experience safe and secure abortion with ru-486/abortion pills

Post on 28-Jul-2016






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Short Note on Medical Termination

Medical termination of pregnancy is not suitable for every female. It needs careful screening process. It is not an appropriate option for females who are below 17 years of age.

Purposely finishing a pregnancy early through a variety of means of abortion continues to be one of the most notorious topics. One method of abortion is RU-486, or the Abortion Pill, which is an artificial steroid that is used to finish a pregnancy early and it is a useful method of preventing a female's body from producing progesterone hormone that sustains early pregnancy.

What it contains?

RU-486 has generic Mifepristone in 200mg strength

in oral formulations that ends early pregnancy by

interfering with the action of progesterone hormone

and thus preventing the attachment of fertilized

ovum to uterine wall.

How it works?

If you have any IUD insert then it must be taken out before you take RU-486.

RU-486 blocks the action of progesterone hormone, which is required to continue a pregnancy. This blockage results:

Change in the uterine wall lining and detachment of fetus from it.

Dilation and opening of cervix.

Increased uterine sensitivity that leads to contractions and movements.

Expulsion of detached and fragmented fetus from female body as vaginal bleeding in form of blood clots and dead tissues.

Method to take it

On the day of abortion a females is suggested to swallow 3 tablets of RU-486 containing Mifepristone (200mg each) as single dose orally with water.

2 days later on 3rd day after tablet intake female is suggested to visit the doctor to check her pregnancy termination.

If the result is negative means your pregnancy is not terminated then you are advised to take 2 tablets of generic Misoprostol (200mcg each) as single dose. Method to take it is either orally or vaginally.

After second tablet intake consult health care provider on 14th day of Misoprostol consumption to confirm abortion with clinical tests and ultrasounds.

Do not drink alcohol when you are abortion pills as it will increase the faintness.

Take care of some preventive measures

when you use RU-486 for abortion

RU-486 can only be used for early-term abortions, up to 9 weeks.

Complications can happen in case of hypersensitivity to generic Mifepristone or any other constituent present in RU-486.

List of contraindications for RU-486 includes smokers, women with kidney, liver or lung ailments, asthma, hypertension and clotting disorders

Breast feeding mothers should not take RU-486.

Avoid co administration of RU-486 with any other drug such as NSAIDs or corticosteroids.

Where can you purchase RU-486?

Buy RU-486 online from our online drug portal at

reasonable rates and exciting offers with

confidential payment, safe, secure and fastest

delivery at your door step without any doctor's


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