evaluation - continued

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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Evaluation - continuedBy Tarri Griffiths


Conventions are the rules included in something to make it what it is. For example, for a magazine to be a magazine it needs to consider the fonts, writing style, masthead and photography.

In my magazine I chose to stick to the rules of normal magazines by taking into account, the way my page numbers are set out, the name of my magazine and the effect the photos I use, have on the readers.

I chose to use conventions from other magazines such as the page numbers, fonts, photo’s and the content. Although I chose not to use a strap line as I felt my magazine didn’t need one to be recognized.

+Social Groups.

Teenagers are usually presented as trouble makers who do not have much chance in the future, adults stereotype them and adults seem to be represented as the mature people who have to put up with teens mischief.

My magazine challenges this by trying to show teenagers in a different light. Especially gender wise as women aren’t given big roles in the community.

The information in the magazine lets the audience come across as teenagers who want to change by looking at success stories of other teens or adults who want to see adolescent's trying their best. This is helped by the colour scheme which is vibrant but works together to create something successful, the same way that young adults can be loud but can create something good.

+More Publishers.

IPC Media is a magazine publisher, the company works with such magazines as Nuts, Now, Woman’s Weekly and NME. These magazines are not similar to the genre of mine, the magazine closest to mine is NME but the layout of it is completely different to mine. For this reason I do not feel my media product would be successful here as it is different, although it may be an advantage as IPC may want something new to publish with a unique selling point.


The audience for my final product could range between young teens and young adults, it can apply to both male and female as the colour scheme is unisex although this particular front cover has a girl as its main feature.

Goths, emo’s, rockers and folk music lovers can all relate to my media product as the text, content and photographs can all apply to each of these genre’s.

The product includes parts for all types of people as I have tried not to segregate any type of person/genre to create a magazine that can apply to different people and therefore be successful.

+Attracting & Addressing My Audience.

I wanted my audience to mainly like rock music as that is the genre I aimed at most. I tried to make my audience comfortable with my magazine by using a colour scheme usually associated with that type of music.

I also manipulated my photographs into darker shades as many see the genre as dark. The costume on my model was a plain checked shirt as I wanted her clothes to represent a type of person which could be a alternative group of people or rockers with a bit of change. The location used was at the models home as I wanted it to show that you don’t need a lot of money to be successful away from home. This was meant to apply to teenagers who wanted to succeed but felt they didn’t have the right belongings or mind set.

+ TechnologiesWhen making my media product, I used a range of technologies to research, design and make my magazine.

This ranged from Google and bing to research for my product, to using photoshop to manipulate photographs for my magazine, and my blackberry to email to the apple mac.

Before this task, I had never used wordpress, slideshare, a mac computer, photoshop, survey monkey and more.

+Looking Back.

I made my preliminary task without doing research while I was new to the technologies. I had to develop my skills and expand my knowledge of the way magazine’s work and of software to enable my product to come out at the best of my ability. Using photoshop helped me to learn how to manipulate images, design flat plans and change the softness of the pictures. I also learnt how much work goes into a magazine by looking at the different aspects of it and what makes it successful.

Making surveys means I have learnt how to find out what people want to so I can give them what they would like.

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