everybody wants one! using voyager short loan to reserve group study rooms heather scalf assistant...

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Everybody Wants One!

Using Voyager Short Loan to Reserve Group Study Rooms

Heather ScalfAssistant Coordinator, Access Services

UT Arlingtonscalf@uta.edu

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Our policies-configured in Voyager

Group Study rooms are available to all Faculty, Staff and Students

Three of the four rooms include a new Smart Board with PC and a laptop connection

Reservations may be made for one time slot per day, from 1 to 3 hours

Reservations may be made as much as 2 weeks in advancehttp://library.uta.edu/facilities/enhancedGroupStudy.jsp

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Group Study Rooms are very popular

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Group Study Rooms are very popular-low tech

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Group Study Rooms are very popular-high tech

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Configuration steps

Lots of SysAdmin configurationCirculation User’s Guide is very helpful

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Create your Item Type

This is not required, as you can configure any item type to be short loanable

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Configure Item

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Set up your SL Matrix

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Set up your SL Matrix

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Circ Policy Matrix-Patron Rules

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Set your Intervals

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Do you want a Buffer?

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Set Advance Booking Days

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

It is possible to have Patron initiated SLs via the OPAC

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Configuration steps

Lots of SysAdmin configurationCirc jobs must be configured on the


Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Circ jobs on the server

Circjob27 updates the status of current requests and archives expired requests

You can set up a chron run at frequent intervals in order to clear requests We run it every 15 minutes

Voyager 7.1 Technical User’s Guide, Chapter 8, Circulation Batch Jobs

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Configuration steps

Lots of SysAdmin configurationCirc jobs must be configured on the

serverThen there are dynamic web pages to


Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

How users know availability


Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

How to create this page

http://rocky.uta.edu/doran/rooms/As always, the code for creating this

dynamic web page is thereThere is a stand-alone version, andA web service versionDoran’s comments on this code - Note that this

is not a "plug-and-play" type of application: adapting it would require significant code wrangling. It is also not an application that I intend to support -- it is being made available "as is".

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Configuration steps

Lots of SysAdmin configurationCirc jobs must be configured on the

serverThen there are dynamic web pages to

createThen you create the items in Circ

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Circ Item Record

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Circ Item Record

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Configuration steps

Lots of SysAdmin configurationCirc jobs must be configured on the

serverThere are dynamic web pages to createThen you create the items in CircNow you are ready to run!

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

How you reserve rooms in Circ

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

How you reserve rooms in Circ

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

How you reserve rooms in Circ

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

How you reserve rooms in Circ

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Checking reservations

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Checking reservations

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Checking out rooms

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Checking out rooms

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Pop up Message

If you try to make a reservation and the current day is all booked up, you get this message.

Simply click “OK” and go into the calendar.

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Things that can go wrong

If you have more than one Circ Location open, and you charge/discharge Short Loan items in the wrong one It creates a status of “Item Temporarily

Unavailable” which will prevent future reservations from properly displaying

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Things that can go wrong

If you check items out on the fly, you have to make sure to make them due *on the hour* so as not to confuse the system for the rest of the day

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu

Things that can go wrong

Patron shows up later than 15 minutes (or whatever time you choose) and their reservation has dropped off, and their room is goneService issue

Heather Scalf, Access Services scalf@uta.edu


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