examen quimestral noveno

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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Science and Technology


Q u i m e s t r a l E x a m

Name: __________________________________________________ ID Number: ____________ 9no de E.B.S. ________

Teacher: Juan Francisco García Date: ______________

Before you start, read carefully each instruction, take your time to answer, check your spelling and grammar and be sure to write down your full name and ID number on the spaces assign for it. The exam is graded over 100 points. During the test you cannot use any dictionary, electronic device and it´s forbidden to ask for any

other material. Best of lucks to you.

I. IN THE FOLLOWING SECTION, RELATE THE CONCEPTS TO THE CORRECT MEANING. (40 Points Total) 1. In the next table, write down the letter of the concept related to the correct meaning. (1 point each

answer, 10 points total) CONCEPT MEANING LETTER

RADULA The basic structural, functional and origin unit of life.

CELL Mouth piece of mollusks that contains calcium structures like teeth and help them to digest food.

CYTOPLASM A substance that is needed to keep a living thing alive and to help it grow.

ENERGY Layer of the mollusks body that helps to develop the shell.

NUTRITIENT A complete change of form, as part of natural development.

CEPHALOTHORAX All the living material inside the cell except for the nucleus that contains the cellular organelles.

MANTLE Division of the body of some arthropods where the head is fusion with the thorax.

METAMORPHOSIS The relationship between two different living creatures that live close together and depend on each other in particular ways, each getting

particular benefits from the other.

SYMBIOSIS The ability to do work.

INVERTEBRATE An animal organism which do not have an endoskeleton made of bones.

2. In the following section, write down the meaning of the following words. (1 point each answer, 10

points total) a. COELOM:___________________________________________________________________ b. THORAX:___________________________________________________________________ c. PARASITE:___________________________________________________________________ d. NUCLEUS: ___________________________________________________________________ e. PROKARYOTIC:________________________________________________________________ f. ANATOMY: __________________________________________________________________ g. OIL: ________________________________________________________________________ h. FOSSIL FUELS: ________________________________________________________________ i. NUCLEAR FUSION: ____________________________________________________________ j. EOLIC ENERGY: _______________________________________________________________

3. Complete the following statements with the words that are missing. (1 point each answer, 20

points total) a. Animals in the Phylum ____________________ are informally known as sponges. b. The _______________ cycle is the process necessary for the creation of fossil fuels. c. The water is recognized as a ______________ resource due to its short cycle. d. The paramo is a biome of such importance because of the conservation of the

_____________. e. The ________________ energy is produced by the mechanic vibrations of the air. f. The Phylum ___________________ is divided in 4 four classes, but they are well known

informally as flatworms. g. Turbelaria is known by the ______________ cellular layers they have. h. Annelida are distinguished from other worms by their body _________________. i. Arthropods are divided into three groups that are called ________________________,

_____________________ and ______________________. j. The most distinctive feature that roundworms present is a ___________ _____________. k. Sand dollar, sea stars and sea urchins are ______________________. l. Arthropods presents ___________________ symmetry.

m. Crustaceans have ________________ pairs of legs. n. The sun, the wind and the waves are resources for _______________________ energy. o. The cells that move through the mesohyl in sponges and have pseudopodia are called

__________________________. p. The ______________________ is a large openings found in sponges were the water flows out. q. The cnidocytes contain an specialized cnidae called _____________________, which contains

a stinging thread that can penetrate the body wall of the cnidarian`s prey.

II. IN THE FOLLOWING SECTION, SELECT THE CORRECT ANSWER FOR THE NEXT STATEMENTS. (40 Points Total) 4. TRUE OR FALSE. Choose if the statement is True or False. The following section applies the rule of

success minus mistake. For each mistake you have, you lose one of your successful answers. (1 point each answer, 20 points total)

a. Coral reefs provide habitats for many species. ( ) b. Cnidarians can be divided into polyps, that are the mobile form, and medusas, which are the

sessile form. ( ) c. Nematodes are one of the less diverse and abundant groups in the soil and in aquatic

habitats. ( ) d. Molluscs includes snails, clams, squids, crabs, bivalves and octopuses. ( )

e. Echinoderms share a radial symmetry with the roundworms. ( ) f. Many jellies are bioluminescent and can live in abyss depths. ( ) g. A planarian´s head is equipped with several pairs of light-sensitive eyespots and lateral flaps

that function mainly to detect specific chemicals. ( ) h. Platyhelminthes species are not parasites and instead they feed on the dead animals. ( ) i. The cell nucleus is the control center of all the metabolic functions in the cell. ( ) j. One the principles of the Cell´s Theory states that all living beings, including virus are made of

cells. ( ) k. Despite their apparent differences, all mollusks have a similar body plan. ( ) l. Many crustaceans feed by using a straplike organ called a radula. ( )

m. Nudibranchs, or sea slugs, are an example of marine flatworms. ( ) n. Cephalopods undergo a distinctive developmental process known as torsion. ( ) o. Octopuses are considered among the most intelligent invertebrates. ( ) p. The cell wall is a characteristic only found in bacteria and animal cells. ( ) q. Most leeches inhabit contaminated water, but there are also marine species and terrestrial

leeches, which live in moist vegetation. ( ) r. The cephalothorax and the abdomen are characteristics only from insects. ( ) s. The cheliceraes are clawlike feeding appendages found in crustaceans and insects. ( ) t. In the complete metamorphosis, the young (nymphs) resemble adults but are smaller, have

different body proportions, and lack wings. ( )

5. MULTIPLE CHOICES. Select the correct answer and make a circle around it. The following section applies the rule of success minus mistake. For each mistake you have, you lose one of your successful answers. (1 point each answer, 20 points total)

a. Unlike plant cells, animal cells do not have i. nuclei. ii. organelles. iii. cell walls. iv. cell membranes.

b. If a cell contains a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles, it is i. multicellular. ii. heterotrophic. iii. an animal cell. iv. eukaryotic.

c. An animal that has distinct left and right sides shows i. radial symmetry. ii. segmentation. iii. several planes of symmetry. iv. bilateral symmetry.

d. Which term is NOT associated with sponges? i. choanocytes ii. medusa iii. spicules

e. Which of the following best describes the feeding habits of sponges? i. predators ii. filter feeders iii. parasites iv. detritivores

f. Cnidocytes help a cnidarian survive by i. storing food. ii. forming colonies. iii. paralyzing prey. iv. providing movement.

g. Which are the simplest animals to have body symmetry? i. sponges ii. algae iii. cnidarians iv. nematocysts

h. The structure in the cells that produce the proteins are called i. lysosomes ii. peroxysomes iii. ribosomes iv. vesicles

i. A characteristic of cnidarians is that they are i. found only in warm, tropical waters. ii. carnivorous animals. iii. named for their body symmetry. iv. all of the above

j. Coral reefs occur in areas where there are i. high levels of sediments. ii. very deep waters. iii. high levels of light. iv. very cool waters.

k. A non-renewable resource will be i. Water ii. Sun iii. Coal iv. Plants

l. Free-living flatworms, most of which live in marine environments or fresh water, are i. flukes. ii. turbellarians. iii. tapeworms. iv. roundworms.

m. Cells digest food using an specialized vacuole called: i. Golgi Apparatus ii. Rough Endoplasmatic Reticulum iii. Vesicles iv. Lysosomes

n. Roundworms have a i. one-way digestive tract. ii. true coelom. iii. mantle.

iv. radula.

o. Which of these animals has a true coelom? i. filarial worm ii. tapeworm iii. planarian iv. leech

p. Earthworms benefit gardeners because their tunnels provide passageways for i. leeches. ii. polychaetes. iii. plant roots and water. iv. planarians.

q. The thin layer of tissue that covers a mollusk’s body is called the i. mantle. ii. foot. iii. visceral mass. iv. shell.

r. Which of the following habitats do arthropods occupy? i. the sea ii. the land iii. the air iv. all of the above v. only i and ii

s. Arthropods are classified based on the number and structure of their i. eyes and wings. ii. body segments and appendages. iii. muscles and bones. iv. gills and hearts.

t. If a butterfly touches sugar water with one of its legs, it usually will begin to feed. If it touches salt water, it usually will not feed. The most likely explanation for this difference in response is that butterflies

i. cannot tell the difference between sugar water and salt water. ii. can distinguish sugar water from salt water by sight. iii. use the ears behind their legs to distinguish sugar water from salt water. iv. have chemical receptors for taste on their legs.


6. Name the following structures in the next image and state their function. (1 point per name and 1 point per explanation, 6 points total)

7. In the following images, look at them carefully, analyze and describe the type of energy they are

producing. (1 Point each answer, 5 Points Total)

8. In the following images, differentiate the type of symmetry that they have (1 point per answer, 3 points total)


A. B. C. D. E.

A. B. C.

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