europe trip part 2

Post on 27-May-2015






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Edinburgh and London


William Wordsworth’s home in the Lake District of England.

Exploring the gardens at Mount Rydal, William Wordsworth’s home.

Edinburgh, Scotland

Old Town, Edinburgh

Shopping in Edinburgh. I bought a couple of plaid scarves.

We had lunch here. Please mind the step.

Ice cream break, Edinburgh.

Outside the Edinburgh Art Museum. We saw an early Vermeer here.

A Scottish grocery store. Check out the guys in the window.

Edinburgh Castle sits atop a huge hill. We had a tour given by a guide wearing a kilt.

Nobody got much sleep on the overnight train to London, so here we are sleeping on the bus. Again.

That’s London Bridge in the background.

Buckingham Palace

The girls doing a napkin dance during a medieval dinner in London. Later they cracked everyone up by doing

imitations of their English teacher.

Windsor Castle. The Queen was in residence, but she didn’t come down. She was probably vacuuming…

Westminster Abbey

Waiting at Piccadilly Circus, just outside the Virgin Records Megastore.

Coconuts are migratory? How fitting to end our trip with Monty Python!

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