evunar ansis dnd chris

Post on 14-Nov-2015






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Evunar Ansis

Evunar Ansis was born in the village of ???. He was the first son the Errun Ansis and Marion Ansis. He has 1 brother (Michael Ansis) and 1 sister (Sophia Ansis). The Ansis family is known for their great archery skills. Errun is a well-known archery champion, who has become champion for more than 25 times in the region. Although they are excellent archers, they are not hunters. The Ansis family does not use their archer skills for hunt or for killing creatures. They only use their skills in contests.

When Evunar was born he was an active child. Climbing on everything. Jumping from one drawer of closet to the other. He loved in-house free running, his parents didnt. With the climbing and jumping Evunar sustained a lot of wounds like broken bones, scratches or bleeding wounds. On the age of 7 Evunar started taking lessons in archery from his father. The beginning wasnt the most smooth start ever but after a couple of lessons Evunar got better. After 5 years of training Evunar stopped with the Stand and Shoot archery. It became boring and with his active climbing, jumping and free running hobby he had the idea to combine those two.

This combination was what he called Archery on the Move. Shooting at the targets will he was moving, jumping from or over obstacles or when he was free running. His father didnt liked that so much. The Ansis family was a proud and well known champion archery family and Evunars Archery on the Move wasnt the same. One day Evunar stepped to his father and told him that he wanted to be a hunter. Shooting a static targets wasnt fun enough for Evunar and he wanted to be a hunter and forest guard that would protect the village from dangerous animals. His father didnt agreed when Evunar suggested it first and he and his father went in a little fight.

During the fight Evunar was thinking about his suggestion. One night he left from the house to go to the Inn to talk to some villagers about his problem and to fire some arrows with his friends. On his way to the Inn he heard a scream from a woman. When he looked behind him, he saw a man robbing a woman. The woman was bleeding probably from the stick the man had in his hand. Evunar yelled to the man to stop but he didnt listen. He grabbed the woman her bag and ran off. Evunar chased him and shot an arrow in his lower leg. This resulted in the robber to fell down and the city watch could arrest him.

After this event Evunar went home to tell his family about it. But when he came home his father had news for him. He was allowed to be a hunter/forest guard instead of a champion shooter. But although he was allowed to kill animals, his father forbid that Evunar would hurt human beings. After that he didnt told his father that he helped the woman who was robbed because he was afraid that his father would be mad on him.

The next day Evunar when in the forest to search for some animals and to check up the outskirts the village but he was still thinking about last night, how he saved the woman. He wanted to be a protector for the village. Not only against dangerous animals but also against criminals and dangerous people. Although his father didnt allowed it, he was certain that he would help this village, in public or in secret. So from that night Evunar also became a vigilante of ???. He protected the village from any harm without his family knowing of it. It was a dangerous and tough job be he liked it and he wouldnt quit it. Even if his family would find out!

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