evaluation question 5

Post on 23-Jul-2015






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Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Front Cover

I used very bright bold colours to attract the audiences as blues and reds are noticeable and having a white back ground also helps the coloured cover lines to stand out, the large picture also attracts the audience because it takes up a lot of the page and the leopard print jacket that the model is wearing is original and sets trends. I used bold cover lines on to draw the audience in and by having them in bold make the easy to read then by giving a little bit of information on the cover the audience will then buy the magazine to read on. I have included big names that are well known to put on my front cover this is because people want to know about the big singers and bands and will buy the magazine based on them, this also makes the magazines articles seem trust worthy as they have used such big names. I have priced my magazine as £2.20 as this is too expensive for the target audience to buy but not too cheap, I think that most people would be willing to pay between £2-£3 for a magazine. I have addressed the audience by not using overly formal language throughout my production as this would put off the reader from continuing to read on, or ever buy the magazine again.

Contents Page

I have again attracted the audience to my contents page by using bright bold colours, I have also used the same mast head, and again having a white background to bring the colours out, I have used several images to attract the audience using different lengths of shots from long shots to medium close ups. Even though I have used a lot of text on my contents page with captions for each page and a

large editorial I feel the audience is attracted by the large page numbers which are also in bold, the

headings are all larger witch draws the attention to the audience because it stands out a lot more, I have used my own signature in the editorial which makes it seem personal to the audience. I feel that the subscribe section also attracts the reader by the black background and bright blue text and also if they are saving money and will persuade them to buy it again.

Double Page SpreadMy double page spread attracts the target audience by having a page full of images and a page full of text. The

page full of images had the shade of grey gradient the images are large and I have used two different shots, a long shot and a medium close up. The pull quote also attracts the audience because it lets the reader know a little bit of the interview before reading the whole thing. The header on the top of the page stands out as it is bright blue, also having different fonts can make things stand out a lot more, for example BUZZ stands out more than the rest of the text on that page. On the opposite page with the article I have a mast head that takes up a third of the page and is the first thing that the audience would read when looking at the right hand page. The stand first is in blue which splits up the mast head from the interview as it is mainly black, this sets its importance and is a

quick summary of the article. I have attracted the audience using a drop cap on the first paragraph this shows

the reader were the article starts. I also attracted the audience by letting them know where they could get tickets and more information about Emily, which will promote her career and also get the audience more interested and engaged if they realise they can find out a lot more information about the star.

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