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Experimentally calibrated population of modelspredicts and explains intersubject variabilityin cardiac cellular electrophysiologyOliver J. Brittona, Alfonso Bueno-Oroviob, Karel Van Ammelc, Hua Rong Luc, Rob Towartc, David J. Gallacherc,and Blanca Rodrigueza,1

aDepartment of Computer Science, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3QD, United Kingdom; bOxford Centre for Collaborative Applied Mathematics,Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3LB, United Kingdom; and cTranslational Sciences, Safety Pharmacology Research,Janssen Research and Development, Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, B-2340 Beerse, Belgium

Edited by Eve Marder, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, and approved April 18, 2013 (received for review March 12, 2013)

Cellular and ionic causes of variability in the electrophysiologicalactivity of hearts from individuals of the same species areunknown. However, improved understanding of this variabilityis key to enable prediction of the response of specific hearts todisease and therapies. Limitations of current mathematical mod-eling and experimental techniques hamper our ability to provideinsight into variability. Here, we describe a methodology to unravelthe ionic determinants of intersubject variability exhibited in ex-perimental recordings, based on the construction and calibration ofpopulations of models. We illustrate the methodology through itsapplication to rabbit Purkinje preparations, because of their im-portance in arrhythmias and safety pharmacology assessment. Weconsider a set of equations describing the biophysical processesunderlying rabbit Purkinje electrophysiology, and we construct apopulation of over 10,000 models by randomly assigning specificparameter values corresponding to ionic current conductances andkinetics. We calibrate the model population by closely comparingsimulation output and experimental recordings at three pacingfrequencies. We show that 213 of the 10,000 candidate models arefully consistent with the experimental dataset. Ionic properties inthe 213 models cover a wide range of values, including differencesup to ±100% in several conductances. Partial correlation analysisshows that particular combinations of ionic properties determinethe precise shape, amplitude, and rate dependence of specificaction potentials. Finally, we demonstrate that the population ofmodels calibrated using data obtained under physiological condi-tions quantitatively predicts the action potential duration prolon-gation caused by exposure to four concentrations of the potassiumchannel blocker dofetilide.

cardiac electrophysiology | computational biology |mathematical modeling | systems biology | drug

Biological variability is exhibited at all levels in all organs ofliving organisms. It manifests itself as differences in physi-

ological function between individuals of the same species andoften more drastically by significant differences in the outcomeof their exposure to pathological conditions. Thus, healthy car-diac cells of the same species and location exhibit a qualitativelysimilar response to a stimulus, i.e., the action potential (AP).However, significant quantitative intersubject differences existin AP morphology and duration, which may explain the differentindividual response of each of the cells (and patients) to diseaseor drug action.The variability underlying the physiological and pathological

responses of different individuals has often been ignored in experi-mental and theoretical research, ultimately hampering the extrap-olation of results to a population level. Experimentalists oftenaverage the results obtained in different preparations to reduce ex-perimental error, therefore also averaging out the effects of inter-subject variation and resulting in an important loss of information.This averaging of experimental data is inherited by theoretical

research, and, consequently, models are often developed fora “typical” behavior within a particular population (1). Therefore,whereas all experimentallymeasuredAPs are different even withina homogeneous population, a singleAPmodel is obtained from thedata, again losing all information regarding intersubject variability.In this paper, we tightly couple experimental measurements

and mathematical modeling to construct and calibrate a popu-lation of cardiac electrophysiology cell models representative ofphysiological variability, which we then use to investigate thecauses of experimentally measured variability in physiologicalconditions and following drug response. Our research builds onprevious studies by us and others (2–4) showing the importanceof mathematical methods such as model populations and sensi-tivity analysis in investigating the ionic determinants of inter-subject variability in biological properties. Previous studies havedescribed the construction of populations of cardiac cell models,building on the work by Marder et al. in neuroscience (5). Sarkaret al. (3) constructed populations of around 300 cardiac modelsby varying ionic properties in an arbitrary range, but no experi-mental calibration of the model population was conducted norwas the predictive capacity of the model population evaluated.Davies et al. (4) adjusted model parameters in the Hund andRudy canine model (6) to obtain 19 different models, which werefit to specific AP recordings at 1 Hz. Given the reduced numberof models and data (e.g., single frequency) considered in the study,it is unlikely that the models obtained are unique or providecoverage representative of the full experimental range.Here, we describe the construction and calibration of a popu-

lation of cell models that is able to represent the variability


Causes of intersubject variability in electrophysiological activityare unknown. We describe a methodology to unravel the ionicdeterminants of variability exhibited in experimental cardiacaction potential recordings, based on the construction andcalibration of populations of models. We show that 213 of10,000 candidate models are consistent with the control experi-mental dataset. Ionic properties across the model populationcover a wide range of values, and particular combinations ofionic properties determine shape, amplitude, and rate depen-dence of specific action potentials. Finally, we demonstrate thatthe calibrated model population quantitatively predicts effectscaused by four concentrations of a potassium channel blocker.

Author contributions: O.J.B., A.B.-O., and B.R. designed research; O.J.B. performed re-search; O.J.B., K.V.A., H.R.L., R.T., and D.J.G. contributed new reagents/analytic tools;O.J.B., A.B.-O., and B.R. analyzed data; and O.J.B., A.B.-O., and B.R. wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.

Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.1To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: Blanca.Rodriguez@cs.ox.ac.uk.

E2098–E2105 | PNAS | Published online May 20, 2013 www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1304382110




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exhibited in specific experimental recordings under physiologicalconditions and to predict intersubject variability in response topotassium channel block. We base our investigations on rabbitPurkinje electrophysiology, because of the importance of Purkinjefibers in lethal arrhythmias (7) and in drug testing in preclinicalsafety pharmacology (8). We hypothesize that intersubject vari-ability in experimentally measured APs is primarily caused byquantitative differences in the properties of ionic currents, ratherthan by qualitative differences in the biophysical processes un-derlying the currents. The equations proposed in our previousrabbit Purkinje AP Corrias–Giles–Rodriguez (CGR) model (9)are considered as the model structure to generate over 10,000candidate models, all sharing the same equations (i.e., the sameionic biophysical processes) as in the original CGR model, butwith different parameter values for the ionic properties, ran-domly selected within a wide range. The cell model population isthen calibrated using a set of cellular biomarkers extracted fromexperimental AP recordings at three pacing frequencies to cap-ture key rate-dependent AP properties. The calibrated modelpopulation is then used to identify the ionic mechanisms deter-mining intersubject variability in each biomarker, yielding infor-mation about the relative importance of ionic currents in thegeneration of the AP at each pacing frequency. Finally, wedemonstrate the capacity of the model population to predictvariability in the response of rabbit Purkinje fibers to drug action(using an independent dataset) and to determine the underlyingionic mechanisms. We specifically show that the calibrated cellmodel population quantitatively predicts the prolongation of APduration (APD) caused by exposure to four concentrations ofdofetilide, a blocker of the rapid component of the delayed recti-fier potassium current ðIKrÞ. We chose IKr block as the interventionto evaluate the predictive power of our population of models be-cause IKr block is the main assay required in safety pharmacologyassessment, because of its importance in long QT-related arrhyth-mias (8). The flexibility of our methodology to construct and cali-brate populations of models means it can be easily applied to otherareas of biology.

ResultsConstruction and Calibration of the Model Population.We generateda large initial population of 10,000 models with randomly variedparameter sets. This initial population was calibrated to retainonly those models that were fully consistent with the experi-mentally observed ranges of six biomarkers at frequencies of2, 1, and 0.2 Hz. The calibration process reduced the populationto 213 accepted models. Fig. 1 shows the time course of differentAPs obtained experimentally (n = 12; red traces), all modelsconsidered in the initial sample (n = 10,000; black traces), andthose accepted into the population because they were in rangewith experiments (n = 213; blue traces).Fig. 2 further illustrates the calibration process and depicts the

biomarker values obtained from each of the 10,000 modelsduring simulated pacing at 1 Hz. We show values from models inthe calibrated population as white dots, values from models rejectedfrom the population as black dots, and the experimental rangesfor each biomarker as gray lines. To visualize the distribution ofmodels across the range of allowed biomarker values, we plot thehistograms of the distribution of values of each biomarker at1 Hz across the population, as shown in Fig. 3. We find that ourcalibrated population of models yields biomarker values coveringthe majority of the experimental range for each biomarker.

Ionic Properties Do Not Exhibit Specific Correlations Within the ModelPopulation. Because many ionic currents are known to act to-gether in different phases of the AP, we investigated whetherthere were correlations between parameters values in the modelsfinally accepted into the population. The parameter sets of theinitial 10,000 models were randomly generated and uncorrelated,

so any correlations we found would be attributable to the cali-bration process. Fig. 4 illustrates the distribution of parametervalues for the 213 models accepted into the population. Theseresults show that the majority of accepted parameter values spanclose to the entire range of sampled values (up to ±100% of theirvalues from the original parameter set of the base model). This iswith the exception of GNaF (the conductance of the fast sodiumcurrent), the allowed values of which are within a narrow subsetof the sampled range. This could be attributable to the fast so-dium current’s role in determining both the velocity and peakvalue of the AP upstroke. We also find that the parameter valuesof models accepted in the calibrated population do not exhibitany obvious pair-wise correlations with other parameters. Formost parameters (excluding GNaF), the values of these parame-ters that were found in accepted models were spread across atleast 83% of the total sampled range. For GNaF, the spread was34% of the sampled range. We do find that for some parameters,the distribution of their values across the calibrated population ofmodels is nonuniform. Specifically, parameter values for theparameters GCaL, GKr, GK1, and GToSus are more often in thetop half of the sampled range, whereas for τNaL, parametervalues are more often in the bottom half of the range. Theremaining parameters appear to be distributed without biasacross the whole of the covered range. Overall, we find that foralmost any parameter value within our sampled range there is aparameter set that includes it and that will produce a valid model.With the exception of the fast sodium current’s role in initial de-polarization, no current appears to have a unique and irreplace-able role in creating the AP.We wanted to identify significant correlations between param-

eter and biomarker values while controlling for the effects of theremaining parameters. Therefore, we used partial correlation,which identifies correlations between variables after taking intoaccount the contributions of one or more additional variables(10) (see Materials and Methods for details). We took each of theparameters that were varied during the construction of thepopulation of models and looked for correlations between eachmodel parameter and any of the biomarkers used. The results ofthis analysis at each pacing frequency are shown in Fig. 5. For

Fig. 1. APs obtained from experimental recordings (red; n = 12), simulationsusing the models found to be within experimental range (blue; n = 213), andall models considered (black; n = 10,000) at 0.2-, 1-, and 2-Hz pacing fre-quencies. Plots extend to 400 ms for 2 and 1 Hz and to 800 ms for 0.2 Hz.Each experimental trace shows a representative AP from experiments onisolated female rabbit Purkinje fibers.

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each biomarker, multiple parameters show significant partialcorrelation. GNaF correlates strongly and positively with peakmembrane potential (Vm Peak) and peak upstroke velocity (dV/dt Max), biomarkers that quantify the initial upstroke of the AP.GKr has strong negative correlations with plateau duration andAPD90, both measures of APD. GK1 correlates primarily withresting membrane potential (RMP). The conductances for im-portant plateau phase currents, GNaL, GCaL, GNaK, and GToSust,all have significant correlations with most of the measured bio-markers at all pacing frequencies. This is consistent with our find-ings that a broad range of parameter values can produce modelsthat are consistent with our data, because multiple parameters in-fluence each measured biomarker. Individual parameter values arestill important for determining the exact balance of currents and,therefore, the specific AP properties of each model.

Model Population Quantitatively Predicts Concentration-DependentAPD Prolongation Caused by Four Concentrations of Dofetilide.Following the calibration and analysis of the model population,we evaluated whether the rabbit Purkinje model population couldbe used to predict electrophysiological response to drug block andto investigate the underlying mechanisms that determine thisresponse for individual preparations. The predictive capacity of thecalibrated model population was evaluated using an independent

dataset not used for model calibration. Simulations and experi-ments were independently conducted for dofetilide at concen-trations of 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, and 0.1 μM, using identical protocolsas described in Materials and Methods. Fig. 6 shows example APssimulated for control (blue traces) and following block of IKrcaused by application of a 0.01 μM concentration of dofetilide(red traces). IKr block caused by dofetilide induces both APDprolongation and increased APD variability, in agreement withprevious studies (11). Fig. 7A shows ranges of simulated ΔAPDvalues (ΔAPD = APD90 with IKr inhibition − APD90 undercontrol conditions, where APD90 is APD at 90% repolarization)obtained using the models in the calibrated population, with ex-perimental values from five preparations shown as dots. The sixthdofetilide preparation in our dataset is excluded from compari-son. This is because this experiment displayed much higher APDvalues at all concentrations (APD90 of 1,851 ms at 1-Hz pacing atmaximum concentration; the other five experiments were 414 ±75 ms at the same concentration). The predicted range ofΔAPDcaused by dofetilide fully covers the range of the experimentaldata for each of the four concentrations.However, for the two higher concentrations, the lower end of

the predicted range of ΔAPD is significantly less than the smallestvalues of ΔAPD seen in the data. This could be because the largernumber of models relative to experiments gives the models fullercoverage of the range of possible prolongation values than theexperiments. To further investigate this point, we compared thevariability in ΔAPD values by analyzing the ranges of ΔAPDseen in subpopulations of five models sampled from the totalpopulation of models, thereby matching the number of modelsto the number of experiments in our dataset. To perform thiscomparison, 100,000 random samples of five models weremade and the range of ΔAPD values for each concentration ofdofetilide in each subpopulation was computed. Fig. 7B showsthe distribution and mean value of these ΔAPD ranges fromthe models compared with the ΔAPD range seen in the experi-mental data. These results show that the mean range of ΔAPDvalues seen in the subpopulation samples agrees well with exper-imental recordings at the three higher drug concentrations. At thelowest concentration, simulations slightly deviate from experiments,

Fig. 2. Scatter plots showing biomarker values for all models when stimu-lated at 1-Hz pacing frequency. Light gray lines indicate experimental mini-mum/maximum ranges for each biomarker. White dots correspond to bio-marker values for models accepted into the population and, therefore,within experimental range; black dots correspond to rejected models out-side of experimental range for at least one biomarker at one or more pacingfrequencies. Each plot shows results for a pair of biomarkers.

Fig. 3. Histograms of the distribution of biomarker values across the pop-ulation of models for 1-Hz pacing. Dashed lines indicate the experimentalrange used to calibrate the population of models for each biomarker at thispacing frequency.

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but this is mostly attributable to the lack of effect of the drug atthis low concentration. This means that some experiments havenegative ΔAPD values attributable to other sources of variabil-ity. Overall, these results suggest that the large number of modelsin the population, relative to the number of experiments, couldexplain the difference between predicted and experimentalΔAPD ranges. Repeating the sampling process several timeswith different sets of 100,000 random five model samples resultsin similar mean values and histograms, indicating our results areindependent of the particular samples chosen.

Baseline IKr Conductance Is the Main Determinant of APD ProlongationCaused by Dofetilide.We wanted to understand how differences inthe underlying ionic properties of rabbit Purkinje cells fromdifferent individual rabbits could affect their AP response to IKrblock. To investigate this, we used partial correlation coefficients(PCCs) to quantify correlations between the parameter valuesand ΔAPD values of each model in the population, as shown inFig. 8A. We found that at all pacing frequencies there was astrong positive correlation between GKr and ΔAPD. ThisGKr/ΔAPD correlation obtained with our experimentally cali-brated model population is consistent with results shown in thestudy by Sarkar and Sobie (12). Rabbit Purkinje cells with alarger GKr are more dependent on the IKr current for repolariza-tion and so will have a greater increase in APD90 following IKrblock than cells with a smaller GKr. Other parameters with asignificant level of correlation with ΔAPD caused by dofetilideinclude the sustained transient outward potassium conductanceGToSust and the inward rectifier potassium conductance GK1. TheL-type calcium conductance GCaL and late sodium time constantτNaL are correlated with ΔAPD at the two higher pacing fre-quencies (2 and 1 Hz), whereas GKs shows significant correlationat 0.2 Hz only. We find that GCaL is positively correlated withAPD90 but negatively correlated with ΔAPD, whereas GKr isnegatively correlated with APD90 but positively correlated withΔAPD, which is consistent with the study by Sarkar and Sobie(12). There is also no observed correlation between controlvalues of APD90 and the amount of APD prolongation following

block, as demonstrated in Fig. 8B, in agreement with previousclinical and computational studies (12, 13).

DiscussionIn this study, we have built a population of cardiac cell modelsthat reproduces and predicts the variability exhibited in AP mea-surements from rabbit Purkinje fibers under physiological con-ditions and following potassium channel block. We calibrated alarge number of models derived from randomly generated pa-rameter sets against the range of variability observed in experi-mental AP recordings and discarded those models with APbehavior outside of the experimental range. This produced apopulation of models with a wide range of underlying ionic currentproperties that all produced realistic electrophysiological output insimulated physiological conditions. We analyzed the variationin underlying parameters and established links between variationin the underlying ionic currents and variation in properties of theAP. We have demonstrated that our model population quanti-tatively predicts the range of variability in APD prolongationmeasured experimentally following block of IKr by four concen-trations of dofetilide.Previous modeling studies of variability in cardiac cellular elec-

trophysiology have focused on variability in a single current (2),sensitivity analyses that finely sample the local parameter space

Fig. 4. Scatter plots illustrating the distribution of ionic properties for ac-cepted models in the population. Each panel shows results for a pair of ionicproperties (including GNaF, GNaL, GCaL, GKr, GKs, GK1, GToFast, GToSust, τCaL, τNaF,and τNaL). The scale in all graphs includes ±100% variation with respect tothe original value. A representative sample of possible pairings is shown.

Fig. 5. Correlation plots showing significant PCCs between each parameterthat was varied in the population and each biomarker. Coefficient values arerepresented using the included color bar. For each parameter–biomarkerpair, the effects on the biomarker attributable to the unselected parametersare removed as part of the partial correlation method. PCCs are shownfor each frequency used in our simulations (2, 1, and 0.2 Hz). Parameter–biomarker pairs with higher coefficient values displayed stronger partialcorrelation with each other, whereas pairs with a coefficient of 0 did notshow statistically significant partial correlation (P < 10−5). þ and − , positiveand negative correlation, respectively.

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close to the original parameter set of the model (3), and repli-cating AP traces from individual cells (4). In contrast, we havedeveloped an efficient methodology that can be used to simulatethe range of AP variability seen in a dataset, while varying the un-derlying parameter sets across a wide range of values, compara-tively far from the model’s original parameter set. In neuroscience,modeling studies have been carried out that use a similar meth-odology as ours to capture the full variability of a dataset in apopulation of models (5, 14–16). However, to our knowledge,these populations have not been used to predict the behavior ofan independent dataset and link that behavior to underlyingionic mechanisms. Grashow et al. have performed experimentalstudies of the effects of variability on two-cell neuronal circuits toinvestigate how variability affects the way these circuits behave(17, 18). By controlling the values of two conductances, theauthors show that similar circuit behavior can be produced incircuits with different intrinsic membrane properties. They foundthat the responses of two-cell circuits to two neuromodulatorydrugs were generally reliable across a wide range of controllableparameter values, despite variability in the underlying circuits.However, for some circuits, certain parameter sets within theirsampled parameter space behaved qualitatively differently to themajority. This is similar to our findings that a wide range of pa-rameter combinations can produce very similar types of behavior.Our methodology aims to incorporate the variability between

individuals of the same species into traditional models of bio-logical systems, such as the electrophysiological activity of a car-diac cell. We do not look at properties of isolated models in thepopulation or attempt to classify single models as models ofparticular individuals. Instead, we look at the behavior of thewhole population, particularly how variation in underlying param-eters is related to variation in biomarkers, in this case the AP.All of the models in our population have been tested and shownto be within the observed range of AP variability. However,different combinations of ionic parameters produce differentbehaviors within that range and also determine the response tononphysiological conditions such as drug-induced block ofionic currents. The ability of the population of models to link

underlying mechanisms with variation in both physiological andpathological conditions is a powerful feature of the methodologythat we hope can be further exploited in future studies.We have found that a wide range of different combinations of

ionic parameter values can produce model behaviors that arewithin the bounds of experimental variability. One question thatarises from this result is whether the size of this range is attrib-utable to the relatively limited set of conditions that we use tocalibrate the population of models, compared with the numberof possible conditions that a real cardiac cell could experience.Other studies (4, 19–21) suggest that in cases where a specific setof model outputs are required, the allowed parameter range forproducing them can be highly constrained, as long as enoughnonredundant outputs are considered. Examples of these out-puts could be the mean values of different electrophysiologicalproperties or of the same property under a range of experimentalconditions, such as different pacing frequencies, with each valuederived from averaging over many experiments. Our work, alongwith that of Marder et al. (e.g., ref. 15), suggests that in situationswhere a model must reproduce a class of behavior (such as arealistic rabbit Purkinje AP in control conditions at 1-Hz pacing)with flexibility on the exact values of the measured outputs, awide range of parameter sets can produce behavior within therequired range. This is consistent with the idea that underlyingconductances can vary considerably and still produce a viableAP but that the exact values of those conductances determinethe exact properties of the AP.However, although the wide range of allowed parameter val-

ues could be a characteristic of the biological system [as in thework of Grashow et al. (17, 18)], part of this effect could beattributable to other factors. To better represent physiologicalvariation in ionic properties, the population may require addi-tional constraints, such as using a wider variety of experimental

Fig. 6. Simulated AP traces obtained for three representative modelsaccepted in the population in control conditions (blue) and follow-ing application of 0.01 μM concentration of dofetilide (red) at 2-, 1-, and0.2-Hz pacing frequencies. This is the concentration closest to the experi-mentally determined IC50 (therapeutic dose) for dofetilide (0.0124 μM). Plotsextend to 500 ms for 2 and 1 Hz and 1,000 ms for 0.2 Hz. Line styleindicates which of the control and dofetilide traces correspond toeach model.

Fig. 7. (A) Ranges of APD90 prolongation (ΔAPD) caused by four concen-trations of dofetilide using the models in the calibrated population. Dotsindicate values of ΔAPD independently obtained in five experiments usingrabbit Purkinje fiber preparations. (B) Histograms of dofetilide-inducedΔAPD range across sets of 5 models randomly sampled from the calibratedpopulation. A total of 100,000 different sets of five models were used. Therange of ΔAPD was calculated as maximum value of ΔAPD − minimum valueof ΔAPD, for each set of five models. For each dofetilide concentration, themean value of the ΔAPD range across the 100,000 samples of five models isshown by a solid blue line, and the ΔAPD range from our experimental datais shown by the dashed red line.

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conditions for the calibration process (e.g., including drug-blockexperiments), and additional biomarkers that probe other impor-tant electrophysiological properties beyond the steady-stateAP, such as intracellular calcium behavior or repolarizationdynamics (21).A further important benefit of modeling the effects of vari-

ability is that we are able to make quantitative predictions of theeffect of an intervention such as drug application, based on therange of responses that we observe across the population ofmodels. Our study of dofetilide-induced APD prolongation is anexample of this, which can be extended to other pharmacologicalinterventions or disease conditions. We found that the range ofAPD prolongation across the population of models is consistentwith experimental data at multiple drug concentrations that werenot used to calibrate the population of models. Traditional cellmodels using a single parameter set can only make qualitativepredictions in such cases (e.g., predicting that APD prolongationwould increase as drug concentration increased). Using a pop-ulation of models allows quantitative prediction of the range ofresponses to an intervention to be made, and these predictionscan be tested experimentally as shown here.Another potential application for the population of models

approach is to generate typical models to summarize the be-

havior of an experimental dataset. In this study, all models inthe population of models are viewed as equal. However, for someapplications, it may be useful to determine which models in thepopulation best represent typical or averaged experimental be-havior. This could be achieved by classifying or ranking themodels to determine which produce behavior close to meanexperimental behavior and which better represent the behaviorof outlier experiments. Determining which model(s) in the popu-lation would be best used for these purposes is another possibleway the population of models methodology could be exploitedin the future.The results in this study are based on a dataset from a rela-

tively small number of individuals, as is often the case in cardiacelectrophysiology, and a single drug-block experiment. This smallsample size and lack of multiple noncontrol condition experimentslimits our ability to draw statistical conclusions from our workand to test the predictive power of our population of models inmultiple scenarios. Further studies should focus on applying themethodology to ensure the predictive capacity of the populationof models for a range of drug-block and disease conditions (22).The flexibility of the approach that we propose ensures its ap-plication in other areas of biology to improve our understandingof variability in biological systems.

Materials and MethodsExperimental Dataset. Our dataset consisted of microelectrode recordings ofisolated Purkinje fiber preparations obtained as described previously [Lu et al.(23)], from 12 different Purkinje fibers paced at three pacing frequencies(2, 1, and 0.2 Hz). In the experiments, preparations were paced at 1 Hz for60 min to stabilize them and then paced at 1 Hz over four intervals of 15 mineach. At the beginning of all intervals except the first (control) interval, in-creasing concentrations of either an active testing compound (dofetilide, atconcentrations of 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, and 0.1 μM; n = 6 Purkinje fibers) orvehicle (H2O) were added. Following these intervals, the preparations werepaced for 5 min at 0.2 Hz, followed by pacing for 5 min at 2 Hz, while stillperfused at the last concentration. All biomarker values used for the cali-bration process were determined from vehicle studies (only H2O appliedto preparation during pacing).

Rabbit Purkinje Cell Model. The model used in this study is a modified versionof the CGR model (9), adapted to use the more detailed intracellular calcium-handling system from the Pan-Rudy Dynamic (PRd) cell model (24). Fig. 9shows a schematic of the model. The modified CGR model contains thefollowing major currents: INaF and INaL, the fast and late components of thesodium current; ICaL and ICaT, the L-type and T-type calcium currents; IK1, theinward rectifier potassium current; IToFast and IToSust, the fast and sustainedcomponents of the transient outward potassium current; IKr and IKs, therapid and slow components of the delayed rectifier potassium current; If,the funny current; INaCa, the sodium-calcium exchange current; and INaK, thesodium-potassium pump current. An additional current, the stimulus cur-rent Istim is included and represents external electrical stimulus of the cell totrigger excitation. This current can be applied at different rates to simulate

Fig. 8. (A) PCCs for APD prolongation (ΔAPD) caused by IKr block froma 0.01 μM dofetilide concentration, at each of the three pacing frequencies.ΔAPD was correlated against each of the 12 parameters that were varied tocreate the population of models, each time controlling for the other 11parameters as part of the partial correlation process. Three models withoutlying values of ΔAPD at 0.2 Hz (ΔAPD = 318, 364, and 395 ms, comparedwith the rest of the model population’s sample mean of 69 ms ± 26 ms)were excluded from the analysis as they dominate the other modelswhen calculating the PCCs at that frequency. Solid bars denote signifi-cant correlations with P < 10−5, and empty bars indicate correlationswith P > 10−5. (B) Scatter plot of control APD90 values of each acceptedmodel at 1 Hz against ΔAPD attributable to IKr block from 0.01 μMconcentration of dofetilide.

Fig. 9. Schematic for the rabbit Purkinje cell model used in our study. Ioniccurrents included in themodel and the calciumhandling subsystemare shown.Arrows within the cell represent calcium transport between compartments.PMCA, plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase; SERCA, sarco/endoplasmic reticulumCa2+-ATPase.

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different rates of pacing and investigate rate-dependent behavior. Differentpacing rates elicit different behaviors from the model because of the dy-namics of the time- and voltage-dependent activation and inactivation gatesthat are modeled for appropriate ionic currents. The modified intracellularcalcium subsystem tracks intracellular calcium concentrations in six separatecompartments: the bulk cytoplasm, which represents the interior of the celland the majority of its volume; the subsarcolemma (SSL), which representsthe majority of the peripheral volume of the cell where the majority ofnoncalcium channels are located; the peripheral coupling subspace (PCS),which represents the remainder of the cell periphery where the majority ofcalcium carrying channels are located and where calcium emission from thesarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) occurs; and the junctional (JSR), network (NSR),and corbular (CSR) compartments of the SR, where calcium is stored. Thenetwork SR is where calcium is taken up into the SR by the sarco/endoplasmicreticulum Ca2+-ATPase, the junctional SR can release calcium into the cellperiphery and the corbular SR can release calcium into the bulk volume ofthe cell.

We adopted the calcium subsystem and INaCa formulations used in the PRdmodel (all other ionic membrane currents used the CGR model formulation).The equations for the relevant processes incorporated into our model aregiven in the data supplement of ref. 24. Specifically, the equations from thesections on the sodium–calcium exchanger and SR Ca2þ fluxes, as well as theequations describing the ionic concentrations for [Ca2+]PCS, [Ca2+]SSL,[Ca2+]i, [Ca2+]JSR, [Ca

2+]NSR, and [Ca2+]CSR, and the calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase from the PRd model were used. Additionally,we used the PRd model’s parameter values for the fractions of the cellvolume taken up by each compartment, although the total volume of thecell was taken to be the published value in the CGR model. Two otherchanges were made to the CGR model to make its baseline results bettermatch experimental data. First, the extracellular potassium concentration [K+]owas altered from 5.4 to 4.0 mM to reflect experimental conditions. Second,the formulation of the inactivation gate time constant for the fastsodium current was changed from a constant 2.0 ms to the voltage-sensitive equation:

τNaFinact ¼ 0:08þ 21þ eðVmþ30Þ=10

to obtain a peak voltage within experimental range. C++ code for the modelis available for download at https://chaste.cs.ox.ac.uk/trac/wiki/PaperTutorials/PNAS_PopulationOfModels.

Construction of the Population of Rabbit Purkinje Models. Tobeginconstructingthe population of models we generated 10,000 parameter sets using Latin hy-percube sampling (LHS) (25) as described below. Each parameter set initiallycontained 11 parameters: eight channel conductances for the currents fast so-dium, late sodium, L-type calcium, rapid delayed rectifierpotassium, slowdelayedrectifier potassium, inward rectifier potassium, and the fast and sustained com-ponents of the transient outward potassium current; and three channel timeconstants for fast sodium, late sodium,andL-type calcium.Theseparameterswerechosen because they have the strongest influence on biomarker values, based ona sensitivity analysis conducted on the CGR model, in line with results shown byCorrias et al. (9). Theparameter sets generatedby LHSwereused to replace the11relevant parameter values in thebasemodel to create 10,000different versionsofthe model with the same equations but varied parameter values. Because of itsimportance in AP-rate dependence, we varied the sodium–potassium pumpconductance at five values from 1/10th to twice its initial value.

Sampling Method. Building populations of models requires the generationof a large numbers of parameter sets for the initial population, sampled froma high-dimensional parameter space. Sampling every possible combinationof parameter values in the space, for all but the lowest resolutions, iscomputationally infeasible given the complexity of most cardiac cell models.Therefore, we use the Latin hypercube sampling method (25), which gen-erates parameter sets over a large number of parameters efficiently andwithout bias. To use the LHS method, we specify an upper and lower boundon the range of values to sample each parameter from and subdivide thatrange into N intervals. N parameter sets are then chosen randomly but withthe constraint that each parameter set can only contain parameter valuesfrom intervals that have not been used in any other parameter set. Thenumber of samples taken (N) is specified by the user and so does not scalewith the number of parameters sampled. Therefore, a large number ofparameters can be varied in total, allowing a more complex parameterspace to be explored. Parameters that are varied are sampled over a rangefrom just above 0 to twice the published value of that parameter in the

original CGR model. The published values of parameters in the CGR modelrepresent mean values taken from the literature. These values typically havea reported SE on the mean of much less than the actual mean value, and thishas been incorporated into previous studies of variability (2, 3). However,this error represents uncertainty in the mean value, not the total range ofvariation observed in experiments. Therefore, we vary parameters over alarger range than has been used previously, and this range is large enoughto represent observed variability.

Biomarkers. We used six biomarkers to quantify the major features of therabbit Purkinje AP. Four of these were biomarkers commonly used in cardiacelectrophysiology: dV/dt Max, Vm Peak, APD90, and RMP. Because of thecharacteristic spike and dome configuration of the rabbit Purkinje AP,we introduced two additional biomarkers: dome peak, which measures theVm Peak of the dome of the AP; and plateau duration, which measures theduration of the AP up to the end of the plateau phase. The plateau durationbiomarker is calculated from where the voltage/time gradient during therepolarization phase falls below a threshold value. We used −350 mV/s be-cause we found this gave us a good estimation of the duration of the AP upto and including the plateau phase but excluding the majority of repo-larization. We used this biomarker as traditional methods of measuring thisperiod (e.g., APD40 or APD50) can be affected by the dome part of the APand underestimate the true duration. Fig. 10 illustrates the calculationof each biomarker using an example AP, from one of the models in thecalibrated population.

Model Calibration Process.Ourmodel-calibration process determines whethera model should be added to the population or not based on comparison withexperimental data. The choice of comparison method for this process isconstrained by the availability of experimental data. Marder et al. useda confidence interval of twice the SD around mean values to determinethe bounds on allowed output variability (15). However, the limited numberof preparations typically used in cardiac electrophysiology and safety phar-macology assays prevents an appropriate characterization of biomarkervariability in this statistical sense. We, therefore, chose to use the upperand lower values of each biomarker as observed in our experimental data toguarantee our estimates of variability were within biological range for eachof the three pacing frequencies. At each frequency and for each prepara-tion, biomarker values were calculated by taking their median from a con-tinuous train of at least 100 APs at steady-state conditions. For eachbiomarker, at each frequency, the maximum and minimum values of thatbiomarker found across all preparations were used to set the range ofacceptable biomarker values for model calibration.

Simulation Protocols. Simulations were carried out using CVODE, an adaptivetime step ordinary differential equation (ODE) solver, implementedwithin CHASTE (26), an open source software framework for modeling incomputational biology. Each model was initially left in quiescent state

Fig. 10. Representation of each biomarker measured in this study, calcu-lated from a simulation at 1 Hz using a model from the population of models.The maximum upstroke velocity was calculated as the maximum value of thegradient of the membrane potential against time recorded before the pointwhere the Vm Peak occurs.

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for 1,000 s to allow relaxation from initial conditions (because these werethe same for every model), and then paced for 1,000 s at 2, 1, or 0.2 Hz at2×diastolic threshold, to mimic experimental protocols. The final AP wasrecorded at a time resolution of 0.01 ms and was used to calculate bio-marker values for that model at that frequency. We modeled the actionof dofetilide as a single-pore IKr inhibitor (27) with a Hill coefficient of 1and an IC50 of 0.0124 μM, as obtained experimentally from dose–response curves.

Statistical Methods. To determine correlations between the properties ofindividual ionic currents and properties of the whole AP, we used partialcorrelation. We chose to use partial correlation over other correlationmeasures because partial correlation controls for the effects of one or moreadditional variables when looking for correlations between two quantities,which is important given that our models are generated by varying multipleparameters simultaneously. Partial correlation is a method to find correla-tions between two variables, after accounting for the linear effects of one ormore additional variables (10). The PCC between variables x and y, given the

set of N additional variables zi , is found by first calculating linear regressionmodels of x and y against zi :

x ¼ c0 þ ∑N

i¼1cizi  and   y ¼ b0 þ ∑


i¼1bizi :

The PCC between x and y is then defined as the correlation coefficientbetween the residuals rx ¼ x − x and ry ¼ y − y:

PCCðx; y; ziÞ ¼Cov

�rx ; ry


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This study was supported by a Medical ResearchCouncil Industry Partnership award and Research Grant from JanssenPharmaceutica NV. O.J.B. is supported by an Engineering and PhysicalSciences Research Council-funded Systems Biology Doctoral TrainingCentre studentship, B.R. holds a Medical Research Council Career De-velopment Award, and the contribution to this work by A.B.-O. wassupported by Award KUK-C1-013-04 from the King Abdullah Universityof Science and Technology.

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