evaluation pt3. what have you learned from your audience feedback?

Post on 13-May-2015






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What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

To gather audience feedback, we decided to upload our video onto the internet, To gather audience feedback, we decided to upload our video onto the internet, using the well known video sharing website YouTube. When we first uploaded using the well known video sharing website YouTube. When we first uploaded our product to said website, we instantly found a problem; the quality of the our product to said website, we instantly found a problem; the quality of the video was significantly decreased due to the websites restrictions, making it video was significantly decreased due to the websites restrictions, making it difficult to see the smaller details included in our video.difficult to see the smaller details included in our video.

What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

We also came across another We also came across another problem once we had uploaded problem once we had uploaded

our video to YouTube; our our video to YouTube; our audience could only leave audience could only leave

feedback for our video if they feedback for our video if they had a YouTube account. This had a YouTube account. This

became a problem as not many became a problem as not many people had YouTube accounts, people had YouTube accounts,

instead just using the site to view instead just using the site to view the videos. This meant that we the videos. This meant that we

were only able to gather a were only able to gather a limited amount of feedback limited amount of feedback

through the use of this sight.through the use of this sight.

What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

Because of the many problems we came across when uploading our video to Because of the many problems we came across when uploading our video to the video sharing site YouTube, and because of the subsequent limited the video sharing site YouTube, and because of the subsequent limited feedback, we decided to upload our video to the social networking site feedback, we decided to upload our video to the social networking site Facebook. This is because, Facebook is aimed at our target audience (via Facebook. This is because, Facebook is aimed at our target audience (via things such as age) and we knew there were many people who fell within things such as age) and we knew there were many people who fell within our target audience who had an account.our target audience who had an account.

What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

Once our video had been uploaded to Facebook, we were able to post it Once our video had been uploaded to Facebook, we were able to post it publicly, so that our target audience could see it, via our own accounts. publicly, so that our target audience could see it, via our own accounts. From this we received a much higher amount of feedback and this would From this we received a much higher amount of feedback and this would therefore ensure that our audience feedback was thorough and precise.therefore ensure that our audience feedback was thorough and precise.

What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

An advantage of qualitative data is that it can provide a response that is full of detail. This is An advantage of qualitative data is that it can provide a response that is full of detail. This is an advantage for us as it would allow us to see exactly what we did right and wrong in all an advantage for us as it would allow us to see exactly what we did right and wrong in all three of our products and also give us ideas on how to better our products.three of our products and also give us ideas on how to better our products.

Another advantage is that it encourages people to expand on their answers and this may Another advantage is that it encourages people to expand on their answers and this may bring up topics that we had not initially thought about. This would help us as it will allow bring up topics that we had not initially thought about. This would help us as it will allow us to gather as many different points as possible to ensure that our feedback is thorough us to gather as many different points as possible to ensure that our feedback is thorough and precise.and precise.

What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

Another advantage of qualitative data is, when you use it alongside Another advantage of qualitative data is, when you use it alongside quantitative data, it can provide an explanation on why a particular quantitative data, it can provide an explanation on why a particular response was given. For example, when we have asked our audience response was given. For example, when we have asked our audience whether they would buy our product (album) we then gave a qualitative whether they would buy our product (album) we then gave a qualitative question that gave them the chance to say why they would or wouldn’t buy question that gave them the chance to say why they would or wouldn’t buy our product.our product.

What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

However, there are also some disadvantages when it comes to the use of However, there are also some disadvantages when it comes to the use of qualitative data.qualitative data.

One disadvantage is the collecting qualitative data is that it can be time One disadvantage is the collecting qualitative data is that it can be time consuming. Because of this less people are usually involved when the data consuming. Because of this less people are usually involved when the data is collected. This low number of participants then leads to another is collected. This low number of participants then leads to another disadvantage; you cannot generalise from the data that you have disadvantage; you cannot generalise from the data that you have collected. Because you have used a small number of participants to gather collected. Because you have used a small number of participants to gather your data, you cannot generalise your collected data to the rest of the your data, you cannot generalise your collected data to the rest of the population; it is only representative of your participants.population; it is only representative of your participants.

What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

Another disadvantage of using qualitative data is that the data that you collect Another disadvantage of using qualitative data is that the data that you collect is highly objective, due to differing responses, and could therefore be is highly objective, due to differing responses, and could therefore be difficult to create comparisons between.difficult to create comparisons between.

And lastly, another disadvantage is that gathering useful and relevant And lastly, another disadvantage is that gathering useful and relevant audience feedback via qualitative data depends largely on the skills of the audience feedback via qualitative data depends largely on the skills of the researcher. This is because the researcher will have to conduct interviews researcher. This is because the researcher will have to conduct interviews and focus groups and create questionnaires that are both relevant to what and focus groups and create questionnaires that are both relevant to what they are doing and also unbiased.they are doing and also unbiased.

What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

An advantage of quantitative data is that it allows for a broader study and, as An advantage of quantitative data is that it allows for a broader study and, as it is less time consuming than qualitative data, a larger amount of topics. it is less time consuming than qualitative data, a larger amount of topics. Due to this it is much easier to generalise from quantitative data as this Due to this it is much easier to generalise from quantitative data as this type of data is objective meaning that you are able to analyse it.type of data is objective meaning that you are able to analyse it.

Another advantage is that personal bias can be avoided through the use of Another advantage is that personal bias can be avoided through the use of quantitative data as the researcher does not need to be close to the quantitative data as the researcher does not need to be close to the participants. For example they do not need to conduct interviews or focus participants. For example they do not need to conduct interviews or focus groups with their participants.groups with their participants.

What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

However, there are also disadvantages when it comes to the use of However, there are also disadvantages when it comes to the use of quantitative data. quantitative data.

Firstly, the data that you collect is much more limited and not as elaborate as Firstly, the data that you collect is much more limited and not as elaborate as qualitative. This is a disadvantage as, even though the participants will still qualitative. This is a disadvantage as, even though the participants will still be answering the questions that you require them to, they will not be able be answering the questions that you require them to, they will not be able to give explanations nor reasons as to why they gave a certain answer.to give explanations nor reasons as to why they gave a certain answer.

What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

Another disadvantage is that there is still a chance of bias as there needs to Another disadvantage is that there is still a chance of bias as there needs to still be a use of questionnaires to gather the data that you need. For still be a use of questionnaires to gather the data that you need. For example, the development of a standard set of questions, may cause a example, the development of a standard set of questions, may cause a structural bias, where the researcher is actually gathering data that structural bias, where the researcher is actually gathering data that reflects their view instead of the participants view, leading to false reflects their view instead of the participants view, leading to false representation.representation.

What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

To gather our audience feedback, we decided to create a questionnaire that To gather our audience feedback, we decided to create a questionnaire that would give us both qualitative and quantitative data so that we could get would give us both qualitative and quantitative data so that we could get the best feedback possible. We also believed that by using a standard the best feedback possible. We also believed that by using a standard questionnaire for every interviewee, we would be able to gather only the questionnaire for every interviewee, we would be able to gather only the information that we require. information that we require.

For the focus group, we decided to gather a smallFor the focus group, we decided to gather a small

group of students who would fall into the categorygroup of students who would fall into the category

of our target audience and allow them discuss theof our target audience and allow them discuss the

video between themselves before filling out a video between themselves before filling out a

questionnaire about it.questionnaire about it.

What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

Some example results from focus group interviewSome example results from focus group interview

Did the video clearly present to the audience what music genre this band would fall into?



Do you believe the video and the music complimented each other in terms of synchronicity?



Do you think the music video could be improved?



What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

After completing our music video we decided to upload it onto our blog soAfter completing our music video we decided to upload it onto our blog so

that all our planning plus our final product were on the same page.that all our planning plus our final product were on the same page.

We also decided to upload the video onto the popular video sharing site We also decided to upload the video onto the popular video sharing site Youtube as this was a way for our target audience to get a chance to view Youtube as this was a way for our target audience to get a chance to view our final product but also have a chance to share their comments and our final product but also have a chance to share their comments and criticisms about it.criticisms about it.

What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

On this slide we have decided to include some of the comments that we On this slide we have decided to include some of the comments that we received on both Youtube and Facebook.received on both Youtube and Facebook.

What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

Audience feedback is such an important part in all stages of the production Audience feedback is such an important part in all stages of the production process as without the audience feedback we would not be able to know if process as without the audience feedback we would not be able to know if our product was really attracting our target audience. For example, if we our product was really attracting our target audience. For example, if we had created our music video without asking our target audience what they had created our music video without asking our target audience what they would have expected to see in it, then the results of the focus group that would have expected to see in it, then the results of the focus group that we completed afterwards may have been very different, with the results we completed afterwards may have been very different, with the results showing negative feedback rather than the positive feedback that we showing negative feedback rather than the positive feedback that we actually received.actually received.

What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

- The Focus GroupThe Focus Group

From the focus group we found that people enjoyed the video overall and From the focus group we found that people enjoyed the video overall and we’re intrigued to find out more about the band and their music. They we’re intrigued to find out more about the band and their music. They discussed the bands look and how they have an interesting and more discussed the bands look and how they have an interesting and more original side to them.original side to them.

- The QuestionnairesThe Questionnaires

The questionnaire we carried out before creating the product gave us an The questionnaire we carried out before creating the product gave us an insight into what our target audience wanted and expected to see in our insight into what our target audience wanted and expected to see in our product. The questionnaire that we carried out after our focus group gave product. The questionnaire that we carried out after our focus group gave us very positive results; almost everyone wanted to look into the bands us very positive results; almost everyone wanted to look into the bands music catalogue and also believed that we did not need to do anything to music catalogue and also believed that we did not need to do anything to improve our product.improve our product.

What have you learned from your What have you learned from your audience feedback?audience feedback?

Evaluation of feedback:Evaluation of feedback: While my audience feedback provided me with a better understanding of While my audience feedback provided me with a better understanding of

my production, there were some limitations. For instance the use of my production, there were some limitations. For instance the use of questionnaires can limit the amount of feedback you can gain from your questionnaires can limit the amount of feedback you can gain from your audience, even though it does provide some qualitative answers. Next audience, even though it does provide some qualitative answers. Next time, I would consider using interviews to gain more feedback from my time, I would consider using interviews to gain more feedback from my target audience as interviews would allow the person to go into more target audience as interviews would allow the person to go into more depth about their answer. However, as interviews are very time depth about their answer. However, as interviews are very time consuming, I would not be able to interview all participants and would consuming, I would not be able to interview all participants and would instead have to complete a process of random sampling to choose the instead have to complete a process of random sampling to choose the participants. participants.

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