excel2013-basics-and-advanced - · pdf filespreadsheets – microsoft excel 2013 18/75...

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Microsoft Excel 2013 Language: English

Revision 1.0

Updated 3.3.2015

Spreadsheets – Microsoft Excel 2013 3/75

© 2015 Piuha Works Oy www.piuha.fi

Table of Contents

ABOUT THIS MATERIAL ............................... ....................................................................... 6

A COMBINATION: BASIC LEVEL AND ADVANCED TOPICS ...................................................................... 6

VERSION COMPATIBILITY AND LANGUAGE ........................................................................................... 6

STARTING EXCEL .................................... ............................................................................ 6

THE RIBBON-BASED USER INTERFACE ................... ........................................................ 7

THE FILE TAB ................................................................................................................................... 8

THE RIBBON AND TABS ..................................................................................................................... 8

THE QUICK ACCESS TOOLBAR ........................................................................................................... 9

THE MINI TOOLBAR ......................................................................................................................... 10

KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS .................................................................................................................. 10

SHORTCUT MENUS AND THE MINI TOOLBAR – THE RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON ........................................ 10

LIVE PREVIEW ................................................................................................................................ 11


EXCEL 2013'S FILE FORMAT AND COMPATIBILITY ............................................................................. 11

THE ONEDRIVE CLOUD SERVICE AND EXCEL ONLINE ....................................................................... 12

CONVERTING A FILE TO PDF FORMAT .............................................................................................. 13

THE BASICS OF EXCEL ............................... ...................................................................... 14

THE EXCEL WINDOW'S BASIC PARTS AND TERMS ............................................................................. 14

THE EXCEL WORKBOOK AND WORKSHEETS ..................................................................................... 15

Adding, Deleting, and Renaming worksheets ............................................................................ 15

Moving and Copying Worksheets .............................................................................................. 16

THE PARTS OF THE WORKSHEET: COLUMN, ROW, AND CELL ............................................................. 17

MOVING IN THE WORKSHEET AND ENTERING DATA ......... .......................................... 17

CHANGING COLUMN WIDTH AND ROW HEIGHT ................................................................................. 18

SELECTING THE WORKSHEET AND ITS PARTS ............. ............................................... 18

SELECTING THE ACTIVE CELL .......................................................................................................... 19

SELECTING A CELL RANGE .............................................................................................................. 19

SELECTING A WHOLE COLUMN OR ROW ........................................................................................... 19

SELECTING SEVERAL DIFFERENT RANGES ....................................................................................... 19

SELECTING A WHOLE WORKSHEET .................................................................................................. 19

DELETING, MOVING, AND COPYING DATA ................ ..................................................... 19

EMPTYING CELLS ........................................................................................................................... 19

DELETING, ADDING AND HIDING ROWS AND COLUMNS ...................................................................... 19

UNHIDING ROWS AND COLUMNS ...................................................................................................... 20

MOVING CELL RANGES ................................................................................................................... 21

COPYING CELL RANGES .................................................................................................................. 21

COPYING WITH THE FILL HANDLE ..................................................................................................... 21

SERIES AND LISTS WITH THE FILL HANDLE ........................................................................................ 22

FLASH FILL ..................................................................................................................................... 22

FORMATTINGS TABLES AND CELLS ...................... ........................................................ 23

FORMATTING TABLES AND CELLS WITH THE HELP OF STYLES ............................................................ 23

Table Styles .............................................................................................................................. 23

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Cell Styles ................................................................................................................................. 24

OTHER FORMATTING TOOLS ........................................................................................................... 24

Borders ..................................................................................................................................... 25

Cell Background and Font Color ............................................................................................... 25

COPYING FORMATS WITH THE FORMAT PAINTER .............................................................................. 26

COMBINING CELLS .......................................................................................................................... 26

CELL NUMBER FORMAT (NUMBER CATEGORY) ................................................................................. 27

Changing Number Format ......................................................................................................... 28

FORMULAS AND CELL REFERENCES ...................... ....................................................... 29

USING THE AUTOSUM BUTTON ........................................................................................................ 29

OTHER BASIC FUNCTIONS OF THE AUTOSUM BUTTON ...................................................................... 29

FORMULAS AND CALCULATION OPERATORS ..................................................................................... 30

CELL REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 30

Relative Reference ................................................................................................................... 32

Absolute Reference................................................................................................................... 32

Mixed References ..................................................................................................................... 32

ERROR MESSAGES ......................................................................................................................... 34

FUNCTIONS......................................................................................................................... 35

SOME COMMON FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................ 37

AVERAGE, COUNT, MIN and MAX .......................................................................................... 38

CHARTS, HEADERS/FOOTERS AND PICTURES .............. ............................................... 39

CREATING A CHART ........................................................................................................................ 39

Circle (Pie) Charts ..................................................................................................................... 39

Bar Charts ................................................................................................................................. 39

Line Charts ............................................................................................................................... 40

ADDING A CHART ............................................................................................................................ 40

Changing the Location of a Chart .............................................................................................. 42

ADDING A HEADER OR FOOTER TO A WORKSHEET ........................................................................... 42

ADDING A PICTURE TO A WORKSHEET.............................................................................................. 43

DATA MANAGEMENT WITH EXCEL ........................ ......................................................... 43

CREATING A TABLE (FORMERLY A LIST) ........................................................................................... 43

FORMATTING A RANGE AS A TABLE .................................................................................................. 44

SORTING ........................................................................................................................................ 45

FILTERING ...................................................................................................................................... 45

THE DATA TAB AND THE SORT AND FILTER GROUP ........................................................................... 46

MORE FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................. 47

ABS .......................................................................................................................................... 47

SUMIF....................................................................................................................................... 47

ROUND ..................................................................................................................................... 48

COUNT and COUNTIF ............................................................................................................. 48

CONCATENATE ....................................................................................................................... 49

LOGICAL FUNCTIONS AND COMPARISON OPERATORS ....................................................................... 50

IF .............................................................................................................................................. 50

AND .......................................................................................................................................... 52

OR ............................................................................................................................................ 52

NOT .......................................................................................................................................... 52

LOOKUP AND REFERENCE FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................. 53

VLOOKUP ................................................................................................................................ 53

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HLOOKUP ................................................................................................................................ 55

FINANCIAL FUNCTIONS .................................................................................................................... 55

PMT (Payment) ......................................................................................................................... 55

Nested Functions ...................................................................................................................... 56

FV (Future Value) ..................................................................................................................... 57

USING DATES AND TIMES IN CALCULATIONS ............ .................................................. 57

CUSTOM NUMBER FORMATS IN DATES AND TIMES ............................................................................ 58

Calculating with Dates ............................................................................................................... 59

Calculating with Time Values .................................................................................................... 60

PROTECTING WORKSHEETS AND SAVING AS A TEMPLATE .... .................................. 60

PROTECTING WORKSHEETS ............................................................................................................ 60

EXCEL FILE FORMATS AND SAVING A WORKBOOK AS A TEMPLATE ..................................................... 61

Save Location of Templates ...................................................................................................... 62

MANAGEMENT OF LARGE TABLES ........................ ......................................................... 62

FREEZING HEADINGS ...................................................................................................................... 63

Selection-Based Freezing ......................................................................................................... 63

SETTING PRINT TITLES .................................................................................................................... 64

CALCULATING SUBTOTALS .............................................................................................................. 65

SETTING PRINT AREA ..................................................................................................................... 66

PAGE BREAK PREVIEW ................................................................................................................... 66

PIVOT TABLES ...................................... ............................................................................. 67

WHAT ARE PIVOT TABLES USED FOR? ............................................................................................ 67

CREATING A PIVOT TABLE ............................................................................................................... 67

OTHER USEFUL ACTIONS .............................. .................................................................. 69

DATA VALIDATION ........................................................................................................................... 69

The List as a Validation Criterion .............................................................................................. 70

THE GOAL SEEK FEATURE .............................................................................................................. 70

NAMED CELL RANGES..................................................................................................................... 72

ADDING COMMENTS TO CELLS ........................................................................................................ 72

RECORDING MACROS ..................................................................................................................... 74

OTHER ................................................................................................................................. 75

SELECTING AND DELETING EMPTY ROWS ......................................................................................... 75

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The File Tab

When you click the File tab you get to the so-called Backstage view:

Here you can find many of the most basic functions having to do with work files:

• Info (open in the picture), where among other things the file's properties – the author's name and other meta information – can be changed

• New, where you can find a new blank workbook or ready-made templates if desired • Open , Save and Save As • Print – Printing, Print Options and Preview handily in the same place • Share – Share a saved file with others via the OneDrive cloud service (see page 12) • Export – Here you can e.g. convert a file to PDF format

Hint: If you want to browse the open/save files directly in the old way 1) in Options select Save > Don't show Backstage when opening or saving files and 2) add the buttons Open and Save As to the Quick Access Toolbar (see page 9).

The Ribbon and Tabs

Excel's commands and functions have been arranged in The Ribbon in action-specific tabs. The tabs contain logical groups of commands and functions.

Most of the settings for Excel are located here!

Back to the basic view

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The Home tabs contains the most important tools from the familiar standard and formatting toolbars of the previous versions:

The Most Important Ribbon Tabs in Excel File Opening, saving, printing and sharing Home Most frequently needed basic tools Insert Pictures, charts, and other objects to be inserted into

a table Page Layout Settings affecting the appearance of a table Formulas Writing and checking formulas Data Data and database tools, sorting and filtering Review Reviewing, commenting and protecting View Various views and view settings Developer Tools Macros and forms among other things (make visible

in Options!) More action-specific tabs also come available as needed. For example when a chart is selected the tabs pertaining to chart structure, layout, and modification show up (Chart Tools: Design and Format ).

The Quick Access Toolbar

The quick access toolbar, found in the upper left corner, contains general functions needed in many stages of work. In the diagram are the default tools Save, Undo and Redo. You may also add your most frequently used functions to the Quick Access Toolbar.

You can customize the Quick Access Toolbar by clicking this arrow!

Home tab and its groups: Clipboard, Font, Alignment, Number, Styles, Cells and Editing

Also note the little arrow that opens the dialog for this group with all the settings

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The OneDrive Cloud Service and Excel Online

In order to use Microsoft's OneDrive cloud storage from normal Excel, first make sure that you have the necessary personal OneDrive account or the organization's Office 365 Sharepoint account. You can see your accounts and add new ones with the command File > Account :

Personal OneDrive Account has been set up. Cloud saving is already possible.

Add the Office 365 SharePoint account for your organization

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Using the Keyboard to Move in the Worksheet

Key Command Action

Tab Next cell to the right (accepts entered data/formula)

Shift + Tab Previous cell to the left (accepts data/formula)

Enter Next cell down (accepts data/formula)

Ctrl + Enter Accepts the same value for all selected cells at once

Arrow Key The next cell in the arrow's direction (accepts data, not formulas)

Ctrl + Arrow The table’s last (data-containing) cell in the arrow's direction

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow

Selects from the current cell to the end of the table in the direction of the arrow

F2 Start modifying data already existing in the chosen cell

ESC Discard entered data (old data remain)

Home Beginning of row

Ctrl + Home Beginning of worksheet

Ctrl + End End of worksheet

Ctrl + Page Down Next worksheet in workbook

Ctrl + Page Up Previous worksheet in workbook

Changing Column Width and Row Height

You can change the width of columns by clicking between the column headings (letters A-C in the picture) and dragging with the mouse:

You can change the height of rows in the same way by clicking and dragging between the row numbers.

Double clicking between the desired column headings creates an automatic fit with the column's longest data entry. You can also autofit several columns at once by painting over several columns with the mouse and double clicking between two selected column headings. You can adjust several columns to equal width by selecting the desired columns with the CTRL button and dragging one of the columns to the desired width. You can adjust the row height in the same way.

Selecting the Worksheet and Its Parts

It is necessary to select a certain area of cells for many purposes: formatting cells, emptying cells, adding rows or columns, and referring to cell references.

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You can also use the Add and Delete buttons in the Cells group in the Home tab. Then you can delete a column by simply selecting one cell in the column and Delete → Delete Sheet Columns

Unhiding Rows and Columns

In the example in the image the hidden C column is being unhidden:

1 Select columns B to D with the mouse. (All the hidden columns between the selected columns will be unhidden.)

2 Right click on one of the column headings

3 Choose Unhide from the shortcut menu.

Add an empty row or column (cell references and formulas still function).

Delete a selected row or column (will not leave an empty row, cell references and formulas still function).

Only clears contents (an empty row or column is left, not the same as DELETE).

Hide row or column.

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Cell Styles

Ready-made styles are also available for the smaller parts of a table. These can help the reader discern content. Select your cells, click Cell Styles and find a suitable style for the cells in the menu:

Other Formatting Tools

The above-described ready-made table and cell styles are an easy and quick way to format a table. When you want to finish the end result you can use the formatting tools, already familiar from the previous version, found in the Home tab or the cell’s quick access toolbar.




Border Cell background


Font color Opens Format Cells dialogue box where you can find all possible formats

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Formulas and Cell References

Using the AutoSum Button

The most common calculation procedure carried out in Excel is addition. The AutoSum button in the Formulas group of the Home tab exists for this purpose. The button is easy to use when you want a sum to appear immediately under or beside the added numbers:

1. Select the cell where you want the sum to appear

2. Click the AutoSum button, at which point Excel will suggest a range above or beside the cell with a dotted line

3. Accept the suggested range by pressing Enter

If you want you can also first choose the cells you want to add together and click the AutoSum button. The sum will appear underneath or beside the selected numbers. This is useful when the added numbers are in the middle of other numbers – the sum will contain only the desired numbers and a formula will not be accepted separately when pressing Enter. The shortcut key for calculating a sum is Alt + = (so Alt + Shift + 0 ).

Other Basic Functions of the AutoSum Button

Through the arrow on the right edge of the AutoSum button you can open a menu in which you can find frequently used basic functions: Average returns the average of the numbers in the range, Count Numbers returns the number of cells containing numbers, Min returns the range's smallest number and Max the largest. These basic functions are used in the same way as the Sum function above. More about functions on page 35.

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Now the formula will work in other rows as well when you copy it by dragging with the fill handle. If you try changing the discount percentage in cell F3 you will notice that all the prices are updated immediately.

Relative Reference

Ordinary references made with the mouse or keyboard, for example A1, C3 or B5:B10 are called relative references. When a formula is copied, these references automati cally change relative to the original location . The formula in the above example had the relative reference B2 (reduced price), which changed to B3 when the formula was copied to the next row down, in the next row to B4, and so on. So the reduced price is always calculated using the neighboring cell in the same row. This is useful in most situations.

Absolute Reference

In the same example we already encountered a situation where a reference must not change when copying the formula. First we used the mouse to put a normal relative reference in cell F3 (discount percentage) and then we changed it to an absolute reference by pressing F4 key on the keyboard. The reference then changed to the form $F$3: the dollar signs in front of the column letter and row number show that it has been locked into an absolute reference. An absolute reference does not change when you copy the formula . If you want to make a reference absolute, press F4 key at the reference’s location in the formula. Then Excel will lock the reference to always mean this cell even if you copy the formula.

Mixed References

In certain cases you need to create a formula where only either the row or column changes and the other stays the same. In these cases the $ sign shows up in front of only either the column letter or row number to be locked. For example, G$3 (the column changes when copied, the row does not) or $J22 (the row changes when copied, the column does not). By pressing the F4 key several times in the formula at the location of the reference you can browse through all the reference methods.

Relative Reference • A1 • F3 • A1:C10

Absolute Reference • $A$1 • $F$3 • $A$1:$C$10


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In Excel a function is a ready-made calculation formula. A function does a calculation based on given values or arguments and gives one result : There can be from 0 to 255 arguments depending on the function. The arguments can be, for example, cell references, numbers, text, or other functions.

Formulas contained by functions also start with the = sign. The function's arguments are added in parentheses immediately after the name of the function. If there are several arguments they are separated from each other with semicolons ( or commas, depending on your regional settings). Note that that colons are used to mark cell ranges. Adding a Function

1. Select the cell where you want the function and its result 2. Click the formula bar's Insert Function button (or the same button at the beginning of

the Formulas tab):







One argument has been given for the SUM function, the cell range from D2 to D4. The result is 442,40€.

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The AND function returns the value TRUE (1) if all the conditions given are TRUE. If even one of the conditions or arguments is FALSE (0), AND will return the value FALSE.


The AND function returns the value TRUE (1) if all the conditions given are TRUE. If even one of the conditions or arguments is FALSE (0), AND will return the value FALSE.


The NOT function switches a given truth value (FALSE�TRUE, TRUE�FALSE). With the help of the NOT function you can ensure doen not equal to a certain known value. You can also usually test the same with the comparison operator <> (not equal to).

Sellers will be given a 500€ bonus IF Sales exceed 4000€ AND Average feedback value is higher than 3,5

Sellers will be given a 500€ bonus IF Sales exceed 4000€ OR Average feedback value is higher than 3,5

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Lookup and Reference Functions


With the VLOOKUP function you can search for data from a certain vertical column and return a selected value from the column:

Extranet Exercise File: lookup-functions.xlsx

VLOOKUP( lookup_value; table_array; col_index_num; range_lookup)

In the larger pricing table are all the company’s products. The VLOOKUP function can be used to easily retrieve particular data about the product in question from the Products table on the basis of the product code. The arguments for the VLOOKUP function are a condition (the product code), the area to be searched (the whole table from the A to the E column) and which column (number order) the desired data will be found in (e.g. the name from the second column or the price from the fifth column).

1. column 2. 3. 4. 5.

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This is utilized in the Order form table, where an ordered product ID is entered into column A and the amount ordered into Column D. The other data are retrieved and calculated automatically. First the VLOOKUP function is used to find the product’s name in Column B: =VLOOKUP(A4;Products!$A$E;2;FALSE) as well as the price for Column C, but the third argument (col_index_num) is 5 so the formula returns the price data in the fifth column:

Note that the last argument range_lookup is not obligatory, but here the truth value FALSE has been entered. This changes the operation of the function such that it searches for an exact match, so the product code must be exactly right (rational). Now the data also don’t need to be sorted in a particular order. With the default value (TRUE) you can search for the closest match, but then you have to remember to sort the table’s data by the first column in ascending order! TRUE is useful when, for example, you want to calculate a discount or bonus percentage according to a certain graduated table.

VLOOKUP Function Arguments lookup_value The value to be retrieved from the table

table_array The range from whose first column the lookup value is retrieved and a the desired data is returned from a certain column

col_index_num Number of the column in which the returned value is found

range_lookup TRUE: Returns the closest answer (a smaller value than the greatest lookup value). The data must be sorted in ascending order including the first column! FALSE: Searches for an exact value. If it can’t be found the error message #N/A shows up.

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Pivot Tables

What Are Pivot Tables Used For?

Pivot tables are used to quickly make a summary of large quantities of data. In summaries you can decide which point of view you want to analyze the data. Completed pivot summaries can also be updated with one click when the source data change.

Creating a Pivot Table

The pivot action always uses table-formatted data as its source data (see p. 43), where the first row contains the headings and the data records follow as regular data rows. Extranet Exercise File: sales-report.xlsx



Select one cell from the source data table

Click the PivotTable button in the Insert tab


Accept the table range and default settings by clicking OK

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