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Post on 23-Nov-2015






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Money and finances are controll by the diagonal

Hesed, Tiferet, Hod

Hesed expansion, positive growth, external world

Tiferet, balance, energy

Hod, Glory, business communication

it depends of your need

Malkuth - The Kingdom, Earth. Has to do with the physical, wealth and abundance. Of course, Hod would help for accounting type problems. Malkuth is the first place I go to work on when my home, business, ect needs work.

e directions manifest on the Earth, that is why Malkuth is represented by the cross denoting the 4 elements of physical manifestation. Netzach is Victory over the emotions, and Venus is a very romantic/emotion based energy that does involve attraction, but not necessarily with money. Of course, there are many ways to look at correspondences, and many Sephiroth are applicable, but in most cases Malkuth is the first energy to call in for creating wealth and abundance.

where would they manifest venus auriel north earth for attraction of anything. To be more precise ,if you want money via your career for example then use the planet that is in your tenth house

ly speaking, only ten tribes are of Israel, Joseph second only to pharoah passed his birthright to his sons by his. Egyptian wife. They were named Ephraim and Manesseh. This is significant, because it violates gods commandment to abraham, father of issac, father of isaac, father of Jacob, father of Joseph, who gave away his birthright, so there would be 12 tribes, not 11.

In this story and relation, God of Israel says the commandments of the God of Moses will be lifted... when his 13 tribe, of Goetia, Goyehuth is clbrought forth. We see in this story that religion of Yada (Juda, literally self-knowledge.. with Yid beibg the name od an adherent, a combination of the word root of daath and the personal pronoun indication of possession or reception) is not restricted to maternal religion. This only marry women of your own kind was a commandment from abraham to issac, to jacob and esau.. esau, called Edom broke it, which made Rebekah mother to jacob and esau betray her eldest sons claim to Isaacs bkrthright.

Joseph in his telling his father to pass his birthright to his sons of an egyptian mother is absolving the people of institutional racism.. something that they fail to grasp, so God visits them with plague, forcing them to egypt, where Joseph had secured a place for his people,.. but they remained segregated and this refusal to integrate led to their imprisonment and eventual slavery.

This is why Canaanites are then allowed into the tribes after the exodus.

welve Tribes of Israel originate from the sons and grandsons of Patriarch Jacob. The Bible mentions the 12 tribes of Israel (Genesis 35:23-26; Rise 1:2-5, Numbers 1:20-43, etc..) and in the Gospel of Matthew (19:27-28).

Twelve tribes of Israel are particularly important in the Revelation (12-21). The holy city of Jerusalem is described with 12 gates, guarded by 12 angels, and inscribed with the names of the 12 tribes of Israel. The city has 12 foundations, upon them the names of 12 Apostles, and each foundation is made of 12 different kinds of precious stones: jasper, sapphire, Chalcedon, emerald, sardonyx, carnelian, beryl, viril, topaz, hrisopras, Iaquinta and amethyst.

The names of the tribes differ in the Bible, but Enochian magicians accept the 12 tribes of Israel which John Dee mentioned in his writings: Asher, Dan, Ephraim, Gad, Issachar, Manasseh, Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon, Zebulun, Benjamin and Judah.

Hermetic tradition associates with the 12 tribes of Israel: 12 city walls and 12 foundation of Jerusalem, 12 kinds of precious stones, 12 apostles, 12 signs of the Zodiac, wreath of 12 stars, 12 simple Hebrew letters, heh, vav, zayin, cheth, Teth, yod, lamed, nun, samekh, ayin, tzaddi and Qoph. Number 12 represents the four elements X three alchemical principles (sulfur, salt and mercury). Three refers to the Trinity, while four relates to expression of God's manifestation in the world of letters presented Tetragrammaton.

The tribes of Israel are mentioned in Revelation (7:5-8) in the context of 144.000 sealed servants of God from the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel . Number of the faithful at the end of the world is 144.000. Their names will be inscribed in the book of life, and only to them the door of the New Jerusalim will be opened.

Let's conclude that 92 governors of 30 aethyrs has power over the 12 tribes of Israel. They hold the key of the book of life, in which are recorded the names of 144,000 believers.

It is an upscale of the 10th order magick square, with the inclusion of the overlapping of itself on itself. The 10th order magick square is itself a mark-up of the 5th Order magic square.

Take the true kamea of Mars, and make four copies of it. On the second, add 25 to every number, on the third add 50, and on the fourth add 75. Order these four quadrangles like this:

1 3
4 2

This makes a 10th order Kamea of the numbers from 1 to 100. Take this 10th order square and make 100 copies, add 100, then 200 and so on to each one of the hundred - with your 100 tablets of 100 integers being all the numbers from 1 to 10,000. Arrange these as the same order of the 100 numbers on the 10th Order Kamea. Convert to Hebrew by Aiq Bkr and enjoy!

Re: Hekatontad squarePostby raum215 Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:15 pm I gathered that was your source.

Kamea are generally written or inscribed upon seals, banners, scrolls, or talismans in old days. They need not be written by your hand. The power is in the hand that bears such a banner, not the one who writes it. Really, with a Kamea, any way it is employed is supposed to be given its power. One such use might be to transcribe it to a VERY long chant to employ daily. That book only mentions carrying it with you, and making a banner out of it, or a cymbal. Look to Chinese magic for the oldest use of Magic Squares and you see they are sort of like templates of understanding and organization.

"Carry it with you everywhere" generally means "internalize and apply it perpetually."

The oldest reference to Magic Squares is presenting them like an ancient art of categorization not originating with the text. This book, called the Ta Tai Li Chi hints cities, or even entire nations can be ordered around them, and that they are very useful in ensuring a strategic way to organize troops over VERY large regions or even to deliver military intelligence by sky signal - something also employed by tribes of native americans on both continents. If you think about it, it would give each a sequence and each would be part of a total square of rank and files. As the planets motions were unanimously seen by ancients as propitious to military motions of celestial forces in a constant struggle - it makes sense they would have certain planetary qualities.

This is in stark contrast to more western Roman infantry tactics of Legions, formed by columns in dominion and proximity of watchtowers. "Form a column of watchtowers!" was still employed by the cadence caller as the principle call to prepare for marches or rifle drill... when I was in bootcamp in 1993. You form port and starboard under the left and right column leaders, and then you generally walk in pairs, or single file... "Port Watch, forward march, Starboard Watch stand fast" - the first column on the left starets marching behind the banner, and the starboard watch (right column) fills in beind then. Each watch is divided further, and your division can assemble all companies to form a full class. My bootcamp company was I-108 assigned Recruits to Therodore Roosevelt (CN-71). That and my unit designation gave me my rank and file for everything my unit did. This is on topic, because it is sort of what the names are for the grid squares in a kamea - designations for units of a whole.

As an experienced Enochian Magician at this time, it was quite clear to me much of the math comes from basic Geometries further given meaning in Dee's works and his records. I could write a book on how Bootcamp is a great intiation. In many ways, my recruit designation was my first magic name given to me.

m skeptical there is a "tree of life" model full of Hebrew in traditional Ruhaniyah, which is basically Islamic syncretism of more animistic practices. Writing is a huge part of it from what little I gather.

I did not mean to imply you are a beginner to anything. Many of your posts prove otherwise; you seem quite competent in this forum. I was simply offering to the dialogue of these to people reading the topic and I would love to have this be a thread people share ideas and structures with. I do not know if you know this, but it is a topic of some anthropology of pre-islamic pagans. There are records and instances of Dieties that exist in pre-islamic Arabic Mecca and that form the pagan roots of some islamic customs in the near east and elsewhere include:

Hobal - man, god of rain
Wadd - god of the firmament
Suiuah - woman
Yaghuth - lion
Yaook - horse
Nasr - eagle
El Uzzah -
Allat - the last great resistance against Islam, feminine of Allah
Manat - Stone
Duwar - The virgin
Isaf and Naila - the gods of tag, worshipped by running between two hills and touching the idols.
Eahhah - the stone that is the eater of camels offered

One traditional method of employing magic squares and similar amulets was hanging silk banners from trees, especially sacred to cults of tree worship sacred to deities in aspect of Venus observation. A sacred stone was often under the tree which was circumambulated seven times. I just had a thought it would be very cool to do this with an acacia bonsai.

made the name up, but really Qabbalah can help you balance and figure out anything. One of the foundational beliefs in many schools of Qabbalah is that we are "Gods in Training" for lack of a better name (learning how to create like Eloheem). Gods are abundant, and know how to serve themselves and others. Also, there is a common belief that God provides abundance for you naturally, and the only reason people do not have this, is they have strayed from their essence or their path. So really, all Qabbalah is about getting you to a place of joy and abundance in every part of your life - financial included. Of course, that doesn't mean you are filthy rich - some people only need a little to live abundantly.

ad s book called "the millionaire next door'. Then read said book again.

ery interesting possible Assyrian origins of The Tree of Life diagram; with attributed qualities linked to Sephirot through Mesopotamian gods and their divine numbers. In reality Qabalah as we know it today has been influenced by everything from Egyptian to Neoplatonic thought, but Assyriologist Simo Parpola definitely makes a good point of the Sephirot and their attributes fitting perfectly into a Mesopotamian system.

With Sin(Nanna) in Binah, Samas(Utu) in Geburah, Istar(Inanna) in Tiphereth, Ninurta in Netzach, and Nergal in Yesod it gave me a few issues with this Assyrian arrangement; but here's a couple of things to keep in mind:

1. The Chaldean order of planets we are use to is great for magickal hours/days, but who says the Sephirot themselves are planetary? In the Sefer Yetzirah the 7 double letters take on the roll of planetary forces (vertical paths), not necessarily the Sephirot.

2. This Assryian Tree is based on a sexagesimal system, which is different from the standard decimal we us in Qabalah.


topic. There does seem to be a lot of evidence pointing to an esoteric lineage through Syriac to the Chaldeans and from there to Sumer. The Torah does say "Your father was an Amorite and your mother a Hittite."

Regarding the sexagesimal system of the Babylonians, the sidereal astronomy differs with the modern calculation (Fagan-Bradley) by less than 1

all breaks down rather nicely BUT by using this system Utu/Shamash(the sun) is placed in geburah, Istar/Innana(venus) is placed in tipheroth, Nanna/Sin(the moon) is placed in binah, Ninurta(saturn) is placed in Netzach, and Nergal(mars) is placed in yesod. Sooo my point was if we look at each of these gods (little g) as being something akin to the Elohim being aspects of the One God (big G) then maybe the titles of the sepiroth are aspects/parts of the One God expressed as the god/individual part they personify and not so much a planetary force.

So Samas being the personification of Judgement is therefore placed in geburah, even though this god is considered solar and not martial. So geburah in this case is about judgement and not mars related things, but if a planetary force was attributed to the sphere of geburah it would be solar in this system and not martial.

he Godname associated with Da'ath is YHVH Elohim. This comes from a combination of the Godnames for Chokmah and Binah. Other attributes follow suit.

Da'ath is the "Sephirah that is not a Sephirah", one of those paradoxical concepts that hints at the Greek translation of its own meaning: Gnosis. The Supernal Triad cannot be grasped or accessed by the normal faculties, and it is Gnosis that is the bridge from "our world" to the Supernal world. Da'ath is therefore not really the Abyss, but the bridge that crosses the Abyss. When one lacks Gnosis, one lacks the bridge necessary to cross the Abyss into the Supernal Realm.

As King Solomon points out, it also hints at the Garden of Eden tale in Genesis. By eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden, which represented immortality. The Supernal Triad is that Garden, and the Tree of Life as a whole is, of course, the immortality that we once had (as part of God). The passage from Binah to Chesed is the figurative Fall, and this is accomplished through Da'ath, Knowledge, which is both the reason for our Fall and our method to ascend back up again (via Gnosis).

Daath is not a true sephira, but a placeholder. The supernals of Keter, Binah, and Chockmah are the ideal, while the other sephiroth represent the actual. Daath rests within the metaphysical abyss that separates them. Above the abyss lie the supernals the heavens (notice only the triangle of the supernals points up towards God). Everything in the supernals is united as one expressed as a polarity. Below the abyss lies the physical world where the unity of polarity is separated by illusion into duality. Duality is simply polarity experienced as separate rather than whole.

Jehovah is sometimes used as a replacement for YHVH, but different schools argue about the validity of that pronunciation. Dah'at's Godname is a combo of Binah and Chockmahs names : YHVH (or Jehovah) Eloheem, but I've never seen it as Jehovah by itself....

As far as Malkuth originating at Dah'at, I read that interpretation before, but after a lot of consideration, I'm pretty sure that it's wrong (at least in most schools of Kabbalah). I don't want to get into it too much, because it is a complicated teaching that is better laid out in person, but Dah'at did not always exist, and was created as part of a specific ritual, so that humans wouldn't have to spend eternity in duality, but could one day return to the Garden and eat from the Tree of Life again (however you want to interpret that). If you read the oldest Kabbalistic texts (like Zohar/Sefer Yitzirah), they have a clearly laid out origin for the Sephiroth, that does not follow the pattern of Malkuth starting at Dah'at. That's all I really want to say about it now, but go read Sefer Yitzirah/Zohar and meditate on this a bit, and it will open up to you more. Caliban wrote:I guess one very large part of my hesitation to draw any firm lines around thise things is the very, very long process I have been going through coming to terms with Geburah, the Sphere of Mars, as a pacifist. It has been a very challenging grade for me, and very transformative, and I can see where I still have work ahead of me, so I know there are still vital insights that have yet to occur to me just at this grade, in this Sphere alone.

I see this idea about Geburah a lot, and maybe you've already come to this realization, but Geburah in no way has to be violent, and in many ways, it's counterpart Chesed can be even more violent/harmful. For example, is it Severe or Merciful to tell another person the Truth when it may hurt their feelings? Is it Severe or Merciful to heal someone for free (enabling) rather then making them contribute in their own healing process (empowering)? Is it Severe or Merciful to let a rapist run free instead of stopping them (however you decide to stop them)? Geburah is about making boundaries and limitation, to balance the flow/energy of Chesed. I accept the limitations of a body to experience the physical world, I accept the limitations of not writing about cooking during a post about Kabbalah. These are the limitations/boundaries/definitions made with the energy of Geburah - so far, none being violent. I can be a pacifist, and still tell the painful truth (severity) instead of holding back the truth, so as not to hurt someone (mercy) - and in this sense, what is at first Severe (the truth), becomes Merciful by helping the person in the long run.

All vices are equally destructive, no matter which Sephira they originate from.

irst book to really Address what Da'ath is is a book by Rabbi Gikatilla, Sepher Sha'ar Aurah.

"For the image of Tiphareth is nothing less than the entire construction of the Constellation, all the Holy Names and Cognomens in which YHVH, may he be blessed, dresses and adorns himself.

This sphere is known in the Torah as [Daleth-Ayin-Tau], an the essence of this is in the verse:

YHVH with his Chokmah laid the foundations for the Earth, He prepared the heavens with TeBhunah (pronounced Tevoonah, root is same as Binah) and with his Da'aT the interiors of the earth were split open. (Proverbs 3:19)

This is crucial to the understanding of Qabala, "Enochian", Taosit Wizardry, and I would gather many other paths, interconnected or otherwise.

something I would love to discuss with you Raum. I think there is a huge misconception in application as to where the abyss lies in our contemporary waking awareness.

Generally speaking, as with the allegory of D'aath splitting open the interiors of the earth, I would correspond D'aath with Piaget's Formal Operational Awareness in a psychograph. D'aath is the aspect of our being which allows us to conduct formal operations on our thoughts (thinking about thinking), and also to engage in the mental symbol manipulation which makes magick possible. (flux capacitor?)

The Vedantic Overmind, as an aspect of mentality that can be illuminated (and therefor easily mistaken for transcendence) is also perfectly correspondent in both my study of the materials and their application in practice with D'aath.

am unfamiliar with Piaget in general. To the second statement, without excluding people, I have to speak to concepts we might all be familiar with. Have you seen the matrix? Know that interface port they had on the back of their head, the void, that let them recieve the cable jack to enter the matrix? That interface port is perhaps a good metaphor for Da'ath in some ways. My personal work has led me to believe and conclude there is a strong connection between the Angelum Bonorum and Da'ath.The Vedantic Overmind, as an aspect of mentality that can be illuminated (and therefor easily mistaken for transcendence) is also perfectly correspondent in both my study of the materials and their application in practice with D'aath.

Yes, the person halfway up the mountain often looks at the ground and wonders at their accomplishment, and lords overt those that climb behind them - not realizing they are falling out of step with the people before them. This is why it is very important to pay attention to those who come before you, those who come with you, and those who will follow.Care to make criticism about those statements? or to make connections with other rabbinical qabalistic lore?


My personal understanding of this is that in most cases, western Qabala starts at the bottom of the tree, and moves "upward" when it is quite clear, this was infused from merkhaba mystcism, and that Qabala originally actually brought currents DOWN the tree. I think my question to you would be if you think working DOWN the tree would support your assumption. Also if you could point me to some Paiget relative to this, I'd love to read and make more comments. I just never read him until you mentioned him, and it seems too expansive for me to inform my self of this topic in a reasonable period of time.

is very interesting, in the sense of the 49 Angelorum Bonorum "touching the earth", and your prior reference to Da'ath being the energy which cracks open the earth of IHVH's creation; I would make the connection that the operation implied in the Bonorum Angelorum Invocationes is this precise process of cracking open the kingdom. Consecration in a definite direction.

Have you read C. Lionel Whitby's discussion about the ensigns of creation? I think his interpretation of the ensigns allegorically representing the alchemical creation of the white stone is important, as I think that is the purpose of the Heptarchic Magick (inclusive of the Sigillum Dei Aemeth); that is to purify and prepare the Magician for the further processes in the Magick; most specifically the initiations conferred in Gebofal.

The next step of course is to bring up the principles of God Eating, but this is a post-Da'ath operation. But this was the point of my original comment on the thread is that Da'ath when seen as in the above discussion is the end of the true and original dedication. Which means Da'ath (which in pop culture magick is associated with all manner of wisdom and power; oh the irony) is actually the completion of the Neophyte initiation.

The Way Up is The Way Down" - Heraclitus

Working Down the Tree absolutely supports my position that the Mental and Cognitive development described in Piaget's research is closely cognate with Da'ath. Formal Operational Awareness is in easily contemporay occult qabalistic jargon an observer and operator upon the Ruach, without being completely transcendent. Its a development of cognition that is cross culturally verifiable, and also allows the brain to perform complex operations on its own images, symbols, concepts, and social rule/roles.

The practice of learning Qabalistic correspondences is itself an exercise in formal operational awareness, which develops into full blown network logic. This is the true power of Da'ath in my experience, is its ability to create a network of concepts, even if some are contradictory, to point to an abstraction that has not yet been expressed. This is why it can interface between the Ideal and Actual.


e know, books are not everything in african traditional religions and afro-diasporic religions.
these are oral traditions.
however, reading and doing research does help, especially for those who have made scrambled eggs out of things.
the purpose (imo) in reading books on atrs is not to use the info to "evoke" zarabanda or anything like that,
but to at least get a good grasp of what is what and who is who.

do know that the following is a poor list compared to the number of african religions and afro-diasporic religions out there.
aside the fact that africa is a big continent and home to hundreds of different african traditional religions, there are also other traditions in latin america such as shango baptist, abakua, obeah and so on.

here are the recommendations..
(new recs will be added to the op so everything is more organized and concise.)


ifa/yoruba religion

fundamentals of the yoruba religion by chief fama
anything by chief fama
anything by wande abimbola
anything by bascom
Return of the Gods Ulli Beir
Yoruba beliefs and sacrificial rites J omosade Awolalu
Faith Fancies & Fetish or Yoruba Paganism by Stephen S. Farrow
Religious encounter and the making of the Yoruba - J D Y Peel
Our mothers, Our Powers, Our texts By Teresa N. Washington
The Religion of th Yorubas By J Olomide Lucas
gelede by drewal
The Sons of the Gods and the Daughters of Men An afro-Asiatic Interpretation of Genesis 1-11 By Modupe Oduyoye

benin vodun

voodoo by jean-dominique burton

bantu-congo religion

african cosmology of the bantu-congo by bunseki



manipulating the sacred by omari tunkara
divine inspiration by galembo
black atlantic religion by matory
searching for africa in brazil by capone
the city of women by landes
Drum and Candle David Sinclair
sacred leaves of candomble by voeks

Seth and Ruth Leacock's - Spirits of the Deep


hearing the mermaids song by hale


kingdom of kimbanda by baba osvaldo (high astral portion is wishy washy)
kiumbanda by frisvold
Pomba gira by frisvold
Pomba gira as Alab in Quimbanda: Ritual Change, Musical Innovation, and Challenging Social Hierarchies in Southern Brazil - Gidal

- O livro dos Exus
- Como Desmanchar Trabalhos de Quimbanda
- Impressionantes Casos de Magia Negra
- Sarava Exu
- Sarava Pomba Gira
- Sarava Maria Padilha
- Sarava Exu Rei das 7 Encruzilhadas
- Sarava Exu Marabo
- Sarava Exu Tiriri
- Trabalhos De Quimbanda Na Fora De Um Preto Velho
- 3777 Pontos Cantados E Riscados Na Umbanda E Quimbanda
- Quimbanda
- Segredos Da Magia De Umbanda E Quimbanda
- Umbanda E Quimbanda Na Palavra de um Preto-Velho


21 divisiones

this link:http://www.evocationmagic.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=5679
as to books: there is one called 21 divisions by carlos antonio montenegro,
prolly the only one in the market. it is an ok book (some info can be found online,
however, the book also contains information that you dont find online, there are misconceptions in the book.
one example is the idea that the indian division is the most neglected one, this is not true.)

haitian vodou

maya deren: divine horsemen
milo rigaud: secrets of voodoo
alfred metraux: voodoo in haiti
tell my horse by hurston
the serpent and the rainbow by davis
mama lola by brown
the drum and the hoe by courlander (includes sheet music!)
Life in a Haitian Valley by Melville J. Herskovits
Voodoo and Politics in Haiti by Michel S. Laguerre
Haitian Vodou Flags by Patrick Polk


santeria enthroned by brown
the altar of my soul by moreno vega
finding soul on the path of orisa by correal
the osha by cortez
Santeria From Africa to the new world: The dead sell memories - George Brandon
anything by john mason, but avoid the cd in the book olokun
Wizards and Scientists: Explorations in Afro-Cuban Modernity & Tradition by Stephan Palmie

palo monte

society of the dead by ochoa
book on palo - canizares
palo mayombe by frisvold


new orlenas voodoo

vodou visions by glassman


hoodoo herb and root magic by cat yronwode
voodoo and hoodoo by haskins
hoodoo, vodou and conjure by anderson
Black Magic by Yvonne Chireau
Conjure In African American Society by Jeffery Anderson
A Treasury of Afro-American Folklore by courlander

folk magic with a touch of hoodoo

all of the books by draja mickaharic

* Spiritual Cleansing: Handbook of Psychic Protection
* Century of Spells
* A Spiritual Worker's Spell Book


Melange (books that include different atrs altogether)

working the spirit by murphy
dancing wisdom by daniel (yes, it has a poor review in amazon, but, it is worth reading)
conjure codex (a little bit of hoodoo, vodou, also has some articles on western magical traditions)
Drumming for the Gods: The life and times of Felipe Garcia Villamil (Santero, Palero & Abakua) by Maria Teresa Velez
Sincretismo religioso - Igor Zabaleta


Africas Ogun old world and new Sandra T Barnes
Oya in Praise of the Goddess - Judith Gleason
Osun the manly woman Fakayode Fayemi Fatunde
Yemonja Tranquil sea Lloyd weaver et al


queering creole by conner

(warning # 1, courtesy of conjureman ali: it is heavily misinformed on some parts. For example it mentions how the history of Kimbanda is traced to "passive sodomites" in Africa and that is why Pomba Gira likes gay men. This really is a complete fabrication. The citation of sources is also very weak. If you try to trace the claims you'll find the sources used are actually quite weak. It seems that rather than doing research the author went in with an agenda, fingerpainted a bit, and then picked and chosed sources that would support his agenda.)

(warning #2, courtesy of sylvanus: They appropriate indigenous and otherwise traditions having vaguely to do with a possible (modern and under-construction) queer identity and use it as a badge of honor for the purposes of a modern culture war.)


"The Hero with an African face" (Mythic Wisdom of Traditional Africa) by Clyde W Ford


Lukuea Pdf's/eBooks.
They can be viewed here: http://www.box.com/shared/axtg37l4cp

(courtersy of lukuea: I particularly recommend "Imaginary Dialogues" 1-3. Very good stuff. Yoruba Heathenism (extracts from the book) is very good too.)

Authors That You Are Highly Recommended To Avoid:

mambo racine
migene wippler
mario dos ventos or mario menz/sean belachta/oya bale and who knows what other nicknames this con has
michael bertiaux et al
Min Ra ifagbemi
Baba Ifa Karade
Oba ocun
vodou shaman by ross heaven and prolly anything by him that relates to an ATR


Arts and Aesthetics


african masks by hahner-herzog
royal arts of africa by blier
anything by pemberton

Melange (arts of africa and of african-descent)

Face of the Gods - Robert Farris Thompson
flash of the spirit by thompson



the city of women/cidade das mulheres by lazaro faria (based on landes' work)
may i enter by kostana banovic
ile aiye by byrne
danca das cabacas by dinucci
na rota dos orixas by barbieri


when the spirits dance mambo by moreno vega et al
this is the web site i was able to find it: http://www.klavelatina.com/catalog/i843.html

Dominican Republic

misterios by earthcds

by the way, check out earthcds for documentaries on many different african traditional
and afro-diasporic religions, and also, other world cultures.

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