eurythmy ensemble from stuttgart/ dave golding on 083 747 0153, e-mail:...

Post on 04-Sep-2020






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Editor: Nanette Snyckers Tel: 021 794 2103

8th March No. 8/2019

Eurythmy Ensemble from Stuttgart/Germany As a part of our 100 years of Waldorf education celebration, we have the privilege of hosting a Eurythmy Ensemble from

Stuttgart/Germany where the first Waldorf School was founded in 1919.

The group consists of nine young and vibrant eurythmists from many different countries including Korea, China, Romania and the US, under the experienced leadership of Michael Leber, a seasoned eurythmy trainer and performer. Alison Kane, a former Waldorf pupil at Michael Oak and Constantia studied Eurythmy at the Kairos Eurythmy School here in Cape Town and is now a member of the Stuttgart Eurythmy Ensemble for the

second year.

This group will be touring the Cape from the 10th to the 25th of March, performing in various Waldorf schools to Primary and High School classes as

well as for the teachers at the 100 years Teachers Conference, Nurturing Seeds.

They will also give a public performance at Michael Oak on Saturday 16th of March at 7.30pm to which everyone is warmly invited. The group is

covering their costs through fundraising and donations which will be gratefully received at the door.

This will be a wonderful opportunity for new - and not so new - parents to

get a glimpse of what Eurythmy is, see you there!

Christiane Janowski, High School Eurythmy Teacher

For the first time, the Märchenensemble (Fairytale Ensemble) from the Eurythmeum Stuttgart, will be coming to South Africa!

For 25 years, The Märchenensemble has been a platform for graduated eurythmists to work with and experience artistic stage eurythmy. This year, we are a colourful group of nine eurythmists, from seven different countries (Germany, America, Holland, Japan. South Korea, South Africa and Serbia) and six different eurythmy trainings: Eurythmeum Stuttgart, Alanus Hochschule, Eurythmeum CH (Aesch, Dornarch) Spring Valley (USA), Leiden (Holland), Euritmije Stoimena (Zagreb,

Croatia) and Kairos Eurythmy Training (Cape Town).

The Märchenensemble is a year-long project, in which we work on a fair-ytale and evening program, and perform up to a hundred performances in schools, kindergartens and homes around the world. Everything from the selection of the fairytale, choreography, design of stage and background, costumes and the organisation of performances, are arranged by the group with the help of our director, Michael Leber. Along with Germany and South Africa, this year our tour takes us to Italy, China, South Korea,

Georgia, Armenia and the Netherlands.

As a past student of Michael Oak and Constantia Waldorf, I am excited to be bringing what I have learnt and experienced these past two years in the Eurythmeum Stuttgart. I feel that this is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen the connection between the Anthroposophical communities of Germany and South Africa, especially during this time, as

we celebrate 100 Years of Waldorf education.

Alison Kane (on behalf of the Märchenensemble)

Eurythmy 1

Eurythmy Visist Class 12 Plays


Greening Fair Feedback


Diary Dates 4

Information and Announcements


Classifieds 7

Eurythmy Ensemble from Stuttgart/German... Continued An urgent plea to our community. One of the host families who were going to accommodate three members of the eurythmy group has withdrawn at the last minute. We are looking to find accommodation for three men, two are happy to share a room. They are unable to pay for the accommodation as they are performing simply to cover cost. We would be deeply grateful if a simple breakfast could be offered with the accommodation. The group is working and performing mainly on a voluntary basis and there are limited funds to meet costs for breakfast. The required time is 13th to 25th of

March or a portion thereof.

If you are able to help in any way please email Christiane Janowski at .

The Class 12s have been hard at work with their modern play presentations, constructing elaborate sets, creating their costumes, and directing each other towards two challenging and entertaining comedies. The process has been an intense one of inspired teamwork and self discovery and the

curtains will soon open for your enjoyment!

The Real Inspector Hound

In Tom Stoppard's brilliant philosophical comedy, a new whodunnit is opening on the London stage. Who is the psychopathic madman on the loose? Will the police arrive at isolated Muldoon Manor in time? In time for what, exactly? How many twists in the tale will there be? Hilarious melodrama and West End clichés ensue, but some of the critics in the audience clearly have other questions on their minds. How does a theatre critic reach the

height of their profession? Who were you seen drinking with last night? And coffee cream or Turkish delight?

A Flea in her Ear

Georges Feydeau was the undoubted master of the French farce and this classic from the turn of the 20th century shows off his plot pyrotechnics and saucy good humour to great effect! Victor Chandebise is struggling to connect with his lovely wife Raymonde. He asks his doctor for advice, but in her suspicious jealousy Raymonde calls on the aid of her friend Lucienne and crafts a trick for Victor involving a trip to the somewhat seedy Hotel Casablanca. Chaos ensues involving a porter who looks just like Victor, Raymonde's wannabe suitor, compromised maids and servants, a cousin

who can't pronounce any consonants, a ferocious Spanish husband and a truly misguided Englishman.

Simric Yarrow and Andrea Grant, Class 12 Drama Teachers


Waste Results of Our Fair

“What is the difference between a community and an ecosystem? An ecosystem is a community without

waste!” Fritjof Capra

In Grapevine #4 2019, Eduardo Shimahara from the Fair of Bees Green Team presented a challenge to shift the mindset from ‘managing waste’ to ‘preventing and avoiding


His vision of zero or minimal waste was daunting but working towards that goal really paid off and the end

result was impressive.

These were the final results of all the waste which was measured at

the school’s Recycling Depot::

RECYCLING WASTE: 48.5 kg (collected for recycling in a dozen boxes)

GENERAL WASTE: 28.8kg (including all biodegradable items)

FOOD WASTE: 13.5 kg (mainly fruit peels, salad scraps, chicken bones & coffee grains which only partially filled two packets)

To achieve these results, drinks were sold in tins & refundable glass bottles, a wash station was manned for hired crockery & cutlery, cakes were supplied by parents on plates & in tins, the sale of ice--bites and other plastic-packaged items was banned and many stall holders sought creative ways to reduce unnecessary packaging. So there was very little plastic in the mix besides the garbage bags we used to bag food and general waste,

wrappers from a few of the stalls and coffee cup lids.

We’d welcome constructive feedback which can be mailed to Eduardo ( What can be improved in future? What

difficulties did you experience? We noted that we could have designed a better system to help the food stalls manage waste.

We are very grateful to the many stall holders, teachers, students and parents who supported this waste initiative and especially to the ground staff

and cleaning ladies who gave invaluable help with the recycling and wash station efforts throughout the day.

We also urge next year’s fair organis-ers (and actually all school event or-ganisers) to pick up the minimal waste challenge too and improve on these

results in the future.

Justine Hansen (on behalf of the Fair of Bees Green Team which also included Eduardo, Julian, Amanda & Sam)

Photo: Eduardo & Justine Hansen holding all the food waste and behind us were all the items for recycling in boxes

and all the general waste in plastic bags.

Diary Dates Diary Dates




Tues 1 Holiday

Wed 2 Holiday

Thurs 3 Holiday

Fri 4 Holiday 1 OBDM Market 1 OBDM Market

Sat 5 2 Camp Out POSTPONED to the 9th 2 CWS ANNUAL FAIR 10am to 3pm

Sun 6 3 3

Mon 7 Holiday 4 4 Class 11 Parsival Journey / Eye Tests

Tues 8 Holiday 5 5 Class 11 Parsival Journey / Eye Tests

Wed 9 Holiday 6 6 Class 11 Parsival Journey

Class 3 Parents Evening 6:30PM

Thurs 10 Holiday 7 Class 5 Parents Evening 6:30 to 9pm 7 Class 11 Parsival Journey

Fri 11 Holiday 8 OBDM Market 8 Class 11 Parsival Journey/Class 13 Woordfees /

OBDM Market

Sat 12 9 HS Experience Day / Camp Out 9 Class 13 Woordfees

Sun 13 10 10 Class 13 Woordfees

Mon 14 GTM 11 11

Tues 15 School Starts First Assembly - Day ends 11:15

Class 8 Camp

12 Class 2 Parents Evening 6 to 8:30pm 12 Music Concert

Class 7 Outing

Wed 16 Class 8 Camp 13 13 Class 12 Plays / Speech and Hearing Tests

Thurs 17 PG and KG Starts / Class 8 Camp 14 14 Class 12 Plays / Speech and Hearing Tests

Fri 18 OBDM Market / Class 8 Camp Return 15 OBDM Market

KG Braai

15 Class 12 Plays / OBDM Market

Sat 19 16 Alumni Reunion 16 Class 12 Plays

Sun 20 17 17

Mon 21 Class 8 Parents Evening 6:30pm

Class 10 Parents Evening 7pm

18 18 PS Sports Day

Tues 22 Toddler Group Begins

Class 9 Parents Evening 6:30pm

Class 4 Parents Evening 6:30pm

19 Class 1 Parents Evening 6:30 to 8PM 19 HS Sports Day

Wed 23 Class 7 Parents Evening 6:30pm 20 20 School Closes for Term 1 - Easter Festival

Thurs 24 Class 7 Parents 21 Class 5 Parents Evening 6:30 to 8PM 21

Fri 25 OBDM Market 22 OBDM Market / Class 6 Greek Olympics 22 Public Holiday

Sat 26 23 Class 6 Greek Olympics 23 Nurturing Seeds Teachers Conference

Sun 27 24 24 Nurturing Seeds Teachers Conference

Mon 28 25 25 Nurturing Seeds Teachers Conference

Tues 29 Class 12 Parents Evening 6:30pm 26 Kindergarten Parents Meeting 6:30PM 26 Nurturing Seeds Teachers Conference

Wed 30 27 27 Nurturing Seeds Teachers Conference

Thurs 31 Class 6 Parents Evening 6:30pm 28 28




Information and Announcements

Information and Announcements

Disclaimer: Not all articles or advertisements are necessarily the views or opinions of the Editor or the Constantia Waldorf School.




Would like to have space/ access for food gardening and storage of plant material. Available to grow organic vegetables to share and help with

upgrade and development of an existing garden as a whole. Contact: Dave Golding on 083 747 0153, e-mail:

Holiday accommodation: Great Brak River - Holiday cottage in sea-facing front position on The Island, with wide views of river, sea and lagoon. Enjoy swimming, shoreline walks, canoeing, fishing and abundant bird and sea life. The cottage has a large viewing deck, enclosed front stoep, three bedrooms, and can sleep ten. 2019 rates: Off-peak season: R780 p/night plus R130 p/psn/p/night. Peak season (Dec/Jan holidays): R1750

p/night plus R130 p/psn/p/night. For bookings and e-brochure contact: Liz Mackenzie at or (021) 761 8811

Looking for: An Assistant with sales, on Afromontane’s stand, at Kamers/Makers show. Date: March15th to March 19th, Afternoons 14h00-17h00.(5x days) R80/hr. Applicants must have an interest in fashion, sustainability as well as an ease with talking to, serving customers

and managing sales. Please send CV to Or call Sandra 0836544259.

Car for sale: 2015 Ford Figo Trend 1.4 with 35 000KM, excellent condition. Please call Justin on 082 529 5211 for enquiries.

Looking for Accommodation: Visiting researchers from Denmark, Martin and Mette Hoybye, and their three daughters are looking to rent a house short term in the Muizenberg, Kalk Bay, Woodstock area but are open to other locations as well. The time period is September through December 2019, but dates at either end can be flexible. A house swap is also possible for anyone wishing to spend these months in Denmark in the

"fairytale house" near the city of Aarhus. Please write to for further details or contact Justine on 021 794 0636.

Constantia Waldorf School Craft Shop

Our Craft Shop stocks beautiful hand made felt,

toys, bean bags, biodegradable cleaning products

and all the your stationary needs.

The Craft Shop is open from Tuesdays to Saturdays

from 9AM to 1PM.

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