evaluationl english 2

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/28/2019 Evaluationl English 2


    Chapter (2)

    The stages of project feasibility study

    The stages of project feasibility


    There are five stages as the


  • 7/28/2019 Evaluationl English 2


    1- Pre feasibility study

    1-The first stage of cycle begin with idea orsuggestion from investor or a group ofpersons or institution for investment ofmoney

    2-This idea begins from observation orsupervision of the markets or experiencesof the other people in the similar pastprojects.

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    3-If there is a decrease in a certain

    agricultural goods as vegetable or fruit orin industrial agricultural goods as cheese or

    dairy products from observation of supply

    or demand or relevant data.

    4-It is possible to reach the local demand

    size or exports size and to determine thegap between supply and demand.

  • 7/28/2019 Evaluationl English 2


    5-Then studying supply of economic

    resources and its availability 6-Then determining the general

    characteristics for the invested ideathrough pre feasibility study andmaking decision either continuing orstop about making detailed feasibilitystudy

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    2- Detailed feasibility study

    Include different studies:

    1-Marketing feasibility study

    2-Technical and technologicalfeasibility study

    3-Environmental feasibility study

    4-Economic feasibility study 5-Financialfeasibility stud

    6-Finance feasibility study

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    (1) Marketing feasibility study

    -Marketing feasibility study is a group of studies

    and researches related to the current market

    -in which the marketing information and data are

    available which allow the prediction of size andsale values from determinate products and certain

    projects through future period.

    -The first and started point in detailed feasibility

    study for projects.

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    The major objective of this point is

    represented by the following

    1- Identification of goods and

    services in which size, type shapequality andpackaging

    2- Determining nature of the

    market either internal or external

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    3-Identification of the actual consumers in

    which sex number, age, income category ,culture,educational, occupational composition, norms,

    traditions and degree of their of responds to

    technological variables 4-Studying the current supply and available

    substitution and degree of competition

    5- Determining size and value of the expectedand current sales and proportion of the sales of

    the products for the projects.

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    Developing countries are not concerned with

    marketing feasibility study because it required:

    1- High cost capital

    2- Require specific scientific


    3- Require more accurate information

    and data

    4- Ignoring planning and

    implementation of the projects

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    (3) Environmental feasibility study:

    Concerns with evaluation of the project thateffect on the environment whether ispositive or negative and may cause damage

    to environment and such evaluation aims todecrease such negative effects and increasethe positive one.

    This evaluation needs considerableknowledge about the environmentallegislations and plans.

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    (4) Economical feasibility study:

    After the technical feasibility study, the

    available data and technical marketing

    information will be translated in theform of investment costs and operating


    1- Investment costs which include allexpenditure of the working project

    preparation and implementation it

    consists of

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    (A) Visible fixed investment

    Includes all costs paid on capital and

    long term visible financial preparation

    and includes the following costs: 1- Land and its preparation costs.

    2-Building and utilities costs

    3- All equipment, machines, and tools

    costs include (buying, taxes, &

    preparation costs).

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    5- Establishment costs, offices preparation

    costs, & furniture costs needed for offices &buildings.

    6- Emergency contingent & price which is a

    certain percentage of the fixed costs as anamount of money used to face any

    emergency during the execution stages or to

    face any increase in prices during execution


    7- Animal costs (if the project involves

    animal production)

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    (B) Invisible (hidden) fixed costs:

    This includes long term investment costs &includes the following:

    1- The costs of the pre feasibility study.

    2- The costs of the detailed feasibility study

    3- Advertisement & advertising costs. 4-Traveling costs.

    5- Labor training costs during preparation &establishment.

    6- Knowledge right cost & trade name costs.

    7- Long term loan benefit which paid duringpreparation and establishment.

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    2- Production and operating costs consist of:

    Fixed costs:

    It is cost not relevant to production amount,

    but related to certain period of time as landand building renting costs and salaries.

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    Variable costs:

    It is costs that related to project

    amount, as it increases or decrease,

    such production costs are animalsfeeding costs, seeds, fertilizers, raw

    material, electricity, water, energy,

    And packaging costs.

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    Thank You

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