events that led to the american revolution from 13 >1

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Events that led to the American


From 13 >1

EconomyRising populationDemand for goods and servicesDevelopment of small-scale colonial

manufacturing and a complex network of internal trade

Roads, bridges, mills and storesLively coastal trade – more than half of ships in

1760s leaving Boston sailed to other mainland colonies

Iron production surpassed England’sHeavily dependent on foreign trade Economy grew significantly during 1700s

Restored Colonial KitchenAlthough the majority of American colonists enjoyed a healthy and ample diet, only a relatively small number were fortunate enough to enjoy their meals in a setting as

well furnished as this kitchen (York, Maine)

Colonial FireplaceMuch of the interaction in a colonial family occurred around the fireplace. This hearth scene was photographed at the Joseph Gilpin house (built in 1695) in Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Genteel CultureExtremes of wealth and poverty visible in citiesNative-born colonial elites sought to

distinguish themselves from ordinary folk in variety of ways“refinement of America”Dressed fashionablyTraveling in horse-drawn carriagesLavish partiesBuilt large houses with rooms designed for dancing,

card playing and drinking teaCame up with “proper” manners and ways of livingLeisure time

Billiards GameBilliards appeared as a popular diversion during the eighteenth century, but their use was still largely limited to taverns in the cities and larger market towns. This eighteenth-century sketch suggests that devotees of the game did not enjoy much public esteem.

High TeaA rising standard of living allowed American colonists to enjoy more sociable amenities during the 18th century. Tea was considered a luxury in the late 17th century, but its use had become widespread among the middle class by the 1760s. High teas, like the one portrayed here, were starting to become a diversion among the wealthiest circles of Americans by that time.


250,000 European and African Americans1775

2,500,000 European and African AmericansMostly natural increase

Rate of growth unparalleled in history (at that time)

Young age of childbearingHealthier lives, living longerOn average, women bore 5-10 children

DemographicsMost concentrated period of

immigration was 1760-1775New immigrants forced to live in cities

or the edges of settlements – other land was taken by that time

Development of cities and urban lifeMigration patterns and concentration of

slaveholding in South Half of colonial population south of New

England had non-English origins by 1775

The Great Awakening

Rationalists EvangelicalsThe rationalists

believed that God created the natural universe and thereafter never interfered with its laws.

God rewarded good behavior with salvation. Common people should defer to the learned men in society.

The evangelicals supported spontaneous, direct, and individual religious experiences.

God’s grace alone could save and he chose only those who accepted their own helplessness to save themselves.

The Radical EvangelicalsInclude everyone in conversion…Women, the poor, Native Americans, and slaves.

People were no longer worshiping in churches alone. Led by men such as Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield, people began to gather in fields, homes, and barns to repent their sins and find God’s grace.

A sense of individualism erupted.

Diversity in Colonies

The American Indian population shrank dramatically as tribes were decimated by epidemics of European disease, and by the warfare, displacement, and forced expulsion that accompanied colonial expansion.

The European population soared, an increase fed both by waves of immigration from Europe and the relatively high birthrate and life expectancy in the thriving colonies. The New England colonies, unlike those in the Chesapeake Bay region, began with a fairly even ratio of men to women, facilitating marriages and new families.

Africans arrived in the colonies later and in smaller numbers than the Europeans—first as indentured servants and later as slaves. A small population of free blacks also existed in New England.

Ethnic DiversityImmigrants from Europe585,000 moved to North America

during 1700sCorresponded with colonistsMost came prepared for conditionsGerman immigrants - Protestants

(85,000)Largest group – 150,000

Came from Ireland and Scotland

Where do all of these people go?As the English and white settlers

increased, the French and Indians became alarmed.

The French had claimed New France (present day Canada).The French economy depended on the fur trade (beaver, deer skin, and other animals). Fur became a fashion statement in France. Native Americans supplied the furs and French merchants got rich.

In 1754 the British try and oust the French from the forks of the Ohio.

A young soldier named George Washington led his men in a failed battle against the French soldiers.

Washington would later redeem himself in another battle.

After 7 years of fighting, the British defeat the French and sign the Treaty of Paris.

Britain gains control of all French lands west of the Mississippi River.

British lands after the Treaty of Paris

The Cost to Native AmericansNative Americans had largely sided with the

French. Why?Native Americans loose one of their major

trading partners in the French.Native Americans are no longer able to play

the French and British off each other.

Politics By 1763, there were three

types of colonies: self-governing, proprietary, and royal (king & queen controlled). Proprietary colonies were

established through large land grants to individuals.

The charters of self-governing colonies were granted to individual political or religious leaders on behalf of colonists already established in those areas.

Representative government Upper house - often the

wealthy elite were appointed by the governor or proprietor.

Lower house administered local governance and was elected by, and composed of, male property owners.

The Magna CartaIn 12 15 King John of England signed the Magna Carta which established restrictions on the limits of the King’s rule.

The Great Enlightenment

John LockeAll people are born free and equal.

People have natural rights such as life, liberty, and property.

The purpose of government is to protect these rights.

If a government fails to protect these rights, the people have the right to overthrow the government.

Voltaire“I do not agree with a word you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Rousseau“Give the name ‘Republic’ every state that is governed by laws, no matter what the form of its administration may be… The people being subject to the laws, ought to be their author…”

Salutary Neglect

England will grant the colonists freedom with their government as long as they buy English goods.

The Stamp Act1765

The Stamp Act was passed in Parliament.

Goods bought in the colonies from England would carry a stamp tax.

Goods that would be taxed would include dice, cards, paper, etc..

How would you Feel…?The colonists were used

to voting on their own taxes.

They had no representatives in Parliament.

Imagine that another school’s student council made decisions on the prices of our homecoming tickets, football games, and student fees.

Colonists Protest and Boycott British Goods.

In 1766 the Stamp Act is repealed

Declaratory ActAbsolute right of Parliament to make laws regarding the Colonists in all cases whatsoever.

A year later Parliament makes laws placing taxes on all manufactured goods imported into the colonies.

Literally Everything you could think of, including…


Window Pains


And so,…

Once again, British goods are boycotted.

The entire colonial population will have to be united.

Join or Die

Boston MassacreMarch 5th 1770.

British troops have been sent to Boston to ensure order.

An angry colonist throws a snowball at British soldiers.

Shots are fired and 5 Bostonians are killed.

Colonists all over are galvanized by Paul Revere’s engraving.

Buy This TeaFall of 1773 Parliament decides that they will raise money by offering colonists tea from the Dutch Indian Company.

The tea will be offered at a reduced price.

However, there will be a small tax added to the price.

Poor Thom

Boston Tea PartyOn April 1st, 1774Boston colonists dress as Native Americans and board a Dutch Tea Company ship. The colonists dump the tea into the harbor.The Tea Party was peaceful but highly symbolic. The press ate it up.The colonies are on the brink of separation.

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