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May 20-22, 2014 JW Marriott Houston, TX


18th International Conference on Petroleum DataIntegration, Information and Data Management

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When We Meet, We Learn anD DrIve resuLts Petroleum data driven decisions for higher returns

event GuIDe

InteGratIon + InforMatIon + ManaGeMent

Welcome to the 18th International Conference on Petroleum Data,Integration and Data Management 2014 in houston

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ScHedule OF evenTS ............................................................................................................... 2

2014 AdviSOry BOArd ............................................................................................................. 3

2014 SPOnSOrS And SuPPOrTinG OrGAnizATiOnS ............................................................. 4

cOnFerence PrOGrAM ........................................................................................................... 6

FlOOr PlAn ............................................................................................................................ 10

eXHiBiTOr liST ........................................................................................................................ 11

eXHiBiTOr liSTinGS ................................................................................................................ 12

GlOBAl PeTrOleuM cAlendAr OF evenTS......................................................................... 20

evenT cOnTAcTS ................................................................................................................... 21

tabLe of Contents

2 l www.pnecconferences.com

sCheDuLe of events

MonDay, May 19

3:00 PM – 5:00 PM registration Open lamar room - Hotel

tuesDay, May 20

7:00 AM – 6:30 PM registration Open lamar room - Hotel

7:00 AM – 11:00 AM exhibitor Move-in liberty Hall

7:00 AM – 8:00 AM continental Breakfast Ballroom Foyer - Hotel

8:00 AM conference Welcome Ballroom

8:15 AM – 9:30 PM conference Session Ballroom

9:30 AM – 10:15 AM coffee Break Ballroom Foyer

10:15 AM – 11:55 AM conference Session Ballroom

12:00 PM – 6:30 PM exhibit Hall Open liberty Hall

12:00 pm – 1:15 PM luncheon liberty Hall

1:15 PM – 2:30 PM conference Session Ballroom

2:30 PM – 3:15 PM coffee Break liberty Hall

3:15 PM – 5:20 PM conference Session Ballroom

5:15 PM – 6:30 PM exhibit Hall networking reception liberty Hall

WeDnesDay, May 21

7:00 AM – 6:30 PM registration Open lamar room - Hotel

7:00 AM – 8:00 AM continental Breakfast Ballroom Foyer - Hotel

8:00 AM – 9:20 PM concurrent conference Sessions Ballroom

9:15 AM – 10:00 AM coffee Break liberty Hall

9:15 AM – 6:00 PM exhibit Hall Open liberty Hall

10:05 AM – 11:45 AM concurrent conference Sessions Ballroom

11:45 AM – 1:15 PM luncheon liberty Hall

1:15 PM – 2:30 PM concurrent conference Sessions Ballroom

2:30 PM – 3:15 PM coffee Break liberty Hall

3:15 PM – 4:30 PM concurrent conference Sessions Ballroom

4:30 PM – 6:00 PM exhibit Hall networking reception liberty Hall

thursDay, May 22

7:00 AM – 1:00 PM registration Open lamar room - Hotel

7:00 AM – 7:55 AM continental Breakfast Ballroom Foyer - Hotel

7:55 AM – 9:40 AM conference Session Ballroom

9:30 AM – 1:30 PM exhibit Hall Open liberty Hall

9:40 AM – 10:25 AM coffee Break liberty Hall

10:25 AM – 12:05 PM conference Session Ballroom

12:05 PM – 1:15 PM Awards luncheon and drawings liberty Hall

www.pnecconferences.com l 3

2014 aDvIsory boarD

Cindy CrouseAdvisory Board Chair, Philip C. Crouse and Associates, Inc, Dallas, TX USA

Bob TippeeConference Director, Chief Editor, Oil & Gas Journal, Houston, TX USA

Joel AllardiM Manager, Subsurface data Management, BHP Billiton, Houston, TX uSA

John BerkinTechnical Advisor, Schlumberger, Aberdeen uK

Trudy curtisceO & ciO, PPdM Association, calgary, AB cAnAdA

Fabio Fenerie&P information Management coordinator, eni e&p, S.donato Milanese, iTAly

Allen GreenwoodManager, Technical Services, ncOc, Astana, KAzAKHSTAn

Janet HicksSenior Manager, information Management, landmark Halliburton, Houston, TX uSA

Jerry HubbardPresident & ceO, energistics, Houston, TX uSA

John JacobsManager, Well data Systems, Anadarko Petroleum corp., Woodlands, TX uSA

Achim Kamelgerenterprise Architect, ciO iT Strategy & Architecture, OMv, vienna AuSTriA

Jawad KhalafiT Applications-Systems Specialist, Saudi Aramco, dhahran, SAudi ArABiA

cora Poche, Team lead, data Management and Geomatics Americas, Shell international exploration and Production company, Houston TX uSA

Ton ruijgrokSenior Geoinformation Manager, Total, FrAnce

Scott Schneiderdirector - Software development, TGS, Houston, TX uSA

cynthia SchwendemanManager, data Management Operations, Hess corporation, Houston, TX uSA

daljit SinghSenior Manager, Petroleum engineering data, Petronas, Kuala lumpur, MAlAySiA

chevy Thomasondirector - Well & Facility Management, chesapeake energy corporation,Oklahoma city, OK uSA

ray Walldirector - e&P data Services, conocoPhillips, Houston, TX uSA

Wayne WilkersonManager regional data Support - Americas, exxonMobil, Houston, TX uSA


BeyondRecognitionDocument Textnology

BeyondRecognitionDocument Textnology

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tuesDay nIGht netWorkInG reCePtIon:

attenDee baG sPonsor: baDGe hoLDer sPonsor:

onLIne reGIstratIon & fast traCk sPonsor:

fuLL sPonsors:

2014 sPonsors & suPPortInG orGanIzatIons

hosPItaLIty suIte sPonsor: break sPonsor:

WeDnesDay LunCheon sPonsor:tuesDay LunCheon sPonsor:

6 l www.pnecconferences.com

ConferenCe ProGraM TUESDAY, MAY 20, 2014

7:00-8:00 AM cOnTinenTAl BreAKFAST Grand Ballroom Foyer

8:00 AMcOnFerence WelcOMe Grand Ballroomcindy crouse, Advisory Board chair, Philip c. crouse and Associates, inc., uSA and Bob Tippee, chief editor and conference director, Oil & Gas Journal, uSA

8:15-9:30 AM sessIon: best PraCtICes anD DeveLoPMents 1 Grand BallroomSession chair: cora Poche, Shell international exploration & Production company, uSA

1 8:15 - 8:40 AMeMBeddinG PrOJecT dATA MAnAGerS WiTHin MulTi-diSciPlinAry ASSeT TeAMSPresenter: Michael Gujral, Project data Manager - Shell Appalachia, Shell e&P co., uSAco-author: dave Holland, Team leader, Project data Management, Shell e&P co., uSA

2 8:40 - 9:05 AM uneXPecTed inSiGHTS FrOM MASTer dATA MAnAGeMenT FAilurePresenter: nathaniel richards, President, entrance, uSA

3 9:05 - 9:30 AMTHe iMPOrTAnce OF QuAliTy dATA FOr AccOunTABle reSOurceS eSTiMATiOnPresenter: volker Hirsinger, Managing director, Petrosys, uSA co-authors: Samantha Murray, Petrosys, uSA; Mike Silva and Scott Tidemann, vice President - Middle east and Asia Pacific, Petrosys, AuSTrAliA

9:30 - 10:15 AM cOFFee BreAK Grand Ballroom Foyer

10:15 - 11:55 AM sessIon: best PraCtICes anD DeveLoPMents 2 Grand BallroomSession chair: Wayne Wilkerson, exxonMobil, uSA

4 10:15-10:40 AMcHAOS TO cAlM – cOnOcOPHilliPS MeTHOd FOr BrinGinG Order TO PeTrel envirOnMenTSPresenter: James vazquez, data Analyst, conocoPhillips, uSAco-author: cheryl Tachon, Geoscientist, Blueback reservoir, uSA

5 10:40-11:05 AM WHy Are Our dATA MAnAGeMenT iniTiATiveS FAilinG And WHAT cAn We dO ABOuT iT?Presenter: ellen nodwell, vP and director of consultancy, integrashare Solutioneering, inc., uSA

6 11:05 - 11:30 AMcASe STudy: PeTrel dATA MAnAGeMenT uSinG STudiO dATABASePresenter: Kristen Poteet, Senior Petroleum Geologist, exxonMobil, uSAco-authors: Scott robinson, Senior Petroleum Geologist and natasha Gerke, Senior Systems Technical Specialist, exxonMobil, uSA

7 11:30 - 11:55 AMunSTrucTured dATA MAnAGeMenT SOluTiOn APPrOAcH co-presenters: Sushank Singla, data Analyst and deepti Sistla, domain consultant upstream O&G, TechMahindra, indiA co-author: Srinivas Bondalapati, Manager iM, data Quality & Architecture, TechMahindra, uSA

12:00 - 1:15 PM deleGATe luncHeOn liberty Hall

1:15 - 2:30 PM sessIon: best PraCtICe, DeveLoPMents anD Case stuDIes Grand BallroomSession chair: cynthia Schwendeman, Hess corporation, uSA

8 1:15 - 1:40 PM APPlyinG leAn PrinciPleS TO dATA MAnAGeMenT OPerATiOnS Presenter: Hector romero, Team leader, Well data Management, Shell e&P co., uSA

9 1:40 - 2:05 PMevOlvinG THe eni inFOrMATiOn lAndScAPe Presenter: Fabio Feneri, e&P information Management coordinator, eni e&p, iTAlyco-authors: nigel corbin, information Management Technical Authority - eAF and John Berkin, information Management Advisor, Schlumberger, uK

10 2:05-2:30 PMdATA MAnAGeMenT “SAveS yOu MOney!”; SelecTinG OPTiMuM ideAS in An envirOnMenT OF uncerTAinTy Presenter: John eggert, President, idea leadership company, uSA co-author: Jess Kozman, Se Asia regional Manager, Mubadala Petroleum, SinGAPOre

2:30 - 3:15 PM cOFFee BreAK liberty Hall

3:15 - 4:30 PM sessIon: ProfessIonaL Data ManaGeMent Grand BallroomSession chair: Janet Hicks, landmark Halliburton, uSA

11 3:15 - 3:40 PM A cerTiFicATiOn PrOGrAM FOr dATA MAnAGeMenT PrOFeSSiOnAlSPresenter: Trudy curtis, ceO, PPdM Association, cAnAdA

12 3:40 - 4:05 PM PrOGreSS TOWArdS THe PrOFeSSiOnAliSATiOn OF PeTrOleuM dATA MAnAGeMenTPresenter: Malcolm Fleming, chief executive, cdA, uK

13 4:05 - 4:30 PMTHe eMerGence OF A PrOFeSSiOnAl SOcieTy FOr dATA MAnAGerS Presenter: rusty Foreman, Global Subsurface data and Governance Manager, BP, uSAco-author: Trudy curtis, ceO, PPdM Association, cAnAdA

14 4:30-5:15 PM

PAnel diScuSSiOn: GOinG FOrWArd in dATA MAnAGeMenTModerator: Janet Hicks, landmark Halliburton, uSAParticipants: Trudy curtis, ceO, PPdM Association, cAnAdA; Malcolm Fleming, chief executive, cdA, uK;rusty Foreman, Global Subsurface data and Governance Manager, BP, uSA, Ton ruijgrok, Senior Geoinformation Manager, Total S.A. e&P, FrAnce

5:15 – 6:30 PM eXHiBiT HAll neTWOrKinG recePTiOn liberty Hall Sponsored by:

www.pnecconferences.com l 7

ConferenCe ProGraM WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 2014

7:00-8:00 AM cOnTinenTAl BreAKFAST Grand Ballroom Foyer

8:00 AM cOnFerence WelcOMe Grand Ballroom

8:05-9:20 AM

traCk 1 - sessIon: Data GovernanCe, stanDarDs anD Data QuaLIty 1 Grand Ballroom, Salon ASession chair: daljit Singh, Petronas, MAlAySiA

traCk 2 - sessIon: enterPrIse arChIteCture aPProaChes anD Cases 1Grand Ballroom, Salon BSession chair: Achim Kamelger, OMv, AuSTriA

15 8:05 - 8:30 AM A dATA MAnAGeMenT APPrOAcH TO dATA inTeGrATiOn: WiTSMl And PPdMPresenter: richard cook, consultant, eTl Solutions ltd., uK

A cASe STudy: deSiGninG A SuBSurFAce TAXOnOMy AT SOuTHWeSTern enerGyco-presenters: Jamal Kazmi, iT Business Solutions Architect, SWn and Steven nuernberg, Principal, noah consulting, uSA


16 8:30 - 8:55 AM dATA TrAnSFer STAndArdS uPdATe Presenter: Jay Hollingsworth, cTO, energistics, uSA

enTerPriSe dATA MAnAGeMenT SOluTiOnS – MAnAGinG SPATiAl dATA AS cOrPOrATe ASSeTS THrOuGH THe clOudPresenter: Kenyon Waugh, vP, Global enterprise Solutions, Spatial energy, uSA


17 8:55 - 9:20 AM develOPinG THe neXT STePS OF dATA QuAliTy MAnAGeMenT WiTHin eXXOnMOBil’S uPSTreAM co-presenters: ebony Weddington, data Analyst and John Ossege, data Quality Advisor, exxonMobil, uSA

GiS WeB SOluTiOn FOr G&G KnOWledGe AcceSS - cASe STudy Presenter: neil diaz, iT Architect, ecopetrol, cOlOMBiA co-authors: Ana Maria lopez, Geologist and Business information leader and ivan rodrigo Plata, GiS Specialist, ecopetrol, cOlOMBiA; damian Antonio Martinez, cadastral and Geodesic engineer, Halliburton, cOlOMBiA; clay Harter, cTO OpenSpirit Product,Tibco, uSA; Paul Schatz, vP Sales/Marketing, inT, inc., uSA


9:20 - 10:05 AM cOFFee BreAK liberty Hall

10:05 - 11:45 AM traCk 1 - sessIon: Data GovernanCe, stanDarDs anD Data QuaLIty 2Grand Ballroom, Salon ASession chair: Fabio Feneri, eni e&p, iTAly

traCk 2 - sessIon: enterPrIse arChIteCture aPProaChes anD Cases 2Grand Ballroom, Salon BSession chair: Jawad Khalaf, Saudi Aramco, SAudi ArABiA

18 10:05-10:30 AM GeOlOGicAl ArcHive ASSeT MAnAGeMenT in SinOPecPresenter: Fangli chen, iT engineer, exploration & Production research institute, Sinopec, cHinAco-author: Xinrong chen, iT director, exploration & Production research institute, Sinopec, cHinA

THe vAlue OF THe iMPleMenTATiOn OF THe enTerPriSe ArcHiTecTure diSciPline And THe inTeGrATiOn WiTH THe inFOrMATiOn MAnAGeMenT PrOceSS Presenter: Achim Kamelger, enterprise Architect, OMv, AuSTriAco-authors: Teresa capek, iT Business Partner corporate & Solutions, OMv Group ciO Office, AuSTriA; christian zier, Senior expert OGSi-uOPM cross Services, OMv Solutions GmbH, AuSTriA


19 10:30-10:55 AM FrAMeWOrK FOr SeMi-AuTOMATicAlly idenTiFyinG, recOncilinG, And MAinTAininG G&G dATA WiTHin An inHOMOGeneOuS envirOnMenT Presenter: Paul richter, G&G Project database engineer, eni, uSA co-author: Franco Marchetti, G&G data Management Team leader, eni, iTAly

TOTAl e&P’S JOurney inTO THe WOrld OF inFOrMATiOn ArcHiTecTure Presenter: laurent castanie, Project Manager – information Management, Total, FrAnce


20 10:55 - 11:20 AM cASe STudy: AccelerATinG THe AcceSS And inSiGHT OF unSTrucTured uncOnvenTiOnAl BOreHOle dATAPresenter: ron clymer, Geoscience data Management Professional, devon energy corp, uSAco-author: Jim Soos, Senior Principal, noah consulting, uSA

OnTOlOGicAl FOundATiOnS FOr PeTrOleuM APPlicATiOn MOdellinGPresenter: Mara Abel, Professor, uFrGS, BrAzilco-authors: ricardo Werlang, SW developer, endeeper, BrAzil; Sandro Fiorini MSc and Joel luis carbonera, MSc, uFrGS, BrAzil; Michel Perrin, consultant, Geosiris, FrAnce


8 l www.pnecconferences.com


21 11:20-11:45 AM uPSTreAM dATA GOvernAnce PrOGrAM, THe FuTure OF dATA cOllABOrATiOnPresenter: Tawfeeq Alfaraj, Petroleum engineer Systems consultant, Saudi Aramco, SAudi ArABiAco-author: Mohammad A AlMuhareb, General Supervisor, Saudi Aramco, SAudi ArABiA

WirinG iT All uP - BuildinG An inTeGrATiOn PlATFOrM - AcrOSS yOur vAlue cHAin Presenter: Pradeep vaswani, lead information/integration Architect, BP, uSAco-authors: Teresa capek, iT Business Partner corporate & Solutions, OMv Group ciO Office, AuSTriA; christian zier, Senior expert OGSi-uOPM cross Services, OMv Solutions GmbH, AuSTriA


11:45 AM -1:15 PM deleGATe luncHeOn liberty Hall Sponsored by:

1:15 - 2:30 PM traCk 1 - sessIon: oPeratIonaL teChnoLoGy 1session Chair: Jerry hubbard, energistics, usa(Grand Ballroom , Salon A)

traCk 2: sessIon - Cross DIsCIPLIne aPProaChes WIth eMerGInG teChnoLoGIes 1session Chair: John Jacobs, anadarko Petroleum Corp., usa(Grand Ballroom, Salon B)

22 1:15 - 1:40 PM Well inTeGriTy: AnOMAly dATA And riSK MAnAGeMenTPresenter: ivan Benavides, Well integrity engineer, BP, uSAco-presenters: ivan Benavides, Well integrity engineer and Meena Sunderam, information & data Manager, BP uS Onshore Operations, uSAco-authors: Prakash dhake, Principal, and vivek narayanan, Principal, infosys (energy Practice) uSA

clOud ByTeS: e&P dATA MAnAGeMenT inTHe clOudPresenter: Greg Hess, chief Advisor cloud Services, Halliburton, uSAco-author: Paul Quigley, consultant, cobalt international, uSA


23 1:40 - 2:05 PM evOluTiOn OF SuPer-MAJOr inFOrMATiOn MAnAGeMenT TO SuPPOrT Oil SAndS MininG Presenter: Marc nolte, Geoinformation Manager, Total e&P canada, ltd., cAnAdA

clOud BASed SOluTiOnS FOr SecuriTy cOncernS reGArdinG ScAdA Presenter: charles J. drobny, President and ceO, Globalogix, inc., uSA


24 2:05-2:30 PM MAnAGinG reAl - TiMe Well dATA TO iMPrOve deciSiOn MAKinGPresenter: Samit Sengupta, Managing director, Geologix limited, uK

BuildinG THe Oil And GAS iT ecOSySTeM OF THe FuTure: leverAGinG clOud And MOBiliTyPresenter: Peter Black, Managing director, energysys, uK


2:30 - 3:15 PM cOFFee BreAK liberty Hall

3:15 - 4:30 PM traCk 1 - sessIon: oPeratIonaL teChnoLoGy 2session Chair: trudy Curtis, PPDM association, CanaDa(Grand Ballroom , Salon A)

traCk 2 - sessIon: Cross DIsCIPLIne aPProaChes WIth eMerGInG teChnoLoGIes 2session Chair: ray Wall, ConocoPhillips, usa (Grand Ballroom, Salon B)

25 3:15 - 3:40 PM PrOducTiOn dATA MAnAGeMenT SuPPOrTS OPerATiOnAl eXcellence in FAST GrOWinG ASSeTSPresenter: Scott raphael, President and ceO, Merrick Systems, uSAco-author: Kemal Farid, Founder and Board Member, Merrick, uSA

dATA WAreHOuSinG TecHniQueS FOr SuBSurFAce in MATure Field reServOir MAnAGeMenT Presenter: Jane Mcconnell, industry consultant Oil & Gas, Teradata, nOrWAy co-authors: duncan irving, Practice lead, Oil and Gas, Teradata, uK; Mark Thompson, leader Permanent reservoir Monitoring and Marianne Houbiers, research Geophysicist Statoil ASA, nOrWAy


26 3:40 - 4:05 PM enHAncinG PSc dATA SuBMiSSiOn TO HOST GOvernMenTPresenter: daljit Singh, Senior Manager, Petroleum engineering data, Petronas, MAlAySiA

BiG dATA, BiG QueSTiOnS, BiG OPPOrTuniTieSPresenter: raymond Hensberger, Senior Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton, uSA


27 4:05 - 4:30 PM dATA MAnAGeMenT APPlied TO ASSeT inTeGrATiOn in cOnSOrTiuM SHuSHuFindi Presenter: eduardo Gozalbo, reservoir/Production engineer, consorcio Shushufindi, eQuAdOrco-authors: Javier Paredes, dM engineer, Schlumberger, eQuAdOr, Pedro navarre, MiA Manager; Jorge Hurtado, reservoir Team leader; Jorge vega, Technical Team leader-G&G-Shushufindi; carlos escalona, Senior Production engineer

THe FuTure OF MOBiliTy in eXPlOrATiOn And PrOducTiOnPresenter: Osama Qazi, consulting Systems engineer, netApp, uSAco-author: Melinda Mcdade, Sr. Storage Performance engineer, netApp, uSA


4:30-6:00 PM eXHiBiT HAll neTWOrKinG recePTiOn liberty Hall

ConferenCe ProGraM

www.pnecconferences.com l 9

THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014

7:00-7:55 AM cOnTinenTAl BreAKFAST Grand Ballroom Foyer

7:55 AM cOnFerence WelcOMe Grand Ballroom

8:00-9:40 AM SESSION: WELL, ENGINEERING AND SEISMIC DATA (Grand Ballroom)Session chair: Joel Allard, BHP Billiton, uSA(Grand Ballroom)

41 8:00 - 8:25 AM WHAT iS A Well? A PrAcTicAl iMPleMenTATiOn Presenter: Steve cooper, President, energyiQ, uSA co-authors: rick Prucha, Geoscience data Manager, Anadarko Petroleum corp., uSA and Jason Garman, Geoscience data coordinator, devon energy, uSA

42 8:25 - 8:50 AM eSTABliSHinG A WellBOre ScHeMATicS SySTeM OF recOrd co-presenters: Morgan Guillory, data Quality Analyst, chevron, uSA and curley Thomas, Principal, noah consulting, uSA

43 8:50 - 9:15 AM cOllABOrATive WOrKFlOW SySTeM FOr Well lOG dATA MAnAGeMenT Presenter: Tjwan liang Tjan, Petroleum engineer, Saudi Aramco, SAudi ArABiAco-authors: Salim rihabe, Systems Analysts, Hussein A. Al-Ali, Supervisor, Petroleum engineer consultant and Mansour A. Al-dhuwaihi, Petroleum engineer, Saudi Aramco, SAudi ArABiA

44 9:15 - 9:40 AM rOcK And Fluid dATA MAnAGeMenT FOr Well lOG inTeGrATiOn Presenter: vinicius Martins Botelho, iT Analyst, Petrobras, BrAzilco-authors: Alinne Braga, Geological Technician, Petrobras, BrAzil and vania Silva campinho, Manager of rock and Fluid data Management and laura Silveira Mastella, iT Analyst, Petrobras, BrAzil

9:40 - 10:25 AM cOFFee BreAK liberty Hall

45 10:25-10:50 AM SeiSMic dATA reMediATiOn And PrOceSS enGineerinG in A lArGe indePendenT(Grand Ballroom)Presenter: Mike Seeber, director, Global Geoscience iT e&P Systems, Anadarko, uSA co-authors: Tammy Weir, Seismic data Management consultant and richard venn, Seismic and Well data Manager, Anadarko, uSA

10:50 AM-12:05 PM SESSION: DATA MANAGEMENT ADVANCESSession chair: John Berkin, Schlumberger, uK(Grand Ballroom)

46 10:50-11:15 AM HOW A STrATeGic APPrOAcH TO GiS AddS vAlue TO cOnOcOPHilliPSPresenter: Paloma urbano, Sr. consultant, e&P data Management Strategy, conocoPhillips, uSAco-author: Scott Sitzman, iT Supervisor Geospatial Services, conocoPhillips, uSA

47 11:15 - 11:40 AM SelecTinG deSired POSiTiOnS On A dATA MAnAGeMenT MATuriTy MOdelPresenter: Gary lundeen, President and Principal consultant, Westheimer energy consultants inc, uSA co-authors: Jess B. Kozman, lead consultant / data Management Practioner, Westheimer energy consultants inc, SinGAPOre and Steven Jaques, vP - information Systems, laredo energy, uSA

48 11:40 AM-12:05 PM THe GlOBAl TrAnSFOrMATiOn OF dATA MAnAGeMenT AT MAerSK Oil – BeGinninG THe JOurney Presenter: Martyn Budd, Subsurface data Analyst, Maersk Oil, denMArKco-author: Alan Pointing, Global delivery Manager, Maersk Oil, denMArK

12:05- 1:15 PM AWArdS luncH And drAWinGS liberty Hall

ConferenCe ProGraM

PNEC 2014May 20-22, 2014

JW Marriott, Houston.B.




































Infosys Ltd



































DataCo USA




20'Saudi Aramco













PennWell #5





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fLoor PLan (as of 4/29/14)

May 20-22, 2014JW Marriott 5150 Westheimer road, Houston, Texas 77056 Houston, TX



tuesday, May 20 ............12:00 PM – 6:30 PM

Wednesday, May 21 ........ 9:15 aM – 6:00 PM

thursday, May 22 ............ 9:30 aM – 1:30 PM

www.pnecconferences.com l 11

exhIbItor LIst(as of 4/29/14)

CompANy NAmE BooTh NumBER

Beyondrecognition, llc ....................................311

Blueback reservoir Americas, llc ......................412

BOOz & cOMPAny.................................................

cisco ...................................................................105


denodo ...............................................................108

enerGiSTicS .....................................................103

energyiQ .............................................................213

energySys limited...............................................410

entrance ..............................................................413

eTl Solutions ltd ................................................310

expert System .....................................................411

eXXOn MOBil ....................................................... .

geologic Systems ...............................................210

GeOlOGiX lTd ..................................................113

iHS ......................................................................402

ikon Science Americas ........................................109

informatica ............................................................. 4

infosys ltd ...........................................................209

inT, inc ................................................................208

interica ................................................................304

Knowledge Transformation Partners ...................... 1

landmark-Halliburton .........................................104

CompANy NAmE BooTh NumBER

lynx information Systems inc. .............................408

Merrick Systems ..................................................102

netApp ...............................................................313

Open iT ...............................................................211

OvS Group, llc .................................................302

PennenerGy ....................................................... 3

Perigon Solutions ................................................308

Petrosys uSA inc. ................................................312

petroWeB ...........................................................202

roQc dataManagement, llc ............................212

rOSen uSA, inc .................................................111

SAS institute inc ..................................................403

Saudi Aramco......................................................407

Seven lakes Technologies ..................................... 2

Shell ....................................................................205

Stonebridge ........................................................405

Teradata ..............................................................110

TGS .....................................................................204

The information Store, inc. .................................303

Tiandi energy ......................................................309

TiBcO OpenSpirit ...............................................203

Troika international .............................................112

12 l www.pnecconferences.com

exhIbItor LIstInGs(as of 4/29/14)

beyonDreCoGnItIon, LLC ..............................................3118397 Grand Oak drive Memphis, Tn 38138 Phone: 918-894-6943 email: jhowie@beyondrecognition.net www.beyondrecognition.net

Document technology from br helps leading energy companies capture information from paper and electronic documents like well logs, seismic charts, and more. It automatically classifies document based on visual similarity, identifies visual duplicates, and automates metadata extraction & validation. br is used for content migration, remediating file shares, & consolidating multiple document silos.

booz aLLen haMILtonHamilton Building 8283 Greensboro drMclean , vA 22102Phone: 703-902-5000Fax: 703-902-3333email: william.schlesing@booz.comwww.boozallen.com

Booz Allen Hamilton has been at the forefront of strategy and technology consulting for 100 years. Today, the firm provides business and technology solutions to major corporations in the financial services, heath, and energy markets, leveraging capabilities and expertise developed over decades of helping uS government clients in the defense, intelligence, and civil markets solve their toughest problems. Booz Allen is headquartered in Mclean, virginia, employs approximately 23,000 people, and had revenue of $5.76 billion for the 12 months ended March 31, 2013. in 2014, Booz Allen celebrates its 100th anniversary year. To learn more, visit www.boozallen.com. (nySe: BAH)

bLuebaCk reservoIr aMerICas, LLC ..............................4121160 dairy Ashford Street, Ste 600 Houston, TX 77079 Phone: 832-327-5344 email: sales@blueback-reservoir.com blueback-reservoir.com

Blueback reservoir is a fast growing technology company specializing in consulting services and software solutions for the global exploration and production industry.

CIsCo .............................................................................................. 105255 W. Tasman dr. San Jose, cA 95134, cA 95134 Phone: 408-655-5704 email: sanpate@cisco.com

cisco data virtualization creates unprecedented levels of agility to enable better decision making in today’s complex big data and cloud environments and the resulting proliferation of distributed data. Through a unified view of business data, we increase value from the network. The comprehensive and easy-to-use data virtualization platform enables you to adapt more quickly to business change. With logical views instead of additional physical data repositories, you save 50-75% over data replication and consolidation. The result is an optimized environment that empowers your organization with profitable growth, risk reduction, productivity and effectiveness, as well as a greater return on your technology investments. For more information, visit: http://www.cisco.com/web/services/enterprise-it-services/data-virtualization/index.html

DataCo usa ................................................................................. 4041020 W 23rd St Houston, TX 77008 Phone: 832-875-3600 email: Tom.Hider@dataco-usa.com www.dataco-usa.com/

dataco provides data and information management services to the upstream oil and gas industry. We are vendor-neutral, and can therefore provide an informed and impartial viewpoint to our clients.

DeePWater oPeratIons ConferenCeanD exhIbItIon ............................................................................... 51455 West Loop south suite 400houston, tx 77027Phone: 713-621-9720fax: 713-963-6285 www.deepwateroperations.com

november 4-6, 2014 Moody Gardens hotel & Convention Center Galveston, tx

Deepwater operations Conference & exhibition focuses on the various aspects and critical issues of operating production facilities in deepwater. Invited presenters share case studies and best practices in designing and operating deepwater production facilities in deepwater situations, while the exhibition showcases leading suppliers, equipment manufacturers and service providers involved in the advancement of the industry.

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DenoDo ...................................................................................108530 lytton Avenue, Suite 301 Palo Alto, cA 94301 Phone: 650-566-8833 email: lsnyders@denodo.com www.denodo.com

denodo is the leader in data virtualization. leading energy customers gain faster access to new sources, agile data services delivery and lower integration costs across disparate structured/unstructured well, drilling, lease, regulatory and market data.

DrILLInG InfoP.O. Box 5545Austin, TX 78763Phone:512-519-5528email: info@drillinginfo.comwww.drillinginfo.com

drillinginfo is the premier SaaS-based decision support technology platform for the global upstream exploration and production industry, facilitating faster, smarter decisions. The company services more than 3,000 companies globally from its Austin, Texas-based headquarters, and has more than 500 employees on five continents. For more information, please visit www.drillinginfo.com.

enerGIstICs .................................................................................. 103One Sugar creek center Blvd Suite 1075 Sugar land, TX 77478 Phone: 281-243-2135 email: MeliSSA.rAy@enerGiSTicS.OrG

energistics is a global, not-for-profit, membership organization that serves as the facilitator, custodian and advocate for the development and adoption of technical open data exchange standards in the upstream oil and gas industry. uniquely designed to unite upstream industry professionals in a neutral and collaborative facilitation environment. energistics membership consists of integrated, independent and national oil companies, oilfield service companies, hardware and software vendors, system integrators, regulatory agencies and the global standards user community.

enerGyIQ ...................................................................................... 2132329 W. Main Street Suite 300littleton, cO 80120Phone: 303-790-0919email: mike.skeffington@energyiq.infowww.energyiq.info/

energyiQ delivers e&P data Management Solutions that enable companies to exploit unconventional plays with less risk. Our customers gain competitive advantage by valuing, acquiring, and producing assets with greater certainty, speed, and collaboration.

enerGysys LIMIteD .................................................................... 41010 South St. Andrew Street edinburgh, eH2 2Az united Kingdom Phone: 44 8456 250 50 email: kirsty.armitage@energysys.com www.energysys.com

energySys is the first cloud-based apps platform specifically designed for the agile oil and gas business. Our range of apps give you the freedom to make the right decisions, based on accurate data.

entranCe ..................................................................................... 4132500 e Tc Jester Blvd Suite 500 Houston, TX 77007 Phone: 713-496-9183 email: valerie@entrancesoftware.com www.entrancesoftware.com/

entrance’s oil and gas software consulting mitigates industry risks with business intelligence by surfacing and managing critical information.

etL soLutIons LtD ..................................................................... 310Ty Menai Bangor, ll57 4HJ united Kingdom Phone: 44 (0)1248 675070 email: js@etlsolutions.com

With more than a decade of experience in e&P technical data management, we help some of the industry’s leading companies tackle even the most complex data. visit our booth to discover our flexible, customized data management products and services.

exPert systeM ............................................................................ 4111000 Hart rd, Suite 300 Barrington, il 60010 Phone: 224-357-8080 email: bbell@expertsystem.net www.expertsystem.com

expert System is the semantic software company that specializes in helping organizations gain insight and intelligence from information. customers include chevron, eni, Shell, eli lilly, raytheon.

exxon MobIL13401 north Freeway, GSc-rr-202 P.O. BOX 4778HOuSTOn, TX 77210Phone: 832-624-1886email: gerard.v.wolf@exxonmobil.comwww.exxonmobil.com

exxonMobil is the world’s largest publicly traded international oil and gas company, providing energy that helps underpin growing economies and improve living standards around the world. its organizational structure is built on a concept of global businesses and is designed to allow exxonMobil to compete most effectively in the ever changing and challenging worldwide energy industry. exxonMobil uses innovation and technology to deliver energy to a growing world. They explore for, produce and sell crude oil, natural gas and petroleum products. exxonMobil’s asset base is robust in a range of economic environments and strengthened by its diversity. in addition to being geographically diverse, the production base consists of both mature fields and fields that are early in their producing life. The company places significant emphasis on managing underlying base performance and generating opportunities to maximize the value of their assets. High-quality reservoir management and rigorous depletion planning enhance the long-term performance of each field. The company continually invests in the existing asset base to increase resource recovery, maximize profitability, and extend field life. visit us at www.exxonmobil.com

14 l www.pnecconferences.com

GeoLoGIC systeMs .................................................................... 210900 703 6 Ave SW calgary, AB T2P 0T9 canada Phone: 403-262-1992 email: cPratt@geolOGic.com www.geolOGic.com

Headquartered in calgary, geolOGic systems has been creating and supplying data and integrated software solutions to the energy industry for three decades. Our market-leading decision support tool, geoScOuT, is a fully-integrated, Windows-based exploration system that supports oil and gas professionals in their search for hydrocarbons. We also offer a range of data and data management solutions, including a robust data center (the gdc) which houses spatially enabled value-added government well and land data in an open Public Petroleum data Model, as well as a proprietary data engine for all of your company’s data management needs. Our industry leading well and land data is also offered through a web-based interface, gdcweb, granting our clients access from almost anywhere. From high level decision makers to end users, we provide our clients with the tools they need to find answers, every step of the way.

GeoLoGIx LtD .............................................................................. 113rosebery court St Andrews Business Park norwich, norfolk nr7 0HS united Kingdom Phone: 44 1603 706900 Fax: 44 1603 706901 email: jacqui@dancydynamics.com www.geologix.com

Geologix has a global team of geoscientists, engineers & software developers providing user-led, integrated software & services including well log authoring, data management & real-time monitoring.

Ihs ................................................................................................... 4025333 Westheimer Houston, TX 77056 Phone: 713-499-4230 email: jeff.warhol@ihs.com www.ihs.com

energy businesses rely on iHS for analysis, critical information and analytical software to make confident decisions.

Ikon sCIenCe aMerICas ........................................................... 109

11011 richmond Ave, Suite 210 Houston, TX 77042 Phone: 713-914-0300 email: pneri@ikonscience.com

ikon Science develops reservoir and subsurface characterization software. ikon MetaStore is a cloud-or server-based knowledge management system that consolidates valuable rock property data from disparate systems, with GiS or keyword query methods.

InforMatICa .................................................................................... 42100 Seaport Boulevard redwood city, cA 94063 Phone: 650-385-5000 email: dwellhausen@informatica.com www.informatica.com

informatica is the world’s number one independent provider of data integration software. Organizations rely on informatica to realize their information potential and drive top business imperatives.

Infosys ....................................................................................2096002 rOGerdAle, STe 550Houston, TX 77072Phone: 281 454 0300Fax: 281 454 0301 email:askus@infosys.comwww.infosys.com

infosys is a global leader in consulting, technology and outsourcing solutions. We enable clients, in more than 30 countries, to stay a step ahead of emerging business trends and outperform the competition. We help them transform and thrive in a changing world by co-creating breakthrough solutions that combine strategic insights and execution excellence. visit www.infosys.com<http://www.infosys.com> to see how infosys (nySe: inFy), with uS$8.25 billion in annual revenues and 160,000+ employees, is Building Tomorrow’s enterprise® today.

Int, InC ........................................................................................... 2082901 Wilcrest dr., Ste 300 Houston, TX 77042 Phone: 713-975-7434 email: kim.ferris@geotoolkit.net

inT specializes in efficient solutions for data display: providing expandable visualization applications, software development libraries, custom software services. Products include HTMl5 web-based viewers for seismic, logs and well data, inTviewer for the desktop, GeoToolkit libraries.

InterICa ........................................................................................ 30416000 Barkers Point ln Suite 202 Houston, TX 77079 Phone: 281-497-0440 email: wthompson@interica.com www.interica.com

Sophisticated information management software and solutions for the upstream oil & gas industry that span the entire information lifecycle, and in addition, a broad range of consulting services that enable customers to optimize their processes.

InternatIonaL ConferenCe on PetroLeuM Data, InteGratIon anD Data ManaGeMent ........................51455 West Loop south suite 400houston, tx 77027Phone: 713-621-9720fax: 713-963-6285 email: peterc@pennwell.com www.pnecconferences.comMay 19-21, 2015 houston Marriott Westchase hotel houston, tx

the International Conference on Petroleum Data, Integration and Data Management is an annual conference and exhibition serving the data integration, information and management disciplines critical to exploration and production within the global oil and gas industry. attendees will hear real-world best practices, innovations and implementations from those companies leading the efforts to knock down data and information management barriers confronting our industry.

exhIbItor LIstInGs(as of 4/29/14)

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Istore .......................................................................................30310777 Westheimer, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77042 Phone: 713-787-6798 email: parker@istore.com www.iStore.com

iStore creates quick, easy and low-cost access to disparate oilfield information. iStore’s data management tools are Web-based, PPdM standards compliant, and available on SQl Server or Oracle.

knoWLeDGe transforMatIon Partners (ktP) ....................113202 Briar Forest driveSuite 5392Houston, TX 77077Phone: 917-837-4411email: tong@ktp-consulting.comwww.ktp-consulting.com

KTP is a professional consulting firm that provides services around process and technology initiatives, with specific focus on data management, learning management, and knowledge management. While providing services, KTP masters the Human dimension.

LanDMark-haLLIburton ......................................................1042107 cityWest Blvd, Building 2 Houston, TX 77042 Phone: 713-839-2933 email: katy.franz@halliburton.com

From tiered solutions for master and project/operational data, to big data and analytics, landmark has solutions supported by our open decisionSpace® Platform to enable cross-domain workflows and to help you solve complex business challenges.

Lynx InforMatIon systeMs .................................................40816420 Park Ten Place, Suite 150 Houston, TX 77084 Phone: 281-599-7226 Fax: 281-599-7226 email: gareth@lynxinfo.co.uk www.lynx-info.com

From seismic scanning & vectorizing to GiS project development, lynx has a 25-year history of providing GiS-based data management services, data archiving and innovative software solutions for e&P.

MerrICk....................................................................................10255 Waugh drive Suite 400 Houston, TX 77007 Phone: 713-579-3473 email: Ariane.Jayr@MerrickSystems.com www.merricksystems.com

Merrick provides best in class software and professional services to the oil & gas industry. It is highly recognized for its deep understanding, expertise and vast experience in upstream and midstream operations including accounting, engineering and business processes. Merrick is headquartered in houston with offices in Canada, Colombia, norway and singapore.

netaPP ......................................................................................313495 east Java drive Sunnyvale, cA 94089 Phone: 408-822-6000 email: Wally.beck@netapp.com

netApp creates innovative storage and data management solutions and services that deliver cost efficiency and accelerate business breakthroughs. leading gas exploration and production companies rely on netApp to meet the demands of today’s complex petro-technical environment. www.netapp.com

noah ConsuLtInG1200 Smith Street, Suite 1600Houston, TX 77002Phone: 713-353-3940email: info@noah-consulting.comwww.noah-consulting.com

noah consulting - makes a significant difference in the lives of Business and data Management professionals in the companies they serve. Focused exclusively on the energy sector, our experts average over 18 years of experience and have both deep industry knowledge and technical expertise in Strategy & Planning, data Governance, Program Management, Architecture and Business intelligence. We believe your data should work for you – 24 hours, 7 days a week. excellent data management, optimal extraction and aggregation of data, and the proper analysis of that data are investments in a company’s future. noah is dedicated to helping companies see real value in those investments. visit www.noah-consulting.com.

offshore ....................................................................................51455 West Loop south suite 400 houston, tx 77027 Phone: 713-621-9720 fax: 713-963-6285 email: davidd@pennwell.com www.offshore-mag.com

established in 1954, offshore is a monthly publication recognized as the worldwide leader for covering the key issues, trends and technologies relative to offshore oil and gas e&P operations. It is the world’s most highly respected magazine dedicated entirely to the offshore industry, and enjoys the highest and most widely read circulation in its class.


oIL & Gas fInanCIaL JournaL ...........................................51455 West Loop south suite 400 houston, tx 77027 Phone: 713-621-9720 fax: 713-963-6285 email: mitchd@pennwell.com www.ogfj.com

oil & Gas financial Journal provides petroleum industry executives, analysts and investors credible information about the most important financial developments of oil exploration, oil and gas investing, international and regional oil and gas information and more. oGfJ is authoritative coverage for the world of finance and investment.

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exhIbItor LIstInGs(as of 4/29/14)

16 l www.pnecconferences.com

oIL & Gas JournaL .....................................................................51455 West Loop south suite 400 houston, tx 77027 Phone: 713-621-9720 fax: 713-963-6285 email: jimk@pennwell.com www.ogj.com

first published in 1902, oil & Gas Journal is the world’s most widely read petroleum industry publication. each week, the oil & Gas Journal delivers the latest international petroleum news; analysis of issues and events; practical technology for design, operation and maintenance; and important statistics on international markets and activity. the oil & Gas Journal is designed to meet the needs of engineers, managers and executives throughout the petroleum industry.


oIL & Gas PIPeLIne ConferenCe & exhIbItIon ......................51455 West Loop south suite 400houston, tx 77027Phone: 713-621-9720fax: 713-963-6285 email: saran@pennwell.com www.oilandgaspipelineevent.com

the pipeline and transportation sectors of the industry are experiencing phenomenal growth due to the resurgence of exploration and drilling in north america. PennWell and the Geospatial Information & technology association (GIta) bring together practitioners, suppliers, and solution providers to collectively help move the oil and gas industry forward.

oPen It..............................................................................211Two Park Ten Place 16300 Katy Freeway Houston, TX 77094 Phone: 281-599-3400 email: mmaano@openit.com www.openit.com

Open iT, inc. creates software for iT resource monitoring and optimization with a fully customizable usage reports, granular chargeback and automated industry-leading license harvesting capabilities.

ovs GrouP, LLC ................................................................30216225 Park Ten Place Suite 200 Houston, TX 77084 Phone: 281-531-4333 email: emma.fash@ovsgroup.com www.ovsgroup.com

As a software and services company, OvS Group provides integration and automated workflow solutions for oil and gas clients operating in conventional and unconventional plays worldwide.

PennenerGy .........................................................................51421 s. sheridan road tulsa, ok 74012 Phone: 918-831-9192 fax: 918-832-9201 email: brandonr@pennwell.com www.Pennenergy.com

for more than a century, PennWell has been the leader in coverage of and service to the worldwide petroleum and power industries. In 2007, they launched Pennenergy.com – the broadest and most complete online source of energy-related news, research, jobs, and insight for global energy professionals. nowhere else will you find this much energy-related information. Pennenergy.com is a complete resource for energy professionals, as well as a dynamic and effective vehicle for advertisers to reach targeted market segments within the energy industry. Coverage includes both the oil & Gas and Power Industries, content from top energy publications like oil & Gas Journal, Power engineering, and renewable energy World, more than 4,000 research and data products, job postings and career advice for job seekers, recruiting solutions for employers and recruiters, and the latest news and information delivered directly to site users through weekly and daily e-newsletters.

PennenerGy researCh .............................................................. 31421 S Sheridan road Tulsa, OK 74112 Phone: 918-831-9539 email: mattd@pennwell.com www.pennenergyresearch.com

Pennenergy research the premiere industry source for actionable data and information, in addition to custom research and consulting.

PennWeLL CorPoratIon ....................................................5headquarters office 1421 south sheridan road tulsa, ok 74127 Phone: 918-835-3161 fax: 918-831-9834 email: info@pennwell.com www.pennwell.com

PennWell Corporation is a highly diversified business to-business media and information company that provides quality content and integrated marketing solutions for the following industries: oil and gas, electric power generation and delivery, hydropower, renewable energy, water and wastewater treatment, waste management, optoelectronics and photonics, aviation and defense, cabling and broadband, LeDs and lighting, fire and public safety, and dental. founded in 1910, PennWell publishes over 130 print and online magazines and newsletters, conducts 60 conferences and exhibitions on six continents, and has an extensive offering of books, maps, web sites, research, database services and marketing solutions. In addition to PennWell’s headquarters in tulsa, oklahoma the Company has major offices in nashua, new hampshire; houston, texas; London, england; san Diego and Mountain view, California; fairlawn, new Jersey; Moscow, russia; rio de Janeiro, brazil; Manama, bahrain; and hong kong, China

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PerIGon soLutIons ...............................................................3088584 Katy Fwy, Suite 103 Houston, TX 77024 Phone: 713-821-5924 Fax: 713-827-2245 email: info@perigonsolutions.com www.perigonsolutions.com

Perigon is the global leader in subsurface wellbore data management and visualization software. Our solutions integrate data to advance analysis and enable accurate, contextual data interpretation.

Petrosys usa InC. ..................................................................3128 Greenway Plaza Suite 850 Houston, TX 77046 Phone: 713-580-2900 email: samantha.murray@petrosys-usa.com

Petrosys is the industry leader in mapping, surface modeling and data management software solutions delivering direct connectivity with the most popular exploration, production and GiS data sources. Petrosys produces high quality maps and surface models. it manages, edits, and analyses the underlying information, including the specialised seismic, well and geoscience data used in the search for oil and gas.

PetroWeb ................................................................................2021825 Blake Street denver, cO 80202 Phone: 303-308-9100 email: bclingan@petroweb.com

petroWeB delivers data management solutions to organize, visualize, access, analyze and share enterprise data assets to increase efficient operations that can transform the enterprise by reducing risk and cost and delivering better decisions and results.

roQC ........................................................................................2121980 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 1500 Houston, TX 77056 Phone: 832-715-9270 email: mike.zyglicki@roqc.com

roQc data Management AS - a company registered in Tau, norway and founded in 1998. Along with its Houston, TX based sister company roQc dataManagement, llc, roQc specializes in data Management and the support of G&G software delivered by landmark and Schlumberger to clients all over the world.

rosen .......................................................................................11114120 interdrive east Houston, TX 77032 Phone: 281-925-0274 email: mtallack@rosen-group.com www.rosen-group.com

Our Pipeline integrity Solutions provide specialized engineering, integrity assessment and data management services that support operational decision-making.

sas InstItute InC ...................................................................403100 SAS cAMPuS dr cAry, nc 27513 Phone: 919-531-8061 email: emily.papile@sas.com sas.com/oilgas

Oil and gas firms worldwide rely on SAS to deliver the data management, advanced analytics, and business intelligence required to drive world-class performance and operational excellence. visit sas.com/oilgas

sauDI araMCo ........................................................................4079009 West loop South Houston, TX 77096Phone: 713-432-5090Fax: 713-432-8699email: meredith.zundel@aramcoservices.comwww.aramcoservices.com

Saudi Aramco is a fully-integrated, global energy and chemicals enterprise and a world leader in exploration and production, refining and distribution, and the world’s top exporter of crude oil and natural gas liquids. The company manages one of the world’s largest proven conventional crude oil reserves, totaling 260.2 billion barrels, and the fourth-largest gas reserves in the world, 284.8 trillion cubic feet. in 2012, Saudi Aramco produced an average of 9.5 million barrels of crude oil per day. Saudi Aramco’s downstream operations include participation in a worldwide refining capacity of 4.5 million barrels per day, making it the sixth largest refiner in the world. Headquartered in dhahran, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Aramco’s operations in the Kingdom include refining, petrochemicals and distributing oil products to meet domestic daily energy demands. Through its affiliates, Saudi Aramco also has joint ventures and subsidiary offices in china, egypt, Japan, india, the netherlands, the republic of Korea, Singapore, the united Arab emirates, the united Kingdom and the united States.

seven Lakes teChnoLoGIes ....................................................... 22555 Townsgate rd Suite 105 Westlake village, cA 91361 Phone: 720-560-5813 email: jeremy.funk@sevenlakes.com

Seven lakes Technologies is a niche analytics and technology solutions firm offering services and products for the oil and gas upstream sector; focused on improving business drivers and enhancing execution of customer business strategies. Our expertise spans the areas of implementation services for Business intelligence/dashboards/data warehousing/master data management/enterprise applications, business consulting, project and program management and custom application development.

sheLL.........................................................................................205910 louisiana St Houston, TX 77005 Phone: 713-241-6246 Fax: 713-423-8203 email: melissa.cantwell@shell.com www.shell.com

Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemicals companies with around 92,000 employees in more than 70 countries and territories.

stonebrIDGe ...........................................................................4054200 e. Skelly drive Suite 1000Tulsa, OK 74135Phone: 918-663-8000email: rachel.dean@sbti.com

Stonebridge (www.sbti.com) provides business advisory and technology consulting services that help Oil & Gas companies improve their performance, reduce costs, and generate value more quickly. led by an expert team of Oil & Gas professionals, Stonebridge takes a best-practice approach to ensure that business solutions advance our client’s business objectives. Our industry experience gives us a nuanced understanding of the functional roles, dependent workflows, and data quality issues common in Oil & Gas companies, and we draw on this knowledge to deliver a total solution that encompasses people, processes and technology. Our team has firsthand experience in evaluating and implementing leading Oil & Gas software applications and toolsets, and Stonebridge clients are assured of unbiased, vendor-independent recommendations tailored to their unique business model and strategy.

18 l www.pnecconferences.com

subsea tIebaCk foruM & exhIbItIon .....................................51455 West Loop south suite 400houston, tx 77027Phone: 713-621-9720fax: 713-963-6285

March 3-5, 2015 new orleans ernest n. Morial Convention Center new orleans, La

the subsea tieback forum & exhibition is the premier event for one of the fastest growing field development segments. the forum promotes frank and open discussion with a goal of improving the quality, safety and economics of the subsea tieback industry. the exhibition is the largest display of subsea technology in the world.

teraData .................................................................................11010000 innovation drive dayton, OH 45342Phone: 937-242-9848email: Jena.zwolski@Teradata.comwww.teradata.com

Teradata is a global leader in analytic data platforms, marketing and analytic applications, and consulting services. Teradata helps organizations collect, integrate, and analyze all of their data so they can know more about their customers and business and do more of what’s really important. With 10,000+ professionals in 77 countries, Teradata serves more than 2,500 customers, including the top companies across all major industries: consumer goods, financial services, healthcare, automotive, communications, travel, hospitality, and more. An ethical and future-focused company, Teradata is recognized by the business media and industry analysts for technological excellence, sustainability, and business value. visit teradata.com for details.

tGs ............................................................................................20410451 clay road Houston, TX 77043 Phone: 713-860-2116 email: Trevor.crossland@tgs.com

TGS provides multi-client geoscience data including seismic data and digital well logs to oil and gas e&P companies worldwide. TGS also offers advanced processing and imaging services, interpretation products, permanent reservoir monitoring and data integration solutions.

tIanDI enerGy ........................................................................3092925 Briarpark drive, Suite 200 Houston, TX 77042Phone: 281-833-5009Fax: 281-833-5034email: krysta.deangelis@tiandienergy.comwww.tiandienergy.com/

Tiandi energy is a geoscience & engineering services company providing companies with a range of production acceleration services. Our successful portfolio includes projects in data management, reservoir characterization and petro physics.

tIbCo oPensPIrIt ....................................................................2034800 Sugar Grove Blvd. Suite 500 Stafford, TX 77477 Phone: 281-295-1400 Fax: 281-295-1401 email: sconrad@tibco.com www.tibco.com/industries/oil-gas/openspirit/default.jsp

To create fit-for-purpose workflows that meet the specialized needs of e&P professionals today, oil and gas companies worldwide are seeking more effective and efficient methods of connecting diverse applications and data repositories.

TiBcO OpenSpirit is your solution for multi-vendor application and data interoperability. By providing the connectivity that drives cross-disciplinary collaboration, OpenSpirit lets you build the workflows you need to get the job done, right from the start.

toPsIDes, PLatforMs & huLLsConferenCe & exhIbItIon ........................................................51455 West Loop south suite 400houston, tx 77027Phone: 713-621-9720fax: 713-963-6285 email: saran@pennwell.com www.topsidesevent.comfebruary 3-5, 2015 Moody Gardens hotel & Convention Center Galveston, tx

topsides is the offshore industry’s only event dedicated to the topsides, platforms and hulls sectors for both deep and shallow water. a comprehensive technical program presented concurrently with an exhibition, the topsides Conference & exhibition covers the design, engineering, construction, transportation, installation, and modification of topside structures, platforms and hulls.

troIka InternatIonaL ..........................................................112eridge House coach & Horses Passage Tunbridge Wells, Kent Tn2 5nP united Kingdom Phone: 4401892 616060 email: carriec@troika-int.com

Troika’s range of software includes functionality for Qc, contract compliance checking, format checking, transcription, data preparation for workstation loading, remote tape access, business rules, header maths, TOc & fast data transfer.

exhIbItor LIstInGs(as of 4/29/14)

GLobaL PetroLeuM CaLenDar of events

Energy burns at the root of PennWell’s history. First printing our flagship publication — the Oil & Gas Journal — in 1902, our

petroleum division covers the topics, issues, challenges and solutions most critical to the international petroleum industry.

With a network of global events located throughout the world, PennWell collectively reaches more than 135,000 petroleum

professionals in 75 countries, providing unparalleled reach of the international petroleum market.

Deep Offshore Technology InternationalConference & ExhibitionOctober 14-16, 2014Aberdeen, Scotlandwww.deepoffshoretechnology.com

Oil & Gas Pipeline Conference & ExhibitionOctober 28-30, 2014Houston, Texas USAwww.oilandgaspipelineevent.com

Deepwater OperationsConference & ExhibitionNovember 4-6, 2014Galveston, Texas USAwww.deepwateroperations.com

Offshore West AfricaConference & ExhibitionJanuary 20-22, 2015Lagos, Nigeriawww.offshorewestafrica.com

Offshore Middle EastConference & ExhibitionJanuary 26-28, 2015Doha Qatarwww.offshoremiddleeast.com

Topsides, Platforms & HullsConference & ExhibitionFebruary 3-5, 2015Galveston, Texas USAwww.topsidesevent.com

Subsea TiebackForum & ExhibitionMarch 3-5, 2015New Orleans, LA USAwww.subseatiebackforum.com

International Conference on Petroleum Data, Integration and Data ManagementMay 19-21, 2015Houston, Texas USAwww.pnecconferences.com

POWER-GEN Natural GasAugust 18-20, 2015Columbus, Ohiowww.power-gennaturalgas.com

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event ContaCts

OffSHORE GROUP PUBLISHER AND VICE PRESIDENT:Mark Peters1455 W. loop South, Suite 400Houston, TX 77027Phone: +1 713 963 6260email: markp@pennwell.com

CONfERENCE MENTOR AND ADVISORY BOARD CHAIR: cindy crouse Phone: +1 214 841 0044 Fax: +1 214 841 0046 email: cindy.crouse@pnecconferences.com

CONfERENCE DIRECTOR:Bob Tippeechief editor, Oil & Gas JournalPhone: +1 713 963 6242email: bobt@pennwell.com

CONfERENCE MANAGER: Gail Killough Phone: +1 713 963 6251 Fax: +1 713 963 6201 email: gailk@pennwell.com

SENIOR EVENT OPERATIONS MANAGER: Jennifer lindsey Phone: +1 918 832 9313 Fax: +1 918 831 9729 email: jenniferl@pennwell.com

EXHIBIT & SPONSORSHIP SALES: Peter cantu united States Phone: +1 713 963 6213 Fax: +1 713 963 6212 Mobile: +1 713 503 2451 email: peterc@pennwell.com

Sara lowery ng united States Phone: +1 713 963 6277 cell: +1 713 725 8536 Fax: +1 713 963 6212 email: saran@pennwell.com

EXHIBIT SERVICES MANAGER: Sarah Gardner Phone: +1 918 831 9859 Fax: +1 831 9729 email: sarahg@pennwell.com

SENIOR EVENT MARkETING MANAGER: Jennifer McPhail Phone: +1 918 831 9701 Fax: +1 918 831 9729 email: jenniferm@pennwell.com

REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT: direct: +1 918 831 9160 Fax: +1 918 831 9161 Toll Free: +1 888 299 8016 Fax: +1 888 299 8057

PENNWELL CORPORATE HEADqUARTERS: 1421 S. Sheridan Road / Tulsa, oK 74112

phone: +1 918 835 3161 / Fax: +1 713 963 6270 / Web: www.pennwell.com

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