evaluation q2 actual

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Evaluation Q2

How effective is your main product in combination with your ancillary


Introduction – why consistency is important

It is important that work of the same type and under the same banner maintains a level of consistency, this is because it can then grow confusing if say a film is very dark and foreboding but the trailer and the marketing paint it as a much different affair. Unless the tone is similar this cannot work or if the film is a parody, as such I have made certain that my Poster and Magazine Front Cover work in tandem with the teaser trailer: possessing most of the same aspects and themes.


I created a consistent style between the three texts by limiting the colours used to mainly dark greys and black but also using bright reds, oranges or white in order to create contrast and compliment that at least looked good. For example in the poster I only used white, grey, orange and black as the four main colours and I created a minimalist style that also showed the dark theme that I was trying to replicate from the teaser trailer itself, the poster is after all, simply a compliment to the teaser trailer itself. In the poster I had to brighten up the colour palette but I tried to keep it minimal in order to keep the themes created similar.


In the three texts the genre is suggested using key codes and signifiers that would make an audience quickly identify that the genre is a crime thriller, this is due to the inclusion of similar props and mise en scene, I think that the video itself is the most effective in portraying genre and then the poster second and the magazine third. This is because the poster is deliberately minimalist in order to illicit a response from the viewer so that they ask questions and become compelled to read further into the texts.


Overall I think that the teaser itself is the most effective as in some of the aspects of the ancillary tasks are very weak but they add a compliment to the teaser itself by spreading awareness, the combination of all three tasks makes for an effective marketing.

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