events of 1964 in mccomb, mississippi and area · april 16 . ay 6 :-.ay 16 -3-&unset cafe in...

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.)A!tT III Other ;.!.'vents of 1964 in 1•.cCornb. · issippi and Ju-ea

Jan. 6 Circle Inn ni7ht club on :1:y . 21.} t-!est burns to ground. Previous fra;11e tavern burned a nw·lber of rfiQnths orcviously . Resi dents of .Sunny hill ~Japtist c il,li'ch area in ··.cConb had' a sked the .;oard of ~upervisors to eliminate sal e of beer in area by zoninr~ . The nm. sheriff, R. rt . ·.arren, \ las one of the group as ~!as t he church pastor.

Jan. 10 i·'i e;h·i;. riders fir e shots into five nep;ro businesses and homes in Burr;lund. '!'hose t1cr e Eddie ;:: r s Grocer y , Car ters Shoe Shop , South of the ."3order Cafe, l-iollis ells Gr ocery , and the Oliver Pm:ell hOJ'!e , all on 5ur'1!1d. t ::>t. 1<~our Soutlmest Junior Coll ege s'Lud<::nts , 0i.ios Gallon, Dan Bl and , Jimmy Goldman , and l::llis Lei gh , \:ore chars e<.l 1Jith ;tJalicious riischi cf. ~heriff R. a. t;arr en said he believ ed " the youths •.rere prankine . 11

Jan. 16 Oaert01m , a JJO acre ar ea at the south end of .·.cCor•;b , a negro co~rununi ty of 1 , 500 per sons, '•laS de- annexed fro:.1 the city. Sel ec tmen ?hilip J rady, " er trtan Tucker, and :illiar·t 8mi th and ! W.yor ·3urt voted in .favour ~:hile 'l'ortt . a gr uder , John If . ·. hitc and j;arl · iollida.v, J r. vo Led a gainst. '!'he pcti tion for tho contraction cla i med tho.t convenience and necessit,y o f the public is r equired and ~-rould be served by it.

Jan. 22 Attorneys .for the .laertoem r esident s claiio most of the ar ea annexed in 1961 d1ich the city intends to keep is inhabited by •:!hi te persons , and the dcannexation t·rould deprive the iJaer ·to~.m peopl e o f effective participation in the municipal affairs of the city and ther eby of the ri::;ht of free speech.

Jan. 27 Crosses burned in front of a lar~e nur.tber of negro churches in Pike County by a ~-;ell orc;anized tearo~ of rll.en in pick up trucks. '1'he 9l~ces cho sen :Jere ··· e~·; Jerusale1n and Rose '1ill churches, a spot on ~-:~~y. 51 in Saerto,,.n, a ne~o school in Sumwit, a spot on old f oh1esville Road. a shoe sllop in Bure;­lund , the •mterprisc-Journal office , the editor ' s front lat-m, ::md seven ner;ro churc~1es in 1t,:;i te County. The burninr,s <Jere announced to t;1e Jackson Clarion- Ledger Lhe previous day in the narr.e of the t<u :nux i(l an. License nwnbers t·Yere obtained in so1.iC cases , as on :·~orth 3road\·Jay.

Jan. 31 Louis Allen , 44, necro, shot to deati1 at the entrance to his house on Ll\·:y. 24 in A.lli te County. ~le hao returned fro1n visit­in~ a 1;r. King , a ~·1hite man. l·tis brother said Allen had been subject to ~arassr.1cnt by the sheriff since lle had testified as n ~.>litness at. t he trial of r~ . '! . ;urst, ex !::t a te le(~islator l·Jho shot ;:!erber t Lee ' nop;ro vote r e cistra tion l·Jorker. in Liberty . Sheriff Jones, uho lives do .m tnc hi~hPay from the Allen , said he did not think the '} nen '·:ould find the ncgro-d1ite question a rulin~ factor , and that it ~~as likely

- 2-

that dortest.ic and other suci1 probl ems vrer e t he cau5e. The case t·:as probed by C. G • . :rospere and other Ftii a gents f ror.1 .-!atcnez , and b~r :~obert .. oscs and oV1cr civil rights representa­tives. : .rs. Allen and her f arJil.Y l eft •. ississippi irn:nediatel y a fter the funeral of her husband •

. arch 6 l<red A. H.oss , ct1airman of the ~tate .. elfar e ~oard , said t!1c state r anks fiftieth in per sonal income and in t·:a3es because fl ·v.rc have 900 , 000 Nillstones around our necks in t he form of nee;roes ." Added , "these j ungl e sava~es hav e not r eached an equal point l·rith us . 11 :c r eveal ed that tl1c f eder al government 9ays 75,~ of nel farc costs. :ro s.q,id of t ne na tion's pr ess t hat ttthey ·,!ant us to ni x -;-:ith this junel e filth th:~.t cannot even suppor t itself." ..

. :arch 17 Governor Johnson told neuD!~Jcn he had four;ht 11 a state police or !':estnno for yrors eac~ th!e I r an" but that he \'!anted such a force nm; to maintain "lau and order" i n any r acial troubles.

t arch 19 Stat e 3enator Corbett fartridr.:;e called on the 1d.ssissippi l e o,isl.?.ture to t.:lke steps to 11 i r.11Tlediately get rid of ::>ilver. 11

'1'his ' referred to .Tof. James Silver of l! . of ,iss., author of 11 • issi ssi ppi , A. Closed Society... Speeches i.·Jcr e raade r e r;ularly in t he sta.te l er;islature condermine; ~ilver , and subsequently ~1e l·lent on a leave of absence from the tmiversi t y . ..otions hav e al so been made i n the state l ecislature advocating r evokinc the charter of 'l'ougaloo Coller,e , 1:1hich one l egi sl a tor r ef erred to as a hav en for qt,ecr s and quacks.

1 tarch 19 1\Jo crosses burned in : arsnolia , one in front of a negro pulp­uood '·:orker' s home , nnd t i1e other in front of a neGro r ailroad ·Hork0.r' s ~lome •

• arch 20 The ,:lil<e County e;r ana JUry in ·.ac;nolia cot1fllends ~heriff .. arren 11 for the excellent r.:anner in ~·rhich he and his ver y capnbl e deputies have per formed their duties anci for the intelligent manner in uhich they enforce t he l aHs of our county and state."

.arch 23 f~obcrt. . oses , director for Cofo in ~:i~sissippi , told a net·7s confer ence in .ashin::;ion he believed the F' I had l eaked to local officials the l a t e Louis Allen' s s t a t e1nent that the killing of ·,crbert Lee by ~tate Legi sl ator !1:. ;· . iiurst , t. llic~ he had uit­nessGd , Has no t in self defense. Louis Allen, . :oses said , ,,Jas killed the nieht before he uas io hav e l eft Ami te County and ; i ssi ssippi.

April 10 Vernon ·'ac e of For est , . . iss ., state coordinator of the John Dirch Society , oddressed the , .cComb &xchan~~e ~ociet,y and announced that the John o:~irch Society had set up classes in .<ississippi , on an experilnental b::lsis , to educate net,Toes to t;1e drn1t;ers of Communist 1-Topaganda .

April 16

. ay 6

:-.ay 16


&unset Cafe in St1.n11nit burns to ~ound •

Hobert •·.osos , prof,l":ln dir ector of Cofo, files COinplaints Hith t he ;~ississippi Advioory Co!tll:d.ttec to t he U . ~ . Civil Rights Com­·rrission, in ~latchez about beatine s of ne~o civil riGhts l·:orkers in Ada;us , Pike, A."71i. te, .:md ~ 'ilkinson Counties and of five un­solved murder~.

Several 1:10torists stopped and checked by the btate liiglr.~ay eatrol t·Thile headin~; to an i.YI.ACP meeting at .. t. !ierman .!3aptist Shurch at v:hich Charles H.vers, brother of the rrurdered NAACt' l eader, 1•edcar Evers, spoke • .

11-ississippi Senat e r,ives overt·rhelminp; approval to la~! outlavrinr; crir.rl.nal syndicalisM and :·rhich particulo.rly outla:·rs , 11 syndicalism" if used as a 11v1eans of accor:.plishing or effecting a change in a~icul tural or industrial m·rncrship or control in effectinr, any political or socic>.l change or for profit."

~tate Sovereil3lltY Comr.1ission Director i!.rlc Johnston, Jr. told a civic club in Canton, . .iss. that his commission had i1andled .;;250,000. · in contributions to i1elp defeat the pendinG civil rights bill.

Sheriff R. R. ::'arren addresses Pi.!<e County Chapter of Junerico.ns for the ?reservation of the ,· hi tc Race at the 'lp 'im i!all in Surll"'i t. :Ie said that if the l mJ uas not stron~ enough to handle civil rights de1:10nstrators (Cofo) he t~ould "recruit some of you. 11

( A. ·?R) i.!arren said, "They so.y He are goin3 to have a long hot summer, and I sort of believe that." ~le added , "I don 1 t see ~rhy He can• t uhip this t hinf, .'' As for facilities for arrested 11derr.onstrators11 t he sheriff said, 11 tre have a nei·i l<oy club bolOl-r l~nenolia: it 1 s called t he county f ar m. You <ion 1 t need a key to ~et in, but you're r;oinr.; to need a key to GCt out."

Robert , . • ~helton, Inrpcrial l·'izard of United Uans of A.TI!erica, addressed an o.udicnce of 800 a t the Fairgrounds .!orsc Shot·• Arena, Saturday niGht. ~~e 1•ras introduced by • •cCorlb resident r'hilip C. l.3r ady , a i-cComb Select•Han and major shareholder in r .:1dio station :·!!I~~Y · cComb. Shelton asserted 11 1:1e in :.'iSsissipyi or Alabama midlt be better off if l';iC seceded fron t he United Stat es." 1le sai d it uas probable that C. c. i3ryant ha s received -~50,000 to .p60,000 throuf~1 the mails since his barbershop t-1as bombed. lie assorted t hal "of 45 bombings in :SirJ';ham not one has been proven to have been done by \rhi tc people. 11 The FIJI ~1on 1 t say t·Jhi te people did nny of thor.'l7


Aug. 28 0:ut';cn c ,~isnop of SUJL'•li t , tJhose ·,.'i.fe "t-Jorks at the Cofo headquarter s , arrested b.v h \·:y. ::atrob,an Fel der on 1-;H.'f. 51 ncar Suf.]: U.t and t~1rcatened -.;-;ith a bcatin::..

ilUC· 29 David ~··rir;ht , Cofo ,_.:or ker, arrested and ta.!<en to , :a f;nolia for 11 :L11proper oarkinr, 11 during protest ncetin~ 2-t. t he home of · .illic Dillon over the bombinr: of hi s home the previous night •

.Sef>t. ·, t'~ui;cne l:lisho9 l:Jrou!~ilt h01:1e at noon by a !Jur.!Irli. t officer and ordored to p:1ck his t hine; :;; . -~e w1s taken outside the County nnd h<:>.s resided in Lincoln County separate fror1 l1i s u:ife ever since. t:is uifc' l1ad att e:1pt ed to r egister ~1er dauE;hter at an a ll-v;hi te .school in Sw·'Init that Norninc;. 0ho •,!as subsequently evicted frbF• ~er hol!!(-) by her l andlord, and both she :md r1er husband have .been subj ected to oti1er harassl"lents and threats as Hell.

Sept. 14 1\ second ner:r o policcm<J.n !'lired by tl1c city to r epl ace i1.rtis Garner, t·Jho r eve.:>.l P..d to t he Civil Ri,..;~ ts Com..,ission that he ~1~d - b<"len tol d uheri he H~s hired to pl ant an inforn:er in the Froedo111 ~chool operated by Cofo. 'l'he nm-1 policenan, ::zd~ar Cot·rard, has a lonz crit:d.nal record, havinr; shot Duddy · .illi31;ts and Robert Lee, beaten Cruce , artin and an :t ... AACP executive , and sellin~ corn liquor at his ho:no. Co1.·rard Hns r en;ovad for t he tiu:e boin~ fro!:J the police force some tirne a fter a. petit ion askinr; his rer.~oval Has r eceived by t he mayor froa1 '3urr;lund r~sidents. Go't-mrd r ema ins in i·"cComb "torhilc Folder and Gnrnor, t he other t~.;o negro cx--police.raen, hnve had to l eave to1·:n .

Oct. 6 Vernal Felder, :·Jho quit the .. cCo!r~b police force and l eft . tcConb r~ur..; . ), testifies before a fcdor~11 court i n Jackson t hat a f ellov: ,,lhite officer tiucy 1 iller t..hrcatencd to kill

Oct. 12

Roy Lee .:1.fter t i1e borcbini~ of the !.Jurgl und ~upernarkot Auc; . 15, and th.:1t ?atroli'i.<m John !':>•1arpline; dre.-i a cun on l{oy Lee 1r1hile t he l atter y-;as on t he r;round . 'l'hi s contradicted t estimony of Frank For d , forr.1er FGI director in · -cSomb , -v1ho uas transferred to l'!atci1~z prior to tho arrest of the el ev en bo rrtber s . Jud2:o ,·,izc accept ed t '-le I,Jord of Ford on tho basi s o f his lone; service.

~onrietta J a ckson of arren St. fired fron her job as housc­l<eo!)cr at hon:e of ~-;.'U'Vin !tatliff on (~~:ry . 51 because si1o 't-Iould not r en:ove her Johnson f or t ile GbA sticker froi'J the bw.1per of ~er car .

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