exittoc run & route directions 2003 editing run and route directions edulog.nt v9.2 use the...

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ExitTOCRun & Route Directions 2003

Editing Run and Route Directions

Edulog.nt v9.2

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2ExitTOCRun & Route Directions 2003

Table of Contents

Displaying a Run Getting Run Directions

Edit Run Directions Window Run Directions Report

Creating a New Macro Using Microsoft Word

Running Your Macro

Add a Macro Button to the Toolbar

Formatting Tips While Recording a Macro

3ExitTOCRun & Route Directions 2003


The examples in this online training presentation were prepared with previous data from Davie County and are merely a guide.

You can apply the instructions and use your own county data to practice the step-by-step process, but first perform a backup of your data.

4ExitTOCRun & Route Directions 2003

Editing Run/Route Directions

• Edulog.nt Run and Route Direction reports

• Reporting on Hazards

• Customizing Reports by Creating Macros in Microsoft Word

This presentation will cover:

5ExitTOCRun & Route Directions 2003

Displaying a Run(s)

From the menu bar choose Runs > Display

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Displaying a Run(s)

Find, then choosethe runs to display:

1. Type in full or partial RunID

2. Choose run(s) from list, then OK.

Remember: we can use Ctrl key to select/deselect more than one run.

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Run is displayed as a crows flight

Zoom into your displayed Run…

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Run is displayed as a crows flight

Notice the Stops and Runs layers that are displayed on the left

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• Clicking on the Left Check box will remove our run layer

• Clicking on the Right check box will unload our run layer.Typically, we’ll use just the left check box. If you unload a layer you will have to reload it.

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Getting Run Directions

Redisplay the layers and then

click on

‘display/create directions’


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Run now follows street map

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Edit Run Directions Window

• Run ID – shows current run selected. Only one run can be edited at a time. If multiple runs where displayed, you could use the drop down menu to select another run or the mouse tool and click on desired run.

Covered in another class… for now we are only interested in Generate Report

• Generate Report – click here to choose parameters for printing run directions. Here, you can choose select multiple runs for printing purposes.

• Segment directions and Stop information – directions can be edited by clicking on a segment(s) and adding or deleting directions. (buttons below window)

• Edit Stop times – clicking here allows you to change times at stop.

• Auto Generate – If changes where made to the run, you could update the directions by clicking here, The option to Delete Existing Directions is available too.

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Run Directions Report Window• Fill from keyfinder? Remember …….

• Fill from working list?

New to you… covered in detail later

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Run Directions Report Window

• Select Student Fields – click here to customize the report with student information.

• Here all types of student information can be pulled into the Run Direction report!!!! Just click on the desired item (left side) and Add it to the selected fields area (right side). Adjust as necessary.

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Run Directions Report Window

• Options, Load and Directions – More parameters to choose from before printing

• Note: when you select to view and print report your directions will open up in some type of text editing program. The default program is Notepad, but I’ll be talking about other programs we can use that add wonderful features….

Name and location of report. Do not change the path.

• Page breaks – if you use a laser or inkjet printer, you’ll probably want to select page breaks before printing. Continuous form paper printers could do otherwise.

• View and print report –Allows you to view and format your directions before you send them to the printer.

16ExitTOCRun & Route Directions 2003

In this example:

• Todays date• Run ID• Route #• Bus #• Description• Time at Stop• Stop ID• # Miles• Full Directions• Etc…

• What might we be missing??? Or what would be important to know about this particular run??

Run Directions Report

17ExitTOCRun & Route Directions 2003

Lets go back to our map and see what is encountered on this segment of the run. What Segment is that in red? How could we identify it?

A RailRoad Crossing! We need to make sure these warnings are in our Run directions.

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So, have we taken care of that in our report?

The answer is ‘yes’ but could we do a better job for the driver who has to read these directions?

The answer is also ‘yes’ and here is where customization enters the picture by Creating and Using Macros in Microsoft Word to replace the ******** with the word Warning or RR, etc.

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Creating and Using Macros in Microsoft Word

The next five slides will cover:

Creating A New Macro

Running Your Macro

Adding A Macro Button to the Toolbar

Formatting Tips While Recording A Macro

Don’t be afraid to experiment and have some fun customizing the look of your Run and Route Directions report.

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Creating and Using Macros in Microsoft Word

Creating a new Macro:

Open your document in Microsoft Word

From the menu bar select Tools > Macro > Record New Macro

Name the macro. Example: Format_RunDIR (no spaces, but underscores okay)

Click OK

The macro tool bar appears and you are now in the record mode. Note that your cursor now has the symbol of a cassette

Do what you want to the document. Remember your every move is being recorded

When finished, click the stop recording (square) button

The macro you just created will not need to be run for this document because you actually made all the edits to your current document while in the act of creating the macro itself. Your new macro has automatically been saved in Microsoft Word and can be used at any time.

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Creating and Using Macros in Microsoft Word

Running your Macro:

Open your document in Microsoft Word (ie. right-click on document and choose open with…)

From the menu bar select Tools > Macro > Macros

Choose the Macro you want to run

Click the RUN button (notice all the changes being made)

If satisfied, save and/or print your file

22ExitTOCRun & Route Directions 2003

Creating and Using Macros in Microsoft Word

Adding a Macro Button to the Toolbar:

Open Microsoft Word

From the menu bar select View > Toolbars > Customize

Under Categories, choose Macros

The macros that you have created will appear on the right side of the window

Left-click and drag your macro to the menu bar

With your pointer over the macro name on the tool bar, right-click to get a drop down menu

Click in the box beside Name: and change the macro name if desired

Click the Close button

You can now run the macro at any time with the click of this button

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Creating and Using Macros in Microsoft Word

Formatting Tips While Recording A Macro

1. Use all of the menu items in MS Word as normal, this includes the shortcut keys

For example: There are three ways you can bold existing text in MS Word but first you must select (highlighted) the text to be bolded.

Click the B button on the menu bar. (This button will only be available if the formatting tool bar has been activated)

From the menu bar select Format > Font

Use a shortcut key Ctrl+B; while holding down the Ctrl key, press B on the keyboard.

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Creating and Using Macros in Microsoft Word

2. Find/Replace a word. The function Replace in MS Word allows you to do more than just find and replace a word. There are also formatting possibilities.

 For example: You can find a particular word(s), replace the word(s) with what ever text you need, and then format the new text to be bold and underlined, new color, etc. along with adding a page break or blank line after the text. The following steps are very basic and incomplete, but should give an idea of the process:

From the menu bar select Edit > Replace (shortcut key Ctrl+H)

Find what: type in the word(s)

Replace with: type in the word(s)

Click the More button to expand your window (if needed)

Click the Format button for a drop down menu. This is where you setup the formatting for your new text.

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Editing Run and Route Directions

This concludes the training presentation

Go back and review specific areas or click Exit to leave the presentation

Edulog.nt v9.2

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