Resupply Received PDU

Resupply Cancel PDU

Repair Complete PDU

Repair Response PDU

• Simulation Management

Create Entity PDU

Remove Entity PDU

Start/Resume PDU – used by MCS

Stop/Freeze PDU – used by MCS

Acknowledge PDU – used by MCS

Action Request PDU

Action Response PDU

Data Query PDU – used by MCS

Set Data PDU

Data PDU – used by MCS

Event Report PDU – used by MCS

Message PDU

• Distributed Emission Regeneration

Electromagnetic Emission PDU

Designator PDU

• Radio Communication

Transmitter PDU – used by MCS

Signal PDU – used by MCS

Receiver PDU

For the needs of other Eurocontrol simulators, Signal PDU has been chosen to exchange flight plan data. This variable length PDU can, sometimes, exceed the Ethernet MTU (maximum transmission unit). When a large Signal PDU has to be sent, it will be split into several segments. This is why TCP/IP unicast has been preferred to UDP broadcast. Furthermore, DIS PDUs are encapsulated in a in-house format in order to make reading of truncated messages easier. This additional layer called Control Record is composed of a simple header, containing timestamp (C style structure), sender (C style structure) and PDU length as shown in Figure 20.


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Time Stamp – 64 bit timeval struct Sender – 128 bit sock_addr_in struct 224 CONTROL

RECORD PDU Length – 32 bit unsigned integer

n PDU PDU Data (see following chapter)

Figure 20 : Raw PDU format

When building a Control Record, the sender has to set the timestamp to zero. This field is only intended to be used by the DIS library.


The following chapters define the details of each of the MCS Protocol Data Units (PDU) and make cross reference to the DIS standard. The PDU structures are reminded in this annexe to improve its reading but they are identical to those given in the “Standard for Distributed Interactive Simulation -Application Protocols” from IST. This referenced document [9] should be used if more details are needed.

When the DIS implementation of MCS diverges from the DIS standard, an explanation is presented in bold and the associated PDU fields are shown in bold too.

6.2.1. PDU Header

The PDU Header is the first part of each PDU. Some remarks about the header contents in the MCS implementation are given in the following sections and are applicable to every PDU supported by the MCS.

Protocol Version

The only DIS standard version implemented in the MCS is the one described in reference [7], that is, DIS 2.0.4. MCS sets Protocol Version enumeration to IEEE 1278.1-1994. Other protocol versions are not supported by MCS.

Time stamp

Time stamping shall be used to indicate the time at which the data contained in the PDU is valid. This timestamp shall be specified using a 32-bit unsigned integer representing units of time passed since the beginning of the current hour. The least significant bit shall indicate whether the timestamp is absolute or relative.

The MCS clock is synchronised to Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) using a reference time server. According to DIS definition, absolute timestamp is provided by MCS. The use of the absolute timestamp is signified by the least significant bit set to one.

In order to maintain a coherent simulation world, all entities (from any application and any host) have to be time stamped in UTC.


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6.2.2. Aircraft information – Entity State PDU

The Entity State PDU is the basic aircraft state (i.e. where is the aircraft and what is its velocity in the simulated world at a particular time). Simulation related information like identification and dead reckoning is also included. The Entity State PDU is sent to all simulation application participating in the same exercise. The following descriptions are taken from the DIS standard.

Coordinate system

Positions in the simulated world are identified using a right-handed geocentric Cartesian coordinate system called the World Coordinate System. The shape of the world is described by the WGS 84 standard, DMA TR 8350.2. The origin of the coordinate system is the centroid of the earth. The axes of the coordinate system are labelled X, Y and Z, with the positive X-axis passing through the Prime Meridian at the Equator, with the positive Y-axis passing through 90 degrees East longitude at the Equator and the positive Z-axis passing through the North Pole. A distance of one unit measured in world coordinates corresponds to a distance of one metre in the simulated world, and a straight line in the world coordinate system is a straight line in the simulated world.

To describe the location and orientation of an aircraft, an aircraft coordinate system is associated with the aircraft. This is also a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system with the distance of one unit corresponding to one metre as in the world coordinate system. The origin of the aircraft coordinate system is the centre of the aircraft’s bounding volume (centre of gravity). The axes are labelled x, y and z with the positive x-axis pointing to the front of the aircraft, the positive y-axis pointing to the right side of the aircraft, and positive z-axis pointing downwards. The location of an aircraft is specified as the position of the origin of its coordinate system, expressed in world coordinates. The aircraft’s orientation is specified using three Euler angles that describe the successive rotations needed to transform from the world coordinate system to the aircraft coordinate system.

The MCS does not provide entity orientation using Euler angles, this information should not be used by other simulators.

Dead Reckoning

A method of position / orientation estimation, called dead reckoning, is used to limit the rate at which simulations must issue state updates for an aircraft. Each simulation maintains a high fidelity model of the aircraft it represents. In addition, the simulation maintains a simpler model of its aircraft state. The simpler model represents the view of that aircraft by other simulation applications on the network and is an extrapolation of position and orientation state using a specified dead reckoning algorithm. On a regular basis, the simulation compares the high fidelity model of its aircraft to the simpler model. If the difference between the two exceeds a predetermined threshold, the simulation will update the simpler model using the information from the high fidelity model. At the same time, the simulation will send updated information to other simulations on the network so that they can update their model of the aircraft. By using dead reckoning, simulations are not required to report the status of their aircraft every frame.

The MCS does not support dead reckoning, this means that the update rate for aircraft positions is constant and is fixed to 1 Hz but Dead Reckoning Algorithm field is set to DRM FPW (see annex B3.4 of the referenced IST document for details on dead reckoning model notation). Nevertheless, for internal display needs, MCS estimates positions of surrounding traffic between two updates.


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Protocol Version – 8-bit enumeration Exercise ID – 8-bit unsigned integer PDU Type – 8-bit enumeration Protocol Family – 8-bit enumeration Time Stamp – 32-bit unsigned integer Length – 16-bit unsigned integer


Padding – 16 bits unused Site – 16-bit unsigned integer Application – 16-bit unsigned integer 48 ENTITY ID Entity – 16-bit unsigned integer

8 FORCE ID 8-bit enumeration

8 #OF


8-bit unsigned integer

Entity Kind – 8-bit enumeration Domain – 8-bit enumeration Country – 16-bit enumeration Category – 8-bit enumeration Subcategory – 8-bit enumeration Specific – 8-bit enumeration


Extra – 8-bit enumeration Entity Kind – 8-bit enumeration Domain – 8-bit enumeration Country – 16-bit enumeration Category – 8-bit enumeration Subcategory – 8-bit enumeration Specific – 8-bit enumeration


Extra – 8-bit enumeration X – Component – 32-bit floating point Y – Component – 32-bit floating point 96 ENTITY LINEAR

VELOCITY Z – Component – 32-bit floating point X – Component – 64-bit floating point Y – Component – 64-bit floating point 192 ENTITY LOCATIONZ – Component – 64-bit floating point Psi – 32-bit floating point Theta – 32-bit floating point 96 ENTITY

ORIENTATION Phi – 32-bit floating point

32 ENTITY APPEARANCE 32-bit record of enumerations

Dead Reckoning Algorithm- 8-bit enumeration Other Parameters – 120 bits unused Entity Linear Accel – 3x32-bit floating point

320 DEAD


Entity Angular Velocity – 3x32-bit integer


Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06 81

Character set – 8-bit enumeration 96 ENTITY MARKING 11 x 8-bit unsigned integers 32 CAPABILITIES 32 Boolean fields

Parameter Type Designator – 8-bit enumeration Change – 8-bit unsigned integer ID – attached to – 16-bit unsigned integer Parameter type – 32-bit parameter type record

n x 128


Parameter value – 64-bit

Figure 21 : Structure of Entity State PDU

A list of standard entity types is presented in the document “Enumeration and Bit-encoded values for use with IEEE 1278.1 – 1994, Distributed Interactive Simulation – Application Protocols” from IST.

Extensions to this list are proposed by EEC to support civil aircraft and the Entity Type for the MCS is set to A320-200.

The State bit is set to one (deactivated) in the Entity Appearance enumeration when the simulation application quits the simulation. The entity is not managed anymore and has to be removed from the active entity list by each simulation application.

The Frozen Status bit is set to one in the Entity Appearance enumeration when the simulation application is frozen. When the MCS is frozen, entity states are still being transmitted with a fixed position (Frozen Status bit set to one).

An example of Entity State PDU is proposed below, representing a frozen aircraft.


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Figure 22 : Example of Entity State PDU

6.2.3. Simulation Management - Create Entity PDU

The Create Entity PDU is sent by the simulation manager to provide entity IDs to each simulation application.

In EEC simulation environment, the Create Entity PDU is not used and each simulation application is responsible for allocating its entity IDs. The MCS is not able to change the entity ID it manages, so if a Create Entity PDU is received, an Acknowledge PDU is transmitted indicating that it can not comply with the request (Response Flag set to Failure). In other words, the MCS simply ignores this message.

The Acknowledge PDU is described below in chapter 6.2.7.

The figures below show the sequence diagram of an entity creation and the structure of the Create Entity PDU.

SimulationManager Entity

Create EntityPDU


Figure 23 : Entity creation



Protocol Version – 8-bit enumeration Exercise ID – 8-bit unsigned integer PDU Type – 8-bit enumeration Protocol Family – 8-bit enumeration Time Stamp – 32-bit unsigned integer Length – 16-bit unsigned integer


Padding – 16 bits unused Site – 16-bit unsigned integer Application – 16-bit unsigned integer 48 ORIGNINATING

ENTITY ID Entity – 16-bit unsigned integer


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Site – 16-bit unsigned integer Application – 16-bit unsigned integer 48 RECEIVING

ENTITY ID Entity – 16-bit unsigned integer

32 REQUEST ID 32-bit unsigned integer

Figure 24 : Structure of Create Entity PDU

6.2.4. Simulation Management - Remove Entity PDU

The Remove Entity PDU is sent by the simulation manager to ask the removal of a specified entity ID.

In EEC simulation environment, the Remove Entity PDU is not used and each simulation application is responsible for deleting every deactivated entity when the last Entity State is received (see 6.2.2). The MCS can not stop simulating its entity through a DIS request, so if a Remove Entity PDU is received, an Acknowledge PDU is transmitted indicating that it can not comply with the request (Response Flag set to Failure). In other words, the MCS simply ignores this message.

The Acknowledge PDU is described below in chapter 6.2.7.

The figures below show the sequence diagram of an entity removal and the structure of the Remove Entity PDU.

SimulationManager Entity

RemoveEntity PDU


Figure 25 : Entity removal



Protocol Version – 8-bit enumeration Exercise ID – 8-bit unsigned integer PDU Type – 8-bit enumeration Protocol Family – 8-bit enumeration Time Stamp – 32-bit unsigned integer Length – 16-bit unsigned integer


Padding – 16 bits unused


84 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

Site – 16-bit unsigned integer Application – 16-bit unsigned integer 48 ORIGNINATING

ENTITY ID Entity – 16-bit unsigned integer Site – 16-bit unsigned integer Application – 16-bit unsigned integer 48 RECEIVING

ENTITY ID Entity – 16-bit unsigned integer

32 REQUEST ID 32-bit unsigned integer

Figure 26 : Structure of Remove Entity PDU

6.2.5. Simulation Management - Start/Resume PDU

A Start/Resume PDU is sent by the simulation manager, each time an exercise is started or resumed. The entity has to join the simulation at the indicated time and replies with an Acknowledge PDU indicating that the request has been correctly treated (Response Flag set to Success). The Frozen Status bit of the Entity State PDU is set to zero (see 6.2.2 Aircraft information – Entity State PDU) when the simulation application is started or resumed.

The Acknowledge PDU is described below in chapter 6.2.7.

The figures below show the sequence diagram of an entity start and the structure of the Start/Resume PDU.

SimulationManager Entity



Figure 27 : Entity Start


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Protocol Version – 8-bit enumeration Exercise ID – 8-bit unsigned integer PDU Type – 8-bit enumeration Protocol Family – 8-bit enumeration Time Stamp – 32-bit unsigned integer Length – 16-bit unsigned integer


Padding – 16 bits unused Site – 16-bit unsigned integer Application – 16-bit unsigned integer 48 ORIGNINATING

ENTITY ID Entity – 16-bit unsigned integer Site – 16-bit unsigned integer Application – 16-bit unsigned integer 48 RECEIVING

ENTITY ID Entity – 16-bit unsigned integer Hour – 32-bit integer

64 REAL-WORLD TIME Time Past the Hour – 32-bit unsigned integer Hour – 32-bit integer

64 SIMULATION TIME Time Past the Hour – 32-bit unsigned integer

32 REQUEST ID 32-bit unsigned integer

Figure 28 : Structure of Start/Resume PDU

6.2.6. Simulation Management - Stop/Freeze PDU

A Stop/Freeze PDU is sent by the simulation manager each time an exercise is stopped or frozen. The entity has to temporarily leave the simulation at the indicated time and replies with an Acknowledge PDU indicating that the request has been correctly treated (Response Flag set to Success). The Frozen Status bit of the Entity State PDU is set to one (see 6.2.2 Aircraft information – Entity State PDU) when the simulation application is stopped or frozen.

The Acknowledge PDU is described below in chapter 6.2.7.

The figures below show the sequence diagram of an entity stop and the structure of the Stop/Freeze PDU.


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SimulationManager Entity



Figure 29 : Entity Stop


SIZE (bits)


Protocol Version – 8-bit enumeration Exercise ID – 8-bit unsigned integer PDU Type – 8-bit enumeration Protocol Family – 8-bit enumeration Time Stamp – 32-bit unsigned integer Length – 16-bit unsigned integer


Padding – 16 bits unused Site – 16-bit unsigned integer Application – 16-bit unsigned integer 48 ORIGNINATING

ENTITY ID Entity – 16-bit unsigned integer Site – 16-bit unsigned integer Application – 16-bit unsigned integer 48 RECEIVING ENTITY

ID Entity – 16-bit unsigned integer Hour – 32-bit integer

64 REAL-WORLD TIME Time Past the Hour – 32-bit unsigned integer

8 REASON 8-bit enumeration 8 FROZEN BEHAVIOR 8-bit enumeration 16 PADDING 16 bits unused 32 REQUEST ID 32-bit unsigned integer

Figure 30 : Structure of Stop/Freeze PDU

6.2.7. Simulation Management - Acknowledge PDU

An Acknowledge PDU is sent on receipt of a Create Entity PDU, Remove Entity PDU, Start/Resume PDU or Stop/Freeze PDU. The Acknowledge Flag recalls the request type


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(Acknowledge Flag field) and the reference number associated to the request (Request ID field). If the requested action is done then the Response Flag is set to Success (or able to comply) else Failure (or unable to comply).



Protocol Version – 8-bit enumeration Exercise ID – 8-bit unsigned integer PDU Type – 8-bit enumeration Protocol Family – 8-bit enumeration Time Stamp – 32-bit unsigned integer Length – 16-bit unsigned integer


Padding – 16 bits unused Site – 16-bit unsigned integer Application – 16-bit unsigned integer 48 ORIGNINATING

ENTITY ID Entity – 16-bit unsigned integer Site – 16-bit unsigned integer Application – 16-bit unsigned integer 48 RECEIVING

ENTITY ID Entity – 16-bit unsigned integer

16 ACKNOWLEDGE FLAG 16-bit enumeration

16 RESPONSE FLAG 16-bit enumeration 32 REQUEST ID 32-bit unsigned integer

Figure 31 : Structure of Acknowledge PDU

6.2.8. Simulation Management - Data Query PDU

A Data Query PDU is sent by the simulation manager to request data from an entity.

In EEC simulation environment, the Data Query PDU is used by any simulation application to request additional information about a specific aircraft that could not fit in the Entity State PDU.

Extensions to the standard list (from IST) are proposed by EEC to fulfil ATM simulator needs. The MCS is only interested in SSR code (mode A code) and call sign of every aircraft for ASAS applications. The table below describes those data items whose definition vary from the EEC document “DIS enumerations and Bit-encoded values for Civil Air Traffic Management simulation” [8].

ID Name Type Length Units Description 80102 Call Sign String Variable Up to 8 chars 80112 SSR Code String 32 4 chars

Note: The wake turbulence category of the target aircraft shall be made available to the cockpit simulator (as specified in the Volume I, §§4.1.1 of this URD), be it in DIS replay mode or in the context of a live DIS connection. It may thus be necessary to add wake turbulence category information here as well.


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When a Data Query PDU is received, the entity responds with a Data PDU containing data items that the simulation application can reply to. The Data PDU is described below in chapter 6.2.8.

The periodic update service (Time Interval field) is not supported by MCS. When an Entity State PDU is received, if the last associated Data PDU is older than 2 minutes, then MCS sends a Data Query PDU to the originating entity in order to get the latest information relative to that aircraft. It is highly recommended to not send a Data Query PDU after every Entity State update because it will generate an excessive DIS traffic.

When receiving a Data Query PDU, the MCS does not take into account the list of fixed and variable data items (see Data PDU below in chapter 6.2.8).

The figures below show the sequence diagram for a data query and the structure of the Data Query PDU.

Entity Entity

Data PDU

Data QueryPDU

Entity StatePDU

Figure 32 : Data Request



Protocol Version – 8-bit enumeration Exercise ID – 8-bit unsigned integer PDU Type – 8-bit enumeration Protocol Family – 8-bit enumeration Time Stamp – 32-bit unsigned integer Length – 16-bit unsigned integer


Padding – 16 bits unused Site – 16-bit unsigned integer Application – 16-bit unsigned integer 48 ORIGNINATING

ENTITY ID Entity – 16-bit unsigned integer


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Site – 16-bit unsigned integer Application – 16-bit unsigned integer 48 RECEIVING

ENTITY ID Entity – 16-bit unsigned integer

32 REQUEST ID 32-bit unsigned integer 32 TIME INTERVAL 32-bit unsigned integer



32-bit unsigned integer




32-bit unsigned integer

32 FIXED DATUM ID #1 32-bit enumeration

. . .

32 FIXED DATUM ID #N 32-bit enumeration

32 VARIABLE DATUM ID #1 32-bit enumeration

. . .

32 VARIABLE DATUM ID #M 32-bit enumeration

Figure 33 : Structure of Data Query PDU

6.2.9. Simulation Management - Data PDU

A Data PDU is sent on receipt of a Data Query PDU.

In EEC simulation environment, the Data PDU is intended to provide additional information about a specific aircraft that could not fit in the Entity State PDU.

Refer to Data Query PDU (see 6.2.8) for requested data items.

The MCS does not take into account the list of requested data items in the Data Query PDU. Instead, the MCS systematically provides the data items presented in the table below. Be careful, the definition of these items varies from the standard one (EEC document).

ID Name Type Length Units Description 80102 Call Sign String Variable Up to 8 chars 80112 SSR Code String 32 4 chars 80130 Transponder Mode String 32 4 chars

Note: The wake turbulence category of the target aircraft shall be made available to the cockpit simulator (as specified in the Volume I, §§4.1.1 of this URD), be it in DIS replay mode or in the


90 Flight deck URD – Annex – Version 2.3 – 17/07/06

context of a live DIS connection. It may thus be necessary to add wake turbulence category information here as well.

The structure of the Data PDU is presented below:



Protocol Version – 8-bit enumeration Exercise ID – 8-bit unsigned integer PDU Type – 8-bit enumeration Protocol Family – 8-bit enumeration Time Stamp – 32-bit unsigned integer Length – 16-bit unsigned integer


Padding – 16 bits unused Site – 16-bit unsigned integer Application – 16-bit unsigned integer 48 ORIGNINATING

ENTITY ID Entity – 16-bit unsigned integer Site – 16-bit unsigned integer Application – 16-bit unsigned integer 48 RECEIVING

ENTITY ID Entity – 16-bit unsigned integer

32 REQUEST ID 32-bit unsigned integer 32 PADDING 32-bits unused



32-bit unsigned integer



32-bit unsigned integer

Fixed Datum ID – 32-bit enumeration 64 FIXED DATUM #1 Fixed Datum Value – 32 bits . . .

Fixed Datum ID – 32-bit enumeration 64 FIXED DATUM #N Fixed Datum Value – 32 bits

Variable Datum ID – 32-bit enumeration Variable Datum Length – 32-bit unsigned integer (K1) Variable Datum Value – K1 bits



Padding – P1 bits (64 bit alignment) . . .

Variable Datum ID – 32-bit enumeration Variable Datum Length – 32-bit unsigned integer (KM) Variable Datum Value – KM bits



Padding – PM bits (64 bit alignment)

Figure 34 : Structure of Data PDU


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Here is an example of Data PDU containing SSR code “1027” (0x31303237) and call sign “AF093CB” (0x4146303933434200).

Figure 35 : Example of Data PDU

6.2.10. Simulation Management - Event Report PDU

An Event Report PDU is sent to the simulation manager when a significant event occurs.

In EEC simulation environment, when a significant change happens to a specific aircraft, the Event Report PDU is intended to send additional information about it spontaneously to all simulation members , whereas the Data PDU replies to a request.

Each time the SSR code of the MCS managed aircraft changes, the MCS transmits an Event Report PDU with the data items presented in the table below. Be careful, the definition of these items varies from the standard one (EEC document).

ID Name Type Length Units Description 80102 Call Sign String Variable Up to 8 chars 80112 SSR Code String 32 4 chars 80114 Mode S Address Integer 32 80115 ACAS Status Integer 32 80116 ACAS Version String Variable 9 chars 80130 Transponder Mode String 32 4 chars

The structure of the Event Report PDU is presented below:


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Protocol Version – 8-bit enumeration Exercise ID – 8-bit unsigned integer PDU Type – 8-bit enumeration Protocol Family – 8-bit enumeration Time Stamp – 32-bit unsigned integer Length – 16-bit unsigned integer


Padding – 16 bits unused Site – 16-bit unsigned integer Application – 16-bit unsigned integer 48 ORIGNINATING

ENTITY ID Entity – 16-bit unsigned integer Site – 16-bit unsigned integer Application – 16-bit unsigned integer 48 RECEIVING

ENTITY ID Entity – 16-bit unsigned integer

32 EVENT TYPE 32–bit enumeration



32-bit unsigned integer



32-bit unsigned integer

Fixed Datum ID – 32-bit enumeration 64 FIXED DATUM #1 Fixed Datum Value – 32 bits . . .

Fixed Datum ID – 32-bit enumeration 64 FIXED DATUM #N Fixed Datum Value – 32 bits Variable Datum ID – 32-bit enumeration Variable Datum Length – 32-bit unsigned integer (K1) Variable Datum Value – K1 bits



Padding – P1 bits (64 bit alignment) . . .

Variable Datum ID – 32-bit enumeration Variable Datum Length – 32-bit unsigned integer (KM)

Variable Datum Value – KM bits



Padding – PM bits (64 bit alignment)

Figure 36 : Structure of Event Report PDU

6.2.11. Radio communication – Transmitter PDU

The Transmitter PDU is used to communicate detailed information about a radio transmitter.


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In EEC simulation environment, the Transmitter PDU is used to manage both voice and data link communications. For voice, a Transmitter PDU is sent each time the transmitter state or the active frequency is modified. This PDU is not sent periodically and is intended to be used by the AudioLAN system. For data link, two Transmitter PDUs are sent each time a data link exchange is required, the first one to activate the transmitter and the second one to stop it.

The MCS does not send a Transmitter PDU each time the simulation is frozen or unfrozen as recommended in the standard. Antenna Location, Relative Antenna Location, Transmit Frequency Bandwidth, Power and Modulation Type fields are not set by the MCS.

Radio ID is set to 1 for VHF (COM1) and to 2 for DATA LINK.

The structure of the Event Report PDU is presented below:



Protocol Version – 8-bit enumeration Exercise ID – 8-bit unsigned integer PDU Type – 8-bit enumeration Protocol Family – 8-bit enumeration Time Stamp – 32-bit unsigned integer Length – 16-bit unsigned integer


Padding – 16 bits unused Site – 16-bit unsigned integer Application – 16-bit unsigned integer 48 ENTITY ID Entity – 16-bit unsigned integer

16 RADIO ID 16-bit unsigned integer

Entity Kind – 8-bit enumeration Domain – 8-bit enumeration Country – 16-bit enumeration Category – 8-bit enumeration Subcategory – 8-bit enumeration Specific – 8-bit enumeration


Extra – 8-bit enumeration 8 TRANSMIT STATE 8-bit enumeration 8 INPUT SOURCE 8-bit enumeration

16 PADDING 16 bits unused X – Coordinate – 64-bit floating point Y – Coordinate – 64-bit floating point 192 ANTENNA

LOCATION Z – Coordinate – 64-bit floating point X – Coordinate – 32-bit floating point Y – Coordinate – 32-bit floating point 96

RELATIVE ANTENNA LOCATION Z – Coordinate – 32-bit floating


16 ANTENNA PATTERN TYPE 16-bit enumeration

16 ANTENNA 16-bit unsigned integer


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64 FREQUENCY 64-bit unsigned integer



32-bit floating point

32 POWER 32-bit floating point Spread Spectrum – 16-Boolean Array Major – 16-bit enumeration Detail – 16-bit enumeration


System – 16-bit enumeration 16 CRYPTO SYSTEM 16-bit enumeration 16 CRYPTO KEY ID 16-bit unsigned integer



8-bit unsigned integer

24 PADDING 24 bits unused


. . .




. . .



Figure 37 : Structure of Transmitter PDU

An example of Transmitter PDU is presented below containing a push-to-talk status to “ON” (0x02). Unfortunately, the frequency is not properly displayed in this snapshot.


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Figure 38 : Example of Transmitter PDU

6.2.12. Radio communication – Signal PDU

The Signal PDU is used to broadcast audio or digital data generated by a simulated transmitter.

In the EEC simulation environment, the Signal PDU is used to transmit data link messages. Radio identity 2 is reserved for this purpose.

Before and after a signal is sent, the transmitter state shall be updated via a Transmitter PDU as described in the sequence diagram below.


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Entity All other entities




Figure 39 : Signal broadcast

The specifications enclosed in this document do not take into account the possible use of datalink for ASAS and therefore the signal PDU will not be fully detailed in this annex.

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