every job is a sales job: use these 5 skills to accelerate your career

Post on 21-Apr-2017



Leadership & Management



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Every Job Is A Sales Job:Use These 5 SkillsTo Accelerate Your Career

By: Avi Mizrahi

Is Sales a Dirty Word?

Unfortunately, manypeople sharean outdated, and ofteninaccurate, view of thesales profession.

I Bet You've Sold Something Today.

You don’t have to bein a ‘sales’ job tobe using selling skills.

You sell your skills andexpertise in a job interview.

You sell your solutions to fixwork problems toyour manager or clients.

You Use Sales Skills Everyday.

Influencing Without Authority andProviding Value-Based Solutions


Like It or Not, We're All In Sales Now.

Our ability to influence and provide solutionsrequires a service-first mindset and highlydeveloped communication skills.

Sales Is A Critical Business Function.

Nothing happens in business until someone sellssomething of value to someone who needs it.


Yet, We Didn't Receive SalesTraining in Business School.

Whether you are an extrovert,introvert, or ambivert, sales skillscan be learned and applied tonon-selling corporate roles.

The Following 5 Sales Skills Will Help YouBecome More Effective In a Non-Sales Role.

1. Plan Your Sales Goals.1. What would make thiscall successful?2. Why am I making thispresentation?3. Where should Ifocus the discussion?4. How likely is it thatmy audience will say'YES'?5. When will Irealistically see results?

2. Understand Your Customer's Needs.

Put yourself into the decision maker's shoes.Understand their worries, risks, responsibilities,and goals. Show how how your idea will impactthe metrics that matter most to them.

3. Master The Art & Science of Story Telling.

It’s a noisy world out there andattention spans are short. However,we are drawn in to a storythat resonates with our perspectiveand provokes an emotionalresponse. Click here for simpletechniques you can try.

4. Be Interested and Be Interesting.

Be genuinely interested in whomever youare meeting with. Ask appropriatequestions to advance the conversation,

then listen actively. Click here to discoverthree powerful questions you can startusing in your meetings.

5. Adopt a Learning Mindset.

We stop growing when we stop learning. If thingsdon't go your way, shut down the negative selftalk. Instead, seek a better understanding of theother party's perspective and create win-winsolutions.

Give More Than You Take.

Did you notice that the skills on this listrequire you to focus on another person? Thebest sales people and organizational leadershave this mindset. Use the sales techniquesabove to accelerate your non-sales career.

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