exclusive interview: p'kolino

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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Kids need a lot of things to grow into the healthy and happy adults they were meant to be. And while food, clothes and a roof over their head is important, there's one thing they need a lot of that's tons of fun: play. The children's furniture and toy company P'Kolino (pronounced Pee - ko - lee no) are experts in creating products that encourage play, are safe for kids to use and parents won't feel like are an eyesore for their house.Founders J.B. Schneider and Antonio Turco-Rivas know a thing or two about what kids want; as dads themselves they understand how vital the worlds of play and imagination factor into producing creative, open-minded and talented grown-ups uniquely in tune with tackling the problems of the future. Going off of plenty of experience and intuition, they also employ much research into the science of play, maximizing their products to increase all sorts of development in kids. They also value and utilize collaboration--working with tons of smart and talented folks and working with kids to give feedback on their designs.Creativity isn't just reserved for their furniture and toys; the founders and designers at P'Kolino understand that business itself is a kind of art--and infuse every aspect, from marketing to design, with creativity. We got to talk with J.B. about the company's beginnings, his own background and just where the unique name P'Kolino comes from:


Exclusive Interview: J.B. Schneider of P'kolino

For more information about P’kolino’s creative and playful products, visit pkolino.com. For more podcasts, design posts and design advice, check out the blog at 2modern.com

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