evaluation - tanim

Post on 10-Aug-2015






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Evaluation I have learnt that the when organising and managing a film production you have to aware of scheduling, timing and locations. When making a film production I had to be aware of scheduling problems, when we were filming we had a couple problems with people not being able to film on certain dates, so we planned the filming schedule a week ahead to make sure that people always made space to shoot the film. We ended up spending more time on production then we initially thought so we had to make sure we stuck to the script and referred back to the schedule to make sure we had it done before the due date. Also we realised that we might need to go deeper into our research on locations to make sure we avoid the weather and other people interfering with our film production as we had bad weather on one day but good weather on another day, but the location was too close to the road so we had excess background noises being recorded from cars etc.

Our shooting schedule wasn’t too detailed at first, but then we realised that it wasn’t detailed enough for us to work with, so we went deeper into making it a more reliable script to follow, we should have focused on the timing of the schedule more but from then on we followed it and eventually got to a good quality film. Next time we will make sure that we finish the shooting schedule a little earlier so that we can make sure that everyone shows up on time with all the equipment working.

Our storyboard wasn’t detailed enough, but that was because we didn’t have enough time to do a thorough storyboard because we had to start filming soon, so we decided to follow the rough draft storyboard and got the director and the rest of the crew suggesting how we could carry on the story, but the storyboard we used had all the main scenes we needed to shoot however we didn’t end with a 5-10 minute film, so next time we could make more of a storyboard making it more detailed so we could make the film hit the target length.

Our shot list was correct and put in the right order for the different scenes and it also had all the necessary shots, but the shot list needed to have more linking shots included in it, this way we could have saved time by getting all the shots done quickly without having to shoot extra linking shots afterwards to make sure that it made sense when the viewers were watching it. We recorded all the extra shots we needed but it had a penalty to our time and schedule. Next time recording we could make the shot list more detailed explaining how to shoot the scenes and also add more shots to add a bit of variety.

Clifford was in charge of doing the recce and he had done a good recce on the location because he used his phone to capture the different shots and noises picked up, but unfortunately he had recce’d the chosen location at a time where there was peace and quiet, when we were filming it was busy and there was a lot of noise that he didn’t pick up in the recce. We had sent emails to the council regarding them allowing us permission to film our production near the public parks pathway. Next time we will choose a location which has less wind and less disturbance in general which will make our short film better in terms of quality.

Everyone in the crew knew what they had to do and what they were responsible for, but unfortunately 1 of the actors didn’t help with the filming, but luckily we had found a replacement, also Liam who was supposed to be the camera man didn’t show up, so we had him replaced too, but we were able to find replacements quick so we weren’t effected too much by this problem during the filming. Next time we will have to make sure that the people in the crew are certain they will be able to help or we could just pick more reliable people.

We didn’t check the camera the first time we were filming, the camera would just turn a black screen when switched on but we learnt from our mistake and we checked our equipment before heading out to film after that problem. Next time we film, before we begin filming we will have to check all the equipment to make sure it works properly to avoid any disturbances in our production process.

Call sheets helped out in our production because it helped people show up on time and made sure everyone was doing their job, but some people would show up 10 or 20 minutes late because of transport issues which couldn’t be helped because sometimes the buses would break down or they might have missed the bus which would impact the production of our short film negatively so they will need to make sure they leave on time or a bit earlier so they can make sure they make the bus. Next time the call sheet will have to be more detailed and we have to make sure that nobody gets in the way of our short film production.

In conclusion I think that the management of the production was weak because we were improving and a lot of it was last minute decisions making a lot of room for things we could improve on. Next time we will have to make sure we don’t rush the pre-production process and make all the documents detailed enough so that it is clear to all the members of the group what they have to do and how they could go about doing it, this way we can avoid delays and any problems we had the first time round and make the second filming much better next year. I was having a bad week so as a producer I will have to be more effective in organising and managing in the films production.

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