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Speaker SheetEXAMPLES

Nancy@GetKnownGetPaid.com | 425-641-5214

Dr. Janet Bieschke Inspirational Speaker

and Story Catcher

What audience MeMbers and clients say

I can’t believe how many people came to mind as you were speaking. You

reminded us that this time is a limited gift and reminded us of the reasons for collecting these stories from our parents. Without your talk, we likely wouldn’t have considered even asking Mom and Dad.

Thank you for helping us Honor our Parents with this Gift of a Lifetime.

Our children already love it and each of our parents appreciated the fact that we took the time have them honored in this manner. It made them feel special. What a gift these touching stories will be for generations to come!

The conversation of a lifetime is just one click away.

Click below to download your 5 Easy Conversation Starters



Janet is a life coach, author, and inspirational speaker teaching Baby Boomers from around the world the importance of honoring their aging parents and avoiding regrets by capturing as many stories as possible before it’s too late.

Skills developed over a lifetime of career accomplishment in industry—including photography, interviewing others, teaching and speaking—now are applied to the most significant work of her life—serving families in a way that becomes a beautiful gift to serve future generations.

Whether she is addressing an intimate group or a standing-room-only crowd, count on Inspirational Speaker and Story Catcher Dr. Janet Bieschke to engage and inspire audience members as she leaves them ready to take immediate action that will honor their loved ones into perpetuity.

Dr. Janet lives in central Wisconsin within driving distance of Madison, Milwaukee and Green Bay.

“My philosophy is simple. When who-you-are and what-you-do are in alignment, you cannot help but to be powerful. It is the Universal Law.” ~ Janet Bieschke

Book Dr. Janet to speak or lead a story catching workshop for your next event.www.DrJanetB.com | 920.946.7413 | janet@drjanetb.com

When life as you know it turns on a dime and the people you love the most aren’t with you anymore, there can be gut-wrenching regrets.

In her talk, Honor Your Parents: Avoid 3 Common Mistakes Kids Make That Cause Regrets From Not Capturing Their Parents Memories, Janet speaks from her interviewing and story-catching experience and provides her audience with 3 powerful ways to avoid each of the mistakes. Audience members:

( Discover the downside of making assumptions and start asking questions instead;

( Get a timely wake-up call to stop them from putting this off a moment longer; and

( Learn ways to get this done that can make celebrating with loved ones even more joyful!

morgana ae r

Morgana Rae is to the transformational coaching industry what E. F. Hutton is to personal finance. When she speaks, people listen …

and most importantly … they take action with their wallets.

The Remarkably Different, Disarming and Powerful “Relationship with Money” Keynote speaker

signature topic

“Make Money Fall In Love With You”If you could RAPIDLY, RADICALLY, and PERMANENTLY change your Relationship with Money, what would that be worth to you? International Wealth Coach Morgana Rae walks you through six time-tested steps to turn your personal Money Monster of scarcity into a Money Honey of abundance. “When you imagine your money as a real, flesh and blood person, worthy of your deepest admiration, you embark on an amazing, love-at-first-sight affair of the heart. Pennies on the ground are like chocolates on your pillow,” says Rae. “I’ve had people report that within hours of hearing my talk, they’ve received unexpected money – tens of thousands of dol-lars or more!” (Read their stories at www.alchemysuccess.com.)

Morgana will:

» Uncover your hidden blocks to financial abundance (they’re not what you think).

» Abolish your financial anxiety.

» Reveal your next step to creating wealth.

» Give you a Revolutionary System you will use for the rest of your life.

Morgana’s life-changing approach will give you a totally new experience of money, enabling you to take a quantum leap toward creating the wealth and abundant relationships that you deserve.

Other topics are in the wings to delight, inform, and inspire.

MORGANA RAE is the international #1 best selling author of Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation. A sought after teacher, speaker and pioneer in personal development, she is widely regarded to be the world’s leading Relationship with Money coach. Morgana’s groundbreaking program for creating wealth has featured her on ABC, NBC, FOX, PBS, NPR, CNN, United Press International, Yahoo Finance and The Wall Street Journal online. She wrote the “Life Magic” column for a national women’s magazine, and was named a Top Woman In E-commerce by WE Magazine. Morgana’s been a featured expert alongside Deepak Chopra, Marcia Weider, Marianne Williamson, Bob Doyle, Loral Langemeier, Reverend Michael Beckwith, Joe Vitale, Arielle Ford, and many others. Morgana’s books, recordings, magazine articles, and clasess have impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Morgana brings over 40 years as a professional performer to deliver powerful, transformational experiences that empower idealistic entrepreneurs, coaches, authors and artists to have a big impact in the world… and to heal the rift between heart, spirit, and money.

Book Morgana and buy her international best seller, Financial Alchemy, Twelve Months of Magic & Manifestation, by the dozen or in abundant quantities to inspire every audience member to embrace the powerful lessons within to manifest magic and money in their lives, long after the conference has concluded.

morgana@morganarae.com | MorganaRae.com | 310.657.5340

“I got more from Morgana’s 45-minute speech than three days at T Harv Eker’s Millionaire Mind Intensive.” ~ Jim Hague, CeO TruTH Seeking SOulS, inC.

“As an event promoter who has promoted over 75 events, I’m so happy to have had the pleasure of working with the powerful speaker and money coach Morgana Rae. She is a GREAT draw and gives you the writeup to make the marketing easy. She delivers her presentation with heartfelt grace and authenticity and moves the audience with her stories and examples. All of this, of course, leads to an exceptionally high number of people purchasing her offer at the end of the evening making the event a great financial success as well. On top of all this, she was easy to work with. If you want an excellent speaker for your event, I highly recommend Morgana Rae.”

~Dan HOrner, new grOunD evenTS

“Morgana, thank you so much for being with us tonight. In 60 minutes, I learned more about money than I’ve been taught in 39 years. Your work is a blessing and breakthrough.”

~PreSTOn True, aCCOmPliSHmenT COaCHing

Don’t Wait Another Minute

Book Morgana Rae, the World’s Leading “Relationship with Money” Expert, Today for

Your Next Conference, Live Event or WorkshopMorgana speaks from live and virtual stages around the world and travels from Los Angeles International Airport. Whether addressing an intimate group or a standing room only arena, count on Morgana to bring up the vibe and bring down the house. Morgana inspires audiences to invest in themselves so everyone wins.

Why Morgana is the Right Choice for Your Event

Funny, insightful, and original, Morgana delivers high-impact programs for your audiences with a low-maintenance experience for you. Your audience will laugh and cry (and race to the back of the room). A true professional, she will personally ensure that your group is fully engaged, empowered, and inspired to take action.

as seen on:

morgana@morganarae.com | MorganaRae.com | 310.657.5340

event planners and Audiences LOVE Morgana

“I lived most of my life believing that being vulnerable made me appear weak or needy and repelled others. My recent cancer experience showed me that people did run when they saw my vulnerability, but they ran towards me instead of away from me.”

– Jocelyn Hastie

Meet International Inspirational Speaker and Cancer Graduate

Jocelyn Hastie

“We found the presentation to be a personal and moving experience that kept us engaged from start to finish. Jocelyn is a talented speaker who mo-tivates the audience with authenticity and bravery.”

~Gillian Graham-radiation therapy, alberta health ServiceS

“Sharing the story of her journey overcoming cancer, Jocelyn is an inspiration. She reaches deep with-in, challenging all of us to live more mindfully, thoughtfully and with pur-pose. If you have the chance to attend one of Jocelyn’s presentations, Do it! You will be enriched by the experi-ence!” ~ Julieann enGel, Founder and ceo,

liFeForce enerGieS, San Diego, CA

Jocelyn leads by example—empowering and inspiring those affected by traumatic injury or illness to rise up from their challenges and stride confidently into their authenticity and vulnerability. Whether the trauma is their own, or that of their loved ones, clients or patients, audiences contemplate these concepts during her signature talk:

We’ll explore how these four ideas lead to a fifth “A” that will transform your life. She will share how facing her mortality shattered her miscon-ceptions about true strength. Jocelyn will challenge you to

y Recognize when independence becomes a curse rather than a blessing

y Discover how to offer, invite, and accept support from your loved ones.

A CPA/CGA with 30+ years of business experience, she chose lifestyle over career. Jocelyn deliberately detoured from the career fast track to partner with her horses, building a sanctuary committed to helping others to learn to heal and nurture themselves and their loved ones.

Jocelyn Hastie

(403) 601-2500 info@unbridled.ca www.unbridled.ca

Book Jocelyn Now as your next keynote speaker or breakout facilitator. Audience members are moved, engaged, and inspired with every keynote and workshop. Whether she is addressing an intimate group or a standing room only crowd of hundreds, count on Jocelyn to inspire audience members to acknowledge the blessings they already have and watch for the ones on the way.

A-PlusThe 4 “A’s” that put and keep life on track

Awareness Acceptance Accountability Appreciation

Participant Feedback... About Joy’s Presentations...

About Joy Evanns:Joy is a digital nomad, traveling the world to share with women the message about saying NO so they can have more of the YESes they want in their lives. By learning to set boundaries in her own life both personally and professionally in her former career as a graphic designer for clients such as Nike & Adidas, she eliminated resentment from her relationships as well as healed chronic asthma and back pain. She is the co-author of the award winning book, More Love, More Joy! Simple Steps to Improve Your Relationships & Your Life.

Sharon VendleFounder/Owner,Serenity Wellness Spa

“The life-changing techniques Joy taught my group were both easy and effective. She has such a unique perspective yet she breaks things down so that new concepts are easy to understand and apply. I highly recommend her as a speaker.”

“I was so pleased with the thought-provoking, interactive presentation. We all took away something meaningful. Joy’s clearly an expert in her field and I would recommend her as a speaker without reservation.”

Breeze CarlilePast President,San Francisco Professional Women’s Network

Linda HallParticipant

“Informative. Fun. Interesting. Inspiring.”

Donna BensonParticipant


Book Joy again and again as a crowd-pleasing, life-changing speaker and break-out session leader who adds massive value with every time and soul-saving strategy she shares.

Book her for your next big event:Call: 415.735.4355 • Connect@JoyEvanns.com • www.JoyEvanns.com

As women entrepreneurs we want to serve and support our clients, our employees, our families, and still not feel empty and exhausted at the end of the day. And yet, culturally, the pressure is always there to take on too much which can leave many of us feeling as though we’re always letting someone down.

No more! This interactive program provides participants with practical strategies to stop the bleeding by saying NO to things that aren’t a fit, and YES to the time and energy for what matters most.

Participants will discover:• How to find between 10-40 hours each month by setting

better boundaries with clients, employees, vendors, colleagues, and even family members.

• How to say NO and have people fall in love with you while you’re doing it.

• What to say to stop leaving cash and energy on the table when facing the dreaded request “I’d love to pick your brain, can I take you to coffee?”

• How to make any NO feel completely guilt-free.

3 Secrets to Take Back Your Time by Gracefully Saying “No” Sanity & Soul-Saving Strategies for Successful Women Business Owners

The “Say NO Like a Pro” Mentor

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