ever- changing world of media

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Ever- Changing World of Media. The. We will discuss…. What is NEWS anyways? Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Media Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum Newsletters Social Network Sites Quality Control Marketing. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


We will discuss…

• What is NEWS anyways?• Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Media• Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge

Forum• Newsletters• Social Network Sites• Quality Control• Marketing


Do not go where the path may lead,go instead where there is no path

and leave a trail.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer


What is News anyways?

Dog bites man

VsMan bites dog


Date : 2003-03-23

"Iraqis unable to reach refugee camp in Jordan"By Tareq Ayyoub and Roufan Nahas

Ruweished, March 23: The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) emergency supervisor Douglas Oldman on Saturday said the agency is working hard to accommodate more than 20,000 refugees expected to come from Iraq as a result of the ongoing war on the Kingdom's eastern neighbour.

Oldman, who was inspecting two camps constructed in the past few days to host thousands of Iraqi refugees in the desert town, said UNHCR is trying to put up 400 tents in the coming days as part of their endeavour to ease the plight of these refugees.

Specialised IP news agency to be launched By Roufan Nahhas

CAIRO — The concept of an Arab patent office is still in its primary stages and Jordan needs to

develop a clear idea about this positive move, according to a Ministry of Industry and Trade official. Khalid Arabiyyat, acting director of Industrial Property Protection Directorate at the Ministry of

Industry and Trade was speaking at a regional conference on Industrial Property System for Actively Promoting innovation in the Arab Region, which concluded in Cairo last week.

Sunday, June 13, 2004


Bin Hammam to appeal suspension in scandalAssociated Press writer Roufan Nahhas

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - FIFA executive Mohamed bin Hammam plans to appeal against his suspension over bribery allegations, claiming Monday that he was being "punished before I am found guilty."A FIFA ethics committee on Sunday provisionally suspended Bin Hammam and FIFA vice-president Jack Warner pending

.. » الجدل» رافقه وطني شعار أوال األردنودمشق عّم�ان بين االنتقادات نار أشعلت التي اإلعالنية الحّملة

نحاس: روفان عمانشعار على األسد بشار السوري الرئيس من تهجم بأنه البعض وصفه ما تسبب

» مؤتمر» خالل سنوات، اربع قبل اعالنية حملة في اطلق الذي ، أوال األردنالصحف حملتها انتقادات بموجة مؤخرا دمشق في عقد الذي العربية األحزاب

. رأوه ما على والصحافيين الكتاب من كثير رد فقد الماضي االسبوع خالل األردنيةغير تهجم هو جرى ما ان اعتبرت وأعمدة بمقاالت االسد الرئيس من تهجم انه

. سوريا مثل شقيقة دولة من الئق

Abu Hammour signs accord to implement first phase of Maan Industrial EstateBy Roufan Nahhas 20 October 2003AMMAN. Industry and Trade Minister Mohammad Abu Hamour on Sunday signed an agreement with the officials of China Wuhan Water Construction Engineering Co. to implement the first phase of Maan Industrial Estate in the south of the Kingdom.

- درون‌ از نگاه فلسطين چاپ صنعت

محاصره شرايط در چاپاشغال‌ و

  - اگر فلسطين در چاپ - بتوان‌ صنعت و سياست تلاقي در شناخت نام اين با را آن صهيونيستي اقتصاد رژيم نقش ميان اين در و ندارد مناسبي ساير روزگار از آشكارتر

است، ديواري عوامل حالا تا 640به‌خصوصكه است صدد در هم كيلومتريرا فلسطيني‌ها كند دست هميشه از .كوتاه‌‌تر

كه فلسطين در چاپ اوضاع از مي‌‌ماند گزارشي به واقع در مقاله براي ( Roufan Nahhas )نحاس روفان  توسط اين اردني به MEPrinterماهنامه روزنامه‌نگار


Accuracy and fairness




s rig


Reliability Journalism World Advertising News Questions

People Money problems‌



nt M




Yes… journalists make mistakes


Even Bigger

Talal Abu-Ghazaleh MediaThe News Agencies•AG-IP-NEWS AGENCY•TAG-IT News Agency•TAG-Education News Agency


Department of Linguistics Documentation DepartmentCommunication and PRWebsites and special assignmentsTAG-ForumMultimedia Department



TAG-IT News 029114207978417108452

TAG-Educa News00040575158


Media PartnershipsMedia Exclusivity


Documentation Department

• Total emails: 604.057

• Circulation (PRs, newsletters, ads)• In 2012: 8.251.503• In 2013: 9.928.448


Communications & PR•DON’T rely completely and solely on the power of a press release•DO use an integrated approach•DO get in valuable face time with the media on a regular basis•DON’T just use social media, embrace it


What we need?

• Contact more journalists and media outlets in various countries.

• Introduce our services and plans• Build relationships with the media• Give journalists what they want…a good story• Read their stories and give feedback• Respect their expertise• Rapid response17

Some statistics

• In 2013:Press Releases (English and Arabic) 424Press Clippings 4000+Interviews 50+


Websites & Special Assignments

• TAG.Org.com• TAG-Personal Website• The-institution Website• WTO Website• www.tag-forum.org/

• Facebook: tagforum• Twitter: tag_forum

• Amman Jordanian National Orchestra Association• TAG-Org film documentary • Emad Hajjaj (Abu Mahjoub) 10th anniversary expo


Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum

• www.tag-forum.org/• Facebook: tagforum• Twitter: tag_forum

• 30+ events


Multimedia Department


In 2013:Photography•7000 photos•1400 photos for the media•And 140 events

Videography•400 hours •60 events

Please, interrupt me! (Really!)



Maintain RelationshipsDistribute Informative Content

Promote Upcoming EventsShare Successes


What is wrong with my Newsletter?

LongLong headlinesUnclear photosA lot of errorsReally old newsDone fastUnfocused


How to fix it?


-Make it short NO one has the time to read a 20-page newsletter

-Use headlines with few words as a means to summarize the article

-Using unclear or unrelated photos can give a negative impact

-Edit and edit and edit not just copy and paste

-What is the percentage of people who are interested in 3-month old news 4-month 5-month

-Always have a plan that does not include finishing the newsletter in one hour

-Ask yourself did I achieve any target??

Social Network Sites (SNSs)

Social media is a continually evolving realm with amazing potential for

business communicationsAttracted millions of users

Daily practices

Help strangers connect based on shared interests, political views, or activities

Social power

In 1979, the first SNS was established

Sixdegrees.comAIM and ICQ

Twitter, Facebook…etc


8 out of 10 American companies are on Facebook, only 45 percent are on Twitter



What happened to the traditional PR?

•Social media made information readily available•Distribute your content to millions•Engage with your message•Use more than one channel to distribute your content•Communicate your message in real-time


Abu-Ghazaleh Tackles the Role of Technology at Dubai's Board of Directors 2013 ConferenceIT has become an integral part of every businesses functioning with organizations having adopted a wide range of IT technologies to meet various business demands. This means that any IT infrastructure typically consists of a multitude of vendors and technologies helping to keep businesses functioning- HE Dr. Talal Abu-GhazalehDUBAI-----November 2013-----HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh organization (TAG-Org) discussed the role of technology in gaining timely information at the Board of Directors 2013 conference held at Al Bustan Rotana in Dubai.

TAG-Confucius Organizes A Seminar on Chinese Economy Prof. Feng Li will tackle several key issues regarding the Chinese economy with a special focus on China’s International trade policies, Trade opportunities, Shanghai Free Trade Zone and Current investment environment in addition to other related subjectsAMMAN----November 2013------ Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Confucius Institute, the official testing center for China's HSK examinations (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi), will organize a seminar by Prof. Feng Li, Associate Professor, College of Business, at the Shenyang Normal University on Chinese Economy on Monday Dec. 2nd at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Forum (TAG-Forum).

Abu-Ghazaleh Launches Four Major Initiatives in Intellectual Property

TAG-Creation aims to provide the necessary support that innovators and entrepreneurs need through introducing them to investors, funding agencies, mentors, and business planning experts. On another level, TAG-Creation works closely with companies looking to establish a presence in the Arab world. It conducts market research and identifies credible partners, licensees, franchisees, and agents to facilitate technology transfer in the Arab world- HE Dr. Talal Abu-GhazalehDUBAI ---- December 11, 2013 ---- HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) and chairman of the Arab Society of Intellectual Property (ASIP), delivered the key note speech at the first Intellectual Property Forum entitled “Towards Fair and Safe Trade” held at Jumeirah Beach Hotel in Dubai.


البرنامج تخريج حفل يستضيف أبوغزاله : بعنوان نزاهة لّمشروع األول التدريبي

" تطالب" .. حقك تعرف حقكثاني 13عمان – سعادة- 2014كانون رعى

الملكية اللجنة عضو أبوغزاله، طالل الدكتورفي المشاركين تخريج حفل والشفافية، للنزاهة " تطالب " .. حقك تعرف حقك التدريبي البرنامج

طالل ملتقى في عقد والذي نزاهة لمشروعفايث مؤسسة تديره والذي المعرفي، أبوغزالهالشراكة صندوق مظلة تحت البريطانية ماترزولقد البريطانية، الحكومة من الممول العربية

مصطفى النائب سعادة [ أيضا اإلجتماع حضرمجلس في النزاهة لجنة رئيس الرواشدة،


أبوغزاله طالل ومجّموعة العّمل وزارةوخارج داخل االردنيين لتشغيل تفاهم

األردن الوطني" المشروع إطالق على التوافق

" التدريب خالل من للتوظيفثاني 8عمان- العمل- 2014كانون وزارة وقعت

البشرية الموارد وتطوير للتوظيف وأبوغزالهمذكرة أبوغزاله طالل مجموعة شركات إحدى

في والتنسيق التعاون دعم الى تهدف تفاهمفرص وتوفير األردنيين وتشغيل تدريب مجال

وخارج الخاص بالقطاع المملكة داخل لهم عمل. والخاص العام القطاعين في المملكة

Quality Control The second line of defense

To err is human


What happens to your PR?Researched


Re-editedApprovedCirculatedAnd again



Actions that promote a product or service


to the public


Types of


OfflineWord of Mouth



And there is…

The Marketing Mix

Price Product

Promotion Place

People Process

Physical Environment




• People with Journalistic background• People with excellent communications skills in

both languages English and Arabic• Training for those who are willing to learn

about: Newsletters, writing…etc• More organization from the event owner



Thank you



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