eval question

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. Things I've learnt about DTP since the preliminary
  2. 2. I feel like I had a fairly decent understanding of layout. I've applied convention of Masthead, sell lines, a plug, barcode and main image etc. However, there was room for improvement there and in other areas Things I've learnt about DTP since the preliminary
  3. 3. Describe customer needs and wishes Explain the requirements Things I've learnt about DTP since the preliminary
  4. 4. The sell lines aren't very short and snappy like they are conventionally The text blends in with the background The main sell line doesn't 'pop' out the page like it should. The colour matches the background too much. Things I've learnt about DTP since the preliminary
  5. 5. Things I've learnt about DTP since the preliminary
  6. 6. Strengths and Advantages Summarize the special features and advantages of the product being introduced
  7. 7. Next Steps of Action Explain the steps that now need to be taken

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