exclusions now apply to individual letters and...

Post on 05-May-2018






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What’s new in InTouch

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Version 1.9.48 – db 1720 (14th March 2018)

➢ Exclusions now apply to individual letters and emails

Mailshots have always displayed several warnings if the search that generates the recipients list does not have

exclusions applied. We’ve now extended this to individual letters and emails.

Now, if you attempt to write to someone that would normally be excluded from mailshots, InTouch will show

the following warning:

A similar warning will be displayed if you attempt to email them via InTouch.

➢ Testing email mailshots

• You can now save multiple test email addresses to use for sending test emails:

• The test facility is also now available on the mailshots list screen:

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So now, you don’t have to go all the way through the run screen to test your mailshot.

The test email will be addressed to the logged-in user.

This feature only applies to email mailshots – if you select a letters mailshot, the Test tickbox will not

be shown.

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Version 1.9.47 – db 1717 (8th March 2018)

➢ Changing relationships

Before, to change a relationship (for instance, from Husband/Wife to Ex-husband/Ex-wife, you had to delete

the relationship and add its replacement.

There's now a new option:

If you click this, it opens the relationship creator screen and lets you select an alternate relationships.

For adding relationships, you can now select Other, if the one you want to add isn't in the drop-down list:

It will only let you add relations that the grid is set up to display. If all the roles the grid can display are already

included in the Add menu, Other will not be displayed.

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Version 1.9.44 – db 1716 (3rd March 2018)


We now have the ability to record consent, by communication category and contact method, both within

InTouch and via the alumni site we host for you. Mailshots now include the ability to add a link directly to the

consent page (no login required).

For this purpose, we have a new attribute: Comms Opt-In, which can be added to prime focus screens and is

edited simply by ticking the appropriate boxes:

It’s completely customisable – you choose the categories and the contact methods available for each one.

The online consent page is a simplified version of the above, which we’ll style in consultation with you.

Please call to discuss if you'd like to use this functionality and we’ll work out the best way of setting it up with

you. We’ll be further upgrading InTouch in the near future to (optionally!) automatically exclude people from

mailshots that haven't given their consent.

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When editing consent manually within InTouch, the Consent Date and How Given are updated only for new

selections. Old consent values will still have their original Consent Date and How Given.

In display mode, therefore, highlight the relevant category/contact method to see the Consent Date and How

Given for that that category/method – spot the difference in the following screen shots:

When editing consent information online, all selections get the same date and any unticked ones are deleted.

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➢ View linked Primes with one click

You may have noticed the new buttons on the dashboard, underneath the report display:

Simply run a search (the one shown lists payments for donations), and then click one of the buttons to instantly

view the records related to those payments in the relationships shown. This also works for searches that

return other types of prime.

You can hide the buttons if you don’t want to use them – click the arrow in the top right-hand corner and the

buttons will collapse out of view:

➢ ‘Pick from list’ values easier to manage

Whereas before you had to go to the attributes list screen to manage the list values available in attribute drop-

downs, now you can do it directly from the tab showing the data:

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Version 1.9.13 – db 1670 (8th August 2017)

➢ Select content of previous mailshot for one-off Outlook email

As well as Email Templates, you can now also select previously created mailshots to send to individual Outlook

mail recipients:

If you select the Mailshot content menu item it opens up the list of mailshot definitions and you can then pick

the one you want. Its content will be copied into the new Outlook email.

You may need to be a little careful about the sizes of images used in previous mailshots, as Outlook has the

annoying habit of sizing them differently from the way browsers do. If the Outlook windows opens up with

images stretched, you may need to resize them, and if the content came originally from an email Template,

please call so that we can show you how to size the images correctly.

Version 1.8.95 – db 1648 (8th August 2017)

➢ Recording Comms preferences for GDPR

There’s now a new attribute available – Comms Opt In.

We’ll be adding it to a number of places in our Alumni Web sites, and it will also be editable manually, as

shown here:

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You’ll be able to include a link in your mailshot emails that will take them automatically to an opt-in page on

your Alumni site. This will not require an explicit login.

➢ Actions, Notifications and Reminders

You can now:

• Define things you want yourself or others to be notified about when they happen

• Create Actions and assign them to yourself or other users

• Create Reminders for actions, meetings and other types of Diary Items.

Please call if you'd like help setting this up – it’s a Beta feature and we’ll be making changes to it based on your


Version 1.8.61 – db 1591 (22nd March 2017)

➢ Customised Prime Focus tabs allow restore of previous design

You’ve always been able to add and remove Attributes from tab pages; we’ve now changed the way a new

design is saved so that you can go back to earlier layouts quickly if necessary.

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Version 1.8.34 – db 1552 (17th Jan 2017)

➢ Direct export of Gift Aid report to HMRC spreadsheet

We’ve simplified the process of creating Gift Aid reports using the HMRC official spreadsheet. Whereas before,

the exported GA report could be copied into the HMRC official spreadsheet, now it’s a one-step process:

Just run the Gift Aid search in the usual way, and click the new button with the HMRC logo shown here:

This generates a spreadsheet in official HMRC format directly:

Version 1.8.32 – db 1546 (11th Jan 2017)

➢ Main menu changes

As we’ve added features over time, the main menu has become a little disorderly. So we’ve rearranged it to

group related features together more logically, and remove a few that aren’t used any more.

1. The Central menu is now the InTouch Web menu, and it contains various web-related items:

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2. The Tools menu is now a lot shorter – obsolete functions have been removed, and others moved to

more logical places on other menus:

3. The Find menu is now where you manage Exclusion searches – there are now different ones for

different purposes (see below):

There are other less significant changes – if you can’t find something you're used to using, please call!

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➢ Specific exclusion searches

Before now, InTouch has supported only one exclusion search – usually used to exclude the Deceased and the

Do not mails from mailshots.

If the Apply Exclusions tickbox is ticked, the records matching the exclusion search are automatically removed

from the results:

Now, you can set up different exclusion searches for different purposes. These can all be managed from the

Find menu:

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Find > Base Exclusion search lets you edit the so-called Base exclusion search. This is the one you're used to,

and if you don’t change anything, everything will continue to work as it did before.

Find > Specific Exclusion searches lets you set up exclusion searches that apply to different types of mailshots,

as well as what we call Standard searches (everything other than mailshots).

Just select the type of exclusion you want, and edit the search accordingly.

For instance this search, for email mailshots only, excludes the deceased (as before), and any that have a

mailing group of No emails:

You can create specific exclusion searches for:

• Email mailshots

• Letter mailshots

• SMS (Text message) mailshots

• Standard searches (everything else)

The mailshot functionality knows which exclusion search to use in each case.

Please call if you have questions about how to use this feature.

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Version 1.8.29 – db 1541 (5th Jan 2017)

➢ Fast reporting

Dashboard reports and relationship displays like Event Invites and Bookings should now build considerably

faster. Grids also now build in the background so the screen should no longer be unresponsive while long lists

are building.

➢ Miscellaneous

• Passwords no longer selectable for reports

• Moderation emails now formatted as HTML rather than plain text

• Auto-setting of Donation Status:

▪ Pledge if a donation is created with no payment and no schedule

▪ Partial if a donation is created with a schedule

▪ Complete if a donation is created with a payment equal to the expected amount

• Auto ‘thank you letter’ prompt if you create a donation. This is a selectable option in the Donations


• Numerous minor changes and fixes.

As always, please call if you have any questions.

➢ QuickShots - mailshots from the dashboard

This is currently a beta feature, which we can switch on for you on request. The idea is that you’ll be able to

run a search on the dashboard, and click on a new button to generate a mailshot directly from one of your

saved email templates:

If we switch the feature on for you while it’s in this beta phase, we’ll ask you to run some test mailshots with us

before you start to use it routinely.

Version 1.7.96 – db 1482 (11th Sept 2016)

➢ Meetings, Appointments, Visits

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InTouch now lets you record meetings, appointments and visits as comms – which appear on a new comms grid

display that replaces the old one. The new functionality is included at this version, but not switched on by

default. Please contact us if you’d like us to switch it on for you.

The new comms grid has a number of changes:

• The comm-type selector on the left has been removed – most people don’t use it to select different

comm types for display since they prefer to view a full comms history. If this change proves to be an

unwelcome limitation then we’ll add a new way of restricting the selection in a future version.

• The standard comm types are still available on the menu, but there’s a new one:

Choose the type you want, and the role in the Diary Item played by the person whose record you're in,

and you get a customisable data entry form that lets you fill in the details:

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• Give the meeting (in this case) a title, and Save.

• Refresh the grid (F5) and the diary item will display in the list of comms, and also on the InTouch


The new comms grid is much more customisable than before; the Manage function gives access to the

customisation functions:

Please call to discuss how to get the new grid set up in the way that’s best for you.

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➢ Drag and Drop email import

You may have already noticed the Outlook icon at the bottom of the Comms display:

Drag an email from your Outlook Inbox to import it into the record you're in. InTouch will match the

sender/recipient email addresses against the database, and prompt you if they don’t belong to the current

record, but you can still save it if you wish.

➢ Customisable auto-scroll on relationship displays

For a long time there's been an option on relationship displays, to quickly auto-scroll to a particular record. this has been useful historically when a large number of records are shown in the grid. For instance:

Before, this only worked if the relationship display showed a Name field, and then only if the Name was the first column. Now you can customise the grid to choose any field to act as an auto scroll field.

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Use Edit definition > Other Options tab to set this:

… and then Save as usual. Now when you type into the auto-scroll box on the top-right of the display, the letters you type will be matched against the field you’ve selected, and the grid will scroll to that one. To switch auto-scroll off, just untick the Include autoscroll tickbox and save.

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Version 1.7.83 – db 1451 (13th July 2016)

➢ Family Attributes – when updating, check for other records with the same data

Suppose you're updating an address, and someone else in the database has the same address. InTouch now

gives you the option to update both at the same time. Not just addresses – you can specify any attribute you

like as a ‘family attribute’.

To use this:

▪ Tools > Customisation Options > Attribute Options tab

▪ Click Add and select an attribute to set as a family attribute – Address in this example:

If you then edit an address, InTouch will check to see if other primes have the same address, and will offer you

the option to update them as well:

As you can see, you can either apply the edit to all the primes that share the data, update the selected prime

only, or cancel without updating.

Note: although if you delete a shared address, InTouch will ask you if you want to delete the other instances,

adding a new address is NOT propagated across family members.

This feature is used to update or delete identical data shared by any records, and is not based on relationships.

This is a system setting – it applies to all users.

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