evs for ctet class-06 - online study points

Post on 01-May-2022






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EVS for CTET Class-06By Himanshi Singh
Q.1 Consider the following list: In this list which one of the following is different from others? A. Crocodile B. Tortoise C. Fish D. Crow
Q. !#$& 0 4: 4 !#$& 4 ; ? A. A B. C. E D.
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Q.2 Match the following: Column - I (City/State)
a) Hongkong b) Kerala c) Kashmir d) Goa A. a-V; b-II; c-III; d-IV B. a-V; b-I; c-II; d-III C. Ca-v; b-III; c-II; d-I D. a-III; b-II; c-IV; d-I
Column - II (Most liked food)
I. Boiled tapioca with any cury II. Fish cooked in mustard oil III. Sea fish cooked in coconut oil IV. Chholay Bhature V. Cooked Snakes
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Q.3 Consider the following description of houses: A. In Rajasthan the villagers live in mud houses with roofs of thorny bushes. B. In Manali (Himachal Pradesh) houses are made on bamboo pillers C. In Leh two floor houses are made of stones. The ground floor is for animals and for storing necessary things. The correct statement(s) is/are A. a and b B. b and c C. a and c D. Only c
Q. ; !#$& 0 0 4: A. I 4 K EE
P; S ; $TE ; 4 U
B. E (X Y) 4 ; ;
C. 4 _; U ; $ b ; $
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Q.4 Consider the following statements about elephants: A. Elephants do not rest very much, they sleep 2 to 4 hours only in a day. B. An adult elephant can eat more than 200 kg of leaves and twigs in a day. C. They love to play with mud and water, the mud keeps their skin cool. D. In elephant herd the oldest female elephant decides everything. The correct statements are:
A. a, b and c
B. b, c and d
C. c, d and a
D. a, b and d
Q. d; 4 !#$& ; 0 4: A. E U,
X 4 2 4 U B. I X 4 200
iK d 0k; !;
C. m4 S , S S _
D. 4 E
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Q.5 Which one of the following is a weight lifter of international fame? A. Sunita Williams B. Bachhendri Pal C. Suryamani D. Karnam Malleshwari
Q. !#$& 4 pqE r! k ? A. 0$# B. 4sE C. t& D. t ubE
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Q.6 Desert Oak is a tree which is found in: A. Abu Dhabi B. Australia C. Desert of Rajasthan D. The desert of UAE
Q. dI : A. - 4 B. Iq$ C. I dI D. y dI
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Q.7 An egret bird is often seen on a buffalo's back. This is because the egret: A. feeds on parasites on the buffalo's back. B. feeds on insects present in the grass. C. loves to sing while sitting on the buffalo's back. D. rests after flying for a while.
Q. y U S i : A. U S 0;
& B. 4 S; S
C. U S
Q.8 A lemon sinks in normal water but floats in salty water because the density of: A. Lemon increases in salt water. B. Lemon decreases in salt water. C. Salt water is more than normal water. D. Normal water is more than salt water.
Q. m 4 i S 4 y;i 4: A. B. 4
C. m
d D. m
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Q.9 The animals that are awake at night can see objects: A. In all colours. B. Only in black and white
colours. C. In green colour only. D. In red colour only.
Q. 4 I U: A. ; 4 B. ;
4 C. 4 E D. 4 E
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Q.10 The birds move their neck very often because: A. They can fly. B. The bird’s eyes are fixed. C. The birds have small eyes. D. Their ears are covered with
Q. | t X U y;i: A. U B. dP S 4 I U C. ~|; S 4 E U D. ; U
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