evaluation question one

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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media studies


  • Arrans radio advert follows the conventions of a radio documentary by incorporating:

    The voice over- Kim (protagonist) for our media product takes the role of the voice over throughout the radio trailer. His scrip approximately lasts for 30 seconds, without any voice cuts and fillers. This gives him more time to provide a short synopsis and more information about the subject matter. 30 seconds is usually the duration of a radio advert advertising a documentary. Overall, he provides enough information to reveal the backdrop of the trailer.

    The script included:who he isAddresses target audiences by saying how our target audience can identify ( 15-23) with the people in the documentary. when it airs what channel it is on (channel 4) Overall establishes the quality of the product.

    Kims english accent shines through the radio advert following a vital convention of radio advert: he speaks clearly for audible. Heavy persuasive language was also incorporated adding to the conventions of the speaker in a radio advert. Often, radio adverts contain a musical bed or jingle, to make the advert more memorable, with the voiceover to be on top. A lively and upbeat musical bed was added to enhance the mood and adds to the mood of Kims voice. Short text title in the beginning establishes the topic.

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